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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2  FOX  April 20, 2022 4:00am-7:00am PDT

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mean, everybody just gets stoned and stupid. quite frankly, i think it's a great idea that they're going to putting some structure to it rules this year in san francisco, if you plan to go to hippie hill in golden gate park for the 4 20 celebration. we have details on the changes for the unofficial marijuana holiday. from ktvu. fox two news . this is mornings on to welcome morning to you. and we thank you for joining us. welcome the mornings onto i'm dave clark. good morning. i'm pam cook wednesday morning. april 20th. and now we have robert against allyson with us this morning. right here. i had some spotty rain on my way in, did you a little bit of drizzle? i did did it make your automatic windshield wipers go on and off? yes, i had to come. play with the windshield wipers a bit. yeah well, that's what we referred to as prefrontal moisture. it's just a couple of renegade raindrops here. they're the bulk of the activity still well north of sonoma county.
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good morning, everybody rise and shine to mostly cloudy sky throughout most of the peninsula and to the north bay as well. otherwise, we still have some clear skies. right around livermore and sam ramon dublin and pleasant him with the current air temperatures. 44 degrees otherwise, 53 degrees in san francisco. it's a mild start to your day. see that is the area of low pressure while to the north of the bay area. we are going to time those raindrops and tell you exactly when to expect the main bulk of the precipitation, but meanwhile , today as you head on out, carry that umbrella, partly cloudy skies for openers than periods of showers developing through the day and then on friday, we will turn partly cloudy. after pretty wet thursday. temperatures today fifties and sixties and i have your full forecast. it's still coming up and just a few minutes from now. roberta thank you. time is now four. oh, one san francisco's golden gate park, preparing for thousands of people to converge on hippie hill for the unofficial 4 20 holiday celebrating marijuana.
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ktvu jana katsuyama says this year's hill celebration includes some changes from the past. for some people, the grass is always greener at hippie hill on 4 24 20 tomorrow, so i think everyone's just going to come out and have a good time. you know. this year, the 4 20 marijuana celebration is returning to golden gate park and community organizers spent all day tuesday, setting up the main stage. and tents were more than 40 sponsors, merchant booths and food trucks will be set up for wednesday celebration, alexa aquino, the organizer, says this year will feature a special comedy tribute to robin williams. rename this, um middle robin williams veto and so we're doing a dedication to him. what's become a worldwide annual celebration of marijuana on april 20th has drawn tens of thousands of people to golden gate park's hippie hill in years past. but one big change this year because this is the first year where there are legal sales. state law
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requires us. you will not be allowed in unless you are. 21 parameter will be fenced in so the goldman tennis center nearby will be closed all day and the correct children's playground, which is right behind the main stage will also be closed. that's just fine, with some longtime residents glad to see the city step in with organizers to keep the peace. everybody just gets stoned and stupid. quite frankly, i think it's a great idea that they're going to putting some structure to it for others making 4 20. a formal event changes the feel this organized, fenced in gathering is a little bit more commercial than like what cannabis meant for people in this community park staff, though, said before organizers stepped in, there were problems with parking, sanitation and trash respectful of this very special. l'park. treat it like it's yours and, you know, be kind to the neighborhood and be considerate to each other organizers say they are concerned about potential fentanyl poisoning, so they're urging people not to buy any products off the street. there will be police and park rangers as well as a medical
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tent here on site the gates open at 10 o'clock in the morning. reporting from golden gate park in san francisco. jana katsuyama ktvu fox two news thank you. and today ktvu will look at this state of cannabis in california and beyond. join us for our half hour special. we look closer at the issues and the laws surrounding marijuana. that's this afternoon. 4:30 p.m. right here on ktvu. the supervisor met. haney is declaring victory in the special election for the san francisco assembly. early returns show haney with a strong lead at 63% of the votes. david campos trails at 37% roughly 60,000 votes have been counted, the director of elections, says . voter turnout, though, is expected to be low. well this is a unique collection for us because it's a district election . it's off cycle, so we don't really have a projection. i don't have a number as far as what the turnout what we expected throughout to be right now that turnout is 21. the winner will have to defend his
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seat in the june 7th statewide primary. and then again in the november election. time is now 405. a lockout of nurses has begun at sutter held and will continue until this weekend after thousands of nurses staged a one day strike protesting work conditions. the nurses strike was designed to put a spotlight on understaffing and what they called a lack of progress in contract talks. center officials brought in replacement nurses and guaranteed them five days of work, so the nurses who staged a strike won't be allowed back to work until saturday. oh our city more than 100 city employees in santa clara are preparing to go on strike. their job is to clean city buildings and take care of sewage pipelines. and they say they're the only city workers being asked to go another year without a pay raise. they also say the city wants them to give up rights that they have under federal law. we are here today
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because the city has refused to negotiate in good faith. they're asking us not only to not take a raise again in these facing this horrible inflation. but they're also asking us to give away our legal right to recognize the strike line. now at last night's santa clara city council meeting, the council wasn't allowed to directly respond to the union because it was not on the agenda. but the workers say if there's no progress, they will go on strike on may 1st. leaders from across the state are putting a renewed focus on the issue of illegal dumping. the organizers include alameda county supervisor nate miley and waste management, they say dumping is getting worse across the state. one activist from oakland says dumping also sends pollution right into our water. when it rains. and you can still see the water. it goes into the storm drain it. filters through
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this illegal dumping in this trash that goes into the bay. now the news conference also looked at waist cities have used education programs to reduce the dumping of furniture and mattresses conference continues through friday. time is not 407 to san francisco board of supervisors passed legislation banning the city's crime lab from storing any victim dna for criminal investigative purposes. that's a response to word that dna from a rape kit was used against the victim who was suspected in a robbery case. right now there is statewide legislation that would ban any california crime lab from keeping rape kit dna in a database that's not related to the sexual assault. well new this morning, the united nations says more than five million people have fled ukraine since the russian invasion began overnight. russian forces continued attacks in eastern ukraine across territory spanning hundreds of miles up to
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75,000. russian troops are now deployed along with 300 miles front in eastern ukraine. the pentagon is responding, sending seven flights of weapons to ukraine should be arriving today . ukraine's president vows to continue the fight that's not just feeling no matter how many russian troops are driven there , we will fight. we will defend ourselves and we will do it every day. no there is a preliminary agreement to open a humanitarian corridor out of the city of mariupol today, allowing civilians have been trapped there a chance to escape. you can follow all the latest updates on the russian invasion of ukraine on the ktvu news act. alright checking in on our weather definitely had some spotty rain this morning and i think there's more to come this week. let's check in with roberta gonzalez and our forecast. it's going to be a fun couple of days coming up here this morning. as you're heading on out the door. we are calling for partly to mostly cloudy
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skies of you see a couple of raindrops. it's just these renegade raindrops ahead of the bulk of the activity that's still to come. right now. looking outdoors. we do have a clear view at s f o. and so far no reports of any local airport delays temperature wise in the forties. it's currently 51 degrees. however in san francisco, oakland is at a very mild 59 degrees at this very early hour. the winds are under 10 mph from orlando seashore across the central bay into hayward this morning, but that won't be the case this afternoon . these wins are going to get downright gusty 10 to 20 with those occasional gusts up to 30 mph, especially late afternoon hours right now, santa rosa with the wind under 10. this is a big, beautiful area of low pressure if you were to look at low pressure in the dictionary that's what it looks like. this is the core right here. the center of this big, beautiful frontal bound right here. we're on the tail end of this system. and if our timing serves as correctly, it will continue to march towards the bay area. the
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rain will develop in the north bay first off and then with its passage, we will have the showers and breezy conditions before secondary system works its way in our forecast. and this will be on thursday, tapping into subtropical moisture, and that means we could see the potential for a thunderstorm blossoming at any point of the afternoon. so let's clock this together. here you have the early afternoon hours and the rain is playing tag with sonoma and napa counties. it heads towards the central bay towards the tail end of the evening commute, so it should be a dry evening commute except for a couple of those renegade showers, otherwise, the bulk of the activity into the santa clara belly by nine o'clock tonight, and this is that secondary front that will cause scattered showers throughout much of the day on thursday, not beginning to clear out until about friday at two am, so we have an interesting couple of days on tap. meanwhile, today becoming cloudy late day with the rain showers developing first in the north bay. the bulk of your day will be dry in the
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fifties and sixties will continue to talk about these two systems coming in and include the five day forecast stick around. time is now for 10. we have an update from san jose on that huge fire that destroyed the home depot store up next. how investigators say that fire started. plus one group of bay area healthcare workers want to keep jfk drive in san francisco's golden gate park car free and let's take a look at your morning commute right now live pictures of a bridge toll plaza. nothing going on easy flowing traffic. at least right now we'll be watching all of your morning commute right here mornings onto
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♪ i'm gonna keep on lovin' you ♪ turns out everyone does sound better in the shower. and it turns out the general is a quality insurance company that's been saving people money for nearly 60 years. for a great low rate, and nearly 60 years of quality coverage, go with the general. and nearly 60 years of quality coverage, i was injured in a car crash. go with the general. i had no idea how much my case was worth. call the barnes firm to find out what your case could be worth. we will help get you the best result possible. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪
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four million more people who live in shanghai to come out of lockdown, almost half of the city's 25 million people can now go outdoors for the first time in three weeks, however, millions of people still have to stay in their own neighborhoods, and they can't go to any big gatherings. china shut down businesses and ordered people to stay in their homes or quarantine. after a spike in covid infections here at home. santa clara county's public health officer is giving some new details about covid deaths during the last two years. the doctor, sara cody says information shows covid killed more county residents last year than the flu, tuberculosis, hiv aids and guns combined over the last 10 years. it was the third leading cause of death in both 2020 and 2021. after heart disease and cancer. in san francisco, maybe in the middle of another covid surge. researchers say the current case rates may be undercounting the
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real number of virus cases doctors, including ucsf infectious disease specialist dr peter chin, hang we're saying one reason could be that fewer people are getting tested for the virus than in the past. it's just something to be aware of. but nothing to be afraid of. because again if you're vaccinated and boosted, um, chances are you're not going to get really ill even if a new variant comes along for most people. now the san francisco department of public health launched a campaign to encourage people to get ready for the next covid surge or variant that comes our way. the program is similar to others are in the in the city and around the bay area, teaching us to be prepared in case of an earthquake wildfires or some other emergency. the cdc will have a say on whether or not passengers on trains and airplanes will be required to wear a mask. the justice department says it will appeal a federal district judge ruling that ended the nation's
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federal mask mandate on public transit. if the cdc believes the requirement is still necessary. on monday, a florida judge ended the mandate that required face coverings on mass transit. at the end of the free home of the brave finally, our choice. i do like that. if you want to, you should be able to. but if you don't i mean is it really going to stop anything? so i'm really excited about that. i'm going to keep my mask on, um, just to help other people who are still , you know, compromise. we still need to think about them. now officials ask that everyone respect other people's decisions to either wear a mask or not. lift now joins uber as ridesharing companies no longer require masks for both drivers and riders, the rideshare companies say, although they are not required, the cdc still recommends them for people who have certain personal risk factors and or high transmission levels in your area. that's an quote uber has required all
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riders and drivers who use the platform to wear a mask since may 18th 2020. both companies now say passengers can also once again sit in the front seat. that means people can catch a smaller and cheaper ride. some news this morning for san francisco meunier riders and to board members have approved a two year budget. that includes no fare increase and free money for all youth money, says the $2.8 billion budget prioritizes restoring services that were canceled during the pandemic. and dozens of healthcare workers are expressing their support for a proposal to keep a san francisco streetcar free. 70 healthcare professionals signed a letter to keep jfk drive in golden gate park. car free. now, they say the city sees too many traffic accidents each year in the car free street allows more people to get out and exercise. jfk drive has been closed to cars since the pandemic began. the board of supervisors is expected to decide whether that will continue at its meeting
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next week. and happening today, the california high speed rail authority will review the environmental impact report for the san jose to merced section of the project. now the this section of the railway connects silicon valley. to the central valley going through areas, including gilroy. the report breaks down categories including air quality, aesthetics and archaeological impact. board members will consider the report as part of the approval process for this stretch of the high speed rail. alright pam. i got it. time is now for 18 and roberta's back and umbrellas today, right? going to be getting home later. today is certainly especially in the north bay, but the bulk of the day will be dry and that's for the majority of us, okay? it is going to start in the afternoon hours in the north and then gradually march our way during the afternoon, but right now heading out the door partly to mostly cloudy conditions sfo, manetta and oakland international airports, not
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reporting any local airport delays at this very early hour. temperatures are in the forties and in the fifties. it is currently 59 degrees very mild at oakland international airport winds are under 10 mph, but that is not going to be the case. during the afternoon. these winds will pick up 10 to 20 mph in advancement of the frontal boundary, and then behind it tonight will certainly see some guts up to 30 mph, and this is a beautiful system. it's banging up against the pacific northwest . it's slicing across mendocino and humboldt counties. you are e tail end of it, but this next system will plow into the north bay. first off, then gradually sag in a southerly direction before exiting to the east. so with the showers developing we will have those breezy conditions and tomorrow's going to be a real soaker. and since this system is going to be tapping into some tropical moisture, we have a good potential for thunderstorms. possibility. now here we go. here's the leading edge of the
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precipitation, and it has a by the early afternoon hours now, just playing tag with hills, burger, annville, qatari and windsor, then slicing into let's say the golden gate bridge in the marina district all about seven o'clock tonight before pushing into the south bay by five o'clock tomorrow morning. this time tomorrow morning. we are going to be busy. it's going to be a messy morning commute with showers, sometimes heavy precipitation. cation all the way. with a lingering shower until friday at lunchtime, so it's going to tally up like this about 7 1/100 of an inch of rain in san francisco, and this is by later on tonight, increasing to nearly half an inch by five o'clock tomorrow morning, so obviously with these kind of numbers are going to see a lot of ponding on the roadways tomorrow with that hit and miss scattered shower and by friday at lunchtime over 6/10 of an inch of rain in san francisco over and ancient san jose, and i hope these tallies do prove to be, um positive. i hope they pan
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out. alright winter storm warning in effect tonight through thursday morning, we're talking about two ft of snow above 7000 ft, but very blustery conditions locally today with the breeze temperatures in the fifties sixties, it's up to about 70 degrees and keep in mind again. the book of your day will be dry, with afternoon showers developing to the north. overnight tonight into the forties, a very mild night with the blanket of cloud cover and here's your extended forecast. you're gonna love the weekend once we get in in out of the rain wednesday through friday, we've got sunshine and eighties by sunday dave, roberta. thank you. time is worth 21 business owner and richmond. thanks vandals are targeting her building coming up. we'll show you the damage left behind after she was vandalized twice. president biden has a plan to slow inflation. the reason, he says, the key to easing the supply chain is made in the usa. and like i want to take a look
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at your morning commute. here's a live look at the san mateo bridge traffic moving along just fine. you might run into some sprinkles out there. we'll be some home fragrances can be... overwhelming. air wick fresh new day fills your space with fragrance that's always fresh, never overpowering. air wick. connect to nature.
