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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2  FOX  November 8, 2022 7:00am-9:00am PST

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it's a great message. you know, it's a great message for fans and for everybody out there. back in 2020 nba players were involved in voter registration drives and other get out the vote initiatives is one of our big stories this morning. it's blanketing the bay area, causing wet roads, crashes and other problems. some bart service was delayed for at least two more hours. we'll show you how the weather is making a real mess of a morning commute. our other big story, of course, is election day. while millions have already mailed in their ballots, many will vote today in person, as polls have just now open will help you make sure your vote counts and you can now check your tickets. after an hours long delay the winning numbers for the historic $2 billion powerball jackpot were just released will let you learn whether or not you have woken up a billionaire. from ktvu. fox two news. this is mornings on to
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welcome back. good morning. i'm dave clark tuesday morning. it is november. he's garcia is a wet one. there. this was a both hands on the wheel kind of drive. it's a wet and cold election day this morning storm is causing major problems on bay area roads. this is video from earlier in the morning in milpitas. rain made it tough going for crews cleaning up a solo spin up crash on 6 80. caused by the wet roads. the roads are busy all across the bay really is and we have team coverage for you. this morning this election day storm james torres out in the elements not raining on you right now. sal castaneda keeping an eye on the muggy and dangerous commute in some cases, but let's start with steve paulson with how long we're going to have this wet weather well through today, then we'll start to decrease by tonight. tomorrow birthday, the main core of it. is going to go over looks like santa cruz to me the upper low and then it's like spokes in a wheel will be numerous ones rotating around it. but the initial front has pushed off towards the east and
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the south. many lightning strikes being being observed here, especially thunder in the santa cruz mounds, i'd say peninsula south bay east by santa cruz mountains look to be taking the brunt of this. on a rainy tuesday morning rain will be heavy at times it was thunderstorms cold. breezy to windy temperatures only in the fifties. these are well below average today and also tomorrow. right over to sal where to stary the normal and that we always show the bay bridge. i'm going to start there because people want to know what that is, but i will say that there are plenty of solo spin out crashes everywhere you look babe bridge looks somewhat normal. it's a long delay back to the maze. if you look at san jose, that is also very slow. so these are the two communities. we actually show you. i do want to show you the map in san jose, look at all this look at all the icons that we see everywhere. all the icons are all solo spinner crashes or, in some cases, multiple car accidents on half moon bay. we do have a problem with the tree
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that's down on 92 near the nurseries that's blocking half moon bay's access on 92. in and out, you're going to have to use highway one until further notice. but on highway 92 is not passable. when we come back, we'll take a look at some of the contra costa commutes, which are also very slow at 703. let's go back to the headlines. we're going to head there right now because the early morning rain is causing problems on bay area freeways. cruz just clean up a big mess involving a big rig in oakland, ktvu james tauruses in contra costa county live in orinda. you're keeping an eye on the rain there and the traffic on 24 as well. james. oh god. we know that morning. traffic now started pick up this this morning and that rain is starting to simmer down just a little bit. we're not getting so much of that rainfall anymore, compared to just an hour or two hours ago. right now we're standing over highway 24 here. you see that westbound traffic actually moving along pretty well here. rain is not making it look any slower than it might normally be. but just a heads up. if you're headed out the
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door at all today expect to drive slowly. we've already had two relatively major incidents this morning. i want to take you to oakland first. this is a long eastbound 80 connecting to 5 18 year. emeryville the cab of a semi truck. that's the part where the driver actually is sitting in. fell off the freeway above this area, closing down the hiv lanes. cruz worried about the leaking gas tank, but they were able to safely remove the car away on a tow truck. chp officer on the scene tells me the driver has some serious injuries. but we're working to learn more. down in the south. they are dangerous, crashing milpitas. he just heard it. earlier a driver crashed their car into a tree earlier this morning, it happened on 6 18 northbound car spun off about 20 ft. off the roadway. luckily no serious injuries to report their all of this rain that's creating pockets of the pockets of water not just on the city side streets, but of course on our bay area freeways as well. so we're also noticing some wind
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advisories. high wind advisories on some of the freeways. some of the bridges in the area, so just a heads up rule of thumb. if you're headed out the door this morning. be sure to give yourself plenty of extra time because traffic will be moving a little more slower than normal. this morning. i'm james torres ktvu. fox two news, james. thank you. of course we have you covered here throughout mornings onto you can stay up to date on this rain anytime by turning to the ktvu weather app. you can track the storm and see when the rain is expected in your neighborhood. on this election day. if you haven't voted yet, barrier voting centers just open . you can either turn your ballot or vote in person there and ktvu. is andre seniors here in the studio now to tell us what's on the ballot and how to make sure your vote counts. good morning. many people have been talking about for a long time. right now. election day in california more like election month, with 22 million registered voters getting mailed their ballots in october. if you haven't voted yet, it's time to pull out your ballot and take a look because there was a lot on
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there. my concern is that if it's a five card about there's a lot of content for people to navigate. yeah, and i my concern is that people haven't really engaged with the about because it's just there's just so much there. every california ballot will have statewide races, including governor newsom, running for reelection against republican state senator brian dolly. voters will also decide on attorney general secretary of state lieutenant governor state comptroller much more to and you'll vote twice on the senate race between alex padilla and mark moisture. one question to fill a partial term another for a full term. californians are also being asked to weigh in on seven propositions, including two ways to legalize sports betting in the state and an initiative that would make sure that abortion rights are part of the california constitution. depending on what county you live in, you'll see a mix of races and measures now, if you want to vote in person, polling places and voting centers are open at seven am to eight pm today. you can also drop off your ballot at those polling places and voting centers or
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ballot drop. boxes and if you want to mail your ballot, make sure it's postmarked in time. the voters have really got to make sure that they look at the schedule of pickups on those blue boxes to make sure that the when they dropped her about is still before the pick up time. and make sure you pay special attention to how you sign your ballot to your signature will be compared to how you signed your voter registration card or how you registered at the dmv. you can follow the path of your ballot by going to california dot ballot tracks dot net tracks his t r a x, but we also have a link to that website. just go to ktvu .com and click on web links . and if you haven't registered to vote yet, you can still do so today at the voting center, and then you can vote conditionally date back to you, andre well across the bay area. poll workers are doing everything possible to make sure today's voting is transparent. much for voting. have a good day. in alameda county, most of the ballot to collect it outside of
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the polling places, then they are taken inside. and for the first time ever, the county registrar is live streaming. the poll workers opening up the ballots and verifying signatures so anyone can go online to watch the votes being counted anytime of day or night. this is just another way for us to ensure and show that everybody's vote is being counted. the registrar of voters also says his staff is working around the clock. they're checking and double checking every ballot cast in alameda county that make sure you stay right here with us on ktvu for complete and comprehensive election coverage all day long. we'll have results from around the country and, of course, your local results here in the bay area, and you can always get updates on ktvu .com. 708 happening today. obey area election tradition returns former san francisco mayor willie brown's election day luncheon at john's grill in san francisco from 11 30 this morning till two in the
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afternoon, the former mayor will host the free election day lunch . the lunch is billed as a nonpartisan event, brown says everyone's welcome lunches. history dates back to the 19 eighties, with brown taking over his host in 2015. today's lunch is the first since the beginning of the pandemic. time is 709 new this morning. the long awaited numbers are finally out for the record powerball lottery jackpot , not delay pop up screen right now, take a good look. the numbers are 10 33 41 47 56 with the powerball number of 10. this is a record breaking jackpot worth two point oh $4 billion. there are questions, though, this morning surrounding the drawing, which was postponed from last night, the california lottery commission set out a note to explain that powerball follows stringent security requirements and procedures, it said last night's drawing was postponed because of one of the participating states had problems processing ticket sales and submitting the data. that state by the way, has not been
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identified. people here in the bay area are checking their lottery tickets and see if they matched. all the numbers are ktvu cameras went to several convenience stores all we're busy selling a lot of tickets. people paid their $2 each and dreamt of becoming california's newest billionaire. i'm gonna win. i'm gonna win. want to do a little bit of traveling to investment, you know, make sure that my life the rest of my life is taken care of, because i'm a caregiver of 32 years, so i'm always you know, taking care of other people. it's my turn. i hear you and the ticket buying lines were out the door in san leandro at 76 gas station, the very same store where someone last saturday match five of the six winning numbers. is it just takes your imagination and you just go wild with it, a new car and a college savings plan would be awesome. well, the jackpot is estimated around $2 billion, or
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if you get take the lump sum more than $900 million cash again. let's take a look at those winning numbers will put them on your screen. 10 33 41 47 56 with the powerball number of 10. we're going to keep these numbers locked at the bottom of your screen throughout mornings on too, so you can check your numbers. time now is 7 11. there's so much in the way of collisions out there all over the place. i'm going to put up a general map here of all the collisions we have, and you can see that it is a tough driving out there. please give yourself plenty of time south phase where the rain moved through, but the peninsula in the east bay 8 80 is a mess from hayward, the fremont 101. i'm surprised it's not slower through san mateo in redwood city and 2 80. we had several crashes, but i think people might be staying off the roads there. the east. specked communities. why i told you about earlier. i check on highway four is about a decent slow down, so we don't have huge
