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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2 The Nine  FOX  November 7, 2022 9:00am-10:00am PST

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best views of it. though steve tells us here in the bay area, we might have issues with clouds . the full lunar eclipse will last nearly an hour and a half, starting just after two in the morning until just before three. this will be the last total lunar eclipse visible to us until 2025. or just one day away from the midterm elections, and both sides of the aisle are doing what they can to secure votes. what you need to know about some of the most contested issues on the ballot. then the almost year long saga of missing oakley woman alexis cape has come to an end, as investigators say they found her partial remains the new details expected today and how the community is honoring her. also ahead just days after twitter announces layoffs one major tech companies following suit preparing for the wars, that's that's the underlying theme of everything going on now details behind the latest tech giant that's reportedly cutting thousands of jobs. today's monday, november
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7th and we are looking live at alcatraz. you know the guys in the control my see what you're doing here. i'm still not going . you can put alcatraz up all you want. the only reason i goes. if my kids wanted to go, and then i would make an exception and thank you and welcome to monday. speaking of kids, parents are partly want schools to help improve their children's character. researchers from one poll surveyed 2000 parents of children age five or younger. they found 77% of parents believe character development skills are just as important for their children as stem classes. additionally parents want their children to develop a sense of belonging and community learn responsibility, honesty and fairness. and they all want that to come from the teaching in the classroom. welcome to the nine you can see whether you have kids or not, you know, that's a good thing to have for our society, right? yeah i mean, i'm
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surprised they don't do that now . but you can see the cut back on everything. and my mom likes to teach etiquette and so forth, and she says more kids should learn this because they used to teach that to us when we were kids, you know etiquette, even where to put the fork and not even those little things. you think it's so dumb when you're a kid, but it does help you in the long run, right? so that's just one way of helping improve a child's carriage. just knowing what you know how to comport yourself in the future. i think what you said about how you know many individual teachers will take it upon themselves like i'm going to make this my thing. let me highlight one of those stories 100 years ago when i was in middle school at mendenhall in livermore, my sixth grade teacher, mr k. mr castle amora taught us about a word that i don't think i've heard too much before decorum. oh corum and said it is what you do when no one else is looking. it is how you carry yourself in a crowded is how i mean and so even in fact, my mother just brought the word decorum in reference to mr k a couple of days ago when we were talking on the phone, and i
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mean i understood what it was, but but to have an adult say, look, this is important. yes, social studies and math. and, yeah, this is important. here we are 800 years later. good one. borrow that idea from mr kay. alright alright for your little darlings, let's swing out and talk about what is happening as it relates to the midterm elections tomorrow, as you know is election day voters across california are deciding a number of state propositions and voting for local elected leaders in many cities will bring in ktvu. james torres. you're live in martinez. this is where the county clerk's office opened up early for early voting. yeah we're going to see some of those early voters coming out a little later this morning, gasia. good morning to you what we're seeing this morning already a number of people coming up to this ballot box behind me. that's in front of the county clerk's office here, dropping off those ballots, and that's been a real push. this time around. turn out here is just under 25% but much of the state encouraging voters to take advantage of these ballot boxes. since every registered voter received a ballot in the mail. most notable ballot measure might be
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proposition one. if passed, it would guarantee a woman's right to an abortion and quantify it into california's constitution, governor gavin newsom and other state leaders rallied for votes over the weekend. many of those leaders are candidates in their own races, but they have some comfortable leads, so they're taking time to support other measures. both top democrat and republican leaders, appealing to as many voters as they can hoping to win the majority in congress. we spoke to some people out this morning coming out early to vote early about what is driving them to the polls. mother was a lot of things this time around. you know, there's a i have a dear friend who lost her husband who was going through dialysis and you know, so that one um you know, i wanted to make sure i get it. i got my vote in on everybody, you know 26 27. those there and 30. yeah. and so that's why i did. propositions like 26 27 address legalized
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sports betting. neither appear to have enough support to pass prop 30 calls for taxing millionaires to raise money for electric vehicle remains and charging stations. governor gavin newsom says he opposes that measure, arguing rideshare companies specifically lift would benefit more than the average citizen and the one that deals with dialysis. you heard about just a moment ago. that's proposition, 29. which affects requirements for staffing and reporting in dialysis clinics here in contra costa county in post and voting will start in just a few hours. you'll have a chance to do that until five o'clock tonight, though we don't expect too many people to actually show up in person, according to the clerk's office, only 5% of their voter turnout actually does that in person, but they still keep it open. they are required to do that. if you wanted to submit your mail in ballot, you can do that anywhere throughout the state of california members throughout the country at any one of these secure ballot boxes at 24 7, you can do it overnight. early morning later in the afternoon, you have until eight pm election day to submit those in we're
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live this morning in martinez. i'm james torres. ktvu fox two news, james. thank you. there are a number of issues driving voters to the midterm election, according to a new poll by the usc schwarzenegger institute. the high cost of living is the top issue for 15% of california voters surveyed they chose that as number one, followed by homelessness, which got 13% of the vote. environmental climate change coming next with 11% support. crime and affordable housing also rank high among those who were polled. we do hope you come back to ktvu tomorrow as we have extensive live coverage on election day. of course we have you covered throughout mornings on two and at noon, then starting at four o'clock in the afternoon, polls begin to close on the east coast will bring you results through the evening and late late into the night. this week. we're marking veterans day to honor our military veterans across the country but staggering stats from the national center for ptsd show about 11 to 20% out of every 100 veterans who served in iraq and afghanistan suffer from post traumatic stress disorder. that number is even higher for