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and now most admired alum! get up there. this is so embarrassing. there's no way it's me. you know her.... you love her.... ruh roh. what are you doing here? it's anna gomez! who? our first gigillionaire! with at&t fiber, anna's got the fastest internet with hyper-gig speeds. i didn't know you went to this school. we have a lot in common. live like a gigillionaire with at&t fiber. now with speeds up to 5-gigs. limited availability.
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4 2, searching for whoever vandalized and employment agency express employment professionals is near the hilltop mall. it was recently attacked twice and look at this surveillance video showing the man first throwing a rock at the glass door of the building. later he threw more rocks and then beer bottles, smashing the office windows. the owner doesn't think the person's disgruntled client but wonders if her business is intentionally being targeted because is being run by women. i'm thinking that someone is just very hateful and maybe doesn't like the fact that i have an all female staff. they're not gaining anything, so i don't understand the violence and the crime. now the police
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are checking evidence in both of the cases. they're also asking for help to identify this suspect. we are learning more about the fire that destroyed a home depot in san jose fire investigators say a man intentionally set that fire as a distraction so he could steal thousands of dollars in tools. ktvu brooks jarocz explains why investigators believe there is no doubt the fire was an intentional act. less than two weeks since this home depot in san jose erupted in flames and overwhelming smoke in arrest investigators calling the fire seen from space arson, miraculously, no one was hurt. thankful that my office the d a s office. is not prosecuting a multiple murder case today, district attorney jeff rosen says dylan j. crew's go intentionally set the fire before he tried to take off with a load of tools. the evidence shows that the suspect who had earlier that day stolen items from a nearby bass pro shop lit
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the fire in the home depot and try to leave the store with a cart containing stolen tools. he was stopped by a home depot employee. and fled in another persons, car, prosecutors say is the big box hardware store burned, causing $17 million in inventory loss continued his theft spree at a macy's in the east bay. 911 calls poured in as employees and customers race to get out. when someone commits a terrible act of this magnitude that endangers many. good people spring into action to save lives. and that's what our san jose police department and other first responders did. that day. police described god as a chronic thief who stole thousands of dollars in merchandise from stores, sometimes more than once. a fire witness helped identify him before his arrest friday. now go , gets charged with three counts of arson and a slew of theft charges. arson is a dangerous, violent crime. this unnecessary
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and tragic fire could have resulted in serious injury or loss of life. fire. investigators are unsure how the fire was set and spread. but inspection records show the store and blossom hill road had code violations in recent years related to ceiling clearance, the sprinkler system and fire alarms even though issues were addressed last year. it's unclear if they could have contributed to the quick and overwhelming destruction. it is possible that there's enough combustibles in an area to overcome. uh what the ratings of the fire protection systems are and so it is possible to have a fire like this, even in a protected structure is in the santa clara county jail being held without bail. he's scheduled to be back in court on june 1st for a plea hearing. in san jose brooks jarocz. ktvu fox two news, brooks thank you, thomas for 27, a handful of san francisco police officers now facing criminal charges up next
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facing criminal charges up next what they're accused of doing. america, i got you! we told reggie miller wendy's would give away our amazing breakfast biscuits for a buck for every bucket he makes. no look! truth is, we were going to do it anyhow. want a better biscuit for a buck? choose wisely. choose wendy's. - [announcer] does your home need upgrades or repairs in order to sell? call renovation realty. their team of licensed professionals will add physical value to the sale of your home with no out of pocket costs to you. for a free home evaluation, call or click renovation realty
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did you get a call or for a free home evaluation, message that mentioned social security that made you feel threatened or scared? that is not the social security administration. social security will not: threaten you; press you for personal information; or demand instant payment. social security does not accept payments by gift card, prepaid debit card, internet currency, or by mailing cash. criminals use these forms of payment because they are hard to trace. don't fall for it.
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hang up. ignore them. report this criminal activity to produced at u.s. taxpayer expense. places. earth, and i thought position the rest of ships off that. a bear in middle school teacher now under investigation after recordings of him seemingly threatening students are circulating on social media, plus every day. of training counts, and every day that this track is closed, is taken away from the opportunity of the you know? 12 to 15 kids that qualified just from this area alone. a dispute over a bmx track in the south bay as many bikers without a place to practice will tell you what writers and parents are now demanding from the city council. from ktvu fox two news. this morning's onto good morning. thank you for waking up with us here on morning sun to pam cook.
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good morning. i'm dave clark. welcome to the mill rule week. it's wednesday. it's april 20th. so you had rain drops this morning. i did. i did not, and i was able to see the moon. nice and clear. could yeah. lots of clouds overhead. i was thinking can't see the sky at all. just berta. you saw it. didn't you know the moon? it's actually about 94% waning gibbous moon. which means becoming smaller, right? interesting and we were able to see it this morning. we're not going to see too much of the sunset tonight because we will be noting increasing cloud cover. hi everybody. good morning to you. party cloudy skies looking out towards s fo this morning, no reports of any local airport delays. it's relatively mild in comparison to about 48 hours ago when we had temperatures into the thirties, but we have forties across the board, except for fifties lining the central bay increasing cloud cover from that right there. upstream we go. a frontal boundary will be pressing up against the north bay. and the early afternoon hours spreading brain from sonoma and napa
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county in a southerly direction , so periods of showers overnight tonight through your thursday and with the instability of the nature of the second system, coming in thursday does produce a chance of a thunderstorm. otherwise friday, becoming partly cloudy during the afternoon. sixties and seventies today for daytime highs partly cloudy the book of your day is going to be dry except to the north. but i tell you what, we're going to talk more about the weekend and which day will hit the eighties eighties, and that's still coming up later on in the broadcast, roberta thank you, thomas for 32. well, a middle school teacher in the east bay is getting heavily criticized. after allegedly making some threatening remarks at his students. the district says the teacher is at bancroft middle school in san leandro. on one of the recordings. they say you can hear the teacher who sounds angry at a student and says he who says he was misbehaving. then he references his career in the military and you can hear him tell the class. that he had
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quote shot kids younger than that student. through three tours in combat in the box , dangerous places on earth in the western shipped off that period, your nowadays have shocked kids younger than here. later in the recording. it sounds like the teacher tells a student that he's lucky things have changed and that teachers can't put their hands on him and take him out of the class. on another incident, the teacher tells a student he needs to change his ways before he gets to high school and gets hurt by other students. you're probably about 20% undersized for your day. try suggest. when you get a nice school, you worry about to shut your mouth because guys like me were way way bigger than you and telling you now, the district superintendent, released a statement saying in part and investigation into quote. inappropriate statements
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is underway and adds in doing so the personnel involved have been removed from the classroom. additionally the bancroft students, staff and families who have been affected by this incident are also being supported in processing this concerning event. now the district has not released the name of that teacher and officials are asking anyone with information to report what they know to bancroft middle school's administration team. our time is now for 34, san francisco's district attorney announced charges against one former police officer and two current city police officers. ktvu is christian captain says the arrests are following separate investigations. by internal affairs. san francisco's district attorney has filed felony firearms charges against former san francisco police officer mark williams. san francisco police announced his arrest tuesday and the district attorney said he's been charged with possession of a machine gun and silencer. the d, a, saying the former officer removed a heckler and koch submachine gun
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from the city's property control division, where he was working in august. 2021 police say officers were conducting routine inventory and discovered the firearm missing. after an investigation. police say williams confessed to having the weapon and he was fired from his part time position with sfpd. at the same time, the d a announced a pair of active duty san francisco police officers kevin lyons and kevin sign had been charged with misdemeanor concealing or destroying of evidence. the da's office says those charges stem from a july 2021 internal affairs investigation where the officers were accused of having thrown away credit, nine identification cards and flushing methamphetamine down the toilet, saying cataloging the evidence would take too long. san francisco's police officers association released a statement saying in part that the organization was aware of the investigations and that the o has confidence that the facts will come out on the side of their members. of the former and current police officers are set to appear in court on may 19th to enter pleas to those charges in san francisco,
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christien kafton ktvu fox two news thank you, christian. family and friends are remembering a man who was killed while being restrained by police last year. flowers candles and music filled in alameda park last night as family members continue to call for justice for mario gonzalez, now, the alameda county coroner's office ruled that gonzalez died from methamphetamine combined with the stress of being restrained by police. although it was ruled a homicide by the coroner, the alameda county d, a found that the three officers were quote lawful and objectively reasonable when they arrested gonzalez. they were not charged in his death. our time is 4 36, a family of san leandro man who was shot to death by police almost two years ago has filed at federal wrongful death lawsuit against the city and the two officers involved. the family's lawyer says a shooting of steven taylor in april of 2020 was preventable. now the 33 year old man was accused of shoplifting of baseball bed at a
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walmart store and also threatening customers. prosecutors say that officer jason fletcher first tasered taylor then shot him when he refused to put down the bat. we're looking forward. to justice being served. we're looking forward the things beginning to change in the city of san leandro, we're looking forward. two things happening for the mentally ill things happening for the homeless people. the crisis that is going on in this city. in the statement, the city of san leandro says it will defend itself against that lawsuit. after nearly 30 years, authorities in santa clara county say they now know the identity of a woman who was killed and left on a dirt turnout of highway 1 52 near gilroy. there's really nothing like being able to give closure to a family who has been waiting for several years to find out what has happened to their family member. the victim has
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been identified as patricia skip all of colton, oregon. the cause of death was never determined. skip all was a victim of the happy face. serial killer keith hunter jesperson. now he wrote letters to officials signing them with a happy face. just person is currently serving four life sentences without the possibility of parole in oregon. it's a very unique case, because i think just as members of the community there's a true um, you know, freshen to have a homicide conviction without knowing a victim's identity. so this case meant a lot. i think to the community to everyone in santa clara county and the feeling of being able to identify her was, um great. it was great to be able to know. who she was. skittles identity was determined due to advances in dna technology. this was the first case in santa clara county to use genetic genealogy to identify a jane doe victim. time
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is now 4 38 of bmx track and santa clara will stay closed for at least three more months while negotiations continue between usa bmx and the league did runs the race track, and the track is managed by the santa clara police activities league or powell. has been closed for weeks because powell wants usa bmx to pay more money for the track to hold raises. that means local families whose kids have qualified to be on team usa in the bmx world championships in july. have to drive to napa or salinas in order to practice. every day. of training counts, and every day that this track is closed, is taken away from the opportunity of the you know? 12 to 15 kids that qualified just from this area alone. it's very annoying. it's hard to do homework in the car when you're driving somewhere else, but when you can't do it in time at home it's way better that last night, dozens of families gathered in
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front of santa clara city hall. they want the city council to appoint a new track manager. all right. hopefully they can figure that out because that is a lot of fun for my nephew did that really was very into vm expect did that you did. well. i was raised in the mojave desert. there wasn't much more to do than okay. and i feel for those kids little bmx park in pleasanton. yes i don't know if it's up to their criteria because they look pretty awesome , right? yeah yeah. we have a whole potpourri of weather going on right now anywhere from fog and santa rosa with visibility at three quarters of a mile. to mostly cloudy skies over sfo to clear conditions right now in san jose. it's partly cloudy in concord. right now, our temperatures are in the forties and fifties, it is 51 degrees in san francisco high forties and throughout the santa clara valley. this is it right now. this is an area of low pressure. the core. the center of it is right there. the frontal
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boundary is what's going to slice through the bay area beginning this afternoon, and to the evening hours, so this is it. and they the north bay by the early afternoon hours, with light rain showers developing the bulk of your day will be dry with the precipitation siding into the central benin till about, let's say seven o'clock tonight and then soaking rains for your thursday and this next system here is going to tap into subtropical moisture from what was once a former type phone. and so therefore, with that subtropical moisture, we cannot rule out that potential of a thunderstorm. so let's time out the system together. we have the rain right there. one o'clock in the afternoon and throughout santa rosa dipping into marin city in tiburon by seven o'clock tonight, then invading the central bay moving into the san jose area by about this time tomorrow morning. tomorrow is going to be the real dicey day with the instability of the atmosphere, and we'll keep those rain showers going all day long in and out until about friday afternoon. so you rain forecast
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suggest that this particular time 14 100 of a range of precipitation in san francisco by eight o'clock by about this time tomorrow, just over 4/10 of an introvert in san francisco. look at that san jose total. i hope that does stand by friday, so meanwhile, your weekend will be dr winter storm warning in effect for the high sierra. we're talking about up to two ft of snow. tomorrow above 7000 ft, but very blustery winds, in fact , will be breezy today with westerlies up to 20 mph gusts at 30 later on tonight, sixties to seventies acceptable on the seashore full forecast with the five day outlook. coming up in just a matter of minutes. by roberta well, the increasing cost of college tuition has made it harder for people to pay back. student loans coming up. we'll tell you about a new federal plan to forgive more of those payments. people at arizona evacuating their homes to escape a massive wildfire still burning this morning.
