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tv   The Ten Oclock News on KTVU Fox 2  FOX  April 24, 2021 10:00pm-10:44pm PDT

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memorial for a teenager who was shot and killed by a stray bullet in oakland tonight, friends and family remembered 19 year old dimitri's fleming davis as a loving and charismatic young man. dementia is cared about others and helping others. you took somebody that meant everything to everybody. he was like everybody's best friend. good
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evening. i'm kristine are weird own andre is off tonight. demetrios was in a vehicle with his friends in east oakland. when the bullet hit him, he would have turned 19 this week. today, people who knew him gathered a burglar youth alternative, or dimitrius intern. you attend ktvu changes. candese charles joining us live with the message they have whoever's responsible, candace. good evening, christine. a good evening, folks at home. yes dozens of friends, coworkers and former teachers were in attendance today, sharing fond memories and the pain from this sudden loss there also sharing this message. if you know something, say something. please if anybody know anything, say something, because this is really hurting a lot of people, the friends and family of an oakland called student continue to real from his sudden shooting death, right? when i first heard it, i started crying instantly because that's my best friend. on saturday afternoon, sienna williams said a final farewell to our friend of nearly 10 years lost to a stray bullet. rhetta andra,
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oakland, police say on april 10th 18 year old dimitrius roosevelt fleming davis was shot and killed while going to get food with his friends. investigators say that at around 6 30 that night, demetrios was sitting in a truck with his friends in this part of the oakland when a stray bullet struck and killed him. he was working towards college working towards like positive academics. there's overall good things so exactly he died was really unfortunate. on thursday, the young man was laid to rest and what would have been his 19th birthday? we're afraid of meters as my works. on, you know, like we're really hard behind this sequence. young is the college students internship supervisor on saturday, she put together a memorial at berkeley youth alternative. where dimitrius intern. the ceremony was held in the garden, or dimitrius loved to work as a young person. threatening isn't like some of the first things that pop onto a kid's mind. but the meter's actually really did enjoy his job here, and many
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say he bought infectious positive attitudes of job demetrios has been described as smart and sparta ring and helpful making the sudden loss all the more shocking. there's a lot of things that me and him was planning together, and i'm just like, i don't know if i'm have the heart to do it because the fact that i won't be able to see his face his reaction with it is just it kind of hurts friends and family. one who whoever is responsible to come forward. we really hope that this could be a wake up call to everyone that is out in the streets this summer, acting crazy and while in and out, the people are losing their kids. people are losing their friends, their brothers and nephews. b y to change the name of the garden. dimitri'se infinity symbol young is raising money to put up a mural for demetrios as well. so you guys will have to go to our website to find out about that information on the local police department. they said that they're still looking at the case and investigating, but they're offering a $15,000
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reward for any information leading to an arrest for not reporting live on candese charles ktvu. fox studios candese charles que a man has died after a shooting in san jose this afternoon. it happened you're east san carlos and south third street's just a block from the san jose state campus. this is video from the citizen out now showing the scene officials say the location where this happened is home to a new downtown high rise called the grad. it's marketed as luxury off campus housing for students. so far, police have not identified the victim. there's also note word on suspect or motive in the shooting. new attend. there was a car fire on the bay bridge tonight. this is drone vide bilp from the minivan right there on the shoulder. it happened around 6 45 in the westbound lanes near the harrison street on ramp at one point all four lanes of the bridge were closed. those lanes reopened just before eight o'clock tonight. the chp says the female driver was not in the car. when they arrived at the scene. she appears to be okay. armenians
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around the world receive something they have been waiting for. for decades, president biden released an official statement calling turkey's atrocities against armenians that began during world war one genocide. ktvu greg liggins tells us how our media is here in the bay area reacted on this historic day of remembrance. files carmenere name, not all d as they have done for more than 20 years, very armenians gathered atop mount davidson in san francisco for armenian remembrance day to honor victims of turkish atrocities that began april 24th 1915 during the first world war, was unlike any other as the crowd heard a word from the white house they had longed to hear. invited his words, he says. each year on this day we remember the lives of all those who died in the ottoman era armenian genocide, genocide a word president biden used twice in an official statement in the first ands,
