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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2  FOX  April 24, 2022 7:00am-9:30am PDT

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yes. mm it n administration. what he's saying about a possible face to face meeting with president biden. also ahead. it is game day for the golden state warriors will take a look at game four in the first round playoff series. as a dubs open to sweep the denver nuggets, also ahead, experiencing the wonders of science. we're going to take you live to the bay area science festival that san francisco's oracle park today is discovery day. from ktvu. fox two news. this is mornings on two and good morning to you. we on this sundy
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april 24th i'm claudine wong brooks jarocz. thanks for joining us. we want to start out with a check of our weather over rosemary oroczo in the weather center. good morning to you, rosemary. sonae so it did get a little cold at night? yes i forgot about that. it does cool off a little cool this morning. but temperatures are gonna warm above yesterday's highs as the storm track remains to the north. we remain under dry pressure air, i should say dry conditions and a ridge of high pressure so warmer weather coming our way our inland cities may actually touch 80 degrees or so better details on the current conditions are afternoon highs and what to expect for the week ahead. coming up. thank you. rosemary happening today, the bay area's science festival is getting underway and oracle park in san francisco ktvu is tom vacar is there live and says the idea is to teach students how science supplies to their daily lives, tom. well you're not only teach students, but adults can learn a lot from this, too. and what's really fun
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is you come down in a professional baseball park, one of baseball's best you go around and you meet the people who actually do science. now there are some science projects here. but the people that actually do science on everyday basis are people you get to meet and talk to them about their jobs. when they do. it's a great place to bring younger folks. and to that end i bring along catherine nielsen, who is one of the co founders of this thing. now you started this back in 2010. how many people do you expect here? and what's the stuff there should be expecting to see we're expecting about 20,000 people here today. um, and there's a variety of activities that you can do so for example, and just a couple hours out here on the field, you can roast a marshmallow using the sun. you can go up on the promenade level and there you can make them any water. tornado um, also create fireworks in a jar. it's just kind of an endless amount of possibilities here today. the great thing about this is it's a beautiful day, and you don't have to have a reservation. you can just come on down. that is
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true. it is free 11 to 4 today. we welcome everyone. all ages. come join us. a little bit more about talking to folks that actually do science people get, especially younger people get inspired when they see somebody who actually does the kind of work that we're talking about in these are these are people they're going to meet. this isn't just a pr thing. this is real science interaction. that is true. that's one of the things that makes today really special is not only do you get to do the hands on science, you're doing it with scientists and engineers, and they're here today. they're passionate about their work. they're excited to be here and they want to talk with you about why they love what they do. many years ago, i met the astronaut alan shepard, and he said two kids, he says, being smart is cool, and this is really where you can learn about. how cool it is to be smart and really see things that you might do in your life that you never thought you could do. yeah that's so true. you know, that's a big part of why we're doing this is we're really hoping by connecting with scientists and engineers of all
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ages, all backgrounds that people will be inspired to pursue them for themselves. and you know, we're here in the bay area. science is key to the bay area, right? where the birthplace of biotechnology, the home of silicon valley. and then today, you know, as we're hopefully coming through this pandemic, right? we can really thank science for getting us through this thing, and that is we're going to see a little bit of a puzzle over here. just up the road here, talk to me about that puzzle and what people are going to see and what they can learn from this puzzle that we're talking about. ah which puzzle whale puzzle? yeah um so , yeah, right behind us. we have a beautiful whale skeleton that was found on a beach and then brought down to the park for people to explore. yeah. and they can actually put it together and see how it actually works. well, thank you very much. we'll be back in the next half hour. we're going to be
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back with that whale. it's really quite a thing to see. and then we'll be back each half hour. with different things that are going on. you can have a lot of fun reporting live from oracle park, tom vacar ktvu, fox two news. alright looking forward to it, tom. thanks so much for the republican party of california met in orange county this weekend, and a lot of people are keeping a close watch on congressman kevin mccarthy. this was his first major public appearance since a controversial report. that he may have broken ranks with president trump in the days after the january 6th insurrection. the new york times reporting that mccarthy said he would encourage then president donald trump to step down after inciting the riot at the capitol building. mccarthy had denied that report, and then this recording was made public. discussion would have with him. is that i think this will pass and it will be my recommendation. now mccarthy did not comment on that recording, but did praise former president trump during his speech to gop delegates. mccarthy has never hidden his ambition of wanting to be the next speaker of the
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house if republicans take control of the lower chamber. president trump still holds power in the republican party, and that could make the difference if mark carthy could achieve or with whether mccarthy could achieve that dream job. now former utah senator orrin hatch has died at the age of 88 . hatch served seven terms in the u. s senate longer than any other republican. he was a leading conservative voice from 1977 until 2019 on issues, including abortion limits. he also worked across the aisle with democrats on issues including rights for the disabled, stem cell research and expanding healthcare insurance for children. his family was with him when he died. right now. they are not releasing his cause of death. we are following a major new development in the russian war on ukraine. ukrainian president vladimir zelensky is scheduled to meet with two top members of the biden administration sometime today, it would be alinsky's first meeting with secretary of state anthony blinken and us secretary of defense lloyd austin since the beginning of
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the war, and the ukrainian leader says he hopes to soon have a face to face meeting with president biden. we have people from the us visiting there will be meetings with the secretary of defense and secretary of state of the united states, mr blinken, they will be here. we will be waiting for the time it is safe enough for the president of the united states to come here and support the ukrainian people as well. the ukrainian leader is expected to ask the top biden administration officials to provide his nation with more weapons as ukraine battles the invading russian forces. exactly two months ago. also new this morning. there is new video of the russian attack on what's believed to be the final ukrainian stronghold in the besieged ports city of mariupol. it shows an estimated 1000 civilians sheltering in place inside the plant. many of them are children. ukraine says the russians have refused to allow them to leave the plant as they attempt to take total control of that city. the world
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health organization is now warning of an acute hepatitis outbreak among children. the w h o says there are at least 169 hepatitis cases and children around the world and at least one child has died from it. the majority of cases were reported in the u. k nine have been reported in alabama. the cdc also issued a warning on friday and said the children seem to be contracted acute hepatitis. after adenovirus but infection health officials say dino virus is not known to be a cause of hepatitis and healthy children. but it is seeing cases of hepatitis in immuno compromised children. who contracted that virus. doctors across the country are seeing an influx of patients who reportedly neglected their healthcare during the pandemic, according to the american heart association during the pandemic , the risk of death from heart disease increased more than 4. meanwhile the risk of dying from a stroke increased by almost 6.5% experts say research shows this is a direct result of people neglecting healthcare
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checkups during the pandemic. people are coming in later for screening cancers. those those cancers are more fancy. people are coming in later before control of their blood pressure , and that's creating more advanced heart disease that we're now working to correct. doctors say the backlog of patients playing catch up with their health is now putting a strain on the health care system, which is already about 20% below pre pandemic workforce levels. experts believe that having the option for virtual health care visits will relieve the system happening today. the golden state warriors will try to sweep the denver nuggets. the warriors have won the first three games of the first round playoff series. and golden state could move on to the western conference semifinals with a victory in denver later today. the red hot warriors now have eight games in a row, a winning streak that includes the final five games of the regular season. all right. time now is 709. let's talk about the weather. as you noted, rosemary. it was chilly this morning. i'm
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like for but if yesterday was any indication, uh, you know, it's gonna warm up to be a pretty nice day out there. yes we're going to be a few degrees warmer than yesterday and well above the seasonal average. good morning to all of you happy sunday, starting out with mostly sunny skies. we do have a little bit of patchy fog out there. even patchy, dense fog. over some of the north bay valley locations live. look here over areas of oakland, we will have again. temperatures are warmer than yesterday. tomorrow and your repeat before we cool things down. here's a look at what we see outside our doors at this hour. san francisco holding up 50 degrees you get into the north bay low forties to start your morning napa, inner east bay, 54 in brentwood and into the south bay. 49 san jose, so low forties too low fifties for most of us across the bay area at this time, temperatures are up by six degrees in oakland, up by three in napa. but just a tad cooler over sfor winds are generally light fairfield reporting at onshore breeze at six mph were calm. nevado napa, oakland in afternoon breeze,
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perhaps for the second part of the day under mostly sunny skies. and the visibility again from most not bad, seeing a little bit of gray out there could have some in our hills. as we look towards half moon bay. we've got four miles, visibility reported along the coastline. but this stretch ride in here along the sonoma valley floor anywhere from a mile to a mile and a quarter between nevada and santa rosa and i checked a little while ago, santa rosa had dropped to half mile, so it's fluctuating. right in those areas this morning. if you do have an early morning drive something to be aware of a little bit of fog along the coastline and inside the bay this morning, but as we get into the afternoon, we'll call for partly cloudy skies along the coast, mostly sunny for the rest of us and temperatures. nine degrees above the seasonal norm in santa rosa for today, going to 79 upper sixties, expected in san francisco low seventies for oakland upper seventies in livermore, as well as san jose will have a better look at the afternoon house for today. what we can expect for tomorrow and the cool down coming our way in the extended forecast coming up.
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looking good, thanks, rosemary $4 per pound copper is often the target of thieves in our next half hour. the reason they're hitting dozens of electric car charging stations, but first absolutely amazing to have a space where all these black owned businesses, uh, lots of black women in business, um and just everybody coming together. a new storefront is now open. and oakland y a co founder, says the new concept is making it easier for black owned businesses to grow and operate. (music throughout)
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meet apartment 2a, 2b and 2c. 2a's monitoring his money with a simple text. like what you see abe? yes! 2b's covered with zero overdraft fees when he overdraws his account by fifty bucks or less. and 2c, well, she's not going to let a lost card get her stressed. am i right? that's right. that's because these neighbors all have chase. alerts that help check. tools that help protect. one bank that puts you in control. chase. make more of what's yours.