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backups. i was a little bit surprised. i think some people have used flexibility and decided. hey, you know what? i'm going to go a little later on, but don't get me wrong. it's still slow out there in many spots, and it's just slower than usual. 24 is recovering. we had a problem near the lafayette bart station as you drive towards the tunnel, so take it easy out there. we've had almost 100 incidents. a normal morning like this, we might be up at 20. so we're five times worse than we normally are. when incidents they just keep coming in. they're usually small, solo, spin out type incidents. 7 12, let's go back to the desk. alright, sal computer systems were locked up. some airline passengers were stuck on planes for more than an hour. we have the latest on what caused the major power outage to san jose airport over the weekend, and airport workers are demanding answers. and with election day now upon us control of progress is up for grabs. we'll go live to washington as swing voters, in particular, are under focus and will control of congress
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likely outcome. the democrats in the house. i think it's gonna be tough. i think we can. i think the win the senate. i think the house is tougher. president
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biden made a stop in maryland last night as voters there appear poised to elect a democratic governor after a republican was turned out of that office. many other elections across this country are too close to call will turn to reporter douglas theater live now in washington. thanks for being with us, dad. good morning . let's start with congress. what would control of congress means for democrats or republicans? like you know, congress is going to be a near run thing for either party here right now democrats controlled the house pretty solidly. they do have nominal control of the senate. with the tie breaking vote, vice president kamala harris. you know the battleground right now in in the house certainly favors republicans, and they're very likely to pick up that chamber. but the senate is so close and it comes down to these razor thin margins in a number of races and, you know, specifically, we look at georgia and pennsylvania and nevada and arizona is being the racist. that really could determine which way the senate goes, and that may ultimately determine
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what kind of success president biden has to the remainder of this term. let's talk about president biden using his influence and also former president donald trump. both men have been out on the campaign trail nationwide pushing for their candidates. what sort of influenced as each half you had former president obama out there as well. so you've had, you know a lot of folks out on the campaign trail. the president president biden has been deployed pretty carefully and in a very limited way. i mean, his approval numbers are not very high. right now. there are a number of democrats that are really trying to keep him at arm's length to some degree and the fact that he chose as his last campaign stop. very very democratically safe contest in maryland tells you something about that. you know the direction things may be headed here and the fact that the president is expressing, you know, somewhat tempered confidence that the idea of keeping control of the house because that really is going to be an uphill slog for democrats
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, but we'll see. i mean, a lot of this comes down to how accurate the polls are, and we know in recent years that's been an issue. let's swing to the senate here. control of the senate. a lot of ice nationwide focused on what's happening in georgia and pennsylvania any early indication as to how voters feel in those states. sea number of them in both states, but they really show those those two races within the margin of error. i mean, very, very close, so this becomes a turnout operation. we know that in pennsylvania. they've had a lot of early voting there. those votes won't be counted until today. so we may see those kind of the last results. coming in from pennsylvania. georgia may very well good or runoff election, in which case that wouldn't be decided until december. can i use super? have you been out? i'm sure you've been out and about there in d c in recent days. is there a lot of excitement sort of more than a usual midterm leading up to today. pulling up to this point
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indicates that that nationally at least, you know there is a lot of excitement among both democrats and republicans. in fact, i think our most recent poll showed equal levels of excitement about this midterm election among democrats and republicans. that significant i mean midterms, oftentimes get kind of lost in the shuffle. that is not the case this time around. it does sort of feel bigger than a regular midterm. alright douglas seder live in d. c for us. thank you again for your reporting this morning. alright our time is 7 19. thank you, doug and salads back, sal, we're gonna have to give you the rest of the month off working too hard. i don't know about that. this is you know, this is what i do, and i'd love to help people get to work and my number one advice this morning is to leave extra time. don't expect to stay on the same schedule. it's going to be slower because of the wet weather. and some of the collisions we've had. this is westbound 24. you can see it as a little slower than usual, and some of the bridges have been slow as well. let's get right to all the icons here on the commute here. you can see they're all over the south.
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they're they're all over the east bay and we have slowdowns. a lot of single car accidents, and if you're driving out of half moon bay, there's a lot of slowing on 92 over the hill because of a tree that came down people are getting through. but it's going to be tough. you can see as i scroll almost everywhere there has been slow traffic on how we 46 80 24 as we just showed you for some reason , the sat by was taking the beating and so was the east bay . so give yourself plenty of time. 85 101 and 2 80. in fact, i can put up a picture of 2 80 just to give you a taste of little suck our camera behave even frozen here, so the weather miss seems to be playing a role. let's put the bay bridge toll plaza up that seems to be backed up all the way out to the maze. 7 20. let's bring steve back with today's weather south. thank you. kind sir. breath there. i know what you mean. alright, we will start north as in mendocino county. up and will it's i have to be on as well as absolutely represents very well, markey says. didn't have this on my bingo card it well. it's a 25
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100 ft this morning that there are snow yesterday. i believe her twitter handle this country, girl or country gorilla. i wrote her back, and i said you could get some snow up there tomorrow . she wrote back. really, country girl. where are you? you need to send me some pictures of the snow because willits is that snow and lots of other locations as well. i would think parts of lake county has some of that probably is going to turn to rain. but in some of the higher elevations, yes, you can see some mix of rain and snow up there. the main impact has been the rainfall, especially about solano county, contra costa. santa clara, down to santa cruz. and santa cruz mountains. so far , it looks like ben lomond is the leader here at 2/2 inches of rain. santa cruz mons castro valley. that's our observer. j 1.77 fremont's gone bonkers this week. 1.52 in los cactus at 1.42 . there were others that were good, but it looks like the peninsula really in santa cruz area, davenport's engine three quarters mountain view an inch and a quarter of palo alto over in its reign. hayward over an
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inch rain can't feel the marine county finally went over an inch san jose 93 100 again beating oakland at 80 to 100 in san francisco. 1000.58 you go sandals. i usually are. they also ran. but not this time around, still plenty to go. although the initial ban has gone through, there's still some san jose santa clara valley. the cold core system is still rotating in. if you have a barometer at home, it should be falling. and i mean falling rapidly. i think i saw 29 or 58 up at santa rosa, and there's a wind has gone south northwest. now it's turning back to south. this whole band has to rotate through. it looks like the upper low or at least the core of its going to go in around santa cruz santa cruz mountains. so rain wind heavier times cold baby. it's a cover their forties on the temps. these are not going to change all that much. some locations will be lucky to get over about 52 or 53 on the high side today, so the upper low is making its move. one bands gone through, there will be multiple ones. even they're approaching the sonoma coasts and marine coast so you'll get some off and on rain. some of it occasionally could be heavy. more
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thunderstorm activity. we've had numerous lightning strikes a weird livermore, fremont, man. it just keeps the beat keeps going on and all the way down. look at san jose santa cruz, santa cruz mountains, gilroy, hollister's look at the lightning strikes as well. there will be more later today, so fifties on the temptresses rainy , cold system here that's coming in, and we will continue this today. it should taper off pretty rapidly wednesday break thursday. that increasing clouds looks like on the weekend. for now, i'll just leave it there is cloudy steve paulson. thank you . 7 23 coming up here after authorities confirmed they found the remains of a young woman woman from oakley had been missing for almost a year. we'll tell you what the father alexis gave says about the ongoing an agonizing wait for answers, and we're already dealing with three respiratory viruses to be concerned about now san francisco seeing a rise in covid cases still ahead, how much the number of positive covid cases have increased statewide.
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is caused by a car crash off the airport property. the problem saturday night knocked out the lights to the airport's main terminals, shut down computer systems and left. some passengers stuck on planes for more than an hour. unions for airport workers now want to know why the power was out for so long. this was a known isolated incident. that's far as i know it was the first time the
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airport was confronted with a situation like this one. airport has 20 backup generators to power its most critical systems, but investigators say two of them did not activate at the time of saturday night's power outage yet on how long it will take to find out why in fact, it specialists say the latest covid numbers show we are still in a pandemic, san francisco's public health department reports. the city seven day rolling positivity rate is inching up again going from 4.5% in mid october 2/6 percent this month. the average number of new covid cases is also back up over 100. doctors say they worry we'll see larger spikes nationwide has more families spend more time together indoors during the holidays at 7 27. it is election day, but in many locations people have had days to vote. so how long will it take to know who won some of the important midterm elections? we'll tell you why it may take weeks in some states and you know the
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drill rain in the bay area's snow in the sierra fresh powder hitting resorts in other areas right now and what you need to know if your plans inc
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domestic battery. embezzlement. misuse of public funds. lily mei not only stood by fremont's disgraced city manager instead of the victim. behind closed doors, she brokered a deal giving him hundreds of thousands of your tax dollars. we can't trust lily mei. aisha wahab is a leader we can count on to improve public safety, invest in schools, and lower costs for families. she's endorsed by the democratic party and planned parenthood. aisha wahab for state senate.
