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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2  FOX  May 4, 2022 4:00am-7:00am PDT

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against abortion rights take to the streets clashing in major cities across the country and right here in the bay area, how state leaders are moving quickly to protect abortion rights in california, plus a former army base in the east bay could soon become a homeless shelter for 1000 people living on the streets in oakland. what we're learning about that plan from ktvu. fox two news. this is mornings onto good morning. welcome to mornings on two. i'm ali rasmus. good morning. i'm pam cook. thank you for waking up with us. it is wednesday morning, may 4th and because what steve paulson has been telling us all week i opened up the windows overnight. steve did the same pam that cool air in before it gets hot, right? yeah but it's not gonna be that bad. i mean, ali, don't you worry. cooler weather is on the way. alright good is the toughest on me. when's it going to cool down? well, it'll start to cool down maybe on the coast later today, but for most today will be the warmest day and then we'll start a significant cooling trend. and i mean big
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time by the time we get to the weekend, but we're all systems go for a nice day here even on the coast for a while. the water temps are very, very cold. so it wouldn't take much to get a breeze going and it will be warmer. but i think we get a light breeze and maybe even some patchy fog, but not before temperatures go well above average here seventies eighties warmest temps inland, be pushing a few upper eighties. alright it's 401 in the morning, and here he is our good friend, mr sal castaneda. good morning, sir. good morning, steve. yeah, we're off to a decent start. we've had a couple of minor things, but really, the traffic is not affected by any of it. since most of the roads are wide open here, including interstate 80 westbound getting out to the bay bridge toll plaza. we don't have a lot going on here. traffic continues to move along very well. south bay commute mostly doing well. we had a crash reported on north dont wanna one right near the capitol expressway. watch for a little slow traffic there, but really most of it is all good four. oh one. let's go back to the headlines. all right. thank you, sal having our news once again
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this morning in the coming days and weeks expect more demonstrations surrounding the supreme court's draft opinion of overturning roe v. wade. large protests were held across the country yesterday, including new york city, both sides of the abortion battle rallied outside the supreme court in washington , d c all day and we do expect more of the same today here in the bay area. some of the largest demonstrations were in oakland and san francisco. second date. sir francisco saw several rallies for abortion rights. one group gathered outside the federal building another march from market to the mission than to market and castro last night. i will use the full authority of the law and the full power of our office to protect the constitutional right to an abortion, extremely angry at the draft decision that was released, and i'm extremely concerned for my and my daughter's future. i work with patients every day who are
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giving birth and it's important that they have that choice. and i think at the end of the day abortions are part of healthcare. we all deserve quality healthcare. now the demonstration at oakland's federal building involved leaders from labor unions and community groups. they say the loudest protest is at the ballot box and november's midterm election. happening today. governor gavin newsom will be in los angeles to discuss a proposal that would protect the right to abortion here in california. senate president pro tem toni atkins joined members of the women's caucus and planned parenthood at the state capitol yesterday. they vowed to move quickly to introduce a constitutional amendment to make abortion rights permanent in california, california has long long recognized the fundamental right to privacy and to control over one's own body. the legislative women's caucus is also introducing a bill that would help women from outside california obtain abortions in state if more bands go in place. we don't want to leave women in
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in desperation, and we do not want deaths, so we are going to do our best to create a welcoming and safe environment with the ability to support them. back in march, newsome signed a bill eliminating out of pocket costs for abortions. it's part of a package of 13 bills focused on making abortion more accessible and protecting providers and patients. congressional democrats are expressing outrage over the potential rolling bay area representatives barbara lee and jackie spear are sharing their own personal stories with ktvu political reporter greg lee. i'm one of those women he spoke about just now in 2011. south bay. congresswoman jackie speier became the first person on the house floor to tell her own story of having an abortion. spear says the message gave other women power to share their experiences. harrowing moment i was trembling when i finished and i went to the back of the chamber, and it was john lewis,
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who met me there and said. with tears in his eyes that it was a powerful speech when the draft opinion leaked showing the supreme court is poised to overturn abortion rights, speer said, it felt like a gut punch. as much as we thought. precedent mattered to the supreme court were now being let in on a really bad piece of information , which is that they're going to ignore. ignore precedent. it's very personal, but i don't want this to happen to other people. what happened to me? congresswoman barbara lee has previously described her decision to go to mexico for what she calls a back alley abortion at age 15. it was horrible, but i had to do it. that was my decision. but you know what? i survived so many black women during that period didn't survive because of coat hanger abortions. this supreme court draft ruling becomes final , she warns abortions won't stop what i worry about now. is we're gonna go back to where abortions
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are gonna be illegal and unsafe . congresswoman are urging the senate to pass the women's health protection act, which would make abortion access federal law, but democrats don't have the votes right now. congressional republicans have focused much of their response on the leak. this is just so outrageous that this draft opinion was leaked. it's clearly an attempt to influence the outcome as the country waits for the high court's final ruling this summer. house republican leadership led by minority leader kevin mccarthy, released this statement. house republicans are committed to upholding the sanctity of life, and we will continue to fight to be a voice for the truly voiceless. there is nothing more special, extraordinary and worth fighting for the miracle of life. one of the few republican senators who supports abortion rights, senator susan collins of maine, said the draft opinion is quote completely inconsistent with what justices neil gorsuch and brett kavanaugh said in confirmation meetings with her. greg lee ktvu, fox two news we are now hearing from vice
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president kamala harris in a statement, she says, in part quote, the rights of all americans are at risk. if the right to privacy is weakened, every person could face a future in which the government can potentially interfere in the personal decisions you make about your life. this is the time to fight for women and for our country with everything. we have to stay with us here at ktvu as we continue our coverage on the leaked supreme court documents. you can also find more details, including what led to the draft decision on our website. ktvu .com. 47 is the time in oakland city council will study whether a former oakland army base could possibly how's about 1000 people who are homeless. if it's approved, it would almost double the number of shelter beds in the city in 2019 account of the homeless population in oakland, show that they are about 4000 people living on city streets. officials say that number likely group during the pandemic. oakland city leaders met with executives and their latest discussions on plans for a new
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waterfront ballpark, a new report by the staff of the san francisco bay conservation and development commission. found that the $12 billion stadium at howard terminal would provide an economic boost for oakland and would not have a negative impact on business at the port of oakland. a's president dave cavill, says the report is a good step forward. i think we're on track with the c d. c. we're kind of off track before when you had the advice committee. um you know, saying no. and so i think that puts us in a great position for the june 2nd hearing. where there'll be a lot of public comment, additional dialogue and debate. following the june 2nd hearing. there will be a vote on june 30th by the very conference conservation and development commission on whether to remove howard terminal from its seaport plan on affirmative vote would allow the a's and the city to move forward with the stadium project. coming up on the eight o'clock hour. we will be speaking live with oakland mayor libby schaaf about the future of the a's ballpark proposal and how the city is tackling homelessness will also ask her about the latest usd board member to resign and the
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possibility of federal oversight. to end over the oakland police force that's coming up this morning at eight o'clock right here on mornings on two. alright right now, 408. we know it's going to heat up a little bit today. how much let's check in with steve paulson. a little bit, okay will be nice, but it won't be that bad inland. it's not going to last very long. but today will be the warmest day that's for sure. i wouldn't be surprised if a little fog and an onshore breeze kicks in later today, but this will be the warmest day for many inland taps. here you can see the signature of the ridge of high pressure pretty cool, little low there around salt lake city, but that that's too far east for us. canfield oakland conquered san jose. up up up. they're not crazy 81 76. i think there'll be enough of a breeze to take this hold the city in oakland for warming up all that much conquered up to 86 san jose from 79 to 82. higher elevations. are they warmer? yes some amount in 66. diablo's 59 ben lomond 59. so that's warmer than yesterday when they were in
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the forties, so that will translate into some warmer temps in that east northeast breezes still in place, but coming down and out at the surface. travis has a west southwest and vacaville has the west south and that's a big difference from yesterday when they had a north wind and there were around 58 to 60. forties on the temps fifties on the temps north we can we find anything cooler? yeah a little bit. but still everyone's pretty close here. quite raised down to 41 yet. kelsey bills 50 healdsburg 50 50 napa sonoma 45 . that's a big drop there. that's about 10 degrees cooler than yesterday. same for nevada petaluma rohnert park hall in there as well. the high will hold its ground one more time. there's a lot of energy coming across the pacific a lot, and it's going to start taking aim at pacific northwest and northern california, so cool coast warmer for inland towns, but we'll see a big change starting tomorrow and carrying us right into the weekend. in fact, if you hang your hat on the european forecast model, it's going to rain sunday and into monday. others show windy and cooler conditions. but look at that that i mean, that would be pretty good snow for the
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mountains. and about san francisco north, there would be measurable rain, and i tend to buy into it because it's been very, very consistent on that, but we'll fine tune this as we get a little closer, closer sixties seventies eighties today, you guys, but after today, the cooling will begin. we are should be held to a higher standard. an officer under the influence while on the job still ahead. we hear from san jose's mayor and police chief about that allegation and how department leadership want to hold officers were accountable for their actions, and it has been six years since six homes slid down the hill in san francisco. the settlement san francisco. the settlement reached with pg and you said you'd never get a dog. you said you'd never do a lot of things. but you never knew all the things a dog could do for you. and with resolve you never have to worry about the mess. love the love, resolve the mess.
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(footsteps) ♪ from the mountains to the coast, ♪ ♪ it's the state with the most. ♪ ♪ somos la crema de la crema ♪ ♪ con mucho sol todo el año, cuidado que te quemas ♪ ♪ stack that cheddar, make it melt. ♪ ♪ cook it up, stretch it out. ♪ ♪ we're breaking the mold. ♪ ♪ estado dorado. ♪ ♪ shining like gold. ♪ ♪ estado dorado. ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado live in the golden state ♪
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did you get a call or message that mentioned social security that made you feel threatened or scared? that is not the social security administration. social security will not: threaten you; press you for personal information; or demand instant payment. social security does not accept payments by gift card, prepaid debit card, internet currency, or by mailing cash. criminals use these forms of payment because they are hard to trace. don't fall for it. hang up. ignore them. report this criminal activity to produced at u.s. taxpayer expense. ofho lead the city. the forum is expected to include a range of topics, including transportation
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, housing and development. the six candidates who said they'll appear are cindy chavez, jim spence, marshall allen woodman's sea david davis role paralysis. and matt mehan. the forum will be held at saint john vianney community center in east san jose at 6 30 this evening. one of the most contentious ballot races in contra costa county is the election for sheriff now, ben theriot, too, is a richmond police officer and david livingston, who has served as contra costa sheriff in the last 12 years attended a public safety forum in pleasant hill last night. livingston faced tough questions about the handling of a deadly police shooting. that's the case of former deputy andrew hall, who was sentenced to six years in prison for the shooting death of law. tamir goleta. officer felt his life was in danger. that's why he fired the shots that he did. we did a thorough investigation and we found he was within policy policies that come from the top. and transcend down at the bottom to the deputies actually have to do the
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work. if you haven't been on the ground as a law enforcement officer in the past five years. you have no idea what it's like out there. both candidates for district attorney were also at the forum and agreed that working with law enforcement agencies is the best way to get the job done, especially in cases like the walnut creek, nordstrom smash and grab. those who have been apprehended by law enforcement have been charged with serious crimes, including organized retail theft and robbery. i will continue to work as i am right now. um with all other counties and investigators to actively and proactively, um , identify and prosecute these organized retail theft cruise in our county. the election is june 7th all registered voters will receive a mail in ballot that can be dropped off at a voting center or you can cast your ballot in person. the concord police department is launching a new program to ask residents for access to their personal outdoor security cameras. the community electronic i program asks
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residents and business owners to register with the police department if they have private security cameras. police say his officers investigate criminal incidents. they may be looking for footage related to those investigations. participation in this program is strictly voluntary. as soon as a police officer is accused of being under the influence while on the job. ktvu is jesse gary explains how the police chief and others are calling for department wide drug testing. at san jose. police frantically searched for kidnapped baby last week. one of their members is alleged to have been working the case legally impaired. the unnamed patrolman's blood alcohol level was nearly twice the legal limit will not make any excuses. with a criminal conduct of our police officers. we are and should be held. to a higher standard department chief anthony morrow says he's dismayed by the development officials say an fbi agent assisting in the search for baby brandon notice the
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impaired officer as he canvassed for clues. it's unknown. why fellow s j p d officers didn't see the problem and take action. i found this conduct. to be both offensive and dangerous. this revelation forced from the department due to media reporting comes on the heels of the dijon packer incident. the former sjs you football player and rookie s j p d cop was found dead in his milpitas apartment in march. the santa clara county coroner says the 24 year old suffered a fentanyl overdose. i can't imagine a more stressful job than being a police officer right now. psychologist dr thomas plant says a tsunami of covid fueled mental health problems is impacting everyone, including law enforcement. i don't think it's a surprise that we're seeing more examples. of mental health related or behavioral related problems everywhere. san jose mayor sam liccardo calling for department wide drug testing of all officers, not just those in specialty units doing so well
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enable. the department to identify those officers who need help. need to get treatment. and critically. keep those officers. off the street command staff says the department has crisis management and peer support units and e a p and a substance abuse counselor. union reps say they're open to adding blanket drug testing and contract negotiations with the city. it's important to talk about each different thing that may be involved to ensure that the process is transparent, fair. and equal department revealed a second investigation of one of its officers this time for alleged sexual misconduct while on the job police commanders declining to provide more specifics. in san jose, jesse gary ktvu, fox two news. thank you, jessie right back over to steve paulson a little warm up for today, and then there we are calling down tomorrow. steve you've been listening. pamela tried. i know it's hard. you're
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busy you to take notes over here. the same thing with sal. i'm like i usually listen usually when you say wait, what did you say? you say? where'd you say? that was? yes that is correct. today will be the warmest day. there's already hints of an onshore breeze. we had the offshore yesterday today , so it's this will be the warmest day inland. i'm not buying it any nineties unless you're out towards maybe vacaville or stocked or something, but even that, i think will be in the upper eighties. clear coast for now. i would not be surprised if later today, though, that breeze kicks in and with those water temps soul so cold upper forties that some fog forms keep an eye on it. that can happen fast when it's just kind of a pattern, and there is a little bit of an onshore breeze of pressures are higher pressure. is higher on the coast and it is inland. that's usually you know, a little hint there. amount diablos almost 60 degrees north at 27. but yesterday was what 53 miles an hour, so they have warmed up. there's warm air aloft, but travis and vacaville with the west southwest now, david still has a north, but when you get west southwest, that's something to keep an eye
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on versus north yesterday. that's a big difference. forties on attempts to low fifties temperatures here, probably not changing all that much. it was a warm afternoon even warm morning in alameda essay piedmont still 55 50 hercules, elsa bronte, el cerrito and their pittsburgh 60 . wow brownwood 58. after that, it's upper forties and low fifties even around pleasant and also dublin right at 50. high winds out today, but that's a lot of energy coming across the pacific, and it's going to set the table here for a significant cool down which nice by the coast today, but i think my seabreeze does kick in. it will be warmer bayside and inland today, but it drops fast. the cooling starts tomorrow. big fog bag breezy and probably even some drizzle coming in. the key is and i'm absolutely going with the european forecast model. it has been very consistent and very bullish on bringing in not only windy and cooler conditions. but it has ramped up some rain projections. so i'm going to go with it course that's the forecaster. that i am. i'm the rogue one. i'm out
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there on the limb. yeah six. you know what? it's okay. it's safe out there 60 seventies to eighties and then tomorrow the cooling begins, and it will continue all the way and sunday cloudy, colder, windy and maybe some rain about san francisco north again a couple of days away, but that's what it looks. thank you, steve. more evacuees have made it out of violent war zones in ukraine coming up, the country's leaders say they won't be needing more support from the us and other allies in the months ahead. and local leaders are addressing the issue of gun violence, the temporary memorial here in the
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i was injured in a car crash. i had no idea how much my case was worth. call the barnes firm to find out what your case could be worth. we will help get you the best result possible. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ it's the lightning round! what is... madagascar! name the device... the telephone! wow mom. tell me the... chimichanga! how is she doing that?