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of.n alameda county, making it the largest drug bust in the county's history, the sheriff's office as the alameda county narcotics task force sees more than £92 of illicit fentanyl. after serving search warrants in oakland and in hayward, authorities released these photos of the drugs that were impounded the £92 amounts to 42,000 g. that has a street value of more than $4 million in the u. s supreme court will hear arguments tomorrow in a case about religious freedom in public schools. former high school football coach joe kennedy was removed from his job after he started seeing a prayer on the field after games, he says students asked if they could join him. but after an
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investigation, the school district said he was told to stop and offered alternatives, including being allowed to say a prayer on the field after the students had left, but kennedy says he didn't pressure anyone and didn't want to give up his prayers. how would have been the biggest hypocrite in the united states? if i would have just said oh, yeah, you're right. this is too hard for me. what kind of example would i have set for my guys? he says his religious rights were violated. kennedy would need at least five of the nine justices to agree with him to get his job back court decision is expected to be announced in june. mhm north bay city is extending its outdoor dining program. through the fall , the marina j reporting that mill valley was set to terminate its outdoor dining program at the end of june, but the city then decided to extend it through october. 31st. that extension will give city officials time to develop a long term park lit program that was first established during the pandemic. the current program does allow businesses to use
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parking spaces and private property. to extend business outdoors. a new collective in oakland is giving black owned businesses and opportunity to have a storefront loyal to the soil officially opened yesterday on broadway in 17th and downtown oakland. here you'll find about a dozen black owned ventures, founder of this new collective, says she wanted to give entrepreneurs an opportunity to learn about running a business space creates the opportunity for us to have a storefront experience without breaking the bank allows them. a transition period between okay, i'm in a storefront. i'm getting ready. and now, maybe with some of the relationships they have here, maybe two or three of them may even get together. and start their own store. in the items sold here very from artwork to candles, clothes and more business owners ran out the place temporarily and nonprofit oak stop alliance provides them business services and training so they can become self sufficient afterwards. love that
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. alright 7 17 and i stated, maybe go out and do a little shopping shop local yesterday. yeah, perfect. it is. it's a beautiful weekend out there. we do have a lot of sunshine. don't forget your sunblock. temperatures are going to be warmer today than yesterday. some areas inland will hit right about 80 degrees. that's a warm day giving you a live look here across the bay and into san francisco, starting out with some low cloud cover and some fog along the coastline and inside the bay. and a little bit of patchy fog along the sonoma valley floor. if you're traveling out this morning, be prepared. it's down about a mile over areas like nevado, santa rosa. here's a view of sf over. we've got some fog out there this morning as well. it's a quiet one. the storm tracker two is going to remain quiet for the next few days as the systems that are rolling through the pacific northwest. don't reach us. here's a view of what we do expect getting into tuesday notice. we've got those rounds of rain just moving through areas of washington, oregon,
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just clipping northern california but for us, we're going to remain dry. we are going to see cooler weather, though. the ridge of high pressure will break down just enough and a cooler pattern will take over as we get into tuesday . here's a view of the temperatures outside right now. 46 degrees to start your morning in livermore. so a bit of a chill in the airport in the communities 42 in napa. already in the low fifties. san francisco oakland hayward, sfo fremont. as we get into the afternoon for san jose, a beautiful day, coming your way a 70 degrees by lunchtime upper seventies in the forecast for the second part of the day, and here's a better look at some of the afternoon highs will go upper fifties at the coast 66 for the city of san francisco, low seventies around the bay. mid to upper seventies for inland cities. 81 degrees today in antioch 80. degrees expected in morgan hill. your extended forecast monday will be a near repeat, not much change going on. tuesday we do begin to see a bit of a cooler powder. not much will be still be right about average, even a little bit above. wednesday thursday partly cloudy skies and mild conditions
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back to you. thank you, rosemary statistic out of san jose, where there have been more traffic fatalities than homicides so far this year coming up in our next half hour of mornings on two. we're talking live with san jose council member pam foley. about how the city is implementing its vision zero program also ahead marking 25 years since one of the deadliest house fires in the u. s health, family, friends and first responders are remembering the nine lives lost in an east palo alto house fire.
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is r general guilty of sexual abuse charges, the judge in ohio announced that decision yesterday following the week long court martial trial of major general william cooley. the charges are all tied to an incident in new mexico in 2018 when cooley was accused of making unwanted sexual advances to a woman has pleaded not guilty. this marks the first criminal conviction ever of a major general in the 75 year history. of the united states air force richmond police are investigating a deadly shooting that happened less than a mile from kennedy high school. that shouldn't happen on pullman avenue near carlson boulevard about 3 30 yesterday afternoon. police say two people were shot . one died at the scene. the second victim is expected to survive. detectives have not offered any other information about the victims and have not said or released any information
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about any possible suspects or motive. oakland police are reporting that a 21 year old man has been hospitalized and is fighting for his life after his car slammed into a home early yesterday morning. you're taking a look at video from the citizen app and you can see the car there. after it hit this home on macarthur boulevard near mills college. a passenger who was in that car ran off and police are currently searching for that person. witnesses say the car was speeding. and then went off the road before it hit that house. no one inside the home was hurt. this weekend marks exactly 25 years since one of the deadliest house fires ever in the bay area, dozens of people gathered for an outdoor memorial yesterday in a park in east palo alto to remember the nine family members killed. in the fire at a home on fordham street. back in 1997 5 of the people who died were children. our family is big already. but just think of how much bigger we could have been just really
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trying to figure out how not only can we continue to lift up their names, but how can follow also continue to lift up their names. firefighters say the nine people who died were trapped inside the burning home. burglar bars were on the windows and huge flames blocked the path to the doors. investigators believe someone intentionally sent the deadly fire, but there are still been no arrests in that case. orlando fire crews are being hailed as heroes after rescuing eight people from a burning apartment complex in orlando. hold on. hold on. hold on. i'm coming. when firefighters out of the building and flames were visible. sheriff's deputy was among the first people to see what was happening. was chaos everywhere, but as i started to look around, you can see families trapped on each floor hanging off the balconies. on the third balcony. there was a one year old baby. the mom was
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trying to get over and so at that moment, i knew that i had to save the baby. the deputy says he started climbing up the side of the building, he says. when he reached the third floor , he was able to grab the child and handed the baby down to his partners. he said he was relieved to hear the baby crying because that told him that the baby was still breathing. the other people were led out of the building to safety. coming up a new mask mandate for los angeles county. the reason it's causing frustration for some people just days after the federal mandate was dropped, plus dozens of charging stations ripped apart for the copper that was inside the latest target of thieves. that are hoping to cash in and taking a look outside a little fog near the golden gate bridge this morning, but traffic relatively light just a few cars out there. and let's take you over to the bay bridge. if you're heading across the toll plaza, things are looking. okay we should let you know, though, if you're going 80 eastbound.
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there was an accident earlier just literally minutes ago, they opened all the lanes, so there is a back up there, but it is clearing up again if you're heading eastbound through berkeley. but look at the toll plaza. no problems heading straight into the city mornings on two. we'll be
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the major development happening sometime today between ukrainian president below the mere zelinsky and two top members of the biden administration. also ahead after a pandemic hiatus. the bay area science festival is back at san francisco's oracle park. we're taking you live to discovery day where you can experience the wonders of science. from ktvu. fox two news . this is mornings on two and taking a look at san francisco. it's hazy out there this morning, but it's expected to warm up. welcome back again to ktvu mornings onto brooks jarocz wong. that is my favorite shot of the san francisco skyline and into the bay and we had some haze there yesterday. meteorologist rosemary oroczo joins us now we talked about that yesterday didn't take very long. for it to burn off and we're talking about a cold. it was i had, like, switch it on in the morning when i got home, and i'm like, i think you're going to short flip flops and some sun
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block and then i was holding it at night. yes, absolutely. yeah that transition. what layers always the best in the back area year round for sure. we are expected to warm up a little bit more this afternoon, maybe 3 to 6 degrees above yesterday's highs. which will take us several degrees above the seasonal average temperatures ranging from upper fifties us today too low eighties little change for tomorrow, but then we do begin to cool down. we'll check in on your current conditions. line up your afternoon for today and talk about the week ahead. coming up. what happening today? oracle park is more than just a ball field. let's go to ktvu s tom vacar. he is there and has more on the home field for young scientists and their families. tom interesting morning out there pretty cool venue and then some very interesting exhibits to look at. absolutely and this is one of them. this is a immature or an adolescent wail a gray whale that was found on the beach and brought to the mission
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science museum. and the workshop , and the idea of the workshop is to teach kids all about science and technology and biology, and all of the things are important to get a career in stem. with me is sonia guardia. i'm sorry, so they got gandhi aga, who is the executive director here, and the idea is that this is something that people come down here. this isn't just look. this is looking touch and see and feeling dissemble and put back together again. exactly, and that's what mission science is all about this gray whale gracie or do and are gray whale. it's probably the largest paso you've ever seen, and we bring it to schools all over san francisco so that kids can experience of bones. they put it together and take it apart like a giant puzzle, and they can learn comparative anatomy. will and marine conservation and here today that's what people will be able to. they will be able to touch it. take it apart. put it back
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together compared with other bones that we have a flipper's so very hands on. one sense when you think about mammals, you know this is a swimming mammal, but it breathes air and like you have buffalo next over there, it's really remarkable. how even though their best lee different creatures a lot of the components of these animals is very, very similar, exactly, and one of the one of the things that gets love the most stupid look at the flippers. if you see this is the whale flipper and you see the bones inside, and then we bring our skeleton, a human skeleton or other skeletons and we can compare a human arm. to the wail of flipper and you see the bones inside are the same bones and it's that's amazing. also, this is the this is the equivalent of a scapula on a human being so like shoulder bone, so to speak exactly interesting about that is that we are all kind of now. they're very different animals, but but for mammals were all very similar in our makeup. exactly is the same bones most
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of the time, named the same but just shaped differently because of evolution. what about the discovery? part of it, where a young person is looking at this and they say, you know, i can have a career. marine biologist immediately comes to mind but you could have a career as a veterinarian. you could have courage, so many things that are stem careers, and yet they're also fun and very cool. exactly and that's that's our mission just to inspire and to really ignite that passion and enquiry and questioning things and learning exploring about science or about any discipline. um and that's that's why we love being here and this event is very exciting. and i think um kids will be inspired and also grownups. everybody's invited. come here today, but one other thing you actually have to locations. talk about that. so people understand that while this may be over at the end of this day you're plenty open for a long time, so we have two
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locations in the city in mission and it's also in the excels here , and we have field trips every day from schools all over the city, and we also go to schools, for example, are gray whale we've brought it. 23 schools this year, and we also have open days at our sites free for the community every third saturday at the excelsior and every second and in the mission site. well, the mission science workshop is just one of many, many exhibits here. and besides seeing exhibit, you're going to meet the people who actually practice real science and a whole variety of disciplines. this is a great place to bring young people. but if you're just interested in this stuff, it's a great great place to come. and you're going to be on a professional baseball field on a beautiful day. and it's all free . that's the amazing thing about this reporting live. tom baker, ktvu fox two news time. thanks starting tomorrow, masks will no longer be required in public commission and board hearing rooms in san francisco city facilities. the masking requirement for city hall and
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other city buildings was dropped last month, except for in session meetings. well now that policy is also easing masks are still required in certain high risk facilities like hospitals congregate living facilities in jails. city officials say they will continue to monitor covid-19 cases and transmission and may reinstate the masking requirement. a new mask mandate for public transit in los angeles county is prompting some confusion. the order took effect friday and requires everyone to and older to wear a mask in all public transit and indoor transportation hubs. vaccination status. in announcing the mandate, the county cited it's elevated level of coronavirus spread and the cdcs assessment that masks are necessary and transportation settings, but that's leaving some people frustrated. like there's a reason we have a vaccination, you know, so i'll definitely follow the rules, but i don't really like wearing a mask.