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can i eats anything i get on uber eats? well, here's how to know. look at it. and if it's food...eats it. and if it's not food... ...then don't eats it.
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when a truck hit my car, the insurance company wasn't fair. i didn't know what my case was worth, so ces firm. it's hard for people to know let our injury attorneys help you get the best result possible. "women are bad with money." that's what the world's been saying for centuries. let our injury attorneys help you but now, we've got something to say... save it. it's time to save ourselves by saving our money. until we're no longer 80% more likely than men to live in poverty in retirement. save it. the falsehoods. the feelings of fault. then the funds. learn how to save for your retirement at
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hey students at san jose state university plan to hold a march to bring attention to student homelessness. now the student homeless alliances asking interim president stephen perez to fix the university's homeless response. some of their demands include transforming the advisory board for basic needs to allow students and community members to have a major input. they also want to provide staff and faculty with more details on emergency housing and food pantry information. time is 4 45 tesla. tesla wants a judge to pause. a lawsuit accuses tesla of race discrimination in fremont at its assembly plan. the lawsuit accuses tesla exposing black employees. to racial slurs and discrimination in job assignments, discipline and pay. tesla's lawyers say the department of fair employment and housing only conducted a bare bones investigation before suing in february. tesla wants
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the state to further investigate these claims and allow them a chance to settle this lawsuit. and the unemployment rate in silicon valley dropped 2.4% in the month of march. that's less than half the raid recorded the same time last year. employers in santa clara and san mateo counties added more than 16,000 workers between february and march. leisure and hospitality jobs solved the biggest gains for the second straight month with 3200 jobs added to the restaurant industry and about 500 jobs and arts, entertainment and recreation. the white house says it is trying to do more to address increasing inflation. reporter lauren blanchard explains the president's plan to increase american production and the republican opposition to more federal spending. president biden in new hampshire tuesday to again tell last year's bipartisan infrastructure bill requiring any construction materials bought with money from
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the $1.2 trillion bill. be american made. we now ranked number 13. and the quality of infrastructure. china is ahead of us. so many other countries have moved. folks this matters. it's an effort to ramp up production in the us and help ease supply chain pressure that is sent prices sky high and has economic experts concerned. goldman sachs now says there is a 35% chance of a recession in the next two years should do is stop printing so much money and stabilize the dollar. and let this thing work itself out. inflation is now at a 40 year high and is straining americanswallets. there's no sign that inflation is slowing down. in fact, if anything, it's going stronger and stronger. senator elizabeth warren pinned and up ed in the new york times, warning fellow democrats they need to make good on campaign promises to make the economy work better. or else they can expect a red wave in november. republicans say they can turn
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the economy around. if they take back congress. we wouldn't have dumped $2 trillion on the economy. and we wouldn't be suffering from record levels of inflation made in america material requirement will have some waivers if there's not enough supply available or if the price is too high in washington, lauren blanchard fox news all right. thank you. lauren. fire crews in arizona are fighting flames and powerful winds near flagstaff. the tunnel fire started sunday afternoon and burned about 100 acres in the first day but exploded early yesterday when the winds picked up now has burned more than nine square miles and is threatening hundreds of homes. people who live in the area say they were surprised to see how quickly it changed their neighborhood. we went up 89 past silver saddle road. the whole road was covered in smoke. um it was thick and heavy about a mile and a half
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past that we turned onto our road and we could see the smoke. it looked like it was in our backyard. now the fire has destroyed more than 20 buildings . we don't know how many of those are homes or perhaps businesses right now. firefighting aircraft are grounded because of those high winds. look at that. alright time is 4 49 back here at home. it's going to be dry during the day, but take an umbrella for later here around most of the bed. are you right, roberta? yeah you know, it was disturbing seeing those pictures out of flagstaff. and the one thing for us is we do have some beneficial rains moving our way, but certainly not any drought busters, right? but what it will do. is that will dampen our own fire season, at least for the short term. now let's go ahead and clock in when you can check in with your umbrella, and when you will need it right now we're in the forties and fifties. we do have some areas of fog, three quarters of a mile visibility in
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santa rosa. partly cloudy skies in concord cloud covered sfo at 54 degrees, otherwise clear skies in san jose through the rose garden district at 49 windsor. calm at the seashore. light winds onshore right now, but these winds will be rotating more. to the southwest. and advancement of this frontal boundary and increased to 20 mph . and this is it right now the leading edge of this frontal boundary that's clipping the northwestern section of the state of california is now just off the cape mendocino coast side, it's going to begin to descend on the northern half of the state of california with the rain playing tag with santa rosa by about one o'clock today, and then it will continue to surge in a southerly direction and as it does, so, that's what we'll see some rain showers spreading over the entire bay area. this is our future cast. what is we get our longer computer models are extended computer models and we merged them together to come up with this projection, and here's when you see the leading edge of that precipitation out through santa rosa, then by seven o'clock this
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evening, spreading over the golden gate bridge towards the marina district and then over the entire area later on tonight , so as dave was alluding to earlier, the bulk of your day is dry except in the north bay in the early afternoon hours. the rain will continue on again off again through your thursday. it's going to be a very wet thursday morning commute and then the rain begins to taper by friday, setting the stage for a very nice spring weekend. but here we go by tomorrow night or actually, this is tonight. 14 100 of an introvert in san francisco, but by tomorrow morning's commute about a half an inch of rain and san francisco. look at san jose with over an inch of rain in the rain gauge by friday, certainly hope that this does pan out winter weather warning in effect now for the high sierra. it begins tonight through 11 am on friday . we're expecting two ft of snow above 7000 ft. it's cement snow
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, but nonetheless it will be water based. we do have the rain beginning in the north bay later on this morning into the early afternoon hours, otherwise spotty evening showers for everyone. turning cloudy during the afternoon today. otherwise we're starting off with partly cloudy skies. for the most part temperatures sixties up to 70 and the warmest location of our inland areas fifties at the beaches. tonight's lows into the forties with the rain showers and then your extended forecast calls for in and out of the rain through friday that chance of a thunderstorm because of the instability in the subtropical moisture on thursday. that would be in the afternoon hours. otherwise check out your weekend sunny skies and approaching the low eighties and the warmest occasions inland, pam. alright. sounds great. thank you, roberta. well it was a case that made national headlines. san francisco police using rape kit dna to investigate an unrelated crime still ahead, the change to
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prevent it from happening again. we have new numbers showing the impact of coronavirus pandemic has had in the south bay and how the number of deaths compares to other deadly viruses and diseases during the past two years. and the college alternatives. young people are now beginning to turn to avoid crushing student debt. we're also keeping an eye on your morning commute. want to take you out live to the golden gate bridge, and i just see one car coming around that corner pretty clear out. there's little scattered showers here and scattered showers here and there, but more rain coming ♪ pop it like it's hooooot. pop it like it's hot.♪ ♪ pop it like it's hot.♪ ♪ pop it like it's— pop my $6.49 classic and spicy 50/50 popcorn chicken combo. only at jack in the box.
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♪ ♪ [ bird chirps ] pop i springfest is back!$6.49 classic and spicy 50/50 [ sprinkler & birds chirping ] these are the mowers i was telling you about. and right now, you'll find everything your lawn and home needs this season. [ food sizzling and happy family chatter ] at great prices for the season. stop by lowe's now, for your happiest spring.
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my classic and spicy popcorn chicken with 100% all-white-meat chicken. and good good sauce. ♪ pop it like it's hot ♪ ♪ pop it like it's hot ♪ ♪ pop it like it's hot ♪ pop my $6.49 classic and spicy 50/50 popcorn chicken combo. order on the jack app today. live relief is on the way for lower income americans who are saddled with college debt program will give more than 3.5 million people with federally backed loans at least three years of credit towards eventual debt
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forgiveness. now that's nearly 10% of all student loan borrowers. people would also need to pay a certain percentage of their income on loans for 20 to 25 years. before having the remaining balance forgiven. a new survey finds more than half of college graduates do not work in the field. they studied in school out of the college grad surveyed by intelligent dot com nearly half also live paycheck to paycheck. they also found the cost for higher education has led to many people putting off things like buying a home or car, getting married or having children. alternatives to four year college degrees are rising in popularity in response to the high cost of higher education. undergraduate enrollment is down 3.1% from last year, and many are now turning to skilled trade school as tuition soars. some analysts say a four year college degree may not be worth what it used to be. they add that the demand for skilled trade workers is up, and people attending those schools often have less
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debt and make more money when they graduate. there are trade schools and not you're not traditional trade schools. now technology schools are exploding all across the country, and people are going through those in a much smaller amount of time and for a whole lot less money and then starting at a much greater salary. trade schools can also provide people with career growth and the ability to start working right out of high school. there's a new college in california and its campus is at san quentin prison. for years, san quentin has offered inmates courses in literature, american government and other high education classes. but now the college there has gained accreditation, which means inmates will officially be students of mount tamil pious community college. it's part of the bigger efforts to rehabilitate the prison population of san quentin. i will. so for 20 years we were in extension site of a small college in oakland. and then a couple of years ago, we decided we wanted to become independent.
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so we are now an independently accredited liberal arts college . as far as we know, mount tamalpais college is the first and only fully accredited independent college where the main campus inside the state prison mount tamil pious college offers students and associates degree program and a college prep program. with the new accreditation, students can more easily transferred to other colleges as well after their incarceration ends. a bill that would have required high risk parolees who are homeless to wear gps monitor has failed and a key vote in the state legislature. the idea behind the proposal is to make it easier to keep tabs on paroled transients to make them easier to find and contact. it would have impacted roughly 10,000 people. but the bill failed on a 2 to 5 vote in the assembly committee for public safety. high risk parolees who failed to comply with their parole should not be allowed to roam our neighborhoods preying on women and children. we must hold criminals accountable and stop treating them like victims. the
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bill was proposed in response to the murder of kate tibbets, a sacramento woman who was killed last september. investigators say the man accused of murdering her was a convicted violent felon who was out on parole when tibbets was killed. walnut creek has opened a newly renamed park dedicated to people who were lost to mental illness. they held a ribbon cutting ceremony for the new remembrance park, which is in the park mead neighborhood. the renaming and dedication of the park was spearheaded by the family of miles hall. the 23 year old was fatally shot by walnut creek police in 2019 during a mental health crisis. so many of you showed up for our family cared about what happened to miles and also understanding that this could have been any of your family members. the mayor says he hopes the park will become a place of reflection and healing. states and western countries are doing everything to drag out the special military operation as
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much as possible. russian military leaders now shifting the blame for the war in ukraine, as its own forces continued their assault on ukraine. plus the reason that a group of bay area healthcare workers want to keep part of san francisco's jfk drive car free. from ktvu. fox two news. this is mornings on to welcome morning to you. and we thank you for joining us. welcome the mornings onto i'm dave clark. good morning. i'm pam cook wednesday morning. april 20th. and sounds like we have a little pause in the middle of some more rain. let's check in with roberta gonzalez. this is a typical december weather pattern. it's almost like christmas in april, right because it's a gift. it is nice. yes. so yeah, it would be advisable to carry the umbrella out the door this morning, but for the most part your day will be dry unless you're in the north bay, and that's where we will see the brain drops knocking on the door about one o'clock in the afternoon hours.
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here you have it right now. mostly cloudy sky over sfo. temperatures at 53 degrees in the city, otherwise 54 across the bed oakland international airport in the forties inter inland areas, including fremont , at 46, degrees 50.5 moon bay. we do have this area of low pressure, pushing its way towards the bay area. partly cloudy skies for openers today. breezy winds do develop up to 20. periods of showers for your thursday and friday becomes partly cloudy. but let's bring it back a bit here. temperatures today 50 sixties and up to 70 or inland areas. we'll time the storm together. that's still coming up. but right now let's send it back over to the news desk. all right, thank you. roberta supervisor matt haney is declaring victory in the special election for the san francisco assembly. early returns show haney with a strong lead at 63% of the votes. david campos trails at 37% roughly 60,000 votes have been counted, the director of elections, says.
