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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2 The Nine  FOX  April 29, 2022 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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at warriors .com. today's arbor day today, this dedicated to preserving and planting trees, santa clara county, launching an effort to plant 1000 trees at school campuses. the goal is to improve so called tree desserts and to encourage a sense of environmental stewardship among youth. hundreds of teachers at oakland are not in the classroom this morning. instead they're on strike down the teachers demands that have nothing to do with the usual issues of pay and workload. demonstration at uc berkeley protesters calling on university leaders not to build housing nearby. we're live from the scene. plus liam neeson is back on the screen with the premiere of his latest movie memory. we talked to neeson about his latest movie coming up on mornings on to the nine. come to the nine today is friday. april 29th. we're looking live at the bay bridge in san francisco skyline behind it looks like a nice clear day.
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it's going to be a little warmer than it was the last few windy days. and tonight's game in oracle park is going to be just a little warmer. i think a lot of people will be going to that because it's fireworks night, round two and three of the nfl draft are happening today. the jacksonville jaguars had the number one pick for the second straight year, they picked georgia defensive lineman trayvon walker, the detroit lions drafted hometown favorite pass rusher aidan hutchinson of michigan at number two, the houston texans took lsu cornerback derek stingley junior and without a pick in the first round of 49ers will be far more active today. they have picked number 61 in round two and more selections in round three. the 49ers selection will be announced by defensive lineman eric armstead. welcome to the night. i think it was pretty well expected. you guys that mike 49ers wouldn't do much. yeah and the offers were there. you know, teams were saying, hey, we'll take debo. but 49ers said no. so i'll be curious to see who they draft. i think maybe a safety maybe a center, you know? later today, but
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watching some of the reactions up on stage during last night's first round always, uh, always emotional because part players have been playing probably since pop warner. you know, since there was six years old and all of a sudden, you know, they made it. they made it to the national football league, so i always get a kick out of that. i agree. that's all the sports stuff. that's great, but it's the emotion and it's you know the young man. it's his moment, but it's the whole family around him right because they're the ones who drove to practice and, oh, you forgot your cleats. and i'm kind of what we're all in the middle of right now. now and then to see your young one shine and it's an exciting thing. nice to see alright, let's talk about what's happening here in the east bay is happening right now. in fact, protesters are at uc berkeley's campus, saying they are against the plan to build student housing at people's park. more than five decades ago, people's park became a site in a symbol for berkeley's counterculture movement. ktvu james torres live in berkeley this morning with the disagreement as well as reaction from university leaders, james casa. you can see the demonstration happening behind me here this morning. these
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folks have been here for probably a little more than a half hour now and they say the goal at least before they were coming out here was to disrupt campus here this morning. this is uc berkeley's last day of formal classes, but for the most part, things have been extremely peaceful was students are walking through, say their gate here. some of the demonstrators have stopped them asked them to hear them out and hear their message. some of the students have done that. they've had some conversations here those thus far so things here are pretty peaceful. as you see, they're still looking to put up a banner here in front of the gate. and now they all agree that cal has a problem with providing enough student housing, but they disagree with how the university wants to expand, according to berkeley's city mayor, the university is looking at nine sites off campus to build additional housing one plan. targets people's park, which is full of people living in tents. the school wants to develop units that would house more than 1000 students. and most everyone agrees. cal is suffering from a student housing crisis and there aren't enough affordable places to live. but those against the plan say people's park is not
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the right place to build. and they worry about the people that will be displaced. we genuinely care about these people. many of us have been organizing here for, you know, over years at the park, right? and so we have relationships with the residents here, right? we know them by name. i mean, i personally have been feeding the park every week . you know multiple times a week for over a year now. a statement from uc berkeley to ktvu reads quote. we appreciate extensive support for the project from city hall, the community business leaders and, according to a recent independent study 65% of our students, the campus is also grateful for a partnership with the city of berkley. that is enabling us to offer transitional housing and a new daytime drop in center for on housed people who are currently living or gathering in the park. let's take you back, live out here to use the birthdays. campus looks like they finally got that banner up there. you see the line of people with their signs in front of, say, the gate here. the university says it can start
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building as early as this summer and has a plan to move that homeless encampment to a nearby hotel paid for by a state grant. but those folks are out here protesting say that is just a band aid and not a long term solution. we're live this morning in berkeley. i'm james torres. ktvu fox two news, james . thank you for that new this morning, a european journalist was killed in a russian strike in ukraine. video shot by radio free europe radio liberty shows one of the residential buildings destroyed yesterday, journalist and producer vera goodrich, who was also a former employee of the israeli embassy in ukraine. was found dead this morning after one of the residential buildings was attacked. the russian invasion of ukraine is showing no signs of letting up after a major missile attack rocked the ukrainian capital, just hours after a visit from the u. n. secretary general. griff jenkins has the latest from kiev, ukraine. russian forces are stepping up their attacks all over ukraine on day 65 of the invasion. the russian