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there now. we're live inside one county's election headquarters to show you what's happening and what to expect for the last day of voting, and this election day is a cold and wet day, which i with some election officials are doing to keep the storm from having a big impact on voter turnout. from ktvu. fox two news . this is mornings on two. good morning and thank you for joining us. welcome the mornings onto i'm dave clark gasia mikaelian. it is tuesday, november 8th election day. another big story is the rain. i know you woke up to the sound of rain this morning. no matter where you live in the bay area, right in our region means snow in the sierra. this is what it looked like at a gas station in nyack just a few hours ago, several inches already accumulated on the ground, and there is more to come. in these next few hours. now, keep this in mind if you plan to head to lake tahoe this morning chains are required on both 80 and 50
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unless you have a four wheel drive vehicle. let's go over to sleep falls and he has much more to talk about. now weather travel will be almost impossible . probably later today, i would think so. i mean, this is all rotating up towards the sear. it might be a little bit south of titled the bulk of it, but it's going to be a big event for the mounds. their winter storm warning is out. maybe even blizzard conditions wouldn't surprise me. our whole system is rotating in interesting that both oakland and san jose now have picked up an inch of rain. ben lomond senators mounds has had two and a quarter. some of the initial bands have gone through, but there's still some very heavy rain, especially towards san jose, santa clara valley, santa cruz mountains. numerous lightning strikes in that area as well. so rain heavy at times possible thunderstorms lingering into today, rain will pick up for some to the north, which has had a little bit of a break. but there's more moving in right now. fifties on the temps very cold. okay sound. i know you have a million places to go to san jose. i've seen some issues down there with flooding flooding everywhere,
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steve, and there's also a tree down in half moon bay have been telling you about it. 92 pillar cdo's creek traffic is not getting in and out if you live in half moon bay along the coast there, this is causing a huge traffic jam on highway one and 92 because of that tree down, and steve mentioned that there's flooding in many spots of freeway simply can't handle the volume of rain. especially after this long we've had just a bunch of flooding in the south bay. just some of the spots highway 84 again. right at 8 80. there's flooding there. several lanes closed. look at 8 80. it's slow from 2 38 all the way down. so another bad day. san mateo bridge is pretty slow and the bay bridge has a slowdown, although it doesn't seem to be raining there right now again, the bottom line is take your time. there have been several single car crashes out there too many to mention 7 33. let's get back to the headlines. okay, sal . thank you. well, today is election day. and if you haven't been to the polls or you turned
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in your mail in ballot, this is your last chance. ktvu sally rassmann's now inside election headquarters and contra costa county. good morning, alex. good morning, david. those election workers ready for the big day today. the polls have already opened behind me at the contra costa county clerk recorder's office. this is their command centers. you see about a dozen people. these are workers with the county and they have headsets on in front of computers. they're fielding calls from some of the polling locations, so there's about 152 polling locations in contra costa county. if there's a problem with the equipment, or maybe a volunteer poll worker has to go home sick. the people here, field those calls and respond to them and send a backup person and send out some new equipment to them. but the polls opened just about 30 minutes ago, and we were there to watch. here you are now open. operation. and that's the county clerk recorder, officially opening the closest in person
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polling location to the county office. it's the kind of announcement is a tradition here. california election code says they have to officially declare the polls open and they do it here with this very flowery, old fashioned announcement just for fun, but the voter registrar says they don't expect long lines or rush of people coming to vote in person in contra costa county today, but they are prepared just in case. 95% of contra costa voters vote by mail . so um, historically, the turnout at the polls is not as high but we do have a lot of voters that bring their ballots their vote by mail ballots to the polls to drop them off. the polls are now open. they close at eight o'clock this evening. you can vote in person at one of those 152 polling locations, but you can also turn in that mail in ballot at any designated dropbox within your county, whether it's contra costa county or alameda county. just go to any polling place to drop off that mail in ballot. you can also send it by us mail. it's
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not too late. it just has to be postmarked by today. just keep in mind. it may take a little longer for it to be counted. those are your options today. i live in martinez ali rasmus ktvu. fox two news. okay ali. thank you. time is 7 35. there are concerns that today's rainy weather could affect voter turnout as steve's been telling us northern california has been hit with a storm this morning, but county election officials have been preparing for it. polling places received their equipment gasia they did. in fact, they got it ahead of time in some counties canopy to make sure the ballots and the people stay dry when they're being transferred outside. as far as the paperwork. there are worries the weather might discourage some people from heading out to vote, especially up to stand in a long line outside in the rain, according to polling data inc 23% of registered voters turned in their ballots as of yesterday afternoon. one of the most high profile races and san francisco is the race for the district attorney's office. voters will decide if brooke jenkins will keep her spot after being
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appointed by mayor london breed to be the city's top prosecutor . her leading opponents are civil rights attorney joe varanasi and criminal defense attorney john hamasaki. both served on the san francisco police commission across the bay and oakland 10 people are vying to replace oakland mayor libby shock. she is being turned out oakland chamber of commerce poll shows council members lauren taylor and xiang tao are essentially neck and neck. now this is a ranked choice race, which may it could take a few days until we learn who will be the next mayor of oakland. in the south bay. the mayor of san jose is also a tight race between cindy chavez and matt mehan. one will replace sam liccardo, who is also being turned out. latest polls show. there is no front runner in this race. both candidates plan to be out campaigning until the polls close at eight o'clock tonight. i feel like, you know, being mayor of san jose and running should be hard right? it's an important job and the community should put us through our paces as they make their choice. we are certainly fighting an uphill
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battle against an established career politician, but we've been offering new solutions, a change in direction, and the community seems to be really responding to that. so even though we've been outspent significantly, i like our chances. both candidates will be voting early this morning. then they'll go back to making calls and knocking on doors in a final push to become san jose's mayor. there's a good chance that we won't know the outcome of many key races nationwide for days, maybe even weeks. election officials say some races could take that long to be resolved. they say some of the earliest vote tallies could be skewed by how quickly states count their mail in ballots. some states don't start that process till after the polls closed, but others, including ours are already counting ballots that were mailed in or submitted early. we may not know all the winners of elections for a few days. it takes time to count all legitimate ballots in a legal and orderly manner. that's how they that's how this is supposed to work, and it's important for us to all be patient when, while vote votes are being counted.
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more than 42 million americans have already cast their ballot during early voting. we do hope you stay with ktvu throughout mornings on two as the polls are now open will bring you complete and comprehensive election coverage that tonight when the polls close at eight o'clock, we'll have your election results from across the country and the bay area. of course, you can always get an update when you had to ktvu .com time now 7 39 and new this morning a judge denied the request by theranos founder elizabeth holmes to have a new trial in a late night ruling the judge overseas in the trial. the rule that and he's so called new evidence that was part of sunny balinese trial would not actually be new for the case of elizabeth holmes. he also said he didn't expect any new trial to change the results . elizabeth holmes has now set to be sentenced next friday. she was found guilty of four counts of fraud and could get up to 20 years in prison. well, as you know, it's a wet morning all over the bay area with rain coming in really hard. this is
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what it looked like a newark just a little while ago. there are a number of problems that commuters should know about, including wet roads, bar not running and contra costa county . instead, there will be a bus bridge out there. it's just you just have to give yourself extra time. and be careful. and listen to stephen south. let's head to sell right now. you know, chp officers are awfully busy the volume on the roads plus the rain. it's trouble, you know, and on a day like today, normally dave and gutsy we have maybe 2025 incidents. today we have more than 100. it keeps climbing. these keep coming out. let me show you the bay bridge because that looks pretty normal because it's not raining hard there. it was raining hard earlier, but i will show you some other things highway 92, you cannot get in half moon bay because of the tree down near pillar cdo's creek right in front of the nurseries there on the peninsula. we've had some slow traffic and in the south bay as it was raining pretty hard, and we did have a lot of slow traffic almost everywhere
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you look north to 80 to see that slow traffic there is going to be slow. i want to mention highway 84. there's flooding on 84 right near 8 80. that's causing not only slow traffic on the dumbarton bridge approach, but look what it's doing to 8 80. it is jam packed. and here is some pictures of it here on the look at this big puddle in fremont. so one brain is getting by. remember yesterday we had that truck fire along this route , so people who drive this route may feel a little bit like they're having an unlucky week getting to and from the dumbarton bridge, and a lot of the flooding is all over the bay area that just here. give yourself plenty of time that might pop off don't drive into standing water. 7 41. let's bring steve back. thank you, sal . all right. we'll get to the numbers. here. they are starting to try and get to the numbers as fast as i can, but they're changing rapidly here will start in the santa cruz mountains. redwood estates. here are good friends. stephanie, who loves
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weather. hey steve. lighten up now to get you a picture close to two inches of rain redwood estates above la scatters, and there's still activity there that has, i'd have to say santa cruz mountains looks to be the leader here, but especially southern end of the peninsula. san jose, santa clara valley east beg lots of lightning strikes being reported there and we're not done yet. kevin levy, those in sausalito, we had an inch of 12 124 hours in sausalito. that's pretty good rain as well. marin county, about an inch of rain. three quarters to an inch center fell also kent field and sausalito, ben lomond over to castro valley and three quarters, fremont inch and a half lost, ghattas picked up 1.42 other locations. devenport on the santa cruz coast inch and three quarters mountain view an inch and a quarter palo alto hayward inch and 14 100 kent field, marine county over an ancient house san jose. i think that's now at 99 100 oakland as well. so i don't know. i don't have time to update these, but they're all reporting anywhere from three quarters now to over two inches of rain. still activity kind of
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let up a little bit to the north. even though you're still getting summary in the heavier rain will continue to be east and south towards also santa cruz santa cruz mountains. this whole cold core system. now i just tweeted this out a couple of days ago forecast models wanted to take it down towards almost south of monterey, and then in the last couple of days, they said, well, we'll actually lean towards moderate. now tonight, they're taking it right over san francisco. so we have a long way to go here before things start to calm down. now the initial ban has gone through. but still, if you have a barometer at home, it's probably dropping rapidly like it has a rock tied to it. rain and wind heavier times. mostly cloudy cold. more thunderstorms are likely forties on the temps will end up with low to mid fifties. there's your system. called dynamic system is going to give us low snow levels. now diablo is 32 degrees right now, i would think hambleton diablo and certainly up towards st alina, and we've had low snow levels as well up to mendocino county in lake county will once we can be able to see things that look. i mean some san ramon
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hayward livermore out to the ultimate past fremont and then just take it. south milpitas, san jose, los gatos, santa cruz man. morgan hill, gilroy all the way down to santa cruz and watsonville that is lit up as we like to say, and there are other bands that will continue to rotate in throughout the day fifties on the temps cold cold there and we'll see this through tonight they will start to wind down wednesday morning looks like a break most of thursday friday. lot of cloud cover right now. looks like on the way for the weekend. okay see time is 7 44 year next company meeting. it could be held at a movie theater coming up with amc is doing with some of its theaters to make your next word meeting more enjoyable. okay you can do that andre. senior can do it to a large butter popcorn, please, as you are now, looking ahead to the next couple of hours of this busy mornings on to take that popcorn for sure. alright california has one of the largest latino voting populations, and they can have a big impact on the balance of power in congress. coming up on mornings on two at eight. we talk live to the vice president of policy at the latino
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communication foundation on the importance of the latino boat and later sports betting, reproductive rights and flavored tobacco products. those are some of the top issues voters are weighing in on this year when you join us on the nine. we're talking with the political analysts about where voters are leaning on several statewide propositions. stay with us.
