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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2  FOX  May 5, 2022 4:00am-7:00am PDT

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in a major blow for the golden state warriors, how long gary payton will be out of action after being injured in tuesday's intense playoff game against the memphis grizzlies. from ktvu. fox two news. this is mornings on to welcome morning to you. and we thank you for joining us. welcome the mornings onto i'm dave clark. cook thursday morning. may 5th think of the mayo. thank you for joining us and thank you for coming back. . where's dave? where's dave? right here next to you know we're right where you should be paulson to steve paulson. i have to tell you that breeze coming in in the evening was such a welcome sight just in time for me to open the windows. it was getting a little warm in the house. it was warm for some cool for others yesterday, but today everyone gets in on the cooling. this camera is really close here. i just want you to know that it's really close. really close. ah we do have our system making its move. the low clouds have increased rapidly, and it's
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going to be cooler today. so let the cooling begin some rain up on the north coast there so cooling begins in much bigger fog bank some low and high clouds will get some sun in them, but it will be breezy and cooler temperatures are on their way down. they're going to stay around this level, if not cooler, by the time we get this weekend and early next week, all right. it's 401 over to sal. good morning. we're off to a nice start here. we have a couple of minor things out there. but for the most part, we do have a nice looking commute. if you are driving to the mcarthur maze, it looks pretty good driving out to the maze. on the issue of freeway. no major issues here as you drive into the area. we're also looking at the richmond bridge is nice and empty. i don't have a lot going on. so this is what we're dealing with if you get up early. and you want to get out there on the road. it looks good four. oh, one. let's get back to the headlines, concerns and fears are growing for some that if the u. s supreme court overturns the rovers is wade abortion law, it may next go
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after some other laws. ktvu jana katsuyama tells us some of those cases could involve same sex, marriage or contraception. draft opinion suggesting the supreme court might overturn roe versus wade has anti abortion activists already looking beyond state abortion bans to federal bands. i would like to see all abortion abolished across the entire united states of america . no exceptions. long term. i think this is a blueprint for the court to undo so many of the rights that we have obtained in the last 50 years. like the access to consensual same sex, gay marriage access to contraception. justice samuel alito draft majority opinion represents a fundamental shift in the court's interpretation of constitutional protections, according to erwin chemerinsky, dean of the uc berkeley school of law, justice, alito's draft opinion says that are right should be protected by the constitution. only that stated in the text was clearly part of the original meaning of
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the constitution, or there's a long tradition of protecting it. well there's so many rights that the courts protected that don't meet those criteria. chemerinsky says. those other rights go far beyond the issue of abortion, the right to marry the right to procreate. the right to custody of one's children the right to keep the family together. the right appearance, control the upbringing, their children the right to purchase and use contraceptives, legal experts say past supreme courts have seen those rights and others as protected under the 14th amendment with a right to privacy, including the rights for same sex, marriage and rights to use contraception. chemerinsky says alito's opinion would leave abortion up to state and federal lawmakers and the political process. congress could adopt the law protecting the national right to abortion. or prohibiting abortion for the whole country. and should congress do either of them, then no longer be left to state governments. jana katsuyama ktvu, fox two news. thank you,
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janna. if the u. s supreme court does overturn roe v. wade, the biden administration is concerned it could start a wave of personal liberties being overturned as well. president biden says outlawing abortion invades a woman's right to privacy in their personal health care, and that could lead to rescinding other supreme court decisions that involve personal matters that are not specifically spelled out in the u. s constitution, including same sex marriage. what are the next things that are going to be attacked? because this maga crowd is really the most extreme political organization that's existed in american history. now some republicans believe the leak was politically motivated by someone who is for abortion rights and hope that public reaction would influence the u. s supreme court justices before the decision was officially announced. our time is not for affordable governor gavin newsom fears that if roe versus wade is overturned, other rights could be targeted next. across the
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spectrum of issues you think for a second same sex marriage. is safe in the united states america. the governor was in los angeles, speaking at the headquarters of planned parenthood, and said conservative elected officials and judges will chip away at the rights that are important to many americans. just about you. i mean, if the right to privacy is not foundational. they're coming after you, governor newsom and state legislative leaders want to add an amendment to the california constitution, guaranteeing a woman's right to have an abortion and the governor says california will also offer help to women from states that ban abortions. san francisco supervisor hillary ronen is proposing the city pay the cost of women who want to come to san francisco for abortions. ronan says her proposal for a safe abortion access program would pay for travel accommodations and safe access to the medical procedure for women who live in anti
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abortion states. now board members are looking into how the program could work and how much it would cost. i am positive that we would have the support of the board in the mayor's office. you know, san francisco is staunchly pro choice city. we believe that abortion is healthcare, and we know that this is something that but majority of the city will be behind. now if ronan's proposal is approved by the board, san francisco would pay the travel costs for 1000 women to come to san francisco for an abortion. a new analysis shows if the supreme court does overturn roe v. wade california could become home to nearly 30% of all abortion clinics in the united states. 26 states are expected to implement bans or impose tougher restrictions on abortions at the highest court overturns the ruling now, the san francisco chronicle reports. there are more than 200 clinics in those states, and they could close. if that happens, it would
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shift the percent of clinics in california from 21% of all us clinics to 29% time now. 407 will levi strauss and company based in san francisco, will reimburse its employees for the cost of adult state travel to get an abortion. the company in a statement titled protecting reproductive rights of business imperative, says access to reproductive health care, including abortion has been a critical factor to the workplace games and contributions women have made over the past 50 years. levi strauss also says women make up 58% of the company's global workforce. supreme court decision involves a case from mississippi that challenges a law that would ban abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy, one bay area attorney wrote in amicus brief for that mississippi case and says that there will be major effects across the country. if roe v. wade is overturned. there's a large body of research that talks about the improvements that we see from abortion access
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on women's educational achievement. women's wages. there are great numbers about just the ability for a woman to delay an unplanned pregnancy by just one year. can have just kind of astronomical impact on their later wages. it also impacts of women's educational attainment. school graduation college attendance, there's just a lot of data out there. actually that measures these effects that i think it's important for the court and people to know about. now our coverage of the abortion rights fight continues here on mornings onto and online just visit ktvu dot com. find the very latest developments right on our homepage. alright our time is 408. the warriors injured guard gary payton. the 2nd may play again this season if the warriors make a deep run in the nba playoffs. gary payton is expected to be out 3 to 5 weeks after this tuesday nights injury
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where he fractured his left elbow and damaged ligament from a rough foul by dillon brooks of the memphis grizzlies. brooks, by the way, was ejected from the game. he may be suspended for that incident. honestly, i'm surprised he didn't hurt his neck. yeah when you look at that shot bone or i mean, it's steve yesterday, remember, we showed it i can hear steve's allowed. oh okay. it's just it was alarming. just yeah, not only that, but the fall, you know, he's helpless there. so hopefully we'll be back soon. yes alright, let's get to the weather here because things are changing rapidly. our system is approaching coming in, and it's going to lead to a significant cooling trend. now we'll probably level off today for a few days before really deep system arise, but not until sunday, monday, maybe all the way into tuesday. so santa rosa dropping from 81 when 67 today oakland is 65 san mateo, down to 70 in san jose, from 85 to 74 so big drop, i see a west or southwest breeze or some kind of westerly component in the city
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for all their it's not screaming , windy, but it is windy, higher elevations. not too bad west southwestern city west southwest alameda, west south west oakland, berkeley hills west at mount diablo, so the onshore breezes taking hold as well. forties fifties on the test probably won't change all that much because we're under mostly cloudy skies, the low cloud deck and the higher clouds to the north, holding up the temps forties and fifties. and it's a series of systems coming in. most of these are to the north. but when you open that door, then you say maybe we can get some cloud covering some rain in here. probably not much of anything. drizzle looks likely over the next couple of nights mornings here, especially in the friday the big will be coming in sunday, monday and into tuesday still looks like some ser be light, but thunderstorm activity looks to be in the mix for early next week. there will be some really i think some pretty good activity popping up 50 60 seventies today morning clouds partly sunny. partly cloudy you guys alright. see, thank you, thomas for 10, a case of mistaken identity area business
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has become a target still ahead . why the owner of a company that produces caviar is getting backlash because of russia's invasion of ukraine. and dozens of students have tested positive for covid 19 at one bay area high school we hear from the county public health officer who says the outbreaks are becoming says the outbreaks are becoming more common. boom! i won't be cleaning mold and mildew next week. thanks to this. did you know lysol disinfectant spray can actually prevent mold and mildew growth? spray it every week to break the cycle. ♪ lysol. what it takes to protect.®
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yesterday and also disrupted the power supply. hundreds of people are still stranded inside of a steel mill near the city of mario opal. ukrainian president alinsky wants more support from the us, and he also invited president biden to visit cuba. i think it's very important. because you know, you know our minds in our society and the president biden and the president of the biggest democratic civilization for ukrainians for our understanding. that's it that our partners strategic partners , and i think that it would be great signal. no monitoring groups worried that russia may trying to take more drastic action against ukraine on may, the ninth anniversary of the soviet union's defeat of germany . the kremlin denies those allegations. a famous northern california caviar producer has
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become the target of anti russian harassment. ktvu zuniga spoke to one of the owners of sar nicolai, who's trying to clear up the confusion over their russian sounding name. czar nikolai caviar may sound russian, but it was actually started by a swedish family. back in the eighties, the current owners say sales have plummeted amid russia's war in ukraine. ukrainian flags are front and center at nicolae caviar cafe gourmet outpost inside san francisco's very building support for the war torn country also to defend the business. recently the cafe has become the target of hate mail and disparaging online comments. blasting the sustainable california caviar producer by people who mistake it for russian company california 100% american owned and operated, but we have gotten a lot of you know , let's say hate mail and chat enquiries and, uh, instagram messages that are pretty nasty. swedish family in san francisco
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named the company after the founder's grandfather, nicolai, and they added to give the brain some old world eastern european flair. back in the eighties california farm wouldn't garner the same respect as say the caspian sea for having world class sturgeon. what started as an amazingly advantageous thing in the last couple of months has turned into you know, a center of, you know, uncomfortable conversations for a lot of our staff says he's received intimidating letters, one telling the owners to go back to russia that's prompted the business to up their security measures. including installing new cameras at the cafe. online sales have taken a massive hit two dropping by 50% since russia invaded ukraine. the company president often responds to angry online messages with details on the brains history. some commenters end up leaving an apology will take it. you know it's baby steps and ukrainian owned restaurant nearby is facing similar harassment by people who mistake it for a russian business. so the owner is changing its name
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no longer wanting to be associated with the iconic russian writer and poet alexander pushkin. the new name malaika means stork in ukrainian czar nicholas president has considered a temporary name change to the initials t. n c. isn't ready to go there yet. i think ultimately it's part of the brand's identity. nikolai caviar plans to continue to educate customers about its history and has no plans to change or abbreviate its name reporting in san francisco. emma gauss, ktvu fox two news. thank you time now for 17, with the national weather service issued a beach hazard statement that starts at eight o'clock this morning. warning is about rip currents and sneaker waves along the coast from big sur in monterey county, all the way to the northern sonoma county border, officials say, stay away from the water's edge because those waves could be as big as eight ft today. the warning remains in effect until eight o'clock tonight. you got that
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path do and it's always good to issue those warnings, especially when it gets hot, steve, we have a lot of people visiting and they're just not really used to that. it can be very intense. it's not going to be hot, that's for sure. over there. not over on the coast. but yes. good advice here. we do have water temps as well. that are very, very cold. so that'll catch your attention. even if you stick your big toe in there, 48 bodega bay again. yeah i don't think i've ever seen anything colder than 48. 49 san francisco bowie . moderate 50 ice cold. that means the fog. and you get upper eighties to near 90. that'll do it, and that's what we have along with the system coming in. so that's increasing. not only the low cloud deck but also the high clouds coming in. so down, we go on those temp santa rosa 81, oakland to 65. san mateo, down 12 and san jose down 11 from 85 to 74 pretty good breeze. onshore breeze. it'll pick up fairfield west southwest 23. we'll see if they can get some guts to 30. usually, that's a pretty good barometer, if you will on an onshore wind. forties and fifties on these temps, i don't think they'll change all
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that much combination of those low and high clouds will probably prevent us from getting too much cooler here. upper forties low fifties for east bay temps as well. alameda is 52 hayward's 52. dublin's 52 wanna creek lafayette martinez say hey , so are we so temperatures they're probably upper forties 50 cents system plowing in pacific northwest. this is a really active pattern. extreme northern california same we will be on the southern edge of these. so maybe some drizzle in the forecast next couple nights. all eyes will be on late sunday. monday tuesday. and seasonally strong, deep cold from a system drops in and that could give us submarine we talked about. i think some thunderstorm activity as well as possible. and this looks like no doubt about it for the sierra, especially as we head into early next week, more likely on monday and tuesday, but they're delaying the arrival of it a little bit, but will still get here sunday night into monday. 50 60 seventies on your temps. we might get a little bump up tomorrow is the system digs down a little teeter totter effect my jumps up a teeny bit, but overall look for cooler weather, especially cindy monday tuesday. okay see, thank you. thomas for 19 with some san
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francisco public school teachers say they're having problems getting paid coming up the school districts efforts to fix the problem, plus has so much meaning to me. priceless, really. a priceless necklace stolen from a gym locker. why? one man says he cannot i can't. ah, my toes! turns out, it is hard walking a mile in someone else's shoes. and it turns out the general is a quality insurance company that's been saving people money for nearly 60 years. i gotta go, ah.