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military making a big push into don boss the country's industrial heartland, but appear to be making only minor gains so far and here in kiev. russian missiles hitting a weapons facility in department building close to where president zelinsky met with the u. n secretary general, a grim reminder that the capital remains a target. mr putin showed his middle finger to us by firing and destroying our homes. putin's goal is not buildings. his goal is people's lives, but we will endure russian forces also intensifying their efforts to eliminate the last pocket of resistance in mario opal. on thursday, they bombed a ukrainian field hospital. they're killing or injuring dozens. of soldiers, officials are now calling for nato to intervene, saying it's the only way to stop the city from falling into russian hands . are allies join in with this war, the sooner we will stop this war, which is now destroying our houses and killing our residents and back in washington lawmakers passing a bill that updates the world war two era. lend lease act,
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which they say will give the white house more freedom to send military aid to ukraine at a faster pace. as war rages in ukraine every minute matters it's about time this strong action can mean the difference between lives saved and lives lost. president biden is asking congress for an additional $33 billion, of which 20 billion will come in the form of direct military aid. in kiev, ukraine, griff jenkins, ktvu, fox two news. here in the bay area, the san jose sharks charity is helping with relief efforts in ukraine. the sharks foundation has donated $100,000 to unicef, unicef, humanitarian efforts are focused on safety and health care and providing clean water and proper nutrition to people in ukraine. the group also works to safeguard children's rights and plans for a safe future. for ukrainians. the sharks foundation is encouraging all shark fans who can to donate to unicef usa. two people are due
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back in court today to face charges in the kidnapping of a three month old little boy in san jose earlier this week. 28 year old jose portillo and 43 year old yesenia ramirez made their first court appearance yesterday. prosecutors say portillo is the man seen in surveillance video taking the baby from a second floor apartment on elm street. this was about one o'clock monday afternoon. the baby was found safe just a few miles away from the child's home. some 20 hours later, investigators say the two people under arrest, knew the baby's mother through their local church. the baby's mother spoke outside the courthouse yesterday. let me tell you. it's very hard as a mother to look at the woman who took your baby and being able to contain yourself from saying anything. you can't do anything. we are always incredibly concerned. when a child is taken from his mother. this is more unusual. and more frightening. this afternoon. the
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two people are set to return to the courthouse where they could enter a plea. and we just told you about the nfl draft top three picks. but what about the 49ers coming up on mornings onto the now we're speaking live with self proclaimed 49ers fangirl about what we should expect from the team today. and tomorrow as a select their new players, plus more states reporting possible cases of hepatitis and kids. i'm cases of hepatitis and kids. i'm ♪ ♪ thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer... are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for postmenopausal women or for men with hr+/her2- metastatic breast cancer
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as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection,... liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. be in your moment. fantastic! ask your doctor about ibrance.
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reqn stations. the barn board of directors approved a temporary amendment yesterday requiring face masks until mid july. masks were in courage. dawn barred after the federal mandate was overturned last week, they were not required. free masks will be available at all station agent booth's and safety staffer board
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. police will offer a mask because someone before they write any citations, citations could cost up to $75. the intention of this measure is to protect those vulnerable communities. people have underlying health conditions, people who are, you know, compromise. the kids under five are still not yet eligible to be vaccinated. this all comes as bar just recorded its highest ridership since the beginning of the pandemic. that was this past wednesday, like largely due to the giant a's game and the warrior's playoff game. we spoke with passengers, most of whom said they're fine with masks on trains. i think it's a good idea . um and if there is like, you know, like the general public would like to lift the mask mandates. i think at the very end of the day bar ah, should you know, like the company could just investor in having carts that has masks versus cars that you know, like, doesn't require any masks and at that point
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you're safe, fair. many writers say they didn't even know the bart mask mandate had been temporarily dropped because so many people were still wearing masks on trains. the berkeley unified school district has released new numbers on covid-19. it says new cases tripled. at berkeley schools last week when compared to the week before the district says the 91 new cases last week, likely due to the highly transmissible omicron variant and the loosening of mask restrictions. and the health department says the increase does reflect an uptake in covid cases, really all across the bay area north of the golden gate, marin county, responding to a recent increase in covid cases by tightening safety recommendations for things like proms and graduations. according to the marin, i j. the county health department says there's been a big increase in cases following spring break in recent events recently, more than 50. students at redwood high school tested positive following the school's prom. and earlier this month, students tested positive after a school trip to washington, d. c. the county is advising schools to require proof of vaccination, negative tests and mass if there are