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other of alexis gabe, for the first time since his daughter's remains were found. when dave joined members of the oakland police department in a news conference yesterday, investigators confirmed the partial remains of his 24 year old daughter were discovered in a remote part of amador county 10 months after she was first reported missing. deep inside, we were still holding on to hope. that she's okay. and that she's just out there somewhere, waiting to be rescued and reunited with us. investigators say they think gobs ex boyfriend is responsible for her death. he was killed by federal officers who are trying to take him into custody up in seattle back in june. officers say he charged at them with a knife. the city of oakley will hold a candlelight vigil outside city hall on december 9th in honor of alexis. gabe alright, our time is 7 48. the gap is pulling out of china , and it may not be the only company making that move.
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prominent retail ceos, making a surprising move just before the holidays, cook is back in studio with more dollars and cents. the wall street got the breaking news this morning that the ceo of calls is stepping down and moving to levi strauss. now, michelle gass said to be leaving calls for a new opportunity as sales drop at kohl's analysts report. calls has been under pressure from investors to make significant leadership changes after ending talks to sell the retailer to the owner of the vitamin shoppe. kimberly clark, another familiar name rang that opening bell this morning. they are celebrating 150. years in business sales have certainly been strong for their toilet paper, kleenex and huggies diapers, taking a live look at the numbers this morning a little bit of a different picture. as the numbers are all up right now, the dow jones gaining 400 points the s and p 500 up as well, almost a full percentage point. same for the nasdaq. getting closer to that
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11,000 definitely will be directed depending on what happens in the elections today, a new government survey on the housing market finds americans confidence in home buying has fallen to its lowest level since the survey started in 2011, now the october survey by fannie mae found 80% of respondents feel it is a bad time. to buy a home. that's up from 75% in september , and it set a new record. analysts say rising mortgage rates and persistently high home prices are pushing potential buyers away from owning a home. san francisco based gap is selling its business in china to chinese e commerce services provider bows on gap says the deal will operate under an agreement that allows gap to benefit from the local knowledge and technology expertise about san analysts speculate more multinational companies may look to spin off their china operations as the country continues to impose covid restrictions and business is slow that deal valued at four 30 to $50 million. it is expected
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to be complete in the first half of 2023. and amc. amc is working with zoom to transform some of its movie theaters into zoom conference rooms. the theater chain says companies will be able to use the theaters to hold meetings across multiple markets . companies can book a three hour block of time online for 75 to 150 people. the two companies plan to launch the zoom rooms next year and 17 amc venues in the u. s amc says it will provide equipment offer food and drinks and possibly even show a movie. for an additional cost. mz has also been offering theater rentals for private movie showings. they started that during the pandemic prices are just $99. now it's about $250 to rent the theater cook. let's look at your dollars and cents, ma'am. thank you. let's get you out the door 17 51 south castaneda, where do we start? well, garcia and dave there's been a lot of flooding out there. and, quite frankly, it's because the drains have not been cleared enough to let the water go through. i want to show you
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that highway 84 at ah, at 8 80. there's a lot of flooding right there right here. and this morning. we do have a live. oops i guess we don't have that live picture, but i'll show it to you when we do. this is a look at the bay bridge toll plaza. you can see there's a lot of slowing there with no major issues coming up onto the bridge. just remember, take it easy out there is taking almost twice as long for some of these commutes. 7 52. let's talk about the weather. with steve. alright, sal. thank you. we'll start in san francisco. one of our friends of the show, leanne varney. i say l a v because she says sp morning sp soggy, doggy says we got a little over an inch of rain there. i like that. thank you. that's that's a great picture. yes and terrain. plus, i'd say an inch and 10 100, me and the dog will go with that their rainfall has just been bonkers here for some, especially sunnyvale, two inches mountain view almost an inch and a half. paolo alto hayward, then kent field over in san jose with
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an inch oakland almost an inch and livermore with 9/10 of an inch of rain. she wrote me and said. do you think this is right? i do. i do. rg yeah. all right. we do have more rain. it is pouring in san jose. i'm getting report. hold on right there, just pouring also towards the santa cruz mountains highway 17. this will be the will get off and on rain today, the low snow levels from this system it will be a cold day. so look for fifties on the temps, cold wind and rain through today it will start to decrease tomorrow morning, dave. alright steve. thank you. well ktvu is kicking off our 20th annual one warm coat drive. if you have a gently worn coat or jacket you want to donate to bay area families just take it at any participating ups store where big o tires. there are dozens of drop off locations all over the bay area. you can go to ktvu .com slash one warm code and see a list of those locations. you can also scan the q r. kunde right there on your
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tv screen. time at 7 53. today is election day and one of the most intensely competitive senate races in the country is in pennsylvania. in the next hour. we'll go live to pennsylvania and show you how that state is different than others when it comes to counting balance, but first house speaker nancy pelosi speaking out for the first time since the attack on her husband, the reason, she says this incident has her rethinking her political future.
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domestic battery. embezzlement. misuse of public funds. lily mei not only stood by fremont's disgraced city manager instead of the victim. behind closed doors, she brokered a deal giving him hundreds of thousands of your tax dollars. we can't trust lily mei. aisha wahab is a leader we can count on to improve public safety, invest in schools, and lower costs for families. she's endorsed by the democratic party and planned parenthood. aisha wahab for state senate. ♪ ♪
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pelosi now says the brutal attack on her husband has her re thinking about her political future. during an interview with cnn speaker pelosi said her husband, paul pelosi, is facing a long recovery after an intruder beat him with a hammer. for me. this is really the hard part because paul was not the target and he's the one who's paying the price. we all are, but he's the one who's really paying the price, but it reallyy misinformation and all the rest of that. speaker pelosi said she was asleep in her washington d. c apartment early on october 28th when capitol police banged on her door. so i run to the door and i'm 30 scared. i'd see
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this capitol police and they said we have to come in to talk to you. and i'm thinking, my children, my grandchildren. i never thought it would be paul speaker. pelosi also said if democrats were to lose the house tonight in the elections, she may leave office even if she's reelected, and now she's running against john dennis. in today's election, pelosi is expected to be reelected for her 19th term, but some political experts believe republicans are going to retake control of the house of representatives across the bay area and around the country. political candidates are going after last minute votes right now on this election day, and that includes the two democrats battling to replace longtime peninsula congresswoman jackie speier. these are huge shoes to fill, so i feel the weight frankly of what we're attempting here because i think she is irreplaceable. kevin mullin was endorsed by jackie spear and
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today's congressional race. his opponent, david cannabis, says he also has much respect for congresswoman spear, kevin nor myself can be jackie spear. jackie speier has a tremendous, tremendous life story. congresswoman spear is leaving office after almost 15 years in congress, representing san mateo county in parts of san francisco. she also spent many years as a state lawmaker in sacramento and as a san mateo county supervisors. well, mound rose plans to open this coming friday. the ski resort says, thanks to all the snow and low temperatures this week, it has enough snow to open up some of the runs for opening weekend skiing and riding will be available from friday through sunday from the resort's main lodge and steve's been telling us some parts of this sierra
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could get several feet of snow in this current store. morning. rain is one of our big stories this morning, blanketing the bay area, causing wet roads crashes. another problems. some bark services even been delayed for at least two hours. so you have a weather is making a mess of the morning commute. are the big story election day. while millions have already mailed in their ballots. many will vote today in person, as polls have just now open will help you make sure your vote counts and check your tickets after an hours long delay the winning numbers for the historic $2 billion powerball jackpot are out tonight if you're waking up as a billionaire from ktvu. fox two news. this is mornings on two o'clock on the dot welcome good mornings onto i'm andre. senior good morning. i'm gasia mikaelian. and it is tuesday, november 8th and boy that rain came through just as expected, making for a wet and cold election day. this morning storm is already causing major problems on the road. this is
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video from earlier in the morning and milpitas reindeer made it tough for crews cleaning up a solo spin out pressure on 6 80, caused by the wet weather by roads are busy all across the bay area. i'm coverage of this election day. storm dreams tours outdoors in the elements in the thick of it and tell castaneda's tracking the messy commute. let's start with meteorologist steve paulson with how long the wet weather is expected to less of the day. most of the day her , santa cruz mountains and maybe where you are as well. numerous lightning strikes some to the north, but more to the south in the santa cruz mountains, and it looks like the low the cold, dynamic cold. corallo is going to move in right over san francisco this evening. the initial bands and look at that some really heavy rain down around san jose santa cruz mountains down towards south san jose and areas east as well. not as bad to the north, but rainy and cold are in town today, and i'll say rain heavy at times. thunderstorms had some thunderstorms with hail last night. we'll see more again today and i really unseasonably cold and rainy pattern for us