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for a great low rate, and nearly 60 years of quality coverage, go with the general. for a great low rate, and nearly 60 years when a truck hit my son, i had so many questions about his case. i called the barnes firm. it was the best call i could've made. call the barnes firm now and find out what your case could be worth. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪
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twos heartbroken after a necklace with the ashes of their son was stolen from a gym. i just i just want to back. it means a lot. you can take any other necklace . just give me that's my brother's necklace. it's not just mine. ktvu crime reporter henry lee spoke with the family who says they want the ashes back. no questions asked. i'm sorry, i has so much meaning to me. it's priceless, really 18 year old tyler leone's of livermore and his family are broken hearted after a thief stole a necklace with his
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brother's ashes while he was at the gym. i literally try and wear it every single day. when i sleep, just i take it off because it gets hot. that's the only reason why other than that it's always on me. it happened monday night as tyler was at this 24 hour fitness in livermore. he left his necklace and unlocked locker when he went to the sauna. when he came back, it was gone the theft, adding to his grief. his brother devon, died of cancer in 2013 at the age of 16. tyler was only 10 years old. it was very tough loss for me because he was one of my best friends, tyler, another relatives. even the family dog have all kept devon's ashes on their necks. we all carry devon around. on our bodies to keep him with us to keep him present. angie silva is devin's mother. a little bit numb a little bit. violated would you feel if someone went to the cemetery and dug up your mom and stole her really owns his tyler's mother, and was devin step, mom. it just opens up a wound and to think that piece of him is not in the right hands. devin had always been a
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fighter. he was born two months premature and endured many open heart surgeries. he was diagnosed with cancer on his 14th birthday. i want him remembered as the great and inspiring boy and that he always wanted to be devin always knew his life because short, devin and tyler share the same father . the two women weren't always close, but they say in sickness , devin brought the two mothers closer. he looked at her and he told her i got cancer to bring you and my mom back together again. and that is why we are the strong family that we are just i just want to back. it means a lot. you can take any other necklace. just give me that's my brother's necklace. family is asking anyone with devon's ashes to return them. no questions asked to the gym or deliver more police. in livermore, henry lee ktvu fox studios. alright henry. thank you. thomas for 24 police in livermore searching for thieves who stole a van from outside of the nonprofits. office surveillance video from there
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from the parking lot of try. valley haven showed the band brake lights. come on, then let the backs out of the parking spot and drives away. it happened early monday morning. the director of homeless services for tri valley haven told ktvu. they've cut their way through a security fence. defense was cut. and they came through that avenue. we did not get it on camera. the very first camera shot that we had was the van being hotwired. you can see the back lights going off and on and then van finally moved and left the parking lot. officials at tri valley haven say they used that van to make grocery store pick ups of food to be delivered to people in need. homeless advocates are demanding more be done to help people in need in san francisco. the coalition on homelessness held what it calls their annual mother's day action rally outside city hall. organizers
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say they're fighting for more funding for housing and resources from the city. i know that there's a lot of money. there's a lot of funding for families to have housing, especially mothers who are single mothers who are working hard for their kids. coalition is also asking for 24 a half million dollars from the city to boost its staffing and to improve services in the city's housing for the homeless. the city has budgeted almost $600 million this year towards homeless services. time is 4, 26 and mateo counties. first homeless navigation center is getting a new infusion of cash. it's getting $500,000 on the most recent federal budget at the county plans to use that money to build a new $55 million facility in redwood city. it's a way of saying what we know to be true and sanitary. oh county, which is that we are compassionate people. that we are committed to making sure that everyone who needs a place
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to call home will have a place to call phone. mateo counties navigation center will provide individual living pods as well as support services to help people transition into permanent housing. a 13 year old is in the hospital this morning after a violent confrontation at school coming up why parents say it's an ongoing problem, and for many a college education, it's out of reach because some people can't afford it. we'll tell you about the latest efforts to help more students with their tuition and students with their tuition and other expenses. you really can't get much for 5 bucks these days... unless... ♪ you got that bag ♪ ♪ you got that biggie bag ♪ ♪ you got that bag ♪ is that a real song? i think she liked it. your choice of sandwich plus all this for just 5 bucks is worth celebrating. choose wisely. choose wendy's biggie bag.
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(jessica) my son aden has asthma. secondhand smoke has triggered his asthma so bad, to the point where he had to end up in the emergency room. and he has spent multiple nights in intensive care. now, he's on a whole bunch of medications. my tip to you is; don't be shy to tell people not to smoke around your kids. (announcer) for free help, visit my y for the guy have the knife tense situation in the south bay after an elementary school was in lockdown as officers worked to subdue a man with a knife on
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campus. plus it's probably the most transmissible. um akane variant we've seen to date there are new concerns that another wave of covid is sweeping across the bay area just ahead of the mother's day weekend. from ktvu . fox two news. this is mornings on two. good morning. thank you for joining us here on mornings onto i'm pam cooked. good morning. i'm dave clark. welcome to thursday. it's may 5th may 5th 1/5. you missed. may the fourth be with you. i know it may fit right? and we have steve paulson. steve arnott. did you notice it was like a chilly morning today i noticed the wind picked up. the weather is on the way. you can feel that and it's going to continue here probably all the way into early next week. we'll kind of moderate on the temps next couple of days, but they're all coming down. systems dragging across is so there's a big fog bank underneath that veil of high clouds as well. so the cooling begins here much bigger fog bank as well and i'm onshore breeze.
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more sun south more clouds north and could get some drizzle out of that late tonight. tomorrow and again. friday night, maybe in the saturday sixties, now and seventies, cooling off here, all right over to salhi here to tell us hopefully, things are quiet out there. yes they are. we don't have a lot going on. we've had a couple of minor things. we had a stalled car in oakland northbound 80 near broadway. they're clearing that it's not really causing a big traffic jam. i'm just kind of looking around here. and i don't see much. this is a look at the bay bridge and that traffic is moving along very nicely with no major problems if you are driving on to oakland freeways as we mentioned, it does look all right here in front of the coliseum. and if you're driving on the east bay commute again that stalled vehicle in oakland is up near broadway. the rest of the east bay commute starts to look good, a little bit of slowing on the altamont pass is developing on your way in from tracy. 4 31. let's get back to the headlines. thank you. sal several bay area public health leaders are going public with their concerns about the
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increasing number of new coronavirus infections. santa clara county public health director dr sara cody says the county is entering another wave of new cases, she says most of the outbreaks or at schools and businesses and that being fully vaccinated and boosted is the best protection you can have. even as these new variants, um may have a significant degree of immune escape. that means that they may be less protective against infection, but the vaccine is still extraordinarily protective against hospitalization and death. now in california, the state's test positivity rate is now 3.2% that's more than twice as high as the state's rate at the end of march. health officials also say the actual infection rate is probably even higher, since it does not include results from people who use those take home tests. time is 4 30, too many health officials are worried because the increase is happening. justice families plan
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to get together to celebrate mother's day, the people say despite the rising infection rate, they want to spend the holiday with their mothers, grandmothers and other relatives. dr monica gandhi of uc san francisco says at this point in the pandemic, families can decide for themselves what they should do if they will be around the most vulnerable family members or friends that includes people who are older or have compromised immune systems. we are in a phase of the pandemic that we're never going to get rid of cases, hospitalizations are staying low, and we also want to get back to life. so think of this as kind of your own risk calculation. time of endemic as she does have some suggestions anyone who is at high risk, including people over the age of 70 should get a second booster shot. if you haven't done it yet, and they should wear a mask indoors when you're with people outside of your immediate household. the cdc believes the death rate will start to
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increase again because of the surge. officials predict as many as 4600 deaths by last the last week of this month, according to johns hopkins university. more than 996,000 people have died from covid in the u. s. that prediction would push the death toll passed one million by next month. the mercury news reports at least 65 students and nine staff members at los datos high school tested positive for covid . during the last two weeks, school officials sent out more than 2000 exposure notices, which is almost the entire student population. last month, there was an outbreak at san mateo high school school officials say about 100 students there tested positive shortly after the prom. your time is 4 34 13 year old boys in san francisco hospital. he was attacked by another student. now. it happened monday afternoon at everett middle school on church street. it's along the castro and mission district border. a school of good officials say there was an altercation between two of the students. police have made no arrests. yet in the case, the
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parents, including the co chair of the to told ktvu violent at average school is a continuing problem. i was really sad because i have been advocating for help and support to prevent this from happening now. in a separate incident, a 12 year old boy was beaten yesterday by another student and has a swollen eyes. parents say many of the attacks involved kids bullying latino students who were new to the country and speak very little english. we talked to one mother with the help of an interpreter. on the kid was trying to defend himself when they were talking him is the told me that we are going to have a meeting with another parents, then you know with these kids. and until now we haven't had that meeting. the principle of beverage school did not comment, but the school district issued a statement
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saying when a serious incident occurs, we attend to the immediate safety of students involved, communicate directly with their families and determine the appropriate supports interventions and consequences. classes will resume today at an elementary school in san jose, after a tense standoff between police and an armed man. that's ktvu is jesse gary has the details on how the crisis negotiator stepped in to help. that's why we have the resources here. that's why we have the people. that's why we have our mobile crisis assessment team and hours long standoff between a man armed with a knife and san jose police came to a peaceful conclusion. the drama began just after 11 o'clock wednesday morning on the campus of empire gardens elementary school. behind the school. there is a creek which is known to have a lot of homeless people, neighbors say a man who appeared to be on housed and suffering a mental health episode walked onto the campus of 300 students with an 18 inch knife. they say
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he began swinging the knife and shouting incoherently in spanish concerns. our students to school is in session. but right now every possible resource we have available is here dealing with this individual. the school was placed on lockdown with the k through fifth grade students kept in their classrooms. administrators notified some parents of the ongoing problem by phone and they called me the for my daughter coming today for the guy had a knife. uniformed police officers surrounded the man. all members of the police mobile crisis assessment team started talking to him for hours . not too worried. i mean, there's plenty of police around so kind of they're that's what they're trained for. so i'm not that worried about it. police crisis specialists as well as county clinicians continue negotiating with the man using a bullhorn to eventually convince him to put down the knife and surrender. officials say this deployment worked to perfection. we don't want to force a confrontation. we want a peaceful resolution. the man with the knife is being held on
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a misdemeanor charge of brandishing a deadly weapon on school grounds. he is undergoing a mental health evaluation to determine his long term needs. in san jose jessica ktvu fox two news. thank you, jesse. that standoff in san jose happened just weeks after a similar incident in stockton's that case had a very different ending, police say anthony gray walked onto the campus of stag high school where he stabbed and killed 15 year old alicia naga. authorities described that as a random act time is worth 38 will. the state of california is investing $5 million in a bill aimed at supporting public safety on tribal lands? for too long, too many native american families have been torn apart. too many innocent lives have been lost. there has been too much pain. too much worry too much trauma. as we solemnly remember those missing and murdered. we also affirm our shared commitment to preventing
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future pain to taking action. together. we affirm our commitment to building healthier. and safer communities . that announcement was really timely today happens to be missing and murdered. indigenous women's day. organizers want more attention on the need for extra resources to find those who are missing. also get the justice they deserve and prevent any future tragedies. 4 39 is the time we saw that fog roll in yesterday, so we definitely a lot of us got that breeze at least later in the evening cooler today, steve as well cooler for all i mean, yesterday was a summer pattern there was, you know, 50 sixties by the water and operating in your 90 inland, so you know today, though, the inland areas will drop a good 10. maybe 15 degrees and clouds covers coming in. we have bigger fog bank underneath that, and the combination. these two along with an onshore breeze is going to lead to a cooler pattern today. so 50 sixties upper seventies big fog bank cooler for all some higher clouds more of a westerly breeze
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in place, but you know it should get some pretty good gusts later today, especially out towards the wind prone areas. santa rosa , oakland, san mateo, san jose, those arrows are all going down here. big drop for santa rosa, san mateo, oakland. also san jose is temperatures probably will settle in here for a little bit until they start to drop against sunday, monday and tuesday, in fact, on monday could get some highs that would be hard pressed to get over 60 and seasonally deep systems on the way forties fifties on your temps on your cloudy to mostly cloudy skies to the north. partly cloudy south, but these will probably be close to the lows. i just don't see these dropping all that much. upper 40 cemetery coast peninsula for forties low fifties altos hills and los altos, both at 50, woodside's at 50 and foster city, san mateo at 49 energy for may. where were you in january, february and march when you weren't here? that's for sure. but you're here now. days are getting longer, so when you get a system dropping in especially cold core system, this is a recipe for maybe some thunderstorm activity wouldn't be until late sunday into monday . there will be sierra snow late
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sunday into monday as well. but the pattern is setting up for a rather cool one for us, but it'll take until the weekend to get here. there could be some drizzle. maybe as we head into saturday late friday, saturday and then the main course of the system drops in late sunday, monday and goes all the way into tuesday. for this year. you're okay today. so you're okay variety saturday sunday things start to go downhill. if you will, and into monday, there could be some significant totals up there as we head into monday 50 60 seventies on your temps. so the cooling begins today. not too much of a change until we get to the weekend, then big drop in those temps sunday. monday at that time is 4 41 federal reserve took action for easing inflation still ahead. the reason some economists worry . it's too little too late major investment in studying climate change, stanford researchers hope to make a big impact.
