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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2  FOX  August 24, 2022 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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started this massive fire and it took elon musk just nine minutes to go from san jose to san francisco. the criticism he's now getting on social media for that trip. from ktvu. fox two news this morning's onto right in the middle of the week. good morning. i'm gasia mikaelian. good morning. i'm dave clark. it is the middle of the week. it's wednesday. it's august 24th with some class did you see just a little little bit of clouds? alright well, steve's talking about clouds. some fog is correct. there's a bigger fog bank out there, but still inland temps. i think we'll get a lot of nineties out of those, but coast in bay look like they're coming down a few degrees. the air in the higher elevations is just really warm seventies and eighties, so that'll burn that fog back cooler weather those in our near future as in if not friday, for sure. on the weekends away. it's looking here. bigger fog bank coast cool to mild inland warm to hot so again, we'll see. seventies eighties and nineties on those temps. alright sounds here, usually now under the new regime
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. things start to pick up about this time. yeah and you know this time of year. we do have a lot of things that are beginning to get crowded. let's start with highway for this time. and look at highway four, which is slow. always yesterday, we kind of had a tough day on highway four. we've been looking at the richmond bridge. that's also been just a little bit slow, but we've also had problems in oakland, right there in the middle of oakland. northbound 8 80 at 23rd. we've had a crash and traffic is backed up into san leandro. the obvious alternate route is 5 80 right now, that's still good. it'll probably get busy later. but get up there before it gets too busy for you to get through its decent alternate 701. let's go back to the headlines will start in the far north bay as police in petaluma are investigating a suspicious death after they found a woman's body inside a home yesterday morning. police say they think the woman's daughter lived with the body in the home for more than a year. ktvu dominican town is live at
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the scene, amanda yes, well, gasia police originally came here for a welfare check to this home right here in the back of this cold a sack here. they got a report that there were 20 to 30 packages on the porch, and the woman who lives here hadn't been seen for several weeks. now we can still see dozens of packages piled up in front of the door. when police arrived. they say they couldn't contact the woman either. so they entered the home to find a woman dead in the living room now based on the decomposition. of the body. investigators believed she was dead for more than a year. there was also another woman living there, who said she was the deceased woman's daughter. she said her mother died of natural causes in april of 2021, police say. based on her condition. the daughter was taken to the hospital yesterday . investigators gathered a lot of evidence here. they also declared this home uninhabitable
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. they put some red tags on the home and boarded it up. we could still see those red tags on the window and on that boarded up door here. they also have not released any information about the identity of these women. they say they are still looking for more information live in petaluma. amanda quintana ktvu fox two news, amanda. thank you, the family of 16 year old kylie rodney, the missing truckee teenager who was found dead in like this week, is now making funeral arrangements. and autopsy confirmed a body found in an suv submerged in the lake near truckee last sunday was that of kylie rodney. divers spotted her car about 55 ft. off the shore of prosser creek reservoir. randy was last seen august six when she attended a party not far away at the campground. the investigation into what led to her suv going into the water is ongoing. gasia your time 73 happening today. president biden expected to announce his decision on the student debt relief plan that would cancel as much as $10,000 of student debt. yeah at the
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plan. reportedly wolf forget that money for anyone earning under a certain income. also the president's expected to extend a temporary pause on student loan payments, which is due to end next week. student debt relief was part of president biden's campaign promises. it could also help the 43 million americans who have student loans. it's hard i mean, pretty much all my friends have loans to some extent, either from undergrad or just started graduate school. 1000 is definitely a great start is definitely something i personally be appreciative of, but it's not enough to cover the whole thing. the president of the acp, criticized the $10,000 relief plan, saying it doesn't go far enough. republicans say it goes too far costing about $300 billion. also, they say it could add to the national debt and to inflation teachers in san francisco or demanding better pay and working conditions.
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being a race, right? deserve to live in the city that we proudly served social worker and a group of teachers gathered before last night's school board meeting, said they want the school district to hire more full time teachers and increase the pay for those already in the classroom. the president of the union said the teachers attended the school board meeting to air their requests. mostly what we're here to make clear is that with the influx of state funding that this district is set to receive, we need to see that commitment, come on our paychecks and make sure that educators can live and work in the city and educators are attracted to work in san francisco. the union says the school district needs to be wise in how it spends $50 million and ongoing city funds and at one time $70 million state fund, san francisco unified school district released a statement saying. we are encouraged by recent revenue increases, but we must continue to address deficit spending and ensure we can meet our financial obligations. 705
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the candidate for san francisco supervisor is under fire now for calling a bay area jewish journalist a district four candidate leanna louis made this social media posts she referred to mission local columnist joe as joe esca. it's comes after recently reported that louis may have voted in an election in the district. she did not live in well that led to an investigation by the city attorney. louis later edited the post to remove the capitalized reference, but she's being criticized by local leaders. several current board. members of the supervisors have criticized that media posts and state senator scott wiener tweeted quote. it's deeply harmful to use the word to refer to anyone who isn't an actual, particularly when it's directed at a jew. actual killed six million jews and millions of others. their lives are devalued
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by this kind of rhetoric. san francisco fire investigators are looking into what caused two separate fires in the city. one destroyed historic building at aquatic park, the other heavily damaged in apartment building near mcallister and divisadero. three people were injured and more than dozen others are left without a home today we had this for you was breaking news live throughout our new newscast more than 100, firefighters responded. flames quickly spread from the first to the third floors. one tenant said he had no choice but to jump out of his third story window to escape the approaching flames. i looked down at the was like shoot. that's too far to jump, so i went back to the door. open the door again. and just like two minutes, the smoke was even worse. i didn't know what else to do. i kind of climb down backwards off the window and drop down to the first floor and climb through the window down there into the hallway. firefighters say 13 residents are displaced. two firefighters
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suffered minor injuries were just a couple of hours later. yet another fire destroyed an historic building on an unused pier right along the waterfront in san francisco. it's between pier four and the long municipal pier. fox was flying over the scene as fireboats were called in the battle of flames, which made that building collapse. no injuries were reported to cause of the fire is under investigation. tesla ceo elon musk is the latest pretty to be widely criticized for a very short jet flight. musk's gulfstream made a nine minute flight from san jose to san francisco back in may. twitter users shared the flight track information just last weekend, when poster commented the trip amounts to five caltrain stops. another person tweeted a map of the flight alongside a 2018 message from muscat said tesla exists to help reduce the risk of catastrophic climate change, which affects all species on earth, and this is worth caring about. now. it's not clear if musk was actually on board the jet when it made the flight or
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if the plane was simply repositioning. alright time is 709. sal is back. he's watching everything. happening on our roads. how's it look now? i could use a helicopter to get across 8 80 let me tell you. yeah, right. that probably wouldn't be very climate friendly, but 8 80 stinks. northbound 80 80 at some to be so direct, but it's not good right now. from san leandro up into oakland. you don't want any of that. so you get over 25 80 if you can and use that or perhaps put off the trip, and this is all because of an injury accident. northbound 8 80 at 23rd. driving up there, so it's backed up out of san leandro. it's crawling along, so get up to 5 80. if you can do that, because traffic is going to be much better for you there. if you're going to the bay bridge toll plaza, there is a back up there right now. it's backed up all the way out to the maze, and that's typical. these commutes are going to be busier in the eight o'clock hour because of drop off for school. this is
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highway 24 60 eighties getting slower. so we're going to keep an eye on that. so far, the south bay hasn't really been a focus point that things are still okay there. we'll check in with that coming up in just a few minutes. it's 709. let's go back to the desk. okay. south a deadly shooting in oakland reignited fears that the asian community is being targeted. tell you what's being done to break the cycle of violence. video here shows the san rafael police officer dropping off amanda's homeless in san francisco and leaving him there. the legal action the city of san rafael could fac
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check out this time space wormhole i creat how's it work? let me see your togo, and i'll show you. "poof"
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burt, you have my lunch. introducing togo's new pastrami cheese ste loaded with our world famous pastrami, sauteed mushrooms, roasted red peppers, and smothered with melty american cheese. the new pastrami cheese steak. try steak or chicken, too. now at togo's
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new near lake street. in the early evening of july, 30th. the video was taken by someone who lives in that neiwants to remail police department on it there and then officer opens the vehicle door and lets the man out. other people who live in the area say they are surprised. the whole thing appears so casual. i think it's actually
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really sad. i mean, it's the last thing that anybody who is in house needs is to be just left on the street. san francisco officials see a short time after the man was dropped off fire and police officials received calls about him setting tree branches on fire and throwing rocks. firefighters say the man was taken to hospital for medical attention. it was disturbing the idea that another jurisdiction would dump a person who is experiencing homelessness or mental health challenges in the middle of a residential neighborhood without any services. this was it was a mistake. we should not have transported this individual to san francisco. dropping him off in that neighborhood was just completely unacceptable. and for that we are starting san rafael. police say they came into contact with the man that day at the northgate shopping center, where he allegedly threatened to security guard. the officer determined the man did not have weapon and did not appear to be a threat to anyone. they say. the officer then asked the man
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if he would like to go to san francisco. they got permission from a supervisor and then drove across the golden gate bridge and left him in the richmond district. as you see here san rafael. police have now told officers not to take homeless people to other jurisdictions. and san francisco city attorney says his office is still investigating the case and looking at all options, including a possible lawsuit against the city of san rafael. stay back to you. okay andre. thank you time 7 15, the premiere of a new netflix documentary about john mcafee, the founder of the mcafee antivirus programs, documentaries called running with the devil follows mcafee's life, is he founded mcafee associates. and sold his antivirus software in 1987. it also shows the very wild years that followed when he stepped away from the company in 1994 at one point in 2012. when he was living in belize, he was suspected of shooting and killing his neighbor. he was never charged for that crime, but he spent the next several
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years in and out of jail in different countries. and in 2021 mcafee was found dead hanging in a prison cell in spain. two people who wanted to run for the mayor of oakland are blaming city officials for the fact they won't have their names on the november ballot. alyssa victory, and derek sue say they were told because the current mayor isn't running again. they had until august. 17th is the middle the paperwork needed to be included on the ballot, they say on august 12th. they were told they had just a few hours to get everything to the city clerk's office. that's because oakland losses if an incumbent is eligible to run and chooses not to the filing deadline is extended five days. oakland mayor libby chef is not eligible because she has served the two term maximum. san jose is the latest bay area city that's considering granting undocumented immigrants some rights to vote. immigrant advocates chanted. yes, we can in spanish before last night city hall meeting, council members told the study session examining the voting rights proposal. more than 100 people spoke in favor of the measure.