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here. all right over to salad 801 were flooding. where do you want to go so well? the flooding i is on how 84 of this morning, steve yesterday we had such a terrible time on 84. there's a huge patch of flooding on 84 right near the freeway here. 84 near the 8 80 freeway. it's affecting the freeway as well, and people are not getting to the dumbarton bridge very efficiently. 8 80 is a mess. both directions from san leandro , heading south and north was also flooding at the 9 88. the interchange and some of the mcarthur maze. a bridge looks rather normal. there's a backup here. it's not raining right now, let's get back to the headlines. it has been a wet and wild morning commute more than doubled the number of crashes and spinouts on bay area freeways. plus some flooding makes for slow going all around. ktvu james stories live in orinda. that's where 24 right near the tunnel has been one example of difficult conditions. james. looks like we don't have
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his audio. he's there in downtown orinda right off of highway 24. let's see if it's a button on his ender are as if not, we can always come back to, uh r. james torres. as he's been reporting, there's been a lot of traffic trouble there on 24 earlier. tough going here through the caldecott tunnel. i know that we spoke with a number of people, and they said it was just a rough thing to get through. we're going to stay on top of the situations in our region. if you need to leave us. you can also turn to the ktvu whether app and james taurus is back now there in downtown orinda, where it's raining, i can see it. i'm going to blame the rain on this one. gasia sometimes you gotta push that button. sometimes you push the button and your finger slips and you push it twice. but here we are now in downtown arrendel. we've seen traffic all throughout the bay area start to pick up because we are just a few minutes past eight o'clock hour. that rain is starting to not be as heavy as it has been earlier in the morning, but that's not to say that the ground is not supersaturated because those roads well they are very well wet. and if you are headed out the door at any
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time this morning, just make sure that you expect to drive slowly. we've already had a number of relatively major incidents happened throughout the morning. today i first want to take you over to oakland near emeryville earlier this morning. this is eastbound 80 connecting 5 80. the cab of a semi truck fell off the freeway above this area. that's right off of 80 down to that 85 80 connection. cruz worried about a leaking gas tank, but thankfully they were able to safely remove the car away on a tow truck. chp officer on the scene tells the driver of that truck. has some serious injuries, but we're working to learn more about that. taking you down to the south bay now where some rain caused flooding along highway 84 in fremont. there wasn't much space for drivers to go around the standing waters of some just drove right through it, causing some traffic there to move very slowly in general. traffic officials, law enforcement officials, they say they never want you to drive through standing water. i believe at this point now there is one lane open in both directions right there on highway 84 in the south
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bank. all of this rain not just in that area, but all over the big area, creating pockets of rain again. you don't want to drive through that standing water, but the roads are very well wet. so if you are headed out the door at any point today, make sure you give yourself plenty of time because that rain is going away anytime soon. reporting live this morning. i'm james torres. ktvu fox two news , james. thank you. we have you covered throughout warnings on two. you can also stay up to date on this rain by turning to the ktvu weather app. you can track the storm and see when rain is expected to move in and out of your neighborhood election day coverage. the doors are now open to voting locations across the bay area. you can either turn in your ballot or vote in person. ktvu political reporter greg lee tells us what's on your ballot and how to make sure your vote counts. still haven't voted. the clock is ticking. election day is more like election month in california with 22 million registered voters getting mailed their ballots in october. but if you haven't made your voice
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heard, yet, there's a few things local registrars want you to know. my concern is that if it's a five card about there's a lot of content for people to navigate. yeah, and i my concern is that people haven't really engaged with the about because there's just so much there. every california ballot includes statewide races, including governor newsom, running for reelection against republican state senator brian dalli. voters will also decide on attorney general secretary of state lieutenant governor, state comptroller and more and you'll vote twice on the senate race between alex padilla and mark moyes er one question to fill a partial term another for a full term. californians are also being asked to weigh in on seven propositions, including two ways to legalize sports betting in the state and an initiative to enshrine the right to abortion to the california constitution. depending on what county you live in. you'll see a mix of races and measures. i really want people who haven't voted yet at least pull the about from their envelopes. take a look. just just take a look. just get
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a sense of which there start thinking about it. if you want to vote in person, polling places and voting centers are open from seven am to eight pm on tuesday. you can also drop off your ballots at those polling. in places and voting centers or ballot drop boxes. and if you want to mail your ballot, here's some advice to make sure it's postmarked in time. the voters have really got to make sure that they look at the schedule of pickups on those blue boxes. to make sure that that the that the when they dropped her about is still before the pick up time and make sure you pay special attention to how you sign your ballot. we're looking at that signature in relation to how they signed their registration card. or how they registered at the dmv. you can follow the path of your ballot by going to california dot ballot tracks dot net and if you haven't registered to vote, yet, you still can on election day and then vote conditionally . make your voice count. greg lee ktvu fox two news. the justice department is sending poll monitors to dozens of locations nationwide, including the bay area monitors are from
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the doj civil rights division, as well as members of the u. s attorney's office is their objective is to help protect people from potential voter intimidation or suppression, and to ensure that people with disabilities have equal opportunity to access polling places. the poll monitors will be stationed in sonoma county, los angeles, and 62 other locations. full workers across the bay area say they are doing everything possible to make sure voting is transparent. for voting. have a good day. bye in alameda county. the vast majority of the ballots are collected outside the polling places, then taken inside. and for the first time the county registrar is live streaming poll workers, opening ballots and verifying signatures that allows everyone to go online to watch their votes being counted at any time, day or night. this is just another way for us to ensure and show that everybody's vote is being counted. the registrar voters also says the staff is working around the clock checking and double checking every ballot cast in alameda county and stay with ktvu for complete and comprehensive
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election coverage. all day long. we will have results from around the country and your local bay area results as well. you can always get updates, said ktvu .com happening today at bay area election tradition returns former san francisco so mayor willie brown's election day luncheon at john's grill in san francisco. from 11 30 this morning till two in the afternoon, the former mayor will host the free election day lunch. it's billed as a nonpartisan event, he says. everyone's welcome the lunches. history dates back to the 19 eighties, with brown taking over his host in 2015. today's lunch will be the first since the beginning of the pandemic here this morning, the long awaited numbers are finally out for the record powerball jackpot. it is worth $2.4 billion. the winning numbers are on your screen. check your pockets for your ticket. here we go. 10 33 41 47 56 with the powerball number of 10. as of right now, we should note. we don't know if anyone or perhaps multiple people got these winning numbers. there were questions this morning surrounding the mornings drawing, which was postponed from last night. california
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lottery commission sent out a note to explain that powerball follows stringent security requirements and procedures, said last night's drawing was postponed because one of the participating states have problems processing ticket sales and submitting that data. that state by the way, has not been identified. area powerball players now checking their tickets to the if they matched all those numbers. ktvu news cameras visited several convenience stores. they all reported brisk sales. people hoping to turn $2 into $2 billion. i'm gonna win. i'm gonna win. i'm gonna want to do a little bit of traveling to investment, you know, make sure that my life the rest of my life is taken care of, because i'm a caregiver of 32 years, so i'm always you know, taking care of other people. it's my turn. yes, it is. well lines to buy tickets went out the door to 76 gas station and convenience store in san leandro. it's a very same spot where someone last saturday matched five of six numbers and one more than a million dollars. is it just takes your imagination and you just go wild
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with it, a new car and a college savings plan would be awesome. the total jackpot estimated at over $2 billion, or a lump sum of well over $900 million in cash because they are brand new , let's pop up those winning numbers again again on your tv screen. 10 33 41 47 56 with the powerball number of 10. we're going to keep these numbers running at the bottom of your screen because many people just waking up to them after we didn't get to see them last night. it's time it's 8 11. sadly many of us do not have those winning numbers and we have to deal with the commute. that's like this. i want to go. i'm looking here. i want to show you what i'm looking at here. look at these cars. that's those are cars driving toward the dumbarton bridge. look some cars have pulled over. this is what happens when you drive through standing water. i would not recommend it. people are getting out. chp and fremont police are there. look at eastbourne 84, which is on the left. this is
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what we're dealing with. this is just something else. this is day number two of terrible driving conditions on highway 84 near the dumbarton bridge down to the right shoulder, man. i wouldn't want to be getting my brakes went just like this. i just would not want to do it so i wouldn't go on 84 let me show you on the map where this is, it's right here on the map here, right there. alright. yesterday we had that truck. fire. so i would use the cemetery bridge instead. not deal with 84. this is putting a lot of pressure on 80 heading south. so that's where we are right now. let's talk about some of the other and went back to it here just to show you one more time. let's talk about the bay bridge that is backed up all the way out to the maze. there is no commute right now. that is a good one. although it has stopped raining at the bay bridge. it's a 12. let's go back to the desk. computer systems knocked out some airline passengers stuck on planes for more than an hour. the major problem when the major power outages mineta san jose international airport over the weekend that has some airport workers demanding answers. and