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turns out moms are always right, and it turns out the general is a quality insurance company that's been saving people money for nearly 60 years. let's show her what she's... a white convertible! now you're just showing off, mom. for a great low rate, and nearly 60 years of quality coverage make the right call and go with the general. have now been charged with multiple counts of murder in connection with that mass shooting that happened in downtown sacramento last month, the sacramento county district attorney's office says smiley martin and deandre martin brothers both face three murder charges in relation to the three bystanders who were killed until a peyton was also charged with
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three counts of murder but has yet to be found. the three others who were killed have been confirmed as gang members involved in that gun battle. when individuals. are involved in a gun battle. and they kill innocent bystanders. all participants in that gun battle. are responsible for the death of those innocent bystanders. it doesn't matter whose bullet killed who alexandra. six people were killed in that shooting. 12 others injured. it hapl. 3rd thy in sacramento, says there is an ongoing investigation in the case and that more charges could be forthcoming. napa sheriff's office. deputies say a felon is behind bars after a traffic stop led to a drug and gun bust. deputies stopped 42 year old william rabner, the oxbow market in napa friday and found he had a semiautomatic gun in the car. a search warrant was then issued for his home or detectives found
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several ghost guns, assault rifles and other guns along with several illegal drugs. rob was on probation as a felon in possession of a firearm and ammunition. victims of gun violence are being remembered in san francisco ktvu henry lee shows us the memorial where former congresswoman gabby giffords attended in an effort to prevent more deaths by gunfire. our lives can change so quickly. minded when i was shot , but i never gave up hope. former arizona congresswoman gabby giffords in san francisco , where their national campaign against gun violence behind her nearly 3500 bases of white flowers honoring the californians who were shot and killed in 2020. giffords was severely injured in a mass shooting in tucson, arizona, in 2011 relearning so many things how to walk how to talk, and i'm fighting to make the country safer because it is important to shine a light on this and never
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to give up. san francisco mayor london breed joined giffords and calling on federal, state and local lawmakers to approve tougher gun laws. she said. the flowers are grim testament to the lives lost. we are going to get there because we are not going anywhere. we're not going to give up and we're going to continue to fight to end gun violence in this country. there's not a day in these past three years. that i don't weep. there's not a day that i don't cry out. former oakland city council member lynette gibson mcelhaney son victor was shot and killed during a robbery attempt in l. a in 2019. now it would be one thing if we were just up against a disease that we couldn't identify. that's a fight, but this is something we can cure. this is a problem that has solutions. we don't have to be looking at almost 3500 flowers in the fields behind us . giffords has unveiled similar memorials with vases like these in washington, d c. philadelphia new york city l, a. miami and
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houston. but change doesn't happen overnight. we can't do it alone. join me move ahead together. the memorial at su biermann park is open to the public until friday. henry lee ktvu fox two news happening today, many students in sonoma county will hop on their bikes, scooters and skateboards for bike to school day may is national bike month, and many schools are taking part in walking bike to school events throughout the month. today's event in the north bay was created by the sonoma county safe routes to school program. some of the schools taking part have organized beat up spots for students who want to walk or bike today, and police officers will be providing extra traffic enforcement. the supreme court, maybe leaning towards doing away with federally protected abortion rights. now americans are squaring off from town halls to the halls of congress on lauren blanchard in washington. i've got reaction coming up. and one man is now facing charges for an incredible stunt in san francisco. the reason he says he scaled the side of the entire
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[téa leoni] today, seven and a half million children in ukraine need to find safe water, shelter and warmth. show them the world cares.
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support unicef on the ground in ukraine. entire united states of america. no exceptions. women's rights in america are under attack. the debate over abortion rights has reignited across the us following a leaked draft decision from the u. s. supreme court. our coverage of the national fallout continues, plus it couldn, you know wins in ukraine? which country is next? ukrainian forces are receiving more aid and support from us lawmakers hoping for an end to the russian invasion. this is russian forces increase their attacks. from ktvu fox two news . this is mornings on two. good morning. thank you for joining us here on mornings onto i'm pam cook, rasmus. today is wednesday , may 4th and this first week of
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may. steve paulson is definitely a little bit unpredictable. little bit warmer weather today and then some changes. that's right. i mean, we started cool on monday, remember monday was cool and windy. remember alright ? today will be your warmest day. then we'll start a really significant cooling trend here as we head in starting tomorrow, but today a couple of little items here, you know, experience tells me, hmm. the city's five degrees cooler than yesterday at this time, that that that makes a difference here. palo alto 46 jose 52. there are wacky temperatures in and around santa rosa. if you get in the hills, its upper sixties seventies, yet in town, it's in the upper forties. so i'll wind driven but the westerly breezes trying to kick in more so than that north northeast, so it'll still be warm inland, but i'm not buying into these nineties or anything but clear to start cool warm, but libraries will go with a lot of eighties and maybe a few pushing the upper eighties. most locations will settle into the seventies and eighties. alright salads here. it's 4 31, and he's going to tell us the traffic, i hope is quiet. it is quiet
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looking at the golden gate bridge. steve and i do see the traffic moving along very well. i think i see some mr fog there and you can see. traffic is moving along nicely. they have the lane crews out there. so be careful when you're driving there. no problems at the bay bridge this morning. you can see that traffic is looking good getting into san francisco. it's 4 32. let's get back to the headlines the supreme court decides to follow through with its draft opinion and overturn roe v. wade there are 13 states with so called trigger laws that would ban abortions immediately. here's a look at the map. showing those states. the 13 states in blue have trigger laws in place that would make abortions illegal immediately following a supreme court ruling. the ones in purple have passed abortion bans prior to the roe v. wade ruling, but they had not yet been enforced. orange states have abortion restrictions in place right now . reporter lauren blanchard has the latest from washington, d. c on the abortion rights battle heating up. the leak. supreme court draft opinion has america
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divided what's next if the draft becomes a final decision from coast to coast protesters turned out after a leaked draft opinion from the nation's highest court signaled a possible end to roe v. wade i'm here to support the next generation of women, they have every right to choose what to do with their bodies. i would like to see all abortion abolished across the entire united states of america. no exceptions. congressional members and the white house weighing in women's rights in america are under attack. a final decision is not expected until this summer and could change republicans argued their motivation was to scare the court. the changes mind about repealing roe v. wade. that's not gonna work. a final ruling. similar to the draft opinion would mean states would be in charge of their own abortion laws, roughly half mostly in the south and midwest are expected to quickly put in place bans or
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restrictions. supporters of roe v. wade say it will impact minorities and low income communities, the most i really can't afford to take pay for travel pay for a hotel. they can't afford to take time off. work matter the outcome. many believe the court's final decision will not stop abortions . they are going to try herbs, they are going to try things that could harm themselves, but most of them are going to end up going the route of trying to obtain medication abortion online just six months ahead of the midterms. already, both republicans and democrats are using the issue to push voters to the poll. girls. in washington. lauren blanchard, fox news an abortion rights protest in downtown los angeles became a bit chaotic at one point, police say they had asked a small group of protesters to disperse. but some police say that some of the processes responded by throwing rocks. in bottles at the officers. lapd eventually declared a citywide tactical alert, which meant more officers were brought in. one
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officer was injured and they did arrest several people. a crowd. a crowd gathered in downtown sacramento last night, and many people wearing pink shirts and holding signs with pro abortion slogans. this one was organized by planned parenthood. eventually the crowd marks through the city did have an impact on traffic, but police say the protests wrapped up without any problems by about 8 30. abortion rights advocates also rallied in san jose yesterday afternoon. mhm. a few dozen people protested outside san jose city hall, holding signs and waving to passing cars . one woman we spoke to says if this draft opinion becomes a final ruling, it will degrade the legitimacy of the u. s. supreme court. i want to say that if they want to be legitimate body of law they need to uphold the president that's been set for 50 years. that
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protester says she has demonstrated before for her for abortion rights and can't believe roe v. wade may soon no longer be the law of the land. activists who are against abortion say they are feeling cautiously optimistic about the potential ruling to overturn roe v. wade. it is a turning point in america's history. and yet you are absolutely correct that for those of us here in california and other states that are so extremely promoting abortion, our challenge has gotten even more difficult. when it sells with californians for life, acknowledged that overcoming widespread support for abortion rights in california is a challenge for the anti abortion movement here , but she says she thinks there will still be a change if the law is overturned. i think the demand for abortion will continue to decline as we have seen across our country, even in the bluest state like california. a recent poll found that more than two thirds of likely california voters say they do not want the supreme
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court to overturn roe v. wade. a man who free climbs. san francisco salesforce tower is in custody this morning, the 22 year old las vegas man began scaling the 61 story building at about 9 30 yesterday morning. a video taken from inside the building shared to twitter shows the man climbing without any ropes or safety devices. in a message posted on social media, he identified himself as an anti abortion protester calling himself pro life spider man. a crowd formed on the street below watching the dangerous stunt. it's more nerve racking for me than for him. he seems relaxed up there. i'm over here, worried about him. but yeah, i mean, i don't know the other ways protest abortion or whatever you want. police officers were waiting for him at the top of the building. he was arrested for trespassing and resisting arrest. now stay with us here at ktvu as we continue our coverage on the league's supreme court documents. you can also find more details, including what led to the draft decision. on our
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website ktvu dot com for 37 is a time in russian forces have increased their attacks in eastern ukraine. this comes as more than 100 civilians evacuated from a steel plant in mariupol. and they arrived in a city nearby, protesters marched through the streets of kiev, demanding the safe relief release of people who are still in mariupol. back here in the united states. president biden toured a lockheed martin plant in alabama that makes antitank weapons. the congress to pass this funding quickly to help ukraine continue to succeed against russian aggression. just as they did when they won the battle of kiev. british prime minister boris johnson spoke to the ukrainian parliament over a video called he announced an additional $375 million in military aid. east bay congresswoman barbara lee, who was part of the congressional delegation that visited ukraine and poland, says russian president vladimir putin must be stopped at all costs. folks are worried about moldova and other countries where i visited
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several times in the past. uh if putin, you know, wins and ukraine which country is next? congresswoman lee also said the refugee crisis is causing an overwhelming strain in poland. she's concerned about the impact of the war on food insecurity around the world. more than six years after six homes slid down at san francisco hillside. there is now a settlement in the lawsuit over that disaster. san francisco supervisors have approved a nearly $7 million settlement offer from pg any related to the 2016 slide. in the sherwood forest neighborhood , the city claimed pgd performed quote shoddy work when installing a new gas line and casinos avenue and that that led to a city water main breaking the city paid more than $6.5 million to the property owners, as well as a million dollars and other costs. but it's now 4 39 here on morning sun to steve paulson has our forecast that is warming up a little bit nice on the coast. i was right there at
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christie field yesterday and it was significantly cooler. there and it was nice. you know, a couple of people i overheard say , what is a nice weather day today? that was yesterday, right ? it was nice. you know, it wasn't too high. it was just right in their seventies and eighties. we have a little bit warmer weather today, but fog is beginning to show itself a little bit over by the coast. take a look at the satellite. everything's going up and over. but when the water temps are this cold and you get eighties inland, it doesn't take much and there is a system approaching to the north south. forecast high 60 seventies eighties patchy coast fog. this will be the warmest day inland, but i don't think it will be too crazy here. there's a lot going on. there's some rain on the way cooling begins tomorrow could get some drizzle or light rain well north on on friday, but sunday's the day it sure looks like we're going to get in on some rain here. and maybe i think the line right now looks to be about sam pablo bay north, but again still four days away. bodega bay water 10, 49 san francisco 49 that is really, really cool in monterey
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now, 49. that's that's that's really honestly. you don't get much colder than that. so 60 70 some? well well, well inland, some operators, but patchy fog quarter mile. it sure looks to me like a west breezes going to kick in later today, so we'll go with a little bit warmer weather, not a lot, but just a little bit here, especially inland coast and bay, though it might be a push. uh temperatures there now there's one observation. san francisco northeast. the other two are west southwest. that's that's a huge difference here in the forties yesterday at this time, it was all fifties. in fact, that this time mentality official site was 55 50 now believe me. if it was 60, i'd say okay, what's on it's going to be warmer, but when it drops five, that's a sign. i look for those wind directions. forties on the temps are fifties to on the attempts here forties on the peninsula. woodside's 43 granada , 44 47 menlo park in los altos. the high will give one warm day inland. but fog is beginning to make its appearance. so it's nice but cool coast warmer inland and then get ready. here
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we go. we'll start a cooling trend tomorrow. and maybe even some light rains friday more likely on sunday, though sunday i mean, the forecast model. this one has really ramped it up, so i would not be surprised with mountain snow. so there's a lot going on after today, 60 seventies eighties, although it does look like temperatures are going to cool off on the coast and then much more on the way of cooler and fog. roaring in tomorrow. you guys alright? range we'll take it even though it's late in the season. thanks, steve. game two between the warriors and the grizzlies got heated in memphis up next we'll show you the moments that sent to warriors players back to the locker room with injuries. and bay area hall of famers are uniting for a common cause will show you how they're addressing the issue of mental illness facing young athletes.