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seeing the word genocide, provided an extraordinary sense of relief and gratitude. no u. s president had ever officially used that word to acknowledge the mass killings, which some estimates put above one million. congress officially acknowledged the events as genocide in 2019, but all former u. s presidents avoided the term, fearing it might fracture already brittle relations with turkey. considered an ally. oh you don't need within this crowd are many descendants of armenian refugees who made the bay area their home as recently as last summer that. immunity in san francisco experienced some of the ripple effects of violence still occurring near their homeland with armenian cul center of housing so many armenian charitable organizations, including my own organization, was hit with an arson fire completely destroyed inside, as well as gunshots
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against our art school. armenians say they hope biden's acknowledgement leads to added political pressure that forces turkey to right wrong. wrongs of the past what it has already changed his house. some here feel about this sacred day there is along with feelings of sadness that we have and the justifiable anger. there's also it's also coupled with a sense of optimism about what the future holds. a coalition of armenian groups are the owners and stewards of the land around the mount davidson cross and maintain it as a gesture of thanks to san francisco. we're being a safe haven for genocide victims by issuing that statement. biden is fulfilling a campaign promise. as for turkey's response. earlier this week, the foreign minister rejected biden's statement in anticipation of it being released. greg liggins, ktvu fox two news by issuing a proclamation
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declaring april 24th a day of remembrance of the armenian genocide here in the state of california. part of it reads as we remember the victims and survivors of the armenian genocide. we also honor the strength and resilience of the armenian people forced to build new lives in all corners of the globe. armenians bravely forge ahead in the face of unimaginable tragedy. thousands made their homes in california and we are greater for their contributions. now for the latest on the coronavirus pandemic, the number of new covid cases statewide has dropped sharply down to just over 1200 on friday. the positivity rate is also dropped. it's now down to 1.4% so far the state has given out 35 million vaccine doses, roughly 35% of california residents are fully vaccinated at about 20% are partially vaccinated. and the major max vaccine milestone in contra costa county. public health officials there say the county has administerednaons, ad that comes a month. county healh
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officials had hoped to hit the one million dose goal on may 31st. the county is the second bay area county to hit one million vaccinations behind santa clara county. the johnson and johnson vaccine has been cleared for use on the west coast. the western states scientific safety review workgroup today recommended that california, oregon, nevada and washington resume using the shot. their decision clears the way for the one dose shots to once again be administered here in the bay area. fox's laura ingram has more of the rollout of the vaccine again. the johnson and johnson vaccine is back. several states resumed use of the one dose shot on saturday, one da and prevention lifted its recommended paufits outweigh a e possibility of blood clots, and the vaccine will now include a warning about the potential risk. you're confident that the anson covid-19 vaccine meets a robust standards for safety, effectiveness and quality. for
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medical product that is used widely. this comes as the campaign to get people vaccinated continues to ramp up more than 138 million americans have received at least one dose of the vaccine and more than 93 million have been fully vaccinated that, according to the latest data, published by the cdc, now that everyone over the age of 16 is eligible for the vaccine. many states are offering walking appointments my family has already got in the vaccine, and i was the only one that has, and yet, so i want to make sure i was also protecting them. although the numbers look hopeful there are growing concerns about vaccine hesitancy, especially after the johnson and johnson vaccine was halted for nearly two weeks. one psychologist says the best way to combat vaccine hesitancy is by keeping people informed is communication of research. it's communication of results. it's communication of how well most people are doing post vaccine. but a recent axiosuggee
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pause didn't impact americans likelihood to get vaccinated with 20% of people, saying they aren't likely to get the vaccine a number that has stayed roughly the same since january. in new york. laura ingle fox news hospitals in india are desperate for oxygen supplies is the health systems there nears collapse under the pressure of surgeon coronavirus cases india has recorded the world's highest ever number of a new of new infections for a second day, reporting more than 330 new cases and cases, air doubling every 10 days and ally people are dying outside of one of the city's biggest hospitals as wards overflow with patients inside. yesterday came out of it all, father this job, mom, give it to him. you just solvingor failing to take
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the warnings of a second wave more seriously. critics have also pointed to india's government deciding not to pause hindu religious festivals or elections. coming up. 1/5 dead whale is washed up on a big area beach in less than one month. what officials say is the cause of death. plus a new crew. nasa astronauts arrives at the international space station. i'm christina coleman with more on the spacex flight, and why it's making space history. oh dry weather pattern finally coming to an end. in fact, i'm tracking this and drizzle a few sprinkles for tonight and some more rainfall possible in your sunday forecast will have the update coming up sports fans. they're back around the bay area at 10 30. how the sanders the earthquakes welcome back fans.
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if you smell gas, you're too close. leave the structure, call 911, keep people away, and call pg&e right after so we can both respond out and keep the public safe.