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we haven't had a voice in the city that we living in that we contribute paying our taxes by gastronomy culture and i've lived in each other within our community, francisco state political science professors told the council members that america has a long history of immigrant voting, and said his research shows at least people to seek citizenship. immigrants work in every sector of the economy. they've been the essential workers. they pay taxes. they owned businesses. they send their kids to school. they revitalized neighborhoods, but they don't have a say in electing representatives that make policies that affect them on a daily basis, which is undemocratic. oakland and richmond are considering similar measures. san francisco pastor measure in 2016, allowing non citizens to vote in school board elections court struck that down . san jose mayor sam liccardo says the efforts are uncertain until california's californians amend the state constitution to add immigrant voting rights right back to salad. 7 17 major
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problems interstate date 80, right. that's right. northbound 8 80 is not backing up all the way out towards san leander. pretty soon it'll be backed up in the hayward at this rate, and that's because of an injury wrecked northbound 8 80 coming up on 23rd. they're having a little trouble getting it out of there now, 5 80 is a good bet. if you can get over 25 80 drive through oakland that way or even international boulevard and get away from 8 80. it really is slow. we also want to look at the bay bridge that is slowing down even more. and it's going to get slower and slower as we approach eight o'clock when a lot of school drop offs do happen. you know what we haven't seen a lot of is we haven't seen a lot of slow traffic in the south bay yet. we've seen some moderate conditions on the same entail bridge. it's getting a little bit slower on that bridge and in the south day to 80 years, a little slower. it's a little crowded there on northbound to 80 coming around the corner. towards highway 17. 7 18. let's talk about today's weather. i did see some sunshine
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and san jose there, steve all right, sal. thank you, sir. we'll get right to it here. we still have some very warm air aloft. what do you mean by that, steve? well if you get up around 1400 ft to 34 3500 ft, you can find seventies and eighties mount diablo sitting at 77 degrees, there's one side of the ultimate passed around 1500 ft. that's 80 degrees. that's really warm air. so that translates into some 90 degree temps or 100 inland, especially if you get a little in the north breeze or so. but yesterday half moon bay 62 2, fairfield's one. oh one. i know cordelia was 97 congress 96 95 gilroy, 93 east san jose by reid hillview was 88 santa cruz 76 in the city was 72 degrees santa rosa 95 years i'm going 88 today. i'm always nervous by that. but oakland, not a problem there. there's a bigger fog banks will drop them to 74 livermore from 96 to 92 sjc from 87 to 84. san francisco has been stuck right around 70 or 69 degrees 72 yesterday day before
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monday. 70 sunday 70 saturday 69 was normal. 69 was the forecast saturday. 70 so temperatures there and the water temps are cold. they've gone down, so there's a lot of fog out there. the problem is when you have seventies and eighties couple 1000 ft up. that acts as your inversion so that traps that fog sunny inland. it'll still be warm to hunt. we'll get some nineties, but coast and bay sixties and seventies san francisco and 55, the watertown briefly dropped to 53. that's cold. bodega bay is 52 point, raised, fifties and sixties on your temps. too much high pressure, although that system in the gulf of alaska will sweep through but not until about late friday saturday. and for sure, on sunday so bigger fog bank some near the water will come down a few degrees compared to yesterday. inland temps. it'll be a slower process, but by the weekend it does look much cooler . the key is going to be we'll get drizzle on the weekend. that's for sure. trucking south lake tahoe could see a big temperature plunge as there's one forecast model that drops the low into northeast california, so we'll see if that
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de eighties and then inland still ninety's old onto those for another day or two. then drop them on the weekend. you guys steve. thank you. 7 21, california is on track to become the first day to protect rapper's lyrics coming up the debate about free speech and the bill heading to the governor's desk, also legendary movie star paul newman created a foundation that's raised hundreds of millions of dollars for children's charities, but to new and newman's children claim their dad's foundation is under assault. the latest on how they're suing the foundation.
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here at city of refuge, we house up to 26 families. we reduce homelessness, address mental health, provide spaces for addiction to be broken, create spaces of healing and restoration. for the first time ever, prop 27 will provide permanent funding for organizations like ours. saying yes to prop 27 means more people get the assistance that they nee
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they get someone to partner in such a way to see transformation come to them. yes on prop 27, because there's no place like home.
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find his marking its independence day, and it's been six months since russia invaded ukraine. the white house says the military will this military aid will let ukraine by air defense systems, artillery drones and radars to make sure it can keep defending itself. now there is concern in ukraine that russia may intensify its attacks on ukraine's independent today, authorities in kiev have banned any mass gatherings in the capital city through thursday. fearing russian missile attacks. ukraine's president is calling for international support. the whole world needs to win in the fight against russian aggression to
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overcome terror and return predictability and security to our region in europe, therefore, it is necessary to free crimea from the occupation where aggression began there it will end today's holiday marks ukraine's 1991 declaration of independence from the soviet union from the national archives , details what was retrieved in a search of former president donald trump's mar a lago home in january, says the former president had more than 100 classified documents. totally 700 pages. some of them marked top secret. the 15 boxes of documents will return to the archives. the justice department suspected the former president had more classified material and requested this month search warrant. the letter also reveals the national archives and white house counsel's office had ongoing discussions over former president trump's arguments that some materials may be protected by executive privilege. in some ways, it's inconceivable. any former president would do that until you start to think here's a man who just did not care for the law. former president
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trump's legal team filed a motion seeking an independent review of documents that were seized in mar a lago this month. a federal judge gave his lawyers till friday to provoke to provide further explanation about their request for an independent special master. two daughters of academy award winning actor paul newman are suing his charitable organization, eleanor and susan neuman, say the newman's own foundation isn't carrying out their father's wishes. the daughter say the newman granted the foundation the rights to his name, image and likeness on the condition that the foundation would set aside $400,000 a year for each of his five daughters, eleanor and susan, say the foundation has cut the amount of money in half. they're asking the court to allow them to donate all the money they should have received. they're not asking for any personal compensation. newman's three other daughters are not involved in this lawsuit around 7 26 paul pelosi, the husband of house speaker nancy pelosi, pleaded guilty to driving under the influence coming up. we'll show you more of the chp video of the
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arrest of paul pelosi in napa county. president biden expected to make a major announcement today that would affect many americans with college debt coming up who could benefit from the student loan forgivenes in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart. efficient. agile. and that's never been more important than it is right now.
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so for a limited time, comcast business is introducing small business savings. call now to get powerful internet for just 39 dollars a month. with no contract. and a money back guarantee. all on the largest, fastest reliable network. from the company that powers more businesses than anyone else. call and start saving today. comcast business. powering possibilities. for decades, i've worked at the intersection of domestic violence and homelessness. so when prop 27 promised solutions to homelessness, i took a good, hard look. it's not a solution. 90% of the money goes to the out-of-state corporations who wrote it. very little is left for the homeless. don't let corporations
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exploit homelessness to pad their profits. vote no on 27.