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large events indoors, a new report finds california's k through 12 public schools returned to more normal conditions of spring for students, teachers and parents. the public policy institute of california statewide survey found the decline in covid case rates and the lifting of mask mandates helped bring normalcy back to many schools. most adults say they approve of governor newsom's handling of the public education system during the pandemic more than 40% of parents say their child fell behind academically. public health officials are racing to understand why hepatitis cases are on the rise among children. the world health organization and cdc have both issued warnings about this this month. alexis mcadams has the story. cases of unexplained hepatitis and children ticking upward and in some cases, causing severe liver damage. health experts now scrambling to figure out a cause. we then looked at all the different, you know, captain causes for why this was happening. couldn't recognize
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any of those top 10 in wisconsin officials now investigating at least four possible cases of hepatitis around five other states are also reporting the illness, including alabama. california and illinois. doctors say some of these patients have sky high liver numbers. normal liver numbers are around 35. these patients are coming in with levels over 3000. on thursday, the world health organization said about 170 cases have been reported globally so far. that's up from about 75 cases in the uk two weeks ago. in 10% of these cases , children needed liver transplants. health experts say no cause has been identified yet that would link all of these cases. british health officials add. some of the patients have tested positive for the virus that causes the cold along with other illnesses. some people think it might be an adenovirus , which is that, you know, kind of common cold virus, but because kids have been not exposed to that they're just not used to it. doctors now urging parents to look out for the
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symptoms like fever fatigue. take and loss of appetite. i don't think parents shouldn't be overly concerned. but i do think that scientists should be looking very carefully at this, the cdc asking doctors to notify the agency of any suspected cases of pediatric hepatitis in new york. alexis mcadams ktvu fox two news. starting the first a new state law will give adults 50 years of age or older healthcare coverage, regardless of immigration status. healthy equity experts say many immigrants don't go to the doctor unless an illness or disease is far advanced. that's expected to change starting next week when medical expansion goes into effect. officials estimate about 235,000 individuals will be direct beneficiaries of preventative care. the security that now you can come in now you can get your physicals. now you can be preventative about your health care and they have to wait until something gets really, really bad. according to the california healthcare foundation. in the last year, half of californians delayed
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getting healthcare services due to cost california is the first state in the nation to offer health care coverage to all low income residents, regardless of immigration status happening today, sonoma county will conduct an emergency alert test the county's been distributing whether radios to anyone who wants one for more than a year now. the county can use the alert function on those weather radios to notify people about hazards or threats, such as flood warnings are wildfire evacuations. the test alert is going off on the weather radios today at noon. alright let's check in with steve paulson and look at that forecast for your weekend. steve briefly here. i think you know the cat's already out of the bag. and i'm not breaking any news, mike, but you're going to the evenings in this is the last time you'll toss to me in the morning. steve wanted to say it's been a pleasure. you're a pro's pro. and i say, i could say, wish you good luck, but you don't need it because you're that good right back at you. ever since i came to morning, steve, the door has been opened. you welcome me with open arms. you've always been there, and i appreciate our conversations off their lot of
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laughter. a lot of fun anyway, all the best. it's been a pleasure. we'll get to it here, the giants in town, and it won't be as bad tonight. now it's still cool, clear skies. i went 58 a game time. there were only 57 yesterday for a cold temperature, but it looks better for the nationals giants and it was on tuesday wednesday when man that was really cold clouds coming into the north. that's it. that's the only fly in the ointment. here. we have a calmer day, the breeze will pick up but after a cold morning that thirties and forties, it'll be sunny today, mostly sunny little breeze, but it will be warmer. after an unseasonably cool day yesterday. i mean, there's the city at 57 went 62. that could be a little warmer in something. maybe the mission district along the embarcadero conquered 75 san jose 72 in santa rosa from 70 to 74. mount diablo on dropped to 34 degrees yesterday. this morning. they made it to 42 there now 44 wind speeds that have come way down, but for the end of april, these are really cool temperatures here. fifties now in the temps, almost everyone, although brentwood 61 nevada is closed at 59, but temperatures will stay pretty close to seasonal averages. and except for a few high clouds,
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you can see those zipping in mainly north about san francisco. oakland, no big deal. the systems will continue to march in. i mean, the pattern is not showing any signs of life, high pressure locking in they come in, and then they do that, which means we'll have breeze picking up again on saturday and another one probably coming in on monday. so sunny to mostly sunny today it will be warmer. we'll get a little pullback on saturday, sunday looks warmer again and then another wind patterns as possible. as we go into monday, 50 60 seventies on your temps, as we say goodbye to april here for this weekend, going to maize or any more rain, maybe around the fifth or signs of it and ninth and 10th. so we're not done yet. but before we get there could be near 80 on tuesday. alright steve. thank you. for that. a new report is out, reflecting the surge in prices that stores coming up next year on mornings onto the nine what economists have to say, as fears of a recession are starting to surface, but first you may know her online is 49ers fangirl coming up? we're talking live with tracy sandler about the 49ers as they get ready to make those first picks i