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earthquake. it struck just minutes ago. the epicenter was just east of morgan hill. so far, no reports of any damage tonight we'll update you, of course, as we learn more about a 3.8 earthquake has struck just outside morgan hill. spacex crew today successfully docked at the international space station. it happened shortly after two a.m. west coast time as the spacecraft sales more than 260 miles above the indian ocean. the astronauts are from the u. s. japan and france and will now spend the next six months in space after blasting off from the kennedy space center in florida. yesterday morning. elon musk. stephanie is the first to use a recycled rocket and capsule. but not everything went as planned. this box is christina coleman reports. there were some tense moments onboard the space station shortly after the new crew arrived. hugs and smiles all around the international space station saturday as a new team of astronauts arrives for a six months day. we're so excited to be here, we're ready to get to
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work. there's a lot of great science that i know we're gonna be, we're gonna be doing and that we're just excited to learn and get started before crew members from the u. s japan and france were launched into space early friday morning from the kennedy space center in florida. the roughly 24 hour trip went smoothly for the most part, but there was a brief moment of calm. concern as the astronauts were getting ready for bed. ground control alerted them to a potential collision with a piece of space debris. we believe the object is further away than anticipated lower risk of possible conjunction, but please ensure visors. air closed and zippers are closed prior to tisa and approximately 20 seconds the crew was told to put on their pressure suits, lower their protective visors and brace for impact. luckily the debris passed without incident at this time. i'm we can go to proceed to decon figure from suited configuration. the mission is making history on a number of fronts. it's the first time spacex has recycled a capsule
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and rocket from a previous flight to launch astronauts for nasa, if you have rapidly quit reusability, then that that opens up, that's that is the gateway to the heavens. and it's the first time since the space shuttle error 11 people have been aboard the space station at one time, but it won't be that crowded for too long. the crew one astronauts are expected to work. turned to earth on wednesday. christina coleman fox news. and it looks like you on my school beginning into yet another business. we're talking about show business saturday night live tweeted this out today showing the spacex and tesla founder as the scheduled host for the may 8th broadcast along with musical guest miley cyrus. well i'm very weather. of course, we have been tracking the clouds and even a little bit of us and drizzle out there. first the other but the first update you on the seismic activity just heard about in the south bay as we take a look at the maps right now showing you a quick tracker. and of course, there is the epicenter. you could see the gist of the overall
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location. san jose morgan hill's becoming closer to the north of morgan hill. there's that magnitude 3.82 depth of over three miles. that happened just before 10 o'clock, and it looks. like the a suspect fault you never know for sure. until you get to get a confirmation from the u. s. g s, but it could be the calla vera's fault. so once again a magnitude 3.8 just before 10 o'clock this evening in the south bay now, weather wise, we're actually talking about some interesting that change is setting up for your sunday about 1/10 of an inch to three quarters of an inch of rainfall. here in the bay area, so these amounts are not too impressive, especially 1/10 of an inch in the south bay, but still more than a few sprinkles and sierra snowfall could be around/10 of an inch at least with this dry stretch. seems like a lot, though i will say in the south bank, east bay could have a bit more in the north bay. here is a satellite show you all the clouds and some green showing up on the radar. most of this not reaching the ground, although you may have encountered some sprinkles. release of drizzle
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earlier this evening. current numbers most areas are in the fifties right now, and here's a live camera looking out toward the golden gate bridge. finally getting idea here we have some missed some drizzle and some slick roadways and some more rainfall in the forecast. first thing tomorrow morning. i will start off tomorrow morning in the forties and the fifties, and here is the forecast model. look at this a welcome change here into your sunday we're finally talking about some rainfall. what about beyond sunday? we'll have more on that with your full forecast in a few. mark thank you knew attend. 1/5 whale has died in the bay area in less than a month. this latest whale washed up at fort funston last night, the marine mammals nlp center performed a necropsy today and says the juvenile fin whale died from blunt force trauma due to his ship strike. it is the first encountered since 2018. the previous wells that have died this year have all been gray whales. this fin whale is an endangered species. april is when wheels start migrating in marine biologists expect one or
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two whales to wash ashore, but they say this many dead whales is unusual. volunteers from a bay area car club drove to alameda today for a beach cleanup day. the group took plastic bags and walked along alameda beach near shoreline drive this morning looking for trash pick up parents have brought their kids along for a real life, earthy lesson. we're finding ah, leftover beer bottle cans, wrappers, styrofoam other debris along the beach we might find, you know, washed up trash and plastic so anything that we can do tow clean it up a little bit, i think is a good day out. these volunteers are members of tesla owners. east bay, a group of 900 test. the owners who take part in community events from fremont to fairfield. attribute in the east bay today to honor those who have died from covid-19 volunteers from the student run nonprofit green keepers gathered a saber cat historical park and fremont's mission san jose neighborhood this morning. planted a tree in honor of the hundreds of