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see us dream. see us remember. see us protest. you matter. your feelings matter. your identity matters. everything about who you are matters. see us fight back. see us rebuild. see us shatter stereotypes. see us inspire. see us united. see us now. in f series between the warriors and the grizzlies is saturday at chase center. the series is tied at one all after another
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exciting back and forth down to the wire finish. seth curry scored 27 points, but the dubs struggled to hit shots the grizzlies jamboree and went off for 47 points, including kesha's at the end game, and the warriors lost one of 6 to 1. oh, one. afterwards the warriors were still angry about the foul on gary payton, the second he was hit in the head and fractured his left elbow when he landed on the court, and he will have an don't know if it was intentional, but it was dirty. there's a code that players follow. um. the word you never put a guys season slash career in jeopardy by taking somebody out in midair. perhaps it's hard to watch draymond green was elbowed in the face and needed several stitches on a cut near the i could get fined after walking into the locker room and flipping off the crowd that was raising him. well the giants will look for more offense when they take on the dodgers in game two of their series tonight in los angeles. the opener lived up
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to the promise of a pitcher's duel. both teams struggled to score, but dad has won the game with that two run single in the second inning. the giants could only scratch out one run for the entire game. the a's host the tampa bay rays today at the colosseum, the a's will try to rebound from last night's disappointment. they started well, scoring five runs in the first inning, including a grand slam from third baseman kevin smith. the raised, chipped away and tied the game in the ninth and then went on to score five runs in the 10th inning to win 10 to 71 group of a area athletes joining forces to raise awareness for mental health issues among athletes. ktvu s joe fonzi. has their story. when it comes to bay area sports figures, it's hard to find a group more high profile than the one playing in a charity golf tournament this week. baseball's all time home run hitters and football's all time touchdown leader. we're in the same place.
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throw in another football hall of famer concerned about the unprecedented mental challenges the whole world and especially young people are experiencing. we've gone through a lot, and we've gone through a lot because covid has just pushed through a lot. and so you think of that goes to the last three years. and you think of why those last three years have been tough. uh they're gonna need resources. the golf tournament was a benefit for the child mind institute. it's president as a simple explanation for why the work the institute does is so important. there's a crisis in the united states, the suicide rate and the suicide attempt. rates of teenagers in the united states has gone up by 25 to 50% and covid has only made it worse. so it's really important for people to recognize that the most common set of illnesses for children and adolescents have mental health disorders. we do know that social media is having a negative effect on some kids, but not on every kid. so what can big time athletes do? they
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come from a world that's just starting to address mental health issues back in the day. you know that was a form of weakness. athlete gave into something like that. but, you know is different times now. man social pressures and the social media. there's a lot there's a lot to handle for these kids, and it comes out and really fast, and sometimes they don't know how to take care of it. and this. will this organization does social media everything. i try to stay away from all that as much as possible, but it's hard. i mean, if they're not in it, then they're behind. if they're in it, they're consumed in it. and it's tough for this generation. with all this technology, you know, you just try to lend. lend your voice or lend your hand and say, hey, it's going to be okay. whatever challenges they come, they have to deal with and hopefully, we're there to hold and pick them up, hold their hand and say, hey, it's going to be okay. and if that's not enough star power behind a cause, not many of these tournaments feature guys who have been fitted for
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the green jacket. you know, i have two daughters that have kind of struggled with mental health themselves. so anytime you get a chance to support what a great cause this is, we all rally behind it. the group has to be the favorite, though. well we might be. i gotta i gotta sharpen up my game here to help out the child mind institute as a relatively short history in the bay area. but with the need for its services increasing you couldn't ask for a better group to improve awareness and contribute to its healthy growth . joe fonzi ktvu, fox two news. all right. thank you, joe. let's go back over to steve paulson for a look at our forecast. um you're you're still talking about a little bit of rain and some snow for people who still on ahead of sunday night. monday is the way it looks. yes you two. we're going to go into a pretty significant change here now. today, it's still going to be warm inland. the signature of the highest there, but there is already some subtle changes over by the coast and in san francisco, so this is a really tricky forecast for those over by the coast. it looks like a couple of patches of fog have
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already formed. it will be warmer inland, although again i didn't buy into the nineties on sunday, and i still don't buy into it now. patchy coast fog, there will be a westerly breeze . the onshore breeze looks like it wants to get to get its act together later today, but still it'll be nice today it will be warm inland. cooling begins tomorrow drizzle maybe some light rain to the north on friday some big changes on the week, especially on sunday. that's the one that looks like we could get some some real rain. not that fake stuff some real right? the water temps are really brutally cold when you see bodega bay, san francisco boy and monterey all at 49 fog has no problem forming as soon as the wind turns westerly, and there's some hints of that already. patchy fog. cool to mild. this could be, you know a big spread on some of these temps. but anytime you start to get that west breeze, i'm really reluctant to bump up ken field one makes me nervous there. gilroy will go with that conquered. i'll go with it. san jose but coast in bay if not the same temperature, maybe a little cooler. little northeast, you know for some west, southwest or
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west for others, but the key is , temperatures are running about five degrees cooler than yesterday. at this time, that's a big change. so you're seeing more forties and fifties? yesterday was all fifties in the city. there is still a northerly breeze from many, but it's the wind speeds have come way down, but at the surface, it's turning west southwest, so forties fifties if you're inland, no worries. it will be sunny and warm coast could be on the cool side as the fog tries to get its act together. 43 boulder creek felton, upper forties morgan hill, san martin, santa clare and campbell, both at 46, santa cruz and capital a 47. so there's plenty coming across the pacific. it's just going to take another day to really get here. so nice at the coast, although there is some fog forming warmer bay inland, but it's going to drop like it has a rock tied to it tomorrow. cooling begins big fog bank and breezy conditions that there could be a little light rain friday. i think that's more going to be cloud cover than anything else, but sunday into monday, i mean, these these totals, projections have been ramped up big time so that would be the key day sunday
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monday, and it looks like it will continue in the middle of next week as far as cool conditions sixties seventies eighties today, then everything changes tomorrow and really changes. friday into sunday, pas and protests are taking place nationwide and here in the bay area, still ahead more on how abortion rights activists are vowing to fight against the possibility of the u. s. supreme court overturning roe versus wade plus california has long, long recognized the fundamental right to privacy and to control over one's own body. state lawmakers getting involved in the national conversation their plans to keep california a safe haven for the right to choose. and honoring the life and legacy of former congressman and u s. transportation secretary norman mineta in the south bay community he called
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things and two is 4 54. the chp is honoring their fallen officers in a memorial service for the first time since before the pandemic. the ceremony in sacramento honored california highway patrol officers killed in the line of duty. 229 officers have been killed on the job, including three in the last three years. it's the long shifts the endless stress. to all of, you know, fame. no fortune, too few moments. too few moments with the people you love too few. thank you's from the public you serve, and every day you go off to work, knowing there's a credible chance that you'll be called to risk your life in the defense of others. the names of the fallen officers were read aloud during the ceremony following the ringing of a memorial bell. the oakland
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police department also held a memorial service to honor those officers killed in the line of duty motorcycle officers road in formation ahead of yesterday's ceremony where officers holding flags led family members into police headquarters, the department says they honored all 53 officers who have been killed. former south bay congressman and u. s. transportation secretary norman mineta has died at the age of 90 flags were lowered at half staff outside city hall in san jose to honor the one time mayor of san jose and ktvu s and ruben tells us he's being remembered as a leader and consensus builder during his 20 years in congress. norman mineta was many things the first asian american mayor of a major city cabinet leader and house committee chair among them, but he never forgot where he was from, and to the people of san jose's japantown. he was simply norm. i don't recall anybody saying um. mr mineta was norm norm, you know to him. ah
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that was that was the way he liked it to warren hayashi norm was like an older brother, one who had an easy charm and who never forgot a name skills that later benefited him in politics. just see that he was ah, one step ahead of everybody. after a stint as mayor of san jose mineta served in congress for more than two decades, then held cabinet positions in both the clinton and bush administrations . he was the secretary of transportation on 9 11 and is responsible for bringing the planes down. he also worked to establish the a, was one of the chief architects of the americans with disabilities act. and helps get reparations for japanese americans who had been incarcerated during world war two as he had been, i think they meet up a big difference in, um this nation's understanding that you do not incarcerate people just because they look like the enemy enormously from this common leadership style. his
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deadpan humor. and his sincere love for public service. i always think of him as his happy warrior. because every time i would see him he always had a wonderful smile on his face a testament to his accomplishments . san jose's airport has been named in mineta's honor. and in japan town, you can visit his childhood home. his friends hope he'll be remembered not just for his leadership. but for doing things the right way he did a remarkable job. he's he's going to be a legend of all times. mineta is survived by his wife, denny, his children and 11 grandchildren. memorial arrangements have not yet been announced in san jose and ruben ktvu, fox two news. thank you. ann norman, mineta's former chief of staff, talked to us here at ktvu about the decision to ground all commercial aircraft after the 9 11 terror attacks. when the plane hit the pentagon. he said, john, i'm
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going to bring the airplanes down. i said mr secretary, that's a great idea. and i heard him tell the faa money. bring all the planes down. and uh, the faa officials said, well, bring down according to pilot's discretion. mr secretary, meaning the pilot if he chose to fly onto the original destination. and that's when i heard him say, uh, blank pilot's discretion. bring them all down where they are. he also remembered norman mineta as a big hearted person and someone who looked for the best in people. coverage of mineta's life and legacy continues online at ktvu dot com. you can look for that, right on our front page. disheartened disappointed , frustrated and ready to be part of a movement that can do something about it so excited and so optimistic, and i really hope it sticks you protesters, both for and against abortion rights take to the streets
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clashing in major cities across the country and right here in the bay area, how state leaders are moving quickly to protect abortion rights. in california. and a former army base in the east bay could soon become a homeless shelter for about 1000 people living on the streets. but we're learning about that plan. from ktvu. fox two news. this is mornings on two good morning. welcome to mornings onto i'm ali rasmus. good morning. i'm pam cook wednesday morning. may 4th dave clark has the day off today. steve mike has moved to the knights and i've had a few people ask me. where's dave? where's dave? don't worry. it's not going anywhere. moved to evenings moved evenings. you didn't go too far. everyone's sleeping in except for the three of us. ah, didn't know he'll be back tomorrow. yes we will. that's dave dave michael beyond tonight , clear skies right now, but it's running a little cooler over by the coast. there's a slight slight hint of an onshore breeze. but clear right now
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could be a little bit of patchy fog. but inland temps. it won't matter. we'll get some upper eighties here for a few but clear to cool start, although some patchy fog looks like it's trying to form warmer, but there will be a late breeze out of the west southwest. so this was after today, everything is going to change dramatically. but today 60 seventies to low and mid eighties. 501 here's another man who did not get to sleep in this morning, but he's bright eyed and bushy tailed and ready to go. telling you about your traffic. steve thank you. that's a mighty fine introduction for five o'clock in the morning. let's go up and take a look at what we have now at the bay bridge, you can see traffic is moving along very nicely. no major problems as you drive into san francisco. i like what i see here. it is off to a nice start . things start to change in a little bit right now, you can still jump ahead of the crowd at 501. let's go back to the headlines happening today. governor gavin newsom will be in los angeles this morning where he will be discussing a proposal to protect abortion rights in california. ktvu as amended.
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quintana live in our newsroom with more reaction here in our state to that leaked supreme court document indicating the high court could overturn roe v. wade amanda. yes, well, good morning once people heard about that possibility, many people took to the streets to voice their concerns. we are not going back to world people are forced to get yesterday, abortion rights supporters marched through san francisco's mission neighborhood and the castro and rallied in front of the federal building. another group took to the federal building in oakland . attendees say they're frustrated by that draft majority opinion leaked. and this is their way of telling the u. s. supreme court that they want to defend and expand roe v. wade not see it overturned. but i can say here in california that we're doing everything we can to protect everyone from providers from patients coming in, so this is a gut punch when i wanted people to know that there are california attorney general stands with them will
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fight with them, and i will use the full authority of the law and the full power of our office to protect the constitutional right to an abortion. governor gavin newsom will be in los angeles this morning to discuss the state's commitment to safeguarding reproductive freedom and what he calls recent attacks on choice across the country. meanwhile the archdiocese of san francisco has released a statement for the opposite end of the argument, saying california's attempt to protect abortion rights will quote destroy lives. families and significantly limit the ability of the catholic church in california to protect the unborn. the statement also calls for catholics to actively and publicly opposed the amendment. newsom's event will start at nine this morning will bring you the details on his plans as soon as that begins. live in the newsroom. amanda kintanar ktvu fox two news, amanda. thank you. california senate president pro tem toni atkins joined members of the women's caucus and planned parenthood at the state capitol yesterday. they vowed to move quickly to introduce a
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constitutional amendment to make abortion rights permanent in california. california has long , long recognized the fundamental right to privacy and to control over one's own body. the legislative women's caucus is also introducing a bill that would help women from outside of california come here to obtain abortions if more bands go into place. we don't want to leave women in in desperation, and we do not want deaths, so we are going to do our best to create a welcoming and safe environment with the ability to support them. in march, newsome signed a bill eliminating out of pocket costs for all abortions in california. it's part of a package of 13 bills focused on making abortion more accessible and protecting providers and patients. congressional democrats are expressing outrage over the potential rolling bay area representatives barbara lee and jackie spear are sharing their own personal stories with ktvu political reporter greg
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lee. i'm one of those women he spoke about just now in 2011. south bay. congresswoman jackie speier became the first person on the house floor to tell her own story of having an abortion. spear says the message gave other women power to share their experiences. harrowing moment i was trembling when i finished and i went to the back of the chamber, and it was john lewis, who met me there and said. with tears in his eyes that it was a powerful speech when the draft opinion leaked showing the supreme court is poised to overturn abortion rights, speer said, it felt like a gut punch. as much as we thought. precedent mattered to the supreme court were now being let in on a really bad piece of information , which is that they're going to ignore. ignore precedent. it's very personal, but i don't want this to happen to other people. what happened to me? congresswoman barbara lee has previously described her
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decision to go to mexico for what she calls a back alley abortion at age 15. it was horrible, but i had to do it. that was my decision. but you know what? i survived so many black women during that period didn't survive because of coat hanger abortions. this supreme court draft ruling becomes final , she warns abortions won't stop what i worry about now. is we're gonna go back to where abortions are gonna be illegal and unsafe . congresswoman are urging the senate to pass the women's health protection act, which would make abortion access federal law, but democrats don't have the votes right now. congressional republicans have focused much of their response on the leak. this is just so outrageous that this draft opinion was leaked. it's clearly an attempt to influence the outcome as the country waits for the high court's final ruling this summer. house republican leadership led by minority leader kevin mccarthy, released this statement. house republicans are committed to upholding the sanctity of life,
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and we will continue to fight to be a voice for the truly voiceless. there is nothing more special, extraordinary and worth fighting for the miracle of life. one of the few republican senators who supports abortion rights, senator susan collins of maine, said the draft opinion is quote completely inconsistent with what justices neil gorsuch and brett kavanaugh said in confirmation meetings with her. greg lee ktvu fox two news. thank you, greg. political analysts say the supreme court league has vast implications for this year's midterm elections. we spoke with donna crane, a political science lecturer at san jose state university. i think this leak drops a hand grenade right in the middle of the midterm elections. i think it's going to greatly agitate both sides it made possibly increased turnout on both sides , but conventional wisdom and certainly my experience was that when there's a when the issue of reproductive freedom gets dropped into the middle of a campaign, it tends to benefit the democratic pro choice side
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more. we'll see if that pattern holds. crane added that she does expect to see both democrats and republicans scrambling to make sure their positions are known leading up to the midterm elections. now stay with us here at ktvu, as we continue our coverage of that leaked suit us supreme court documents we can also find more details, including what led to the draft decision. on our website ktvu .com. 508 is the time now in oakland city council will study whether a former oakland army base could house about 1000 people who are currently homeless. if that plan is approved, it would almost double the number of shelter beds in the city. in 2019 account of the homeless population in oakland, showed that there were about 4000 people living on the streets. city officials say that number likely went up during the pandemic. open city leaders met with executives in their latest discussions on plans for a new waterfront ballpark, a new report by the staff of the san francisco bay conservation and development commission found that the $12 billion stadium at
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howard terminal would provide an economic boost for oakland and would not have a negative impact on business at the ports. is president dave saville says the report is a good step forward. think we're on track with the c d. c we're kind of off track before when you had the about committee. uh you know, saying no. and so i think that puts us in a great position for the june 2nd hearing. where there'll be a lot of public comment, additional dialogue and debate. after that, june 2nd hearing there will be a vote on june 30th by the bay conservation and development commission on whether to remove howard terminal from its seaport plan. an affirmative vote would allow the a's in the city to move forward with the stadium project. and coming up on the eight o'clock hour of mornings on two. we will speak live with oakland mayor libby chef about the future of the a's ballpark and also how the city is tackling the issue of homelessness will also ask her about the latest oh usd board member who recently resigned in the possibility of federal oversight ending over the oakland police department.