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loos pretty quiet for the san francisco 40 niners to talk more about what we can expect in the later rounds. we welcome back tracey sandler, also known as 49ers fan girl on her various platforms, she covers the 49ers. tracy. welcome back. thank you so much. thanks for having me. it's great to be back. yes so the first question is, it's this is not only 49ers news, but it's nfl wide, and that's double samuel. his future. i was kind of expecting. something to be addressed. maybe they would come out and say we fixed the rift, but that just seems like it's keeps keeps going there, tracy it does seem to keep going. something definitely went awry. in these contract extensions. there's been a lot of speculation as to what it was, but nobody really knows. however i think very clear statement from the 49ers. they were reportedly offered a pretty good
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offer from the jets for deebo. samuel apparently, like i said, it was reported. they turned it down. but it it didn't surprise me. i didn't think that they were going to trade depot. and so now i think it's the rift being mended and finding a way to come to an agreement. i do think the deal that aj brown has now done with the eagles provides a template for what the 49ers can do with deebo. samuel and now i think it's time to mend that rift, whatever it is because it does not look like he's going anywhere. tracy is the jimmy g situation, jimmy not being traded. you got that? unfortunately times soldiers surgery that that make it more complicated for the 49ers to pay debo. i don't really know that it did to be honest with you. i mean, if you look at extensions the 49ers have done in the past under this regime, the extension with george kittle the extension with fred warner. they tend to do these extensions in july. that tends to be how they handle that business, so i don't really know that it made it any more
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complicated. i don't really think jimmy garoppolo has a lot to do with what's going on right now. if anything, to be honest, what about tree lands? do you think the debo is comfortable with trade taking over the reins is this. this is have anything to do with that. or is it just because there was some sort of rift? do you know if you have a sense that the quarterback situation is something that the devo thing came from? no i really don't think it is. i think they all have a lot of confidence in trade lands. they all really saw a massive jump from trey from his first start to its second during his time in practice over the last year, so i don't think it's a lack of comfortable itty, so to speak. right i'm sure that's the word that i came up with there, but i don't think it's a lack of being comfortable with the quarterback. i think this is an issue between debo and the 49ers that this is an issue about coming to an agreement that everybody is happy with that everybody's comfortable with, but i really don't believe that the quarterback situation is the issue and part of that is because this is the nfl. the nfl is a business. and this kind of
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stuff happens and you could go into a season and think jimmy roberts your quarterback, and he gets hurt in trade lands takes over and then you can't say well, now i'm not gonna play. so that's why i really don't believe that. that has anything to do with this. alright well, one last question we haven't talked about what needs the 49ers hope to fill with these draft picks that they have coming up. what do you think, is the number one need they need for the next season. well i think it sounds like even though john lynch wouldn't say it the other day, he said he didn't want to announce news before a player is ready. so if i'm reading between those lines, it sounds like alex mack is going to retire. and that's just me reading between those lines, which means they need to draft a center. i would have said a week ago that they would for sure have started with defense because they love drafting a pass rusher. to me. it's the interior of the offensive line. so cam juergens makes a lot of sense to me. you know, i don't nebraska, the niners picket 61. maybe they end up trying to trade. they have a lot of pictures draft. maybe they trade up to get there earlier to centers went off the board already yesterday. to me that becomes the most important need for san francisco with that
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first pick today. also, though, you can look at safety still pass rusher and they are going to need to add a wide receiver with or without the devo samuel situation, they are going to need data wide receiver. alright tracy. good stuff is always welcome back to the show. we hope to have you on again. that's tracy sandler, who is also known as 49ers, fangirl. thanks, tracy. thank you. alright now to hoops happening today. single game tickets go on sale for the warriors western conference semifinals. warriors insiders are expected to receive information to take part in a pre sale event. at two pm before the general public and buy tickets, fans will be able to buy single game tickets for the western conference semis at chief center exclusively online at warriors .com. most of us know actor liam neeson for movies such as the taken trilogy or going back a bit more here. schindler's list coming up on mornings onto the nine what liam neeson told ktvu about filming his latest movie called memory, which premieres today. first though, take off your shoes, line them up outside and let's go to the world's biggest bounce
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house. it's right up here in the north bay this weekend. we're talking live with the co founder of the event, with more on what you and your family can expect. 300 million years ago, there was no africa, asia, americas or europe. just one, big supercontinent: pangea. and today there is still a force connecting those divided by distance, reversing millions of years of rifting. making far feel close. bringing there to here. you're a champion. you're not a quitter. quitters don't do what they're supposed to.