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today, as you know, is election day. one of the most intensely competitive senate races in the country is in pennsylvania after a quick break. we're live in pennsylvania with how that state is a little different
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could decide who holds power is the senate race in pennsylvania . republican dr mehmet ask, commonly referred to as dr oz going up against democratic lieutenant governor john fetterman. that's where we find foxes. medicine. scarpino live from hershey medicine. what are the biggest issues? voters in pennsylvania are telling you are driving them to the polls today. hi andre. good morning to you. yeah extremely tight race between dr oz and john fetterman and when it comes to the issues that are most important to voters here, i've been here for a few weeks talking to a lot of people and something that really is such a bipartisan issue is the economy and inflation. i talked to a man the other day who says that he's making more money than he ever has in his life right now, yet he's still finds it a struggle to afford a lot of things just because of the rising cost of basically everything. and when you look more at the democrats, therefore focused on abortion rights, as well as threats to democracy, which is something that john
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fetterman has been trusting a lot on the campaign trail, and when it comes to republicans, they're focused heavily on education. what's being taught in schools as well as crime, which dr oz has really just made the center of his campaign and has attacked federman quite often on that we've seen that happen. play out in the public, not just in pennsylvania, but we've seen on our tv screens here because the race has been so contentious pennsylvania by the way, a bit different than other states. with ballot counting, it's likely the results may not be finalized tonight. can you tell us more about that? that's right. andre the secretary of the commonwealth weeks ago last month had already warned voters that it's likely going to be a couple of days until election results are finalized here, and that's because they cannot start counting any of the melon or absentee ballots until seven a.m. today so they've already started to be counted. but a lot of states you can go ahead and start processing those ahead of time. so we are expecting some
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delays when it comes to that, but what's really been at the center of a lot of drama here in pennsylvania is undated or incur. correctly dated bill, ballots. um the national republican committee filed a lawsuit saying that any ballot that was not correctly dated or was not dated at all should not be counted and the state supreme court actually agreed with them . but just yesterday, fetterman campaign filed another lawsuit that is wanting pennsylvania or the state of pennsylvania to count any of those undated ballots, because, as we know those ballots that would have to be set aside because they're not filled out correctly. may very well be the deciding factor of who takes control of the senate and some of the major counties here in pennsylvania have already reported thousands of incorrectly, or undated ballots , so we're looking at something that could potentially cause the ballot county to go even longer. madison i wonder. are there any problems with voting or add voting centers already, besides one of the issues that you just mentioned before? as of right
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now, i have not seen anything when it comes to any major issues, but i'm sure we will get a better idea of what's going on, especially in some of these major county election headquarters just as the day goes on, but again, this is a very, very tight race, and a lot of people are worried that those undated or incorrectly dated ballots that are going to be set aside. that may very well not be counted. at least as of now, they're not going to be counted. they're worried that some of those votes may have been a deciding factor. if they're not counted. so again, no major issues as of right now, but still early in the day, and the polls are open until eight p.m. tonight. we'll see what happens for a few hours in. we have several more hours to go until the polls closer and pennsylvania the country will certainly be watching. what happens here in pennsylvania medicine scarpino. thank you so much for your insight into what's happening there right now. we appreciate it. alright let's see. we can't get you out the door. a lot of people waited. sal hoping perhaps the
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traffic would get a little bit better as the heart of the wet weather moved out of the heart of the bay. isn't it interesting? we have the big story with the election and we have the worst traffic day that we've had in months on the same day, and it might affect you driving to the polls. i think that if you're going somewhere you should definitely leave time. don't be in a hurry. there might be some flooding. on your way. there's a big flooding right here on highway 84 right there at 8 80 interchange, and that's because of standing water. the drains just aren't clearing it fast enough. you can see fremont police are out there doing traffic control on this freeway 84 heading over to the dumbarton bridge and on the other side traffic coming away from the peninsula heading to the east bay as he pens over to the left. look at this. this is just a lake here. some cars have been pulled over. apparently some of the water has damaged some vehicles. this is an area to avoid. don't go here. obviously. now some people have two or perhaps you didn't hear about it. they just want to get off the bridge at this point, but it really is a mess here,
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and this is not the only spot where we've had flooding at the bay bridge is no flooding, but nearby 8 80 near 9 80. there's been flooding. and there's just been a lot of slow traffic caused by today's weather. there was a tree down in half moon bay, 92 near pillar cdo's creek , which is technically outside the city limits, but this has made a mess of the coast highway. one people are going up to pacifica trying to get out of half moon bay and they're slow traffic all over the south. they look at all that soptic commute. that's affected by all this wet weather. so if you're driving anywhere in san jose, you're going to see just a bunch of slow traffic 8 21. let's bring steve back in with today's weather. alright sound thank you. we will start in the mountains where it's snowing, snowing snowing. brian hickey does live shots for us from beautiful blue canyon around 4700 ft here about five inches of snow at blue canyon with a lot more on the way there. that's up on interstate 80 and boy. yes, it's beginning to pick up now looks like around grass valley to pollock pines. it was
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around 4000 ft, down to 3500 ft. this will be measured in feet for this year after everything is said and done. george mcrae's and el cerrito big hail storm last night 7 35 38 size hail lasted 15 minutes. there'll be more today and 64 100 last 24 hours. georgia barometer should be dropping rapidly. i would think usually you add that it's great. it's one of those days. if you follow your barometer, barometric pressure, there's lots to watch. ben lomond. most rain i've seen at least so far, two and a quarter. castro valley had good rain. fremont's had really good rain and also last at a 6.5 to an inch and three quarters. for all those, there's been really good rain, especially on the peninsula, south bay santa cruz mountains and in marin county north, there has been sunnyvale to act as an engine, three quarters, palo alto engine, a quarter hayward inch and a quarter canfield over an inch san jose had an inch just beating out oakland in the shadow of the wire. so far, 0.99 and livermore picked up 9/10 of an inch of rain san francisco two thirds there's still a long way to go on this system a
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little bit of a let up but still some rain off and on to the north, especially cloverdale, santa rosa into marin county. the heavier amounts, though no doubt have been east, but it looks like that is starting to lighten up a little bit. still, some around the ultimate past. no doubt about it. the winter san jose, santa clara valley santa cruz santa cruz mountains, but it does look like there is a back edge to it, but we'll have multiple systems rotating it. it looks like the low is going to punch in somewhere in the bay area around san francisco to the peninsula by tonight, so still a ways to go here. cold cold system could get some more thunderstorms. rain off and on. there are a few breaks now more so than we saw mostly cloudy cold with thunderstorms and fifties on the temps, you guys steve paulson. thank you, 23. we're learning a weekend power outage at mineta san jose international airport was caused by a car crash off the airport. property problems saturday night knocked out the lights to the airport's main terminal, shut down the computer systems and left. some passengers stuck on planes for more than an hour. now unions for airport workers want to know why the power was
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out for so long. this was an isolated incident. that's far as i know. it was the first time the airport was confronted with a situation like this one. airport is 20 backup generators to power its most critical systems, but investigators say two of them didn't activate at the time of saturday night's power outage yet and how long it will take to find out why drivers to expect traffic delays in san francisco's cow hollow neighborhood this morning following a water main break in a natural gas leak. firefighters were first called a union and fillmore street yesterday afternoon, and they found this at the intersection they had turned into a river of muddy water. which flooded the streets and the basement of at least one building. they could also smell natural gas. that was our biggest concern was that it could accumulate in a structure and possibly find an ignition source. crews capped the gas pipeline break quickly, and city crews turned off the water but neighborhood businesses, business owners say their shops
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were empty most of the afternoon and evening because of the water and power problems. it's very hard. i mean, you're losing income people inconveniencing people who already have made changes in their own schedule to come and see you for appointments. investigators say a water pipe burst first, which caused the gas pipeline to rupture. at last check. crews were still working to restore water service in that area, infectious disease specialists say the latest covid numbers show we are still in a pandemic . san francisco's public health department reports. the city seven day rolling positivity rate is inching up again going from 4.5% in mid october 2/6 percent this month. the average number of new covid cases also back up over 100. doctors say they worry we'll see larger spikes nationwide. his family spent more time together indoors during the holidays. it's election day. but in many locations people have had days to vote. so how long will it take to know who won? some of the important midterm elections will tell you why it may take
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weeks in some states. and rain in the bay area means snow in the sierra fresh powder is hitting resorts in other areas right now what you need to know if your plans include a if you run a small business, you need the most from every investment. that's why comcast business gives you more. more innovation... with our new gig-speed wi-fi, plus unlimited data. more speed... from the largest, fastest, reliable network... and more savings- up to 60% a year with comcast business mobile. all from the company that powers more businesses than any other provider. get started with fast speeds and advanced security for $49.99 a month for 12 months.