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those who served in the gulf and vietnam wars. but there are new treatments that don't require medication or doctor's visit. however they are often not covered by health insurance and inaccessible to veterans. joining us now is joe pre para koopa, the ceo of health tech company free spiro, whose product is available to veterans throughout the v eight. good morning to you, joe. thanks for joining us. good morning, andre. so excited to be here and talk to your viewers about the opportunity for careful. yeah this is this is an interesting take on things and i want to get down to the details a minute refers. this is a company that came out of stanford university, a study they're one of the results with veterans suffering from panic disorder or ptsd. right, andre and thank you for asking that question. it's important to note that our first study that was done at a stanford was measuring health spirit performed in patients for suffering from panic system. based on the success of that trial, we actually decided to investigate the link between breathing dysfunction in ptsd, which led us to our second
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clinical trial that was conducted at the v a of palo alto in that trial. that's what we really looked at ptsd and veteran population. and what we learned from that is that post four weeks of treatment free spirit demonstrated greater than 85% reduction or elimination of symptoms of ptsd and the veteran and civilian population as well as greater than 75% adherence to the tree. so, joe, what exactly is the treatment itself that these veterans with ptsd go through? how was that applied? so free spirit is an fda cleared at home treatment that addresses the symptoms. patients are suffering through with ptsd and panic disorder, and i think it's important to note that obviously we've seen increases in the rates of anxiety and trauma that everybody's been experiencing over the last few years, which is leading to an increase in not just the veteran population, but the general civilian population for both panic attacks and ptsd. the challenges that veterans
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specifically are facing, as well as everybody else is. the current treatment modalities that are available creates some barriers to getting the care they need. one of them is access to care. the second big thing that we see amongst the veterans is high dropout rates associated with psychotherapy or ptsd, and with medications. there's often high side effects as well as drop out rates come along with it. the spirit actually offers a third option where veterans and patients alike where they can actually you get the treatment they need at home, and what we're doing is we're working with patients in a unique way to help them stabilize their breathing because we have found that patients who suffer with ptsd and panic also have an underlying breathing dysfunction that's caused by ceo to hypersensitivity. we we? we actually transform the patient into an active participant in their own treatment over the course of four weeks, helping them stabilize their breathing so they can build lifelong skills to address the symptoms
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that they've they've experienced in the past, and they can do all of this from the comfort of their own home and get symptom relief in just four weeks. this is available through the v. a. from what we understand that woman i understand, but they're still access to this or problems with access. can you elaborate on why there still problems for veterans with ptsd accessing this particular form of health. andre that's a great question, and i think it's important to note that not so. only about 50% of veterans get care through the medical system. the rest of the veterans are getting care oftentimes through their employer through traditional health insurance, just like you and me, and with that poses is because not all health insurance companies every reimbursing or paying for free spare. currently it provides a barrier to access to care from any of the veterans. so what we need to do is we got to start removing the barriers by helping encourage health insurance companies to pay for free spirits were all of all of their members, not just
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veterans, and to do this. what we really need to do is ask the centers for medicare and medicaid to approve digital therapeutics or reimbursement. so earlier this year local congressman mike thompson, he introduced access to prescription digital therapeutics act. uh now if passed. how do you think that could change the access to this type of treatment? so the pdt bills we call or the access to prescription digital therapeutics bills incredibly important for several reasons, but first and foremost, what it's going to do is it's going to open up the reimbursement opportunity for free scare for all patients, especially veterans, and even more so for other digital therapeutics, and it'll do it because it will actually open the door for health insurance companies to be able to begin to reimburse for these tech for these new treatment options. secondly more importantly, i think is the it'll actually encourage a lot more companies to look at digital therapeutics to develop new treatments that will address new diseases that are currently covered to provide patients
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other options to address their needs. but lastly, most importantly, i think we're this is going to really help the veteran population is it's going to provide him an at home treatment. for not just with free spirit but other digital therapies where they can get treatment in the in the comfort of their own home without the need to go to a three v, a medical center on a daily basis , and that can also turn out to be a problem for people who have a transportation issues. just getting to that location, or joe perry kupka, the ceo of health tech company, free spirit. thank you for joining us providing your insight into this unique and new way of applying help for people dealing with ptsd. we thank you so much appreciate. thank you. very nice to be here. okay coming up on the nine. it's just not twitter employees dealing with layoffs in our next half hour, the latest area based company that's expected to cut thousands of jobs, then asked, the state continues to deal with the historic drought. homeowners are trying to unique, get unique landscapes that don't use a lot of water. next we'll show you
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one technique that's gaining popularity once again. this is what voting yes on prop 31 means. yes on 31 ends the sale of candy flavored tobacco products. yes, stops big tobacco from targeting our kids. yes, protects kids from nicotine addiction. vote yes on 31. a breakfast croissant plus seasoned potatoes for three bucks? and they're redshirting you? well, it's just a standard work shirt. hey! way to stay humble, man! thank you, reg. choose wisely. choose wendy's $3 breakfast deal. okay care coalition, alaska airlines is still frontrunner for most caring airline. funshine bear, you did some of your own research, right? i sure did. ♪ according to the web, their program's number one, ♪
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♪ earning alaska miles is quicker and more fun! ♪ cute! ooh, that was wonderful, sweetie! oh, oh, oh, i have a song about their cheese plates. ♪ cheese please! cheese please! cheese please! cheese please! ♪ uh- it's time for lunch. aw... ♪ ♪ this is what voting yes on prop 31 means. yes on 31 ends the sale of candy flavored tobacco products. yes, stops big tobacco from targeting our kids. yes, protects kids from nicotine addiction. vote yes on 31. ghirardelli intense dark. ♪ bold... rich... intensely delicious dark chocolate. ghirardelli intense dark.