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champions do. and you're a star. and you shine. that's what you do. that's what you do every day. [inspirational music]
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a gy bridge, san francisco glittering in this friday morning, sun, i hope you're off to a great pre weekend day, maybe taking your pup for a walk. let's talk about little fido and you study largely refutes what many dog lovers think is true, it says a dog's breed. has very little to do with its personality. researchers from the university of massachusetts chan medical school asked more than 18,000 dog owners to complete personality surveys about their pets. researchers then took dna samples from more than 2000 different dogs to analyze their genetic makeup. and they found there was no evidence that ancestry from a particular breed had an influence on the
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aggressiveness of any particular breed. researchers say that a dog's behavior is shaped by its environment, its life experiences largely like are people, children. we have a neighbors next door who had a german shepherd pop. and you think german shepherd to me? i think enforcement dog, you know, great guard dog. but this pop harley is like the sweetest german shepherd in your life, as are its parents. and you know that the two little boys who live next door what do you think i'm going to have to come up with another excuse as to why my favorite dog is a black or yellow lab. those are sweet dogs. you've had a couple left. yeah. yellow lab. and then we have sadie now is a black cloud. she's the best man, sweetheart. yeah. just wants to be with the pack. you know, in our beds on the couch, you can do whatever she wants. she rules that house. you need to get a dog, i think, right. you have told me that for the 17 years we've been together and i don't know that's gonna happen. i'm seeing more and more still, pandemic pops coming into the neighborhood. people are still adopting and loving all over him. so many people are
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next time we go away for a few days. you can take cd practice a couple of days. you my boys will jump all over that. we'll do it. house offers on the table. right let's go to oakland right now. happening right now at one day strike is underway at schools throughout the oakland unified school district. the district says it wants parents to keep their children home. the teachers union hopes to send out a message about school closures. ktvu easily. rasmus joins us live to show us the activity outside one school in oakland alley. good morning. good morning, mike. we're outside parker elementary. this is a k through eight school in the oakland unified school district about 260 kids, and it is slated to close at the end of this school year. so earlier this morning, this is where we saw a pretty hefty picket line with a couple dozen people and teachers out here now you can see most of the crowd has just dispersed. and so now we're expecting the next action. for this one day strike. is there going to be gathering at lake merritt at 11 o'clock, but parker elementary and at least 10 other schools slated to close as part of the
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city's plan to close or consolidate schools to deal with an ongoing budget crisis and declining enrollment. it's not clear whether this one day strike that's now underway is going to change anything. even so, teachers and union leaders say they had to send a message to the school board. and earlier this morning we heard from the oakland education association president as well as the vice president of one of the national teachers unions condemning these closures. closing schools hurts students, especially students of color who depend on our schools for everything. closing schools. also hurts families and it hurts neighborhoods, especially in black and brown communities. now the oakland unified school district says these closures are necessary to deal with a steep budget deficit in in a statement to ktvu, the district's chief academic officer, says, quote in our district we've been facing declining enrollment for decades
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, sustaining many small schools stretches of resources thinly across too many schools instead of allowing us to invest more deeply in fewer schools and quote according to data from o. u. s. d parker elementary, for example, has lost about 120 students in the past five years. the teachers union president says the blame though for declining enrollment lies with the district and the school board. it is because of the oakland unified school district . it is because of the years, uh under resourcing under funding our schools. stanford study study that recently came out. now back out here, live administrators with the school district. say all, oh, usd students should stay home today because of this one day strike and that all absences will be excused again. the picket line and the labor action happening here earlier this morning. has ended at this location, but many teachers who are taking part in this one day strike plan to meet up next at lake merritt at 11
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o'clock, and then later this afternoon, they will be joined by members of the longshore union workers, and they'll have a rally altogether at two o'clock this afternoon outside of oakland city hall. live in oakland. ali rasmus ktvu. box two news, ali. thank you. officials at sonoma state university or advancing a no confidence vote against president judy sakaki. the academic senate advanced to the full faculty a no confidence vote on skokie's leadership yesterday. student groups held march calling for her resignation, the press democrat recently reported $600,000 settlement paid to a former provost, who said she faced retaliation after relaying reports of alleged sexual harassment by the president's estranged husband, lobbyist patrick mccallum. both so cocky and mccallum have denied the allegations. a week from now the universities 500 faculty members will weigh in on a no confidence vote on skokie's leadership. so cocky says a double standard is being applied to her. as a japanese woman. a key report released today shows prices for goods and services jumped 6.6%
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in march compared to a year ago, reflecting the overall spike in costs higher costs as you could expect or cutting into people's savings. personal income went up in march, but only by half of a percent. spending picked up by just over 1% last month, and that was good news after reports that the economy shrank 1.4% in the first quarter of this year. predicting every session now they're predicting there. some are predicting that maybe recession and 2023 um, i'm concerned about it. next week. the federal reserve a likely raise interest rates again to try to tame inflation. that would mean new mortgages on homes, car loans and credit card debt would be more expensive. right now. the rate for a 30 year fixed mortgage is just about 5% after dipping well below 3% last fall. california's budget surplus now totals a record $68 billion and state senate democrats are putting forward their ideas. on how to spend the money. senate democrats have proposed an $8 billion plan to give $200 checks