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♪ ♪ this is awesome for any type of plant, especially for a beginning gardener. [ barks ] - yeah? i think he likes them. create a season full of celebration. your happiest spring starts at lowe's. andn
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francisco say the district owes them some money. ktvu christian captain tells us the teachers blamed the problem on changes to a glitchy payroll system. we have a job to do. we have a job to do, but we've been doing without getting paid from washington high school demonstrated in front of san francisco unified school district payroll office. about 30 teachers from the high school , saying they've put in the work but still aren't seeing the pay. today is a reaction to the fact that they did great work right after the sleep inn right after we were there, but we haven't seen movement since mid march, a group of teachers took over part of district headquarters, staging asleep in outraged over a new payroll system that shorted teachers throughout the district school district officials saying at the time that they would work to resolve the issues. but some teachers say they're still in limbo. lavin is a new teacher and says the technical glitches led to her getting underpaid to the tune of $10,000. and so that's a pretty large amount of money. big discrepancy in my pay. she
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said. she's trying to resolve the issue. but it's been a bureaucratic roundabout payroll office never organized anything to try and explain to us what our paychecks should look like. how to read them where they could be discrepancies that was all coming from staff here who just worked together and shared information that they found out themselves. the district said in march that the situation was unacceptable. sf usd says some of the broader issues have been addressed. what's happening now? our individual cases that need to be resolved on an individual basis and that is taking time. but teachers say they don't have the luxury of time we want sf usd to publish an accessible and transparent pathway for educators to rectify future pay issues no more. pilot help ticket and we heard from united educators of san francisco who say the teachers at washington high school aren't the only ones struggling. they estimate hundreds of other teachers are in the same boat. the school district again apologized for what it called unforeseen challenges that staff are
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navigating and is pledging that every staff member in the district will be paid. what they're owed in san francisco. christien kafton ktvu, fox two news. all right, chris and thank you. thomas for 45 will. demonstrators at city college of san francisco still camping out this morning protesting planned layoffs and school cuts. at several ccs faculty members set up these tents in front of the chancellor's office. they call it an occupation tomorrow, the city college of san francisco board of trustees will vote on faculty layoffs more than 200 faculty members could lose their jobs. the teachers say those staff, layoffs and cutbacks will hurt the students. because city college has the money to stop these cuts and invest in students, and that's precisely the patient. the teacher is planning to continue their camp out indefinitely protesting the potential staff cutbacks. leaders from the bay area state universities have launched a new
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initiative to help low income students graduate from college. on time with less debt. officials from san jose state, sf state and cal state east bay took part in the kickoff event in san francisco yesterday. the college core program will give students $10,000 in financial support for completing one year of public service. one student described volunteering as a tutor to underserved kids in a similar program at san jose state. the most meaningful part of this fellowship has to be the genuine connections i've made with the children that i mentor. cause i know that i can be the one to inspire them to pursue a period stand or even just get them excited for congress. now the students will volunteer in three priority areas. k through 12 education, climate action and food insecurity to receive that money applications opened on april 1st and they can be filled out online. alright time is 4 47 , speaking of money, silicon valley venture capitalist john door is making a donation of a billion dollars to stanford
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university. the money will be used to set up a new school that will study the effects of climate change and also to find solutions. the gift is the biggest donation in stanford history and what is the biggest for any school? in addition to the money donated by door, stanford also received $590 million for the new climate school from other donors. we go to the steve paulson climate school always every day. i'm gonna send about 100 bucks to chico state. does that account that counts? two billion not million. a billion. okay yeah, that's that's impressive. we do have a big change here in our climate for the next couple of days. unseasonably strong system in a cold one is on the way. a lot of cold here in cold water temps and after yesterday's inland temps warming up to the upper eighties to near 90 at the coast was fifties and sixties today will level off the playing field if you will. fifties sixties and seventies
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temperature's coming down bigger fog bank some higher clouds coming in cooler for all and more of a westerly breeze in place, so 50 60 seventies and continue to come down those temps. santa rosa 81 yesterday. oakland 73 san mateo 80 to san jose 85. not today. 67 65, 70 and 74. i don't think there'll be too much change today. but by sunday monday there will be some highs. that will be in the low sixties inland. fairfield west southwest 23. there's your onshore breeze. forties fifties on the temps. calistoga is 45 lots of fifties, though due to the cloud cover 46 mill valley napa airport, 49 some forties in the santa cruz mountains. also santa cruz proper and aptos as well. same for the santa clara valley than a lot of fifties and around santa clara campbell. also saratoga and cupertino around 52 53. for all those one system is moving in the first of many, they'll continue to work themselves in now they'll stay to the north for now, but eventually you're going to see them come in. and the system on monday sunday mines monday is
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going to do that, and that's that's a big, big deep, what we call area of low pressure driving over itself. that's going to drop the temps that will bring in some more clouds be some instability for the atmosphere, so serious snow late sunday monday. we'll get windy and cooler on sunday would not be surprised little drizzle here next couple of days. but sunday, monday and tuesday those would be the main focus days is really , really cool times we'll get some rain out of it, but it might be more hit and miss. but the sierra looks pretty good for snow. not until sunday night monday. those were going saturday's alright, but there could be some pretty hefty totals there. by the time we get to monday tuesday, 50 60 seventies today now too much change over the next few days. bigger drop will start on the weekend. especially sunday, monday. pm if privacy is not constitutionally protected. this opens up panoply. of issues. governor newsom warning about the future of the supreme court moves to strike down roe v. wade the action he is taking with other state democrats to protect californians. and the action
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some big companies are taking in the fight for abortion rights, including san francisco based levi strauss. the first we have a sneak peek into metas new brick and mortar store showing up the latest high tech gadgets. morning sun to we'll be right back.
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ints raised a key interest rate by half a percentage point, as expected in an effort to lower inflation, madeline rivera reports, some economists say this rate hike is too late. stocks surged on wednesday, the dow rallying 900 points, posing its best day in two years after federal reserve chair jerome powell announced raising interest rates by a half percentage point. the economy is strong and as well positioned to handle tighter monetary policy,
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the increase, which is the highest in more than two decades, was expected. as the fed looks to cool down the red hot economy, but investors are breathing a sigh of relief after powell assured them even bigger rate hikes are off the table for now. 75 basis point increase is not something the committee is actively considering the fed is playing a balancing act as it tries to fight soaring inflation without sending the economy into a recession. some economists are criticizing the fed for acting too slowly to lot of work ahead of them. the white house is optimistic. the president says his administration is on track to cut the national deficit by $1.5 trillion this year, potentially reducing inflation. powell also noted the strength of the economy. he also noted that there is a path for a soft landing. others are doubtful inflation coming in the fed policy. i don't see how you stop from being a crash landing and i
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just don't see it. the fed also intends to reduce its balance sheet, which will further raise the cost of loans in washington . now, the rivera fox news madeline financial analyst george no. chetty points out. interest rates are just part of the picture until the supply chain improves. inflation will not let up. people have money to spend. and they're paying higher rates for things which they don't like. but as soon as we can get our supply chain equalized, and maybe get the fed to have a few increases, and we get we make a good equalization by the end of the year. it's er kana me get back on track. now he says he expects to see another half point interest rate hike in june and another in july and possibly one more later in the year. california is the first state to begin the process of adapting to cryptocurrency, an executive order by governor newsom has state agencies working with the federal government to come up with regulations for digital currencies. cryptocurrencies are built on blockchain database technology. newsom's executive
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order also calls for officials to explore incorporating broader blockchain computer coding into the government operations. neda said to open its first brick and mortar store, and it is located right here in the bay area. this is new video from facebook's parent companies showing off its new shop shoppers who visit the store at metas reality lab campus in burlingame. tickin demo several products, including virtual reality headsets, smart glasses. the store on airport boulevard is set to open on monday. the bay area's only indonesian restaurant has closed after less than a full year in operation while running cisco and redwood city has shut its doors. the owners say the bay area's ongoing labor shortage in the restaurant industry contributed to the closure. the restaurant's menu will still be available through delivery services, a recent report from the national restaurant association found that seven out of 10 restaurants in america say
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they do not have enough workers to meet demand. paul mccartney headed to the bay area this weekend for two shows at oakland arena. former beatle kicked off his 13 city got back to her last week, he said, includes solo work as well as some of the beatles classics like can't buy me love. hey, jude and let it be the 79 year old will be playing tomorrow night and sunday night on mother's day tickets start at $30. they're still available for both shows. people in san jose have been getting ready for today's annual cinco de mayo celebration. restaurants in san pedro square are expecting a busy night. heat lamps have been added to the outdoor seating to make sure it's not too cold. we also spotted people selling mexican flags for celebration that could stretch into the weekend. tomorrow's the big day friday and saturday. yeah on sunday to mexicans in that's a good show. the mexican this will
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be the first cinco de mayo celebration without any stay at home restrictions or mask requirements since the pandemic started. some of san francisco's asian american community came together last night for the annual epa heritage awards. naaimur organizations that have reached major milestones and serving the community. assembly member phil ting spoke at the event, saying he was honored to recognize ap heroes and elevate asian successes. mayor london breed and former mayor willie brown attended the event as well. now it is a p i heritage month. today we're spotlighting the very asian foundation, which was started by a news anchor from the st louis area. michelle lee was doing a segment about what americans eat. on new year's day, she added her own tradition. eating dumpling soup while she got a lot of support about the inclusive moment, the station also got a racist voicemail and response from a viewer who claimed to be offended. lee told ktvu. she
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turned the racist comment into something positive. i think it's a gift because the world responded and stuck up for me and stuck up her racism and started sharing their moments of pride. and eventually that led me to the ellen show, which then she gave me a $15,000 gift. relaunch this foundation were now 100, like five days in the very asian foundation raises money for organizations such as the asian american journalists association and stop a p i hate they're also working to educate more people to fight hate and stereotypes. it's probably the most transmissible con variant we've seen to date, and there are new concerns that another wave of covid cases is sweeping across the bay area just before the mother's day weekend. plus. long term. i think this is a blueprint for the court to undo so many of the rights that we have obtained in the last 50
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years. the supreme court's leaked draft striking down the row versus wade abortion law had some fearing what could be next from the u. s. supreme court. from ktvu. fox two news. this is mornings on two good morning to you. and we thank you for joining us. welcome the mornings onto i'm dave clark. good morning. i'm pam cook thursday morning. may 5th we want to check in with steve paulson? we've been saying a lot of people will take the opportunity to start celebrating cinco de mayo celebrating something getting out and about. so what's the weather going to be like outside cooler than yesterday? that's for sure. depending on your proximity again. there's so many microclimates. it's nearly impossible, but we started cool down coast in bed yesterday inland, the upper eighties nineties. not today, there's a much bigger fog bank. it was very low to the deck yesterday. that's made a bigger push today. so temperatures right now forties and fifties on attempts a lot more fifties under mostly cloudy skies downtown santa rosa, those 49. systems moving in so a lot of high clouds in the north so mostly sundays to
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the south, but much bigger fog bank underneath that, so the cooling begins. look for low clouds be persisting sun and clouds breezy, maybe even windy later on here as we started pretty significant cooler pattern over the next 5 to 7 days, sixties seventies, alright, salads here now we made it through the first hour. alright. what about five a.m, my friend. i think that we are still doing very well. now i'm looking around just to make sure that things are not. you know, things haven't slipped by here. but on the richmond bridge, it looks pretty good. and it looks very good all the way over to marin county. we don't see a lot going on. this is the time when things are beginning to get a little bit more crowded, but really, it does not until we get closer to six, so you can still jump ahead of the crowd here. as you drive through the bay area. you don't see a lot going on. we did have an earlier stalled car in oakland. chp did a good job in getting it out of the way. and as we look around here, we don't even have some slower on highway four. just yet. now that probably won't stay that way for
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a long time, but right now is your chance right now is your chance. five? oh one. let's go back to the headlines, thank you. well concerns and fears are growing for some that if the u. s supreme court overturns roe versus wade abortion law, it may next go after other laws. ktvu jana katsuyama tells us some of those cases could involve same sex, marriage or contraception. opinion suggesting the supreme court might overturn roe versus wade has anti abortion activists already looking beyond state abortion bans to federal bands. i would like to see all abortion abolished across the entire united states of america. no exceptions. long term. i think this is a blueprint for the court to undo so many of the rights that we have obtained in the last 50 years. like the access to sexual same sex, gay marriage access to contraception . justice samuel alito draft majority opinion represents a fundamental shift in the court's interpretation of constitutional protections, according to erwin
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chemerinsky, dean of the uc berkeley school of law, justice, alito's draft opinion says that are right should be protected by the constitution. only that stated in the text was clearly part of the original meaning of the constitution, or there's a long tradition of protecting it. well, there's so many rights that the courts protected that don't meet those criteria. chemerinsky says. those other rights go far beyond the issue of abortion, the right to marry the right to procreate the right to custody of one's children. the right to keep the family together. the right appearance control the upbringing, their children the right to purchase and use contraceptives, legal experts say. past supreme courts have seen those rights and others as protected under the 14th amendment with a right to privacy, including the rights for same sex, marriage and rights to use contraception. chemerinsky says alito's opinion would leave abortion up to state and federal lawmakers and the political process. congress could adopt the law protecting a national right to abortion. or
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prohibiting abortion for the whole country. and should congress do either of them, then no longer be left to state governments. jana katsuyama ktvu, fox two news. thank you, janna if the u. s supreme court does overturn roe v. wade the biden administration is concerned it could start a wave of personal liberty is being overturned. president biden says outlawing abortion invades a woman's right to privacy and their personal health care. that could lead to rescinding other supreme court decisions that involve personal matters that are not specifically spelled out in the u. s constitution, including same sex marriage. what are the next things that are going to be attacked? because this maga crowd is really the most extreme political organization that's existed in american history. december republicans believe the leak was politically motivated by someone who is pro abortion rights and hoped public reaction would influence the supreme court justices before the
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decision was officially announced time now five oh four. governor gavin newsom also fears if roe versus wade is overturned , other rights could be targeted next. across the spectrum of issues you think for a second same sex marriage. is safe in the united states. american anticipated the governor was in los angeles, speaking at the headquarters of planned parenthood, and said conservative elected officials and judges will chip away at the rights that are important to many americans. it's just about you. i mean, if the right to privacy is not foundational. they're coming after you. remarkable people have the governor and state legislative leaders want to add an amendment to the california constitution, guaranteeing a woman's right to have an abortion and the governor says california will also offer help to women from states that ban abortion analysis shows if the supreme court does overturn roe versus wade, california could become home. to nearly 30% of all
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abortion clinics in the united states. now 26 states are expected to implement bans or imposed tougher restrictions on abortions if the highest court overturns roe v. wade. the san francisco chronicle reports. there are more than 200 clinics in those states that could close. if that happens, it would shift the percentage of clinics in california from 20% 21% of all clinics. to 29% time is now 506 will levi strauss and company based in san francisco, will reimburse its employees for the cost of any out of state travel to get an abortion. as a company in the statement titled protecting reproductive rights, a business imperative, says access to reproductive health care, including abortion has been a critical factor to the workplace gains and contributions women have made over the past 50 years. levi strauss also says women make up 58% of the company's global workforce. our coverage of the fight over abortion rights
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continues right here on mornings onto and online. just go to ktvu .com. you'll find the latest development right there on our homepage cases are on the rise, and that comes at a time when we could see a lot of people getting together for celebrations. ktvu is amended quintana in san jose with a message for people planning to get together this weekend. it is mother's day. good morning, amanda. mother's day and then yesterday single the miles so we could see a lot of gatherings today and this weekend and it is something that none of us want to hear that we are entering 1/6 wave of covid infections. but here in santa clara county, the public health officer says that is what is happening after seeing a jump in cases from omicron. there was a brief break . but now in the last month cases and transmission rates have been rising again, dr monica gandhi and infectious disease expert at ucsf says we're seeing this rise because