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thing i don't like is that the flip flop? yeah get on one side or the other. new york, massachusetts and wisconsin all require people to mask up in a number of transit settings. when we were following a major new development in the russian invasion of ukraine. ukrainian president vladimir zelensky is scheduled to meet with two top members of the biden administration sometime today. it would be easy. alinsky's first meeting with secretary of state antony blinken and us secretary of defense lloyd austin since the war began exactly two months ago, the ukrainian leader is expected to ask the top bite administration officials to provide his nation with more weapons as ukraine. battles and continues to battle those invading russian forces. and the war in ukraine has made this a somber holiday weekend for those observing orthodox easter expected. easter is the
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holiest day on the christian calendar, but many members of the ukrainian orthodox churches across the united states are finding it very difficult to celebrate this year. they are very worried about their relatives and friends back in their homeland whose lives are in constant danger. due to the invading russian forces. we're kind of here in a safe spot, you know, and then have you know family in ukraine that you know, are under duress. and it's so. that makes you feel a little bit guilty. but you know, we still pray. that goes away. the reverend of the same ukrainian orthodox church in pennsylvania , has several relatives still living in ukraine. 18 house republicans are asking twitter's board of directors to preserve all records and materials tied to elon musk's bid to buy the social media giant. that request could lay the groundwork for a formal congressional investigation of twitter and its dealings with the tesla ceo.
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musk used his own twitter account to announce his proposed $43 billion takeover bid, saying he wants to make twitter a better platform for free speech . the board has been fighting that takeover bid. former twitter ceo jack dorsey has given himself a new title. you can now call him blockhead, the digital payment company, block incorporated, has just released its latest regulatory disclosure documents. they say dorsey no longer wants to be known just as the company's co founder and president. his official title is now blockhead and chairperson, effective immediately. metal thieves have found a new target has more electric vehicle charging stations are popping up across california. the heavy duty copper wire inside those stations can be worth as much as $4 a pound. and a worker at a station in los angeles county says they've had 40 stations in one lot, and recently, 38 of those 40 stations were dismantled and the other two were badly damaged. she says
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that crime is hurting a lot of people who do not have anywhere else to turn. it's frustrating, you know? i get that anybody that experiences theft or loss? it's you can take it personal, but for it to happen to a nonprofit where we serve over 8000 individuals a year, the most frail, older adults homebound isolated caregivers families. um, it just stings that much more. it will cost $18,000 to repair or replace those charges, and that does not include what it will cost to replace the fence that was damaged when the thieves cut it through it to get to those chargers. well there was a chilly start. but you can look here from the sky cam a little hes still in the way here, but we expected to be a sunny day today. let's check in with rosemary oroczo over in the weather center. good morning, rosemary. good morning to you. yes the low clouds and fog along the coast and inside the bay, giving you that shadow over the east bay shore. and another one here from ktvu across the
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oakland estuary towards san francisco, where you can see the low clouds can also see a little bit of sunshine there. in the backdrop, getting into the second part of the afternoon will call for partly cloudy, mostly clear skies and temperatures expected to run a bit warmer today. right now, some fog in santa rosa 43 degrees reported there and the visibility has dropped down about half mile at times reporting partly cloudy 52. we've got most sunny skies over conquered 50 upper forties for san carlos, as well as san jose. most areas are running a little bit warmer this morning and napa conquered oakland in areas over san jose, where we've got that fog right along that stretch between santa rosa and nevado actually a bit cooler. down by two degrees or so over areas of novato. our winds are light as a fellow reporting and onshore breeze at nine that looks to be one of the stronger ones out there. livermore very gentle breeze at three and san jose. you've got calm conditions in and around the area. the visibility over santa rosa, nevada has improved, although it will continue to fluctuate until
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that fog finally pulls away. but right now the visibility looks good half moon bay visibility about five miles or so. the dark shade of gray inside the bay and over some of our hills, which have a beach hazard statement for today, meaning if you're going to be closer to the coast, just be prepared for the increase of rip currents and sneaker waves. storm tracker to here going to be quiet for today , tomorrow, and unfortunately for the days ahead. i don't see any rain in the forecast through about friday. here's a look at comparison of what we can expect. for today. we're going to nudge those numbers up by a few degrees. gilroy even expected to go about 80 for the afternoon. and if you're going out to the coliseum to see the game at in oakland, we've got 68 degrees at game time. under mostly sunny skies. look at the afternoon house for the entire region and what you can expect for the week ahead coming up. well warning for parents. the world health organization is sounding the alarm of acute hepatitis and outbreak that is affecting children. we're going to tell you where cases are popping up. as the numbers
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continue to rise. but first more traffic fatalities than homicides. so far this year. we're talking live with san jose council member pam foley about what the city is doing to try and combat the statist
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and now most admired alum! get up there. this is so embarrassing. there's no way it's me. you know her.... you love her.... ruh roh. what are you doing here? it's anna gomez! who? our first gigillionaire! with at&t fiber, anna's got the fastest internet with hyper-gig speeds. i didn't know you went to this school. we have a lot in common. live like a gigillionaire with at&t fiber. now with speeds up to 5-gigs. limited availability.
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now with speeds up to 5-gigs. meet a future mom, a first-time mom and a seasoned pro. this mom's one step closer to their new mini-van! yeah, you'll get used to it. this mom's depositing money with tools on-hand. cha ching. and this mom, well, she's setting an appointment here, so her son can get set up there and start his own financial journey. that's because these moms all have chase. smart bankers. convenient tools. one bank with the power of both. chase. make more of what's yours. he d fatalities so far this year, and that's more than the cities homicides, but san jose is working to fix the problem with
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its program called vision zero, which aims to reduce traffic fatalities. and increased street safety. joining us now is san jose council member pam foley, who is the vice chair of the program. pam thanks for joining us want to start out first. why do you think san jose has had more than two dozen traffic related deaths so far this year? it's really tragic that that is the case. and before i go into the y i first like to say that these deaths are not just data points. these deaths are human beings who were mothers, fathers, grandparents and children. and we need to keep that in mind because someone is mourning their death. their families are mourning their death. so having said that it's really important that through the vision zero task force and other efforts at the city that we work to make our streets safer. and the reason for that is many were studying that right now through vision zero with
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some data analysis we're doing and while we don't have all the yet answers, we do know that cars are driving faster. they're driving more distracted pedestrians to our distracted as they cross our streets, so there's a lot of things we can do to make our streets safer and we must focus on those immediately. i know in 2015 san jose was the fourth u. s city to adapt vision zero initiative to reduce those traffic deaths. i mean, i mean, those those deaths, unfortunately, are still happening. so what work do you specifically see that needs to be done? what are some of those solutions? i think there's three areas that we need to focus on at the city and i would say their education, infrastructure and enforcement. you see, you just showed that sign of vision. zero and speed speed is the number one reason that people are dying on our streets if, uh, if drivers would slow down, then the fatalities would be decreased. the other thing, so
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we need to make sure that we're able to control the speed limits on our streets. there are some state led just slay shin that allows us to reduce some speed limits, but we need to advocate to be able to have the flexibility to slow down our streets. we through enforcement we need to hire and, uh, promote more traffic enforcement units to keep our streets safe and slow down the traffic. then we need to educate and install it. infrastructure that will narrow our streets and narrowing streets has a tendency to cause drivers to slow down because they don't have the visual open field that they have in a wider street. so how do you envision? zero respond to people concerned ? maybe they call in about a particular intersection across walk or a street that they think is dangerous. that's exactly what happens. i'm i represent the district nine area of the city, san jose, which is south of willow glen, north of al
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midan, and we get calls from residents all the time, who say there's traffic speeding down my side street. what can you do? and then we will do an analysis of it through the department of transportation to see what kind of things we actually can do. and in many cases, i'll fund those through my own city council budget. excuse me a minute, which means that i take the phones that i have for transportation, and i provide enhanced christ in crosswalks that are areas that have been raised concerns to us. uh enhanced crosswalks with lighting better street signs on better painting on the ground. they call that laddering when you see them on the streets, so anything we can do to narrow the streets and we respond definitely to our residents when they call us and let us know that's one thing. the other is we analyze when accidents occur , and we've had a few three deaths actually occurred near me on our near my district in
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hamadan expressway and foxworthy. that amazon expressway is as county c street and foxworthy's the city streets, so we have to work together in partnership with the city and the county to make improvements there, and there's some any hands crosswalks we can do there to make our streets safer at that point, so we definitely respond to what's happening and then vision zero. we look at the data to see what of our vision zero corridors. story mckee curtner almond expressway wherever they are that we can do enhancements and install traffic. calming methods to ease it to slow down traffic on those areas. council member i wanted to ask you about a mother and daughter that were killed a few weeks ago when they crossed the street in a marked crosswalk , and the driver took off. he's still on the run. this happened along. ocala avenue. what is your reaction? and can something be done along that street because neighbors have told us
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that they have complained, and they want to see some change there. yeah well, we will definitely take a look. and i know we already are taking a look at things we can do on that street to make it safer. i also know that they had cameras that were able to determine who that person is. i thought i read in the mercury that they actually have a name of that person, and that's great, but we need more, uh, license plate reading cameras that can read and maybe this is a good intersection for a pilot program to have a license plate camera. so we can see the people who are speeding down the street, but i hope we catch him. uh, hit and runs are just so frightening. there's no closure for anyone, and i hope someone knows who he is. and he comes forward and what a tragic loss for that family and the death of that mother and daughter. san jose council
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member pam foley. thanks so much for joining us this morning really appreciate the conversation. thank you very much. be safe, everyone. thanks so much. all right, rosemary. how's it looking? today we are going to warm things up. so if you enjoyed yesterday, i think you will enjoy today. make sure you have the sunblock in the water, especially inland where temperatures are going to get close to 80 degrees or so maybe even its hat above for isolated communities giving you a look here over the east bay where we are starting out with sunshine. we do have low clouds and fog along the coast and inside the bay, but you go inland. in areas over our inland cities east bay into the south bay enjoying plenty of blue sky. here's a look at the storm tracker, too. it is going to remain dry out there not only for today, tomorrow and into the coming days. but right now, through about friday, we look mainly dry little bit of a cloud cover there along the coast. i think we will see it. retreats but by the afternoon late afternoon,
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early evening hours, it's there. you little sliver right along the coastline, the san mateo county coastline so half moon bay could have partly cloudy skies for the entire day for inland cities will go mostly blue and then into monday partly cloudy conditions expected temperatures do begin to cool off just a little bit even cooler on tuesday notice that line of rain there over northern california. we're not expecting to get much of any. we will get the cloud cover and we will get to the cooler. pattern livermore today going to near 80 degrees by lunchtime low seventies for you there upper seventies in the forecast two o'clock three o'clock four o'clock before we see those numbers dropped just a little bit into the five o'clock hour and a better look at some of these afternoon highs for you here. 76 in napa for the inner east bay 81 in antioch's for our south bay, morgan hill. you'll also go to 80. we've got 72 along the peninsula in san mateo . upper fifties at the coast in pacifica. if you are going to the coast again, an increase in rip currents and sneaker waves
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in store for today. be careful out there. your extended forecast here will show you temperatures. come down just slightly for inland cities tomorrow, but not really going to change a whole lot. tuesday we will see a bigger drop, although still relatively mild seventies for inland cities upper sixties around the bay upper fifties at the coast back to you. coming up coaching the coaches of the next generation of soccer players still to come , will show you how the oakland roots usl soccer team is giving back to make sure local kids have the chance to learn a sport.