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order the weathertech gift card instantly for the perfect gift at about millions have already mailed it or dropped off their ballots right now, people in the bay area are making their choices known. live inside one county election headquarters to show you what's happening and what's expected in the hours to
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come. and don't let the bay area rain deter you from making sure your voice is heard with some elections officials are doing to make sure voter turnout isn't affected by today's rain. from ktvu. fox two news. this is mornings on to welcome back. i'm gasia mckay at the end senior. today is tuesday. november 8th it is 8 29 on the dot you know there is rain all across the bay area this morning are waking up to it and there is a heavy snow in the sierra to this is what it looked like at a gas station in nyack just a few hours ago, several inches that already accumulated on the ground. there is more to come over the next few days to if you plan to head to lake tahoe this morning chains are required on both 80 and 50 unless you have a four wheel drive vehicle. let's talk about getting through this morning's rain and what's to come this afternoon? steve paulson. some parts are in a bit of a lull right now, that is correct. and if you don't see your locations, rainfall it's because the peninsula, south bay, santa cruz mountains and east bay have blown past you
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because that's where the activity has been, and i can't keep up. honestly it's just too much going on as south would tell you. we could do a half hour or an hour show. it looks like there are some more breaks but numerous lightning strikes. there were some and sonoma county, mendocino county offer marine cause but more into the santa cruz mountains, reports of thunder heard there. the heavy heavy downpours which were from about contra costa county, santa clara, down to san jose santa cruz mountain. looks like that is now pushing east so there are some let ups but still iranian cold pattern here today, snow and amounts i'm sure there's snow on diablo saintly in in hamilton's, it has to be because the temperatures in the low thirties there thunderstorms, maybe hail again. cold and breezy and unseasonably cool for us with low to mid fifties, probably at best. all right. you know, sal, you do your best, right? i tried to. i have seen here if you don't see your town, it's i don't have time. there's a lot. there really is a lot of gonna get trying to hit the
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biggest spots. there's a lot of crashes. i won't get too, because there's just too many. we've had more than 100 incidents. normal morning. we might have 30 maybe 40. so we are up there when it comes to incidents. one of the biggest ones is the flooding we have on 84 in fremont. right here, the drains obviously not doing the job, and there it is. cars driving through water. some cars have conked out on the right hand side there you can see and traffic is going to be slow. now we're showing you is the westbound side. but if you look over the other side, those are the people coming from the peninsula. we're down to one lane here, and that is terrible . fremont police doing traffic control. also flooding in san jose north dont to 80 at winchester, which is just near 17 look at the slow traffic. leading up to that. and another thing that i want to mention is if you're going to have mumbai you can't use highway 92. there's a tree down, blocking both directions of 92, so people have been going up towards pacifica getting through that way. that's a long way around. if you want to put the trip off,
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that would probably be better. there is a new injury crash just reported. as we're on the air here, south dont wanna one at paradise in marin county 8 31. let's get right back to the headlines. election day coverage. now, if you haven't been to the polls are turned in your mail in ballots. it's your last chance to do so. ktvu selling. rasmus joins us live inside elections headquarters in contra costa county, martinez with more ali. well, it is election day, and even though the polls have been open for about an hour and a half already now, as we know, in california, it's really election month with all the early voting that happens and the mail in voting. in fact, in contra costa county majority, the vast majority of registered voters mail in their ballots. tommy gang is the chief deputy clerk recorder for contra costa county. we are standing next to the room that's known as the tally room. tell us what they're doing in this room behind the glass partitions here. what we're doing already this morning is we're beginning to process the vote by mail ballots that we've received up until you know saturday, for
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example, and we're processing imaging these ballots so that they'll be ready for eight pm report tonight and you're processing them, but you're not counting them yet, right? how does that work right? we don't hit the tabulation report button until after eight p.m. tonight, so there's no way to know who's ahead or what. measures with the vote totals are until after the polls closed, and that's in order to maintain the integrity of the election. yeah absolutely . it is to maintain the integrity we, you know, voters should be able to cast their ballots, you know, free and fair without any coercion or any you know in knowing which way it's going to go and having that influence them exactly exactly. so you know what we're doing today is we're preparing because so many voters are voting by mail in order to get those ballots process and ready for eight pm report. we have to start processing our ballots, and we've been doing this about a week a week ago to begin this imaging of the ballots and preparing them for that eight pm
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report, and then we are in a room called the adjudication room where i'm standing next to, uh, looks like about a half a dozen people with these giant screens that have ballots printed out. what are they? they doing here? what is this? adjudication room do yes. so after the ballots are image, the system, um starts determining what the votes are cast for each of the ballots and when there is a situation where the system cannot determine the voter intent, such as the double voted situation over voted ballot or a write in candidate, for example , or stray marks, it will flag those and send them to these adjudication stations for teams of two to determine what the voter intent is. and then therefore we verify that and then are able to, you know, um, adjudicate on behalf of the voter, and there's always two people, so it's never just one person solely deciding that was a stray marker that that was a yes vote. exactly. we always maintain two people teams when
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we're handling our ballots at any time, whether we're picking them up from a dropbox or picking up from the post office as we're beginning to open the envelopes and extract the ballots, always teams of two as well as adjudication. that's a lot of work. are there a lot of ballots that have some of these problems or is it a minority? actually you know it has it always varies from election to election. um this election apparently has been fairly light on the adjudication. but there have been others where you know, it's very heavy on adjudication . what we noticed, for example, or that voters. sometimes they will fill in the oval next to the candidate that they want, and they will also fill in the writing oval and then right in that candidate, same candidate's name that would actually create an over voted situation and would nullify the vote on that contest. but through adjudication, then we would be able to identify it's actually a candidate. whose name is printed on the ballot so we can remove that write in vote so that yes, exactly. tommy gang, the chief deputy clerk recorder for
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contra costa county. a lot of work already underway for the 2022 elections here in this county and across the state. andrea garcia will send it back to you. there are concerns that today's weather could impact voter turnout is steve's been telling us northern california has been hit with the storm this morning, but county election officials have been preparing for it. falling places got all their equipment ahead of time and in some counties have all have canopies to make sure ballots say stay dry when they're getting transferred outside, but there are worries that the weather will discourage people from heading out to vote, especially if there is a line, according to political data inc. 23% of registered voters turned in their ballots as of yesterday afternoon. one of the most high profile races in san francisco is the race for the district attorney's office. voters will decide brooke jenkins will keep her spot after being appointed by mayor london breed to be the city's top prosecutor. or leading opponents are civil rights attorney joe varon easy and criminal defense attorney john hamasaki both served on the san francisco police commission
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across the bay in oakland, 10 people are vying to replace oakland mayor libby chef was being turned out of office in january. a recent oakland chamber of commerce poll shows council members lauren taylor and shank. how are running neck and neck. this is a ranked choice race, which means it could take a few days until we find out who will take the mayor's seat in oakland, and the race from here in san jose is also a tight one between cindy chavez and met mayhem. one of them will replace sam like art. so who has turned out? the latest polls show there is no front runner in the race, and both candidates plan to be out campaigning until the polls. polls closed tonight. i feel like, you know, being mayor of san jose and running should be hard right. it's an important job and the community should put us through our paces as they make their choice. we are certainly fighting an uphill battle against an established career politician, but we've been offering new solutions, a change in direction, and the community seems to be really responding to that. so even though we've been outspent significantly, i like our chances. candidates will be voting early this morning, and
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then they'll go back to making calls and knocking on doors and a final push to become san jose's mayor. there is a good chance we won't know the outcome of many key races nationwide for days, maybe even weeks. election officials say some races could take that long to be resolved. they say some of the earliest vote tallies could be skewed by how quickly state count their mail in ballots. some states don't start that process until after the polls closed, but others, including california are already counting ballots that were mailed in or submitted early. we may not know all the winners of elections for a few days. it takes time to count all legitimate ballots in a legal and orderly manner. that's how that's how this is supposed to work, and it's important for us to all be patient when while votes are being counted. more than 42 million americans have already cast ballots in early voting. we do hope you stay with us throughout mornings on to as polls are now open will keep bringing you complete and comprehensive election coverage through the day. then tonight as polls closed at eight o'clock,
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we'll have your election results from across the country and here at home in the bay area, of course, you can also always get updated when you turn to ktvu .com. new this morning, a judge denied the request for a new trial by theranos founder elizabeth holmes. in the late night ruling, the judge overseeing holmes's trial ruled that any so called new evidence that was part of sunny baldwin is trial would not actually be new for homes case. he also said he did not expect any new trial to change the results almost is now set to be sentenced next friday. she's been found guilty on four counts of fraud and faces up to 20 years in prison. something special happened in the sky. earlier this morning, the last total lunar eclipse of the year. that's when the moon turned blood red as the earth blocks sunlight to the moon started around 2 15 this morning lasted for about 90 minutes. clouds likely made it difficult to see here in the bay area, but other parts of the country saw it. if you missed it, you have to wait until 2025 for a chance to see the next one. come closer. back down to earth. here take a look at the wet weather.