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to every taxpayer who makes less than $125,000 a year as well as $200 for each dependent. that's in contrast to the governor's $9 billion proposal to give $400 rebates to car owners as well as three months of free public transit money to certain people . now lawmakers and the governor do have until the end of june. to approve a new budget for the next fiscal year. many early educators in san francisco say they simply can't afford to live in the city where they work. now the city is trying to do something about that. san francisco has announced a $60 million initiative to give racist to people who teach in preschool and other early education classrooms. the program will make sure educators that tax funded early childhood education facilities will get raises so some as much as $30,000. the goal is to make sure that at least every child care provider that we fund through the city is making a minimum wage of $28 an hour. investing in the teachers is important, too, because right
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now, like a lot of people are leaving this field because we're not getting paid enough. at $60 million comes from prop c tax funds approved by voters in 2018 . that money was held up by court battles until last year. mother's day is almost here and coming up here on mornings onto the nine we are talking with you bet your lives jay leno and kevin eubanks about a unique opportunity to surprise your mom. on this coming mother's day . but first we're live with the co creator of the world's largest bounce house. we are taking a closer look at the different massive bounce attractions as they start to attractions as they start to ahearts and clapping hands are great. but patients like amina, living with blood cancer like lymphoma, need more than supportive emojis. so please, don't just give a “heart”... join us in making a real impact today at
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weekend guinness certified
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largest bounce house in the world has officially arrived in the north bay. the big bounce america is on tour and this weekend will be at the sonoma steak sonoma county fairgrounds in santa rosa joining us now from those fairgrounds co founder cameron craig. cameron good morning. i mean, get get to the dimensions on this thing immediately here. i mean, how big is this guinness record breaking bounce house? yeah good morning will standing. i'm standing right in front of the guinness record breaker right now, and it's just over 20,000 square feet. so to give you a comparison, a bounce house that you usually get in someone's back garden for a kid's party maybe holds 45 people. that's a guinness record holder holds over 300 people at any one time, so that gives you an idea on how big this camera really is. huge where in the world did this idea come from, and you're the co creator? i don't know if it was you or the other co creator. but what were you doing when you all
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of a sudden? and said, you know what? let's build this bounce house. yeah it was myself and my colleague graeme, and i'm not gonna lie. we've had a couple of beers one day and we were thinking about what? what could we do next? we working festivals were working live entertainment, and we thought you know what why don't we build build a bounce house? that's not just big enough for the kids. it's big enough for mom and dad as well and the whole family and we thought, let's go one bigger. let's make the biggest one in the whole world. and here we are, and beautiful santa rosa, california for but for what is looking to be an amazing weekend, some of the best ideas born after a few pops their camera, no worries. i agree with you on that one. now it's not just the one. you've got a number of different bounce houses. so tell our viewers right now and it starts today. they can go today. tomorrow and sunday what they're going to be looking at once they get there. yeah sure, obviously the main attraction as the world's biggest bounce house, which i'm standing in front of right now, but we have a whole feast of other inflatables. everything is larger than life up at the back there. we've got the giant which is our 900 ft inflatable obstacle course. south closet.
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it's quite challenging, but it's a lot of fun. we've got oversized both pits. i don't know if you can see the spaceman in the background there. we've got a gigantic slide. it's a whole day worth of fun. we've got food sharks face paint us what's a cool stuff to do? and i believe there's a handful of tickets left. so if anyone hasn't got the ticket yet, and wants to join us, the remaining tickets are available. on the big birch america website. you know, with the pandemic, and i'm sure it's been draining, you know, for you and for many, obviously here in the bay area has so people just want to go out and have a little fun, you know, and i'm starting to see that i'm curious as you take the bounce houses across the country on this tour. what's the reaction from all those in attendance, both children and adults? yeah you're completely right. obviously being in the events industry over. how do you know that? it was like a light switch going off from from doing events all over the world as we do to doing nothing overnight. wait wait. we had to ride the storm as as we all did, and we're backing and what we've been finding now, as as people are desperate to get back out
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and do things, especially as a family, so the demand has been great at tickets are selling out everywhere we go and it's looking positive for the future, so it's so we're thanking to be here. we're ready to have a party with everyone, and it's great to see that people are back here, enjoying themselves with us again. how in the world do you transport this? yeah it's like a big jigsaw comes apart in lots of different pieces and then get shipped and trailers and then when we move across that across the country across the across the world actually looks like a blast. so one last time we're best. can our viewers go get those tickets and how much yeah, the tickets start from $19. we do them at different age groups or on friday afternoon. today is for the small kids. and then it's adults only in the evening, but all the tickets are available on the big bounce america dot com, and as i said, there's only a handful left. so if anyone wants to join the party this weekend check out the website today and come see us, cameron craig, welcome to the bay area. have a great weekend. love the idea and
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we appreciate the time. great nice one. thank you. no problem . good interview, right? is that fun? get in their children and adults. yeah i had a hard time not laughing. oh we had a few beers. one day we thought about this. w you know how it started moving on san francisco's hosting a group of very influential women discussing ideas and solutions to accelerate change towards gender equity. in the latest voices for change, ktvu is greg lee takes a closer look, takes us to the power plus summit and speaks to the organizer nicole mason. power plus summit, bringing together so many powerful talented women, all with the goal of moving towards gender equity. so describe the synergy in this place. well you know, so a lot of times when we think about, um gender quality gender parity. we work in silos like so , um, i usually talk to people on capitol hill policymakers.