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hast to help the local community. the project is called roots in the community, and it's taking place at the team's training facility in alameda. the roots, hoping to get more young people interested in soccer by training, as many as 100, new coaches. those coaches would then help develop soccer stars of tomorrow. want to bring championships to oakland. we want to be a successful organization, but we believe the way to do that here is by putting the community first. so that's what i focus on. but also everyone else in the organization events like this where we bring community members together. to learn about positive news sports and give them opportunities to volunteer in the community to increase access for kids, you know, by
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becoming sports coaches. the roots say more soccer coaches would mean more soccer teams at schools and rec leagues across the bay area. concord high school hosted a night to remember for students who are part of the l g b t q. plus community pride, prom game students from nine schools and contra costa county a chance to celebrate something most high school students take for granted. time to dress up dance and have fun with friends. for many people who have felt especially isolated the past two years. that opportunity to be visible to be able to have safe spaces. it's been so limited and taken away, so i think that during the pandemic we've seen such a decline in our young people's mental health. in their ability to be out to be affirmed . the organizers wanted to protect the privacy of the students who attended pride prom , but our reporter who was there said about 100 students were dressed up some informal, some in costumes. and all of them
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seemed happy to have the opportunity for an unforgettable night. our special show voices for change returns this morning . in this episode, ktvu is greg lee discusses diversity in arts and entertainment, including the historic academy award win for the movie coda and its impact on the deaf community. so i think my message for the deaf community is. what we've always known i we can achieve anything we want, uh,. s something that we already knew. the community at large and can include us more can include death. death professionals, death actor's death talent and not just in the movie field, but in other ways that we can contribute. and you can catch this interview and much more on
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this month's episode of voices for change. it airs right here at 9 30 this morning. today ukrainian president vladimir zelensky is scheduled to meet with two top members of the biden administration what he is saying about a possible face to face meeting. with president biden also headed his game day for the golden state wars. we're going to take a look at game four of the playoff series, is hoping to sweep the denver nuggets plus experiencing the wonders of science. we've been live there all morning. we'll take you back live to the bay area science festival at san francisco's oracle park. it is discovery day today. from ktvu fox two news this morning's onta look at the bay bridge. there's the eastern span and you can see the skyline of the city there in the background son fighting its way through, saying it is my day
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today on this sunday, but those clouds hovering with us a little bit. encouraging you to maybe just snuggle that down into those covers just a smidge longer. i always think eight o'clock, interesting time, right where some people are up, and adam and other people are like not going to do it. it's usually when the sun is coming through my shades. i'm like, all right, i guess it's time to get up but waited sunday sunday welcome to mornings onto yes, it is. sunday april 24th. i'm claudine wong and i'm brooks jarocz. thanks so much for joining us this morning. we want to take a look at the weather first with rosemary oroczo. good morning to you. yes. good morning. so for the folks that were thinking, let's get out and do breakfast. they see the low clouds are like let's do brunch. yeah exactly. so many options. yes yes. so hopefully you have an enjoyable free sunday. we are looking at some nice weather to go along with it. temperatures will range from the upper fifties at the coastline for today, too low eighties inland, so a few degrees warmer than yesterday. little bit cool out there at this time, and as you could see from that live picture moment ago. we've got some patchy fog and low clouds. better details
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on the current conditions, your afternoon highs and the week ahead coming up. thanks rosemary . today students who might not think of geology, biology or robotics is anything other than school subjects could get a different point of view. today, ktvu tom vacar is live at oracle park in san francisco. and they could actually experience science first hand at the barry a science festival, right, tom? that's right. it's from 11 to 4 is absolutely free. you're going to be on the field at oracle park. what a treat and you're gonna be seeing things all about the stem subjects, but more important that you're going to be people actually involved. you're going to meet people like jessica ball, who is an honest to god. united states geological survey volcanologists. she studies volcanoes and she knows about and when we talk about that, we tend to think of, you know, volcanoes in europe or maybe in asia up in alaska. something like that. but california's are very volcanic place. that's right. we have
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about eight volcanoes that we consider young enough and potentially threatening enough that we monitor them all the time, and that's part of what the california volcano observatory does, which is where i work. having said that volcanoes, you know, tend to be out in remote places, and you tend not to think of miss great threats to the public. but in this country, including ellis tone, there are super dangerous. that's correct, so yellowstone might not actually erupt in our lifetime, but other volcanoes could and one of the big disruptions that they create is to air traffic so airplanes because of the volcanic ash or pulverized rock that they can throw high into the atmosphere. when you explain this, especially to young students and stuff, they're really to kind of volcanoes. i suspect our variety of, but the two that california is primarily imbued with would be one is called an explosive one. one is an effusive one explosion obviously things but when you say a few sieve, this
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is a fairly common kind of volcano and its signatures are everywhere. that's right. so one good example of that kind of volcanoes. hawaii where you have lava that instead of exploding out of event can flow downhill like a very, very sticky taffy. now what caused this volcano to explode? is something quite different. you have a demonstration here, which i think is interesting is these, uh these few are these boils here. right so this is a demonstration of viscosity. so it explains how the volcanic gas that drives an eruption can either escaped from lava or not. so the stickier of fluid is that's right. that popped right up. but if the fluid is stickier, the bubbles can't escape is easily and you can see this one down here is moving so slowly. now this is obviously baking in a superheated lava, so when it finally lets loose it lets loose talk about that. event that happens, right? so um
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, when that happens, the gas explosion causes the lava or the magma if it's still inside the vent to fragment and that can create both volcanic ash and volcanic bombs. like this one here, which you can see has sort of a football shaped from flying through the air. all right, we'll watch. what's this one demonstration which i find this interesting. so now we know that this gasses in this lobby this down there and instead of using lot and something that hurt somebody. we're using rice krispies and flowers. but now that gas builds up to such a point that the pressure is unbearable to the land above what happened? what happened so that pressure builds up and if there's anything blocking the event of the volcano like old lava, it will just blow that cap right off shows what happened. alright so 123. and that's rocks and lava and ash flying through the air so the ash will drift
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with the wind. and you can see the wind here is blowing it towards your camera. and the rocks themselves will stay closer to the volcano and so again from 11 to 4, you'll be here and kids can actually come by or anybody buying actually set off their own volcano if they want absolutely we love to have peo that's the way it is. we'll be back in that power with another demonstration and will will tell you about that for now. tom baker ktvu fox tuning. all right, tom. thank you so much. will you look forward to checking in with you again, while the republican party of california did meet in orange county this weekend, a lot of people are keeping a close watch on congressman kevin mccarthy. now this was his first major public appearance. since a controversial report about how he may have broken ranks with president trump in the days after the january 6th insurrection. the new york times reported that mccarthy said he would encourage then president donald trump to step down after inciting the riot at the capitol building, and mccarthy had
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denied that report. and then this recording was made public. discussion would have with him. is that i think this will pass and it would be my recommendation. mccarthy did not comment on the recording of the event, but did praise former president trump during his speech to gop delegates. mccarthy has never hidden his ambition of wanting to be the next speaker of the house. republicans take control of that lower chamber. president trump still holds power in the republican party and that could be influential in mccarthy's quest to achieve his dream job. former utah senator orrin hatch has died at the age of 88. hatch served seven terms in the u. s senate longer than any other republican. he was a leading conservative voice from 1977 until 2019 on issues that included abortion limits. but he did also work across the aisle with democrats on issues including rights for disabled people, stem cell research and expanding healthcare insurance for children. his family was with him when he died. they are
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not releasing his cause of death. we are following a major new development in the russian war on ukraine. ukrainian president vladimir dolinsky is scheduled to meet with two top members of the biden administration sometime today, it would be alinsky's first meeting with secretary of state anthony blinken and us secretary of defense lloyd austin since the beginning of the war. and the ukrainian leader says he hopes to soon have a face to face meeting with president biden. we have people from the us visiting there will be meetings with the secretary of defense and secretary of state of the united states, mr blinken, they will be here. we will be waiting for the time it is safe enough for the president of the united states to come here and support the ukrainian people as well. the ukrainian leader is expected to ask the top biden ministrations officials to provide his nation with more weapons as ukraine battles the invading russian forces. that invasion happened exactly two months ago. the world health organization is now
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warning of an acute hepatitis outbreak among children. the w h o says there are at least 169 hepatitis cases and children around the world. at least one child has died from it. the majority of the cases were reported in the u. k nine have been reported in alabama. the cdc also issued a warning on friday and said the children seem to be contracting. acute hepatitis after in edina virus infection, health officials say dino virus is not known to be a cause of hepatitis and healthy children, but it is seeing cases of hepatitis in immunocompromised children. who contract the virus. alright let's get a check of our weather now with meteorologist rosemary oroczo. we have a gorgeous stay coming our way if you like. seventies sunny skies , that's exactly what we will be enjoying for inland cities a little bit cooler at the coast, but not too bad upper fifties to low sixties expected in your at pacific as well as happening, but giving you a live look here
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over the city of san francisco, starting out with some fog and low clouds this morning even had some patchy, dense fog in the north bay. but that looks like it has since dissipated, and we are on our way again to a mostly sunny one. here is a view of some of those numbers out there this morning temperatures ranging from the low forties to low fifties we have in the north basin of our cooler locations. 46 in santa rosa 48 for you, nevada and 49 in napa are inland areas 57 for brentwood. low fifties, conquered in a lot of fifties around the bay 53 in oakland, as well as sfo 50 degrees right now, in san francisco. most areas are within a few degrees of where we were yesterday, a little bit cooler at half moon bay, a little bit warmer in napa. fairfield up by three. our winds are light. fairfield reporting six mph even calm bado. santa rosa getting into the afternoon. we'll have just a little bit of a breeze. but nothing too bad and no advisories. when it comes to the wind. we do have an advisory along our coastline beach hazard statement. we've got a long period swell that is going to
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increase. this is a sneaker waves as well as the rip currents out there, so please be careful. never turn your back to the water. always keep an eye on your little ones and your pets. storm tracker to hear quiet out there. we do have no rain in store along the coastline. we see just a little bit of fog there. as we get into the afternoon under mostly sunny skies, nine degrees above the seasonal average for you, santa rosa upper sixties for san francisco. oh, seventies in oakland, if you're going to see the ace play a little bit later today, gorgeous day in the stands upper seventies for areas over livermore as well as san jose, i better look at these afternoon highs and the cool down coming our way in the extended forecast coming up. right it is a big day for bay area sports fans up next we're gonna talk live with 95 7, the game host joe schatsky. we're gonna talk about what we can expect from the warriors. it is game four of thoff series against the nuggets, and
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meet apartment 2a, 2b and 2c. 2a's monitoring his money with a simple text. like what you see abe? yes! 2b's covered with zero overdraft fees when he overdraws his account by fifty bucks or less. and 2c, well, she's not going to let a lost card get her stressed. am i right? that's right. that's because these neighbors all have chase.
