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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 5  FOX  April 12, 2021 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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elementary school in san francisco monday morning, a sight no one has seen here and more than a year students coming to school being part of a classroom again. at least one first grader apparently lost him sleep in anticipation, little garage because he's been up all night, but he had the justice hours definitely different where we're used to doing this in august two, notes april. it's the first day of school is the first day of school on whenever it happens. we still we still sort of feel those jitters. this is one of 22 public elementary schools and a live in early education sites reopening monday as the schools of staggered dates for resuming in person instruction through april, students still have the option of remote learning, but it's all but certain middle and high school students will have to wait until fall to return, with the exception of special and homeless in foster care students. we are still looking at the possibility of. possibly getting a great level back, so we're still looking at that, but for most middle and high,
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it will be the folks still getting elementary schools open was not an easy road. there were difficult labor negotiation, school board, squabbling and even a lawsuit by the city attorney demanding schools reopen. it took a lot of, you know, honestly, people putting aside the drama and their differences and doing what's in the best interest of the children across the bay in san leandro school reopened here it, james madison elementary added. every other school in the district pre k through 12. we do anything for that to go back with school and i know that school is doing it very safely. the students here in smaller classes while wearing masks with desk, six ft apart. students come in two days a week. they can learn anything that school and it was pretty hard at that computer. there's always glitchy and everything. students can decide to come back if they want to. by comparison, santaland you had a return rate of 30 to 40% while san francisco's as much
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higher at 70% julie ah, big day. certainly rob, thank you and his thousands of san francisco elementary school students returned in person instruction today, the parents of middle and high school students are frustrated and are speaking out. they want their children back in the classroom, too, just in the past. were students and their families gathered on franklin street in front of san francisco unified school district central offices to voice their concerns their demanding that middle and high school students be invited back to their classrooms this spring as well. it's been very difficult, socially, especially but also academically. you just don't learn a lot be a zoom in very restricted hours of class. you know you you learned by being in front of somebody and having a social interaction with you. teacher parents and students say they're upset the district has failed to put into place a plan for in person learning for middle and high school students. they were
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quick to point out that such a plan would be in accordance with local state and federal public health experts. the district has said, until the overwhelming majority of middle and high schoolers can get back to in person learning it is committed to making distance learning as engaging as possible now to the coronavirus, nearly 23 million doses. of coronavirus. vaccines have now been administered here in california. according to the latest data, there are now over 365,000 a day being administered in california, although that is down slightly from the daily number of shots last friday, so far over 37 a half million and a half percent of california's population of around 40 million have received at least one dose. 22% of those are fully vaccinated. later this week, everyone 16 and older in the state of california will be able to get vaccinated. but in contra costa county and alameda county vaccinations for that age group are already underway, including
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at the mass vaccination side of the oakland coliseum. ktvu jesse gary here now and jesse, both of those counties are now helping to run that site, frank. that's exactly right. plus the state. don't forget the state in this. since the february the federal government under the umbrella of fema has been overseeing covid shy stop shots at that so called mega site residents in alameda and contra costa county who are 16 and above us, frank said, can now get vaccinated, officials say keeping this site open for the next month under the control of those two counties, plus the state furthers the goal of getting everyone vaccinated. fauci at the oakland coliseum is imperceptible. a few 100 people are lined up to receive covid inoculation. but beginning monday, contra costa and alameda counties along with the state or running this facility, we've been working in partnership with our with other counties since the beginning of
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this, you know, so we're quite well versed in regional projects and working together. we haven't had any challenges yet. spokeswoman kima carl says the site will be able to vaccinate upwards of 6000 people per day. another 5000 can get this protection from the covid-19 virus through the use of mobile vaccination clinics that will target underserved east bay communities. for weeks, many residents around the bay have complained of a feast or famine circumstance when tracking down vaccine availability. currently there's openings in some places and shortages in another. and if we have one central place where key people are talking to each other, it can relieve the bottlenecks that we're seeing. over the weekend, alameda county lowered the age of eligibility from 50 and older to 16 and older contra costa county had taken this action a week earlier and well ahead of the state's april 15th deadline. more people have to pay attention to who is and who is not eligible. the more confusing against and people
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who might not have drugs as access to information or to technology might choose not to try toe figure out whether they're eligible. so opening up to 16 and above was really a neck witty issue for us. the state is providing half the weekly vaccine allotment. the burden of the remaining half is equally shared between alameda and contra costa counties. the key is to get as many people vaccinated as quickly as possible. the coliseum site is open through the first full week of may from nine in the morning till seven in the evening monday through sunday and again the ages 16 and above in contra costa and alameda counties. put all that information on our website ktvu .com. we're live in san jose this evening. jesse gary ktvu fox two news. well back to you. all right, just say thank you to recall effort is underway against windsor mayor dominic the pole. ling. at least six women have come forward, accusing him of sexual assault
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are crime reporter henry lee has more now on the effort to remove a poli from office, a group of windsor residents is now marshaling efforts to force mayor dominic for pulling out. at least six women are now accusing him of sexual assault. now is the time for him to leave tim's honor his chair of the recall for poli campaign, he says that the mayor doesn't go willingly. ah large coalition of windsor residents will file paperwork to force him out. mothers, fathers, coaches, volunteers, all walks of life in windsor who are ready to remove him from office. but zahner says there's still time for the mayor to take the next step. i think right now they're probably has a chance to do the right thing, which he knows. what he has to do, and i think so many people have come forward and said the right thing to do is to resign. you see one side of a person when you're working with them, and there's evidently another side that none of us saw windsor town council member deborah fudge says she'll move to censure the mayor at a special meeting wednesday. the council will also ask for