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that have been waiting for this day. how much student debt will president biden forgive and who will qualify for it? and the former security chief of twitter is a whistleblower tell you about this allegations against twitter and what it means to use him from ktvu. fox two news this morning's onto welcome morning to you. thank you for joining us and welcome the mornings on two. i'm dave clark gasia mikaelian it's wednesday, august 24th weather's changing just a little bit. it was a sleep with the windows open kind of night. steve paulson. not till later for me. i don't know about you, but it was still pretty warm around seven o'clock and then started to get that little. yes i agree with you than that. but boy, i'll tell you, it was a hot one for many inland yesterday. temperatures eighties nineties again or low. one hundred's, especially out in fairfield one. oh, one. fog is bad. i mean, there's a pretty good fog bank there. the problem is, it's
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being held in check here. the bases are very low. so even though it makes a pretty good push, the air loft is so warm. it's translating in the nineties and many of these temps here bigger fog bank than we saw yesterday, coast school the mile inland, warm to hot. i will say the water temps have gone down. that does cool off some of the coastal location, so we'll go seventies eighties and holding on a few nineties salads here 7 31 80 e. east bay is firing up, steve all over the place 8 80 86 80 put up kind of an overview map here to show you that 8 80 is slow out of almost hayward here getting up to downtown oakland used 5 80 instead because of a crash injury crash we head up at 23rd 5 80 actually looks pretty good highway four is slow as usual. 6 80 from concord, walnut creek. and then at the toll plaza. we have a pretty big backup, and it's going to get busier from here at 7 30 to 9 30 seems to be the peak, especially with school starting back up, and some people have to hang back and
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drop the kids off and then get on the road, and that makes it busier. later in the morning, 7 31. let's go back to the headlines. thank you happening today, president biden could announce a plan to give debt relief for some student loans. ktvu sally rasmus is at the campus of uc berkeley to explain how some student loan debt may be forgiven. good morning. good morning. dave holds the first day of classes for the fall semester here on the u. c. berkeley campus, so we've seen students out and about hereby say their gate. but this first day could come with an unexpected gift or at least news of one when it comes to some students. student loan debt, according to several media reports. president biden is expected to make an announcement today about an executive order. that has to do with relieving some federal student loan debt it would provide about $10,000 a debt relief for borrowers who make below a certain level of income. we believe about 100,000 to no more than 120,000 and somehow students we spoke to
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this morning welcome the idea. like forgiveness will encourage students to pursue higher education since the opportunity is there so it's a start better than nothing. and we're talking about 45 million people with federal student loans who could be eligible for the executive order. my colleagues and i have estimated that the $10,000 in cancelation will completely wipe out student debt for 13 to 15 million student loan borrowers. today. the president also expected to extend a pause on loan payments for all borrowers until late january. pause was enacted during the trump administration at the start of the pandemic. it was set to expire next week. there are a lot of details. we still don't know about this executive order yet will this forgiveness of student loan debt apply to students at all universities public and private? and will it matter when or how long ago you took out those federal student loans in order to qualify? president biden is expected. to
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speak to reporters when he arrives at the white house in the next half hour. he's coming back from a trip to delaware. we don't know if he's going to be speaking about this topic, then or if there's going to be some sort of formal announcement later this afternoon, we're waiting to find out that information live in berkeley, ali resins, ktvu, fox two news. ali. thank you. the shooting death of an oakland dentist is renewing calls for more police patrols in the community. dr lily shoe was shot to death in oakland's little saigon neighborhoods. sunday afternoon. this surveillance video captured the attack. the president of the oakland chinatown improvement council, says he is heartbroken and angered by the death of his friend. crime just gives getting more violent. episode i mean, this one really hits home. dr shoes. death is the most recent incident in a string of cases in which a person of asian descent has been killed, attacked or robbed in oakland. many in the asian community say they think they're being targeted.
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targeting lily, maybe not targeting asian definitely cannot be silent anymore because they think that you know asian would be quite silent. but not anymore. so we got to speak out so that you know we will not become victims again. oakland police chief laurent armstrong's that officers were just a few blocks away. when she was killed . he's now directing more officers to patrol little cigar time. not 7 35, the former head of security of twitter, is accusing the company of misleading regulators about how strong its cyber security defenses are. peter's atco was fired by twitter. earlier this year. now he's filed a whistleblower complaint accusing twitter of being negligent. cyber security experts say the accusations could influence elon musk and his battle to end his deal to buy twitter. to say that twitter was not following what they said they were following and they were not delivering on their promises when they said, you know, extra bots were being
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cold in favor of new accounts, so i think it's definitely going to be part of the ongoing conversation as to whether it allows must to back out or not. twitter, for its part, called the complaint a false narrative . they say zack co. was fired for ineffective leadership and poor performance. it is 7 36 health and human services secretary javier over sarah putting a spotlight on reproductive health care and the cost of prescription drugs. yesterday he hosted two roundtable meetings in sacramento. in the first meeting , he talked about what the biden administration is doing. for reproductive rights and abortion access after the decision overturned roe versus wade. he praised planned parenthood for the work it's doing around the country. i want to say thank you for the work that you're doing, not just for california. for all americans who need to have access to good healthcare services. it's crucial, and i
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think that's one thing california does, right. we believe in being inclusive of offering people more opportunity , more rights. that's always a better way to go than try to cut the pie up and only give people a certain amount of it. and secretary brasileiras second round table meeting focused on reducing the cost of prescription drugs and some other key healthcare provision in the recently signed inflation reduction act. pelosi husband of house speaker nancy pelosi, has pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges of driving under the influence of alcohol and causing injury because. yeah he's constantly grabbing on to be able to keep it down. the chp released this dashcam video of paul pelosi's arrest back in may fall, pelosi will be sentenced to five days in jail, a three month drunk driving program and three years probation. he'll receive credit for two days. he already served in jail, conduct credit for another two days and
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will serve as last day in the courts work program instead of county jail. pelosi was not president court he chose to appear through his defense counsel. alright time is 7 37. we'll try to get you to where you need to go south. have you fixed anything on 8 88? we're trying to hear dave. it has been a tough commute in the east bay as you know, because 8 80 had that crash at 23rd and traffic is essentially backed up. in the heyward. people are beginning to get onto 5 80 westbound. but it is not not a great commute driving into downtown oakland. we also see slow traffic on interstate 80 through richmond on 6 80 from concord, walnut creek inn on highway four, and those commutes are, you know pretty typical, and it's going to get slower. the bay bridge has become slower in the last few minutes as you drive through the area closer look at 8 80. i would still say to avoid it. this is the same entail bridge. you can see that traffic looks okay. and if you drive against san jose, i noticed that there is some congestion there, and
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also it's sunny there. it's the only shot that we have up where the sun is out. 7 38. let's talk about the weather more and bring stephen what we call a segway. very well done, sal. there is some sun san jose. i did see a couple of little some areas of fog on the three web cameras from the san jose state meteorology department, but there's a lot of gray out there. now yesterday. i mean, there are some areas that fog until 9 30 10 o'clock yet still hit the eighties and nineties half moon bay. those 62 the city was 72 santa cruz, 76, east san jose 88 , gilroy. 93 santa rosa 95 conquered was 96 11 more was 96 redwood city was 90. cordelia was 97 fairfield. one oh, one santa rosa 95. you're dropping it to 88 today, steve. i know i'm a little nervous by that, but i'll go with oakland, 79 to 74 livermore from 96 to 92 in san jose downtown 87 to 84. san
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francisco has been stuck yesterday was 72 the day before was 70 sunday was 70 and saturday was closed. what's normal? just about 70. what's the forecast for today? 70. so not much change there, probably by the weekend friday and the saturday that's mostly a bigger change. there's a lot of fog out there. the problem is the air in the higher elevations in the upper seventies to near 80. so that's your inversion that caps everything doesn't allow that fog to make a huge push. or last as long, bigger fog bank, maybe a little breezy. for some. i know cordelia has a west southwest about 23. but that's about it. fifties sixties on the temps lower length at 70, but a lot of sixties high pressure will control our weather until we get to the weekend, then we'll start to see temperatures coming down inland. in fact, they'll come way down, depending on which forecast model is right . one drops a system into northeast california, which would be very interesting for tahoe, truckee. henry's ult is probably going to be cooler and drizzle for us sixties seventies eighties nineties for another day or two. then it cools down
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on the weekend. thank you. researchers who focus on trees are warning of the likelihood of a massive tree species die off in the lower 48 states. scientists are blaming it on what they call tree blindness because most people don't even notice the trees around them wasn't until this year, the researchers listed and assess the health of all 881 tree species. now, they warned about 100 of those, including redwoods are likely to go extinct due to climate change, agricultural disease and insect infestation. researchers say that especially concerning because trees play a major part in offsetting greenhouse gas emissions. alright time to 7 41 gasia. you wouldn't know about this. but if you don't get enough sleep, it can make you cranky and mean coming up library searchers a cow's a losing sleep is also bad for charity for my family at like 7 30 on friday when i have had it all right, let's talk to another early riser bringing our andre senior you're peeking ahead to the next hour of mornings on two following for
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you this morning. gruesome discovery. the body of a woman has been inside of petaluma home for more than a year coming up in the next hour. we are live at the home reporting on a case investigators are calling a suspicious death. and later, ukraine is marking its independence day as the war with russia. it's a six month mark when you join us on the nine details behind it commemorations as a biden administration says it's sending close to $3 billion and more military aid to key as and more military aid to key as the fighting there conti what's the difference between prop 26 and prop 27? 26? not one dime to get people off the streets and into housing 27 generates hundreds of million to help solve homelessness. the choice is clear yes on prop 27.
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welcome to subway's biggest refresh yet. the choice is clear they're drafting 12 new subs for their all-new subway series menu. you've never seen subs like this before chuck. meteoric meatiness, and chowtown cheesiness... let's go to our panel for more appetizing analysis. the new monster's bacon has consummate craveable crispiness! the new boss is a perfect ten. (♪ ♪) wait, what are we talking about? gronk! thank you for... nothing. (laughs)
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the new subway series. what's your pick? what's the difference between prop 26 and prop 27? 26 is a money grab that doesn't guarantee a cent for non-gaming tribes. 27 requires 15% of all state revenues go to non-gaming tribes. the choice is clear. yes, on 27.