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voter turnout, though, is expected to be low. well this is a unique collection for us because it's a district election . it's off cycle, so we don't really have a projection. i don't have a number as far as what the turnout what we expected turnout to be right now that turnout is 21. now the winner will have to defend his seat in the june 7th statewide primary, then again in the november election, time is now 50 to a lockout of nurses has begun that sutter health it will continue until this weekend after thousands of nurses staged a one day strike protesting work conditions. have the nurses strike was designed to put a spotlight on understaffing and what they called a lack of progress in contract talks, officials brought in replacement nurses and guaranteed them five days of work, so the nurses who staged a strike won't be allowed back to work until saturday. yeah our city and more than 100 city employees in santa clara
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are getting ready to go on strike. now, their job is to clean city buildings and take care of sewage pipelines. and they say they're the only city workers being asked to go another year without a pay raise. they also say the city wants them to give up rights that they have under federal law. uh we are here today because the city has refused to negotiate in good faith. they're asking us not only to not take a raise again in these facing this horrible inflation. but they're also asking us to give away our legal right to recognize the strike line. no last night santa clara city council meeting the counter wasn't allowed to directly respond to the union because it was not on the agenda . but the workers say if there's no progress will go on strike on may 1st. leaders from across the state are putting a renewed focus on the issue of illegal dumping. the organizers include alameda county supervisor nate miley and waste management, they say dumping is getting worse
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across the state. one activist from oakland says dumping also sends pollution right into our waterways. when it rains. and you can still see the water. it goes into the storm drain it. filters through this illegal dumping in this trash that goes into the bay. now the news conference also looked at ways cities have used education programs to reduce the dumping of furniture and mattresses. that conference runs through friday. time is up five oh, for the san francisco board of supervisors passed legislation banning the city's crime lab from storing victim dna for criminal investigative purposes. it's a response to word that dna from a rape kit was used against a victim who was suspected in a robbery case. right now there is statewide legislation that would ban any california crime lab from keeping rape kid dna in a
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database that's not related to the sexual assault. well san francisco district attorney announced charges against one former police officer and two current police officers. ktvu is christian captain says the arrests follow separate investigations by internal affairs. san francisco's district attorney has filed felony firearms charges against former san francisco police officer mark williams. san francisco police announced his arrest tuesday and the district attorney said he has been charged with possession of a machine gun and silencer. the d , a, saying the former officer removed a heckler and koch submachine gun from the city's property control division, where he was working in august. 2021 police say officers were conducting routine inventory and discovered the firearm missing. after an investigation. police say williams confessed to having the weapon and he was fired from his part time position with sfpd . at the same time, the d a announced a pair of active duty san francisco police officers kevin lyons and kevin sign had been charged with misdemeanor
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concealing or destroying of evidence. the da's office says those charges stem from a july 2021 internal affairs investigation where the officers were accused of having thrown away credit and identification cards and flushing methamphetamine down the toilet, saying cataloging the evidence would take too long. san francisco's police officers association released a statement saying in part that the organization was aware of the investigations and that the o has confidence that the facts will come out on the side of their members. of the former and current police officers are set to appear in court on may 19th to enter pleas to those charges in san francisco, christien kafton ktvu fox two news, christian. thank you time 506 new this morning, the united nations says more than five million people have fled ukraine since the russian invasion began. overnight russian forces continued attacks in eastern ukraine across territory that spans hundreds of miles up to 75,000. russian troops are deployed along a 300 mile front in eastern ukraine. the pentagon
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is responding, sending seven flights of weapons to ukraine should be arriving today. ukraine's president vows to continue the fight it's not just feel no matter how many russian troops are driven there, we will fight. we will defend ourselves and we will do it every day. no there is a preliminary agreement to open a humanitarian corridor out of the city of mario pole today to let civilians who've been trapped there have an opportunity to escape. don't forget, you can follow all the latest updates on the russia invasion of ukraine on the ktvu knew zack. well happening today. the california high speed rail authority will review the environmental impact report for the san jose to merced section of the project. that section of the railway connects silicon valley to the central valley. going through areas, including gilroy. the report breaks down categories, including air quality, aesthetics and archaeological impact. board members will consider that report as part of the approval process. for the stretch of high
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speed rail 57 dozens of healthcare workers or showing supports were proposal to keep a major san francisco streetcar free. 70 healthcare professionals signed a letter for keeping jfk drive in golden gate park car free. they say the city sees too many traffic accidents every year. and the car free street allows more people to get out and exercise. jfk drive has been closed to cars since the pandemic started . the board of supervisors is expected to decide whether that will continue when they meet next week. right back over the roberta gonzalez. some more rain coming into my tonight and tomorrow morning could be kind of a tough commute. you said yes, it will be dicey. we will have some scattered showers tomorrow, but they're going to be heavier downpours at times and then the instability with the passage of the system as it taps in a subtropical moisture. we will have that threat of a thunderstorm at any point of the day tomorrow. now that is on
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thursday. today as we back it up, we're looking at mostly cloudy skies at sfo. the cloud deck is roughly about 2100 ft at the visibility's at 10 miles, so therefore no reports of delays at any of our airports. the current air temperatures are in the forties and fifties. it is our 59 degrees in oakland. wow average high is 63 degrees in oakland, so it almost realized your daytime average. the winds are under 10 mph. for the most part, i was interested. take a look at the wind in oakland. it's now out of the south at six, therefore ushering that temperature up rather rapidly, and that's all an advancement of this right here. the core the center of this frontal boundary , it's still way off the california the pacific northwest coast. but this is the frontal boundary. it is now just outside of cape mendocino, and as it pushes onshore, it's going to try to traverse in the easterly direction as it sags to the south. so far timing services correctly, we should see the rain beginning in the north bay
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in the early afternoon hours, then gradually sliding to the south. and that's when we'll have some rain showers tonight scattered very breezy conditions as well. this is our future cast . i love this computer model it and it helps us really plan out our day. so here's the leading edge of the system, working its way into the north bay by noon one o'clock, and then it should arrive around the marina green district and spread across san francisco into sfo right around 7 to 8 o'clock this evening hours and as it passes through, look what's behind it here. so tomorrow morning hit miss scattered showers. that's another core of the front coming through on thursday night, and by friday early afternoon will begin to see the clouds. part of the sun was shining and we will become partly cloudy. but meanwhile we're talking about 14 1 hundreds of an inch of rain by later tonight in san francisco and around the central bay, according to the north and look what happens about this time tomorrow morning. pounding on the roadways with nearly a half an inch of rain. we're going to
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talk more about your daytime high temperatures and the weekend warm up that's coming up later on in this broadcast, roberta time is now 5 11. we have an update from san jose on that huge fire that destroyed the home depot store coming up how investigators say that fire started. plus i mean, everybody just gets stoned and stupid. quite frankly, so i think it's a great idea that they're going to putting some structure to it. it is april 20th 4 20. there are new rules if you plan to go to hippie hill and golden gate park for that celebration, we have details of the changes for the unofficial marijuana holiday.
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and now most admired alum! get up there. this is so embarrassing. there's no way it's me. you know her.... you love her.... ruh roh. what are you doing here? it's anna gomez! who? our first gigillionaire! with at&t fiber, anna's got the fastest internet
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with hyper-gig speeds. i didn't know you went to this school. we have a lot in common. live like a gigillionaire with at&t fiber. now with speeds up to 5-gigs. limited availability. 13 w allowing four million more people who live in shanghai to come out of lockdown. following a surge in covid cases, almost half of the city's 25 million people can now go outdoors for
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the first time in three weeks. however millions of people still have to stay in their own neighborhoods, and they can't go to any big gatherings. china shut down businesses and ordered people to stay in their homes or quarantine. because of a spike in covid infections. the cdc will have a say on whether or not passengers on trains and airplanes will be required to wear a mask. now, the justice department says it will appeal a federal district judges ruling that ended the nation's federal mask mandate on public transit if the c d c believes the requirement is still necessary. on monday, a florida judge ended the mandate that required face coverings on mass transit. the end of the free home of the brave finally, our choice. i do like that. if you want to, you should be able to. but if you don't i mean is it really going to stop anything? so i'm really excited about that. i'm going to keep my mask on, um, just to help other people who are still , you know, compromise. we still
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need to think about them. officials ask that everyone respect other people's decisions to wear a mask or not. lift now joins uber as ridesharing companies no longer require masks for both drivers and riders, the rideshare companies say, although they are not required, the cdc still recommends them for people who have certain personal risk factors and or high transmission levels in your area. now, uber has required all riders and drivers to use who used the platform. to wear a mask since may 18th 2020. both companies now say passengers can once again sit in the front seat so people can catch a smaller and cheaper ride. time is now 5 15 will happening later this morning. san francisco welcomes back the annual 4 20 celebration. ktvu is jesse gary . is it hippie hill in golden gate park to tell us what's new at the event this year? good morning, jessica. dave good morning to you and the finishing touches for the 4 20 celebration
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put in place yesterday and during the overnight hours all that's left now welcoming in an estimated 20,000 attendees here at golden gate park, let's go ahead. take a look at our video. this is the first time this world renowned and truly staple of san francisco celebration has returned in three years this year, sees a city partnering with private event organizers sounds bizarre and for the first time regulated and tested cannabis products will be available for purchase at the event. you heard that right? new developments also brings new restrictions. no one under 21 will be allowed to enter the area of robin williams meadow, which will be surrounded by fencing. and staff will check identifications and bags that you bring into the park. because this is the first year where there are legal sales. state law requires us you will not be allowed in unless you are 21. everybody just get stoned and stupid. quite frankly, so i
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think it's a great idea that they're going to putting some structure to it and having you know people here of authority. obviously not everyone sees the new restrictions as a positive, fearing formal sales of marijuana will alter the vibe officials urged attendees not purchased drugs off the street. on this on the surrounding the park police, park rangers and medical staff will be on hand and we'll be out here all morning to give you a preview of what will start. at 10 o'clock this morning, first time in three years in the first time when you have legal products being sold, we are live here in golden gate park, jesse gary ktvu, fox two news head back to you across the bay in oakland, jesse always good to see you. and today ktvu will look at the state of cannabis in california and beyond. join us for our half hour special. we'll look closer at the issues and the laws surrounding marijuana. as this afternoon 4 30 pm right here. one ktvu. all right. first we
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want to go to roberta gonzalez covering our weather this morning and this week where we're getting some more rain. nice to delay that fire season get everything wet. and what are the gardens? absolutely right. we are seeing beneficial rainfall beginning with today again this week into thursday and tapering off by friday, so make sure you leave the house with the umbrella today. if you will be in the north bay. otherwise, the bulk of your day will be dry. cloud cover currently at sfo, the ceiling while the cloud deck is pretty broken, but roughly done about 2100 ft temperature stands in the forties and fifties. that's due to the winds blowing out of the south and the blanket of speeds under 10 mph, but these winds will be increasing with the approaching front today 10 to 20 and later tonight as we start to see the passage of the front some of those guests will be up to 30 mph. this is the frontal boundary right here. you see it just off the cape
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mendocino coast side. if our timing services correctly, this area of low pressure should begin to descend on the bay area in the early hours of the afternoon and then gradually slice and its southerly direction as it tries to traverse to the east. and when that happens while that chance of a thunderstorm that blossoms tomorrow afternoon, but meanwhile today, let's take an hour by hour with our future cast. here you have the leading edge of the precipitation now invading sonoma and napa counties and then trying so ever effortlessly to move into the central bay by 78 o'clock tonight. here's your thursday morning. about this time tomorrow morning. we're going to see these hit and myths, downpours and with the rain showers that will continue to neither will be some ponding on the roadways. so here is your thursday evening, and if we have the best chance of any kind of a thunderstorm developing it would be tomorrow afternoon. partly cloudy skies returned by friday . so meanwhile, precipitation
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totals up to 14 1/100 of an inch of rain by tonight that's decent around the central bay a quarter in the north bay and then nearly a half an inch of rain by tomorrow morning in the north bay as well as most of the region and look at that san jose total. this is because it's secondary part of the system coming in is going to tap into subtropical moisture. from a former typhoon, so it's going to be very muggy in nature as well. winter storm warning in effect for the high sierra we're talking about two ft of snow. above 7000 ft, but very blustery conditions. so we bring in the april showers beginning this afternoon in the north base body evening showers. temperatures today fifties and sixties and it looks like we'll have your five day forecast and that's still dave coming up. sorry roberta. thank you. time is 5 20, a business owner in richmond thinks vandals are targeting her building coming up. you'll see the damage left behind after she was vandalized twice. plus president biden says he has a
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plan to slow down inflation why he believes the key to easing the supply chain problems is making more products here at home. and let's look at your morning commute. live pictures were at the san mateo bridge. it's flowing now it's building out there, but it's flowing right now. we'll be checking your commute all over the bay area right here. on mornings onto
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this is elodia. she's a recording artist. 1 of 10 million people that comcast has connected to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities.
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intn richmond are searching for whoever vandalized and employment agency express employment professionals is right near the hilltop surveillance video shows a man first throwing a rock at the glass door of the building. later on, he threw even more rocks and then beer bottles, smashing the office windows. now the business owner doesn't take the criminal is an angry client but wonders if her business is
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being targeted intentionally because the company is completely run by women. i'm thinking that someone is just very hateful and maybe doesn't like the fact that i have an all female staff. they're not gaining anything, so i don't understand the violence and the crime. now police are checking evidence in both cases are also asking for help to identify the suspect. time is 5 24. we're learning more about that huge fire that destroyed the home depot store in san jose. investigators say a man intentionally set the fire as a distraction so we could steal thousands of dollars in tools. ktvu is brooks jarocz explains why investigators believe there's no doubt this was an intentional fire. less than two weeks since this home depot in san jose erupted in flames and overwhelming smoke in arrest investigators calling the fire seen from space arson, miraculously, no one was hurt.
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thankful that my office the da's office. is not prosecuting a multiple murder case today, district attorney jeff rosen says dylan j. crew's gog intentionally set the fire before he tried to take off with a load of tools. the evidence shows that the suspect who had earlier that day stolen items from a nearby bass pro shop lit the fire in the home depot and try to leave the store with a cart containing stolen tools. he was stopped by a home depot employee. and fled in another persons, car, prosecutors say is the big box hardware store burned, causing $17 million in inventory loss. go continued his theft spree at a macy's in the east bay. 911 calls poured in as employees and customers race to get out. when someone commits a terrible act of this magnitude that endangers many. good people spring into action to save lives. and that's what our san jose police department and other
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first responders did. that day. police described god as a chronic thief who stole thousands of dollars in merchandise from stores, sometimes more than once. a fire witness helped identify him before his arrest friday. now go , gets charged with three counts of arson and a slew of theft charges. arson is a dangerous, violent crime. this unnecessary and tragic fire could have resulted in serious injury or loss of life. fire. investigators are unsure how the fire was set and spread. but inspection records show the store and blossom hill road had code violations in recent years related to ceiling clearance, the sprinkler system and fire alarms even though issues were addressed last year. it's unclear if they could have contributed to the quick and overwhelming destruction. it is possible that there's enough combustibles in an area to overcome. uh what the ratings of the fire protection systems are and so it is possible to have a
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fire like this, even in a protected structure is in the santa clara county jail being held without bail. he's scheduled to be back in court on june 1st for a plea hearing. in san jose brooks jarocz ktvu fox two news. alright, time is about 5 27 of newton landmark in the east bay, honoring the lives of people suffering with mental health problems still ahead, the reasons behind this memorial and we'll let you hear from people in arizona, evacuating to escape a large wildfire that is still burning this morning. and don't forget you can have the morning headlines delivered right to you by signing up for the ktvu newsletter, go to ktvu .com slash email sign up for the daily service.