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makes life a bite better. media right was responsible for a fire that burned down one man's home. it happened friday night in a rural area of nevada county north of sacramento. the man says he was at home when he heard a big bang started to smell smoke, then discovered his porch was on fire. as firefighters worked to put out the flames. people started showing up to his house because they said they saw a bright flash in the sky just before i had one individual. tell me about it first. and like, okay, i'll put that the back of my mind. but the more people 234 more started coming in and talking about it, they said. it's a one in four trillion chance. so, uh, i guess i might be buying a lottery ticket today . he says they're still recovering after that fire destroyed their home. the fire department says it will take
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about two weeks to figure out what started the fire. our current rainfall is good news on several fronts and anyone weather helps against the drought. santa rosa fire marshal paul lowenthal says the rain could hopefully put an end to this year's fire season in the santa rosa area. he says the fire season was not as bad this year partially due to hard work, careful planning and homeowners , leaving plenty of defensible space. we saw those efforts really pay off during the glass fire with fire, literally burning into fuel breaks around homes and essentially putting itself out. this rain is exactly what we wanted to see the storms that we're looking at with the breaks in between or beneficial for us, santa rosa fire foundation will mark the end of the fire season with a fundraising gala. for the fire department. the foundation was formed following the devastating wildfires in sonoma county to strengthen and expand the fire department's services. alright test. get over to steve. i just checked here. 80 and 50 both have chain requirements of steve and i know that this is going to
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be the new normal for the next few months. at least for the next few days. that's for sure. i don't think they're anybody's getting up there tomorrow. salbi honestly on 50 or 80, there will be too much snow. let's not forget. we also had for many relatively cool summer with a lot of fog, so that helped in the fire conditions as well. very strong, unseasonally deep system is dropping southward here, and what it's going to do is drop south. now there were indications that may go south of us, but everything is now saying is going right over us late tuesday. in the wednesday and we're getting a few hours here, sunshine, but you can see the system is already making its movements you know, county, lake county, sonoma county and just off marine county here, so it won't take long before we start to cloud it up again. rainfall was okay for the first initial front that went by that narrow cold front. that probably woke you up around midnight or so saint alina calistoga both over half inch rain mount tamalpais just near there. and mount diablo had 45 100 casa darryl. russian river, half inch of rain . plus can't field 1000.39 mil peterson. fremont had some good rain just over a quarter in
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between a quarter and a third of an inch santa rosa quarter banishing napa palo alto. i was 16 1 hundred's or observer in san francisco at 13 in dublin had 12 100 the projection between today and wednesday. this is probably about right. 2.5 santa cruz mountains. skyline maybe some higher peak san mateo's coast and then also towards kent field, mount tamil pass up to the russia over two plus should do it mainly, though about three quarters to an engine and a half there will be waves of rain coming in and snow as we head towards tonight and tomorrow. tomorrow is the main rain day. so we're getting a few hours of sun here in the morning. it's still pretty cold, breezy out there and it's going to get windy here. but turning cloudy rapidly with more rain and possible thunderstorms. wind forecast for the entire coast starts at seven p.m. tonight that goes from monterey to point reyes really strong south wind maybe gus 45 mph. there will be some rain today. it'll really crank up overnight through most of tuesday. by wednesday morning, we'll start to see this low eject out some snow still up in the sierra, about 4 to 8
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inches fell last 24 hours. winter storm warning is out up there. i would not be surprised if it's a blizzard warning tomorrow. although forecast miles of kind of trended back a little bit 2 to 5 ft should cover it for most above lake level still looks pretty good. i think, kirkwood, homewood, southlake tow truck e. even the blue canyon. that's pretty good snow here as we head towards wednesday afternoon. still this is a really cold system so high as will be unseasonably cool and waves and waves of rain will start to move in here. over the next couple of hours, taking us tuesday for sure, but you can see already beginning to make its move on the north coast and getting closer and closer to the marine coast, so it won't take long here some sign. then the clouds roll in more rain, and it's going to be a cool, breezy to windy day here. this will be with us to wednesday. then it does look better towards the end of the week. you guys, steve? thank you with drought, a constant challenge in california. many homeowners want to figure out the best way to create attractive landscapes that don't use a lot of water reporter held heather waldman breaks down. one strategy. zero
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escaping. it's a weird sounding word with a pretty simple meaning. it's just a fancy term for really simple concept, which is basically prioritizing low water plants over plants that need more water. traditionally popular grasses, bushes and other ornamental plants require a lot of water to maintain and is irrigation systems age. even more water can be lost. one of the biggest water wasters in this area is actually leaking pipes with climate change, threatening to shrink the state's water supply. switching to drought tolerant plants can eliminate the need for irrigation systems. davis landscape architecture professor dr haven cures recommends looking for plants that thrive in mediterranean climates. so looking at plants from, uh, south africa, australia, chile de california and then the mediterranean region of europe. and saving water is just one of the potential benefits. it's going to reduce your water bill. it's also really good and that you're bringing in by bringing