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judge to throw out california's lawsuit that accuses the carmaker of widespread racial discrimination at its fremont plant. tesla is being sued by the state's department of civil rights. the suit claims workers the facility were segregated by race that black employees were discriminated against in areas ranging from job assignments to pay and disciplinary actions. tesla denies the claims. it says the state didn't notify the company before filing suit to give it a chance to settle out of court. several individuals have also filed claims of race and sex discrimination, most of them also at that fremont plant . our time is 7 45, california is about to pass a law limiting the ability of prosecutors to use rap lyrics is evidence against rap artists. lawmakers
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say this bill will protect mostly african american rap artist by eliminating any racial bias that may exist. when evidence is presented. a judge will determine if rap lyrics are relevant to the case and a pre trial i'il hearing. supporters of the bill includes music industry groups and civil rights leaders. their stage name might be a little murder or whatever, but that doesn't mean they are a murderer. this is about justice is about making sure that the court system looks at that individual and that would people think about that individual. the bill passed unanimously last week, lawmakers say the governor is expected to sign it next month. and if it's signed into law, california will be the first state in the country with this kind of legislation after a similar bill was delayed. made in new york earlier this year. alright time at 7 46 just shake it off any bad blood love story there just some of taylor swift's most popular songs, and
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i go back to school for this. we can do this class at university of texas at texas at austin. they're offering. i love this a literature course featuring taylor swift's music. it is called the taylor swift song book. school says it will use her lyrics to introduce literary critical reading. students will study the framework of each song, their poetic form cultural context. other literary classes at u t focus on the writings of english poets geoffrey chaucer, john keats as well as william shakespeare, so i'd say she's in pretty good company. i think so . alright, time is 7 47 coffee, pastries, donuts? they're all a part of our business news this morning, and another company has decided to join amazon to reach even more shoppers. pam cook is back with details and more in dollars. sense another company if you can't beat them, join them right peloton turning to amazon to try to boost sales peloton will now sell its original bike on amazon site executives say there have been about 500,000 searches per month for peloton equipment on amazon , the treadmill and the bike
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plus will stay, though exclusively on the peloton website and in the showrooms ringing the opening bell this morning. still lantus celebrating the launch of the first national black supplier development program, members of their diversity inclusion team, they're still lantus is the car company that now includes dodge , fiat, chrysler and maserati. shortly after that bell rang this morning, a new report indicates home prices dropped from june to july, which is the first monthly decline in nearly three years, helping things out a little bit. the dow jones up tiny bit right now. 32,009 16, the s and p 500 up a little bit as well. the nasdaq posted the biggest gains so far up about a quarter of a percent 12,004 17. it's a first for a long time. san francisco favorite john's grill was unanimously approved for the city's legacy business registry, the 114 year old restaurant near union square, joins eight other san francisco businesses. to be added to the exclusive list. the registry
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recognizes and honors longstanding community businesses as valuable cultural assets to the city. now the company's making the registry this summer represent 10 different san francisco neighborhoods. they include glen park, chiropractic, goat hill, pizza, latin bridal and wilcox frozen foods, which is the first frozen food distributor. in the city. congratulations to them. inflation might be causing people to cut back on dining out about americans are still getting their daily cup of coffee with their pastries. the national coffee association says roughly two thirds of americans drink coffee, everyday research shows spending at coffee and pastry shops increased 1.9% in june compared to last year. according to our market research company. the average price of coffee from a cafe is nearly $5 and perfect to go with coffee donuts. krispy kreme is celebrating dogs with its first ever collection of doggy donuts . this year, the donut chain is partnering with australian petrie, company hugs and tugs to
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launch six dog friendly donut shaped biscuits. the company says each doggy donut is designed specifically for dogs of all sizes and ages. there's a look at them. the six doggy donuts are limited edition will be sold with that red bandana for your pup. while supplies last krispy kreme will sell the dog treats, especially designed six count boxes. i think mo might have to try them has the triumph cook? that's a look at your dollars and cents. all right, pam. thank you. look we all know that a lack of sleep can make you cranky. but now a new study u c. berkeley suggests sleep. privation can also make you less likely to help others. researchers asked study participants about their desire to help a person after a bad night, sleeping after a normal light of sleep. researchers also looked at data on charitable donations before and after daylight saving time to report they found that losing an hour of sleep can cause people to pull back from helping others. scientists say this kind of behavior is likely the result of how sleep affects your brain.
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he's gotta play well salesman busy helping everybody, even though he didn't get a whole lot of sleep, but you'll take care of the people, won't you? i am taking care of people. dave this morning, david gasia. let's go right to the bay bridge. you can see that the commute is going to be slow and it's getting slower . now pardon me after 7 30. we started to see things get very slow all over the place. now. this morning we had some help with north bong 80 backed up in the hayward. because of a three car crash north bong 8 88 23rd people are starting to get it on 5 80 that is somewhat of a decent alternate. however, it's still slow highway 24 6 eighties also very slow. we haven't seen a lot of slow traffic on the san mateo bridge. until now. there's some stalled vehicle on the other side of the bridge. you can see how slow it is to 80 in san jose, and one oh, one are getting busy as well. this is crunch time out there. 7 51. let's bring steve back in south
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. thank you, sir. we do have a really big fog bank. the problem is the basis are down here. they're not really that high, so some inland areas will still be in the nineties. but there's a lot of gray out their actions who matter a little bit that goes north to south all the way. seattle down all the way down all the way down. it's angeles in san diego. so there's plenty out there. the problem is, the basis are generally below about 1000 ft. any fog issues not really not compared to last couple of days. petaluma three miles visibility half moon bay at two. after that, it seems okay, although there's always a pocket or two but sixties seventies today bigger fog bank breezy for some later not so much now. sunny inland still warm to hot the air aloft, but you get up around 1500 ft or so up to 3000 still in the seventies to near 80, that's really warm fifties and sixties on the 10th. we seem to be stuck here. most attempts are only within a couple of degrees. although the water temps went down san francisco but we actually went down briefly to 53 now is 54 point, racing, bodega bay or 52. that's cold. the high
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those just controlling our weather. i mean, you can see the circulation around that just not letting anything at least for now. but that system in the gulf of alaska will sweep in as we head towards the weekend. so bigger fog banks sunny inland, warm to hot lot of low clouds and fog in place. now the key is going to be on sunday. here more clouds, much cooler, windy. it will be the placement of that low one forecast model that actually takes this low. and puts it right in northeast california, which would have a huge impact on tile, maybe not for any rain or anything, but for temperatures and wind. we look like we'll have drizzle coming in friday saturday that could be rain on the north coast . eureka crescent city, arcadia . keep an eye on that. first of the season may be coming in. we'll see. we'll see 60 seventies eighties nineties on the temps held onto the nineties for another day or two. then we start to drop those temps dave on the weekend. thank you times, 7 53. three people were hurt in san francisco, including two firefighters in this apartment building fire coming up, we'll let you hear from attendant to
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escape these flames. and don't forget you can see tomorrow night's 49ers game right here with us on ktvu up next. how much playing time what we see for quarterback trey lance? for decades, i've worked at the intersection
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of domestic violence and homelessness. so when prop 27 promised solutions to homelessness, i took a good, hard look. it's not a solution. 90% of the money goes to the out-of-state corporations who wrote it. very little is left for the homeless. don't let corporations exploit homelessness to pad their profits. vote no on 27.
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thanks to chase, angie's not sweating this text since there's zero overdraft fees if she overdraws by $50 or less. and, kyle, well, he's keeping calm with another day to adjust his balance if he overdraws by more than $50. overdraft assist from chase. make more of what's yours. earning the day picketing outside of profit in santa rosa memorial hospital nurses and
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other workers. they're not on strike, but they want everyone who sees them to know about a continuing problem with their paid. the workers say they've had errors on their paychecks for two months now, including having their hourly pay rates reduced and not being paid for sick or vacation days. officials at providence a most of the problems have been fixed, but the employees say that's not true. biden ministrations completed plans to launch a fall covid booster shot campaign in just a couple of weeks. the campaign will start as 175 million updated vaccine doses are due to be sent to states to pharmacies and other vaccination sites. health officials hope the updated vaccines from fizer moderna will better protect us all against the newer virus variants fall booster campaign is set to begin after labor a day. in san francisco, a long time jazz club will not be closing after all, supervisor
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dean preston tweeted yesterday. the owner of club deluxe in the haight ashbury neighborhood has a new deal with the property owner. preston reportedly helped out in the negotiations in the statement that was made on social media. the owners of the club say their landlord offered them a fair and reasonable lease. club deluxe has been around for 33 years. tomorrow the 49ers will wrap up their preseason. they'll be playing the houston texans later on today, the 49ers will flag to houston and as a preseason games go this one, maybe one. you want to watch because quarterback trey lance and many of the other starters will probably get more playing time. 49ers get ready for the regular season. 49ers start their season september 11th in in chicago against the bands. i want them to get out there. definitely the ones but, um, you know, we're gonna talk about as a staff more tonight
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after we watched this practice and stuff i plan on playing those guys. but haven't exactly decided how much i know they won't go past the first half be the first half of the most. now you can see tomorrow's game right here with us on ktvu fox to kick off 5 15 pm it will be followed by the point after with joe fonzi and bubba paris countdown to super bowl 57 starts now 321. yeah i told you in less than 200 days. two teams will play in the super bowl. phoenix started their countdown clock where two teams will compete to be called super bowl 57 champions, the experts say the preseason odds are favoring the buffalo bills and the tampa bay buccaneers to get to the big game. good morning of mysterious discovering petaluma home there . police say a woman was living in a house with her mother's body for more than a year. we're
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live with details. two firefighters injured while battling fierce flames shooting from the roof of a san francisco apartment building the search what could have started this massive blaze? elon musk made it from san jose to san francisco and record time nine minutes, but it's how we made that trip that's drawing criticism. from ktvu. fox two news this morning's onto it is eight o'clock. welcome to mornings onto i'm andre senior gasia mikaelian. it's wednesday, august 24th. we have some great behind us along the oakland estuary likely you'll see sunshine in the hours to come. steve paulson, that is correct. here. maybe on the coast. not so much but inland. yes bayside. this will be burned back, but it's a bigger fog bank that's for sure. temperatures inland, still looking like nineties but a big changes on the way for the weekend. it looks like dramatically cooler, but not until then. so we'll ease into that. we do have a bigger fog bank coast in bay should ease off a little bit compared to yesterday, so sixties seventies there but still warm to hot inland, although maybe not as hard as yesterday. so i brought
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some temps down a little bit here seventies eighties and now lower nineties. salads here. he could probably start in a number of locations. but he will this time begin with. well, we're going to do the east bay. but i don't want to miss out on my marine friend. so actually, i'll start with marine nevado to san rafael, thick, thick traffic there and almost everywhere you look older berkeley on 80 highway four andy octa conquered. concord walnut creek on 6 80. i think the trouble spot has been 80 north. if you're driving, let's say up to jacqueline and square or up to downtown oakland, 8 80 is just a mess. because of an earlier crash. people have gotten on 5 80 instead. 6 80 through pleasant to know, uh, you know, it's almost as if all these free words are saying, hey, hold my beer. i'm slow to 8 80 is slow from hayward union city. 6 80 dublin is snow. great fallacy does road san mateo bridge? i do have one clear alter. turn it out. look at the san mateo bridge there and look at the
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dumbarton bridge, a clear winner. there is the dumbarton bridge. we'll have another update by the way in just a few moments, but now they do one. let's go back to andrei for excel. thank you. police and petaluma are investigating a suspicious death. they found a woman's body inside of a home yesterday morning. ktb is american. tanner is at the scene where police believe the woman's daughter was living with that body. for more than a year, amanda yeah. andre police originally came here for a welfare check. they went to that house in the back here of this cold, a sack on windsor drive. now they got a report that there were 20 to 30 packages on the porch, and the woman who lives here had not been seen for several weeks. we can still see dozens of packages. piled up in front of the door here. when police arrived yesterday they couldn't contact the woman either. so they entered the home to find a woman dead in the living room based on the decomposition of the body. investigators believe she was dead for more than a year. there
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was also another woman living there, who said she was the deceased woman's daughter. she told police her mother died of natural causes in april of 2021 , police say based on her condition. the daughter was taken to the hospital for evaluation. investigators were here collecting evidence. they have not released the identity of that woman. yet they say they are still trying to gather more information. they also declared this home uninhabitable. they boarded up the doors. they also put a red tag on the home that we could still see on the window and that boarded up doors there they are working on getting more information about this and still calling it a suspicious death live in petaluma. amanda kintanar, ktvu fox two news, amanda thank you, the family of 16 year old kylie rodney, the missing truckee teenager who was found dead in the lake this week, is now making funeral arrangements. autopsy confirmed a body found in an suv submerged
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in the lake near truckee. last sunday was that of kylie rodney . divers spotted her car about 55 ft. off the shore of prosser creek reservoir. rodney was last seen on august 6th when she attended a large party not far from her campground. the investigation into what led to the suv going into the water is ongoing happening today, president biden is expected to announce his decision on the student debt relief plan that would cancel as much as $10,000a certain amount of income. the president is also expected to extend a temporary pause and student loan payments, which is set to expire next week. student debt relief was part of a campaign promise by biden and it could help the 43 million americans with student loans. it's hard. i mean, pretty much all my friends have loans to some extent, either from undergrad or started graduate school. 1000 is definitely a great start is definitely something i personally be appreciative, but it's not enough to cover the whole thing.