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but i'm not talking to women who work in tech or in business. and so i thought. what would be great is if he bought women together, working across a variety of different sectors to really think about how we might move the needle and we got the power plus summit, the pay gap representation access to capital sexism. the list goes on. women faced a litany of challenges in the current situation here. but how important is it to celebrate successes and discuss solutions ? so you know to keep doing this work. we gotta stop and celebrate the progress. the success the winds. um but those winds in contacts and the need to be put into context. we have to understand that, for example , the pay gap is closed 20 cents and 50 years now you can say that's wow. that's progress. or you can say yeah, but that's also glacial and not fast enough because women are you losing earnings as we continue to do this work. so how do we accelerated. how do we close it faster? how do we think about
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it? and how do we do it? and what are the strategies? in this moment, we take the lessons that we learned in the pandemic that what we had been doing wasn't working systems were broken and say, how can we make systems that work for? everyone not just a few at the top, and so but we have to think about. well, how do we do that? what are the strategies? we can't sort of used the old strategies because we know they haven't worked. so what's new? how can we innovate? how can we think differently about these really complex social problems being able to be group in a space of women who are committed, uh to the same issues and figure out okay. what's next? how are we going to regroup? how are we going to get back out there and, um, i think that's what i felt yesterday that we're all in this together and we still have work to do. and i think people women on the stage but also attending said okay. rebecca in which i think
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is really important for people that weren't able to attend or not able to watch the stream. what do you want your message to be in this conferences message to be about the challenges women are facing. um the message is, while we've made progress, there's still so much work to be done and that everyone has a role to play men. women. politicians. policymakers everyday people this is we know these issues impact everyone when a woman is not earning what her male counterpart makes. it impacts the entire family tax, the economy, the community, so, um, it touches us all these issues touched us all. you can catch our special show voices for change the last sunday of every month or head to our website to see previous episodes. you might know him from the taken trilogy coming up on morning sound to the nine liam neeson toxic ktvu about his
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latest action movie memory that premiere
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is e national retail federation predicts spending on mom will reach a record $32 billion. the report says 41% of consumers will buy jewelry 27% are buying concert special event tickets, and more than half will take mom out for dinner or brunch. the most popular gift flowers and cards. 75% of americans say they will also give mom and i love you message, and 72% will buy her a bouquet of flowers. if you're still looking for a mother's day gift idea and want to try your luck. i have one for you. you bet your life is holding a contest for a chance to get tickets to fly to watch the live taping of an episode with host jay leno and kevin eubanks. i had the chance to talk to them about this. when it comes to having your mom go on a trip sponsored by you guys, i'm
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all in. this sounds like a great deal. all i would have to do and i know i'm not eligible, but just me. figuratively explain to you why my mom is the best right ? that's right. says the picture of you with your mom. 100 words of it could be funny. it can dew point could be set. whatever it is, we have no idea what the criteria will be until we actually see the photos with this. oh something fun about people when they have picture just take where their mom you know. the guys are looking apprehensive. the moms looking off, you know. yeah, there's always something where you go. hey, wait a minute. this is going on this picture. and if there's a funny story to go with it well, if you win, we fly to l. a come to the show. check that we send you out to have dinner and save mom from cooking a meal. that sounds great now, since you don't know what the criteria is going to be, i guess you would say that. make it good. make it creative make but make it something that might be, you know, picture of you with your mom and tell us what your mom is best. maybe it's a funny
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win. or maybe it's a mom who sacrificed her career and everything. you know, we have no idea what the winner will be it so that's what makes it interesting. you get all these different ideas of what makes a great mom somebody's things. maybe they might have a recipe in there something they can excuse. what you know what, guys when i was little, my parents took me down to hollywood to watch the taping of a game show anyway, it changed my life. it was password with allen ludden. alright and, uh, i think elizabeth montgomery was the guest and we got to see how the sausage is made so this is the kind of thing that not only would your mom, you know, be honored by you nominating her, but she'd get to see the way things are done when you when you do a game show, right? yeah that's pretty much it well, you know, our game shows little different in the sense there's we're not allowed of any contact with the guests at all. i don't know what they look like, because there's money involved. you know, they're afraid you're