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alerts that help check. tools that help protect. one bank that puts you in control. chase. make more of what's yours. forr nuggets. yes this afternoon is game four of the first round of the playoffs series. let's bring into this conversation. 95 7 the game host joe schatsky for a look at what we are expecting tonight. good morning, joe. we're feeling pretty good. claudine this is a great time to be a barrier sportsman specifically a basketball fan, because you've got this incredible rock band steph curry , klay thompson draymond green,
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and they've added a new guitarist who might be you know, as big as all the other band members, and they're creating great music right now, and they're up three nothing against the denver nuggets, and it feels like today. they're going to close things out. yeah, it does. i mean, when you have a curry thompson pool wiggins green. i mean, you start watching it and you think i mean, you started feeling a little bad for denver and saying i'm sorry. we're just really we were really good. you know, we are really good right now. but we had two bad years back to back where we didn't make the playoffs last year, we won 15 games in the covid shortened season. and so i don't really feel too bad for denver would be quite frank that they got yokich. the m v p. a couple of other guys are hurting. we've been battling injuries for what feels like three years since his a c l it's true. i mean, i remember i was at the game. i went to the game before clay came back and like you missed it by a game. you know, but we really have had those couple of years where everyone was, you know, maybe freaking out a little bit. i remember. you
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know, like seeing a lot of the coverage going out. it's over for the words, but really, you just needed everyone to get healthy and when they're healthy, and when they're so good at pulling in people like jordan pool and developing those players, and you see what can be. i think that's what it feels like. this series has been no doubt about it. i mean, think about this during the regular season, draymond clay and steph played 11 combined minutes together because of all the injuries. draymond was hurt. clay thompson was returning, and then they all get back together . and then steph curry gets hurt. and so they haven't been together for almost three years. and we know what great magical music to use that analogy again that they can make together and then when you put clay and steph and jordan pool on the court together 62% of their shots on the court together are wide open looks in the playoffs. that tells me the spacing is beautiful, and you have three of the greatest shooters in the nba right now, and i would argue two of them are the greatest shooters in the history of the game, and klay thompson and
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steph curry. they're an unstoppable force against denver. we know this is about memphis, though round two of memphis can get there or phoenix down the line. if they can get there in the western conference finals. this team wants championships, then first round um, wins are great, and i'm not trying to scoff at them. but when you have legends, you want to win titles? no, that that is true. but you know when you look at the future, too, and we'll talk about clancy for just a moment, i want to focus on the pool party that we're having. you know, here in this area, jordan's pool. i mean, i kind of when i look at this, this worst pick in the draft clip that keeps coming up from 2019 at cbs writer saying that about georgia, poland. oh maybe he'll be a rotational player, you know, and maybe he'll be okay. and when you see him and you celebrate like historian and really the potential of the warriors saw in him and my goodness. you know when he's getting 27 28 points, you know, obviously there's some magic happening at that pool party. you know, claudine, i do this for a living and talk with other people who do this for a living. i didn't know if he was an nba
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player in his rookie year. i mean, it was so bad shot discernment. um i didn't know what position he was necessarily. you look completely lost. even last year, his second year, he went down to the g league, which is kind of like the minor leagues of basketball. and then he came back. and in the final two months, it was like, okay. maybe there's a player here. no, no, he is a star. he's a three level scorer after rim mid range and the range from beyond the arc is outstanding. the charisma that the kid has and then his ability to play alongside steph curry and alongside clay thompson he's making be elisa look like they're running the magic johnson. james worthy fast break . i can't believe what this guy has been doing, and he seems to be very humble. his story is incredible. and he's just the shot in the arm that this team needed. it's the fountain of youth for the three older guys. i love jordan's pool right now. i know he's fun to watch. i could talk all day. we're going to talk about staff. we're going to talk about clay, but we're out of time. but we have plenty more to talk as a as this all continues and really their stories for me as a fan. that is
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the best part. it's exactly what you said. they seem like really nice. humble guys won't pretend to know them, but it feels like we know them and they look like they're having a great time out there, which makes it very fun. to watch these games. there's no doubt and it starts with steph curry. the guys coming off the bench. he's the most humble superstar i've ever seen in my life. i mean, the greatest teammate ever. claudine have a great sunday. let's go dubs, let's go. doves alright. always great talking to you, joe. thanks so much for joining us on mornings onto we love it when you come in. and hang out with us rosemary oroczo ball. oh, yes . you know, i love me a good warriors game ago. destination we are looking at a nice day. if you are thinking about getting out before or after the game. we are looking at sunny skies and temperatures are gonna warm above yesterday's highs by a few degrees giving you a live. look here at our oceanfront where we do have a beach hazard statement in store for today along swell along period swell is going to increase the risk of rip currents and sneaker waves. so as we know the ocean always dangerous just be very careful
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if you're going to be closer to the coast today, storm tracker two is dry. we do have low clouds and fog along the coastline and inside the bay, mostly sunny, far inland cities. and we'll go partly cloudy to mostly sunny for your afternoon . today, there's a look at your lunch hour. we do have a little bit of fog along the coastline. partly cloudy skies expected here and then as we get into the evening hours, we've got low clouds along the coast as well tomorrow going to be a partly cloudy day with little change in store by tuesday, and not only partly cloudy, but we do have a system. that will bring a cooler pattern. we're not looking at any rain notice that little sliver of blue over northern california not expected to reach us in the way of any beneficial rain. it is going to drop our temperatures, though. so if you like in the warmer weather, get out and enjoy 50 degrees right now. in san francisco fifties and walnut creek, still in the forties over napa, as well as santa rosa and nevado, so off to a little bit of a cool star, but by the afternoon again widespread upper fifties at the coast to upper seventies inland
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, and if you're going to the open coliseum for today's game game time, one oh seven upper sixties in the forecast with mostly sunny skies. just beautiful weather for you in the stands there with oakland expected to top out right about 71 66 san francisco for today, upper seventies in santa rosa, low eighties for antioch, fairfield in morgan hill going to 80 as well. temperatures don't change much getting into our bay area monday. then we see that cool down when i say cool. i really mean not as warm. mid seventies for inland cities upper sixties around the bay upper fifties along the coast, claudia okay, thanks, rosemary oroczo. oakland y co founder says this new concept is making it easier for black owned
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dols been seized in alameda county, making it the largest drug bust in the county's history. the
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sheriff's office says. the alameda county narcotics task force sees more than £92 of illicit fentanyl after serving search warrants in oakland and in hayward. authorities released these photos of the drugs that were impounded the £92 amounts to 42,000 g with a street value of more than $4 million. the u. s. supreme court will hear arguments tomorrow in a case about religious freedom in public schools. former high school football coach joe kennedy was removed from his job after he started saying a prayer on the field after games. he says students asked him if they could join him, but after an investigation, the school district said he was told to stop and offered alternatives, including being allowed to say a prayer on the field. after the students had left, but kennedy says he didn't pressure anyone and didn't want to give up his prayers. i would have been the biggest hypocrite in the united states if i would have just said oh, yeah, you're right. this is too hard for me. what kind of example would i have set for my
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guys? he says his religious rights were violated. kennedy would need at least five of the nine justices to agree with him to get his job back. a court decision is expected to be announced in june. in north bay city is extending its outdoor dining program. through the fall , the marina j reporting that the mill valley was set to terminate that outdoor dining program at the end of june, but then the city decided to extend it through october. 31st. that extension is going to give city officials time to develop a long term park lit program that was first established during the pandemic. the current program allows businesses to use parking spaces and private property to extend business outdoors. a new collective in oakland is giving black owned businesses and opportunity to have a storefront loyal to the soil officially opened yesterday on broadway in 17th in downtown oakland. here you'll find about a dozen black owned ventures, the co founder of this new collective says she wanted to give entrepreneurs an opportunity to learn about running a business. this space
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creates the opportunity for us to have a storefront experience without breaking the bank allows them. a transition period between okay, i'm in a storefront. i'm getting ready. and now, maybe with some of the relationships they have here, maybe two or three of them may even get together. and start their own store. and as you can see, the items sold here very from artwork to candles, clothing and more. the business owners rent out the place temporarily, and nonprofit oak stop alliance provides them business services and training so they can become self sufficient afterwards. jose jose is investing in a high number of traffic fatalities this year coming up, we'll tell you what the city is doing to try to reduce tra
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villa zelensky says he'll be waiting for the arrival of two top members of the biden administration, who is scheduled to fly to kiev today and what they're talking about. plus the science festival is back in the bay area. we're live from oracle park, giving you a preview of what you can expect later today. from ktvu. fox two news. this is mornings on two. and you're looking live at a hazy shot of san francisco and the beautiful skyline out there. it's expected to be a gorgeous day today. welcome back to mornings on two. thanks for joining us. i'm
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brooks jarocz and i'm claudine wong. it's taking a little bit for that son to thought by now they would kind of be a break there. that's why i had to check. i was like, wait was that live? keep up, son, meteorologist rosemary oroczo poking at the sun saying, hey, it's time to warm it up, but it did. warm up beautifully yesterday. it was a gorgeous day out there. yes and i will add that mother nature will do what she wants. guys. she always does . listen to you. what do you mean, she is going to bring us a warmer day? that's for sure. we are looking at temperature several degrees above average. in spite of the low clouds and fog this morning along the coastline and inside the bay. we've got the sun shining inland, and that's where we are expected to warm into the low eighties. for some of our warm response. we'll check in on the current conditions. line up your afternoon highs and talk about what to expect for the week ahead. coming up in just a little bit. alright a good day for science today and happening today. the bay area science festival is going to be the big attraction at oracle park in san
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francisco ktvu tom vacar joining us now live and it says the idea is to teach students how science can play a big role in there. daily lives and you know when you're having such a good time learning in such an interesting way, tom, you don't even realize you're learning that sometimes it's just really fun to see everything they have out there. well if you find a job that you really like, you don't work a day. that's what you know, john madden said. if you find something you really love to do, the money will eventually come and all that successful. come and in stem right now. science and technology, engineering and math. that is something that is a real career path now and it can lead to a lot of good things. so come on down. this is a major league ballpark. 20,000 people maybe more will gather here and you can come and meet some of the people that are doing the science and seeing some of the science that's going on. and it's just like a big science party. so you should do that joining me now. is um i'm sorry. catherine would want to see jennifer katharine nielsen and catherine was one of the co
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founders of this about 12 years ago. catherine explain a little bit about 11 to 4 and what people can say today you can come down to the ballpark for its free 11 am four pm we are requiring proof of vaccination for those who are eligible. other than that, just come on down, show up at the gates walk onto the field. that's kind of the interesting part of this. you can go down on a professional baseball government something not a lot of people do necessarily exactly and you can even go in a dugout. yeah what about some of the some of the things you see down there? you realize these are big scientific companies, and they're going to have their people there explaining what they do, but also explaining their career paths in the career rolling all of that stuff. exactly i mean, that's one of the beauties of today is that you get to interact with people from all around the bay area who work in stem and who love what they do, and they're here to encourage the next generation. the other part of this is this is like the marquee event for sure. but this goes on and on for several more
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days. talk about some of the other places that you're going to have events. it sure does. so, um this is the various science festival runs through april 30th one of the things that there's just so many events coming up this week, and one thing that's come out of the pandemic. is that actually, a lot of events coming up in the week are virtual so you know, if that it's easy access anyone can join, and when then we also have a lot of events in person. some of the things coming up ucsf research labs are opening up their labs. virtually these are live. you can talk with them about the work that they do. we have next saturday. april 30th is just there are events all around the bay area, so it's anchored with csu east bay hayward hosting a discovery day there. there's also an event science pelusa at the lawrence hall of science. there's an event in east palo alto. there's a stem frenzy here at city college. i mean, all around the bay area so you can go down nearby and if people want to get
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into these stem careers, that's kind of the coin of the room for the future. you know, it used to be if you've got a masters of business degree, right and nba well, that was a key to your great success. and while that's still true ah stem is something that has been neglected so long by people in the united states that this really career path here. that is true. yeah, and you know, the bay area is home to thousands. thousands of jobs in stem you know, at the birthplace of biotechnology, home of silicon valley, and there's just endless opportunities. instead it's one of the ways a younger person can actually afford to stay here because the pay for these jobs is actually quite excellent. yes that that is true. definitely. yeah. last question to you is this when all of this now this isn't as big as it's been in the past because that you were down for the pandemic for awhile. uh this thing does have a tendency
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to grow and grow belong where it goes. it does. i mean, it's so the science festival is led by uc san francisco, but it's really about everyone in the community coming together and coming down to the ballpark. doing activities for families here today and also hosting events over the 10 days of the festival. and with all of us doing that together, we reached thousands of people every year. you know, i just want to tell you that i met astronaut alan shepard, the first guy to go into space from the united states, and he used to talk to young people all the time. and he said it's cool to be smart. and it is cool to be smart, and it pays off to be smart. so come on down and see what's going on. and then maybe a career in for you. certainly not a heck of a lot of interest reporting live tom baker, ktvu fox tuning. thanks to appreciate it. starting tomorrow masks will no longer be required in public commission and board hearing rooms in san francisco city
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facilities, the masking requirement for city hall and other city buildings was dropped last month, except for in session meetings. well, now that policy is also easy. masks are still required in certain high risk facilities like hospitals, congregate, living facilities and jails. city officials say they will continue to monitor covid-19 cases and transmission and may reinstate the masking requirement. a new mask mandate for public transit in los angeles county is prompting some confusion. the order took effect friday and requires everyone to and older to wear a mask in all public transit and indoor transportation hubs. that's regardless of their vaccination status. in announcing the mandate, the county cited it's elevated level of coronavirus spread in the cdcs assessment that masks are necessary and transportation settings, but that's leaving some people frustrated. like there's a reason we have a vaccination, you know, so i'll definitely follow the rules, but i don't really like wearing a mask.