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this is what things look like this morning in newark, just a short while ago. there is there are a number of issues that commuters need to know about, including wet roads and bart not running in contra costa county. instead there will be a bus bridge. alright we turn things over now to steve paulson with more on the forecast, see? it's a good thing. it doesn't snow here. goodness yeah, we would be in trouble. rain does enough. we would do get the snow, though up in the mountains where it's coming down pretty good now on 50 and 80, already five inches of snow at blue canyon. there will be a couple of feet of snow here. no doubt about it. it's slow to arrive, but it's beginning to make its move now. and i would think 15 80 will be just probably not not not drivable today as this entire system swings inland rainfall if you don't see your location is because areas otherwise towards the south or the east have had a lot more than you. ben lomond. senators mounds two and a quarter fremont has just gone
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just nutty this week here. an inch and three quarters lost goddess almost an inch and three quarters. the hayward hills 1.6 . oh sunnyvale had really good rain two inches of rain. aptos 1.35 mountain view an inch and a half almost palo alto an inch and a quarter san jose with an inch and 18 1 hundred's livermore with an inch and 12 1 hundred's, which was more than oakland's 1.3 in san francisco officially 0.67, but there were greater amounts in the outer richmond and also at mount davidson. that's the official reading, though, so there's always usually locations that pick up more. there are still areas of rain to the north, just not as intense. they had theirs overnight and then kind of a kind of a little bit of a break, but they're still rain moving through the intensity, though the rainfall rates look to be decreasing here, you see some breaks now coming over oakland, fremont. and some of the areas have moved off towards the valley. i have to say santa cruz santa cruz mountains thunder there, lot of reports there. san jose done a gilroy hollister's areas east really got hammered
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there for a while. with a lot of rain. this whole system has to swing inland, and as it does, you'll see a lot of these cells rotate in, and as they do, they could easily produce more heavy rain. also thunderstorms. there have been numerous lightning strikes or at least lightning observed, going into the santa cruz mountains and even some of the north so rain and wind heavier times. mostly cloudy, a very cold system with thunderstorms and i would add low snow levels around here. i would think diablo hamilton. hambleton and also mount st alina all have snow at this time, you guys thank you are open right now for the midterm election voters across california weighing in on a number of controversial issues that are being watched across the country coming up on the nine will break down the propositions from sports betting to reproductive rights. your next company meeting could be held at a movie theater coming up with amc is doing with some of its theaters to make your next work meet g more
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what makes the train so magical? it's not just the enchanting call of the whistle or the adventurous spirit in every bend of the track. it's about where it goes. to places. and faces. and the warmest of memories. the magic of the train is more than how it takes us away. it's how it brings us together. ♪
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♪music playing♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ nothing brings the pack together like a trip to great wolf lodge. now open in northern california. to discussion nationwide. they are the second largest voting block in the country and in california, and he could potentially decide the balance of power in congress joining us this morning to talk about the importance of latino voters, as well as some other races is christian arana, vice president and policy of the latino
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communication foundation. good morning to you, christian. good morning. how are you doing? well thank you. so much for joining us. first polls and political endless have shown democrats nationwide losing ground in the latino vote to republicans. is that trend true here in california, though, no. so the latino community foundation actually commissioned a poll released a couple of weeks ago that that there is strong support for democrats among latinos, so currently it was 58 to 20% in support of democrats. so this trend that we're seeing for republicans across the country is not necessarily happening here in california, and that's because democrats still have a strong support among latinos. we've seen the shift down in miami dade county, which is one of the areas talked about this election cycle. the organization found that latinos are committed to progressive policy issue. but found that politicians representing those policies aren't necessarily really engaging with that voting bloc. tell us more about that. yes so the pool that we commissioned also found that 71% of latinos in the state of california? uh we're not contacted by candidates or political parties. you look at
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what democrats have done over the last two years under president biden. they passed the american rescue plan, the infrastructure package, the inflation reduction act, but a lot of latino voters in the state of california still don't know what those things are and whether or not they benefited them. so this is an opportunity in the future in future elections for either political party, really, to make sure that there engaging your community and making sure that they understand. ah what exactly they're doing for them. i wonder. did your poll just focus on the voters themselves and not ask the politicians why they're not engaging with the with this particular electorate? that's right. i mean, so historically speaking, the latino community foundation commissions these polls where we ask everyday people about what their top issues are, whether you're likely it is to vote, along with other key issues facing the community during elections like these, right, so we have roughly eight million latino voters here in california. so you looked into this where you see the numbers on the screen. what can
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we expect a latino voter turnout to look like for the midterms? so the good news is that latino? early voter turnout is already up by this point in time compared to 2018 voter turnout overall for latinos up 2020% more importantly, early voter turnout among latino youth is up 8% interesting, and that's a point of the fact that you know people can preregister to vote. when they're 16 years old. they can do automatic voter registration at the d. m b and the fact that every single person who is registered developed is was already mailed their ballot, so we made it easy. to vote in the state of california and those policies along with the engagement. along with your butter education that the latino community foundation has been funding. all these factors put together has helped latino voter turnout increase at this point in time, and i'm hopeful that we'll continue to see even bigger numbers up until eight o'clock tonight. when the election is over, christian, i wonder what surprised you when your organization was taking this poll? what really surprised you about the responses from the latino voters. so actually, one
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of the most surprising things that we found in this poll is how latinos receive information . tiktok has not become a primary source where latinos go to get political information. that's um you know, latino youth , especially are on tiktok. and when you look at the latino electorate on nearly half of the eight million eligible voters that you mentioned are under the age of 35, so we're not necessarily watching ktvu. although i do much proudly uh, we're going to talk to make sure that you know we have fun. but also receive information from our friends and family. tiktok is definitely catching a lot of attention to be sure, let's talk a little bit about the mayor's race in oakland and san francisco. what do you expect? so i'm expecting a close race. um i think people often forget that oakland is a pretty notable sitting in this country. i mean, there's the port of oakland. there's a lot of things that happened to oakland, so you know , let's just texting towel. for
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example, if she's elected, you know, refugee. it's going to be a pretty significant race for a p i representation if she is elected mayor of oakland and then san francisco, you know you have the district attorney's race. the mayor's race in san jose. jose is the tech largest city in america. so these are little small town races. these are significant races that have national implications. um that have phenomenal women of color running for these offices, so you know it. brooke jenkins wins. if shane's how wins if cindy china's wins, for example , there's going to be a huge night for women of color in the bay area. yeah, this is going to be something to watch for tonight, lots happening. and one of the biggest voting blocs here definitely will have an impact on those racists. thank you. christina ronald, vice president of the policy, latino communication foundation. thank you so much. we appreciate it. thank you so much turning now to dollars and cents. cole's losses , levi's gain as the retailer's headed to the very important holiday shopping season. cook back upstairs with more in
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dollars and cents. this morning, wall street got the breaking news that the ceo of calls is stepping down and moving to levi strauss michelle gass said to be leaving coals for a new opportunity as sales drop at kohl's, however, analysts report coles has been under pressure from investors to make significant leadership changes after ending talks to sell the retailer. to the owner of the vitamin shoppe over the summer, a familiar name in business and at the grocery store. kimberly clark rang the opening bell executives there this morning celebrating 150. years in business sales have certainly been strong for their toilet paper, kleenex and huggies diapers, taking a live look at the numbers. it is a rally ahead of the midterm election results today, the dow jones gaining 471 points right now, almost 1.5% the s and p 500 up more than 1. the nasdaq also up 140 points. 7 10,007 there, we'll see what happens when those results come in a new government survey on the housing market finds
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americans confidence in home buying has fallen to its lowest level since the survey started in 2011. the october survey by fannie mae found 80% of respondents feel it's a bad time to buy a home that's up from 75% in september, and it set a new record, analysts say rising mortgage rates and persistently high home prices are pushing potential buyers away from owning a home. san francisco based gap is selling its business in china to chinese e commerce services provider bozon gap says the deal will operate under an agreement that allows gap to bennett. fit from the local knowledge and technology expertise of balzan. analysts speculate more multinational companies may look to spin off their china operations as the country continues to impose covid restrictions and business is slow that deal valued at 40 to $50 million. it is expected to be complete in the first half of next year, and amc is working with zoom to transform some of
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its movie theaters into zoom conference rooms. they are getting creative to bring people back. the theater chain says companies will be able to use the theaters to hold meetings across multiple markets. companies can book a three hour block of time online for 75 to 150 people. amc says it will provide equipment offer food and drinks, even possibly show a movie for an additional cost. amc also offers theater rentals for a private movie showing they started that during the pandemic when the price was just about $99. now it's about $250 for you and some friends to rent a movie theater. i'm pam cook. that's look at your dollars and cents. thank you. there are two major election races in georgia, and with one it has national implications. we're breaking down the key races, including the battle for governor and the u. s. senate seat up for grabs. the first house speaker nancy pelosi, speaking publicly for the first time since the attack on her husband at their san francisco home will tell you what she says about whether the attack will influence her
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decision to stay in office and what she calls the hardest part of wha
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her husband has her thinking about her position in office. in an interview with cnn, she said it will be a long recovery from paul, who was hit in the head with a hammer. for me. this is really the hard part because paul was not the target and he's the one who's paying the price. we all are. but he's the one who's really paying the price, but it really. it's really sad because it is. a flame that was fueled by misinformation and all the rest of that. the speaker said she was asleep in her washington d. c apartment early on october 28th one capitol police banged on her door. so i run to the door and i'm very
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scared and see this capitol police and they said, we have to come in to talk to you. and i'm thinking, my children, my grandchildren. i never thought it would be paul speaker. pelosi went on to say a decision about retirement would be impacted on what has happened over the last couple of weeks. she's running against john dennis in today's election speaker. pelosi is expected to be reelected for her 19th term, but most experts believe republicans will regain control. of the house of representatives to democratic competing for the chance to fill the seat soon to be vacated by longtime peninsula congresswoman jackie speier. these are huge shoes to fill, so i feel the weight frankly of what we're attempting here because i think she is irreplaceable. congresswoman spear had endorsed speaker of the california assembly kevin mullin in this race, his opponents and mateo county supervisor david cannabis , says he, too, has high regard for spear and hopes to serve the peninsula on capitol hill. kevin nor myself can be jackie spear.
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jackie speier has a tremendous, tremendous life story. representative spear is leaving office after nearly 15 years in congress, representing san mateo county and parts of san francisco. she has spent decades in public service, serving as a state lawmaker in sacramento, san mateo county supervisor before being elected to congress reminder. there will be no nba games happening today because of election day, the teams are being asked to encourage fans to get out and vote and even use their arenas as polling locations. let's get back to the weather here because mount rose is planning to open this friday. the ski resort says thanks to this week's snow and low temperatures, it has enough snow to open up some runs now for opening weekend skiing and riding will be available from friday through sunday from the resorts may lodge. some parts of the sierra could see several feet of new snow during this current storm. it is time to bundle up, isn't it? ktvu 20th annual one warm coat drive is well underway. if you have a gently worn coat or jacket that you'd like to donate to a bay
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area family please take into any participating ups store or big oh tire store. there are dozens of drop off locations all across the bay area. ktvu .com slash one warm coat for a long list of locations. you can also scan the qr code at the bottom left of your screen. it was raining hard across the bay area this morning , which means wet roads, crashes and many other problems. we're looking into how the wet weather is affecting your commute. then on this election day, california voters are weighing in on a slew of big issues that are being watched by other states from abortion to sports betting to a ban on flavored tobacco will break down what's expected to pass and what's predicted to fail. also ahead, check your tickets going to win. i'm gonna win. the powerball numbers have officially been drawn after an overnight delay. find out if you become $2 billion richer.


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