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talking about it. the most dangerous places on earth and i have not position barea middle school teacher is now under
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investigation after recordings reportedly of him threatening students are circulating on social media plus every day. of training counts, and every day that this track is closed, is taken away from the opportunity of the you know? 12 to 15 kids that qualified just from this area alone. a dispute over a bmx track in the south bay has many bikers without a place to practice what writers and parents are now demanding from the city council. from ktvu. fox two news. this is mornings on two. good morning. thank you for waking up with us here on morning sun, too. i'm pam cook. good morning. i'm dave clark and welcome to the middle of the week. it's wednesday is april 20th. i'm ready for more rain. whenever we get nice. roberta's here she knows all about our forecast and when most of us will get some rest so happy you invited me and today because they have so much fun coming up.
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yeah really? do we have days of rain heading this way? beginning with later on this afternoon in the early hours in the north bay. then gradually sliding into the remaining portion of our region, but the bulk of your day will be dry. mostly cloudy skies right now at sfo air temperature wise at 53 degrees. otherwise we do have party cloudy skies and conquered at 48. we have fog visibility three quarters of a mile in santa rosa at 46 degrees and clear skies high forties in san jose. i wanted you to take a look at this imagery because that's what's heading this way. we'll break it down like this. partly cloudy for openers. rain will develop throughout most areas after the evening commute with periods of showers and then same tomorrow, but a threat of a thunderstorm developing at any point of the day. friday becomes partly cloudy. we got the weekend forecast coming up, but first it send it on over today. alright roberta. thank you. time is 5 31, a middle school teacher in san leandro has now been
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removed from the classroom after recordings of him show him allegedly making threatening remarks its students and they were posted on social media. ktvu is amanda quintana's in our newsroom to let us hear some of these recordings and tell us what the school district is saying. good morning, amanda. good morning, it appears those recordings began circulating on social media earlier this week. you can hear that middle school teacher going an angry rant in class about a student he claims was misbehaving. at one point, the teacher references his prior military career. and tells the class that in the past he's shot kids younger than that student. yeah. three tours in combat and the most dangerous places on everything. i have not position the rest of period just nowadays i am shocked. use younger than here. in that same recording, you can hear. the teacher appeared to tell a student that he's lucky things have changed and that he's no longer able to
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put his hands on him and take him out of the classroom himself. he's also heard warning a student about high schoolers that will beat him. you're probably about 20 cent undersized for your day. try suggest. when you get a nice school, you were about to shut your mouth because guys like me were way way bigger than you telling you little money vinaigrette. the same leander unified school district would not name that teacher but said they are part of the faculty bancroft middle school, releasing a brief statement saying, in part that they're actively investigating the quote. inappropriate statements and adding quote. in doing so the personnel involved have been removed from the classroom. additionally the bancroft students, staff and families who have been affected by this incident are also being supported in processing this concerning event. the district was apparently first made aware of this when those recordings made their way around social media. they're asking anyone with information about the
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incidents to report them to the school's administration team live in the newsroom. amanda quintana ktvu fax two news thank you. amanda family and friends are remembering a man who was killed while being restrained by police last year. flowers candles and music filled in alameda park last night as family members continue to call for justice for mario gonzalez, the alameda county coroner's office ruled that gonzalez died from methamphetamine combined. with the stress of being restrained by police, although it was ruled a homicide by the coroner, the alameda county district attorney found that three officers were quote lawful and objectively reasonable when they arrested gonzalez. they were not charged in his death. time is now 5 30 for the family of the san leandro man who was shot to death by police. in february of 2020 filed a federal wrongful death lawsuit against the city and the two officers involved. the family's lawyer says the shooting of 33 year old steven taylor in april of 2020 was preventable. taylor was
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accused of shoplifting a baseball bat at a walmart store and also threatening customers. prosecutors say officer jason fletcher at first taste. taylor then shot him when he refused to put down the bat. we're looking forward. to justice being served . we're looking forward things beginning to change in the city of san leandro, we're looking forward. two things happening for the mentally ill things happening for the homeless people. the crisis that is going on in this city. now in the statement, the city, andrew said it will defend itself against the lawsuit. after nearly 30 years, authorities in santa clara county say they now know the identity of a woman who was killed and left on a dirt turnout off highway 1 52 near gilroy. there's really nothing like being able to give closure to a family who has been waiting for several years to find out what has happened to their
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family member. now the victim has been identified as patricia skipper of colton, oregon. the cause of death was never determined, but skip will was a victim of the happy face. serial killer keith hunter jesperson. he wrote letters to officials signing them with a happy face. just person is currently serving four life sentences without the possibility of parole in oregon. it's a very unique case, because i think just as members of the community there's a true um you know frustration to have a homicide conviction without knowing a victim's identity. so this case meant a lot. i think to the community to everyone in santa clara county and the feeling of being able to identify her was, um great. it was great to be able to know. who she was. skittles identity was determined due to advances in dna technology. this was the first case in santa clara county
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to use genetic genealogy to identify a jane doe victim. our time is 5 36 of bmx track in santa clara will stay closed for at least three more months while negotiations continue between usa bmx and the league that runs the race track. the track is managed by the santa clara police athletic league, or powell has been closed for weeks because powell wants the usa bmx to pay more money for races to be held at the track. and that means local families whose kids have qualified to be on team usa in july's bmx world championships have to drive to napa or salinas in order to practice. every day. of training counts, and every day that this track is closed, is taken away from the opportunity of the you know? 12 to 15 kids that qualified just from this area alone. it's very annoying. it's hard to do homework in the car when you're driving somewhere else, but when you couldn't do it in time at home it's way
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better. last night, dozens of families gathered in front of santa clara city hall. they want city council to appoint a new bmx track manager. alright. we wish them well. nice to have kids who have a great interest in something that gets them outside. and you know what? speaking of being outside, roberta? i know steve always kind of thinks of, um, letting the roofers and people who work outdoors no right little warning that they might not be able to get out there tomorrow morning from a family where my dad and my brother were construction workers. so my dad always told me just tell them that they need an umbrella right work outdoors that they needed to chase right ? that's so yeah, layman's terms right? and so let's explain it this way. heading out the door today, karen umbrella to be on the safe side, a couple of renegade raindrops here and there, but the bulk of the activity moves in after the evening commute except in the north bay. where we will see some early showers in the
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afternoon hours. mostly cloudy skies at sfo right now, temperature there is about 53 degrees. otherwise, we're the mid forties in santa rosa. areas of fog, limiting visibility down to three quarters of a mile otherwise oakland international airport at 53 degrees visibility at 10 miles same in san jose. no local airport delays at all when you're beginning to pick up somewhat still under 10 mph, but these winds will be notable later today out of the southwest 10 to 20 and tonight gusts up to 30 mph. so when that happens, i always go outside and take the flag down for a while. okay here's the frontal boundary area all associated with this. for this area of low pressure. the frontal boundary still is offshore, but it is already bringing beneficial rain showers around that northwestern section of the state of california. this system here we're getting swipe with the tail end of it, so we'll have the rain developing in the north bay. showers tonight with windy conditions. sochi range with the passage of
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the system tomorrow as a core plows through and that's going to produce a chance of a thunderstorm because this is going to tap into some tropical moisture. and when that happens , we do have that potential for a thunderstorm blossoming during the afternoon. so here we go today, the rain playing tag sonoma napa county, slicing in a southerly direction into the central bay 78 o'clock tonight. still avoiding some activity in the east bay until later tonight , overnight this time tomorrow morning. pedals on the roadways because watch these rainfall totals. they are going to be quite impressive as this system continues to produce some rain showers throughout our thursday and into our friday morning, so we start off like this 14 100 of an introvert in san francisco by tonight, maybe less than 1/10 also to the east. none incentives a, but we quickly fill in tomorrow morning with some rain there. happen inched to the north. look at san jose's total again, this system tapping into some tropical moisture from the south, so they are the
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recipients. i hope this holds true over 6/10 of an inch of rain in sacramento. nice over half an inch in san francisco when the storm warning in effect, we're talking about two ft as snow between today. and friday about 7000 ft. blustery winds. yep. april showers. that means that we have the rain beginning in the north bay. spotty evening showers. temperatures today 50 sixties up to 70, the warmest location fairfield and travis as well as gilroy. five day forecast still coming up in a matter of minutes . alright, roberta. thank you. time is 5 41 coming up at six o'clock pg and e wants more money from the state. which are you the reason the troubled utility company may not be able to make payments to survivors of wildfire. and the increasing cost of college tuition has made it harder for people to pay back their student loans coming up the new federal plan to forgive many of those payments.
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- hey honey. - hey dad. that smell is eight million odor-causing bacteria. good thing adding lysol laundry sanitizer kills 99.9% of bacteria that detergents can't. clean is good, sanitized is better.