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in a lot of like california native plants you can bring in more biodiversity. major landscaping can come with a big price tag says if you're not ready to swap out the whole on take it one step at a time. what i advocate is just starting small. i mean, there's the beauty with landscaping is that it takes years to establish. it's going to be there for years , and so you don't have to immediately go out and rip out your entire lawn and replace it with you know these perfect drought tolerant plants. that was heather waldman reporting landscape architects say another benefit is that it will help improve soil in the area up here on mornings onto the nine after almost a year of pain and uncertainty, it has ended for the family of alexis gabe. investigators say they discovered the remains of the 24 year old woman who had been missing since january. how our families now making plans to have the community come together in her honor. also had a dramatic increase in home burglaries in one peninsula city
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almost a dozen in just the past month. the similarities investigators are pointing to if they worked to learn of the thie s
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reason less than a month they all happened around dinner time in various neighborhoods. all of the houses were empty at the time. police say thieves usually enter the backyard and got into the homes by smashing glass doors. we interviewed one person whose home was hit. but, uh, jewelry. find jewelry. um. oh, like electronic. and crash residential burglary things a little bit different. i can't recall having this. uh number of burglaries in the short period of time. thieves in one break in stole large safe with nine guns inside because all the houses were empty. investigators are working to learn if the thieves
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have intimate knowledge of the homes and the patterns of the residents who live there, he said. the stanford shopping center in palo alto over the weekend, police say five unarmed men in gray hooded sweatshirts and black mass stormed into the burberry store saturday and took several handbags. they were described only as men in their twenties. they threatened the employees and pushed the security guard. no one though seriously hurt here, happening today, the oakland police department will give more details about the death and disappearance of alexis gabe. investigators say the partial remains of 24 year old gabe were found in amador county last week . the woman was first reported missing back in january after she was last seen in antioch's investigators say her ex boyfriend, marshall jones, is responsible for her death. jones was killed by federal officers after they say he charged at them with a knife as they were trying to arrest him near seattle in june. games family posted this image on facebook, showing flowers left on a car in oakley to honor her memory. her family also announced a celebration of her life is now set to happen. january 28th just more than a year after she was
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reported missing. also today, lawyers for former theranos ceo sunnyvale wani or scheduled to be in court, where they are expected to try and push back his sentencing. their crest is in part due to his lawyers requesting more time to prepare as well as ball wani wanting his family to be in court with him. his lawyers want his sentencing date to be moved from next tuesday. two january. but one of you is facing up to 20 years for fraud and his role in the bogus blood testing company. another bay area dog owner is pleading for the return of her stolen dog. last friday in san leandro, around three in the afternoon. ashanti hambleton says there's seven month old french bulldog gucci disappeared from a parking lot. she says that while she ran a quick errand, she rolled down her car windows to give gucci and her older dog hennessy, some fresh air, but once she got home, she realized only hennessy was still in the car. my definitely opened the door. so what? i'm thinking maybe the flat windows. we didn't really know. maybe we're pregnant too
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much, but definitely not enough for him to jump out. no they were both dogs in the car, but only one was taken. he's a puppy. this is just one of several reports of stolen french bulldogs across the bay area of this past year. the selling price of these popular dogs more than $5000, each as seen as the motivating factor coming up. we just saw massive layoffs at twitter. more tech companies reportedly considering major cuts as well next year on the nine what that could mean for the bay area economy, which depends so heavily on tech companies and tech workers, then later have you heard of the term career cushioning might be more important now than ever. next on the nine we'll talk live with a linkedin career expert. we will break down that concept and how to navigate the job market during this time of economic certainty. this is what voting yes on prop 31 means. yes on 31 ends the sale of candy flavored tobacco products. yes, stops big tobacco from targeting our kids. yes, protects kids from nicotine addiction.
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vote yes on 31. my most important kitchen tool? my brain. so i choose neuriva plus. unlike some others, neuriva plus is a multitasker supporting 6 key indicators of brain health. to help keep me sharp. neuriva: think bigger. subway's drafting 12 new subs, for the all-new subway series menu. let's hear about this #7 pick, from a former #7 pick. juicy rotisserie-style chicken. you should've been #1. this isn't about the sandwich, is it chuck?