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thousands of americans who have died as a result of the virus, the organizer of today's event, says she just felt compelled to take action. just seeing so many people lose their lives and then also at the same time, seeing how bad the climate crisis is getting. it just seemed like a very natural way to bridge the two problems that we're having in a society and just come together with the positive message. volunteers say the goal of the tree planting is to pay tribute to those who have passed away by making a positive change in the community. the group hopes this story will inspire students to take similar action in their communities and generate funding from local businesses to continue the effort. yeah remember in the rapper dmx how the brooklyn community came together today to pay tribute plus the unique way his casket was taken to the service and a launch protest in march in berkeley. why demonstrators? there are upset accounts plan to build more student housing, then later in sports, see if
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the red hot a's and her explosive offense could continue to ride. the winning wage will be right back. i'm morgan, and there's more to me than hiv. more love,... more adventure,... more community. but with my hiv treatment,... there's not more medicines in my pill. i talked to my doctor... and switched to... fewer medicines with dovato. prescription dovato is for some adults who are starting hiv-1 treatment or replacing their current hiv-1 regimen. with... just 2 medicines... in 1 pill,... dovato is as effective as a 3-drug regimen... to help you reach and stay undetectable. research shows people who take hiv treatment as prescribed... and get to and stay undetectable... can no longer transmit hiv through sex. don't take dovato if you're allergic to any of its ingredients... or if you take dofetilide. hepatitis b can become harder to treat while taking dovato.
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do not stop dovato without talking to your doctor,... as your hepatitis b may worsen or become life-threatening. serious or life-threatening side effects can occur, including... allergic reactions, lactic acid buildup, and liver problems. if you have a rash and other symptoms of an allergic reaction,... stop taking dovato and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis b or c,... or if you are, may be, or plan to be pregnant. your doctor may prescribe a different medicine... than dovato if you plan to be pregnant or if pregnancy is confirmed during the first trimester. dovato may harm your unborn baby. use effective birth control... while taking dovato. most common side effects are headache, nausea,... diarrhea, trouble sleeping, tiredness, and anxiety. so much goes... into who i am. hiv medicine is one part of it. ask your doctor about dovato—i did.
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attention, california. new federal funding of $3 billion is available to help more people pay for health insurance — no matter what your income. how much is yours? julie and bob are paying $700 less, every month. dee got comprehensive coverage for only $1 a month. and the navarros are paying less than $100 a month. check to see your new, lower price. the sooner you sign up the more you save. only at covered california. this way to health insurance. the sooner you sign up the more you save. people's park activists and 1921 wall street tenants. walnut street tenants that is
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march from all entry to people's park to protest throughout history and continuing until today, um, has constantly prioritized profits over. people especially with things like housing. critics of the plan's a uc berkeley has several alternative sites to build student housing and does not need to affect rent controlled tenants or destroy historic community green spaces in order to do so. lawmakers on capitol hill are scrutinizing major tech companies over their market dominance and how it's affecting other companies. fox's jackie heinrich takes a look at the type of regulations is some of the bay area's biggest companies. my face. from the senate judiciary subcommittee after the house commit investigation into google, amazon, facebook and
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apple and their alleged abuses of market power. his movements are setting the stage for congress to take action. lawmakers want to tackle a number of issues, including creating barriers for dominant companies with a pension for scooping up the competition. repealing or reforming section 2 30, the law shielding internet companies from legal liability over content, their users post as well as content moderation, including measures to protect children. this hearing focused on the gate keeping power these companies have of her app stores and web hosting, effectively putting them in control of any app success or failure.t because a company creates a successful, innovative business that consumers like doesn't give it a free pass to harm competition or ignore our antitrust laws. apple allowed parlor back into the app store this past week after it was pulled amid criticism over its content, moderation policies and user posts about the capitol hill insurrection. but parlor has not been restored to the google or amazon stores for president trump last night