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25 happening today. students at san jose state university plan to hold a march to bring attention to students, homelessness, the student homeless alliances, asking interim president stephen perez to fix the university's homeless response. now, some of their demands include transforming the advisory board for basic needs to allow students and community members to have a major input. they also want to provide staff and faculty with more details on emergency housing and food pantry information. time is now 5 44. tesla wants a judge to pause a lawsuit accusing tesla of race discrimination in fremont at its assembly plant. the lawsuit accuses tesla of exposing black employees to racial slurs and also discrimination and job assignments, discipline and pay . tesla's lawyers say the department of fair employment
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and housing conducted a bare bones investigation before they filed that lawsuit in february. tesla wants the state to further investigate the claims and give tesla a chance to settle the lawsuit. well, the unemployment rate in silicon valley dropped to 2.4% in march. that's less than half the rate compared to the same time last year. employers in santa clara and san mateo county has added more than 16,000 workers between february and march. leisure and hospitality jobs all the biggest gains for the second straight month. 3200 jobs added to the restaurant industry 500 in arts , entertainment and recreation. the international monetary fund has downgraded the outlook for the world economy this year, and next. the organization is blaming russia's war in ukraine for disrupting global commerce. it says the war has pushed up oil prices, threatened food supplies and increased uncertainty. that was already heightened by the pandemic. inflation. has become a clear
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and present danger for many countries. even prior to the war, it surged on the back of soaring commodity prices and supply demand imbalances. now as we've been reporting, the united states currently has the highest inflation rate in 40 years. the white house says it's trying to do more to address increasing inflation. reporter lauren blanchard explains the president's plan to increase american production and the republican opposition to more federal spending. president biden in new hampshire tuesday to again tell last year's bipartisan infrastructure bill. he's requiring any construction materials bought with money from the $1.2 trillion bill be american made. we now ranked number 13. in the quality of infrastructure. china is ahead of us. so many other countries have moved. folks this matters. it's an effort to ramp up production in the us and help
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ease supply chain pressure that is sent prices sky high and has economic experts concerned. goldman sachs now says there is a 35% chance of a recession in the next two years with the fed should do is stop printing so much money and stabilize the dollar. and let this thing work itself out. inflation is now at a 40 year high and is straining americanswallets. there's no sign that inflation is slowing down. in fact, if anything, it's going stronger and stronger. senator elizabeth warren pinned and up ed in the new york times, warning fellow democrats they need to make good on campaign promises to make the economy work better. or else they can expect a red wave in november. republicans say they can turn the economy around. if they take back congress. we wouldn't have dumped $2 trillion on the economy. and we wouldn't be suffering from record levels of inflation made in america material requirement will have some waivers if there's not enough supply available or if
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the price is too high in washington, lauren blanchard fox news thank you. lauren fire crews in arizona are fighting flames and powerful winds near flagstaff. you can hear the wind tunnel fire started sunday afternoon. it burned about 100 acres in the first day but exploded early yesterday when those winds picked up now has burned more than nine square miles, and it's threatening hundreds of homes. people who live in the area say they were surprised to see how quickly it changed their neighborhood. we went up 89 past silver saddle road. the whole road was covered in smoke. um it was thick and heavy about a mile and a half past that we turned onto our road and we could see the smoke. it looked like it was in our backyard. reports say the fire has destroyed more than 20 buildings, but we have not heard if those are homes or businesses right now. firefighting aircraft are grounded because of the high winds. and certainly has been a
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big concern here in california as we look at that. that's why we're so thankful for this rain. roberto we talked about it. it's not getting us out of the drought, but certainly delaying fire season. it's certainly is dampening the start of the fire season here, at least for the short term. but in flagstaff, you have to keep in mind. flagstaff is the gateway to the tallest mountain in arizona. which is called the san francisco peaks and lining that gateway happens to be ponderosa pines were charred, quite explosive and combustible, so we wish them while they're with some impending rain showers on friday. as far as we are concerned, we have some rain showers arriving as early as this afternoon in the north favorite right now, mostly cloudy skies at sfo. the air temperature remains in the forties and fifties. it's now 53 in oakland. pillow out to it. 47 degrees. this is a big, beautiful area of low pressure. the core of the center of this area. low pressure is way out here. but the frontal boundaries now lining the california and pacific northwest coast. as it
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approaches the bay area. our winds will increase out of the southwest 10 to 20 mph so becoming breezy today with the rain showers developing in the north bay and then tonight showers breezing, gusty winds up to 30 mph. soaking rains on thursday. we will see more rain tomorrow. then what we do like today into the evening hours, and with the passage of the system and the instability of this system, and it's tapping into subtropical moisture. we do have that chance of a thunderstorm. so by one o'clock today, mendocino county in humboldt county was some pretty moderate rain showers. light rain begins across santa rosa sliding into the central bay by 78 o'clock tonight is a you'll start to see a little bit of precipitation. san jose your void of run intel pretty much the overnight hours and then this time tomorrow notice these hit and miss scattered showers. it's going to be a messy morning commute. if this all plays out accordingly, ponding on the roadways as well, a bit of a
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break. but again here comes that instability and this is when we have that chance of a late day or early evening thunderstorm. partly cloudy by friday, so when it telly's up about 14 1 hundreds of an introvert in san francisco by tonight, according to the north nine across the santa clara valley. but look how that changes on our thursday morning again. that's when you'll see the puddling on the roadways, and it's going to be very definitely slippery when wet and as we forge ahead towards friday, i total accumulations could be up to an engine santa rosa, but in the highest elevations of our local mountains up to two inches of rain, we're talking about two ft of snow. between tonight and friday afternoon in the high sierra. so therefore, winter storm warning goes into effect at five o'clock tonight, so let's go ahead and spell it out for you up to two inches of rain over the next 48 to 72 hours winds to 20 gusts up to 30 temperatures today with partly cloudy to mostly cloudy sky 50 sixties up to 70. and tonight's
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lows mild in the forties and fifties. your extended forecast has called for all of this to move out of the area just in time for the weekend. then we'll top off with temperatures in the eighties and sunday away from the bay. thank you. roberta ruling this morning by a british judge means julian assange is one step closer to being extradited to the united states coming up at six. we're going to tell you what he can still do to avoid charges here in the us, but first, the alternatives to go into college that young people are turning to more to avoid being crushed by student debt. and keeping an eye on your morning commute. look at the bay bridge toll plaza with described little break in the sky. there is the sun starts to rise and traffic moving along just fine there at the bay bridge toll plaza right now. we'll be right ♪ if i could be you and you could be me ♪ ♪ for just one hour ♪ ♪ walk a mile in my shoes ♪
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♪ walk a mile in my shoes ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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is e americans who are saddled with college debt program will give more than 3.5 million people with federally backed loans at least three years of credit towards eventual debt forgiveness. that's nearly 10% of all student loan borrowers. people would need to pay a certain percentage of their income on loans for 20 to 25 years before having the remaining balance forgiven. our time is 5 55 alternatives before year, college colleges are becoming more popular now
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because of the high cost of higher education. undergrad enrollment is down 3.1% compared to last year, and there's a price of tuition shoots up. many are now turning to skilled trade schools. some analysts say, a four year college degree may not be worth what it used to be. also they say, there's more demand for skilled trade workers and people going to these schools often have less debt and make more money when they graduate. there are trade schools and not you're not traditional trade schools. now technology schools are exploding all across the country, and people are going through those in a much smaller amount of time and for a whole lot less money and then starting at a much greater salary. and trade schools can also provide career growth and the ability to start working right out of high school. it is a college program at san quentin prison. for years , san quentin has offered inmates courses and literature, american government and other
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high education classes. but now the college there has gained accreditation, which means inmates will officially be students of mount tamil pious community college. it's part of the bigger efforts to rehabilitate the prison population of saint quentin. so for 20 years, we were an extension site of a small college in oakland. and then a couple of years ago, we decided we wanted to become independent, so we are now an independently accredited. liberal arts college as far as we know, mount tamalpais college, it's the first and only fully accredited independent college, where the main campus inside the state prison now, with the new accreditation, students can more easily transferred to other colleges after their incarceration ends. your time is 5 57 to build that would have required high risk parolees who are homeless to wear a gps monitor failed in a key vote in the state legislature, not the idea behind this is to make it easier to keep tabs on paroled transient to make them easier to find and contact. it would have affected about 10,000 people.
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but the bill failed on the 2 to 5 vote in the assembly committee for public safety. high risk parolees who fill the comply with their parole should not be allowed to roam our neighborhoods preying on women and children. we must hold criminals accountable and stop treating them like victims. that the bill was a response to the murder of kate tibbets, a woman in sacramento killed last september. investigators say the man accused of killing her was a convicted violent felon who was out on parole. santa clara county is expanding crisis services for teenagers and young adults. the board of supervisors approved the growth of the mobile crisis response team to help people between the ages of 16 and 24. they're also going to roll out an app to help get services to more people program responds to people who have mental illness problems or substance use disorders and they're in a crisis. last year, they were called for service nearly 5000 times at 1600 more
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times than the year before. walnut creek has dedicated a part. two people lost to mental illness. they held a ribbon cutting ceremony yesterday for the remembrance park, which is in the park made neighborhood. the effort was led by the family of miles hall. the 23 year old was fatally shot by walnut creek police in 2019 during a mental health crisis. so many of you showed up for our family cared about what happened to miles and also understanding that this could have been any of your family members. the mayor says he hopes the park will become a place of reflection and healing. for 20 tomorrow, so i think everyone's just going to come out and have a good time. you know, just a couple of hours from now, marijuana enthusiasts will converge in san francisco's golden gate park, and we'll take you live to san francisco preparations with the annual 4 20 celebration. plus people not testing. um you know, there's a
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sense of invincibility. hey are you doctors are concerned about not knowing where we stand with covid tell you about the preparations being made for a possible surgeon. the bodies from ktvu fox two news this to u for joining us. welcome the mornings onto i'm dave clark. good morning. i'm pam cook wednesday morning. april 20th. 4 2020 going to rain on all of those 4 20 celebrations in golden gate park. i don't think it's going to look like woodstock. okay i don't think so . we will have some light rain showers beginning in the early afternoon hours in the north bay. otherwise we will have a dry day, albeit cloudy. this is the scene looking out towards the golden gate bridge recurrently. it's 53 degrees. it's in the forties away from the bay. it is now 48 degrees in san jose. here's what you need to know partner cloudy to mostly cloudy today, with the winds increasing during the afternoon
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hours up to 20 mph. we will see the rain developing in the north bay first and then spreading across the whole area tonight. it's going to be a wet day on thursday, becoming partly cloudy on friday, but today 50 sixties and up to 70 degrees in our warmest spot. full forecast still minutes away. all right. thank you, roberta. we want to keep an eye on your commute this morning. beautiful sky. like how you painted the sky, a little touch of blue number 22. i don't know. yeah i though there are not clear but sun breaking through the clouds, we should say in clear sailing through the bay bridge toll plaza san mateo bridge. you can see how it is. right now it's flowing. it's getting packed a little bit more, but it's flowing and you can see the very latest from the san mateo bridge, checking in on 8 80 in oakland traffic moving along just fine as well, a little slower in the southbound direction. we'll keep an eye on your commute for you look out
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for any problems. alright, pam time 601 happening later this morning. san francisco welcomes the return of the annual 4 20 celebration. ktvu is jesse gary is that hippie hill in golden gate park to tell us what's new at the event this year? jesse always good to see you. david good morning. good to see you again as well. i'll stay with the traffic theme since you and pam are just talking about traffic. just so you know, if you're in the area of golden gate park don't think you can just park anywhere because toe trucks are out and they are ready to tow talked to a park ranger who is out giving tickets as well. so if you're coming to the celebration this year just bear that in mind. make sure you are parked legally because they will take it and they will tow. okay the preps for this celebration. taken place yesterday. and during the overnight hours what we're waiting for now is quite honestly. you estimated 20,000 people who will come here to the park for the annual celebration , this world renowned celebration, a staple of san
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francisco returns for the first time in three years this year, sees the city partnering with private event organizer. sounds bizarre. and for the first time , listen to this regulated and tested. cannabis products will be available for purchase at the event. the new development also brings new restrictions. no one under 21. years of age will be allowed to enter the area of robin williams meadow, which will be surrounded by fencing event staff will check identification and bags. because this is the first year where there are legal sales. state law requires us you will not be allowed in unless you are 21 organized, fenced in the gathering is a little bit more commercial than like what cannabis meant for people in this community. officials worry there could be poisonings due to people purchasing tainted drugs offsite. they urged attendees not to purchase drugs off the streets around the park. you are
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eligible to bring your own marijuana, but just one ounce otherwise. purchased at the event. they will have police park rangers medical staff here on hand just in case alive at golden gate park in san francisco. jesse gary ktvu fox news will head back to you across the bay in oakland. all right. thank you. jesse supervisor matt haney is declaring victory in the special election for the san francisco assembly. early return show haney with a strong lead 63% of the votes. david campos trails at 37% roughly 60,000 votes have been counted so far, the director of elections, says. voter turnout, though, is expected to be low. well this is a unique collection for us because it's a district election. it's off cycle, so we don't really have a projection. i don't have a number as far as what the turnout what we expected throughout to be right now that turnout is 21. now the winner will have to defend his seat in the june 7th statewide primary, then again in the
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november election time is now 605. a lockout of nurses has begun its sutter health. it will continue until this weekend after thousands of nurses staged a one day strike protesting working conditions. the nurses strike was designed to put a spotlight on understaffing. and what they call the lack of progress in contract talks are officials brought in replacement nurses and guaranteed them five days of work, so the nurses who staged a strike won't be allowed back to work until saturday. oh hours city more than 100 city. employees in santa clara are getting ready to go on strike. they clean city buildings. they take care of sewage pipelines, and they say they're the only city workers being asked to go another year without a pay raise . they also say the city wants them to give up some of their rights that they have under federal law. we are here today because the city has refused to negotiate in good faith. they're
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asking us not only to not take a raise again in these facing this horrible inflation. but they're also asking us to give away our legal right to recognize the strike line. last night santa clara city council meeting the council was not allowed to directly respond to the union because it was not on the agenda . but the workers say if there's no progress, they'll go on strike on may 1st. new this morning. a british judge has approved the extradition of julian assange to the united states. the wikileaks founder is facing charges in the u. s related to the release of classified documents back in 2010. it is now up to britain's interior minister for the final decision on whether or not he will be extradited. assange's legal team can still make arguments in his favor. time is six oh six new this morning. the united nations says more than five million people have fled ukraine since the russian invasion started. overnight russian forces continued attacks in eastern ukraine across an
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area spanning hundreds of miles up to 75,000. russian troops are in place along a 300 mile front in eastern ukraine. the pentagon is responding, sending seven flights of weapons to ukraine that should arrive today. ukraine's president vows to continue the fight it's not just feeling no matter how many russian troops are driven there, we will fight. we will defend ourselves and we will do it every day. there is a preliminary agreement open a humanitarian corridor out of the city of mario paul today to let civilians who've been trapped there got a chance to escape. well santa clara county's public health officer, revealed some new information some new details about covid deaths over the past two years, dr sara cody says data shows covid has killed more county residents last year, then the flu, tuberculosis, hiv aids and guns combined over the last 10 years. it was the third leading cause of death in both
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2020 and 2021 after heart disease. in cancer. san francisco, maybe in the midst of another covid surge, researchers say current case rates may be undercounting the true number of cases doctors, including ucsf infectious disease specialist peter chin, hang say one reason could be that fewer people are getting tested for the virus than in the past. it's just something to be aware of. but nothing to be afraid of. because again if you're vaccinated and boosted, um chances are you're not going to get really ill even if a new variant comes along for more people. now the san francisco department of public health has launched a campaign to encourage people to prepare for the next covid surge or variant that comes our way. the program is similar to others in the city and around the bay area. teach us to be prepared in case of an earthquake, wildfire or some other emergency time is 608. the justice department plans to appeal the court ruling that struck down wearing a face
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mask on public transit, but only if the c d c wants them to do it. a judge struck down that requirement requiring facial coverings on mass transit earlier this week, but the cdc now has to decide if they think the requirement is still needed before the justice department moves ahead with an appeal. the people. we talked to have mixed feelings about these changes. at the end of the free home of the brave finally, our choice. i do like that. if you want to, you should be able to. but if you don't, i mean, is it really going to stop anything? so i'm really excited about that. i'm going to keep my mask on just to help other people who are still , you know, compromise. we still need to think about them. transit officials are asking people respect other people's decisions to either wear or not wear a mask. california lawmakers have advanced a measure that would make it easier to sue gunmakers. now the proposed state law would require firearm makers and dealers to
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take reasonable precautions. opponents say the legislation is designed to drive manufacturers out of business. the bill was approved by the assembly judiciary committee. the assembly public safety committee voted down in an attempt to repeal california sanctuary law . that law prevents law enforcement agencies from notifying federal officials that an undocumented immigrant is about to be released from jail. more than 40, civil rights and other groups opposed repealing the sanctuary law and no one publicly stepped forward in support of the idea. your time is 6 10, the san francisco board of supervisors passed legislation banning the city's crime lab from storing any victim dna for criminal investigative purposes. it's a response to word that dna from a rape kit. was used against the victim who was suspected in a robbery case. right now they're statewide legislation to ban any california crime lab from keeping rape kit dna in a database that's not related to
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the sexual assault. later this month, the state legislature will review governor newsom's plan that would force some people who are homeless into mental health facilities. advocates for the homeless say the care court plan is immoral and legally misguided. they say it forces people into mental health services. instead of giving priority to finding housing as the first step in recovery, a spokesman for the governor says the principle of housing first remains a pillar of the program. hearings on the governor's proposal are now scheduled in both the assembly and the state senate for next week. hard time is 6 11 just days after the home opener for the a's, the oakland a's didn't have a lot of people last night at the stadium. we'll show you how empty it was for the game plus we know when the snow pack melts off earlier that you're going to have a much longer dry season and a dry season means more severe fires. the impact of wildfire stretching for years. that will tell you how last
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year's fire season meet three moms who each like to bank their own way. luckily they've all got chase. smart bankers. convenient tools. one bank with the power of both. chase. make more of what's yours.