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still the criticized the president of the organization criticized that $10,000 relief plan, saying it does not go far enough. republicans say it goes too far costing an estimated $3300 billion. they also say it could add to the national debt and inflation teachers in san francisco or demanding better pay and working conditions. being a race, right? you deserve to live in the city that we proudly serve. the group of teachers gathered before last night school board meeting. they want the school district to hire more full time teachers and increase the pay for those already in the classroom. the president of the union said the teachers attending the school board meeting wanted to air their requests. mostly what we're here to make clear is that with the influx of state funding that this district is set to receive, we need to see that commitment, come on our paychecks and make sure that educators can live and work in the city and educators are attracted to work in san francisco. the union says the school district needs to be wise
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and how it spends $50 million in ongoing city funds and one time $70 million state fund. san francisco unified school district released a statement saying quote we are encouraged by recent revenue increases, but we must continue to address deficit spending and ensure we can meet our financial obligations. it is 806, now a candidate for san francisco supervisor is under fire for calling a local jewish journalists and district four candidate liana louis made the social media post where she referred to mission local columnists. as joe esca. this comes after or, rather recently reported that louis had been voted in an election in a district she did not live in. that led to an investigation by the district attorney louis later i edited the post to remove the capitalized reference , but she is being criticized by local leaders. several current board and super board of supervisors. members have criticized the post and state senator scott wiener tweeted quote is deeply harmful to use
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the word to refer to anyone who isn't an actual, particularly when directed at a jew. the actual killed six million jews and millions others. their lives are devalued by this kind of rhetoric. san francisco fire investigators are looking into what cost two separate fires in the city, one destroyed historic building and aquatic park, the other heavily damaging apartment building near mcallister and divisadero, injuring three people and left more than a dozen others without a home. we had this for you live is breaking news on our new newscast more than 100. firefighters responded quickly spread from the first to third floors, and one tenant says he had no other choice but to jump out of his third floor window. to escape the approaching fire. i looked down at the end. i was like, oh, shoot. that's too far to jump. so i went back to the door. open the door again, and it just like two minutes. the smoke was even worse. i didn't know what else to do. i kind of climb down backwards off the window and drop down to the first floor and climb through
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the window down there into the hallway. firefighters say 13 residents are displaced. two firefighters suffered minor injuries and just a few hours later, another fire destroyed a historic building on an unused, pure along the waterfront. it's located between pier four and the long municipal pier sky. foxx flew over the scene as fireboats were called in to battle the fire, which caused the building to collapse. no injuries were reported, and the cause of the fire is under investigation. time is eight away. tesla ceo elon musk is the latest celebrity to be widely criticized for a very short jet flight. mark's got masks. gulfstream made a nine minute flight from san jose to san francisco. back in may. twitter users shared the first flight track over the weekend. one poster commented. the trip is essentially five. caltrain stops . another person tweeted the map of the flight alongside a 2018 message from musk said tesla exists to help reduce the risk of catastrophic climate change, which affects all species on earth, and this is worth caring about. it's not clear if musk was actually on board the jet when it made the flight or if
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the jet was repositioning. coming up on eight. oh, nine time for a look at the roads in salesman tracking some trouble spots for us this morning south. yeah, it really has been very slow, and we've seen this pattern for the last few days. i'm just kind of looking at my map showing trying to figure out what the worst part is, but i just want to show you the east bay. look how slow it is everywhere. 8 80, essentially from hayward, all the way up to downtown oakland is a mess. earlier 5 80. i would say it was a good option. it is not anymore. people are on 5 80 so driving into downtown oakland this morning. if you have an appointment, you are going to be going through it to get there. you might want to consider transmitter going later. san mateo bridge is very slow. 6 80 is slow out of pleasant in highway four slow 6 80 so the entire east baiting is lit up now. and that's just the way it's been going the last few weeks. i do want to mention that at the bay bridge. it's also very crowded. we've seen the roads get crowded right after school. drop off time, and they
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stay this way until about 9 30 about the only bright spot if there is a bright spot is once it gets this slow. people are going so slow. the crashes are not as severe. we don't have that many crashes. people are just going to slow 809. let's go back to the desk. so thank you. a deadly shooting in oakland spears at the asian community is being targeted. what is being done to break the cycle of violence also caught on video at san rafael police officer bringing a homeless man to san francisco and leaving him there with nothing. fallout over the officer's behavior what's the difference between prop 26 and prop 27? 26? not one dime to get people off the streets and into housing 27 generates hundreds of million
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to help solve homelessness. the choice is clear yes on prop 27.
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what's the difference between prop 26 and prop 27? 26 is a money grab that doesn't guarantee a cent for non-gaming tribes. 27 requires 15% of all state revenues go to non-gaming tribes. the choice is clear. yes, on 27.