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added to calls for big tech to face antitrust scrutiny as he considers starting his own social media company. i'm looking at it. we're lookino bet be dominated by amazon and by td take him off the air right away. and you do need anti trust. you have to do something about it a big priority for republican lawmakers is passing legislation that would address instances of bias against conservative voices in washington, jackie heinrich fox news. fans are backing sports arenas around the bay area. how an economist says their return will help cities bounce back from the pandemic. the academy awards are tomorrow night, but it is not all excitement. how los angeles is facing accusations that it forced homeless people out of the area ahead of the film. they told us that if we didn't move, they were going to just demolish our stuff paypal. pa. this afternoont
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was the team's home opener against dallas. attendance was limited to 20% capacity, which is about 3600 fans. masks were required. the fans did not have to show a negative covid test or proof that they've been vaccinated. fans receded in pods of up to six people, and many bay area businesses are really excited about fans returning to stadiums. ktvu james tour has spoken economist who says seeing a big financial impact from those fans could take some time. marin this quarter of sports back in the bay, the golden state warriors win a game in front of a crowd of golden ticket holders. i feel like a kid in the candy store myself. friday night chased center welcome back fans for the first time in a long time, but to see steph curry and his team in person fans had
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to show proof of a negative covid-19 test or proof of a full vaccination. i'm just carlo. today in the south bay. it's san jose's turned to kick off as the earthquakes offered up to 20% capacity for its mls opener. so stay guidance doesn't require that you have a negative covid test or vaccination in the orange here. the giants of san francisco and oakland, a's both powerhouses and their divisions their first pitches in front of fans weeks ago. you would thinkl for an assist booming economy, but one san francisco sports economist says that will take some time to notes from a nick on ammi standpoint. it's going to be a little bit different in the past. we tend to think of people who come to games as showing up early and maybe hanging out in a bar grabbing dinner. that's gonna be a little bit different than
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the past. just because our world has changed and it's not quite. it's easy to do this for two things, but that's not stopping the momentum of monday when the san jose sharks open ie last year, but thankfully do you too low. case rates and rising vaccination rates. the pandemic is not headed to overtime, the team again even if they're not selling out the arena. it's still revenue that they wouldn't have had otherwise, before you buy a ticket to any game. make sure you check in with your team on what protocols they will be enforcing, but for the most part in any sporting event in the bay area, expect to wear mask at all times and practice social distancing. james torres, ktvu, fox two news. the 93rd annual academy awards ceremony is tomorrow night. officials with the oscars are allowing attendees to not wear masks, but there are other restrictions. producers say
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people at the primary venue don't have to wear masks while on camera, but. they must be warned during commercial breaksn showroom. th under current guidelines, masks are not required for people on camera. attendees will still undergo mandatory testing prior to the show and will be temperature checked upon arrival. and for the first time in history. the academy awards is being held at union station in downtown los angeles. it is an area impacted by homelessness. reporter gina silver spoke to one man who says the city forced them to move out of sight ahead of tomorrow's big event. they were coming harassing this coming three or four times a day, saying wooden posts and we had to move. you gotta move. you gotta move. you gotta move. you gotta move. so we have a choice. he goes by the name dj martin was by the pole on the end that curves right here, and it was filled with people. but now everybody's gone. he was living on the one who won over pass one block away from union station when suddenly he was told he had to move. they came to us about it. we could go to
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say that we had to move by friday today, six pm because they were trying to clean it up for the for the oscars, and he told us that if we didn't move, they were gonna just demolish our stuff. if you have wants to take you to jail, this isn't surprising to you. no. unfortunately i was taken aback by the call, but no, we have a history in los angeles. that's what's led. to a place called skid row. no other city that i know of has skid row like we have the greatest man made disaster. in the united states, andy bales of union rescue mission says the city of los angeles has been trying to hide the homelessness problems for years dating back to when pope john paul, the second came to los angeles in 1987, you've got the hope visiting a man of compassion. and people were rounded up and sent out of town. and you you think about that in our past history, and you sure don't. want to repeat it. we contacted city council member kevin de leon. he issued the
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following statement. well the 93rd academy awards are being held at union station this year and despite irresponsible rumors, no on housed, residents are being forced to relocate since being sworn in my office has been painstakingly working to house those experiencing homelessness throughout my district, and we were able to offer housing options to owen house residents in the vicinity of union station. but dj tells a differently they forced us to go to the grand hotel on third and figueroa and then kicked everybody out from around union station, so they look better for the damage. gina silver fox news. memorial for rapper dmx took place today at the barclay center in brooklyn. kanye west sunday service choir performed the rough riders, dmx is original record label, which is also motorcycle club came together on stage is friends and share stories and memories.