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here on morning sun to new this morning. the trust fund responsible for paying p genie wildfire victims is asking governor newsom in the state legislature for alone. according to the sacramento bee, the pee genie fire victim trust says it needs a loan of about $1.5 billion in order to fully compensate. the 66,000 survivors of wildfires that were caused by p genies equipment. pgd set up the trust fund with 6.5 $75 billion in cash and 477 million shares of pg and e stock. that trust fund is selling the shares periodically to raise cash. but right now the shares are trading below the target price set by the trust fund. so the head of the trust says with the loan the trust could hold on to its shares until pg needs stock price rises time now, 6 14 researchers want to know how
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much last year's devastating fires or affecting california's snowpack. with no trees to protect the snow. in many of those burned areas, the snow is more exposed to sunlight. and with this years spring heatwaves , the limited snowfall has been melting faster. now they are getting some snow right now. since california depends on that snow to fill up reservoirs. scientists are studying this year's snowmelt to predict how much worse it could make the drought conditions later. climate change is causing our snow packs to decline. and melt earlier and any time we have a fire those burned areas we see that affect being amplified by the charred debris these areas that have been affected by fire. the snow's dirtier. it's absorbing that sunlight. it's melting faster and that you're going to have earlier runoff, probably for up to a decade at that, and soot in the snow also makes it melt faster, since it doesn't reflect as much light
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researchers said the burned forest could make future drought and wildfire cycles cycles even worse because of how the water supply is disrupted. doctors say they are starting to see more complications from patients who have been skipping appointments during the pandemic. most of those visits for routine checkups or minor health care issues, but for people who have serious conditions or who have issues that need ongoing care. it created some bigger problems that now need to be treated. coming in later for screening cancers. those those cancers are more advanced. people are coming in later for control of their blood pressure, and that's creating more advanced heart disease that we're now working to correct. doctors say they worked hard to assure patients at hospitals and clinics are safe. they also hope people will continue to use virtual health care visits. it is easier for many people, and it will help them clear up the backlog of patients who are starting to return to the medical care system. alright tommy 6 16. if you ride san francisco money,
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there's some news for you this morning, mta board members approved a two year budget. it includes no fare hikes and free munity for all youth. uni says the $2.8 billion budget priority of restoring services were canceled during the pandemic. in dozens of healthcare workers are showing support for a proposal to keep a major san francisco street car free 70 healthcare professionals signed a letter for keeping jfk drive in golden gate park car free, they say the city sees too many traffic accidents every year, and the car free street allows more people to get out and exercise. jfk drive has been closed to cars since the pandemic began. the board of supervisors is expected to decide whether that will continue when they meet next week. the excitement over the a's home opener seemed to fade fast. last night, the team had the worst attendance at the colosseum and nearly 40 years. the announced paid attendance at
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last night's game was 3748 that is the lowest number since june of 1984 excluding pandemic era games with zero fans in the stands. of course, part of the reason is likely that the massive fire sale the team held in the off season. with four fan favorites heading to other teams last night was only the second home game of the season. the a's are seeing this low attendance despite being tied for the best record in the american league. last night's win over the orioles. put them at seven and five. i definitely have heard from aced fans. they weren't happy about those trades. major trade alright, 6 18. let's see what's happening in your morning commute right now. the richmond bridge area, the toll plaza area looking for yourself, things are moving pretty good. these are live pictures and will continue to keep an eye on that. highway four at railroad traffic, starting to build up a little bit. want to take you out there highway to 42 also starting to
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slow down in that conquered area. alright as it normally does. let's talk about whether there's a lot to tell you. roberta's right here. she knows everything. still trying to wrap my head around those oakland a stats, right? that is a lot. from 21,000 on opening game to only over 3000 last night. i have some stats to play around with. also we have had more rain in the month of april than all of january. february and march combined. and how about that? right try that one more time. wow and we have had the driest winter in the past 173 years. we have more rain on the way that with beneficial rainfall to dampen that fire season, at least in the short term right now, temperatures are in the forties and fifties. it is 49 degrees in walnut creek with mostly cloudy skies. we have fog and santa rosa disability at three quarters of a mile. it's
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cloudy at sfo as it is at minetta and oakland international airport wins are beginning to increase. hayward winds now at 10, 9 sfo. these winds are going to be notable. today they will be blowing out of the southwest 10 to 20 gusts to 30 mph late day than tonight . 20 to 30 mile per hour winds all because of this right here, this big, beautiful, comments shaped area of low pressure. the cores there the frontal boundary here now making lots of rain showers across the northwestern section of the state of california. it's writing in uk a wind gusts up to 32 mph. if our computer model service correctly , will have the rain showers entering through the back door of sonoma and napa counties early afternoon hours, slicing in a southerly direction. you see the central bay getting some action at eight o'clock tonight. moving into the east bay also the senate clara valley after midnight, tomorrow morning's commute is going to be wet with the chance of thunderstorms during the afternoon hours. we
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have a lot of some tropical moisture coming in tomorrow, and that's all from a former typhoon , so this fronts going to tap into that sub tropical moisture, then turning partly cloudy on friday. rainfall totals up to court of an inch by tonight to the north up to almost a half an inch by this time tomorrow in san francisco, so when you see these kind of totals, you can pretty much estimate you're going to have some ponding on the roadways for the morning commute and then again by friday afternoon, rainfall totals up to over an inch of the santa clara valley, and we're hoping that does pan out when you store morning in effect for the high sierra. we're expecting two ft of snow between later tonight. all the way through friday morning that's in the highest elevations above 7000 ft. temperatures spend today 58 degrees and pacifica with a blustery day in the offing, 70 away from the bay and fairfield's antioco also all the way into gilroy. morgan hill at 67 degrees, a pair of sixes and hayward backing through castro valley, and tonight we're
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talking about with the rain showers temperatures into the forties and low fifties. your five day forecast. pam that's just in a few minutes away. all right. sounds good. thank you, roberta. would you have some new details about that massive fire that destroyed the south bay home depot up next? the man accused of starting it. one investigators say was the motive plus driest january, the driest february and driest march in california history. roberta was just talking about that very thing in governor, newsom is nearing the rough words about california's drought. what he says about the chances of statewide water restrictions.
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(music throughout)
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this is elodia. she's a recording artist. 1 of 10 million people that comcast has connected to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. before we are learning more about the suspect in the fire that destroyed that home depot in san jose frank mallicoat joining us live reporting
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investigators, frank say there is no doubt dylan go deliberately set that fire. all right. well, good morning to you, pam. smoke and flames from that fire could be seen for miles in the south bay officials are not sure how the fire was set or why it burns so rapidly, but prosecutors say god has a criminal history who has stolen thousands of dollars in merchandise from stores in the past and in some cases, has returned to that very same store to pick up more merchandise. and they believe dogg plan to use the fire in this case to distract security workers. inside that home depot while he took a large number of tools. the evidence shows that the suspect who had earlier that day stolen items from a nearby bass pro shop lit the fire in the home depot and try to leave the store with a cart containing stolen tools. prosecutors say he managed to get out of the store jumped into a waiting car got away. he was later seen at a macy's in the east bay, where he
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may have been attempting yet another theft. now go be facing three counts of arson, several charges of theft he's being held currently at santa clara county jail. no bail he'll be in court june, the first for a plea hearing. county prosecutors says he's still grateful gaga is not facing homicide charges, rosen says he's amazed that nobody was hurt or killed in that massive home depot. fire pam back to you. all right. thank you, frank . a new food hall in the south bay is looking to hire hundreds of people italy at san jose's westfield valley mall valley fair mall will open soon, managers say. they need to hire 300 people, including servers, managers and cooks. they're holding hiring events the next to friday's both of those are from 11 a.m. to six p.m. at the mall. san francisco police officers now facing criminal charges up next what they're accused of doing, plus. happy oh, dispute over a bmx track in
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the south bay has many bikers without a place to practice will show you how writers and parents want the city council to intervene. be happy. at jp morgan, the only definition of wealth that matters is yours. it can be a smaller house, but a bigger nest egg. a goal to work toward, or the freedom to walk away. with 200 years of experience, personalized advice,
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period. just nowadays, i am shocked kids younger than here. bay area teacher being investigated now for allegedly making threatening remarks at his students, but the school district is now saying about comments that were recorded. and we may have been seeing rain this month, but the drought still far from over and tell you what governor newsom is saying about the possibility of more water restrictions. from ktvu fox. two news this morning's on
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t alright. netflix surprised investors this morning. i said opening bell rings in the new york stock exchange. netflix stocks 7% that market opens. yep, that's after reporting it last 200,000 subscribers during the first quarter opposite of what was expected. netflix executives say they are also exploring an ad supported version. we'll have more on netflix and check on their stock coming up in just a little bit in dollars and cents. thank you for joining us here on morning sun to pam cook. good morning. i'm dave clark. it's the middle of the week. it's wednesday. it's april 20th. kind of breezy outside, little cool. alright roberta. roberta has all the information about what our weather is just outside knockout . he is my human weather gauge. do it for you own human weather station here, so the winds are beginning to pick up right? yes yes, it will be a breezy morning and then downright windy later
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today as those winds increase up to 20 and 30 mph, with this frontal system blasting through the bay area. several decks of clouds right now, isn't that a beautiful view? as we're beginning to see the appearance of a sunrise? it's anywhere from partly to mostly cloudy. at this early hour. some areas of fog in santa rosa 46, otherwise high forties wanted creek backing all the way through alamo into danville, san ramon and down the stretch of 5 86 82. dublin, pleasanton. 47 degrees in livermore. so what you need to know today partly cloudy and breezy to start off with we will see some showers developing in the north bay and afternoon hours and then throughout the entire region tonight a stormy day thursday, becoming partly cloudy by friday today's high's 50 c short sixties bayside in peninsula to 70. and you're inland areas, the full forecast minutes away. all right. thank you, roberta. we want to keep an eye on your traffic this morning and boy in the last half hour. it's certainly changed at the
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bay bridge toll plaza went from smooth sailing to back up there as i'm sure the metering lights are on. yes they are right now, but you can see a nice sunrise over the staybridge area there. you see the san mateo bridge and it's filling up, but it is moving right now. these are live pictures with the birds flying by still moving on the san mateo bridge. checking in on i 80 the approach to the mcarthur maze pretty light. for this hour as we're at 6 32 traffic moving along just fine as people making their way to the city there, but they will meet the metering lights as they had around that corner to the bay bridge. a middle school teacher in san leandro has been removed from the classroom after recordings of him making threatening remarks to students were posted on social media. ktvu is amanda quintana live in our newsroom with some of those recordings and what the school district is now saying yes. well, it appears those recordings began circulating on social media earlier this week in them, you can hear the middle school
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teacher going an angry rant in class about a student he claims was misbehaving. at one point, the teacher references his prior military career and tells the class that in the past he has shot kids younger than that student. the three tours in combat and the most dangerous places on earth tonight, not position. the western, she couldn't talk. that's period just nowadays have shocked kids younger than here. in that same recording, you can hear. the teacher appeared to tell a student that he's lucky things have changed and that he is no longer able to put his hands on him and take him out of the classroom himself. he's also heard a warning a student about high schoolers that will beat him. you're probably about 20% undersized for your day. try suggest. when you get a nice school, you are about to shut your mouth because guys like me were way way bigger than you and telling you the same leandro
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unified school district would not name that teacher but said they are part of the faculty at bancroft middle school, releasing a brief statement saying, in part that they're actively investigating inappropriate statements and adding quote. in doing so, the personnel involved have been removed from the classroom. additionally the bancroft students, staff and families who have been affected by this incident are also being supported in processing this concerning event. the district was apparently first made aware of this when those recordings made their way around via social media. they are asking anyone with information about the incidents to report them to the school's administration team. live in the newsroom. amanda quintana ktvu fox two news. thank you time, 6 30 for san francisco's district attorney announced charges against one former police officer and two current police officers. former police officer mark williams was charged with possession of a machine gun and a silent er and the d a says he took the gun
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from the city's property control division. when he worked there back in august of 2021, current police officers kevin lyons and kevin sign or charged with misdemeanor concealing or destroying of evidence that there are accused of throwing away credit and identification cards and flushing methods. federman down a toilet. saying catalog the evidence would take too long. family and friends are remembering a man who was killed while being restrained by police last year. flowers candles and music filled in alameda park last night as family members continue to call for justice for mario gonzalez. the alameda county coroner's office ruled the gonzalez died from methamphetamine combined with the stress of being restrained by police. it was ruled a homicide by the coroner. however, the alameda county district attorney found the three officers were quote. lawful and objectively reasonable when they arrested gonzalez. they were not charged in his death at 6 35 the family
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of ascent leandro man shot to death by police in april of 2020 filed a federal wrongful death lawsuit against the city and two police officers involved. family's lawyer says the shooting of 33 year old steven taylor was preventable. taylor was accused of shoplifting of baseball bat at a walmart and threatening customers, prosecutors say officer jason fletcher first taste taylor. then shot him when he refused to put down the bat. we're looking forward. to justice being served . we're looking forward things beginning to change in the city of san leandro, we're looking forward. two things happening for the mentally ill things. thg on in this city. leandro said it will defend itself against the lawsuit. wilt least three more months while