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of a highly transmissible sub variant that's here. is it? probably the most transmissible omicron variant we've seen to date. we are in a phase of the pandemic that we're never going to get rid of cases. hospitalizations are staying low , and we also want to get back to life. so think of this as kind of your own risk calculation time of the pandemic. dr gandhi says hospitalizations are low because so many people are vaccinated and boosted her advice this weekend. if you're going to see your mom or your grandma is for those that are immuno compromised, or those that are elderly, make sure that you are vaccinated and boosted if you are eligible for that, and also if you gathering inside she does recommend putting on a mask. although a lot of places you don't have to. she does recommended right now live in san jose. amanda kintanar ktvu fax tunis. thank you, amanda. the cdc believes the death rate will start to increase again because of the surge. officials
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predict as many as 4600 deaths by the last week of this month, according to johns hopkins university, more than 996,000 people have died from covid in the u. s. that prediction would push the death toll passed one million by next month. the mercury news reports at least 65 students and nine staff members at los gatto's high school tested positive for covid. during the last two weeks, school officials sent out more than 2000 exposure notices, which is almost the entire student population. last month, there was an outbreak at san mateo high school, school officials say about 100 students there tested positive shortly after the prom. pam time is five. both nine. steve paulson's back, steve well, we have more breezy weather today. yes okay back to youtube to you. what else? breezy to windy at cooler after some crazy temps yesterday. i mean, we went right into one day of summer. and now we're going to downshift and go into a much more cooler pattern here, especially sunday. monday, tuesday, half moon bay was only
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59. the city was 60 for oakland . 73 the napa 83 redwood city, 84. san jose 85 conquered 89. morgan hill was 90. and now we're back down in the sixties and seventies. our good friend chris henry's in morgan hill, 90 and morgan hill after a low of 42. that's impressive. you get a little 42, then a high of 90. back to seventies today than snow and mount hambleton monday. yes it sure looks like that is a possibility. is there really unseasonably strong system drops in? it doesn't look like it has a lot of moisture. but there's going to be a lot of cooling cloud cover com and high over the next few days. and also the wind machine will crank up once again. it was a very windy end of april. we're going back into windy pattern here. 50 60 seventies on your attempts as they come down, santa rosa, oakland, san mateo san jose 67, 65, 70 and 70 for those forecasts, eyes today. there you go. travis 26, now west southwest, casting the 31. you know, in the in the wintertime. i don't look at that. but may, june july august, that is a no. that's the first place you look
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for an onshore wind. really um, also sfo fifties on most of the temps on most of the temps, we look north upper 40 49ers popular there. sebastopol, cloverdale. windsor rohnert park's closed for everyone else. sonoma 48 vallejo 48. 51 upper like even label pitch that's through the clouds through the cloud cover could be some light rain to the north over the next couple of days, you know, north of, say, probably cloverdale, maybe calistoga like county, mendocino county. lot of cooling those on the way is a rather really deep system starts. now we'll start to cool down more so on saturday, bigger drop will be sunday and monday with the atmosphere getting this kind of a system coming in the angle of the sun is high. the days are longer. some thunderstorms are with are in the mix without a doubt sunday into monday was serious snow now we'll get some rain. this could be hit or miss as we head towards sunday monday, maybe in the tuesday but more likely sunday monday. the high temps will be in the upper fifties and low sixties. that'll be it after eighties too. few nineties yesterday and this year looking for snow late sunday into monday, maybe during the
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day monday and early tuesday. 50 60 seventies on your temps. they come down today and all kind of level off on friday, then to drop starts on the weekend and early next week. all right. thank you. steve area business has become a target. still ahead . we hear from the owner of a caviar company that's getting backlash because of the russian invasion of ukraine. also a major blow for the golden state warriors. how long will gary payton be out of action after being injured right here tuesday night in that intense playoff game against the memphis if you're a small business, there are lots of choices when it comes to your internet and technology needs. but when you choose comcast business internet,
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[téa leoni] today, seven and a half million children in ukraine need to find safe water, shelter and warmth. show them the world cares. support unicef on the ground in ukraine. bac. russian military forces continue attacking the eastern region of ukraine. russian missiles, bombarded railroad stations and other targets in an effort to control more of the territory there in the viva new round of
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attacks knocked out power yesterday. hundreds of people are still stranded inside of a steel mill near the city of mary opal. ukrainian president talansky wants more support from the united states, and he also invited president biden to visit key i think it's very important. because you know, you know our minds in our society and the president biden and the president of the biggest democratic civilization for ukrainians for our understanding. that's it that our partners strategic partners , and i think that it would be great signal. there are fears that russia may trying to take even more drastic action against ukraine on may, the ninth at the anniversary of the soviet union's defeat of germany. the kremlin denies the allegations. northern california caviar producer has become the target
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of anti russian harassment. ktvu demagogues spoke to one of the owners of czar nikolai, who's trying to clear up the confusion over their russian sounding name. czar nikolai caviar may sound russian, but it was actually started by a swedish family. back in the eighties, the current owners say sales have plummeted amid russia's war in ukraine. ukrainian flags are front and center at like, have er cafe gourmet outpost inside san francisco's very building support for the war torn country, also to defend the business. recently the cafe has become the target of hate mail and disparaging online comments. blasting the sustainable california caviar producer by people who mistake it for russian company california 100% american owned and operated, but we have gotten a lot of you know, let's say hate mail and chat enquiries and, uh, instagram messages that are pretty nasty, a swedish family in san francisco named the company after the founder's
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grandfather, nicolai, and they added to give the brain some old world eastern european flair. back in the eighties california farm wouldn't garner the same respect as say the caspian sea for having world class sturgeon . what started as an amazingly advantageous thing in the last couple of months has turned into you know, a center of, you know, uncomfortable conversations for a lot of our staff says he's received intimidating letters, one telling the owners to go back to russia that's prompted the business to up their security measures. including installing new cameras at the cafe. online sales have taken a massive hit two dropping by 50% since russia invaded ukraine. company president often responds to angry online messages with details on the brains history. some commenters end up leaving an apology will take it. you know it's baby steps in ukrainian owned restaurant nearby is facing similar harassment by people who mistake it for a russian business. so the owner is changing its name
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no longer wanting to be associated with the iconic russian writer and poet alexander pushkin. linux name malaika means stork in ukrainian czar nicholas president has considered a temporary name change to the initials t. n c. isn't ready to go there yet. i think ultimately it's part of the brand's identity. nikolai caviar plans to continue to educate customers about its history and has no plans to change or abbreviate its name reporting in san francisco. emma gauss ktvu fox two news thank you. time is 5 18 with the national weather service issued a beach hazard statement. it starts at eight o'clock this morning, and the warning is about rip currents and those sneaker waves along the coast from big sur and monterey county to the northern sonoma county border. officials say, stay away from the water's edge because waves as big as eight ft, tall or possible today at warning will continue until eight o'clock tonight. so the surfers are thinking eight. ft i need to
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get up early and get out there, but they have to be careful. well, not only that it is brutally cold. i mean, water temps are amazingly cold here. i know you're steve. you're talking about this a lot. why? because they don't see this very often at 48. i mean, that's as cold as i've ever seen. i don't think i've seen if you've seen colder than 48. let me know because i don't think i have a water temp is 48 san francisco bowie is 49. now that's outside the gate. obviously. but even monterey down to 15, and you know we had on the half moon bay was at the marathon. they had to cut the swim because even in the harbor temperatures in the low fifties, so i mean, this is really cold water that also made for fog yesterday on the coast didn't matter inland, but today it will the basis of lifted yesterday. the fog bank was very shallow, not personality. wise just basis, wiseman. today though, it's up there a couple of 1000 ft and it's making a much bigger surge here. so 50 60 seventies on the temps. big fog bank cooler for all today high
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clouds. westerly breeze yesterday was you want to be in weather? try forecasting the highs yesterday. i mean, you got fifties to nineties. i mean, it was tough. santa rosa, oakland san mateo san jose eighties seventies yesterday. today it's sixties and mainly low to mid seventies. so cooler weather on the way when you get travis to west southwest 26 gusting to 31. that's usually a pretty good roaring breeze for areas around american canyon hidden brooke cordelia. that's your onshore petaluma gap also out towards sfo. you get some pretty good gusts forties fifties on the temps. he's probably won't change all that much. east bay temps a lot of fifties here. i mean, panels 50. also ronnie's 50. el cerrito is in there as well. danville castro pittsburgd brown, when everyone's within a couple of degrees, systems continue to march in this will be the first of many they they have a lot of moisture. just not here. they're staying to the north, but we'll get more clouds as we go into the weekend, especially on a system cold system dropping down sunday into monday. i think that will generate some pretty good build up some thunderstorm activity
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possible it's sunday monday looks to be the key day. with the windy conditions and much cooler highs. i mean, they're going to drop rapidly here. rainfall doesn't look overly impressive today. they may change their mind a couple of days, but it does look okay for the sierra. going up there. there could be some decent amounts of snow, dave. so be that. keep that in mind if you're heading up there, especially sunday into monday. alright steve. thank you time. 5 21 san francisco public school teachers say they're having problems getting paid coming up why? they say it's still a problem despite the school districts attend to fix it. plus. has so much meaning to me . it's priceless, really priceless necklace stolen from out of the gym locker while this man s
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this is elodia. she's a recording artist. 1 of 10 million people that comcast has connected to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities.
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♪ ♪ ♪ from the mountains to the coast, ♪ ♪ el estado with the most. ♪ ♪ we do tacos from the city to every little town. ♪ ♪ best bites. best vibes. ♪ ♪ california, hands down. ♪ ♪ go on and check my drip. ♪ ♪ take a bite. feelin' fit. ♪ ♪ we're breaking the mold. ♪ ♪ estado dorado. ♪ ♪ shining like gold. ♪ ♪ estado dorado. ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado. live in the golden state ♪ thed livermore is devastated after a prize necklace that contained the ashes of their son was stolen from a gym. i just i just
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want to back. it means a lot. you can take any other necklace . just give me that's my brother's necklace. santa's mind. ktvu crime reporter henry lee talked with the family members who say they want the ashes back. no questions asked. i'm sorry that i has so much meaning to me. it's priceless, really 18 year old tyler leone's of livermore and his family are broken hearted after a thief stole a necklace with his brother's ashes while he was at the gym. i literally try and wear it every single day when i sleep, just i take it off this on it just because it gets hot. that's the only reason why other than that it's always on me. it happened monday night as tyler was at this 24 hour fitness in livermore. he left his necklace and unlocked locker when he went to the sauna. when he came back, it was gone the theft, adding to his grief. his brother devon, died of cancer in 2013 at the age of 16. tyler was only 10 years old. it was very tough loss for me because he was one of my best friends, other relatives. even the family dog have all kept devon's ashes on
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their necks. we all carry devon around. on our bodies to keep him with us to keep him present . angie silva is devin's mother. a little bit numb a little bit. violated how would you feel if someone went to the cemetery and dug up your mom and stole her really owns his tyler's mother, and was devin step, mom. it just opens up a wound and to think that piece of him is not in the right hands. devin had always been a fighter. he was born two months premature and endured many open heart surgeries. he was diagnosed with cancer on his 14th birthday. i want him remembered as the great and inspiring boy and that he always wanted to be. devon always knew his life would be cut short. devin and tyler share the same father. the two women weren't always close, but they say in sickness, devin brought the two mothers closer. he looked at her and he told her i got cancer to bring you and my mom back together again. and that is why
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we are the strong family that we are just i just want to back. it means a lot. you can take any other necklace. just looking at me. that's my brother's necklace. the family is asking anyone with devon's ashes to return them. no questions asked to the gym or deliver more police. in livermore. henry lee ktvu fox studios. alright henry. thank you. time is now. 5 26. police in livermore are also searching for thieves who stole a van from outside of the office of a nonprofit. surveillance video from early monday morning from the parking lot of the tri valley haven showed the brake light to the band come on, and then the thief backing out of the parking lot and drove away the director of homeless services for tri valley haven says that thief cut through a security fence. defense was cut. and they came through that avenue. we did not get it on camera. the very first camera shot that we had was the van being hotwired. you can see the
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back lights going off and on and then van finally moved and left the parking lot. the drug valley havens as a use that van to make grocery store pick ups of food to be delivered to people in need. your time is 5 27 13 year old in the hospital right now, after a violent confrontation at a school coming up why parents say it's a continuing problem. and for many, a college education is out of reach because they can't afford it will tell you about the latest efforts to help more students pay tuition and other expenses.
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under district attorney gascón, i prosecuted car break-ins. all repeat offenders, often in organized crime rings. but when chesa boudin took office, he dissolved the unit and stopped me from collaborating with the police on my cases. now home and car break-ins are on the rise because repeat offenders know they can get away with it. chesa boudin is failing to do his job. there's a better way to keep san francisco safe. recall chesa boudin now. [young girl narrator] the future depends on teachers. right now, in a classroom somewhere in the united states, there's a teacher inspiring a future scientist
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who'll make preventing pandemics their life's work, [young boy narrator] sharpening the mind of an aspiring environmentalist who'll help combat climate change, [male teenager narrator] and generating possibilities for a student who'll become the first in their family to graduate college. [young girl narrator] explore a career that leaves a legacy you can be proud of. shape the future. teach. dony had a knife. a tense situation in the south bay after an elementary school went into lockdown as officers worked to subdue a man with a knife on campus and the federal reserve took action to ease inflation
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still ahead. the reason some economists worry. it's too little too late. from ktvu fox two news. this is mornings on two. good morning. thank you for waking up with us here on morning sun to pam cook. good morning. i'm dave clark. it is it thursday. it's may 5th cinco de maya paulson's right here is a really good forecast for you. interesting to hear steve. good if you like cooler and people do not all something like the heat. i get it for those like the cooler. pamela i know you do do it will be a cooler pattern for about the next week or so is the way it's looking here starts today started yesterday coast in bay inland was still operating to near 90 not today. we'll see those temperatures drop as that system moves in underneath that cloud bankers as a pretty big fog bank, so the cooling begins to the cooler. low clouds in place and the bases are way up there today. sun and clouds breezy to windy travis already reporting gusts of 31 mph out of the west southwest attempts are
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on their way down sixties to mid seventies. alright sounds here now 5 30 in the morning and he's going to tell us bridge freeway. what? highway four. steve looks pretty good. i'm kind of very happy about this. we don't have a lot of slow traffic on highway four yet now could change. but right now we're off to a nice start here on the east bay commute. we don't see a lot going on. we went all the way to the south bay kind of traffic is moving well there as well. and at the bay bridge. we don't have a big backup. yet, however, nowadays 5 30 things started to change a little bit, and that might change in the next half hour or so we're going to see a little bit more crowded. at 5 31 . let's get back to the headlines. thank you, wolf. parents and students at a certain francisco middle school want the school district to take action after several students were beaten by classmates on the campus. ktvu is ali rasmus is at everett middle school, where a 13 year old boy suffered life threatening injuries during the fight. good morning, allie. good
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morning, dave. that 13 year old boy still in the hospital with those life threatening injuries. we don't know the details about those injuries or why he may have been targeted. but apparently the outcome was so. a serious that police are now involved. in fact, san francisco police recently met with the boy's family. francisco unified school district would only confirm that there was some sort of altercation between two students on campus in which that 13 year old boy was left seriously injured and sent to the hospital, the co chair of the school's pta and several other parents tell ktvu. this is not an isolated incident. violence on campus has become a growing problem at everett middle school. in many cases, parents say the victims are latino students who recently came to the u. s. one man with the help of a translator told ktvu. her son was beaten by other students. twice the most recent incident took place on friday attack left a cut on her son's arm, and the mom tells ktvu that the school has not yet addressed the problem. is the told me that we are going to
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have a meeting with another parents, then you know with kids , and until now we haven't had that meeting. sf usd said in a written statement. quote when a serious incident occurs, we attend to the immediate safety of the students involved, communicate directly with their families and determine the appropriate supports interventions and consequences and quote. but again, several parents say that that just isn't happening. and parents and students tell ktvu that at least nine teachers have left this school since the start of the year, and the principal here plans to resign at the end of this school year live in san francisco. ali rasmus ktvu fox two news. thank you, ali. the man is being held in san jose after a standoff with police at an elementary school. was armedn he walked school 300 children were on campus at the time. authorities say the man appeared to be homeless and suffering from a mental health episode. the school was placed on lockdown while police crisis specialist convinced him to
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surrender. that's why we have the resources here. that's why we have the people. that's why we have our mobile crisis assessment team. we don't want to force a confrontation. we want a peaceful resolution. now the standoff ended peacefully after about 2.5 hours. the suspect is being checked out by mental health professionals. that standoff in san jose happened just weeks after a similar incident in stockton's that case had a very different ending, police say. anthony gray walked onto the campus of stag high school where he stabbed and killed 15 year old. alicia nyaga . authorities described that as a random act time is 5 34 75 year old man in san leandro, listed in serious condition in a hospital after being beaten with a skateboard. authorities released this image of monday night's attack. take a look at this. the victim has injuries on his face and skull, including a brain hemorrhage. investigators say the attack appears to be random, with no known motive.