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it's not. the new subway series. what's your pick? this is what voting yes on prop 31 means. yes on 31 ends the sale of candy flavored tobacco products. yes, stops big tobacco from targeting our kids. yes, protects kids from nicotine addiction. vote yes on 31. that gorgeous golden gate
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sunshine today if you're up in the marin headlands hiking around or conducting your business in the city, but boy tomorrow this time it's going to be wet and rainy. keep this in mind for your morning and evening commute tomorrow, a new report finds the top 10 fastest growing population centers in the united states, including the san francisco bay area are moving economic activity away from the east coast. the report by the kennan institute of private enterprise says the top fastest growing areas are the san francisco bay area. austin texas. seattle raleigh, durham, north carolina and dallas. researchers compiled a list by considering factors including employment rates and economic output. they say the san francisco area along with austin topped the list, in part because of the strong tech industry in both places like i've never lived somewhere where it snows, but my husband has and i'll tell you you don't have to shovel the heat, so on a day like this one work frolicking outside an early member. the weather makes a big difference. i tell you. i used to have a lot of friends who lived in new york and i would go
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visit them when i was a younger man, and all of them had plans at some point. to move to california when they got older. they did. it wasn't because of tech. it was just because of the weather, living its ease of living here. i mean, if you take you take the financial part out of it. it's beautiful here. you know you got san francisco, you know, they say they do leave some space open for the fact that we had these hiring freezes, layoffs and so forth. so your rights we see, but it's still hopeful. look that look, the bear is far from being an area that people can be fleeing from. people still want to come here for sure. california or the bay area, all right. living in the big story for tomorrow. tomorrow's midterm election could change the balance of power in congress, and both parties are pulling out their heavy hitters for last minute campaigning. midterm elections historically favored the party that's not in power. political analysts say. republicans appear likely to take control of the house, but control of the senate is less certain. they need to turn just one seat to gain control in that chamber. two former presidents hit the campaign trail over the weekend, reminding americans what's on the line in this election.
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truth. and facts. and logic. and reason. and basic decency are on the ballot. democracy itself is on the ballot stakes are had if you want to stop the destruction of our country and said the american dream than this tuesday , you must vote republican in a giant red. millions of americans have already voted the numbers point to a record setting turnout for midterm election. once election day is behind. us city officials are reminding people that campaign signs can't go in your recycling bin. all sides are made with material that can be recycled. you couldn't reuse the signs to promote special events, or you can find a up cycle project online to take items and reuse the reuse them to create other things, such as bird houses. you can also check your local trash collector for more on properly
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disposing politically art science tune into ktvu all day on election day for extensive live coverage. ktvu dot com also has tools to help you get ready to vote and track the results. look for that section. the election section on our website ktvu .com/ election. elon musk will now wait until after tomorrow's midterm elections to unveil a new subscription service for twitter. twitter is delaying the rollout due to concerns that users could pay for a verified account to impersonate someone else, such as a public figure service is expected to be $8 a month for verification, plus a number of other features. buying a verification. it seems absurd to me because it is against the point of a verification. it's possible that twitter could fail . if musk makes the kinds of changes that pushes a lot of people away. twitter has already suspended some comedian accounts, including kathy griffin, who used her account to impersonate elon musk. over the
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weekend. her account was suspended. she also used it to protect abortion rights or urge people to vote that way. some civil rights groups have written an open letter to twitter's top 20 advertisers, asking them to pass their deals until must specify what changes his her. he plans to the platform. meta the parent company of facebook and instagram, and maybe the latest tech company cutting its workforce right before the holidays. announcement from the menlo park based medic could come in just a few days from now . erasmus up here in the studio with us with the rundown of some of the other big name tech companies that are looking at similar moves for meadow we're talking about wednesday is the soon as this announcement about layoffs could happen. if the company does go through with them, they would be the first mass layoffs. in the company's nearly 18 year history. mendez the parent company of facebook, instagram and whatsapp, it's based in menlo park, but has more than 87,000 employees worldwide. now back in september to put a freeze on hiring. now there are numerous reports that it plans to lay off some of its
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workforce by hundreds of people and an earnings call last month, many executives warned that they expect to end 2023 as a quote, slightly smaller organization. it's part of a trend in recent weeks, with bay area tech companies laying off hundreds of workers. right now. there's just too much uncertainty on the economy for them to keep those numbers in place and keep their shareholders happy. social media giant twitter cut nearly 3700 jobs are almost half of its workforce on friday after elon musk took over, and that prompted a lawsuit for not giving employees the legally required amount of advanced notice. apple also announced a possible hiring freeze that should last for the next year or so. lift announced cutting about 680 jobs. also the financial payment company stripe announced last week that it was going to cut about 1000 jobs. amazon also says it's going to hire or put a hiring freeze on some of its
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corporate positions. but google, meanwhile, says even though hiring has slowed it has no plans to enact a hiring. freeze. gasia back to you, ali rasmus. thank you. the latest jobs report was better than expected with about 261,000 jobs added last month. nationwide many people across the u. s starting to experience some uncertainty around their job, especially with the potential recession looming early next year. in fact , networking career site linkedin has seen an uptick of conversations around layoffs and recession on its platform. it's increase close to 8% from mid september to mid october. how quickly things change. let's bring back up career cushiony expert blair heitmann. she's a true expert there from linkedin . we'll talk about career cushioning in a minute, but first thank you for joining us again. thank you so much for having me. it's great to be here. of course. so as we've been reporting here, twitter is topsy turvy. some laid off employees now being called back some reports, meadow will do some large scale layoffs. apple is freezing hiring, whether or not someone is in tech or out the idea of being prepared for uncertainty is very important