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negotiations continue between usa bmx in the league that runs the race track. the track is managed by the santa clara police at activities league or powell. has been closed for weeks because powell once usa bmx to pay more money for the track to hold races. that means local families whose kids have qualified to be on team usa in the bmx world championships in july. have to drive to napa or salinas in order to practice. every day. of training counts, and every day that this track is closed, is taken away from the opportunity of the you know? 12 to 15 kids that qualified just from this area alone. it's very annoying. it's hard to do homework in the car when you're driving somewhere else, but when you couldn't do it, and i'm at home it's way better. and last night, dozens of families gathered in front of santa clara city hall. they want city council to appoint a new track
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manager. as drought conditions get worse, governor newsom says he does not expect to see statewide water restrictions but localized rules instead. but i think the approach everybody's taking these voluntary agreements the recognition at the local level. that they needed to update their contingency plans, which they've done provide more tools in the toolkit entering the third year drought than we had in previous years, and i'm confident we can get through without that kind of draconian mandate. now the governor toured the hyatt power plant at lake oroville yesterday, which supplies water to 27 million californians. the lake is only about half full. you can see the pretty big drop there, the governor says. it's looking like the drought will get even worse. but state officials say new technologies are helping them manage existing water better. where we take flights up the feather river watershed, and we can measure in three m grids all the way to the crest of the sierra nevada. the
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actual water content of that snow down to the inch. the governor says the latest round of state funding will include help for water agencies to recycle more water and replenish groundwater supplies as well as develop new storage strategies. okay, time is 6 39. i know the rain. we're getting won't end the drought, but we're going to get some rain, right, roberta? yes absolutely. beginning in the north bay today and then across our entire region later tonight, but i created this graphic for you. just you can see it illustrates on what the governor was trying to express that we have had the driest winter in history for the past 173 years. in fact, we picked up more rainfall this month of april. that all of january, february and march combined official sunrise this morning was at 6 28 . we said little glimmer of its appearance. otherwise mostly cloudy skies a hint of some fog
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in the santa rosa area, otherwise, 46 degrees. we do have the increasing cloud cover from san francisco all the way into san jose in the forties. 50 degrees in the city of san francisco. the wind is increased to nine mph at sfo. in fact, these wins have been flat now increasing up to about 10 mph. many of our inland locations. however the big story is these winds will be blowing out of the southwest. 10 to 20 during the day, increasing 20 to 30 during the evening hours because of this frontal boundary that is now pushing onshore around the pacific northwest in the northwestern quadrant of the state of california. so here is the leading edge. watch the clock 12 o'clock in the afternoon, sonoma and napa county started to see the light precipitation by this evening, it spreads across the entire central bay, making tracks towards the peninsula into the senate. clara valley. still some light rain in the east bay this time tomorrow morning. we're going to see copious amounts of
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rain showers at times and that could lead to some puddling in ponding on the roadways. partly cloudy skies by friday, we'll tell it up to about 14 170 inch of rain across the central bay by tonight, a quarter of an inch across the northern portions of the bay area by friday morning again, this time with these kind of numbers. nearly a half an inch of rain across the peninsula into san francisco. that's where you can have the problems develop on the roadways by friday, nearly an inch of rain in santa rosa and easily up to two inches of rain in the highest locations of our north bay mountains, so the bottom line is the afternoon rain develops in the north bay first today, then we'll have showers over our entire area tonight. temperature spent 58 to 70 pinpoint your neighborhood forecast. 63 degrees sandra foul terra linda nevada nicasio into marin city high fifties those sixties mid sixties around the peninsula, just 69 degrees incentives, a five day forecast coming up in about seven minutes
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from now. thank you, roberta. many workers are returning to the office. one of the biggest frustrations, though about leaving work from home. uh some higher costs about that coming up right now, though, let's check in with gasia mikaelian see what's coming up in the seven o'clock our mornings onto good morning gaza having to wear real pants and shoes. that's another one. okay pretty high up there with me. all right. let's talk about today's date is april 20th 4 20. some ford. excuse me. 20,000 people are expected to converge on san francisco's hippie hill today for celebrations will take you live to golden the event does not get out of hand. also a p obama. ths now accusing that school of racial discrimination as well as bias
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two mornings on two. we do have some breaking news to tell you about just coming into our ktvu newsroom. police say two people were shot early this morning in colma. investigators say it happened at about 3 30 on hillside boulevard. the two victims, we understand have life threatening injuries. the road is also closed their in colma for the investigation near serra monte boulevard. information on the suspect has not been identified at this point, but we will continue to follow that breaking news story in colma here on mornings onto alright, ma'am time 6 45 police in the east bay city of richmond. searching for vandals who attacked an employment agency express employment professionals is near the hilltop mall. it was attacked twice, recently. surveillance video shows the
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vandal throwing a rock at the glass door of the building. he later through even more rocks and then beer bottles, smashing office windows. now the owner doesn't think the person is an angry client. but wonders if her business is intentionally being targeted because it's completely run by women. i'm thinking that someone is just very hateful and maybe doesn't like the fact that i have an all female staff. they're not gaining anything. so i don't understand the violence and the crime. now, police say they're checking evidence. in both cases they want help in the identifying the suspect. art in today's dollars and cents. companies bringing workers back to the office are being hit with a new wrinkle. inflation workers are discovering things like their commute. coffee and lunches are much more expensive than they were when they left the office two years ago. the average gas price in the bay area still more than 5 70 a gallon and a recent report from square found the cost of lunch at restaurants is now up 7% 18%
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for some of the healthier options like wraps, many workers say they're not being paid more to make up for the extra cost of coming into the office. new research shows 10% of americans who dropped out of the workforce during the pandemic have no plans to return. many also say they don't plan to get back to any pre covid activities, including shopping in person or dining out, the research team name found found it was more common among women. older workers and those with lower incomes. alright keeping an eye on netflix stock. i just checked it. it is. it has lost almost half its value this morning down $111 a share 32% that's after announcing a drop of 200,000 subscribers in the first quarter , the low scotto space company missed its own projections. that predicted the addition of 2.5 million customers instead of a loss. it's the first drop and subscribers in more than 10 years. netflix says it does expect to lose another two million subscribers by july. now
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it plans to its offering some of the reasons why, including the war in russia and ukraine, netflix plans to offer a cheaper plan with ads in an attempt to keep subscribers. alright pam. time is 6 48. then your next package delivered by the postal service may take longer to arrive now. starting next month , the postal service will slow down delivery speeds for almost a third of their first class packages there. those are small packages. normally, they weigh less than a pound. the postal service says those packages will see an increase of a day or two and that that change will give more wiggle room for mail that's sent a longer distance. it also claims it will make some of their other packages that are not going as far arrived faster. well the line up for this summer's outside lands music festival in golden gate park is out in the bay area band is one of the top acts. green day will headline one of the three days along with post malone. other
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performers include jack harlow, weezer, phoebe bridgers, in all about 75 acts will take the stage and golden gate park. the festival is returning to its normal slot that's early august last year, it had to be delayed until halloween weekend because of covid green day performers. one of my favorites. i've seen them before in concert. they're amazing and yeah, so it's always fun to line up there at outside lands. always very fun. let's see if they're having fun in the morning commute. let's look out there right now. these are live pictures around the richmond bridge toll plaza. it's moving. it's heavy, but it's moving and they can't complain too much right now, but it's starting to slow down. taking a look at the south bay in san jose. pretty slow going there unless you're in the carpool lane there. dortmund 11 at alum rock traffic almost stopped there in that area. all right, let's talk about whether roberta is back and she's got a time of things
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to tell us. we don't need an umbrella most of us this morning , right? that's really good call . we don't once in a while you may feel a raindrop. it's a renegade. drop or maybe even some light drizzle or mist in front of this frontal boundary. however the bulk of the brain will begin in the north bay in the early afternoon hours and spread across the entire bay area in the early evening hours. let's get to it right now. this is it. gorgeous view out towards the city by the bay, the city of san francisco. look at the cloud deck continue to lower this morning. it's becoming mostly cloudy from top to bottom, with temperatures in the forties and the fifties. taking another view of that this is what you can bank on. four year morning. partly cloudy and breezy showers in the north bay. and by the evening all this spreads to the south. this is the frontal boundary spreading some rain showers now from ukiah all the way into ha planned this morning area of low pressure continues to surge and easterly direction and drift down in a southerly direction. so that's why the
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rain will spread from the north to the south, and the winds and advancement of this front will be quite breezy out of the southwest 20 to 30 mph this evening. but during the bulk of the day 10 to 20, which is still notable chance of thunderstorms arrived by thursday. let's show you why future cast watch the hours tick on by you see the leading edge of the precipitation knocking on the back door and throughout sonoma and napa counties sliding all the way into the marina district before eight o'clock tonight and then traversing over to the east bay will gradually marching into the santa clara valley. so by this time tomorrow noticed, they hit and miss scattered showers. the core still over here and watch the rotation. did you see that spinning rotation of the area of low pressure there? that's why we have to keep a stray shower in the friday morning forecast as well, so tonight we'll tell you the numbers up to a quarter of an inch of right and what is okay asians and then by this time tomorrow, nearly a half an inch of rain. so what does that mean?
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ponding and pedaling on the roadways for the morning commute and then by friday, up to an inch of rain and san jose. that's because this is a southerly flow with the passage of the system, tapping into some tropical moisture from what was once a former typhoon. we're going to have submit no in the high sierra winter storm warning in effect, with up to two ft of snow above 7000 ft with winds up to 100 mph on thursday, our numbers 50 sixties tonight, bottoming out in the forties and fifties. your extended forecast with that chance of thunderstorms tomorrow. early rain friday. we're talking eighties by sunday, dave wow, roberta. thank you, tommy 6 52. will the battle over the mask mandate on public transit? it may not be over yet. which are you who the justice department will talk to before they decide whether the challenge a court ruling. and more relief for people struggling with student loan debt, how they could get
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their loans
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meet apartment 2a, 2b and 2c. 2a's monitoring his money with a simple text. like what you see abe? yes! 2b's covered with zero overdraft fees when he overdraws his account by fifty bucks or less. and 2c, well, she's not going to let a lost card get her stressed. am i right? that's right. that's because these neighbors all have chase. alerts that help check. tools that help protect. one bank that puts you in control. chase. make more of what's yours.
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55 happening today. students at san jose state university plan to march to put attention on student homelessness. the student homeless alliance wants interim president stephen perez to fix the university's homeless response. some of their demands
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include transforming the advisory board for basic needs. to allow students and community members have more of an input. also, they want to provide the staff and faculty with more details about emergency housing and food pantry information. more relief is coming for lower income students saddled with big college debt, the education department says it's making it easier for them to get their loans forgiven. the program will give more than 3.5 million people at least three years of credit towards eventual debt forgiveness. that's almost 10% of all student loan borrowers. people would also be able to pay a certain percentage of their income on loans for 20 to 25 years, then have the rest completely forgiven. it is 6 56 alternatives to four year college degrees are becoming more popular. it's a response to the high cost of higher education. undergrad enrollment is down 3.1% compared to last
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year, and many are now turning to skilled trade schools as a tuition price goes up. some analysts say a four year college degree may not be worth what it used to be. they also say the demand for skilled trade workers is up and people going to these schools often have less debt and they make more money when they graduate. there are trade schools and not you're not traditional trade schools. now technology schools are exploding all across the country, and people are going through those in a much smaller amount of time and for a whole lot less money and then starting at a much greater salary. trade schools can also give more career growth and the ability to start working right out of high school. well there's a college program at san san quentin prison for years, san quentin is offering inmates courses in literature, american government and other high education classes. but now the
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college there has gained accreditation. that means inmates will officially be students of mount tamalpais community college as part of the bigger efforts to rehab the prison population of san quentin. so for 20 years, we were in extension site of a small college in oakland. and then a couple of years ago, we decided we wanted to become independent. so we are now an independently accredited liberal arts college. as far as we know, mountain milpitas college is the first and only fully accredited independent college where the main campus inside the state prison and with the new accreditation, students can more easily transferred to other colleges when their incarceration then ends with the battle over water is really intensifying on the california oregon border, the climate tribes they they're considering legal action now after finding out the u. s government plans to release water from a federally operated reservoir to downstream farmers because of the drought, the limited irrigation will affect the farmers, the fish and
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the tribes that depend on the 257 mile long klamath river. the tribes want to protect to critically endangered fish species in danger of becoming extinct as a water withdrawals come at the height of spawning season. with walnut creek has dedicated apart now the people whose death was caused by mental illness. they held a ribbon cutting ceremony yesterday for the remembrance park. it's in the park meeting neighborhood. the effort was led by the family of miles hall. 23 years old, fatally shot by walnut creek police back in 2019 while he was having a mental health crisis. so many of you showed up for our family cared about what happened to miles and also understanding that this could have been any of your family members. that the mayor of walnut creek hopes that park will become a place of reflection and healing. 4 20
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celebration in san francisco or live at golden gate park, with the new restrictions limiting access to hippie hill, and we have the outcome of a hard fought race for an assembly seat representing san francisco. the election results that show this race wasn't close and shares a netflix are getting hammered. in fact, they are down by about 35% right now, this morning's repercussions after the ah scatters company reported it lost subscribers for the first time in more than a decade. from ktvu. fox two news. this is mornings onto breezy start to the day. thanks for joining us. i'm gasia mikaelian the bubble coat. my little puffy jacket. so did pam. i'm guessing probably. so did roberta. roberta was nice and comfortable, and she also has a lot to tell us about the weather. any of you bring your umbrella? no. yeah you're the man. you know, you're always prepared. well i tried


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