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that's coming up this morning at eight right here on mornings on to right now we get the forecast with steve paulson. warming up for a little bit of time and then cooling back down. so that is correct. big time cooling you to maybe even some rain by the time we get to say no kidding. we will ali. i mean the hills already turning brown. but anything to delay the fire season is a bonus. and it would be sunday monday, maybe tuesday, and even after the middle of the month, there's signs of a cooler pattern. not a warmer one. that's for sure. where were you in january, february and march? well, that's another story, uh, clear so far, although there's a few patches of fog. i can't find much, but i know there's been a few there will be an onshore breeze later today, but this will be the warmest day inland gets amid a few operating is the key, though, is it does look like some rain is on the way now. there could be some on friday. i would think more drizzle than anything else. but the weekend will see dramatic drop in the temps and sunday into monday does look like possibility of rain here. water temps continue to be amazingly cold point arena bodega bay san
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francisco bowie, monterey. all 49. that is a that's really cold water so again about 48 49 as cold as we get, so when it's that cold, you get eighties inland. once the wind turns westerly. their system comes in. it's fog city and no time so patchy fog cooled him out war mainland with westerly breeze later, it's still one northeast in the city. yet the other two locations showing up here are west or west southwest, not strong. but temperatures are running a little cooler in the city compared to yesterday by about 3 to 5 degrees, so that does make a difference here when you start to see a west wind, and i have 49 degree water temp, it does not take long now. we had a roaring wind yesterday, as you know, but it's come way down. in fact, there's even hints of a little onshore out towards travis and vacaville. they were north yesterday. calistoga still has a brief 60 degrees at that location at berkeley and oakland or 49. sunnyvale is 47 wanna creeks? 46 up at 10 for brentwood at 56. forties and fifties. i mean, if you get a breeze cloverdale at that site is 58 yet healdsburg, 49 sebastopol. rohnert park,
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petaluma, nevada, all at 44, sonoma 44 napa 48. those are down by about 57 degrees from yesterday. look at that. i mean, i'm particularly that's a lot. look at that coming across. that is impressive for this time of year and that's going to play into our weather starting late tonight, and then for sure, tomorrow. nice coast, although it could be a little cooler there warmer bay and inland, but it all comes down and cooling begins tomorrow. big fog bank. the wind will pick up and temperatures will drop off the table. and again, it does look like maybe friday, but more likely sunday into monday. that would be impressive. that would be some pretty good sierra snow and some pretty decent rain for us if it materializes sixties seventies eighties today, then after today say goodbye to those eighties temp cell drop big time and we might focus on windy, cool conditions of possible rain by sunday. we are, we should be held. to a higher standard. an officer under the influence while on the job still ahead. we
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hear from san jose's mayor and police chief about the allegation and how department leadership wants to hold officers more accountable for their actions, and it has been six years since six homes slid down a hill in san francisco. the settlement reached with pg and e over that incident. if you're a small business, there are lots of choices when it comes to your internet and technology needs. but when you choose comcast business internet, you choose the largest, fastest reliable network. you choose advanced security. and you choose fiber solutions with speeds up to 10 gigs available to more small businesses than any other provider. the choice is clear: get unbeatable business solutions from the most innovative company. get a great deal on this limited time price with internet and voice for just $49.99 a month for 24 months
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haps running for mayor of san jose will answer questions on how they plan to lead the city. this forum tonight is expected to include a range of topics including transportation, housing and development. the six candidates who said they will appear are cindy chavez, jim spence, marshall allen woodman's sea dev davis role paralysis and matt mayhem. the forum will be held at saint john vianney community center in east san jose at 6 30. the concord police department is launching a new program to ask residents for access to their personal security cameras. the community
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electronic i program asks residents and business owners to register with the police department if they have private security cameras. police say his officers investigate criminal incidents they may be looking for and asking for footage related to their investigations . participation in the program is voluntary. san jose police officer is accused of being under the influence while on the job. ktvu jesse gary explains how the accusation is leading to calls for a department wide drug testing program. at san jose. police frantically searched for kidnapped baby last week. one of their members is alleged to have been working the case legally impaired. the unnamed patrolman's blood alcohol level was nearly twice the legal limit will not make any excuses. with a criminal conduct of our police officers. we are and should be held. to a higher, standard department chief anthony morrow says he's dismayed by the development officials see an fbi
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agent assisting in the search for baby brandon notice the impaired officer as he canvassed for clues. it's unknown. why fellow s j p d officers didn't see the problem and take action. i found this conduct. to be both offensive and dangerous. this revelation forced from the department due to media reporting comes on the heels of the dijon packer incident. the former sjs you football player and rookie s. j p d cop was found dead in his milpitas apartment in march. the santa clara county coroner says the 24 year old suffered a fentanyl overdose. i can't imagine a more stressful job than being a police officer right now. psychologist dr thomas plant says a tsunami of covid fueled mental health problems is impacting everyone, including law enforcement. i don't think it's a surprise that we're seeing more examples. of mental health related or behavioral related problems everywhere. san jose mayor sam liccardo calling for department wide drug testing
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of all officers, not just those in specialty units doing so well enable. the department to identify those officers who need help. need to get treatment. and critically. keep those officers. off the street command staff says the department has crisis management and peer support units and e. a p and a substance abuse counselor. union reps say they're open to adding blanket drug testing and contract negotiations with the city important, too. talk about each different thing that may be involved to ensure that the process is a transparent fair. and equal department revealed a second investigation of one of its officers this time for alleged sexual misconduct while on the job police commanders declining to provide more specifics. in san jose jesse gary ktvu, fox two news thank you, jesse. time now is 5 18. let's check in with steve paulson for a look at the weather. steve. i'm thinking
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about this week of may 1st week of may. there's something for everyone wind there's warmth and then maybe even rain is correct alley and pam the way it looks right now. sunday would be the day for that. maybe even into monday. once we get past today, which will be warm for many, everything is pointing towards a pretty active pattern here, but we're starting off. clear maybe a little bit of patchy fog. it won't take long before me. but this is a really tricky forecast over by the coast. not so much inland. but you know, i didn't buy it any nineties or anything about 86 87 for the warmest locations. but i think the coast because the water temps are just so darn cold. it won't take much to get some fog going. now rain looks to be on the way, especially on sunday, the cooler temps will be a slam dunk hair, maybe some drizzle or light rain on friday, but more likely it will be coming in on the weekend when you get point arena bodega bay, san francisco boy and monterey. their sea surface. temperatures are 49. that is, honestly it's cold as it gets. i mean, that's really cold water. so once the wind turns a little westerly and you get some eighties inland, poof fog is on its way. it was only a matter of
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time called the mild, warm inland. there will be a late breeze, though we're already starting to see a little hint of that, as barometric pressures are higher on the coast than they are in line that's called your onshore breezes. now there's still one location with a slight northeast, but the other two locations are showing more of a westerly or west southwest a lot more forties, though in san francisco and only 1 50. these are down about 3 to 5 degrees from yesterday. if they were up, i'd say no problem when they're down. usually that's a sign that cooler weather is on the way we still have a northerly breeze for most or northeast, but it's come way down the wind speeds so forties on the attempts, although calistoga that's that's an or north breeze or northeast breeze at that location. he had 46 walnut creek, 47 san carlos sunnyvale nevado mill valley at 44 napa airports down to 43. they rocketed up to 58 yesterday about i think it's seven o'clock, so that's a big change for them. 53 alameda forties. dublin's in their pleasant in pittsburgh on brentwood fifties after that, low fifties or upper forties, although el sereno kensington in piedmont and hayward are all in the fifties.
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so the high will give us one warm day inland. and then the system coming across. i mean, look at that. that's a lot. that's a lot of cloud cover. steve, you're darn right it is look at that, and that's generating are pretty active pattern here on the cooler side, the windy side and maybe some rain as we go forward over the next 5 to 7 days nice at the coast, although i think some fog is on the way. and then we'll start to cool down tomorrow warm inland today, but after today, temperatures will just plunge and again, there could be some very light rain on friday. i think that's mainly stays north. the key that will be sunday and monday with sierra snow. i mean that that would be a foot of snow of it verifies for us, san francisco north even down to san jose. there's some projections of pretty good rain sixties seventies eighties on your attempts today after today. it's all about cooler weather and maybe some rain as we go forward there, allie. alright, thanks, steve. more evacuees have made it out of violence before zones in ukraine coming up, the country's leaders say they are going to need a lot more support from the u. s and allies in the months ahead. and local leaders
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are addressing the issue of gun violence. the temporary memorial here in the bay area to remember victims.
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and now most admired alum! get up there. this is so embarrassing. there's no way it's me. you know her.... you love her.... ruh roh. what are you doing here? it's anna gomez! who? our first gigillionaire! with at&t fiber, anna's got the fastest internet with hyper-gig speeds. i didn't know you went to this school. we have a lot in common. live like a gigillionaire with at&t fiber. now with speeds up to 5-gigs. limited availability.
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he e multiple murder charges in connection to the mass shooting in downtown sacramento. last month, the sacramento county district attorney's office says smiley martin and his brother, deandre martin, both based three murder charges for the three bystanders who were killed in that shooting. investigators also charged and tula peyton with three counts of murder, but police say peyton is on the run and has not been found or arrested. the three others who were killed have been confirmed as gang members involved in the gun battle. when individuals. are involved in a gun battle. and they kill innocent bystanders. all participants in that gun battle. are responsible for the death of those innocent bystanders. it doesn't matter
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whose bullet killed who alexander. people were killed and 12 others injured when the shooting happened in the early morning hours of april. 3rd the district attorney, says there is an ongoing investigation in the case and that they do expect more charges to be filed. victims of gun violence are being remembered in san francisco ktvu henry lee shows us the memorial where former congresswoman gabby giffords attended in an effort to prevent more deaths by gunfire. our lives can change so quickly. minded when i was shot. but i never gave up hope. former arizona congresswoman gabby giffords in san francisco, where their national campaign against gun violence behind her nearly 3500 bases of white flowers honoring the californians who were shot and killed in 2020. skipper's was severely injured and the mass shooting in tucson , arizona, in 2011 relearning so many things how to walk, how to talk, and i'm fighting to make
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the country safer because it is important to shine a light on this and never to give up. francisco mayor london breed joined giffords and calling on federal, state and local lawmakers to approve tougher gun laws. she said. the flowers are grim testament to the lives lost . we are going to get there because we are not going anywhere. we're not going to give up and we're going to continue to fight to end gun violence in this country. there's not a day in these past three years. that i don't weep. there's not a day that i don't cry out. former oakland city council member lynette gibson mcelhaney son victor was shot and killed during a robbery attempt in l. a. in 2019. now it would be one thing if we were just up against a disease that we couldn't identify. that's a fight, but this is something we can cure. this is a problem that has solutions. we don't have to be looking at almost 3500 flowers in the fields behind us . giffords has unveiled similar memorials with bases like these
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in washington, d c. philadelphia new york city l, a miami and houston. but change doesn't happen overnight. we can't do it alone. join me move ahead together. the memorial at su biermann park is open to the public until friday. henry lee ktvu, fox two news. the supreme court, maybe leaning towards doing away with federally protected abortion rights. now americans are squaring off from town halls to the halls of congress. some lauren blanchard in washington. i've got reaction coming up. and one man now facing charges for an incredible stunt in san francisco. with the reason he says he decided to scale the side of the entire salesforce tower.
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this is elodia. she's a recording artist. 1 of 10 million people that comcast has connected to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need
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to build a future of unlimited possibilities. acrs of america. no exceptions. women's rights in america are under attack. the debate over abortion rights has reignited
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across the country following that leaked draft decision from the u. s supreme court. we'll go live to washington, d. c in just minutes for the latest developments. it couldn't you know, wins and ukraine which country is next? ukrainian forces receiving more aid and support from us lawmakers hoping for an end to the russian invasion, but this comes as russian forces increased their attacks. from ktvu. fox two news . this is mornings on two. good morning. thank you for waking up with us here on morning sun to pam cook, rasmus. today is wednesday, may 4th and it may be , i think the nicest day of the week at least the most moderate weather wise. let's check in with steve will be the warmest for sure, because everything is pointing towards a dramatic changes. we start to head towards tomorrow, then for sure, on the weekend and early next week, but if you want if you enjoyed yesterday and yesterday was nice today will be a little warmer inland. maybe not in the
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city, but they're 49. that's down. three from this time yesterday, all 46 up san jose 51 . although not far away, you can find some upper forties here. we're good to go right now, although, with the water temps really cold and an onshore breeze getting ready to get its act together. it wouldn't take long to get a little fog and a little onshore breeze but clear to start cool, patchy fog only warmer but i think a late seabreeze does kick in, but we'll see 60 seventies too low and a few mid maybe a few upper eighties. you too, so let's get back now to ali and pam. all right. thank you, steve, the leaking of the u. s. supreme court draft opinion on abortion rights is an unprecedented break with protocol. the draft opinion is part of the court's review of the mississippi law that bans abortion after 15 weeks now, chief justice john roberts confirmed that the leaked document was legitimate and called for an investigation into the breach. there's a long held protocol of privacy around supreme court deliberations. so at this point there probably continuing to exchange dissenting opinions. concurrences the majority
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opinion, they're editing it. i think, frankly, as a result of the leak, and this could be part of the purpose of the leak, that it's less likely that we will see changes now. the news outlet politico, which first obtained the draft opinion would only say it came from a person familiar with court proceedings, joining us now to talk about the fallout over the league draft. is a reporter lauren blanchard live for us there in washington, d c . good morning, lauren. let's first talk about the investigation of this because certainly unprecedented. what are the possible consequences and who would be investigating this? well good morning, pam. and the thing is because this is a historically it has never happened before. there's really no precedent for what will happen to whoever it is that leaked this to politico. uh as of right now, the chief justice john roberts has asked the marshal of the court to investigate this, but so far it's unclear what the repercussions would be if they are able to find this leaker.