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right now. that's right. economic uncertainty is certainly top of mind for professionals right now we actually know the topics like layoffs and recession of 900% year over year in linkedin, so it's certainly something to keep top of mind. when we talked just it feels like a month or two ago, workers were in the driver's seat. there were more help wanted signs, you know, hanging out in front of stores or virtually then you could count is the market starting to change a little bit, and is it now more in favor of the employer? yeah i mean, it's certainly something to keep top of mind right now. and professionals on linkedin certainly need to career cushion . it's something to make sure that you have a emergency blanket and i, um, insurance policy to ensure that you put your best foot forward, no matter what's to come in the economy. career cushioning is just sort of shoring up your own situation. be it financial. i mean, i imagine it might not hurt you to kind of reach out to other people. not in your in your company. but in your sector
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say, hey, how are things over there? i'm feeling a little uneasy. just you know, knowing that someone else is nervous across the street sometimes helps me feel a little better, frankly. that's right. make sure the errors marketable as possible. update your linkedin profile. make sure you have all the skills available. also we know skills. first hiring is really important to job secrets. have what you need in order to make yourself as marketable as possible. additionally evaluate what your next role is, think through your long term plan and ensure that you have a road map for whatever that may be. and lastly put feelers out there use the open to work filter photo to ensure that you signal to your network that you're open to opportunities no matter what they are. but what if your boss sees that change? and it's like, oh, she's open to work. is she? you know that this tricky dance of looking for a job when you already have a job? how do we handle that these days? that's right. well, the open to work filter enables you to really just single to recruiters outside your network that you're open to opportunities, so it's
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certainly something that you can do when you control control that to ensure that they're really signaling to the right people. but networking and leveraging your network is so important. we know it's their number one most important asset over the course of your career. so you want to keep that network warm. you don't want to just cash in on it when you need a favor. reach out to your network. make sure that it's a two way street. it's like nurturing a garden. make sure that you let that grow. absolutely like, don't just call me when you need a job, right? let's meet at other times in the year. can you talk a little bit about worker retention because some existing workers felt a little bit sidelined when there was so much hiring so many, you know, hiring bonuses, a lot of attention being put on the bright, new shiny objects coming into the company. talk to me a little bit about what's happening with worker retention now. sure absolutely. but we do know that there is a disconnect between what executives want are focused on right now with economic uncertainty and what job seekers and professionals want. so we're no. we do know that workplace flexibility, for
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example, is something that is top of mind for professionals, especially within the gen z sector, and we do know that a lot of companies are pulling back on working remotely fully. and so it'll be interesting to see over the next couple of years. what happens with that? but worker retention is really top of mind for executives right now, because it is it enables way to maintain cost and not spend a lot on hiring. so certainly that is something that will be top of mind when it comes to it being a job seekers market. we know that the last couple of years that employees were really in the driver's seat. i'm ensuring that they had the benefits that they needed to put their best foot forward. um, and it's a little bit of a juggling juggling act right now between what executives want and what job seekers and professionals want. alright helping us. sort it all out blair heitmann from linkedin. thank you again for joining us. thank you so much for having me course hard happening today. we're expecting an update from san francisco unified school district about payroll issues for teachers in the city teachers have been reporting issues with their paychecks for
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nearly the entire year since the district launched a new payroll system. some teachers say they've been missing money from their paychecks for months now, the district says he's superintendent will be announcing quote. major changes that comes up this morning at 11 o'clock. okay still to come on. the nine time change affects all of us differently. but what better way to start your day than with a perfect latte coming up next on the nine we will show you how to make latte art at home. believe it or not, it is possible. with the 2019 latte world champion. stay with us. vo: climate change is fueling a wildfire crisis. destroying our forests. threatening our communities. polluting our air. prop 30 taxes the wealthiest 0.2% to reduce the tailpipe emissions that drive climate change. and prevent wildfires and toxic smoke. so we have clean air to breathe. some say we shouldn't act. tell that to our kids. this is about their future. kevin: calfire firefighters, the american lung association, and the coalition for clean air support prop 30.
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yes on 30. there's nothing like volunteering at the fire department. there's nothing like hitting the waves. but with my moderate-to-severe eczema it hasn't always been easy,... ...since my skin was so irritated and itchy... ...and even worse with all my gear on. now, i'm staying ahead of my eczema. there's a power inside all of us to live our passion. and dupixent works on the insie to help heal your skin from within. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema. so adults can have long-lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes
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including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. healing from within is a powerful thing. ask your eczema specialist how dupixent can help heal your skin from within. domestic battery. how dupixent can help heal embezzlement. misuse of public funds. lily mei not only stood by fremont's disgraced city manager instead of the victim. behind closed doors, she brokered a deal giving him hundreds of thousands of your tax dollars. we can't trust lily mei. aisha wahab is a leader we can count on to improve public safety, invest in schools, and lower costs for families. she's endorsed by the democratic party and planned parenthood. aisha wahab for state senate. first annual golden gate half marathon over the weekend.