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they're of the new netflix documentary about john mcafee, the founder of the mcafee antivirus program, documentaries called running with the devil. it follows mcafee's life as he founded mcafee associates to sell as antivirus software. 1987 also shows the wild years that followed when he stepped away from the company in 1994 at one point in 2012. when he was living in belize, he was suspected of shooting and killing his neighbor. he was never charged for that crime. he spent the next several years in and out of jail in different countries in 2021 john mcafee was found dead in a prison cell in spain. the former warden of the federal women's prison in dublin, has been indicted on
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seven counts of sexually abusing female inmates. ray garcia was already facing charges of having sex with incarcerated women taking inappropriate photos of them and falsifying records. the new indictment also accuses him of touching three different women in a sexual manner and forcing inmates to undress. he pleaded not guilty, is headed to trial in november. if convicted , he'll face a maximum of 15 years in prison for each count. 8 14 your time right now san francisco city attorney is accusing the san rafael police department of improperly transporting the homeless man to the city and leaving him in the richmond district. a neighbor shot this video on july 30th. it shows the marked san rafael police vehicles stopping on 14th avenue, lake street, and you can see the officer opened the door and let the man out. it was disturbing the idea that another jurisdiction would dump a person who is experiencing homelessness or mental health challenges in the middle of a residential neighborhood without any services. a short time later, san francisco police and fire officials were told about a man
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in that area, setting tree branches on fire and throwing rocks. officers took the man to a hospital for medical attention. san rafael. police say the officer had approval from his supervisor to make to take that man to san francisco san rafael city officials have apologized and they say they have now told their officers not to transport homeless people to other jurisdictions. san francisco's city attorney says he is looking at all options, including a possible lawsuit against the city of san rafael 8 15 to people who want to run who wanted to run for mayor of oakland or blaming city officials for the fact they won't have their name on the ballot in november. alyssa victory, and derek sue, say they were told because the current mayor wasn't running again. they had until august, 17th to submit all the paperwork needed to be included on the ballot. they say on august 12th. they were told they had just a few hours to get everything to the city clerk's office. that's because oakland law says if an incumbent is eligible to run, but chooses not to the filing deadline is extended for five days. oakland mayor libby chef is not eligible to run because she has already served the two term maximum. san
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jose is the latest bay area city considering granting undocumented immigrants the right to vote in local elections. immigrant advocates chanted. yes, we can in spanish before last night city hall meeting, council members held a study session examining the voting rights proposal. more than 100. people spoke in favor of the measure. we haven't had a voice in the city that we live in in that we contribute paying our taxes, gastronomy culture and i've lived in each other within our community. san francisco state political science professor told the council members america has a long history of immigrant voting , he said his research shows at least people to seek citizenship. immigrants work in every sector of the economy. they've been the essential workers. they pay taxes. they owned businesses. they send their kids to school. they revitalized neighborhoods, but they don't have a say in electing representatives that make policies that affect them on a daily basis, which is undemocratic. oakland and
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richmond are considering similar measures. san francisco pastor measure in 2016, allowing non citizens to vote in school board elections. a court struck that down. san jose's mayor sam liccardo, says the efforts are uncertain until californians amend the state constitution to add immigrant voting rights. 17 your time now the santa rosa city council approved a ban on the construction of new gas stations. local leaders say the gas station ban is a way to address climate change. santa rosa currently has 44 gas stations and those gas stations will be allowed to continue operating. several other cities in sonoma county have already banned new gas stations, including petaluma, rohnert park and sebastopol. whether you're starting up in the north bay or in the heat of it all in the east bay, south castaneda will help you get to where you need to go. what is pretty slow out there. as a matter of fact, right now, if you're driving anywhere, you're going to see a lot of slow traffic. it's the heart of the commute. if you're going to san francisco, it's very slow at the toll plaza. but even getting there is going to
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be tough on 8 80 all the east bay freeways. it just is the rush now there there was a crash northbound 88 23rd. they're still clearing it. traffic is essentially backed up from hayward. look at 5 80. it filled in and went from nothing to completely filled in from castro valley to oakland. and as i back out here, we also have slowing going the other way from hayward to freemont san mateo bridge is a mess so almost everywhere, just like yesterday. this is like it was. i mean, i would say we're going back to 2019 pre pandemic on a busy monday morning, and that's what it's like out there. so you might want to consider transit. 8 18. let's bring steve in with today's weather. thank you kind , sir. appreciate that we'll get to it here. water temp's dropped on the coast there pretty cold for this time of year. why did they drop because there's a northwest breeze along the coast, san francisco bowie on monday was flirting with 58. this morning, they briefly dropped to 53. that's a big big drop in two days. point reyes
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bodega bay buoyed 52. that's cold water. for this time, even the monterey inter bowie dropped to 55 degrees, so there's plenty of fog and low clouds out there . the problem is the bases are very low because high pressure aloft has generated generated what we call inversion that's warm air loft one side at the ultimate passed today around just shy of 1500 ft. was 80 degrees. that's really warm. so that caps everything. visibility is good, except half of a two miles there, but overall not too bad, but there's a bigger fog bank today. for sure. 60 seventies eighties nineties again bigger fog bank breezy later for some, i don't see it yet. but maybe later, sonny inland, warm to hot, although it looks like it comes down a little bit compared to yesterday. coast in bay should cool off. one with the cooler ocean temps 56 in the city. that's that's normal for this time of year, fifties sixties and attempts nobody's racing ahead or anything. system in the gulf of alaska will dig questions world a dig, but it does look cooler for the weekend, but until then, the highest reluctant to break down it will be a slow process. so
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bigger fog banks still sunny inland. warm to hot. we'll see eighties and nineties away from the coast. sixties and seventies closer to it much cooler. there are some signs here. a couple of signs got one forecast model drops, although right here another one drops it right there . that would be a big win producer for the sierra. it'll probably mean drizzle for us as we head to the weekend in inland temps will cool down a little rain on the north coast, maybe eureka crescent city, arcadia about that would be pretty good for the end of august sixties seventies eighties still, ninety's for another day or two. them. temperatures come down down down on the weekend. steve thank you. hey 20, california is on track to become the first day to protect rapper's lyrics coming up the debate about free speech and the bill heading to the governor's desk. legendary movie star paul newman created a foundation that's raised hundreds of millions of dollars for children's charities, however, to have damaged children claim their father's foundation is now under assault, the latest and how they're suing. that foundation.
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with xfinity internet, you get advanced security that helps protect you at home and on the go. you feel so safe, it's as if... i don't know... evander holyfield has your back. i wouldn't click on that. hey, thanks! we got a muffin for ed! all right! you don't need those calories.
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can we at least split it? nope. advanced security that helps protect your devices in and out of the home. i mean, can i have a bite? only from xfinity. nah. unbeatable internet. made to do anything so you can do anything.
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that almost $3 billion worth of weapons and equipment will be sent to ukraine. the announcement comes as ukraine marks its independence day and six months since the russian invasion. white house officials say the military aid will allow ukraine to buy air defense systems, artillery drones and radars to ensure it can continue to defend itself in the long term. there is concern in
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ukraine now that russia may intensify attacks on independence day, authorities in kiev have banned mass gatherings in the capital through thursday for fear of russian missile attacks. ukraine's president is calling for international support. the whole world needs to win in the fight against russian aggression to overcome terror and return predictability and security to our region in europe, therefore, it is necessary to free crimea from the occupation where aggression began there it will end today's holiday commemorates ukraine's 1991 declaration of independence from the soviet union. a letter from the national archives details what was retrieved in a search of former president donald trump's mar a lago home in january, says the former president had more than 100 classified documents totalling about 700 pages marked top secret. the 15 boxes of documents were returned to the archives. the justice department suspected former president trump had more classified material and requested this month search warrant letter also reveals the national archives in the white house counsel's office had ongoing discussions over former
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president trump's arguments that some materials may be protected by executive privilege. in some ways, it's inconceivable. any former president do that until you start to think here's a man who just did not care for the law. former president trump's legal team filed a motion seeking an independent review of the documents that were seized in the moral lago search this month. federal judge gave his lawyer until friday to provide to provide more explanation about their request for an independent special master. two daughters of academy award winning actor paul newman are suing his charitable organization. eleanor and susan neuman, say the newman's own foundation isn't carrying out their father's wishes. the daughter say the newman granted the foundation the rights to his name, image and likeness on the condition that the foundation will set aside $400,000 a year for each of his five daughters, eleanor and susan, say the foundation is cut the amount of money in half. they're asking the court to allow them to donate all the money they should have received. they're not
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asking for any personal compensation. newman's three other daughters are not involved in the lawsuit. college courses usually range from psychology to english literature in our next half hour of news why one school is now offering a class on the works of performer, taylor swift outrage and calls for change after a dentist is shot and killed in oakland's little saigon neighborhood with the oakland police chief says he is now telling officers to do in the wake of the most here at city of refuge, we house up to 26 families. we reduce homelessness, address mental health, provide spaces for addiction to be broken,
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create spaces of healing and restoration. for the first time ever, prop 27 will provide permanent funding for organizations like ours. saying yes to prop 27 means more people get the assistance that they nee they get someone to partner in such a way to see transformation come to them. yes on prop 27, because there's no place like home. you go by lots of titles. veteran, dad, hair stylist. so adding a student title might feel daunting. national university is here to support all your titles. national university. supporting the whole you. for decades, i've worked at the intersection national university. of domestic violence and homelessness. so when prop 27 promised solutions to homelessness,
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i took a good, hard look. it's not a solution. 90% of the money goes to the out-of-state corporations who wrote it. very little is left for the homeless. don't let corporations exploit homelessness to pad their profits. vote no on 27.