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there have been a number of calls to widen the investigation , especially by many republicans in congress. the thing is, if they get the fbi, other judicial branch or excuse me, different departments involved in this. it could, uh, you know, really dive into a lot of the private communications between supreme court justices, their law clerks, many of the other staff in the supreme court, and that just might not be something that the supreme court wants to tiond privacy is a big reason that they say something they protect . they want to be able to go through these, um you know, as the draft these opinions to be able to do that without fear of something like this, a leak or that information getting to the public, so it's unclear if they're going to take this investigation further. remember, there were hundreds of people who work. in the supreme court. there's family members. a lot of people could have been the one who did this, but it's just unclear how far they're going to take this investigation. talk about the political impact because certainly we're seeing,
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uh, an uprising across the country in cities across the country. this was going to be released in the summer. but there's a lot of talk of how this will impact the midterm elections being released early. does that have a bigger impact and also does it seem to favor either side democrats or republicans? well so as you saw yesterday, there were thousands of people who turned out coast to coast to protest this, but then they were also a number who came out to celebrate this at least what was in this draft opinion. we stillnow what will be in that final. demt could galvanize their base to get more excited for november. republicans also hoping it can play in their favor, but at this point we're just gonna have to wait until november to see what this does for voters. all right , lauren blanchard their life for us in washington, d c. thank you for that update. well if the supreme court does decide to follow through with its draft
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opinion and overturn roe v. wade 13 states, with so called trigger laws would ban abortions immediately. here's a look at a map showing those states the 13 states in blue have trigger laws in place. that would make abortions illegal immediately following a supreme court ruling . the ones in purple have passed abortion bans prior to the roe v. wade ruling, but they haven't been enforced yet. orange states have abortion restrictions in place. right now, an abortion rights protest in downtown los angeles turned chaotic at one point. that's when a small group of protesters were asked to disperse. police say some of the people in the crowd threw rocks and bottles at them. lapd eventually declared a citywide alert and brought in more officers to help. one police officer was injured and several arrests were made gathered in downtown sacramento last night, and many of the people wearing pink shirts and holding signs supporting abortion rights parenthood organized this rally afterwards. the crowd then marched through the city. it did have an impact
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on traffic, but police say the protests wrapped up without any problems by 8 30 incredible scene in san francisco a man free climb san francisco salesforce tower is in custody this morning, the 22 year old las vegas man began scaling the 61 story building. at about 9 30 yesterday morning seeing the video from the outside video taken from the inside the building shared on twitter shows that man climbing without any ropes or safety devices. in a message posted on social media, he identified himself as a pro life spiderman crowd formed on the street below watching the dangerous stunt. it's more nerve racking for me than for him. he seems relaxed up there. i'm over here, worried about him. but yeah, i mean, i don't know there's other ways protest abortion or whatever you want. police officers were waiting for him at the top of the building, and he was arrested for trespassing and resisting arrest . now stay with us here is ktvu continues our coverage on the leaked supreme court documents.
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you can find updates and more details any time of day. on our website ktvu .com. time is 5 36, now in russian forces have increased their attacks in eastern ukraine. this comes as more than 100 civilians evacuated from a steel plant and mario paul and they arrived in a nearby city. protesters marched through the streets of kiev demanding the safe release of the people still remaining in mario paul. back here in the united states. president biden toured a lockheed martin plant in alabama that makes antitank weapons. and i urge the congress to pass this funding quickly to help ukraine continue to succeed against russian aggression. just as they did when they won the battle of kiev. british prime minister boris johnson spoke to the ukrainian parliament over a video call, he announced an additional $375 million in military aid. a congresswoman barbara lee, who was part of the congressional delegation that visited ukraine and poland, says russian president vladimir putin must be stopped at all costs. folks are worried about moldova
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and other countries where i visited several times in the past. uh if putin, you know, wins and ukraine which country is next? congresswoman lee also said the refugee crisis is causing an overwhelming strain in poland. she's concerned about the impact the war of the war will have on food insecurity around the world. more than six years after six homes slid down to san francisco hillside. there's now a settlement in the lawsuit over that disaster san francisco supervisors have approved in nearly $7 million settlement offer from pg any related to the 2016 slide in the sherwood forest neighborhood. the city claimed pgd performed quote shoddy work when they installed a new gas line on casitas avenue. and that led to a city water main. breaking the city paid more than $6.5 million to the property owners as well as a million dollars in other costs. alright fivethirtyeight is the time talking about a
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little change in the weather, and then some rain coming up steve enough to water. the tomato plants, the garden turned. keep the sprinklers at bay. maybe yes. yes yes. okay. good check check. that is correct. today, though it's already happening. fog is coming back to the coast. it's parts of the city. do we have a picture of that? i heard from kevin pender there and engineering. we have a fog picture. if we have it great. if not, we'll get it the next time, but it's back. it's starting to fill in on parts of the there it is. beautiful if you're listening, but you're not watching. take a look. okay? when when, when that happens, it cannot get very warm. okay coast and they are going to cool off today. i had a suspicion of that because the water temps are so cold and wants to win. is not north or northeast. it's only a matter of moments. inland temps will still be in the eighties. but you're seeing 49 degree water temps from point arena all the way to monterey. that is cold and so fog is already beginning to make a push fog returning cool to my
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warm inland, but there will be an afternoon breeze kicking in which will top off these temperatures. in a fast way. now the winds one observation still has a slight northeast, but other locations in the city are showing more of a west and look at the forties. i mean, these are down 57 degrees from yesterday. by far we had fifties mid fifties view, upper fifties, not today. you know, so i mean by ocean beach, maybe richmond district. i'm thinking low sixties or upper fifties west southwest of travis and vacaville. they were north northeast yesterday. napa still has a little eastward. but they're 43 degrees. there were 56 at this time yesterday. that's a big change. so forties fifties on your champs now temperatures probably not changing all that much. 42 woodside little cool their forties on the coast pacific is 45 algernon, a 45 upper forties mid forties around san mateo, belmont. atherton 44 menlo park , stanford, los altos all pretty close in the mid forties. there so the system coming across get ready for a significant change.
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i mean, this is big time for may. that's going to start impacting our weather today with a little bit of fog on the coast and then huge impact could be on friday for some, but mainly sunday into monday, this would be a foot of snow for the sierra fit verifies sunday monday, maybe early tuesday. was some arrange for pam's garden as well coming in sunday. monday here, tomatoes like heat, pam, they don't want the heat dew point foot at homewood. that's the projection for sunday night into monday. so if you have travel plans on sunday, stay tuned here. 60 seventies today eighties after today, it's all about cooler weather cloud cover drizzling, maybe some rain going into sunday. all right. thank you. steve seems like the seasons were flip flopping. federal mask mandates may be over, but it's not changing things for some people. why one bay area covid expert says he is back to wearing masks and game two was heated between the warriors and the grizzlies in memphis up next, we're going to show you the moments that sent to warriors players. to the locker room with injuries.
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(music) ♪ ♪ narrator: you're not gonna get it all right, just make sure you nail the big stuff.
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son: mama! narrator: like making sure your kids are in the right seat for their age and size. get it right at herd british researchers say the effects of a severe case of covid are equivalent to 20 years of normal aging. now university of cambridge scientists followed up with people who had been hospitalized with covid. six months after recovery covid patients who had been in critical condition still showed signs of mental decline. researchers say their brains had aged at the same rate, as expected between the ages of 50 and 70 years old and people who never had covid. now the oakland city council ended the requirement for people to show proof of a covid vaccination or negative test result to enter most public places. that means
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no one has to show a vaccination. corridor test results to go into restaurants, bars, gyms, recreation centers, museums or concert venues in oakland, but not all council members support that change. one of my concerns is that we are not kind of experts here. we can certainly read. articles and understand some statistics that are that are published. but the sort of the public health agency decisions seemed to go one direction and we're going a different one. now the council did leave in place. the vaccine and test result requirement for assisted living centers and senior centers and also added a mask requirement for indoor spaces anywhere there is more than 2500 people. well, the food and drug administration says covid-19 vaccines for the youngest children may be available next month. the fda has not yet approved vaccines for kids younger than five years old. the agencies outside panel
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of experts is set to meet on june 8th. as well as later in the month to review applications from moderna and fizer. if everything goes according to plan and follows earlier timelines, the shots could be available before the end of june. for bay area teachers were selected as finalists for contra costa county teacher of the year and conquered mount diablo high school. english teacher natasha paul was one of the four finalists she has been teaching for 19 years, says the last couple of years. during the pandemic have been some of the most challenging. spin extremely difficult. yeah i've been telling people this is the hardest year of my career this year. um and i couldn't have done it without all my colleagues and the support of the people here at the school. now the three other finalists are serena colton 3rd and 4th grade teacher at donald l. rim elementary school in moraga. covanta eddington, a music teacher at diablo vista middle school in danville, and paula l.
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rather the second grade teacher at muir wood elementary school in walnut creek in september. two of the four teachers will be named contra costa county teachers of the year. all right . congratulations all of them. in any case, game three of the playoff between the warriors and the grizzlies saturday at chase center. the series is tied one all after another exciting back and forth down to the wire finish scored 27 points, but the dubs struggled to hit shots. the grizzlies jail. marin went off for 47 points, including key shots at the end game and the warriors lost one. oh 6 to 1. oh one. afterwards the warriors were still angry about the foul on gary payton. the second he was hit on the head and fractured his left elbow when he landed on the court. 11 mri today. i don't know if it was intentional, but it it was dirty. there's a code that players follow. um. word you never put a guys season slash
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career in jeopardy by taking somebody out in midair. draymond green was elbowed in the face and needed several stitches and a cut near the eye. but he did return to the game. he could get fined, though after walking to the locker room and flipping off the crowd that was razzing him. yes. fans gathered outside oracle arena to watch last night's playoff game on the massive big screen at chase center. fans say the whole experience is incredible, even though the game didn't end, well , dub nation still had a wonderful time. i'm out here with my two sons. so i got my five year old and my two year old. we're just starting them young dub nation at its finest. another warriors thrive. city will come alive saturday evening for game three of the playoff series. warriors watch parties are only for playoff games on the road, but do expect plenty of activities and buzz outside the arena. for the postseason home games as well, including
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this saturday night. people might want to keep an eye out for traffic or take public transit. if they're headed there , sally, you've noticed we've all noticed more people taking public transit. maybe it means a little less traffic on the roads. a little bit. we still have some things out there that , uh, you know, get crowded, like the bay bridge. we'll tell you about that in just a minute. we do have a crash in san jose north dont want i wanted mckee is we can kind of see it here on this picture. you know the pictures dark. you can see that. it's right here. chp still on the scene that trying to get it out of the way. in fact, it looks like they might soon but there could be some slow traffic. i'm going to show you. in fact, there is slow traffic. it's backed up now on northbound one from nearly the capitol expressway because of that crash again. northbound one near mckee . let's talk about the bay bridge. we have a little bit of a backup. now. it's kind of an early one here at the toll plaza before six, and it's already crowded. coming up to the pig
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gates. 5 49. let's go back to steve with today's weather. thank you kind, sir. i'll get right to it here. fog is already coming back to the coast didn't take long. now it's shallow, but it's going to be cooler coast and inland temps will still get into the eighties. but there's going to be a late seabreeze. i think which will cut off any warming. so yesterday and today and after today, that's it. we're going to go into a big change here. rain is on the way it looks like sunday's your best opportunity or monday, cooling begins a little bit ontoday, a y tomorrow. big changes on the weekend, with temperatures going well below average. i am not surprised even the weather service and monterey just sent out an overnight fog product and it's showing fog coming back, and i sent the same thing out on twitter when it's this cold point arena. bodega bay san francisco bowie, monterey. it's only seconds away from forming. that's just really cool fog returning cool to mild, warm inland, but there will be a westerly breeze kicking in. so 67. i think most locations will
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top out well inland in the mid eighties here. i actually called off some here. this is, um i'm forecasting on the fly now. san francisco vallejo, oakland, san mateo. those arrows are now down 64 76 70 to 74. so for some, they peeked out yesterday. west southwest breeze that travis and vacaville there in the forties fifties yesterday. they were upper with a north wind. that's a bigies on d almost 15 from yesterday. 47 san carlos fremont, also sunnyvale to the south 42 felt in boulder creek, mid forties capitola santa cruz, upper forties for some mid forties santa clara campbell cupertino and saratoga . about that 48. the high will still give inland tempt some warm temps. but there's just so much coming across the pacific. this is a pattern you you know you don't always see in may. that's for sure. but it's setting the this the table here for a big change, so fog returns still warm inland. you'll get some eighties maybe operate as well. and then if you operating,
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but cooling begins for the coast today for all tomorrow and then we will sweep through what could be a really unseasonally deep and strong system for sunday monday. maybe into early tuesday . this would be some rain for us if it materializes, and no doubt about its here is snow would not be until sunday monday, maybe tuesday, but now projections have gone to almost a foot. kirkwood homewood in tahoe city. stay tuned as we like to say, 60 seventies eighties today, and after today, the cooling begins , and it really begins in two full blonde big time cooling trend. end of the weekend on a foot of snow. all right, thank you, steve. coming up new at our six o'clock hour. dave chappelle , the latest comedian to be targeted while on stage we're going to show you what happened during his show at the hollywood bowl last night that ended with someone leaving in an ambulance and honoring the life and legacy of former congressman and u. s. transportation secretary norman mineta in the south bay community he called home.
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under district attorney gascón, i prosecuted car break-ins. all repeat offenders, often in organized crime rings. but when chesa boudin took office, he dissolved the unit and stopped me from collaborating with the police on my cases. now home and car break-ins are on the rise because repeat offenders know they can get away with it. chesa boudin is failing to do his job. there's a better way to keep san francisco safe. recall chesa boudin now.