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rudder starting your aquatic park across the golden gate bridge place that ended up in front of ghirardelli square. thousands of runners participated in this event for children. in this year, i made a running goal that i was going to run a race came race in each of the cities where they live, and this is four. half marathon first place winners include robert miranda with the time of one hour, six minutes 53 seconds for the men. clara peterson comes in at one hour 19 minutes four seconds for the women's title. thousands of runners also laced up there's tenis. not that their tennis shoes they're actually running shoes for the new york city marathon. 50,000 runners participated. organizers say this was the first full capacity marathon since the beginning of the pandemic. 26.2 mile race began in staten island , went through all five boroughs and ended in central park, one of the nation's best rowers lives here in the bay area, and he's training hard for the olympics every morning before the sun comes up, ben davidson gets out his single skull at the
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california rowing club in oakland and heads to the water for training in the oakland estuary. i enjoy it. it's nice being out there. it's almost relaxing. that's like the fun part of my day and then i. then i go to work and then come back and do it again. growing just named at the 26 year old. it's male athlete of the year and he's already looking ahead to the 2024 olympic games in paris. i do think if ben continues and stays healthy. he's you know, he's he's going to be a medalist and i think will be an olympic medalist. we just didn't know he would. achieve what he has so quickly. there's just about a year left to qualify, davidson says. it's stressful, maintaining his training and shape enough to make the olympic team but he says he feels good about going the distance and continuing to improve. time change affects all of us differently. some people might be more tired, while others might feel a sense of recharge. so for those who are more sleepy side here after the time change
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, we have a lot of art demo for you with mary chang, who is the latte art champion from mr expresso. thank you for joining us. i am so happy you're here. i love coffee. and i've always wondered how people do art on my latte. yes so, um, today i'll be demonstrating some lateral for you guys and hopefully we'll have a demo with you as well. so okay, medi. do i have to have this $1000? maybe even more machine at my house. not necessarily. but if you are looking to do um, some decent lots hip are you would definitely want to spend somewhere around 800 range, okay . nothing fancy like industrial one. i can tell. but okay, well, let's get to work. what's the first thing you do you want to do is grind your espresso. alright? a nice bird grinder. that it i was today years old when i found out what that was, thanks to last year, yes. berg grinder, alright. okay and
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usually after the coffee's done grinding, i like to give a little tap kind of settle everything in you want to give it a nice little strong tamp. there i see. oh, it's nice and flat there. okay alright, then. always before pulling a shot. i would like to purge which is just getting some water flow going. and then pull the shot. okay so for people who don't know what a lot is, i have plenty of experience with this many, but what is a lot to exactly is generally served in a 10 ounce or a 12 ounce cup. um that just means milk and italian and it's 20% foam and the rest being milk, okay? alright so that looks like i will purge which is similar to what i did with the group heads. we're getting some water flow, okay? we'll start sleeping my milk.
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right now. what i'm doing is expanding the milk, creating that nice microphone to get that nice, creamy texture that you see in lat there you go. usually i'll stop the steam once my hand feels like it's nice and hot. which is right about now, okay? clean your steam one right away. sometimes you'll have unnecessary bubbles. all you need to do give a little tap. swirling around. so why are you pouring it into a different one c in a minute. okay once for me , i was going to do for you. so okay. so the first thing you want to do is create a nice, um , creamy base and the beginningt i'll start my lateral. create the base. oh, look at that.
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voila! my goodness. let me let me show that to the camera. robert, if you can get that robert likes coffee, too, so it's interesting all of us like coffee here because we worked the morning show. let me see. let me see you do that one more time. because you made it look effortless. and this is not your the champion. okay, so here we start with just the espresso. okay let's let's watch from start to finish, okay? little down there. so you wanna create your base. start. wow. that's awesome. okay, so how many times did you have to practice? how many espressos did you drink before you? or maybe you gave
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him to someone else if you're smart before doing the competition, yeah, so usually when i'm prepping for competitions, i try to go on on one month cleanse of no coffee. just so i don't have enough. there's a lot of people watching so you want to make sure you don't have any jitters because you only have one shot and you gotta make it perfect. thank you, mary for coming here from misters espresso, and by the way , espresso, there's no x no, there's so people say it wrong all the time. right but thanks for coming. i this is beautiful art. thanks for you know, coming on monday after the time change . thank you gonna practice that he's going to make us do like the swan seen on instagram forever to figure that out. go. oh that's beautiful. alright coming up. let's dream a little everyone the lottery, right? sure you do with all that money. tonight's powerball drawing is worth more than $2 billion by the time we get there, most likely dream and then get down to business. andre what a
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financial analyst says you should do first if you are the lucky winner. then ktvu kicked off its 20th annual one warm coat rack. if you have a gently worn coder jacket you'd like to donate to a barrier of family. please take it to any of the participating ups store. big oh tire stores. there are dozens of drop off sites all across the bay. ktvu .com/ one warm coat to see the long list of locations are one warm coat drive is now underway and goes through this is what voting yes on prop 31 means. yes on 31 ends the sale of candy flavored tobacco products. yes, stops big tobacco from targeting our kids. yes, protects kids from nicotine addiction. vote yes on 31.