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the alameda county sheriff's deputies arrested 26 year old raphael betton chorus. he's booked on charges that include attempted murder. the alameda county sheriff's office is facing a lawsuit by people who took part in george floyd protests in oakland. the demonstrators in the civil rights lawsuit argue that the sheriff's deputies use of tear gas, rubber bullets and other items was indiscriminate, illegal and should never happen again. a similar lawsuit filed against the oakland police department in 2020 is now approaching a settlement. the sheriff's office has not commented on that lawsuit. the trial for the father and son charged in connection with the 1996 disappearance of cal poly student christian smart is set to take place in salinas. that trial is scheduled to begin may 31st following a change of venue paul flores is accused of killing smart during an attempted sexual assault. his father, ruben, is charged with helping dispose of her body which has never been found. our
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time is 5 35. the state is investing $5 million in a bill aimed at supporting public safety on tribal lands. for too long, too many native american families have been torn apart. too many innocent lives have been lost. there has been too much pain. too much worry too much trauma as we solemnly remember those missing and murdered. we also affirm our shared commitment to preventing future pain to taking action. together. we affirm our commitment to building healthier. and safer communities. now that announcement was right on time today happens to be missing and murdered indigenous women's day organizers one more attention to the need for more resources to find people who are missing get justice that they deserve. and prevent future tragedies. well it's frustrated car owner after an audi a five was broken into again. this is video showing the thieves at work near ascot and chelsea in the oakland hills.
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the vehicle's owner told us. this is at least the third time the car has been targeted. they say they have lost all confidence in oakland police because they have not had any follow ups to their police reports. rear facing cameras will soon be installed in 40. vallejo police department vehicles, officials say the idea behind the move is to increase transparency in policing the cameras will not only show activity in front of the police car but also have the capability of recording what's happening in the back seat. the cameras will also record traffic stops, vehicle pursuits and the transport of anyone under arrest . the department says it is expected to begin using the cameras next month. alright our time is 5 37 the golden state warriors injured guard gary payton. the 2nd may possibly play again this season if the warriors make a deep run in the nba playoffs. page is expected to be out for 3 to 5 weeks after this tuesday night injury. he fractured his left elbow and has a damaged ligament from a rough foul by dillon brooks at the
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ninth is grizzlies. brooks was ejected from the game. the nba is still considering possibly even more discipline on bronx a lot of talk of whether he should be allowed to play at all at all. that's that's a rough one. it's hard to watch. alright and our warriors play saturday night . i believe it's the next game changer. right right. right there's a lot going on this weekend. then what's the weather? gonna be like cooler? much cooler. that's for sure. it started yesterday on the coast inland was still warm to hot, but there was a one day summer pattern because half moon bay only came in at 59 degrees, the city dropped to 64 oakland, 73. san rafael and napa. we're both 83 redwood city, 84 san jose 85 conquered 89. morgan hill was 90 degrees. robert tarantino says it was nice and warm yesterday in lucas valley, but it's chilly this morning. it is. there is a big change because that system is moving in. that's going to
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give us not only combination of high class, but there's a much bigger fog bank underneath that which is pushing locally inland . so cooling has begun. i mean, usually you don't get seventies. on one day nineties and extend back to seventies. but that's what we have here on these forecast highs and that's in my forecast. stone i mean, there might be some eighties outside mine. santa rosa, oakland, san mateo san jose sixties and seventies today after seventies and eighties yesterday. and these towns probably won't change all that much until the weekend when they'll start to even get cooler. i see an onshore breeze for almost every reporting station in the city. it's either west southwest, west or northwest. and travis has a west southwest 26 gusting 31 that is a classic setup for a cooler pattern inland. when they get gus that strong forties fifties on the temps calistoga 45. after that, though, it's a lot of no value 46, but there's a lot of low fifties cloud cover is keeping us from cooling off more so el granada pacifica or 49, woodside's 49. then it's so san mateo, then it's a lot of fifties or even fifties. so i said, thermal, really on the
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temps. almost everyone is the same series assistance will be marching in here. the first one is dragging across the north. a much stronger cold or deeper system will move in on sunday, monday the window pick up we could get some scattered showers on sunday from the build ups and the unstable air mass and serious snow looks likely not only sunday night, but also monday, it could be about six inches to a foot. not maybe some drizzle here next couple of mornings here are a couple of evenings here will focus on that system sunday, monday and tuesday. and you're saying there's some okay totals here for me coming in? probably not a lot rain wise, but there could be some pretty good buildups and thunderstorm activity. keep an eye on as we go forward and for the syrup. it starts sunday and goes into money. there'll be more than that on the snow 50 60 seventies now on their attempts today, about the same tomorrow, then they really fall off here saturday sunday and especially in the monday right, z. thank you. time is 5 40, even with the huge wait list for affordable housing in san francisco, many units sit empty. new at six o'clock. we'll tell you why thousands of people who want
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those affordable homes. can't get in. and a major investment in climate change research. stanford researchers hope to use that to make a big impact. and don't forget you can have the morning headlines delivered right to you by signing up for the ktvu newsletter. just go to ktvu dot com slash email sign up for the daily service. if you're a small business, there are lots of choices when it comes to your internet and technology needs. but when you choose comcast business internet, you choose the largest, fastest reliable network. you choose advanced security. and you choose fiber solutions with speeds up to 10 gigs available to more small businesses than any other provider. the choice is clear: get unbeatable business solutions from the most innovative company. get a great deal on this limited time price with internet and voice for just $49.99 a month for 24 months with a 2-year price guarantee.
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call today. the sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now. why choose proven quality sleep from sleep number? because the sleep number 360 smart bed is really smart. it senses your movement and automatically adjusts to help keep you both comfortable all night. it's also temperature balancing, so you stay cool.
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it's so smart it knows exactly how long, how well, and when you slept. sleep number takes care of the science, all you have to do is sleep. and now, save $500 on the sleep number 360 c4 smart bed, queen now only $1,299. lowest price ever! only for a limited time. to learn more, go to (music) andn francisco said the district owes them some money. ktvu christian captain tells us the teachers blame the problems on changes to a glitchy payroll system. we have a job to do. we have a job to do, but we've been doing without getting paid from washington high school
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demonstrated in front of san francisco unified school district payroll office. about 30 teachers from the high school , saying they've put in the work but still aren't seeing the pay. today is a reaction to the fact that they did great work right after the sleep inn right after we were there. but we haven't seen movement since mid march, a group of teachers took over part of district headquarters, staging asleep in outraged over a new payroll system that shorted teachers throughout the district school district officials saying at the time that they would work to resolve the issues, but some teachers say they're still in limbo. gavin is a new teacher and says the technical glitches led to her getting underpaid to the tune of $10,000. and so that's a pretty large amount of money of big discrepancy in my pay, said she's trying to resolve the issue, but it's been a bureaucratic roundabout payroll office never organized anything to try and explain to us what our paychecks should look like. how to read them where there could be discrepancies that was all coming from staff here who
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just worked together and shared information that they found out themselves. the district said in march that the situation was unacceptable. sf usd says some of the broader issues have been addressed. what's happening now? our individual cases that need to be resolved on an individual basis and that is taking time. but teachers say they don't have the luxury of time we want sf usd to publish an accessible and transparent pathway for educators to rectify future pay issues no more. pilot help ticket and we heard from united educators of san francisco who say the teachers at washington high school aren't the only ones struggling. they estimate hundreds of other teachers are in the same boat. the school district again apologized for what it called unforeseen challenges that staff are navigating and is pledging that every staff member in the district will be paid. what they're owed in san francisco. christien kafton ktvu fox two news, christian. thank you, tom. it's 5 45 will demonstrators at city college of san francisco still camping out protesting
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planned layoffs and school kurtz several ccs. a faculty members set up these tents in front of the chancellor's office. they call it an occupation tomorrow, the board of trustees will vote on laying off faculty more than 200 faculty members could possibly lose their jobs. the teachers say staff layoffs and budget cuts will hurt the students. because city college has the money to stop these cuts and invest in students, and that's precisely with the ship. at the teachers say they will be camping out indefinitely to protest potential staff cuts from the bay area. state universities have launched a new initiative to help low income students graduate from college. on time and with less debt. officials from san jose state, sf state and cal state east bay took part in the kickoff event in san francisco yesterday. the college core program will give students $10,000 in financial support. for completing one year
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of public service. one student described volunteering as a tutor to underst irv kids in a similar program at san jose state. the most meaningful part of this fellowship has to be the genuine connections i've made with the children that i mentor. cause i know that i can be the one to inspire them to pursue a period stand or even just get them excited for college. the students will volunteer in three priority areas to receive that money through 12 education, climate action and food insecurity. applications opened on april 1st and they can be filled out online. alright pam time. it's fine. 47 silicon valley venture capitalist john door is donating $1 billion to stanford university. it will be used to set up a new school to study the effects of climate change and find solutions. it's the largest donation and stanford's history and one of the largest for any school. along with the money donated by door. stanford also received $590 million from other donors
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for the new climate school. and it's 5 47. i noticed this morning even at three a.m. more cars out on the road, so i don't know if that's continued sell. you did. okay it seems and right now we don't have a big backup at the plaza and sometimes we do so i don't know what's going on there, pam. we can show you their. maybe everyone got on the road early, and now they're already at work. that could be it. or maybe the big backups are coming in just a little bit. you can see here that right now traffic is doing okay. in the east bay and i should looking around for some slow traffic. we do have a little bit of slowing already as you come up through pittsburgh and bay point on highway four, so that's beginning to develop. 6 80 still looks good from the nation of walnut creek. 5 48. let's bring steve back in with today's weather. i would concur. there was a lot of traffic at o dark 30 this morning. more so than usual. yes, sir. 80 on a everything on 80. alright mean everything on eating man, right
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? kevin pender out their engineering and i talk about 80 something there's pretty good rain up in the pacific northwest, also into northwest part of california. an active pattern from may continue. i mean, they're just wow waving the white flag. they're getting rain, rain rain crescent city, eureka parts of mendocino county, northern sacramento valley, looking for some rain today that looks to be the pattern for a couple of days until we get these systems to dig a little deeper. that will be on sunday and monday. a lot of cloud cover. there is a low cloud deck. there's a high cloud deck. up above that, in the cooling has begun. 50 60 seventies after yesterday's fifties to 90 much bigger fog bank, the bases are much higher as well. the onshore breezes kicking in lot of high clouds cloudy to the north. partly sunny to the south santa rosa big drop in santa rosa, oakland , san mateo, san jose, all in the sixties, now or seventies out of the eighties here and probably for a while. west southwest breeze that travis 26 gusting 31 onshore breeze at oakland. there's an onshore breeze for many today and i
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think it will only pick up here. fifties for most, there are a few forties, but a lot of fifties on the temps down towards santa clara valley more forties. they're a little bit more clearing, but a lot of fifties around santa clara campbell saratoga, cupertino, then just super effective. right there. 53 degrees. san martino at 46 capital is at 50 boulder creek. 45 1 of the cooler you can see, that's all that's pretty good system plowing into the north. we get the southern edge of it, but the pattern has begun. cooler mark clouds cooler and then we get to the weekend. i really strong systems going to dig in for may. and that will give us a wide variety of cooler temps wind as well as some cloud cover and maybe some scattered showers. thundershowers with high elevation. snow does not look like a huge rain producer. but this could be one where on sunday monday anybody can get in on some kind of rain or thunderstorm activity in the mountains look pretty good for snow. probably not until sunday night, though. sunday in the monday is the way it's looking. there will be more than that, by the time we get to tuesday morning. and i could give a heads up for next week could be
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some lot of thirties on lows once we get past the system, but we have about a week to figure that out. clouds cooler today, mostly sunny friday before the next system starts to move in, and it really drops in sunday monday. okay steve time is 5 50 san francisco bay is getting a new green fairy. the reason it's so much cleaner than the current fleet and we'll tell you when it will start operations. and we get a sneak peek into metas new store showing off the latest high tech gadgets mornings onto
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and now most admired alum! get up there. this is so embarrassing. there's no way it's me. you know her.... you love her.... ruh roh. what are you doing here? it's anna gomez! who? our first gigillionaire! with at&t fiber, anna's got the fastest internet with hyper-gig speeds. i didn't know you went to this school. we have a lot in common. live like a gigillionaire with at&t fiber. now with speeds up to 5-gigs. limited availability.