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honl service for the first time since before the pandemic. the ceremony in sacramento honored california highway patrol officers killed in the line of duty. 229 officers have been killed on the job, including three in the last three years. governor gavin newsom took the time to send his condolences to families and thanks current
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officers for their courage and sacrifice. it's the long shifts the endless stress. to all of, you know, fame. no fortune, too few moments. too few moments with the people you love, too few thank use. from the public you serve, and every day you go off to work, knowing there's a credible chance that you'll be called to risk your life in the defense of others. all of the names of the fallen officers were read during the ceremony following the ringing of a memorial bell, former south bay congressman and u. s. transportation secretary norman mineta has died. he's remembered as someone who broke ethnic barriers. he was the first asian american in many roles, including on the san jose city council as mayor and all the way up to the white house cabinet, but he's also being remembered for his humor and human touch as much as his groundbreaking political career. i don't recall anybody saying, um mr mineta was
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norm norm, you know to him. ah, that was that was the way he liked it. as a child. manetta and his family were among the thousands of japanese americans that the u. s government sent to concentration camps during world war two. that experience helped spark his drive to help others facing discrimination. they meet up a big difference in, um this nation's understanding that you do not incarcerate people just because they looked like the enemy enormously from this common leadership style. his deadpan humor. and his sincere love for public service. in congressman and who was responsible for nearly 500 bills in more than 20 years, including the americans with disabilities act, he served as transportation secretary for president george w . bush and during that time he oversaw the creation of the following the september 11th attacks. the san jose airport was named in his honor. norman
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mineta's former chief of staff, talked to us here at ktvu about the decision to ground all commercial aircraft after the 9 11 terror attacks when the plane hit the pentagon, he said. john i'm going to bring the airplanes. yeah, i said mr secretary. that's a great idea. and i heard him tell the faa might bring all the planes down. and uh, the faa officials said, well, bring down according to pilot's discretion. mr secretary , meaning the pilot if he chose to fly onto the original destination. and that's when i heard him say, uh, blank pilot's discretion. bring them all down where they are. cause he also remembered norman mineta as a big hearted person and someone who looked for the best in people. norman mineta is also being remembered for his community service. he volunteered countless hours to help with events in the japanese american community. the japanese american citizens league national president spoke with ktvu about his contributions. i
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think his legacy is really about the fight for civil liberties, wh mission for j. c l secretary mineta was truly a pillar of the community. and he you know, no matter how busy he was always seem to find a way to be a regular attendee at our programs. whether it was our annual conventions. uh leadership summit in d. c you know we have all sorts of events , and he would always make sure to come out and speak a few words to us. so he met so much. he always gave that personal touch, and i know so many people across generations in our community really looked to him as a mentor. our coverage of mineta's life and legacy continues at ktvu .com. you can look for it right on the front page. disheartened disappointed , frustrated and ready to be part of a movement that can do something about it rallies, protests and calls for action following the leaked draft from the u. s supreme court that
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could threaten rovi way, the response from state leadership today. and it was a violent night in the bay area with three different shootings across the region. what we're learning about the people who were shot this morning. from ktvu. fox two news. this is mornings on two. good morning. thank you for waking up with us here on morning sun, too. i'm pam cook rasmus. today is wednesday may 4th let's get you started with a look at the weather for your waking up with us this morning, steve people might need a little light jacket from inland and let's say you work in san francisco. i would take a jacket because behind me what has come back in a big way? temperatures are going to plummet over by the coast. and in san francisco. i've already cut the city forecast side back to 64 were all in the forties except san jose. okay at sfo. i would not be surprised. some fog shows up. maybe around seven or eight o'clock. it does not show up on the satellite. but fog is there as you just saw. so cooler coast in bay. i still went with some
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mid eighties inland. but i mean, this is one of those ones where your forecast absolutely by the hour because things are changing by the hour. some coastal fog warm inland, but there's going to be a late seabreeze so sixties seventies and some eighties inland, alright over to sal. now things pick up. usually at this time. we're seeing that we are seeing that we do have a bigger backup at the bay bridge right now. it is backed up at the toll plaza, which is not unusual, but it came a little bit early. it's still moving through those. and once you get on the bridge, it looks okay into san francisco interstate. 80 traffic is moving along very nicely and no problems right now, if you are driving on most of the silicon valley commute. there is one spot, though, and that would be north, down one. oh, one still clearing an accident at mckee and traffic is a little bit slow approaching. 61 let's get back to the headlines, sal. thank you in the coming days and weeks, we can expect more demonstrations about the supreme court's draft opinion to overturn roe v. wade large protests were held across the nation yesterday, including
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in new york city. people for and against abortion rights rallied outside the supreme court in washington, d c all day and we expect more of the same today. here in the bay area. some of the largest demonstrations were held in oakland and san francisco. ktvu is american tana live in our newsroom with what protesters here in california and state leaders are saying about the possibility of the supreme court overturning the federal constitutional right to abortion, amanda well, once people heard about that possibility, many people took to the streets to voice their concerns yesterday. and we will fight and demand justice for every woman. across this country, no matter where she lives, and we will, abortion rights supporters marched through san francisco's mission neighborhood and the castro and rallied in front of the federal building. another group took to the federal building in oakland. attendees say they're frustrated by the draft majority opinion leaked. and this is their way of telling the u. s supreme court that they want to defend and expand roe v. wade not see it overturned. i'm extremely angry
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at the draft decision that was released, and i'm extremely concerned for my and my daughter's future. i work with patients every day who are giving birth and it's important that they have that choice and i think at the end of the day abortions are part of healthcare . we all deserve quality healthcare when i wanted people to know that their california attorney general stands with them, we'll fight with them. and i will use the full authority of the law and the full power of our office to protect the constitutional right to an abortion. governor gavin newsom will be in los angeles this morning to discuss an amendment to show the state's commitment to safeguarding reproductive freedom. meanwhile the archdiocese of san francisco has released a statement for the opposite end of the argument, saying california's attempt to protect abortion rights will quote destroy lives, families and significantly limit the ability of the catholic church in california to protect the unborn. the statement also calls for catholics to actively and publicly opposed the amendment.
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nine this morning. we will bring you the details on his plans as soon as that begins live in the newsroom. amanda keown talent ktvu fax tunas. thank you. amanda senate president pro tem toni atkins joined members of the women's caucus and planned parenthood at the state capitol . they vowed to move quickly to introduce a constitutional amendment to make abortion rights permanent in the state. california has long long recognized the right to privacy and to control over one's own body. the legislative women's caucus is also introducing a bill that would help women from outside california obtain abortions in the state of more bands go into place. we don't want to leave women in in desperation, and we do not want deaths, so we are going to do our best to create a welcoming and safe environment with the ability to support them. in march, governor newsom signed a bill to eliminate out of pocket
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costs for abortions. it's part of a package of 13 bills focused on making abortion more accessible and protecting providers and patients rights. democratic women in congress expressed immediate outrage about the draft opinion. peninsula congresswoman jackie speier says she vividly recalls the day 11 years ago when she became the first woman on the house floor to share the story of her abortion. she said she wanted to help give other women the power to share their experiences. congresswoman barbara lee has also talked about her decision to go to mexico to have an abortion when she was 15 years old. it's very personal, but i don't want this to happen to other people. what happened to me? it was horrible, but i had to do that. that was my decision. but you know what i survived. so many black women during that period didn't survive because of coathanger abortions. several congresswoman , including lee and spear, are encouraging the senate to pass the women's health protection act. it would make access to
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abortion a legal right across the country. it's already passed in the house, but it does not have enough support in the senate. to avoid a filibuster by abortion opponents. political analysts say the supreme court leak has vast implications for this year's midterm elections. we spoke with donna crane, a political science lecturer at san jose state university. i think this leak drops a hand grenade right in the middle of the midterm elections. i think it's going to greatly agitate both sides it made possibly increased turnout on both sides , but conventional wisdom and certainly mixed irian since was it when there's a when the issue of reproductive freedom gets dropped into the middle of a campaign, it tends to benefit the democratic pro choice side more. we'll see if that pattern holds. she added that she expects to see both democrats and republicans scrambling to make sure their positions are known, leading up to the midterms. stay with us here as ktvu continues our coverage on
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the leak supreme court documents . you can also find more details , including what led to the draft decision on our website ktvu .com. new this morning. we are learning. someone was shot and killed in berkeley last night. investigators say it happened on channing way near san pablo avenue. police tell berkeley side that they responded to reports of a gunshot at around 9 30 last night. police initially started investigating it as a suicide but quickly determined it was a homicide. it's berkeley's second homicide of the year. and we're learning multiple people were shot in san jose last night. in separate shootings, two men were shot around 11 o'clock on williamsburg drive near the border of san jose and campbell . the other was around 11 30 last night at gramercy place in alum rock neighborhood where one man was shot. police say all three victims had non life threatening injuries. there is no suspect or motive in either shooting. and they do not. police do not think the shootings are related. today. san francisco teachers will protest outside the district headquarters over issues with their paychecks. now the teachers say there have been
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ongoing payroll issues after the switch to a new pay system. including some teachers, not getting paid the correct amount . the union says they want to work with the district to fix all the payroll problems. earlier this year, several teachers staged to sleep in protest at the district over missing paychecks as well. one of the bay area's top covid, experts says he is starting to mask up again. the chair of the ucsf department of medicine, dr robert wachter, says the asymptomatic testing rate is a good metric for how widespread covid is in the bay area. he says it is tripled in the last few weeks in san francisco, which means there could be as many as one in 30 people positive for covid without showing any symptoms. despite a court order striking down the mask mandate, the cdc is renewing a recommendation that people wear masks on transit. it's recommending anyone over two years old wear masks on planes and on trains. they're making that recommendation. because of increases in covid cases. a member of the healdsburg city council abruptly
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resigned at the end of monday night's meeting. skylar palacios was elected in november 2020. she was the only black person serving on the council. tensions grew between her and the four other council members after the council returned two in person meetings and required everyone attending the fully vaccinated from covid-19 ceos is not vaccinated, she said. the requirement is like racial segregation in the southern united states during the 19th and 20th centuries. a special election will be held to fill her now vacated seat. san jose police officer is accused of being under the influence while on the job. san jose police search for a kidnapped baby last week one of their members is alleged to have been working the case legally impaired. the unnamed patrolman's blood alcohol level was nearly twice the legal limit. mayor sam liccardo is now calling for department wide drug testing of all officers, not just those in specialty units. doing so well enable. the department to
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identify those officers who need help. need to get treatment. and critically. keep those officers. off the street. all this follows the revelation that the death of former rookie san jose police officer dijon parker packer was due to a fentanyl overdose. the 24 year old former san jose state university football player was found dead in his milpitas apartment in march. the oakland city council will study whether a former oakland army base could house about 1000 people who are currently homeless. if the plan is approved, it would almost double the number of shelter beds in the city. in 2019 account of the homeless population in oakland showed that there were 4000 people living on city streets, and officials say that number likely increased since 2019 during the pandemic. the contra costa county board of supervisors has approved projects to convert the martinez marathon refinery in the philips 66 refinery in rodeo to renewable biofuel facilities.
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the county planning commission approved both projects earlier this year. more than a dozen environmental groups appealed the decision that saint claiming that refining biofuels generates as much greenhouse gas as refining crude oil. supervisors acknowledged those concerns but said until there's more electric vehicles in use, there is still a need for these types of biofuels. time now, 6 11. the commute might be getting a little bit busier. let's check in with sal for the look at traffic. sal, you look deep in thought they're checking traffic , the traffic maps. you know what? um i would say that for the most part this crash here and i'm trying to figure out whether or not i can put this video up, but i'm going to go for it anyway, even though our cameras a little dark. see if i can find it north to one of the key. we've had that issue. uh and i have it on the map here. i think i can find the camera to show it to one at mckee. it's been there it was blocking lanes. i don't think i have the picture right now. unfortunately but i can show you the traffic
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is improving. it was backed up all the way out to the capitol expressway on northbound one. oh, one. now it's backed up just a little bit less. so the silicon valley commute isn't all that bad. i'll tell you. what is slow is the bay bridge that is backed up to it's about a 10 minute delay before you make it onto the spin no major issues on the actual bridge itself. let's talk about the middle of the commute that the middle of the bay right now. 2 38 and 5 80 still look pretty good and no problems. we've had a couple of minor things, but for the most part, we're off to a nice start , and contra costa county has some slow traffic on highway four, which is very typical. at 6 12. let's go back to the desk. thank you, sal candidates for contra costa county sheriff and district attorney faceoff how they addressed a number of issues, including police use of force and crime in the east bay . another comedian attacked on stage coming up. we'll go live to the hollywood bowl, where someone charged the stage an attack dave chappelle while
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when big tobacco's products were found out to be killers, they promised smokers safety. they called it a filter. but this filter wasn't safe or useful, just small and made of microplastics that have endangered us all. for far too long, they have polluted the earth. they're literally everywhere. there's no need to search. big tobacco, you'll have to answer for your despicable ride, for your wake of destruction. your one little big lie.
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out-of-state corporations wrote an online sports for your betting planruction. they call "solutions for the homeless". really? the corporations take 90 percent of the profits. and using loopholes they wrote, they'd take even more. the corporations' own promotional costs, like free bets, taken from the homeless funds. and they'd get a refund on their $100 million license fee, taken from homeless funds, too. these guys didn't write a plan for the homeless. they wrote it for themselves.