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to be unveiled by the president today what we know so far. former security chief of twitter is now whistleblower. next is allegations against twitter and what it means for users from ktvu fox two news this morning's onto good morning and welcome back. i'm gasia mikaelian. i'm andre scenery it is coming up on a 30 today is wednesday, hump day, august 24th. thank you so much for joining us this morning, right now outside along the bay. it is very, very cloudy . steve paulson is here to tell us whether that will clear up throughout the day, steve yes, it will. good i promise you, it will clear maybe not for another hour or so, but it'll clear there's a lot of fog out there. but there's also temperatures in the higher elevations are really warm, so that that's going to burn that fog off. made a pretty good sergio. especially north. look at that over san pablo bay up napa also up towards parts of
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us sonoma county peninsula. put the brakes on right around san jose, though they had some fog looks like it's already burned off, though. some midweek news here. my inspiration for today is that there's a bigger fog bank coast will be cool to mild water. temps went down so little cooler. they're still warm to hot inland. but i did bring temps down a little bit compared to yesterday, seventies eighties and low nineties cells here, it's 8 30. you could probably do a five minute show, but he has to keep it within 30 or 45 seconds, so he'll begin with the south bay this time i want to mention that the south bay is pretty slow. although things are improving on 2 80, we can go there first, which is to 80 heading north up into that west valley. it seems better than we saw it last time. we've seen a little bit of improvement here in the east bay. not much, but the crash has gone on 80 north, dont and things are beginning to kind of loosen up here is our picture of 80 past the coliseum a little while ago it was really slow now it's kind of just kind of slowly moving along and the bay bridge does have a big backup. about the toll plaza. 8 30. let's go back to the
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headlines south. thank you happening today, president biden is expected to announce a plan to provide some relief to student loan borrowers. k two's alley rasmus live in the u. c. berkeley campus to explain how some americans could have part of their student loan debt forgiven ali. gasia were on the u. c. berkeley campus where it is the first day of classes for the fall semester. so quite a bit of activity here this morning, and we've had a chance to talk to some students and what they think about this idea now the exact details of the president's executive order have not been released yet, but here's what we know. we expect president biden to make some sort of announcement today. about wiping out $10,000 federal student loan debt for people who make less than 125,000 year also planned to people who are part of households that make less than 250,000 year. the estimate is that about 45 million people with federal student loans across the country could potentially qualify under this executive order. this was part of a campaign promise mr biden made when running for president. and some cal students we spoke
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to this morning. welcome the idea. any like forgiveness will encourage students to pursue higher education since the opportunity is there so it's a start better than nothing. and we're talking about 45 million people with federal student loans who could be eligible for the executive order. my colleagues and i have estimated that the $10,000 in cancelation will completely wipe out student debt for 13 to 15 million student loan borrowers. back in 2020, the trump administration put a pause on the repayment of loans for all borrowers for student loans to help the people who had experienced income and job loss during the pandemic. that program was set to expire next week. but president biden is expected to continue that pause on repaying loans through the end of this year, at least, so there's a lot of details to this president. the president's debt forgiveness plan that we still don't know about, like who exactly will be eligible will beyond the income requirements
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that apply? people go to public and private universities. again we are expecting to get more information and some sort of announcement from the president sometime today, although his the white house has not put out any official information about the time for any sort of announcement about this. we're still waiting on that info. live in berkeley. ali rasmus ktvu, fox two news. ellie. thank you. time now is 8 33, the latest killing of an oakland dentist is renewing calls for more police patrols in the community. lili xu was shot to death in oakland's little saigon neighborhood sunday afternoon, the president of the oakland chinatown improvement council, says he is heartbroken and angered by the death of his friend. crime just gives getting more violent. episode i mean, this one really hits home. she was the latest person of asian descent to be killed, attacked or robbed in oakland. some leaders in the asian community believe they are being targeted. targeting lily. maybe not, but target asian. definitely cannot
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be silent anymore because they think that you know asian would be quite silent. but not anymore. so we're gonna speak out so that you know we will not become victims again. oakland police chief laurent armstrong says he is now directing more officers to patrol little saigon. oakland has about 700 police officers for the entire city. in comparison, san francisco, which is nearly half the size as nearly 1800 police officers, the former head of security for twitter, is accusing the company of misleading regulators about the strength of its cybersecurity defenses. peters echo was fired from twitter earlier this year, now filed a whistleblower complaint accusing the company of being negligent cybersecurity . experts say the accusations could influence elon musk's battle to pull out of his deal to buy twitter. to say that twitter was not following what they said they were following and they were not delivering on their promises when they said, you know, extra bots were being cold in favor of new accounts,
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so i think it's definitely going to be part of the ongoing conversation as to whether it allows must to back out or not. twitter calls the complaint to false narrative says that was fired for ineffective leadership and poor performance. time now is 8 35 health and human services secretary javier becerra is putting a spotlight on reproductive health care and the cost of prescription drugs. yesterday, secretary of sarah hosted two roundtable meetings in sacramento. and during the first meeting, he talked about what the biden ministrations doing related to reproductive rights and abortion access after the decision to overturn roe v. wade. he praised planned parenthood for working. it's what it's doing across the country. i want to say thank you for the work that you're doing, not just for california. but for all americans who need to have access to good healthcare services, it's crucial and i think that's one thing california does, right. we believe in being inclusive of offering people more opportunity
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, more rights. that's always a better way to go than try to cut the pie up and only give people a certain amount of it. secretary of sarah's second round table focused on reducing the cost of prescription drugs and other key health provision in the recently signed inflation reduction act. pelosi husband of house speaker nancy pelosi, has pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges of driving under the influence of alcohol and causing injury because yeah, he's constantly grabbing on to be able to keep his down. chp released this dashcam video of paul pelosi's arrest back in may, pelosi will be sentenced to five days in jail, three month drunk driving program and three years probation, will receive credit for two days already served in jail a conduct credit for another two days and will serve as last day in the courts work program instead of county jail. paul pelosi was not in court. he chose to appear through his defense counsel. 8 36 is your time right now, steve paulson says here in the oakland area in san francisco, you could
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see some clearing of the skies shortly, but we got to wait a little bit to see that happen. there's parts of the city. that may wait a little longer. but where you two are? yes alright, get their reason being there's a couple of factors going on, even though we have a bigger fog bank the temperature of mount diablo rest right now. that's right now is 79 warm degrees, the ultimate passed around 1500. ft. is 80 that's called your inversion that is really warm air loft. and i always look towards travis fairfield defined if i can. if we have a roaring delta breeze that is not a roaring delta breeze. you need to see about 30 35. then you say all right, and that will cool down inland, so i just don't see much of a breeze in that warm air aloft, but we still have fog. but that's the key word. it's fog. look at that. porsche vallejo, american canyon, hedberg nap all the way up to st alina and beyond. almost coming in there in the east side on mary near healdsburg getting into santa rosa area, then some petaluma in the vital with some breaks in marin county, hercules, so
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that's a big fog bank that continues to work its way in yesterday, some areas had fog and still made it into the nineties. there's a lot of low clouds out there, so until we break down those temperatures aloft and get a stronger delta breeze. i'm reluctant to really cool inland temps off that much so warm to hot. it does look like it will cool down by the weekend. it's going to be a hot one up in lake county, also in uk, out the vacaville, the usual suspects there, but fifties sixties elsewhere, although brentwood is now 68 degrees, not more sixties, wanna creek conquered san jose all at 63, palo alto, 63. the water temperature san francisco bully was 58 2 days ago. it's now 53. that's really cold point arena bodega bay in point reyes also at 52, 53, monterey, interviewing at 55 that's down from 58 a couple of days ago. yet the double barrel high is just squashing that fog so coast and bay might come down a teeny bit on attempts today, but inland temps will. even with the bigger fog bank. it'll still be warm to hot inland. i don't think it will be as hot as what we have on yesterday or on
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monday, that's for sure, more class windy and cooler by the weekend. there's going to be a low dropping in it. maybe it won't be up there. it might be right here or it could easily be in northeast california. so stay tuned. that would make a huge impact on our forecast here, depending on which one is right anyway. you look at it will be cool and breezy to windy this weekend. with drizzle, looking likely as we head towards friday and saturday for us sixties seventies eighties nineties again held on the nineties for one more day, then start to drop those temps on the weekend. you guys r c thank you so much researchers who focus on trees or warning of the likelihood of a massive tree species die off in the lower 48 states. scientists are blaming it on what they are calling tree blindness because most people don't even notice the trees around them. it was not until this year, no one had actually listed and assessed the health of all 100 or 881 tree species. but now they warn of 100 of those, including redwoods are likely to go extinct because of climate change, agricultural disease and insect infestation. nations. researchers say that
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especially concerning because trees will play a major part in offsetting greenhouse gas emissions. 8 40. now ukraine is marking its independence day as the war with russia hits a six month mark. coming up on the nine details behind its commemorations as the biden administration announces more aid to kiev as fighting continues, don't get enough sleep. it can make you cranky. you don't say coming up why researchers and cal say losing sleep is also bad for charities. here at city of refuge, we house up to 26 families. we reduce homelessness, address mental health, provide spaces for addiction to be broken,
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create spaces of healing and restoration. for the first time ever, prop 27 will provide permanent funding for organizations like ours. saying yes to prop 27 means more people get the assistance that they nee they get someone to partner in such a way to see transformation come to them. yes on prop 27, because there's no place like home. in order for small businesses to thrive, to see transformation come to them. they need to be smart. efficient. agile. and that's never been more important than it is right now. so for a limited time, comcast business is introducing small business savings. call now to get powerful internet for just 39 dollars a month. with no contract. and a money back guarantee. all on the largest, fastest reliable network. from the company that powers more businesses than anyone else. call and start saving today. comcast business. powering possibilities.