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rap star ive talked about her close relationship with the mx. i am seriously the luckiest, luckiest woman in the world to have been adopted by the rough riders, but to have known dmx the way that i knew him as a man, a father, a friend, the nypd temporarily closed johnson highways is a casket carrying the late rapper whose real name was earl simmons was driven on the back of a monster truck from yonkers to brooklyn. dmx died on april. after suffering a cardiac arrest. he was 50 years old, preparing for another fire season. how count fire. is getting ready ahead of schedule and a very weather. finally some changes. we're tracking from clouds and some drizzle for tonight, and the rainfall could be making a comeback in your sunday forecast will have the update coming up first. the pushback from republicans is president
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biden prepares to unveil a $1.5 trillion spending plan.
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more love,... more adventure,... more community. but with my hiv treatment,... there's not more medicines in my pill. i talked to my doctor... and switched to... fewer medicines with dovato. prescription dovato is for some adults who are starting hiv-1 treatment or replacing their current hiv-1 regimen. with... just 2 medicines... in 1 pill,... dovato is as effective as a 3-drug regimen... to help you reach and stay undetectable. research shows people who take hiv treatment as prescribed... and get to and stay undetectable... can no longer transmit hiv through sex. don't take dovato if you're allergic to any of its ingredients... or if you take dofetilide. hepatitis b can become harder to treat while taking dovato. do not stop dovato without talking to your doctor,... as your hepatitis b may worsen or become life-threatening. serious or life-threatening side effects can occur, including... allergic reactions, lactic acid buildup, and liver problems. if you have a rash and other symptoms of an allergic reaction,... stop taking dovato and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems,
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including hepatitis b or c,... or if you are, may be, or plan to be pregnant. your doctor may prescribe a different medicine... than dovato if you plan to be pregnant or if pregnancy is confirmed during the first trimester. dovato may harm your unborn baby. use effective birth control... while taking dovato. most common side effects are headache, nausea,... diarrhea, trouble sleeping, tiredness, and anxiety. so much goes... into who i am. hiv medicine is one part of it. ask your doctor about dovato—i did. hiv medicine is one part of it. getting their refunds. the ira says it's holding 29 million tax returns for manual
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processing, resulting in more refund delays. in a typical season, government officials say most refunds or sent within 21 days or less of return. but s year for some early violators, the wait for a tax refund has been 6 to 8 weeks. the delays are being blamed on tax code changes. limited resource is outdated. i t systems in a backlog of unprocessed 2019 paper attack. returns president biden said to unveil a major economic proposal next week. his plan will reportedly address education and child care with a price tag of $1.5 trillion boxes marked meredith has more on the pushback from republicans. president biden is about to mark 100 days in office on wednesday. he's going to address a joint session of congress for the first time. that's when he's expected to roll out the second phase of his economic agenda, pushed to spend a lot more money on education, child care and social programs. the president is expected to call for a least one trillion in new spending
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for the american families plan, but this proposal is considered controversial because the white house wants to raise taxes on wealthier americans to pay for it. one idea under consideration. raising taxes. wealthier americans pay on profits they make from investments. the white house insists the details are still being worked out an ad on lee a specific group of americans will be targeted. what i can say is that will only affect people making more than $1 million a year. that's 10.3% of taxpayers pairs or three out of every 1000 taxpayers. that's even as the top 1% southern net worth rise by $4 trillion in the middle of a historic pandemic, but republicans argued tax increases, especially those in power. acting wall street could kill post pandemic economic growth. he has not been working with republicans. he's invited him down to the white house, but he has not brought forward any policies that showed that he's willing to meet in the middle. the white house says it's still reviewing a proposal republicans put forth to spend less on infrastructure than the white house wants to, but would
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also address things like roads, bridges and airports. those negotiations continue with no end in sight. at the white house. mark baroness fox news. president joe biden plans to travel to europe in june for his first overseas trip as president. the white house says president biden will attend the g seven summit in cornwall, england, which begins on june. 11th the president will then had to belgium to attend the nato summit, which gets underway june 14th. the white house says president biden will strongly reaffirm his commitment to the nato alliance in an apparent rebuke to his privacy, sir president trump, who had often a rocky relationship with nato. going up helping wildfire victims recover the new community resource in the santa cruz mountains and aims to help fire survivors rebuild, plus rain is on the way. meteorolamayo is uph when we will see somcast
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this is a no-nonsense message from three. small business insurance usually forces you to piece together multiple policies. that's why three was created. it's one policy that covers everything you need... leaving those old policies in the dust. three. no nonsense. just common sense.
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10:45 pm
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