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going to give them a clue. so it's all totally ad lib. you just it's like jay walking on the street. you just start talking to people and you have no idea what they're going to try to. about what they're going to say, and that's that's really a fun part. you have to kind of live by your wits, so it thanks for a good time. hey kevin. i enjoyed you come into the studio the other day and checking us out here in person. do you know that j came over here and check this out? i am finding out now for the first and i am heartbroken. i am heartbroken there and it sounds now i hear about great. you got us up there . we had a good time, man. it's good to see you again. it's nice to see you too. you know, j the invitation's open. if you want to swing by, you know, you could bring one of your many hundreds of cars. and drive it up here. that area. yeah i will do that. and one better place for carbon san francisco? yeah, that'll be the place to drive a car. yeah yeah, we won't go into that. all right. so one more thing about the show here one. what is the
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deadline for? the deal, mew to get your mom tribute mother's day. try to get in before mother's day. okay your life dot com slash mother's day, and that doesn't mean slash your mother that's just that's an address. okay yeah. if you want to be a contestant, just go to you bet your life dot com and that will tell you how to do it, and we'll fly it down here and put you up in a hotel and you get some what i call month changing money. all right. it was fun talking to those guys you can enter to win at you. bet your life .com slash mother's day the contest for your chance to win a trip to see the show for you and your mom woman who is turning 90 years old today and how she's having a special celebration with the birthday cake that in some ways is meant to replace one enjoyed by us troops during world war two. u s. army troops saying happy birthday to marie milan and presented her with a cake in her hometown of vicenza, italy. this comes 77 years after what would have been her cake for i
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think her 13th birthday when it was left on a window sill to cool. while she and her family were hiding at a farm near by the us army said the cake was apparently taken by hungary u s soldiers when they entered the home. this event marked the anniversary of the day. the 88th infantry division fought its way into the city on april 28th 1945 during one of the final battles of the war. oscar nominated actor liam neeson is known, of course for starring in the film schindler's list and is more recent portrayal of bryan mills in the taken franchise. in that trilogy, he plays a hit man trying to save his family from a european crime mob. nissan took something from that role when he's back on the screen tonight with the opening of the movie memory. and the bad man happen for a long time. that's three people likely killed with the same weapon. what's that around them on the floor you shoot is losing his mind. in the film memory. neeson plays an aging assess and was asked to do one
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final hit. to take down a sex trafficking ring in texas. but his character has a medical issue that makes that just about impossible. ktvu frank mallicoat spoke with neeson this week about his new movie. we follow this guy myself played by myself . it's called alex lewis is a hit man has been a hit man for an assassin for 40 years. but he is suffering from maybe an early onset, alzheimer's and dementia and, uh, he wants to get out of what he's doing. but he's given one final job and then executing that final job he discovers there's a child prostitution ring from mexico that leads to ah, uh, high rollers, influential people in their paso , texas. so he's to see these determined to. to enact justice
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, uh, on these people, and finally, do you hope this shed some light on alzheimer's a little bit? i hope so. yeah, but, you know, i the film is not about alzheimer's or dementia, but it's uh it's it adds to the thriller aspect of the movie, you know. if it's just a light on it terrific. but it's essentially a piece of entertainment, you know? yeah well, i'm looking forward to your next romantic comedy. ah, thanks, mate. this is liam neeson's 104th movie memory hits theaters nationwide tonight. i think you get to stay up late from now on, right? no more because i'm going to nice, right ? yeah okay, filled in on that shift. you know, i can't go to bed right away. so you gotta relax for a little bit and go to bed and then get up early. what time do you think you will get up at 6 45? yeah people always ask you guys when they see you
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at the supermarket. what time we get up to 3 30 now and then 6 45. ah to make breakfast enable you haven't done that for the children to school quickly in case people were with us yesterday. mike is so excited because you are shifting over two evenings and nights, ktvu. so we get to see what i think. 56 10 and 11 so i'm excited, proud of you and happy. i'm gonna miss you guys again, but you know, we've done a lot of good things on this show. you know, i think, looking back on the pandemic what we were able to do that just does. but but all of us here at the station and everyone who worked from home i mean, that was remember, day one thinking. what are we doing this gonna work right? and off we went, you know, so i think the best part is you have to pay or send the rent his room. he he made a killing right? started out a dollar a day and then eventually ah went up to like two or $3 pictures. a of the nine. who are these children. i see that's right. september hair right? a couple of the changes. i won't mention but why am i on that side and
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you're on this side of 2019 trips are the best and what we're doing zip trip, so maybe we'll pull you back for a zip trip or something in the coming back. yes starting in june. so ♪ ♪ ♪ feel, feel, feel it ♪ [cheers and applause] >> announcer: live from new york city, it's "the wendy williams show!" ♪ ♪ ♪ oh, yeah ♪ ♪ feel, feel, feel it ♪ ♪ feel, feel it, it, feel it ♪ ♪ tell me how you're feeling ♪ ♪ when we're feeling how we're feeling ♪ ♪ and we're feeling what we're feeling ♪ ♪ here we go ♪ ♪ feel it, and feel it ♪ ♪ and feel it like this ♪ ♪ how you doin', wendy? ♪ ♪ let's go ♪ >> announcer: now, here's our special guest host, michael rapaport! [cheers and applause] >> audience: whoop, whoop! whoop, whoop! whoop, whoop! whoop, whoop! whoop, whoop! whoop, whoop! ♪ how you doin'? ♪ whoop, whoop! whoop, whoop! ♪ ♪


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