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thing i don't like is that the flip flop? yeah get on one side or the other. new york, massachusetts and wisconsin also require people to mask up in a number of transit settings. happening today. voting is now underway in a french presidential election runoff that is being closely watched around the world. the latest polls show that incumbent president emmanuel macron does have a 10 point lead over as far right challenger marie le pen. it's a race that's focused on nato, the russian invasion of ukraine and immigration. french citizens are voting in cities across the globe, including san francisco. coming up at 9 15. stanford professor steven pifer will talk more about the impact to ukraine. and nato. later today. ukrainian president vladimir zelensky is scheduled to meet with two top members of the binding ministrations. it would be easy. alinsky's first meeting with secretary of state antony blinken and us secretary of defense lloyd austin since the war began exactly two months ago. the ukrainian leader is
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expected to ask tom biden administration officials to provide his nation with more weapons as ukraine battles the invading russian forces. this video captured by drone shows the devastation in northern ukraine after a month of attacks from russian forces, rubble and debris litter the streets of chair negative. russian forces have since left the city, allowing some ukrainians to return and begin the cleanup. ukraine has made this a somber holiday weekend for those observing orthodox easter. easter is the holiest day on the christian calendar. but many members of the ukrainian orthodox churches across the united states are finding it very difficult to celebrate. this year. they are worried about their relatives and friends back in their homeland whose lives are in constant danger due to invading russian forces. we're kind of here in a safe spot, you know, and then you have family in ukraine that you know, are under duress. and
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it's so. that makes you feel a little bit guilty. but you know, we still pray. where that goes away. the reverend of the same ukrainian orthodox church in pennsylvania, still has relatives living in ukraine. and russia has refused an appeal for an easter ceasefire. but people in ukraine say they are still finding ways to keep their easter traditions alive even as their towns are being destroyed . one woman said she created orthodox easter cakes from flour , milk, butter and sour cream. alina cocktail says baking is a way to make her feel more normal and distract herself. from how much has changed in the past weeks. we talked earlier how the sun hadn't been peeking out yet, but i'm curious rosemary thyme for the a's game this afternoon, plenty of sunshine for the oakland a's game today, make sure you have your sunblock. it's going to be nice and mild, though, won't be too warm in the stands. you should have an enjoyable game there. let's go, is we are looking at a fabulous day aids warriors and how about
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we get outdoors and enjoy that beautiful view of the palm trees over areas near alameda? i believe we will continue with the partly cloudy skies along the coastline, mostly sunny for the rest of us are inland communities. already enjoying that sunshine and along the bay , it is beginning to break apart as well. forties right now in napa, those one of our cooler spots this morning. 53 oakland low fifties in san jose, and then you go inland. 49 livermore chili for you there, but 59 in brentwood. we already have temperatures rebounding and most areas. at least over areas of napa conquered fairfield, palo alto and san jose. little bit warmer this morning getting into your afternoon. we're going to follow that trend. most areas are expected to be at least a few debris degrees above yesterday's highs. nevado and santa rosa, calm for you there a gentle breeze and conquered fairfield onshore at about six mph or so have a bit of a north flow in place for today, the
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only advisory out there for your afternoon is going to be right along the coastline from the north bay all the way down through monterey. we do have that beach hazard statement, which indicates an increase in rip currents as well as sneaker waves for today, if this is going to be your destination, something to be aware of, outside of that we have dry conditions in store for today. actually through the week ahead through about friday. we look to have no rain come our way. so here's what we can expect into today again. we're going to go just a tad warmer in most areas upper seventies for san rafael. today upper sixties san francisco 79 for danville in 80. degrees expected for gilroy. i have a better look at the afternoon highs for today around the region, and then the cool down that will come our way in the extended forecast. coming up brooks jarocz. city is working to reduce traffic deaths. plus dozens of charging stations
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ripped apart for the copper inside how much money it will cost to repair t
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in e investigating a investigating a deadly overnight crash. that crafted happened on ignition valley road between cal road and crystal ranch drive around one o'clock this morning. police say a 32 year old man on a motorcycle died in the crash. the driver of the car is a juvenile and police say they are being cooperative with the investigation. investigators do not believe the driver of the car was under the influence. but that has not been ruled out yet for the motorcycles. san jose city leaders are taking action in response to what has been a deadly year in the city's roadways. there have been 27 traffic related fatalities in the streets of san jose so far this year. that's more than the
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city is seen in homicides for 2020. the city has a program called vision zero, which aims to make the streets safer. last hour, we spoke to san jose city council member pam foley, she says. vision zero focuses on three key things education enforcement and infrastructure. we need a higher and, uh, promote more traffic enforcement units to keep our streets safe and slow down the traffic, then we need to educate and install infrastructure that will narrow our streets and narrowing streets has a tendency to cause drivers to slow down because they don't have the visual open field that they have. in a wider street. in 2015 san jose became the fourth us sitting to adopt a vision zero initiative to reduce traffic deaths. metal thieves have found a new target as more electric vehicle charging stations are popping up across california. the heavy duty copper that is inside the station's is worse as much as $4
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a pound and a worker at a station los angeles county said they had 40 stations in one lot. and recently 38 of those 40 stations were dismantled, and the other two were badly damaged. and she says that crime is hurting a lot of people. who don't have anywhere else to turn. it's frustrating, you know? i get that anybody that experiences after loss. it's you can take it personal, but for it to happen to a nonprofit where we serve over 8000 individuals a year, the most frail, older adults homebound isolated caregivers families. um, it just stings that much more. it will cost $18,000 to repair or replace those chargers, and that does not include what it's going to cost to replace the fence that was damaged when thieves cut through it to get to those chargers. a little earlier, rosemary that shot from alameda with those palm trees and i thought, my god, this is beautiful out. you just want to get out and enjoy it. yes coast
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is the best coast maybe a little partial to that, but that's how i see it. it is going to be a gorgeous day about this view over san jose this morning, enjoying the blue skies in san jose into the upper seventies for today, i have a look at that for you here in just a moment, little bit of fog along the coastline inside the bay, where he started out with some patchy dense fog in our north bay valley locations, but that has since dissipated and we are looking and enjoying a lot of sunshine over most of the north bay. storm tracker two is quiet . no rain in the forecast, and fortunately, we will get into a cooler pattern by about tuesday . here's a look at this evening where we still have a little bit of fog along the coastline, so partly cloudy along the coast for today, mostly sunny for the rest of us. partly cloudy skies expected on monday. tuesday things start to change up a little bit more. you even notice that line of rain there may bring us a little bit of drizzle. not going to bring us any beneficial rain in most areas are going to remain dry out of that, but again. it is going to change our pattern in
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the way of some cooler weather on the way 50 degrees right now in san francisco, 50 in nevada low fifties and walnut creek as well as san jose upper fifties to start your day in brentwood. meanwhile livermore, you're trailing behind 49 your afternoon highs in san jose for today again, upper seventies expected by lunchtime 70 in the forecast. and then enjoying a little bit of warmer weather for the second part of the afternoon before things start to drop off again, right about 45 o'clock or so afternoon highs in the north bay nearing 80 degrees santa rosa going to 79 upper sixties in the forecast for san francisco, little bit cooler along the coast 59 for you there under partly cloudy skies. we've got 79 in areas over conquered and livermore. and 80. degrees expected for morgan hill. your extended forecast. not a lot of change. for tomorrow we will see an increase in cloud cover and then we will transition to a cooler pattern. tuesday wednesday thursday but still very nice, still very mild upper fifties at the coast upper sixties around the bay mid
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seventies expected inland back to you. alright thanks. rosemary kevin mccarthy made his first public appearance following the controversial recording that came out about then president trump what mccarthy said about trump during his visit to anaheim yesterday. plus twitter is taking a stance against company's disputing climate change, the latest move by the company that comes in the form of
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(music throughout) meet apartment 2a, 2b and 2c. 2a's monitoring his money with a simple text. like what you see abe? yes! 2b's covered with zero overdraft fees when he overdraws his account by fifty bucks or less. and 2c, well, she's not going to let a lost card get her stressed. am i right? that's right. that's because these neighbors all have chase. alerts that help check. tools that help protect.
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one bank that puts you in control. chase. make more of what's yours. it's chevy truck month. and it's time to add the perfect accessories to your new chevy. make it bolder. make it work harder. make it your own. find new possibilities. find new roads. very well-qualified buyers can get 0% financing on most chevy pickup trucks. plus, now during truck month get a thousand dollar accessory allowance toward the eligible purchase of a new chevy truck with accessories. find new roads at your local chevy dealer.