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two we are keeping an eye on the markets right now. the future's dew point to a lower opening for all three indexes, the dow, the nasdaq and the s and p 500 that follows that recovery a bit of a rally yesterday after the federal reserve's decision to raise that key interest rate by one half of percent. that was exactly what was expected. but it is the biggest increase in 20 years. it will take rates up for mortgages, credit cards and other types of loans, federal reserve chair jerome powell says the move is designed to rein in demand and curb inflation. inflation is much too high. and we understand the hardship it is causing. and we're moving expeditiously to bring it back down. the federal reserve says more rate hikes are likely none of them would be any bigger than yesterday's rate increase, according to the fed paying financial analyst george no.
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chetty says interest rates are just part of the picture and that until the supply chain problem gets better, inflation rates will stay high. people have money to spend, and they're paying higher rates for things which they don't like. but as soon as we can get our supply chain equalized, and maybe get the fed to have a few increases. and we get we make a good equalization by the end of the year and see our kana me get back on track. chatty expects to see another half point interest rate hike in june and another one in july and possibly one more later in the year. california is the first state to begin the process of adapting to cryptocurrency, an executive order by governor newsom has state agencies working with the federal government to come up with regulations for digital currencies. cryptocurrencies are built on blockchain database technology. newsom's executive order also calls for officials to explore incorporating broader blockchain computer coding. into the government operations. well
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matter is about to open its first brick and mortar story. it's right here in the bay area going to show you new video from facebook to parent companies showing off the new shop. the shoppers who visit the story had met his reality lab campus in burlingame can try out several products that pam likes this one. i love that game, reality headsets and smart glasses. you're pretty good at it, too. the stories on airport boulevard is due to open on monday. and the bay area's only indonesian restaurant has closed after lesson a year in operation rang cisco in redwood city has closed the owners a debate areas, continuing labor shortage in the restaurant industry contributed to that decision. the restaurant's menu will still be available through delivery services. raising reports on the national restaurant association found that seven out of 10 restaurants in america say they just don't have enough workers to meet demand. paul mccartney headed to the bay area this
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weekend for two shows at oakland arena, the former beatle kicked off his 13 city got back to her last week, he said, includes solo work as well as some of the beatles classics like, can't buy me, love? hey, jude and let it be the 79 year old will be playing tomorrow and sunday night. tickets start at $30. there's still available for both shows. maybe take mom is 5 57. well, it is single. tamayo and people in san jose are getting ready for today's annual cinco de mayo celebration. the restaurants in san pedro square or expecting a busy night with heat lamps outside for outdoor seating to make sure it's not too cold. we also saw people selling mexican flags for a celebration that could extend into the weekend. tomorrow's the big day over here friday and saturday. yeah on sunday, mexicans in that's a mexican. this will be the first single
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gemayel's celebration without any stay at home restrictions or face mask requirements since the pandemic began. some of san francisco's asian american community came together last night for the annual napa heritage awards honors organizations that have reached major milestones and serving the community. assembly member phil ting spoke at the event, saying he was honored to recognize ap heroes and elevate asian successes. mayor london breed and former mayor willie brown attended the event as well. now it is aapi heritage month. today we are spotlighting the very asian foundation, which was started by a news anchor from the st louis area. you might remember this story. michelle lee was doing a segment about what americans eat on new year's day, she added her own tradition. eating dumpling soup. walsh you got a lot of support about the inclusive moment. the station also got a racist voicemail in response from a viewer who claimed to be offended, li told ktvu. she turned the racist comment into something positive. i think it's
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a gift because the world responded and stuck up for me and stuck up her racism and started sharing their moments of pride and eventually that led me to the ellen show, which then she gave me a $15,000 gift. we launched this foundation were now 100 like five days in well, the very asian foundation raises money for organizations, including the asian american journalists association, and the stop ap. i hate. they are also working to educate more people to fight hate and stereotypes. you think for a second same sex marriage? is safe. in the united states of america. there are new concerns about what could happen next. if roe versus wade is overturned by the u. s supreme court to tell you why people are worried that other rights are in danger and what the governor wants to protect the people of california pandemic that we're never going to get rid of cases. today is cinco de mayo, as you
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know, and this weekend is mother's day weekend. the new concerns about another wave of covid cases here in the bay area right before more gatherings are planned. from ktvu fox two news . this is mornings on to welcome morning to you. and we thank you for joining us. welcome the mornings onto i'm dave clark. good morning. i'm pam cook thursday morning. may 5th it is also friday, you lot of people have some plans. we're talking about cinco demayo mother's day . there's graduations. i think there are even some promos still happening. so steve, what's the weather going to be like heading into the weekend will not be hot. i can tell you that it's going to be windy cooler, especially as we head towards the weekend sunday monday and seasonably cool for us. it starts today started yesterday coast in bay, but mainly fifties on attempts. there's a few forties under a lot of cloud cover here, low and high clouds moving in that system, the north producing some rain, maybe mendocino county north, but temperatures the cooling begins , and it will take us and we may
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bottom out and not until monday. low clouds, high clouds some sun south but a lot of clouds north , which means sixties or even fifties, sixties coast and bay and now seventies inland. alright salles here at six o'clock in the morning, highway four somewhere else where you want to go, my friend. well, how we four is beginning to get crowded, steep. a little bit of crowding at the bay bridge toll plaza. not much, but it's there. you can see, and i think this is going to change a little bit in the next few minutes, but the me have been turned on, and you might see some slow traffic in the area. you can also see the traffic is going to be okay on the east big commutes in general, so i don't want to discourage you from getting out there. looks pretty good. so far. there's that slowing on highway forest showed you through bay 0.601. let's go back to the headlines. thank you. well, concerns and fears are growing for some people that if the u. s supreme court overturns roe versus wade, it may next go after other privacy rights, including same sex, marriage and other things, legal experts emphasized. this is a draft
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document. it's not a final court ruling. but if the underlying legal arguments remain in the majority opinion, they say it could represent a fundamental shift in the supreme courts. interpretations professors say justice alito's draft report says rights are only protected if they're mentioned in the constitution. but there are a lot of rights that have been protected by the court that don't meet that criteria. the right to marry the right to procreate the right to custody of one's children the right to keep the family together. the right appearance, control the upbringing, their children the right to purchase and use contraceptives. legal experts say the past supreme courts have seen those rights and others as protected under the 14th amendment, with the right to privacy experts say judge alito's opinion would leave abortion to be determined up to state and federal lawmakers. fencing is going up around the u . s supreme court ahead of expected protests this weekend.
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that includes a security fence that cannot be climbed similar to the one that was put up around the capital after the january 6th riots now, just days after his opinion was leaked, justice samuel alito has decided not to attend 1/5 circuit court of appeals conference. that should happen today. justices john roberts and clarence thomas are expected to talk at a similar conference, but it's still unclear if they will. governor gavin newsom has made it clear that if the u. s supreme court overturns roe versus wade, california would protect abortion rights frank mallicoat joins us now live in the studio. the governor and his supporters are turning their attention to a constitutional amendment, frank that the are good morning, pam. good morning , everyone the governor gathered with abortion rights supporters at a planned parenthood facility in los angeles. his main message is that california should guarantee abortion rights in our state constitution. we're not mandating anything. we're providing the ability. we're not dictating the terms, they're dictating the terms. it's state
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sponsored birth. you have to come to terms of the birth and then see you later. you're on your own. now of roe versus wade is overturned. california is one of just 15 states that currently has abortion rights protections in place, according to a public policy poll last summer. more than three quarters of california adults do not want to see the landmark ruling overturned during his address in l. a newsome spent some time criticizing those who oppose abortion rights. when every single one of these folks that are out there, trumpeting and championing this decision have consistently opposed prenatal care support. consistently opposed childcare consistently opposed paid family leave consistently opposed all things to actually strengthen the family. southern california state senator has already announced she will introduce the constitutional amendment
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governor says he will support that both chambers in the state legislation must approve the language of the amendment by a two thirds majority before the end of june. democrats hold enough seats to make that happen. it would go on the november ballot to be voted on in this fall's election. governor newsom added. california law so offers sanctuary for women from other states. that are expected to ban abortion at the supreme court does indeed overturn roe versus wade. that's the latest i'm frank mallicoat. dave. back to you. okay, frank. thank you time at 605 and investigation in pelayo continued overnight after someone was shot and killed in vallejo. it happened between 11 pm and midnight on hazelwood st . strong, still trying to get more information about the victim from investigators. this is valerie host 10 homicides so far this year. what the number of new covid infections is growing again. ktvu is amanda quintana is in san jose. right now, many health professionals are worried because single de
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mayo and mother's day or coming up. good morning, amanda. yes good morning. it's something none of us want to hear. but health officials are saying that we are entering 1/6 wave of covid infections here in santa clara county public health officer says that they had a lot of cases because of macro, and then they had a brief break. and then in the last month they have seen transmission rates. and cases rising again, dr monica gandhi and infectious disease expert at ucsf says we're seeing this rise because of a highly transmissible sub variant that's here. health experts say you can think of it as the grandchild of croat more contagious than the original macron variant, but not more deadly or severe. is it? probably the most transmissible omicron variant we've seen to date. we are in a phase of the pandemic that we're never going to get rid of cases are hospitalizations are staying low, and we also want to get
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back to life. so think of this as kind of your own risk calculation time of the pandemic. dr gandhi says hospitalizations are low because so many people are vaccinated and boosted here in san jose more than 90% of those eligible are vaccinated, but data shows hospitalizations are starting to tick up a bit here right now. the advice this weekend is if you're going to see your mom or your grandma, those who are immunocompromised should wear a mask indoors. also the advices make sure that you're vaccinated and boosted, especially if you're over 70. you can get another booster shots, so make sure to do that. and really the advice coming out of the presentation of all of this data is to remember that the pain endemic is not over yet. so remember all of those things that we've been saying the last two years. keep those in mind live in san jose amanda quintana ktvu faxed to news thank you, amanda. well, new this morning, elon musk has recruited $7
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billion of financing for his $44 billion purchase of twitter. in a new sec filing this morning, he detailed the investors who are signing on the list includes oracle ceo larry ellison committing $1 billion, as well as many wealth management funds, committing hundreds of millions of dollars. a saudi prince is also contributing his existing twitter shares to maintain a portion of the company worth more than a billion dollars and musk is in discussion with twitter founder jack dorsey for his shares as well. twitter stock looks like it's going to trade higher this morning. san jose mayor sam liccardo is defending himself, saying he was trying to save taxpayer money on the bart extension to the south bay. the mercury news obtained texts between liccardo and the project manager, which apparently show they wanted to keep quiet the cost that was increasing $2 billion to 9.1 billion. the added costs were reportedly due to a single tunnel design rather than the traditional twin tunnels. mayor
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six sam liccardo tells the mercury news that he was worried contractors would drive up the costs if they knew there was more state and federal funding. time is now 608 will russian military forces continue attacks this morning on the eastern region of ukraine. russian missile strikes bombarded railroad stations and other targets in an effort to control more of the territory in the viva new round of attacks knocked out power yesterday in disrupted the power supplied hundreds of people are still stranded inside of a steel mill near the city of mario, pro ukrainian president alinsky wants more support from the us, and he also invited president biden to visit key i think it's very important. because you know , you know our minds in our society and the president biden and the president of the biggest democratic civilization for ukrainians for our understanding. that's it that
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our partners strategic partners , and i think that it would be great signal. now, monitoring groups worry russia may try to take more drastic action on ukraine on may, the ninth anniversary of the soviet union's defeat of germany. russia denies the allegations. northern california caviar producer says it is being targeted by people who think the company is russian czar. nikolai caviar was actually founded by a swedish family more than 40 years ago. they used the name because they didn't think of california caviar company would get the same respect as something that sounded like it was from the caspian sea. the owners say the russian sounding name is now responsible for hate mail and threats. despite the display of ukrainian flags inside the store. what started as an amazingly advantageous thing in the last couple of months has turned into you know, a center of, you know, uncomfortable conversations for a lot of our staff. now he says
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the business has received intimidating letters, including one that told the owners to quote go back to russia, so he has increased security and now responds to angry online posts with the actual history of the company, he says it is gratifying when some posters apologize here at home at 6 11, a new report is out showing more than 300 san francisco apartments that were supposed to be available for low and moderate income renters. have been empty for months. that's 15% of all the units set aside for those renters, according to the san francisco chronicle, the report says 21,000 potential tenants applied to move in, but the process takes so long. many people are looking elsewhere, including at market rate apartments, offering special deals. 6 11 is the time back over to sound checking in on traffic this morning. how's it? look sal? too bad yet? pam and dave. good morning to you both right now. traffic at the
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richmond bridge. is looking very good. i can show it to you and you can see you're moving along very well getting over to marin county. with no major delays. they bridge is getting a little more of a crowd. nothing big just yet, but it will probably grow in the next few minutes. and as we look at the east bay commute, we're not seeing a whole lot. some slow traffic on how we four and that's about all 6 12. let's go back to the desk after a really dry winter, particularly bad wildfire season , maybe ahead. why some of the experts say we should stop worrying about how much land is burning. and a proposal to change the mascot at a local high school is being met with opposition. the reason some people are upset with that idea.