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dave chappelle was attacked on stage at the hollywood bowl last night after someone from the crowd rushed the stage. mario ramirez live in hollywood this morning with what happened at this netflix is a joke festival last night. good morning, mario. family good morning. we can tell you. dave chappelle was one of several comedians who took to the stage here at the iconic hollywood bowl. as part of as you mentioned, the netflix is a joke special before he was tackled on stage by a paying ticket holder. unfortunately the 48 year old comedian wasn't seriously injured, but the same can be said for the man who rushed the stage. now we want to show you some of the video that's been circulating online dramatic footage showing the aftermath of the violent encounter involving chappelle overnight here at the hollywood bowl. now the person you see being taken into custody, according to los angeles police officials. was armed with a replica firearm that can eject a
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knife blade. chappelle reportedly fell to the ground before the attacker was tackled by security and jamie foxx also ran on stage to help the team. the attacker later reportedly saying, chappelle is an absolute genius, and we have to protect him at all times. the los angeles police department responding to this incident late last night, production cameras we know we're rolling as this is being taped for an upcoming netflix special that will air at a later date, but audience members technically, we're not allowed to have cell phones during the performance, which is why there isn't more cellphone video of the actual attack on stage following that stage tackle chris rock, who is no stranger to on stage attacks, he gave chappelle a hug. then joked to the audience will was that you? obviously no one can forget last month incident during the oscars, when will smith got on stage and slapped chris rock after a joke was made about his wife, jada pinkett smith, now asked for last night's attack here at the hollywood bowl. it's still unclear exactly what provoked it loss. angeles police
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officials say that man was arrested and he is facing charges of assault. with a deadly weapon. ham ali back to you and mario before you go. i know when you go to a concert for several years now they have the barricades up. you really can't get very close to the stage, but comedians are known for those shows known for the audience being fairly close. do you know where their barricades in place and is there? talk about perhaps a bigger protection zone for comedians now? you know, inside the venue. i have been here at the hollywood bowl. um and they the way it is. it's an amphitheater , so they do have seats that are up close. i don't necessarily have those large fenced barriers protecting the stage from some of those front row seats. but i can tell you that this is part of an ongoing series of acts throughout venues in los angeles , and this will definitely have an impact on security concerns, moving forward. some of the others performing at venues this week and later today include
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chelsea handler conan o'brien, kevin hart, lily tomlin, jane fonda, so this will definitely bring up more concerns for exactly how they handle these shows. moving forward. and mario really quickly before you go. did the person who was behind this attack? the person who was arrested? did he say anything or do anything before rushing the stage? it's unclear right now. we're still working to find out exactly what triggered that. maybe there was some sort of joke or what was behind it. but as of right now from the audio in the video that's been circulating online. there's no indication that he was yelling anything before he actually went on stage. alright mario ramirez there at the hollywood bowl. thank you for that update. all right, let's head over to south for look at traffic this morning. you've been covering a couple of issues this morning. yeah that crash in san jose is gone, which is good. we talked about it for a little bit north. dont wanna one. i have a picture that i was able to find for you
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of north dont wanna one in san jose. the crash was right there in the middle and it's gone, so that's good. the traffic is going to be a little bit better off. now we can talk about the bay bridge that is crowded. getting into san francisco. there's a little bit of a backup there. no problems on the east bay commute on 8 80 or 5 80, some slowing on highway four, is developing between pittsburgh and conquered. 6 19. let's talk about today's weather. here's steve sounds good. thank you, sal. we'll get right to it here. it'll be a warm pattern inland, but probably a late breeze kicking in because fog is already starting to return to the coast. can't see it on this satellite image, but it's out there. i think probably see a little bit of it. it's shallow, but it's already returned to the city about marin county south and i think it will fill in. the big news is after today, everything begins to take a tumble temperature wise also cloud cover and looks like some rain. and sierra snow is in the mix for sunday and monday for us and speaking of brian garcia's has talked about a welcome change. maybe isolated convection thunderstorms with a
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deep and cold, low and high sun angle. that is true. especially sunday and monday. that is a possibility you'll get what's called steep lapse rates. i mean, you'll get parcels of air and you're going to take up some very cold air aloft coming in forties on the water temps for almost everyone. that's just this is really rare, and it's not rare to get 49. but to see all almost every location reporting 49. usually it's either bodega bay and that's about it. but almost all of our today so fog returns so sixties over by the coast still warm inland, get some mid eighties, but it sure looks like a sea breeze is going to kick in. so i'm leaning on the cooler forecast. for the coast and bay. inland temps will still be in the mid eighties. but san francisco vallejo oakland cemetery, i called those off sixties and seventies. i just don't see how you can do it when there's a westerly breeze, the city and there's a west southwest. for many, there's one northeast, but they are running cooler today, in fact, out towards crissy field and also city college. i'm seeing a southwest wind. it's about 9 10 mph, but forties yesterday was
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all mid fifties upper fifties. that's not the case here today. 43 novato, 45 wanna creek 47 san carlos sunnyvale fifties for some, but temperatures seem to be running a little cooler here for many sonoma 42 that is way down from yesterday. petaluma navarro at 43 degrees runner parks bodega bay. 44 point raises 40 cool degrees. that's a little rare. no fog showing up on the visible satellite yet but look at all the cloud cover. racing across the pacific high will hold its ground for one more day, but it's going to be a big change starting on the coast this morning and then for everyone as we head towards tomorrow, but inland temps will still eke out if you're well enough inland, you'll still get some low to mid eighties. maybe a few operators, but cooling begins for a few today and for all tomorrow the big message will be possibility of rain coming in. i don't think friday will be much, but the one sunday is really ramped up here on some of these totals. not only that, but this year, it's no the projections went from a couple inches to now afoot for
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homewood, kirkwood and also tahoe city. that would be sunday monday, maybe even lingering into tuesday, 60 seventies eighties today, little cooler by the water's edge, still warm inland. and big time cohen kicks in thursday and will take us all the way into the weekend. ali thank you, steve. the future of the a's and howard terminal still being debated coming up. we're going to hear from oakland mayor libby schaaf about the plan that's racking up some key victories. and did you say this? a man scaled the entire salesforce towers? people watched from the street below the cause he was trying to draw attention what's it like having xfinity internet? it's beyond gig-speed fast. so gaming with your niece, has never felt more intense. hey what does this button do? no, don't! we're talking supersonic wi-fi. three times the bandwidth and the power to connect hundreds of devices at once. that's powerful. couldn't said it better myself.
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you just did. unbeatable internet from xfinity. made to do anything so you can do anything. whoa. ♪ girl you know it's been way too long ♪ ♪ i got to get back in my zone ♪ ♪ ooh wee ♪ ♪ hey ♪ ♪ hey ♪ ♪ alright ♪ ♪ come on ♪ ♪ come on ♪ ♪ 3... 2... 1... ♪ ♪ you know i'm feeling too good to be cooped up ♪ [ music stops ]
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♪ hey ladies, don't we look good? ♪ ♪ we came to have a good time baby ♪ ♪ said i'm feeling too good to be cooped up ♪ ♪ me and all of my girls gonna tear it up ♪ cesy victories in their hopes of building that waterfront ballpark. claudine wang joins us now in studio with the team's progress. good morning, claudine. good morning to me, you, pam and you can see here is
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the after, but here is the before of what it would look like down at the howard terminal next month. the san francisco bay conservation and development commission is expected to vote on a proposal that eliminates an obstacle in building a ballpark at howard terminal. the commission staff is recommending that the board remove a court use designation at howard terminal because that would allow the teams $12 billion development to proceed. it is a mixed use project that calls for 3000 residential units, retail and office space and a 35,000 seat ballpark as president, dave cable had expressed concern that regulations and building codes would prevent the project from getting started. he did sound optimistic, though, during the zoom meeting yesterday with oakland and alameda county leaders. that puts us in a great position for the june 2nd hearing, where there'll be a lot of public comment, additional dialogue and debate and then hopefully an affirmative vote on the 30th of june to remove howard terminal from the seaport plan. point. even with the commission approval. other issues remain the azores still
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negotiating with the city of oakland on a development agreement with sticking points, including infrastructure funding and affordable housing. this is an incredibly responsible deal that literally takes the money generated by the project itself and invests it in public infrastructure and community benefits, including 3000 units of housing on the site of more than 1000 affordable units. on and off the site. public parks union jobs. now at the same time, these are still looking at potential sites in las vegas as part of what the team calls a parallel path to finding a new home and one possible site. you see there on your screen, the tropicana hotel on the strip. the a's want the oakland city council to vote on a development agreement before the end of the year in case new council members who are elected oppose that ballpark deal. the a's are working with developers and contractors who built stadiums in seattle. because of their
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experience and putting up sports facilities at the ports. we'll send it back to you, pam. alright thank you, claudine. it has been six years since some home slid down a hill in san francisco. up next. the settlement reached with pg and e in the city over the incident. and the fallout over that leaked draft opinion over abortion rights continues we examined with the release could mean for the final ruling.
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this is elodia. she's a recording artist. 1 of 10 million people that comcast has connected to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities.
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ignited across the country following the leaked draft opinion from the u. s. supreme court to washington, d c and just minutes for the latest developments, and the bay area's housing crisis continues to get worse what it takes to afford the median home price in our region. in which county is the most affordable. from ktvu fox. two news this morning's on tv. and as we take you live to the
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new york stock exchange for the opening bell, san francisco based uber posted revenue more than doubled this past quarter and covid having an impact on corporate earnings. there's that bell live in cbs headed higher after beating analyst expectations, thanks in part to strong sales for those at home, covid test and moderna reports $3.6 billion in net income for the first quarter. as sales for its vaccine more than tripled from this time last year. we have all your details in the business news coming up. thank you for joining us here on mornings on to cook rasmus. today is wednesday. may 4th may the fourth star wars day. may the fourth be with you. yes and yes, some people like to say, and it's going to be kind of interesting. some changes last minute i'm forecasting here by the hour on the fly inland. it'll still be warm, but coastal fog has come back. it's come back in a big way, especially around san francisco, the marin headlands golden gate bridge, which means their temperature drops. it's hard to see yet in
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the next hour should start to show up on the satellite need. needs a little daylight there unless using a night vision satellite product and i don't have that wednesday weather some coastal fog warm inland, but it looks like a sea breeze will kick in. so the city dropping 64 oakland 72. yet i'll still go with some eighties to mid eighties away from the coast. alright salles here at 6 31 a bridge a freeway both what? let's start with the bridges and start with the bay bridge. steve that commute is the busiest right now at least one of them here at the bay bridge toll plaza. we do have a backup. no problems on interstate 80. and if you want to drive down to the same mateo bridge that bridge looks a little better, although it is crowded heading over to the peninsula, 6 31, let's go back to the headlines. all right. thank you, sal. the debate over abortion rights has reignited across the united states following that leaked draft decision. from the u. s. supreme court reporter lauren blanchard. joining us live from washington, d c with the fallout from protesters and lawmakers. good morning, lauren. hate him.
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yeah, there's a lot of upset folks not only from protest coast to coast happening yesterday, but there also is quite a bit of fallout over the fact that this opinion this draft opinion from the supreme court leaked in the first place. republicans have been quite upset because they say this was a way for public opinion to attempt to get into the business to sway the business of the court. chief justice john roberts say it will not. he called it a singular and egregious breach of trust. but he says it won't change the way that the court is doing business. on the other hand, many democrats, including the white house, also weighing in take a listen to both sides. i think their motivation was to scare the court to change his mind about repealing roe v. wade that's not gonna work women's rights in america are under attack. and the thing to remember is that this is a draft opinion, meaning it is not the final decision of the court and
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chief justice john roberts was clear in his statement yesterday, saying that this was just a draft. it was dated back in february, meaning things could change by the time the court does give their final ruling, which pam is expected sometime in june or july. and lauren strategy of perhaps why this draft was leaked, and maybe the impact it could have in these rallies and protests on the midterm elections. yes so right now we don't know who leaked this and what their motivation wise. of course, conservatives say this was awaited, not only fire up the liberal base ahead of the midterms get people galvanized out there, opening their checkbooks for their different candidates and political groups . it will be interesting and remains to be seen how this will impact those november midterm elections. whether or not it will be enough. for democrats to get their folks to turn out. republicans on the other side say they believe while this yes
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will get people on the democratic side energized. they think a lot of voters are not going to be single issue voters . it's not going to just be about abortion, they say there are a lot of other issues. facing the economy. ah covid things like that that they believe voters will when they go to the polls they'll be thinking about and that not won't necessarily play in. democrats favor. alright certainly a lot to consider. as we head to the polls for sure. thank you. lauren blanchard live in washington, d c. back here in the bay area, man free climbed san francisco salesforce tower now in custody this morning. if you missed it, there's the video from outside the 22 year old man from las vegas begin scaling the 61 story building at about 9 30 yesterday morning. there's the video from inside the building. shared on twitter showing the man climbing without any ropes or safety devices in a message posted on social media, he calls himself a pro life spider man. a crowd formed on the street below watching the dangerous stunt.