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askf directors to preserve all records and materials tied to elon musk's bid to buy the social media giant. that request could lay the groundwork for a formal congressional investigation of twitter and its dealings with the tesla ceo. must use his own twitter account to announce his proposed $43 billion takeover bid, saying he wants to make twitter a better platform for free speech. the board has been fighting that takeover bid. twitter is the latest company to stop selling ads that claim climate change is a hoax, san francisco based company says it's going to set new standards for climate change discussions last october, google banned ads that run counter to the general consensus on climate change. the plan changes won't affect what users post on the
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sites only adds former twitter ceo jack dorsey has given himself a new title. you can now call him blockhead, the digital payment company, block incorporated, has just released its latest regulatory disclosure documents. they show dorsey no longer wants to be known just as the company's co founder and president, his official title now blockhead and chairperson, effective immediately. what is the final day of birthday weekend and one way to helpte at five trillion plastic bags are used around the world each year, and they can take up to 500 years to decompose, experts say you can reduce your impact on those numbers by trying reusable silicone bags. they do cost you more up front, but you can reuse them over and over again. however before you buy them, you might want to check what you already have at home. you can just use whatever you have at home already. so reuse those
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plastic tupperware containers. we use your mason jars. composting is another option to try to reduce waste. there are several composting kits available vitamins, food recycler grinds and breaks down your food in about three days, eight hours. and then it breaks down faster once it gets to the landfill for the kind of compost you want to use for your garden. you do need worms. consumer reports suggest the urban worm bag. coming up for the first time since the war in ukraine started to top u. s officials are expected to meet with president zelensky today. coming up at nine what the ukrainian president says about a meeting with president biden. and a group of veterans are coming back home today after a visit to the nation's capital after the break the celebrations planned for today once they touch down at
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about religious freedom in public schools. former high school football coach joe kennedy was removed from his job after he started saying a prayer on the field after games, he says students asked if they could join him. but after an investigation, the school district said he was told to stop and offered alternatives, including being allowed to say a prayer on the field. after the students had left, but kennedy says he didn't pressure anyone and didn't want to give up his prayers. i would have been the biggest hypocrite in the united states if i would have just said oh, yeah, you're right. this is too hard for me. what kind of example would i have set for my guys? he says his religious rights were violated. kennedy would need at least five of the nine justices to agree with him to get his job back. a court decision is expected to be announced in june. concord high school hosted a night to remember for students who are part of the l g b t q. plus community pride prom gave students from nine schools in contra costa county, a chance to
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celebrate something most high school students take for granted or many. some do a time to dress up dance and have fun with friends from many people who have felt especially isolated over the past two years. that opportunity to be visible to be able to have safe spaces. it's been so limited and taken away. so i think that during the pandemic, we've seen such a decline in our young people's mental health and their ability to be out to be affirmed. the organizers wanted to protect the privacy of the students who attended the pride prom, but our reporter who was there said about 100 students were dressed up some informal someone costumes all did seem happy to have the opportunity. for an unforgettable night. meanwhile supply chain issues are impacting the board game industry, the demand for board games and puzzles soared during the height of the pandemic. but now board game enthusiasts are dealing with long wait times and increased prices due to supply chain issues. board game publisher atlas games as before the pandemic. it paid about 3 to
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$5000 to ship its games from china, and now it's paying more than triple that normal price. the best deal we've been able to find in the last year has been down around 15,000. and there have been times that we paid 26. and the average time it takes for goods to get to the u. s from asia is about 108 days, which is near record highs. industry experts say that's left many customers without games that they purchased years ago. happening today, a group of military veterans returning home to sfo after a special trip to the nation's capital, more than two dozen vietnam veterans and one veteran from world war two will be on board what's being called the honor flight. they're returning home to the bay area after visiting monuments and memorials in their honor in washington, d c there being greeted with a homecoming celebration immediately after their flight touches down. here in san francisco. well for the first time since the war in ukraine started to top u. s.
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officials are expected to meet with ukrainian president below the mirror. zelinsky today what zelinski is saying about any possible meeting plans with president biden next and a presidential election being watched around the world how the turnout in france could affect nato and the war in ukraine, plus the bay area science festival. it's back in san francisco today, and we'll take you back live there this morning so we can learn about how a local robotics team is promoting stem education. from ktvu. fox two news. this is mornings on two and good morning to you on this sunday welcome to the blanket of flop fog that is now sitting over the city saying, you know what? i need a little more time out here before you can see that the top of your, as is typical hit the bay area looking around and saying, what are they talking about with sunshine? or what are they talking about? with fog,
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depending on how it looks when you look at your window welcome to mornings onto it is sunday. april 24th. i'm claudine wall. brooks jarocz thanks for joining us. we want to get a check of that weather now with meteorologist rosemary oroczo boy, it's trying to peek through there. just a little bit definitely feels like a spring pattern out there this morning. yes, we've got the low clouds along the coastline just inside the bay drifting over the city of san francisco. you go inland. we've got plenty of sunshine already this morning, and temperatures are beginning to rebound. once we get past this low cloud cover patchy fog. we are looking at temperatures rising above yesterday's, by at least a few degrees. today is going to be one of the warmer days. i'll have a better detail of what you can expect for your neighborhood and the week ahead, coming up. thanks rosemary happening today, science is the focus at oracle park, and it's a lot more than the energy it takes to hit a home run into the bay. ktvu is tom vacar is live and says the focus will be as wide as the difference between volcanoes and robots. hey, tom. no thanks that were in the havee
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richmond high school robotics team rio and luciano of what is it that this robot does and what's that utility? i note in a contest and it has to perform certain tasks. but what does this one do? so this one picks up these blue and red balls, and so the idea is that they're about nine inches be able to pick them up. and basically, this is something that gives students the ability to learn about stem by designing, creating robots that then they go and take the competition. compete with schools from around the world. how important do you think that the robotic business is going to be? 5 10 15 2025 years down the road. it's important because engineering everything's taken, you know, full of technology, so one of the things to be able to do is train our kids expose them to science, technology engineering math so that they can be able to be ready for the world or the world that we live in, which is full of technology is pretty clear that we're going to have a lot more robots now that we have now then and so we have the self
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driving vehicles. we have the delivery drones and so forth. so there is there's a technologies in the future robots are there and so exposing our students to that career path and showing them that they can be the leaders of sem and robotics is like you think. and this is something that not just a gifted few basketball players are gifted chief football players. this is something that most people can if they want to master and have a very good career head and this is this is the point of our program to be able to say, hey, you can do this, you can succeed, and by within a year, the students will be able to build an entire new robot. showcase it compete with it. but the idea is to show them that they can be successful. they can succeed and they can do this and this is something that's within their realm and they're they're capable of taking on this challenge. i guess my last question is how dedicated you find these young folks are to getting this stuff done, so our students tend to be the students that live at school . so we're building these robots were at school more than anyone
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anyone else because they find this exciting. they're learning and they're doing something tough and challenging. that's preparing them for the real world really appreciate. so here's the deal. this goes on from 11 to 4. you are welcome to come down here. you can go out on the baseball field where there will be lots and lots of exhibits. you can come up here. you get a beautiful view of this entire stadium to be on a major league field and see major league science going on. which is really interesting and fun and informative. good for young people good for older people good for families. oracle park today from 11 to 4 and you are invited reporting live. tom vacar ktvu fox two news. sounds like a perfect way to spend your sunday thanks so much, tom. we appreciate it well today, ukrainian president vladimir zelensky is scheduled to meet with two top members of the biden administration. it would be easy. alinsky's first meeting with secretary of state antony blinken and us secretary of defense lloyd austin since the beginning of the war, the ukrainian leader says he is hoping to soon have a face to face meeting with president
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biden. we have people from the us visiting there will be meetings with the secretary of defense and secretary of state of the united states, mr blinken, they will be here. we will be waiting for the time it is safe enough for the president of the united states to come here and support the ukrainian people as well. the ukrainian leader is expected to ask top biden administration officials to provide his nation with more weapons as ukraine battles invading russian forces invasion began exactly two months ago. also this morning, there's new video, the russian attack and what's believed to be the final ukrainian stronghold in the besieged ports city of mariupol . it shows an estimated 1000 civilians sheltering in place inside the plant. many of those civilians are children. ukraine says the russians have refused to allow them to leave the plant as they attempt to take control of that city. the republican party of california met in orange county this weekend and a lot of people keeping a close watch on congressman kevin mccarthy. now this was his first
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major public appearance since a controversial report that he may have broken ranks with president trump's. this was in the days after the january 6th insurrection. the new york times reporting that mccarthy said he would encourage than president donald trump to step down after the riot at the capitol building . mccarthy had denied that report. and then this recording was made public. discussion would have with him. is that i think this will pass and it would be my recommendation. mccarthy did not comment on the recording at the event. he did praise former president trump during his speech to gop delegates. mccarthy has not hidden his ambition of wanting to be the next speaker of the house if republicans take control of the lower chamber. president trump still holds power in the republican party, and that could influence whether or not mccarthy could achieve that dream job. well former utah senator orrin hatch has died at the age of 88. hatch served seven terms in the u. s senate
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longer than any other republican , and he was a leading conservative voice from 1977 until 2019 on issues that included abortion limits. he did also work across the aisle with democrats on issues that included rights for the state, the disabled stem cell research and expanding healthcare insurance for children. his family was with him when he died. right now. they are not releasing a cause of death. just hours from now. the golden state warriors will try to sweep the denver nuggets warriors have won the first three games of the first round playoff series and golden state could move on to the western conference semifinals with a victory in denver later today. the red hot warriors have now eight games in a row, a winning streak that includes the final five games of the regular season. go warriors go warriors. it's been exciting to watch. certainly a lot of fun to watch. not as stressful, but we are just beginning. and you know rosemary oroczo. some
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stressful moments during the regular season, so nice to see them playing playing so strongly here in the postseason. good morning to all of you happy sunday. we do have a blue skies. for inland cities this morning, a little bit of fog still around the bay and along the coastline will call for partly cloudy skies for the entire day. we've been waiting on the blue sky here along the east bay shore. take a look at that jacqueline to square beautiful with sunny skies at this point and temperatures are beginning to rebound expected to be a little bit warmer today than yesterday and today is going to be one of the warmer days. as we move into next week, temperatures will begin to fall right now. 55 degrees in walnut creek. we have 55 in napa so far are north bay , even starting out with a little bit apache dense fog along the sonoma valley floor this morning. that has dissipated and we're enjoying sunny skies and temperatures have made a nice rebound. as a result, we bottomed out in the forties this morning now 52 in nevada, as well as santa rosa 52 . popular number san francisco half moon bay mid fifties for
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you, san jose windsor generally light and at this point most areas are a little bit warmer than yesterday, still a tad cooler at half moon bay as well as the nevado. but again into the afternoon. the trend will be for all of us to inch those numbers up just a little bit. nevado is calm as well as santa rosa in onshore breeze of fairfield. just about nine mph. no advisories for wind. get a little bit of it and afternoon breeze. but the advisory for the coastline today will go the entire day, and it is from the north bay all the way down into monterey for the increase a sneaker waves as well as rip current threats, so please be careful. as we know. just need a reminder. never turn your back to the water. keep an eye on your little ones. your pets if you do plan on heading towards the coast, partly cloudy a little bit of fog out there this morning and do expect it to continue. it'll fluctuate. it will pull off the coast. it will return as we get a little bit closer to sunset and the afternoon highs for today, several degrees above average for santa rosa going to 79. upper sixties for you. san
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francisco low seventies in oakland upper seventies and livermore and 77 over san jose, a better look at the afternoon heights for the region today that minor changes coming our way for tomorrow and the bigger drop in numbers by tuesday, coming up thanks, rosemary. and now the world health organization are warning about a mysterious case of hepatitis among children more on that coming up. but first french voters deciding today who their next president will be after the break. we'll speak with an expert about how the results expert about how the results could impact meet a future mom, a first-time mom and a seasoned pro. this mom's one step closer to their new mini-van! yeah, you'll get used to it. this mom's depositing money with tools on-hand. cha ching. and this mom, well, she's setting an appointment here, so her son can get set up there and start his own financial journey. that's because these moms all have chase. smart bankers. convenient tools. one bank with the power of both.