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out-of-state corporations wrote an online sports betting plan they call "solutions for the homeless". really? the corporations take 90 percent of the profits. and using loopholes they wrote, they'd take even more. the corporations' own promotional costs, like free bets, taken from the homeless funds. and they'd get a refund on their $100 million license fee, taken from homeless funds, too. these guys didn't write a plan for the homeless. they wrote it for themselves. 6 14. and today we are going to get a preview of a new green way to get across the bay. that's about to arrive. it is a hydrogen fuel cell powered ferry
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called the sea change. it's being tested up in washington. it's expected to be brought into the san francisco bay soon. most ferries currently run on diesel, but this is the first of its kind fairy but it has fuel cells that emit water and heat instead of greenhouse gas emissions. the people behind the ferry say hydrogen fuel cells are proven technology that just haven't been applied to the maritime industry. shipping industry uses on average around 300 million tons a year of carbon intensive fuels, on average, about a billion tons of co. two and other greenhouse gasses a year. this is going to be the next standard. critics say hydrogen fuel cells are slow to roll out and commercial vehicles because of their high cost and sheer size. the board of directors for the san francisco bay ferry we'll get a preview of the ship and the project later today, ship is expected to start running passenger service sometime in june. alright, pam time is 6 15. there's a new study by uc davis suggesting
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californian should look at wildfires differently. now in 2020 more than 9900. wildfires burn 6700 square miles, an area bigger than hawaii. the experts say. we should stop worrying about how much unoccupied land is burned. instead focus on limiting damage to people and property. but they say most people, including firefighters are not ready to do that. homeless advocates are demanding more be done to help people in need. and san francisco, the coalition on homelessness held what it calls their annual mother's day action rally outside city hall. organizers say they're fighting for more funding for housing and resources from the city. i know that there's a lot of money. there's a lot of funding for families to have housing, especially mothers who are single mothers who are working hard for their kids. the coalition is also asking for 24 a half million dollars from the city to boost its staffing and to improve services for the
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homeless. city has budgeted almost $600 million this year towards homeless services. time is now. 6 16, san mateo counties . first homeless navigation center project is getting an infusion of new cash is getting $500,000 from. the most recent federal budget, and the county plans to use the money to build a new $55 million facility in redwood city. it's a way of saying what we know to be true, and san mateo county, which is that we are compassionate people. that we are committed to making sure that everyone who needs a place to call home will have a place to call home in san mateo counties navigation center will provide individual living pads and support services to help people transition into permanent housing. it's 6 17 concord high school wants the community to give their opinion about a new mascot of the school
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issued a new poll online asking for input on what the new mascot should be, including several options with c sounds to match. conquered some of the options are crocodiles, coyotes and condors. some people don't like the idea of changing the current mascot, which is the minuteman. over 2000 people signed an online petition asking the school and the school district to keep the concord high. minutemen. warriors guard gary payton might return late in the playoffs. nba insiders are reporting an mri revealed slight ligament damage along with the left elbow fracture. after that foul, patton expected to miss 3 to 5 weeks. the nba finals start june 2nd, which is exactly four weeks from today, of course, injured tuesday night on that foul by memphis grizzlies forward dillon brooks. brooks was ejected from the game the nba still reviewing whether he should be disciplined, further
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remember looking at steve kerr right after it happened, saying that was a dirty foul. everybody there was like a collective. went and grown. that was wishful to watch too quick recovery to is a commute, going to recover any any problems out there? we do have some slowing days, pam out there for sure. i was just looking at the altamont pass here, and i can show you where that traffic is definitely slow coming in westbound on from tracy. although by the time you get to livermore, it's much better. let's talk about the bay bridge. we're getting a little bit more of a crowd now. nothing major, but there is a crowd before you pay the money, or virtually you don't actually have told people taking money anymore. but once you pass the toll plaza area, it does get better on the way into san francisco at 6 19. what about today's weather break steve back in remember fishing for change and you know, in between the seats when you're coming to the
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total plan, 75 quarter down ther thank you, sal. alright we had a mini summer pattern yesterday didn't have it the day before won't have it today, but we had it yesterday. we saw anywhere from fifties to nineties. half moon bay was 59 san francisco 64. oakland 73 san rafael. a napa were both 83 redwood city. 84 san jose 85 conquered 89. morgan hill checked in at 90 degrees, so i mean, try and forecast those attempts. we do have a system rather strong for me plowing into the pacific northwest northern california. this could bring some rain to mendocino county northern sacramento. value can see. most of this will be up north towards del norte, humboldt trinity, but still that's pretty impressive. coming in off the north coast there arcata and eureka crescent city. they're getting some rain up there or they're going to soon we get the higher clouds and below that there's a low cloud deck, which is really lifted so the bases are much higher. big fog bank cooler for all today. high clouds of
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westerly breeze in place. it's been up to 31 miles an hour out towards travis and of the west, southwest. santa rosa, oakland, san mateo, san jose. those arrows are all pointing down, and they'll continue to probably do that. so we go all the way into early next week here sixties now and seventies. there's well coming down a little bit west southwest 21. they did have augusta 31. that was travis west wind at oakland, west southwest napa. concord as a south wind in the hills. little stronger, but not that bad. fifties on most of the temps. i mean, it's very close here a few upper forties but a lot of fifties here, except for kensington's 49. everyone else in the eastbound on this page is in the fifties low to mid pittsburgh, brentwood mitt, but after that, it's 51 1 agree. latvia. dublin pleasanton and also hercules and panola. everyone's because of the cloud cover is really close here. this is the first of a couple of systems. the strongest one will be sunday monday, and that's going to dig itself right over all of california. the wind will pick up the temperatures will fall off the table here. i think we'll get some scattered showers, possible thundershowers and low snow levels. definitely serious. no, but if there's
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enough moisture here, we'll get snow in our higher peaks. i think monday better than sunday, not a lot next couple of days, probably from drizzle. it will be in the forecast, but going into sunday, monday and tuesday and seasonably cold system will get there will be some thunderstorm activity. i mean the lapse rates the days are longer. and this is a really cold system coming in in the sierra. we'll get some snow, so for may well take. it's a little late in the party, but you know anything about delaying the fire season? as long as we can 50 60 seventies on your temps here, mostly sunny friday partly cloudy saturday then here we go . we clouded up sunday could get some shower activity more likely into monday tuesday. all right. thank you, steve. priceless necklace stolen from a gym locker. the reason the owner says he could never replace it. and new video shows the scene when comedian dave chappelle was targeted on stage the security concerns from fans and concerns from fans and performers. this mother's day, show mom that you worship the ground she walks on. or in this case, stands on. the new anti-fatigue comfortmat from weathertech
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is a gift she'll appreciate all year round. it makes standing comfortable in the home or office and comes in a variety of colors and finishes. and for mom's vehicle, there's cupfone, floorliner, cargoliner, and seat protector. show mom that she deserves the best with an american made gift from weathertech. mom's gonna love this! happy mother's day from weathertech. under district attorney gascón, i prosecuted car break-ins. all repeat offenders, often in organized crime rings. but when chesa boudin
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took office, he dissolved the unit and stopped me from collaborating with the police on my cases. now home and car break-ins are on the rise because repeat offenders know they can get away with it. chesa boudin is failing to do his job. there's a better way to keep san francisco safe. recall chesa boudin now.
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fore concerned following that fan attacking dave chappelle on stage in hollywood. new video of the incident shows 23 year old isaiah lee rushed the stage and tackle chappelle. he was holding a fake gun with a real knife attached to it. he did not use it. but this morning, there are growing questions about how leave and got into the venue with the weapon and how he got on stage. we actually want in sonic forgot. see last night and the first row of the show was like 40 ft back, and i was confused by it. but now it makes sense. now lee was arrested and booked for assault with a deadly weapon. recent social media posts from les show him rapping about going after chappelle, although there has not been any word about an official motive. a livermore mother is pleading for the return of her son's ashes. 16 year old devon died of cancer
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in 2013, his family put his ashes inside lockets, and they've all been wearing them ever since. his brother tyler war, one of the necklaces to a gym and a night and took it off to go into the sauna. it was then stolen from his unlocked locker. i just i just want to back. it means a lot. you can take any other necklace. just give me that's my brother's necklace. around. on our bodies to keep him with us to keep him present a little bit numb a little bit. violated would you feel if someone went to the cemetery and dug up your mom and stole her? devin was born two months premature and endured many open heart surgeries. he was diagnosed with cancer on his 14th birthday. his family says the person who has the necklace can return it to the 24 hour fitness gym. no questions asked. oakland animal services say their dog shelters are full, and they need help finding the dogs. some homes, the center is extending its
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hours and reducing fees this week, administrators say they have never had this many large dogs before almost 100. the shelter is located on 29th avenue near east 11th street, dog fees have been cut from $150 for those adoption fees to just $20. the possibility of roe v. wade being overturned could have a big impact on abortion clinics across the country, how their shutdown could have a ripple effect here in california, plus my daughter don't come in today and i have the knife. a tense situation in the south bay after an elementary school went into lockdown as officers worked to subdue a man with a knife on campus.
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what's it like having xfinity internet? it's beyond gig-speed fast. so gaming with your niece, has never felt more intense. hey what does this button do? no, don't! we're talking supersonic wi-fi. three times the bandwidth and the power to connect hundreds of devices at once. that's powerful. couldn't said it better myself. you just did. unbeatable internet from xfinity. made to do anything so you can do anything. booking most cruises can be complicated. but this isn't most cruises. this is celebrity cruises. and we think cruising shouldn't be confusing. so, on our award winning vacations drinks, wi-fi and tips are always included. every sailing. every room. every guest. effortless from the start. celebrity cruises.
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injured. then the hospital after being attacked on the school campus. while the parents say it's not an isolated incident at that students school can a new
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proposal to help people who come to san francisco seeking an abortion with one supervisor wants now after that leaked report from the supreme court about roe versus wade. from ktvu . box two news. this is mornings on t. the retailers are in focus as we take you live to that opening bell this morning, analysts say, there seems to be a shift from online shopping to more in person experiences in this morning to emphasize that online home furnishing retailer wayfair reported the loss for the first quarter. much worse than expected. the stocks had to drop almost 12% and it looks like a pretty big drop for the indexes as well. 250 points down for the down for the dow. down for the dow. what you get it and the nasdaq dropping 175 points, so we'll keep an eye on the numbers for you. thank you for joining us here on morning said to i'm pam cook. good morning. i'm dave clark. thursday morning . may 5th steve paulson's right
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here thursday forecast he's right here. you and the al goes, did a nice job yesterday. pamela though thank you, right. we do have a mr clark just said it's great. you said cloudy gray. would you say that? it was over again? it is. we have a big fog bank out there. few forties, but a lot of fifties and it's going to be a cooler pattern. it starts today started yesterday, coast and bay but inland was still hot. not today. there's high clouds, low clouds, so get ready for a significant cooler pattern taking us all the way into early next week, especially sunday, monday and tuesday, and the breeze will pick up here. this looks like a windy pattern as well. sixties and seventies tomorrow, probably just sixties and low seventies. alright over to sound now usually at 6 31 things pick up. are you saying that yes, they are. as a matter of fact, we do see a little bit of slow traffic here. steve at the toll plans again.s what kin? even though there here, it's still kind of moving in an orderly fashion. there
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have been no major issues, though on the bridge itself into san francisco, there's some slow traffic in pittsburgh and bay point, which again is typical, and 80 has been into slow down in richmond. richmond bridge doesn't look too slow so far over the marine 6 31. let's get back to the headlines, parents and students at a san francisco middle school went to school district to take some action after several students were beaten by classroom classmates on the campus. ktvu sally rasmus at every in middle school. now 13 year old boy suffered life threatening injuries during a fight. good morning, allie. good morning, dave. will parents tell us bottom line? they're afraid to send their children to school here. they say violence at everett middle school in san francisco has been an ongoing problem all year long and the latest conflict as you mentioned sent a 13 year old boy to the hospital with life threatening injuries. the san francisco unified school district would only confirm that the 13 year old was involved in some sort of altercation. with other students on campus on monday afternoon again, he was seriously injured,
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the co chair of the schools to and several other parents tell ktvu that this is not an isolated incident. one mother told us her son was beaten up twice. the most recent fight left a cut on his arm, and in another incident, a 12 year old boy was beaten this week by another student, and that 12 year old suffered a swollen eye . parents say many of the attacks appear to involve the kids bullying latino students who are new to the country and speak very little english. i was really sad because i have been advocating for help and support to prevent this from happening. sf usd said in a written statement when a serious incident occurs, we attend to the immediate safety of students involved, communicate directly with their families and determine the appropriate supports interventions in consequences but again several parents tell ktvu that that just isn't happening and the problems continue. as for that 13 year old boy who suffered life threatening injuries, he is still in the hospital. police are now involved in that we were
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told that they recently met with the boy's family. live in san francisco. ali rasmus ktvu box to use. all right. thank you. ali a man is being held in san jose after a standoff with police at an elementary school. police say he was armed with a knife when he walked onto empire gardens elementary school 300 children were on campus at the time. authorities say the man appeared to be homeless and suffering from a mental health episode. the school was placed on lockdown while police crisis specialist convinced him to surrender. that's why we have the resources here. that's why we have the people. that's why we have our mobile crisis assessment team. we don't want to force a confrontation. we want a peaceful the standoff ended peacefully after about 2.5 hours. the suspect is being checked out by mental health professionals. time now, 6 34 if the u. s. supreme court does overturn roe versus wade, the biden administration worries it could start a wave of overturning other personal liberties. president biden says banning abortion invades a
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woman's rights to privacy in their personal health care. and that could lead to ending other supreme court decisions that involve personal matters that are not specifically spelled out in the u. s constitution, including same sex marriage. what are the next things that are going to be attacked? because this maga crowd is really the most extreme political organization that's existed in american history. some republicans believe that leak from the supreme court was politically motivated by someone who is pro abortion rights and hope public reaction would influence the supreme court before the decision was officially announced. san francisco supervisor hillary ronen is proposing the city paid the cost of women who want to come to san francisco for an abortion. ronan says her proposal for a safe abortion access program would pay for travel accommodations and safe access to the medical procedure. for women who live in anti abortion states. board members are looking into how the program
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could work and how much it would cost. i am positive that we would have the support of the board in the mayor's office. you know, san francisco is staunchly pro choice city. we believe that abortion is healthcare, and we know that this is something that the majority of the city will be behind. now if ronan's proposal is approved by the board, san francisco would pay the travel costs for 1000 women to come to san francisco for an abortion. a new analysis shows if the supreme court does overturn roe versus wade, california could become home to nearly 30% of all abortion clinics in the united states. 26 states are expected to implement bans or imposed tougher restrictions on abortions. if the highest court overturns roe v. wade, the san francisco chronicle reports there are more than 200 clinics in those states that could then close. if that happens, it would shift the percent of clinics in california from 21% of all us clinics to 29% time is about 6
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36 and new this morning. one person in oakland has been displaced after a big overnight rv fired video from the citizen . app shows the flames shooting up from the rv near east 12th and 19th avenue. this is not far from interstate 80. no one was hurt, but the fire department confirmed the person who lived there now has nowhere to go. the cause of this fire is under investigation. in the state of california is investing $5 million in a bill for supporting public safety on tribal lands. long too many native american families have been torn apart. too many innocent lives have been lost. there has been too much pain. too much worry too much trauma. as we solemnly remember those missing and murdered. we also affirm our shared commitment to preventing future pain to taking action. together. we affirm our commitment to building healthier. and safer communities . that announcement was
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particularly timely since today is missing and murdered. indigenous women's day organized is one more attention. to show the need for more resources to find people who are missing. get them the justice they deserve and prevent future tragedies. alright if you are getting ready to head out the door, you need to know what the commute looks like this morning. let's check in with sal. you know we're seeing more slowing and this is the time when you can still get a good commute. it's only 6 38. so if you're getting on the road now? yes you will see some slowing in the east bay, for example, on how we four and on interstate 80, but it does get a lot more crowded later. so you're thinking? well, you know, i should get on the road earlier. well, yeah, maybe. but right now. still not too bad. i want to look at the glass half full. here you can see the south they commute is looking pretty good. so there's still a lot of commutes that you can get that are not too shabby. there's a little bit of a backup here at the bay bridge, but today we're
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having a decent day. we're seeing normal slowdowns, and we're not seeing a lot of serious crashes that are blocking lanes. 6 38. let's bring steve back in. here's a guy who's also having a pretty good day, i'd say sound every day is a good day. how's that? good beats the alternative, right? yes thank you, sir. we do have rain in the pacific northwest again, and it does look like northern california is getting in on this pattern pretty good for may. i know. january february, march, where were you at its here now? better late than never. but these are systems staying to the north for now, but they will drag across. maybe even given mendocino county, maybe lake county, some light rain, northern sacramento valley. dell north humboldt, trinity county. you can see the line up there. that's pretty good rain coming in right there along towards arcadia, eureka and crescent city. we get the higher clouds and below that we get the low clouds. drizzle or anything for yes, looks like some over the next couple of days friday into saturday. maybe a couple of 100 on drizzle. the fog bank is getting much deeper . that's for sure. as these systems come in, and again, the water temps are just incredibly
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cold, so that helps as well. 50 60 seventies, most locations will drop a good 10 degrees, if not more today. santa rosa, oakland, san mateo and san jose. all these arrows are pointing down 67, 65, 70 and 74. probably not a lot of change tomorrow, but even colder as we go into the weekend and monday, sunday monday will be hard pressed to get over about 64 all these temps, westerly breeze or a west southwest breeze not crazy, windy yet fifties for most a few forties but fifties for most of the temps here, these won't change or under cloudy to mostly cloudy skies. you can see the systems moving in the high is going to get bumped out of here on sunday. monday system is going to work its way in here, and it is really what we say deep. it will have a lot of cold air with it. it will be a dynamic system and it's eventually going to do it's going to go all the way down to southern california. by the time we get into sunday monday, this will destabilize the atmosphere. i think thunderstorm activity would pop up maybe some rain by sunday and monday low elevation snow in this year we'll get snow. now again, this may start
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late sunday more likely monday in the early tuesday, but i wouldn't be surprised if six inches to a foot falls up in the mountains by sunday and early next week. so just if you're traveling friday and saturday will be all right. sunday starts to really turn turn on the on the weather there. 50 60 seventies today about the same tomorrow. clouds start to roll in saturday and a big drop and big change sunday monday. okay see time is 6 41 area homes keep smelling for more than they maybe worse. situation spreading now the other parts of the country will tell you which area was just named the most overvalued real estate market. first let's check in with garcia in our newsroom to see what else is coming up here on morning sun too. good morning. good to see you, pam. welcome back, dave. thank you in the studio here in a couple of minutes. we're going to focus on help. to cover a $44 billion price tag. new details on elon musk's plan to charge twitter users in which accounts will be asked to pay up. also making drought restrictions. permanent debate area water district that's adding some temporary conservation efforts
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to its year round rules. stay tuned for tha this is elodia. she's a recording artist. 1 of 10 million people that comcast has connected to affordable internet in the last 10 years.