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urged to throw out california's lawsuit that accuses carmaker of widespread racial discrimination at its fremont p plant. tesla is being sued by the state's department of civil rights suit claims workers at the factory were segregated by race and the black employees were discriminated against in areas ranging from job assignments to pay and disciplinary action. tesla denies the claims and says the state didn't notify the company before filing suit to give it a chance to settle out of court. several individuals have also filed claims of race and sex discrimination, most of them also at that fremont plant 8 43 your time now california is set to pass a law limiting prosecutors ability to use rap lyrics as evidence against an artist are makers say the bill will help protect mostly african american rap artists by eliminating any racial bias that
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may exist when presenting evidence judge will have to determine if rapid lyrics are relevant to the case in a pre trial hearing. the bill is supported by music industry groups and civil rights advocates. their stage name might be a little murder or whatever, but that doesn't mean they are a murderer. this is about justice is about making sure that the court system looks at that individual and that what people think about that individual passed unanimously last week, lawmakers say the governor is expected to sign the bill next month. if signed into law, california will be the first state in the country with such legislation after a similar bill was delayed in new york earlier this year. shake it off . bad blood love story there just some of the tailor swiss most popular songs well, the university of texas at austin is now offering a literature course featuring her music. it's called the taylor swift song book. the school says it will use her lyrics to introduce literary critical reading. students will study the framework of each song
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, their poetic form and cultural context. other literary cost is that uta focus on the writings of including writings include english poets jeffrey chancer and john keats, as well as william shakespeare. and i could say that i took up, uh, jazz class in college. you get my g p a up. oh great. i did learn a lot, though, but it did also get my cheapie a way up in the school at that time, mark. our time now is 8 45 peloton is joining amazon and crispy creaming, adding doggy donuts street is also watching a battle between elon musk and twitter that seems to develop with the our pam cook is upstairs to discuss in dollars and cents. it's getting very interesting. a lot of drama surrounding all of this. there is a hearing this afternoon to determine elon musk's ability to demand information about twitter's internal practices and data. musk is expected to ask the judge to allow testimony from that whistleblower. we've been talking about the former head of security at twitter. accuses the company of lying about bots to elon musk as that opening bell
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rang this morning peloton announced it will now sell its original bike on amazon executives say their bit about 500,000 searches per month. for peloton equipment on amazon, even though they weren't there, but now the it will be the treadmill and the bike. plus though, will stay exclusively on the peloton website and showrooms taking a live look at the markets. it seems maybe that announcement on student loans helping things out. americans will have more money to spend dow jones up about a half of a percent 163 points the s and p 500 up a little bit as well. and the nasdaq now gaining 100 points up three quarters of a person. sent it's a first for a long time. san francisco favorite john's grill was unanimously approved for the city's legacy business registry , the 114 year old restaurant near union square, joins eight other san francisco businesses to be added to that exclusive list. the registry recognizes and honors longstanding community businesses as valuable
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cultural assets to the city companies making the registry this summer represent 10 san francisco neighborhoods. they include glen park, chiropractic , goat hill, pizza, latin bridal and wilcox frozen foods, which is the first frozen food distributor in the city. well inflation might be causing people to cut back on dining out, but americans are still getting their daily cup of coffee with their pastry. the national coffee association says roughly two thirds of americans drink coffee every day. research shows spending at coffee and pastry shops increased 1.9% in june compared to last year, according to a market research company. the average price of coffee from a cafe is nearly $5 compared about 16 cents for making it at home. and crispy cream is celebrating dogs with its first ever doggy doughnuts. the doughnut chain is partnering with australian pet treat company hudson toque to launch six dog friendly donut shaped biscuits. the company says they are designed specifically for
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dogs of all sizes and ages. it's a limited edition deal. it will be a will be sold with a red bandana just like that. starting friday, which is national dog day, by the way, while supplies last. i'm pam cook. that's a look at your dollars and cents, pam. thank you. turns out there is a growing demand for more vegan options in the city of oakland is responding to that rise by trying something new visit oakland is launching an online guide for those who prefer a plant based diet or just want to try one out. they say they hope it becomes the go to spot for vegans and non vegans. it's on demand. we were getting phone calls because we're known for vegan restaurants and our destination , said hey, let's put them on the map and where the first destination in the united states to do so. there are 10 million vegans in america right now, with this new project, the city of oakland is offering a wide range of global vegan cuisine. you can also enjoy vegan options all around the world right here in the bay area. alright just into the newsroom right now. the white house says president biden
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is scheduled to deliver remarks in the roosevelt room at approximately 11 15 this morning . speculation is that it will be the college loan forgiveness program announcement that are ali rasmus mentioned earlier in this newscast at the top of the hour. meantime america's budget deficit is now expected to fall by as much as $400 billion. this drop is due to stronger than expected tax revenuesressional s review does not include the new climate or more. economists arew predicting a recession by the middle of next year, according to a recent survey from the national association of business economics. 72% of respondents say they expect the recession by mid 2023 if it hasn't already started. but many economists say it doesn't matter if there is a formal declaration of a recession that we're paying at the pump. we all know we're paying at the grocery store. we don't know what we're feeling. businesses are dealing with all of these higher input costs, so
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whether or not they call a recession or not, really doesn't matter at this point in time. it's you know, basically, the weather that's outside that we're dealing with. the financial sector generally looks at the national bureau of economic research for an official declaration of a recession and that would be defined as a significant decline in economic activity across the economy lasting several months that a lack of sleep can make you cranky. but now a new study at uc berkeley suggests that sleep can actually affect how you treat other people. researchers asked study participants about their desire to help people after a bad night's sleep and after a normal night of sleep. researchers also looked at data on charitable donations before and after daylight saving time they found losing an hour of sleep can cause people to pull back from helping others. scientists say. this kind of behavior is likely the result of how sleep affects your brain trying to say i'm cranky is that is that why you did that story? what you're saying gioia at 8 50 in the morning on a wednesday. friday evening is, however, the different story? yeah we want to get out of here. yeah, alright. always in a great mood. sell your here now with a look at the
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roads if i don't take a nap, and i'm with gasia if i don't take a nap on friday in the afternoon forget nighttime. we're done here on the shift, so i'm still i'm still figuring that part out you get you get back to me in a little bit. good morning, everybody. let's talk about the bay bridge. i think a lot of people have been dropping the kids off and then getting out to the commute, and that's just a new phenomenon we've seen in the last three or four weeks. i think what happens though every year and this is the benefit of having done this for a long time . it does adjust. people say i'm not going to deal with that. so they changed meetings and whatever and things get started getting a little looser. this is a look at the general east bay map. things are still pretty busy out there. san mateo bridge is improving after an earlier stalled vehicle and highway four is still pretty slow. i do want to mention that if you're going to the richmond bridge that's improved quite a bit. 8 51. here's a man who's never cranky. always. lifting his shoes real high. i take a navy seal power
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nap cell eight minutes. good to go good, but you're right on a friday. if i don't, we're done. we're done here. 7 30 man. it's getting late. alright here we go. jensen san francisco, she goes. ah! that's what she said. ah my least favorite word. steve is windy. it has been my experience that the least favorite weather is wind, especially when it gets to know why would she say that because we have change on the way today. bigger fog bank sunny inland still warm to hot, but it does look a little bit cooler. a lot is going on in. it depends on which forecast model you look at for the weekend. this low could be coming. maybe down here a little bit. or could end up near tahoe. either way, it's going to be a cooler pattern and the wind will pick up. there's no breeze right now. travis at 14 is nothing need to be about 30 35. we still have a big fog bank, though, but it's starting to retreat. but it made a pretty good push here, and there's a lot out there from north to south and you have a flight.
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you'll find a lot of great looking out the window there. santa rosa. there have been a hot couple of days today will go 88 after yesterday's 95, oakland to 74 livermore from 96 to 92 in san jose, 87 to 84 so 60 seventies by the coast. bigger fog bank breezy for some later. not not now, but maybe later. still warm to hide inland. this high does not want to let go lower legs already 80. 56 in the city sixties. now for many low to mid brentwood, already 68 san jose 63 that system that eventually is going to work its way in the pacific northwest, then drop in. but that won't be until late friday, saturday, so until then, we'll just ease up on those inland temps sixties seventies eighties. still ninety's think we picked it out. if it wasn't on monday. it was yesterday. much cooler as we head to the weekend, you guys as we mentioned just a moment ago, president biden expected to take action to help student loan relief coming up on the nine what bay area students are saying about the prospect. also we're gearing up for tomorrow's 49ers game, which will watch
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right here on ktvu fox to next. how much playing time you should expect to see
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check out this time space wormhole i creat how's it work?
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let me see your togo, and i'll show you. "poof" burt, you have my lunch. introducing togo's new pastrami cheese ste loaded with our world famous pastrami, sauteed mushrooms, roasted red peppers, and smothered with melty american cheese. the new pastrami cheese steak. try steak or chicken, too. now at togo's
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going up on public sidewalks. but the two measures are separate. the city council approved an ordinance that allows camps to be cleared, but only if the people living there can be given a space to go. there is no specific definition of what that place has to be. sacramento county officials approved the measure that bans camping on sidewalks or parkways , as well as on floor levees near schools, libraries and homeless shelters. but the county does not have to provide a place to shelter before clearing those areas. both measures take effect next month. happening today, there's a picketing outside of a providence, santa rosa memorial hospital. nurses and other staff say they are not on strike, but through their demonstration.
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they want to raise public awareness about their pay. the workers say they've had enough errors involving paychecks for two months, including having their hourly pay rates reduced and not being paid for sick or vacation days. officials at providence say most of the problems have been fixed. but the workers say that's not true. the biden administration completed plans to launch a fall covid booster shot campaign in a couple of weeks. campaign will start is 175 million. update vaccine doses are set to are due to be sent to states, pharmacies and other vaccines sites. health officials say they hope the updated vaccines from pfizer and moderna will better protect people against the newer of covid variants. the fall booster campaign set to begin after labor day. a longtime san francisco jazz club won't be closing after all. supervisor dean preston tweeted yesterday. the owner of club deluxe in the haight ashbury has a new deal with the property owner. preston reportedly helped with the negotiations, the statement on social media at the club officials said their landlord offered them a fair and reasonable lease club deluxe has been operating for 33 years.
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when i was 8 58 the 49ers wrap up the preseason tomorrow night against the houston texans. later today, the niners fly to the lone star state for the game, which can be seen right here on channel two. it's actually a big game because most of the starters are expected to dress and play, including quarterback trey lance. coach kyle shanahan wants to give his new starting qb some playing time before the regular season starts. september 11th in the chicago area gets the bears. i want them to get out there. definitely the ones but, um, you know, we're gonna talk about as a staff more tonight after we watched this practice and stuff i plan on playing those guys but haven't exactly decided how much i know they won't go past the first half be the first half of the most. you can see tomorrow night's game again. right here on channel to kick off is at 5 15, followed by the point, after which joe fonzi and bubba paris the countdown is super bowl 57 is already underway. 321. in fewer than 200 days. two teams will face off for the big game.
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phoenix started its countdown clock to february 12th 2023. that's when two teams will compete for the title title of super bowl 57 champions preseason all favoring the buffalo bills and tampa bay buccaneers to make it to the big game next year. a mysterious discovery in the north bay home how investigators are describing the scene after finding a woman's dead body inside the living room that had been there for more than a year. also ahead. i have my phone and my wallet, and that's it. raging fire consumes much of a san francisco apartment building in the middle of the day. hear from a man who jumped from his third story window to escape the flames and how the fire is still affecting more than a dozen people this morning. plus president biden is expected to make a major announcement about federal student loans were breaking down just how much dead he's expected to forgive. today is wednesday, august 24th, and we're looking live at


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