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it's more nerve racking for me than for him. he seems relaxed up there. i'm over here, worried about him. but yeah, i mean, i don't know the other ways protest abortion or whatever you want. police officers were waiting for him at the top of the building, and he was arrested for trespassing and resisting arrest. 6 35 is the time in new this morning, the president of the european commission says 27 member nations could move to completely ban russian oil by november. the european union leader says quote it will not be easy, but we simply have to work on it and quote her announcement was greeted with applause from members. the eu president also proposes removing three of russia's largest banks from the swift international banking system. russian forces have increased their attacks in eastern ukraine. this comes as more than 100 civilians evacuated from the steel plant in mario paul arrived in a nearby city. now protesters marched through the streets of kiev demanding the safe release
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of those remaining in mariupol back here in the united states, president biden toward a lockheed martin plant in alabama that makes antitank weapons. and i urge the congress to pass this funny. crane continue to succeed against russian aggression. just as they did when they won the battle of kiev. british prime minister boris johnson spoke to the ukrainian parliament over a video call announcing an additional $375 million in military aid. there are several new developments this morning regarding w n b a star a w. m b, a start being held in russia. the biden administration is reclassifying brittney griner as being wrongfully detained. she was arrested in february and accused by the russian government. of carrying cannabis related items in her luggage. she faces a court hearing in russia in two weeks. graner's family is now working with bill richardson. he's the former united states ambassador to the u. n to negotiate her release from russia. he's helped negotiate the release of americans being held in other countries. more than six years
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after six homes slid down to san francisco hillside. there's a settlement in the lawsuit over the disaster. the san francisco supervisors have approved a nearly $7 million settlement offer from pg any related to the 2016 slide. in the sherwood forest neighborhood, the city claimed genie performed shoddy work when installing a new gas line on casinos avenue and that led to a city water main breaking the city paid more than $6.5 million to the property owners, as well as a million dollars in other costs. 6 37 is the time backer of the south, checking in our our commute. how's it look so all right. good morning. we do have traffic that is slower on some most of these commutes now as we get closer to seven o'clock here we are at the richmond bridge. we do see some slowing here at the toll plaza. it hasn't been all that severe, but it is slow. once you make it onto the bridge, it looks the same. and i can say things say the same about the babe ritzer's
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mostly waiting. before you make it onto the spin. and then it looks good once on the bridge. no problems on interstate 8 80. we have seen the east bay commute be okay, including the same mateo bridge heading over to the peninsula. and i can see just a little bit of slowing here, of course, is slowing on the altamont pass and slowing on highway forward through pittsburgh. bait point on the way into concord. 6 38. let's talk about today's weather here, steve slowing on highway for that never happened, sal. a little bit of a change here for the coast because there it is, has come back. can we take that picture? because i can tell people to happen when they see it. then they all are. there you go. so if you're traveling over the golden gate bridge, you will encounter a pretty good layer of fog there and that low cloud deck when it's that robust and it's already pushing inland. that tells me the coast in the city are going to cool off today. inland temps. it's not today but tomorrow you'll still get into the eighties on the tips, so it's two forecasts. one
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closer to the water, the coast, the other one inland fog returns. there will be a late breeze, sea breeze, but the warmest day inland mainly mid eighties, there could be a few pushing the operators if you're well enough inland. the big change, though a little change starts today, a big change starts tomorrow. cooling begins tomorrow could get some drizzle friday. and then we can change is not only windy and cooler, but it looks like some rain on sunday, maybe monday. with significant sierra snow water temps are amazingly cold, 49 point arena, bodega bay, san francisco, but we monterey i want it's that cold and you start to get any kind of a west breeze or front coming in. it's only a matter of moments before that fog returns and guess what. it's already happening inland temps so we'll see if you're far enough away and you don't get the fog, then yeah, you'll be in the eighties. maybe near 90 if you're far enough inland, but it looks to me like there will be some cooling closer to the coast in bay, san francisco vallejo oakland cemetery, actually cool things off a little bit. inland temps will probably be a push. a lot more forties in san francisco than yesterday. yesterday was mid fifties upper fifties not today, and there is
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a little bit more via there's a west southwest breezy crissy field to 10 mph not roaring, but yesterday was north northeast. forties fifties on the temps navarro mill valley. 43 45 wanna creek fremont's 47. livermore is it 48 53, alameda, 2, 53 and piedmont yet panel is 43. pittsburgh brentwood, mid fifties mid forties, though for many, including on the 6 80 corridor, danville, down to dublin, pleasant and at 48 degrees. one low, the powerhouse one coming out of the intermountain region that will be a big severe weather producers that goes into the plains. our next system coming across is on its way. today is the last day relief for this high pressure system because it's going to get knocked out of here. so far, returns still warm inland, but there will be a late seabreeze kicking in cooling begins for all tomorrow. big fog bank and the wind will pick up the big news that will continue to be sunday monday and seasonally deep system looks like it's going to drop in. right now. there are projections of even pretty good rain for us here with high elevation snow, not just a couple inches here. we'll see if this holds but now forecasting almost a foot for
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tahoe city, homewood and kirkwood. that's that's good for me, boy. i'll say 60 seventies eighties on your attempts today. tomorrow it will be 50 60 seventies and will continue to cool it down all the way into the weekend. steve making changes to vaccine requirements by oakland is dropping its rules about needing tests and vaccines to enter public spaces and where the restrictions still stand. first let's check in with gasia mikaelian in our newsroom with a look at what else is coming up here on mornings on two good morning. good morning, pamela l. i don't know about you, but i love looking at real estate, so let's do it retired san francisco giants star buster posey. just listed his second california property. he just sold his east bay home about a month or so ago. now we give you an inside look at his 106 acre estate in butte county, and we'll tell you when giants pants can say their formal farewell to the all star. also preventing those morning aches and pains and new study reveals the best and worst sleeping positions even offers tips on how to avoid snoring. so stay with
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(music throughout)
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if you're a small business, there are lots of choices when it comes to your internet and technology needs. but when you choose comcast business internet, you choose the largest, fastest reliable network. you choose advanced security. and you choose fiber solutions with speeds up to 10 gigs available to more small businesses than any other provider. the choice is clear: get unbeatable business solutions from the most innovative company. get a great deal on this limited time price with internet and voice for just $49.99 a month for 24 months with a 2-year price guarantee. call today. fanduel and draftkings, two out of state corporations making big promises to californians. what's the real math behind their ballot measure for online sports betting? 90% of profits
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go to the out of state corporations permanently. only eight and a half cents is left for the homeless. and in virginia, arizona, and other states, fanduel and draftkings use loopholes to pay far less than was promised. sound familiar? it should. it's another bad scheme for california. requirement for people to show proof of a covid vaccination or negative test to enter most public spaces. and that means no one has to show a vaccination card or test results to go into restaurants, bars, james recreation centers, museums concert venues in oakland, but not all council members supported that change. one of my concerns is that we are not kind of experts here. we can certainly read. articles and understand some statistics that are that are published. but the sort of the public health agency decisions seemed to go one
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direction and we're going a different one. the auckland city council did leave in place. the vaccine and test result requirement for assisted living centers and senior senators. it also added a mask requirement for indoor spaces anywhere there are more than 2500 people. or the food and drug administration, says covid-19. vaccines for the youngest children may be available next month. the fda has not yet approved vaccines for kids younger than five years old, the agencies outside panel of experts said to me on june 8th as well as later in the month. to review applications from moderna and fight, sir, that would be in line with the approval process for earlier vaccines. and if everything goes according to plan, the shots could be available before the end of june. in today's dollars and cents is interest rates are set to continue to increase. owning a home is getting more difficult. in california, a new report from the california association of realtors found only 17% of households. in the bay area can afford to buy a
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house at the median purchase price, which is now nearly $1.4 million.10 years ago, more than half of households in california could afford the median home price, the report said. the most affordable county in the bay area is solano county were 36% of households can afford the median priced home. which is $600,000. starbucks is raising wages and expanding training for workers across the country, but not at the locations with unions during a call with investors, the company's interim ceo said they are going to invest another $200 million in wages and benefits, but that the stores with unions need to bargain for those benefits separately. the starbucks workers. united union has filed charges with the national labor relations board, accusing the company of union busting by withholding the wage increases. airlines are warning pilot shortages c. jetblue and spirit have already reduced their summerptions. airlines overall have seen a 4%
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drop in pilots since 2019. in addition to years long struggle to hire pilots in order to catch up with the industry shortage, more than 14,000 pilots would need to be hired every year for the next 10 years in seattle and n f t art museum is providing a place for digital artists to showcase their creations and f t stands for non fungible token. essentially it's digital property that people can buy and collect. and while en fts come in a variety of formats, the popularity of this type of art is on the rise. the new n f t art museum in seattle gives people a chance to see digital artwork on a larger scale. we really realized the impact of being able to look at this type of art in a way where you actually slowed down. you see all the details. you're not just scrolling through your phone. digital artists say the museum gives them a place to showcase their work. 6 47 is the time back over to south checking in on the morning commute. if somebody is getting ready to
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head out the door sell. what do they need to know? well, we have the usual slowdowns out there. pam and ali right now. traffic is moving along slowly on how we four. as you come over the hill , let's say from the pittsburgh area over to conquer, but 6 80 just has a little bit of slow traffic coming through walnut creek yesterday. we kind of had a bad day on 6 80 from walnut creek to danville this morning on 80 between elsa bronte and richmond. there's a little bit of a backup, and when you get to the bay bridge toll plans that there is a back up there as well. so that's backed up for about a 10 minute delay before you make it onto the span. it's 6 48. what about today's weather? thank you, sal. all right. we'll get to it here. fog has returned to parts of the coast and in a big way. i mean, there's not just a patch or two. it's already filling in and it looks cooler over by the coast here. pretty big fog bank inland temps will still go with some eighties so to forecast one closer to the because one inland cool to warm. if you're inland, you'll get some eighties. if you're close to the coast, it'll be 50 sixties and around the
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base sixties and seventies after today, everything is going to change in a big way. rain looks to be on the way, especially sunday into monday. cooling begins a little bit today for all tomorrow, maybe some drizzle friday or some light rain well, north, but the big news will be sierra snow. and it does look like rain here for us, as we had to sunday, maybe late sunday and the monday water temps continue to be really, really cold and when you get any kind of westerly breeze, and that cold of water fog is never far away, and that's what's happening this morning here, so fog returns cool to mild on the lows. it'll be warm inland, but i do think a light breeze kicks in sea breeze here as we start to see a transition to another pattern forties fifties on the temps were actually running a little cooler, especially for some because we've lost that northerly breeze still mid fifties out towards pittsburgh, but kensington's 50 l cerritos 50, but a lot of forties here showing up on a greek 45 lafayette castro valley 46 1 low in the intermountain region, tapping into moisture coming up from texas that will be a severe weather producers. it clears the rockies. and the next system coming across as the leading edge of what looks to be a
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really big change for us for me, so fog returns still warm inland. although obree should kick in later today, and yesterday was the north northeast today looks to be more west southwest. cooling begins for all tomorrow. big fog bank breezy and again. we'll see if this holds, but projections are for an increase in the rainfall amounts on sunday into monday, that'd be pretty good for us. with significant serious snow for may. i mean to get a foot of snow forecast that would be sunday night into monday. tahoe city, homewood and colquitt is the forecast for right now. 60 seventies eighties today, tomorrow will be 50 60 seventies and we'll continue that theme of cooling it down ali all the way into the weekend, snow and syria and night rising. we're coming up in the next hour of mornings on two new details from the white house about student loan forgiveness plans the income cap for people looking for relief and will explain who will likely benefit the most in game two was heated between the warriors and the grizzlies in memphis will show you the moment that sent to warriors players to the locker warriors players to the locker room with injuries. grabbing.
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this mother's day, show mom that you worship the ground she walks on. or in this case, stands on. the new anti-fatigue comfortmat from weathertech is a gift she'll appreciate all year round. it makes standing comfortable in the home or office and comes in a variety of colors and finishes. and for mom's vehicle, there's cupfone, floorliner, cargoliner, and seat protector. show mom that she deserves the best with an american made gift from weathertech. mom's gonna love this! happy mother's day from weathertech.
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under district attorney gascón, i prosecuted car break-ins. all repeat offenders, often in organized crime rings. but when chesa boudin took office, he dissolved the unit and stopped me from collaborating with the police on my cases. now home and car break-ins are on the rise because repeat offenders know they can get away with it. chesa boudin is failing to do his job. there's a better way to keep san francisco safe. recall chesa boudin now.
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the playoffs between the warriors and memphis grizzlies is on saturday at chase center. the series is tied at one all after another exciting back and forth down to the wire finish. zef curry scored 27 points, but
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the dubs struggled to fit shots. the grizzlies. john moran went off for 47 points, including key shots at the end game, and the warriors lost one. oh 6 to 1. oh, one now. afterwards the warriors were still angry about the foul on gary payton. he was hit on the head and fractured his left elbow. when he landed on the court. he will have an mri today. i don't know if it was intentional, but it it was dirty. there's a code that players follow. um. the word you never put a guys season slash career in jeopardy by taking somebody out in midair. draymond green was elbowed in the face and needed several stitches on a cut near the eye, but did return to the game. he could get fined after walking to the locker room and flipping off the crowd that was raising him. yeah and fans gathered outside chase center to watch last night's playoff game on that massive big screen
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fancy, even though the game didn't end the way they wanted it to. still enjoyed the experience. i'm out here with my two sons. so i got my five year old and my two year old. we're just starting them young dub nation at its finest. the warriors thrive. city will come alive thursday. excuse me saturday evening for game three of their playoff series. warriors watch parties are only for playoff games on the road, but you can expect plenty of activities and buzz outside the chase center for postseason home games, including this saturday night. caltrans is calling on people to do their part to keep lakes, rivers and streams clean in advance of heavy travel and recreation. this summer, authorities asked that we properly secure items in our truck beds. stop for over fertilizing lawns and plants pick up after pets, maintained vehicles and prevent those leaks and spills. waterways in our state belong to us all. it's incumbent upon each of us to do
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our part. keep these waters clean. and ensure that the bay and all the other waterways of this state remains swimmable drinkable. and fishable. the caltrans stormwater public education campaign was created to raise awareness about the sources of stormwater pollution across california. the chp is honoring its fallen officers in a memorial service for the first time since the pandemic. the ceremony in sacramento honored california highway patrol officers who were killed in the line of duty. 229 officers have been killed on the job, including three officers in just the last three years. it's the long shifts the endless stress. all of, you know, fame. no fortune, too few moments. too few moments with the people you love too few. thank you's from the public you serve, and every day you go off to work, knowing
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there's a credible chance that you'll be called to risk your life in the defense of others. the names of the fallen officers were read aloud during the ceremony following the ringing of a memorial bell. the local police department also held a memorial service to honor those officers killed in the line of duty motorcycle officers wrote in formation ahead of yesterday's ceremony in which officers held flags and lead family members to police headquarters. the department says they honored all 53 officers who were killed. former south bay congressman and u. s. transportation secretary norman mineta has died. he has remembered as someone who broke ethnic barriers. he was the first asian american in many roles, including as san jose city council member. and mayor and all the way to the white house cabinet. he's also being remembered for his humor and human touch as much as his groundbreaking political career. i don't recall anybody saying, um, mr minuto, it was norm norm,
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you know to him. ah, that was that was the way he liked it. as a child. manetta and his family were among the thousands of japanese americans that the u. s government sent to internment camps during world war two. that experience helped spark his drive to help others facing discrimination. they meet up a big difference in, um this nation's understanding that you do not incarcerate people just because they look like the enemy enormously from this common leadership style. his deadpan humor. and his sincere love for public service. winning congressman eta was responsible for nearly 500 bills in his more than 20 years of service, including the americans with disabilities act, he served as transportation secretary for president george w. bush. and during that time he oversaw the creation of the essay after the september 11th attacks, the same as the airport was named in his honor. the abortion rights debate is hit a fever pitch
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following a leaked draft from the u. s. supreme court justices have the votes to reverse roe versus wade what's expected today after a day of protests and political maneuvering. also local lawmakers are speaking out sherry extremely personal stories about abortion rights, choice and safety. from ktvu. fox two news. this is mornings onto and welcome back gasia mikaelian the end erasmus . today is wednesday, may 4th star wars day may the fourth fans liked you recognize it. let's check in with steve paulson. because if you're heading out the door today, yesterday, i was expecting it to be much warmer. i know you were, too but it's a jacket weather if you're on the coast and bay on the coast and in the city youtube, the fog has come back. inland temps will still be warm. but the fog has come back in a big way. now it shall. it's not making a big push, but it's already returned for parts of the coast. alison lewis says. good morning, steve. well, good morning, alison fog has returned
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to the outer richmond. there you go, so it'll be cooler there, so we're going to see some pretty big spreads on the temperatures today. it's hard to see it yet, but it's there next hour. it'll start to show up on the visible satellite. so wednesday weather we have some coastal fog, so cooler coast and in san francisco, warm inland still some eighties but anywhere from 60 seventies coast in bay two eighties inland after today, there will be big changes a lot more than that. about 20 minutes or so. alright it's seven o'clock salads here. i saw slowing and a few spots. you want to focus on one of those, you know, we can focus on the bay bridge. everyone always wants to know about that. steve if you're driving into san francisco today, especially if you don't have the carpool access you're gonna be waiting for a little bit here at the toll plaza. it's not too bad, but it is definitely the typical delay that we see about 10. maybe 15 minutes. from the end of the line. you can see 80 traffic looks okay. say mateo and dunbarton bridge traffic. not all that slow. as a matter of fact, that can show you that once you get over to the peninsula that traffic is, for the most part. still doing very well


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