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and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. it's still the eat fresh refresh, and now subway's upping their italian sandwich game! we're talking the new italian-style capicola. it's savory, smoky, and spicy. man, this is the triple-threat of deli meat! subway keeps refreshing and refreshing and refreshi-
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[squirrel 1] here we go, another teen, another selfie. [squirrel 2] wait, wait. she recycled. [squirrel 1] well that's not a selfie, that's a self-lessie. [squirrel 2] oh. that's terrible stacy. ♪ 44 r today's annual cinco de mayo celebration restaurants in san pedro square. expect a busy night with heat lamps in the outdoor seating areas to make sure it's not too cold. we also saw people selling mexican flags for a celebration that could extend into the weekend. tomorrow's the big day here friday and saturday. yeah on sunday to mexicans in that's a good show. the mexican now this
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will be the first single gemayel's celebration without any stay at home restrictions or face mask requirements as part e effort to fight inflation, the federal reserve raised interest rates as expected in the largest single jump in 20 years, short term rates were raised by half of a percent. that means loans, mortgages, other types, credit card loans, other types of loans will go up. fed chair jerome powell said the central bank hopes that will cool demand and lead to lower prices. inflation is much too high. and we understand the hardship it is causing. and we're moving expeditiously to bring it back down. the federal reserve says more rate hikes are likely. some economists warned the move to push down prices could lead to the u. s into a recession, the most overvalued real estate market in the country is not the bay area. it's actually boise, idaho. between inflation and the
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pandemic. people have continued to leave more expensive areas and had to places where housing is more affordable, like boise. that's sending housing prices. they're through the roof. realtors and buyers say it's starting to become similar to markets like the bay area where there is too much demand and not enough supply. people now and they want to either be a move up buyer or their retiring and want to buy a smaller house. that's become increasingly as well. i do think boise was, you know, a gem that people are discovering. now the large number of people moving to the areas like boise, salt lake city and tampa is driving up housing costs that, in turn, push up the costs for other expenses as well. alright meta said to open up its first store. it's located right here in the bay area. take a look. this is new video from the facebook parent company showing off its new shop shoppers who visit the store and met his reality lab campus. on burlingame. they condemn oh,
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several products, including that virtual reality headset, smart glasses. the store on airport boulevard set to open on monday . i'm going to have to head down there. you beat that machine that game. alright, time is 6 46 will debate areas only indonesian restaurant has closed after less than a year in business. while running cisco in redwood city has closed now, the owners say the bay area's labor shortage in the restaurant industry contributed to the closure. the restaurant's menu will still be available through delivery services, and there's a recent report from the national restaurant association that found that seven out of 10 restaurants in america don't have enough workers to meet demand. the new york times says the game wardle brought hundreds of thousands of new subscribers to the paper as expected, and its latest earnings report. the newspaper said they saw quote a significant increase after they acquired wormhole in january with nearly 400,000 new online only subscribers, the time ceo
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says many people who come to their site for word will have stayed to play other games. this quarter has been the best for their games. ever lot of people who play word all worry that they will start charging like you have to pay for this subscription in order to play word like their crossword puzzle. so we'll see. sal is mastered that like he's mastered watching our commute. how do you know i used to do it every day. i have to say that after a while, you know, you kind of lose interest only because i would do it here, you know, and it's like you were doing. i stopped as well. i found all of a sudden, instead of it, being just kind of a fun thing was wasting my time, right? but you know, maybe now that we mentioned it, i'll try it again today. all right. good morning, everyone. if you are just aboute bay bridge, and people always want to know about it. you know what today's communities, though it's kind of a very ordinary commute. in very ordinary isn't isn't good for a lot of things,
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but for commute, i'll take it. i'll tell you why. because you don't have a lot of surprises. you've heard me say this a lot. surprises are terrible when it comes to commute. it's great when it comes to birthdays and all kinds of stuff, but not when it comes to the way you drive to work. 80 is about normal highway four is normal and the south bay is normal. so these things are what you expect. the peninsula doesn't have a lot of slow traffic yet, and neither do the same. mateo or the dumbarton bridge is so we'll take ordinary and boring on a commute any day. here's a man who's never ordinary and boring. it's mr stephen r. paulson. thank you, sir. appreciate that. i try not to be alright. water tips. we talked about this. they're so cool. how cold, are they? they're so cold that i don't think you can get any colder than that. 48 49, which led to the fog forming yesterday, which cooled down the coast in the bay didn't matter inland. the bases were to shouting anymore. they've flown in. so that's leading to a coup attempt, plus a front moving into the north. it's pretty pretty impressive pattern from may to be honest, i
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mean, usually by now, you know, we're talking about heat. we had one day of that yesterday and out. that's kind of a rarity. usually it's rain one and out. but this time it was the warmth inland, and that's gone. we can see the system moving in. so a mix of a lot of low clouds fog if you want to, and also higher costs will probably get some drizzle out of this starting friday, maybe saturday. the big jump will be on sunday. that's when the system really strong system cold 12 comes in sunday monday and lingers probably into tuesday. big fog bank it's way up there, probably around 2000 ft. now cooler for all high clouds in there more to the north. and at west southwest breeze. i see a west reason the city west, south west west west southwest west tend to wait 18 miles an hour, so the onshore breezes in place and with those water temps at 49 degrees. it's a cold morning and day for much of the coast and also in san francisco. mount diablo west 31 . that's pretty good there and then most locations have a western southwest breeze even in the hills. fifties on most of the templars a few forties, but a lot of fifties. he's won't change due to the cloud cover over us. so the highest getting
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bumped out of here for about a week, and each low pressure system coming in looks to be a little stronger, little deeper. maybe some rain to the north or drizzles we talked about. then by sunday, everything changes that system drops in, and it is going to go all the way down to southern california. there will be some low snow levels even around here possible, and i think some thunderstorm activity. the sierra probably get its act together late sunday into monday, i would not be surprised to see anywhere from 6 to 12 inches of snowfall there by the time we get to monday afternoon. 50 60 seventies on your attempts after today, those after tomorrow really the temps start to really take a tumble, especially if you go into the weekend and early next week. okay? save time is 51 discouraging data this morning despite a positive jobs report. coming up in the next hour. what we're finding out about small businesses struggling to recover from the pandemic. but first, some san francisco teachers say they're still not getting paid the right amount of money. they're new demands for the school district.
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if you're a small business, there are lots of choices when it comes to your internet and technology needs. but when you choose comcast business internet, you choose the largest, fastest reliable network. you choose advanced security. and you choose fiber solutions with speeds up to 10 gigs available to more small businesses than any other provider. the choice is clear: get unbeatable business solutions from the most innovative company. get a great deal on this limited time price with internet and voice for just $49.99 a month for 24 months with a 2-year price guarantee. call today.
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big tobacco's cigarette butts filter practically nothing and are made of microplastic fibers that are toxic and cunning. they may seep into water and food, and air, too. and the smaller microplastics get, the more damage they do. could they end up in you, your bodies, their prey? new studies indicate possible links to mutations in dna. an evil lie with a future's worth of harm. to the world, now you know. so sound the alarm.
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fanduel and draftkings, two out of state corporations to the world, now you know. making big promises to californians. what's the real math behind their ballot measure for online sports betting? 90% of profits go to the out of state corporations permanently. only eight and a half cents is left for the homeless. and in virginia, arizona, and other states, fanduel and draftkings use loopholes to pay far less than was promised. sound familiar? it should. it's another bad scheme for california. for. they're not backing down from their demand that the school district paid them the money they're owed about 30. educators at washington high school say a new payroll system caused missing paychecks and some say that amount is more than $10,000 . it's not acceptable to have such a large amount of money missing. we have a job to do. we
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have a job to do that we've been doing without getting paid payroll office never organized anything to try and explain to us what our paychecks should look like. how to read them where they could be discrepancies that was all coming from staff here who just worked together and shared information that they found out themselves. francisco unified school district says it knows about the problem, but it's going to take some time to make sure everybody's paid what they're owed. school district says it fixed some widespread problems back in march, but there trying to solve other problems that are affecting a small amount of employees. demonstrators at city college of san francisco still camping out this morning protesting planned layoffs in school cutbacks. several see csf. faculty members have tents set up in front of the chancellor's office. they call it an occupation tomorrow, the city college of san francisco board of trustees is
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due to vote about laying off faculty members more than 200 faculty members could lose their jobs. the teachers say these staff, layoffs and cuts will hurt. the students. case city college has the money to stop these cuts and invest in students, and that's precisely should do. now the teachers plan to continue camping out indefinitely testing the potential staff cutbacks. it is 6 56 leaders from the bay area state university's launched a new initiative to help low income students graduate from college on time and with less debt. officials from san jose state, sf state and cal state east bay took part in the kick off a bed yesterday in san francisco. the college core program will give students $10,000 in financial support for completing one year of public service. one student described volunteering to be a tutor to underserved kids in a similar
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program at san jose state. the most meaningful part of this fellowship has to be the genuine connections i've made with the children that i mentor. cause i know that can be the one to inspire them to pursue a period them or even just get them excited for college students will volunteer in three main priority areas to get that money k through 12 education, climate action and food insecurity. the applications opened on april 1st . they can be filled out online. for silicon valley venture capitalist john door is making a donation of $1 billion to stanford university. it will be used to set up a new school to study the effects of climate change and also work on finding a solution. the gift is a biggest donation in stanford's history, one of the biggest for any school, along with the money donated by door. stanford also received $590 million for the new climate school from other donors. hit a 6 57. some of san
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francisco's asian american community came together last night for the annual ap a heritage awards. it honors organizations that have reached major milestones serving the community. the state assembly member phil ting, address the event. he said he was honored to recognize a p i heroes and elevate asian successes. mayor london breed and former mayor willie brown were also there as well. no it is a api heritage month and today we're spotlighting the very asian foundation. it was started by a tv news anchor from the st louis area. michelle lee was doing a segment about what americans eat on new year's day, and she added her own tradition. eating dumplings, soup. well she received a lot of support. about this moment. the station also received a racist voicemail responding from a viewer who claimed to be offended by what she said miss lee told ktvu. she
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turned that racist comment into something positive. i think it's a gift because the world responded and stuck up for me and stuck up her racism and started sharing their moments of pride and eventually that led me to the ellen show, which then she gave me a $15,000 gift. relaunch this foundation were now 100, like five days in now the very asian foundation raises money for organizations like the asian american journalists association and stop a p i hate they're also educating more people about fighting hate. and stereotypes. long term. i think this is a blueprint for the court to undo so many of the rights that we have obtained in the last 50 years. the next steps after an unprecedented leak from the u. s. supreme court what california has planned if the high court reverses roe versus wade then covid cases on the rise again. the warnings from health experts
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just ahead of what's expected to be busy weekend in the bay area. from ktvu fox two news. this is mornings on to welcome them. good morning. i'm gasia mikaelian. good morning. i'm dave clark. it is a thursday , may 5th steve paulson in his office. he knows about those low clouds out there and this little nipping. dave you know, a gaseous said to me. what do you say to me when you walked in big change? big change from yesterday change. that's a big change is right for all yesterday was just the coast. ellen was warm to hot with eighties to near 90. not today. temperatures are you taking a blunder fifties on attempts under cloudy to mostly cloudy skies. it's a combo of low clouds and high clouds systems, producing some rain up in the northern part of the state. maybe mendocino county will get in on some cooling begins today for all low clouds. sun some sun south a lot of clouds north little breezy to windy at times, i'd get ready for that. over the next about 5 to 6 days as well. the wind will be picking


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