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have you seen my new phone yet? it like, folds in half. i would never switch to samsung, i love my phone. what??? ♪ ( folds in half.) you see i love my phone. i would never switch to samsuuu... (gasping) ♪
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[coughing] hi, susan. honey. yeah. i respect that. but that cough looks pretty bad. try this robitussin honey. the real honey you love, plus the powerful cough relief you need. mind if i root through your trash? robitussin. the only brand with real honeyand elderberry. this is what voting yes on prop 31 means. yes on 31 ends the sale of candy flavored tobacco products. yes, stops big tobacco from targeting our kids. yes, protects kids from nicotine addiction.
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vote yes on 31. return to the office. but some are bucking the trend, allowing employees to work wherever they want, according to the chronicle . some of the companies that are flexible about work from home or hybrid working arrangements include doordash cloudflare and dropbox chronicle says the company say the productivity remains high and employee satisfaction has increased. it would better work life balance that can often come with working from home. well, not exactly a shock, but studies show more people are moving out of expensive cities from san francisco to hawaii, about a
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third of those surveyed in the chronicle poll say they are likely to leave in the next three years. reasons include the homeless crisis, public safety and housing costs. census figures also show about 18% of people in san francisco plan to move the highest of any metropolitan area. well, if you haven't received your california stimulus money yet, keep an eye on your mailbox this week, or debit cards were sent out over the weekend. the payments are anywhere from between 200 to $1050, depending on your income and family size or direct deposits are also expected to hit bank accounts soon. airbnb announced this morning. it's rolling out a new feature next month showing all charges instead of just the nightly price guests can turn on a command that will list the total price excluding tax in the search results, each field be clearly listed. cleaning charges any available discounts all there, you still have to go to the final step of booking to find out the total cost with tax airbnb report reported nearly $3 billion in revenue just last quarter, up 29% year over year. economists predict retailers will face pandemic fallout this
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holiday season and let's have detected a trend in the buying habits of americans. folks tired of being cooped up during the pandemic are spending money on experiences such as services such as travel, lodging and restaurants. now mastercard reports business is not as good for home furnishings and appliances, which did see a sore in the pandemic. ticket sales for music and sporting events are another example of americans wanting to go out more concert promoter live nation is experiencing double digit growth today could be the day you win the biggest lottery check pot in the u. s in u. s history. i should say the powerball lottery jackpot has now grown to an estimated $1.9 billion, so we're almost up at two billion. there were no big winners for saturday night's $1.6 billion powerball drawing, but one ticket sold in the bay area is worth a million dollars that million dollar ticket. it was sold. at the 76 gas station in san leandro, on washington avenue to other million dollar tickets were sold in california, one in susanville , the other in encinitas, ktvu.
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elissa harrington tells us about the growing excitement leading to tonight's drawing. good luck. brother billionaire hopefuls dreamed big and snatched up there. powerball tickets at olympic liquor and grocery in walnut creek, one of the bay area's lucky retailers fired up. we hope we can win it. somebody's gotta will. i don't see why it can't be me. yeah terra showers said she bought $30 worth of tickets if she's lucky enough to win showers, said she would share some of the money gifting. a lot of it away to family and friends, for sure , especially people that are having a hard time but and then i just say, okay, who wants to go on a vacation? let's go. let's go traveling. you have to have a plan in place and you have to have two protections in place before sort of the ocean arrives at your doorstep. son of financial advisor and managing director at sun group wealth partners, players should be thinking about how to manage a
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win. she understands the winner might be tempted to cash in their ticket right away, but she thinks the best thing to do is wait, make a plan and keep that ticket safe by locking it up somewhere in the house. sign your ticket. that's the first and most important thing. i would use a black permanent marker. not only do you sign it , but i want you to take pictures of the front and the back and multiple pictures as well. scan it. take photocopies . whatever you do, but don't leave the house with its sun recommends working with an established accountant and a financial advisor to guide you through the process, she said. a lottery winner should also plan how to handle this information being made public in california lottery winner must reveal their name and where the ticket was purchased, son said. it's best to change names on social media and use a post office box for correspondence to stay as private as possible. um, that gets me going with it. back at olympic liquor and grocery. the lines were long and just about everyone was there to buy a
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ticket. even kids were excited at the idea of their parents being able to retire early, feeling pretty confident about this ticket because because, like a week ago or so i asked the magic eight ball if my dad's gonna get a billionaire soon, and it said yes. walnut creek. i'm elissa harrington ktvu. fox two news. look at this bay area news anchors and coffee. what a great combination. want to thank mr espresso for coming in and making these beautiful that means these are mesmerized. good to drink to drink. and you were saying that the whole milk makes a difference. you can't do this with skim or low fat pretty hard. ok well, i'm all for the whole milk. that's good. what was your winning design, so it's a little bit more difficult than this one. but it was definitely, uh people try to do it. it's a harder one to do you realize you're talking and pouring. taught me off there. will you marry my god when it's right,
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it's right through it pretty. it tastes better to you. congratulations thank you very much was a pleasure. thank you, champion. thank you. thanks. so, look at that, and we'll be back at noon. sherri shepherd's ext we're ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] ♪ were going to have a real good time mom all real good ti time ♪ ♪ were going to have a good time ♪ ♪ were going to have a good time ♪ ♪ it's going to be legendary ♪ >> and now your host, sherri shepherd.


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