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hapl election in france as voters there, decide who their next president will be. current president emmanuel macron is facing far right opponent marie
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le pen and the results could have a major impact on the eu. the future of nato. and the war in ukraine for more on this conversation, let's bring in stephen pifer. he is a retired foreign service officer, former ambassador to ukraine and a fellow at the center for international security and cooperation at stanford university. thanks so much for joining us happy to be here. so let's first talk about what's happening in ukraine. today we've got us secretary of state antony blinken and u s. defense secretary lloyd austin. visiting key today, president zelensky hoping that president biden will eventually be making a trip, but he's going to push for we think more aid in terms of assistance and artillery. we know 800 million was just announced last week would be sent there. 800 million more. i should say, tell me about what you think about this meeting today. well what do you seen early on in this conflict was the united states and other western countries providing the ukrainians? things like stinger missiles, javelin anti tank missiles, which could be used very quickly with very
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little training. but as it appears now that this work could last longer. i think what you've seen in washington and elsewhere is looking to provide the ukrainians heavier weapons. it may take some training time. would still give the ukrainians stronger capabilities to resist the russian attacks, and that would certainly be a focus of the conversation in khiva. when secretary of lincoln and secretary austin get there. you know, in terms of what we've seen in recent days with evidence of more maybe russian war crimes atrocity mass graves , uh and russia, making some inroads in ukraine. is there any change that you can see in strategy in in the countries, including the usa, and we're not going to go in there, but we know you need more help. well again. i think the united states and nato are still holding to the line that they're not going to provide troops, american or nato troops to ukraine to defend ukraine, but if you look at the change from, say, two months ago, the kind of weapons are now
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being provided artillery artillery shells are more drones , some other types of armor, including tanks. there has been, i think an increase in the kinds of equipment the worst has been providing to ukraine. and that and that's important. i mean, we want to see the ukrainians prevail in this and if it's going to be a longer conflict, having these more sophisticated systems will better help the ukrainians to a stand and hopefully push the russians out. what do you think the likelihood of president biden president zelensky meeting? my guess is it's going to be a while before president biden goes to ukraine . i think you would like to do so. but you know, given the security situation and given the size of a presidential package that may be something that's hard to organize, certainly will be watching that closely. but let's talk about france's elections today, because certainly in how they relate to what's happening in ukraine and what will happen. moving forward melilla marie le pen is the far right candidate. she's been characterized as having warm
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relations to russian president vladimir putin and part of because of this huge loan to receive from a russian bank and her family's history. in terms of the le pen taking charge of france and her views on the eu and nato. how impactful is this ? some have written that her win would be a debacle for the eu. well fortunately, polls show that the incumbent president macron is more likely to win. and in terms of, i think how the europeans have approached ukraine. a macron victory would be very important upenn. she has talked about weakening france's role in the european union. she's talked about taking france out of the integrated military structure and nato and as you mentioned claudine, she has a she had a loan from a not just a russian bank, but a russian bank that was closely connected to the kremlin. and so there is concern that she would take a
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much softer approach towards the russians that could undermine european thinking, for example, on sanctions, so they're watching this election in kiev there, watching this another european capitals and obviously it's election for the french to decide, but but there are concerns that ayla pen victory could undermine what has thus far been a very strong and united western approach to supporting ukraine in the face of russia's aggression. do you think it's all changing? everything happened in ukraine also changing the way really everyone europe? looking at nato in general, and you've got finland, sweden, a different countries who weren't considering joining nato who are now we it looks like they're heading in that direction. obviously ukraine wanted to be a part of nato and really all the way that we look at what's happening in there and what we should be doing forward. moving forward, you know, here in the us as well. how much? is this influencing? really everyone's global perspective of this. i think what russia has done has had a huge impact. and it's had an impact that the russians neither expected nor intended.
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uh my guess is that when vladimir putin made his decision , probably late last year to use military force and invade ukraine he expected that there would be a divided west. in fact, you've seen the united states, canada and europe come together, both in terms of a strong nato reaction, but also in terms of sanctions. that go far beyond what the russians originally anticipated. and as you mentioned sweden and finland to countries that have had decades long tradition of neutrality. have both now because of russian actions in russian aggression against ukraine, their period coming to the conclusion that their security interests are better served, joining nato, and it's likely that the next 6 to 8 weeks, both countries will formally asked to join the alliance. i think europe coming together in a way because it's seen a side of russia that you know people were hoping it wasn't there. but this sort of brutal aggression against the country and what is clearly a war of choice has had an impact on europe. and i think europe
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now sees a need. to prepare itself so that it can make sure that russian ambitions, which are already evident in ukraine, don't extend further. certainly a war of choice as steven piper, thanks so much for your insight and your expertise, retired foreign service officer former u. s ambassador to ukraine and fellow at the center for international security and cooperation at stanford. we appreciate you joining us here on morning led to thank you. coming up. the american heart association is sounding the alarm after seeing an increase in heart disease since the start of the pandemic, what health experts attribute this new data tube coming up
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stan acute hepatitis outbreak among children says there are at least 169 hepatitis cases in children around the world. at least one child has died from it. the majority of the cases were reported in the u. k and nine have been reported in alabama. the cdc also issued a warning friday and said the children seem to be contracting acute hepatitis after in a dino virus infection, health officials say a dino virus is not known to be the cause of hepatitis and healthy children. but it is seeing cases of hepatitis immuno compromised children who can track the virus. doctors across the country are seeing an influx
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of patients who reportedly neglected their healthcare during the pandemic, according to the american heart association during the pandemic, the risk of death from heart disease increased more than 4. meanwhile the risk of dying from a stroke increased by almost 6.5% experts say the research shows this is a direct result of people neglecting healthcare checkups during the pandemic. people are coming in later for screening cancers. those those cancers are more advanced people coming in later for control of their blood pressure, and that's creating more advanced heart disease that we're now working to correct. doctors say the backlog of patients playing catch up with their health is now putting a strain on the health care system, which is already about 27 20% below pre pandemic workforce levels. experts believe that having the option for virtual health care visits will help relieve the pressure on the system. check of the weather. now with rosemary oroczo boy is shaping up to be a nice day. yes and last check of the city. it looks like half blue sky. half low clouds and fog still at this
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hour a little bit closer to the coast. here is a look there. you can see we've got the bay bridge as well as the skyline and if you look over towards suture tower in the backdrop you can see the fog that is still hanging on again closer to the coast and the west edge of san francisco. view of the temperatures this morning low fifties in san francisco, mid fifties nevado napa, we've got areas over walnut creek with 56 brentwood, the winner, the one that is climbing the fastest 64 degrees outside your door. going to see the ace play later today, mostly sunny skies, the west breezed about 10 mph upper sixties at game time, low seventies for the areas of oakland at the warmer part of the day, right around three o'clock or so 77 sound, rafael along the coast upper fifties in pacifica, widespread seventies along the peninsula nearing 80 degrees morgan hill going to 80. the inner east bay of any outgoing to the low eighties. little change for tomorrow we will get into some cooler weather but still very nice, very mild upper fifties at the
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coast upper sixties around the bay mid seventies, expected for inland cities tuesday, wednesday and thursday. back to you. it's absolutely amazing to have a space where all these black owned businesses, uh, lots of black women in business, um and just everybody coming together. a new storefront is now open in oakland. how this new concept is expected to help black owned businesses drive meet apartment 2a, 2b and 2c. 2a's monitoring his money with a simple text.
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to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. returns this morning, and in this episode, ktvu is greg lee discusses diversity and arts and entertainment, including the historic academy awards win for the movie coda and its impact on the deaf community. so i think my message for the deaf community is what we've always known is that we can we can achieve anything we want, uh, this. you know this oscar when
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and by troy, but coda movie is something that we already knew. and we, you know, it's the community at large and can include us more can include death, death professionals, deaf actors, death talent and not just in the movie field, but in other ways that we can contribute. and you can catch this interview and much more in this month's episode of voices for change. there is in just a few minutes right here in ktvu collective in oakland, is giving black owned businesses and opportunity to have a storefront. loyal to the soil officially opened yesterday on broadway and 17th in downtown oakland. the co founder says it gives new business owners a unique opportunity space creates the opportunity for us to have a storefront experience without breaking the bank allows them. a transition period between okay, i'm in a storefront. i'm getting ready. and now, maybe with some of the relationships they have here, maybe two or three of them
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may even get together. and start their own store. were the items sold very from artwork to candles, clothes and more. the business owners rent space temporarily and are able to get business services as well as training. rosemary look, it looks like those earrings. gasia mikaelian those looks like it's gonna be a great day today to get outside it is, you know if you enjoy the sunshine seventy's not everybody does. i have a lot of people tell me i like the clouds. i like the rain had plenty of it. yeah not your week. not your day. we're looking at temperatures nearing 80 degrees for inland cities today near repeat tomorrow that we'll see an increase in cloud cover. then we begin to cooling trend, but you could see cooling trend means not quite as warm as still just getting very nice. these days where we hit 80. it's a little shocking when we've had cold and we've been, you know, it takes us a little bit to get used to it. absolutely like opening the windows, you know, let the air get inside. you know, it's good. good. take it.
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alright thanks for joining us this morning. of course, we'll have the latest news for you tonight coming up on the sixth and the 10 o'clock news. mor, meaning that we have lots of different voices included. just really enriches. um the quality and the interest of art today on voices for change diversity in the arts, the local symphony on a mission to create change. plus it's critical that women and young women of color as well have opportunities to see people in these leadership roles so they can catch a vision for their own life. history made on the diamond, the gravity and impact of giants coach allison atkins on field appearance and celebrating black resilience. the school district, encouraging their students to get up and speak up. let's not look at deficits. right? let's look at opportunities


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