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pulley to resign. dominic is unfit to lead this community and we need to end his service here immediately as fast as we can. this is a political situation and his political situation i believe is untenable. he's not going to last as mayor of windsor, the sonoma county sheriff is now investigating the mayor, who has not been charged with a crime. but he's been kicked out of the family winery and his brother is among those who want him to step down. the mayor has declined interview requests, although some alleged sexual assaults may be too old to prosecute. because of the statue of limitations. ktvu legal analyst michael cardoza says those incidents could still be used to establish a pattern of predatory conduct. the prior's can be used to show motive opportunity, a similar actions so a judge has to decide should they come into evidence or not? and once again, that was our henry lee reporting since one of the women accusing the mayor is a sonoma county deputy district
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attorney, the d. a confirmed today, the state attorney general would handle any prosecution if it gets to that 10.1 person is dead and a police officer is wounded after a shooting at a high school. in knoxville, tennessee, and there's late word just coming in that police say it was a student at the school who fired the shots. all of this happened this afternoon after police responded to a report of an armed man on the campus of austin, east magnet, high school. police say shots were fired after police approached the man. he was killed in the exchange of gunfire, and a police officer was hit at least one time. his wound is not said to be life threatening. another person was detained for questioning. authorities say the school building was secured and students were released their families. no word yet on why the man was carrying a weapon on campus. and we had another warm day out there today. temperatures back into the eighties, but we're going to trend those temperatures down. we'll talk about that
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when i see you next, and one of the bay area's largest employers just announced a plan to start bringing employees back to the office coming up at 5 30, the timeline and requirements that sales force plans to use also 20 year old man shot and killed by police during a traffic stop. today. the police chief says that the officer meant to pull out her taser but instead pulled out her gun. a live
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this is a no-nonsense message from three. small business insurance is usually so complicated, you need to be a lawyer to understand it. that's why three was created. it's a better kind of business insurance. it's only three pages. straightforward. if you own it, three covers it. got a cheese slice for "spokesperson?" that's me. i don't even need to see what's happening behind me to know it's covered. (screaming) this commercial is now over. logo. three. no nonsense. just common sense.
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temperatures a lot like yesterday. so sunday's numbers in the seventies and eighties low eighties today were into the eighties and the very warmest spots and seventies around the bay. there's fog at
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the coast just like yesterday and the five will return tonight. live camera outside and you kind of see, i guess you kind of pick out a little fog there. if you look that enough, yeah, i thought condensation occurring so the marine layer is in full force right now. the sea surface temperatures are pretty cool. there's plenty of fog at the coast, so it's going to be a player for the next few days. and the way it goes is we're gonna cool off a little bit as we head into tomorrow and the next couple days beyond that, that's a cold. it's just not gonna be in the low eighties. it's going to be mid 70 something like that. so here the current temperatures and as you look, you can see that 82 fairfield 82 brown would you can see where the sea breezes and you could see where the sea breeze is not right? certainly where the where the greens are that your sea breeze and it topography plays a lot into it, doesn't it? so if you have a hills or something that blocks like hear that blocks the cool breeze from getting inland, you've got seven. you know, you get 76 in the livermore valley, those hills blocking it off and so. temperatures right now about where they were yesterday. so this pattern is going to
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hold all this week with some minor fluctuations in the minor fluctuations will be a little bit of a cool down and my mind the headlines are. where's the rain? we're in big trouble and to the tree pollens are going off. i mean, if you look at your car, you know you go out shopping or whatever you're doing these days. get the kids to school. there's paul and everywhere so the trees have really lit up and in an aggressive way, especially the folks in the pines right now, but every really if his blooms on the tree out front, so those are the two weather headlines. where's the rain and boy? we look at the paul and here's upon the winds outside classic springtime winds westerly. that's how it goes tonight tomorrow. in the next couple of days and the wind tomorrow come up a little bit more. it's not. i wouldn't call windy. i'm just it's just typical sea breeze, but it's going to be a spring seabreeze, which would be pretty robust. so right now head sam cisco airports run into 28 mile an hour gusts 13 mile 13 miles an hour wind speed sustained at livermore. so what do we got? we got a
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nice looking day tomorrow just like today and then subtle trends. as we move through this week, we'll look at those suddenly subtleties when i see next. a curfew is now in effect in brooklyn center. minnesota more protests are expected there tonight following the release of body camera footage from yesterday's deadly police shooting. the police chief says the officer mistakenly shot for gun instead of a stun gun, killing a 20 year old black man during a traffic stop brooklyn center minnesota is about 10 miles from minneapolis, where george floyd was killed. the police chief says he released the body camera footage in the interest of. full transparency. fox news. lauren blanchard joins us now live in minneapolis with more on what happened, lauren. hi julie. will authorities here are bracing for another night of arrest, not only from brooklyn center about 10 miles away from here. but here to make apple is this is after a police officer wastrying to arrest a man instead of firing her gun. she
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instead of firing her taser, she fired a gun. icu. the incident shown in graphic body cam footage. the brooklyn centers police chief says the shooting of 20 year old dante right appears to be an accident. the officer pulled her gun, not her intended taser. this appears to me from what i viewed in the officer's reaction in distress immediately after that this was an accidental discharge that resulted in the tragic death of mr right right was pulled over sunday afternoon for expired tags. officers discovered he had an outstanding warrant for possession of a handgun without a permit. as they tried to apprehend him. he broke free and jumped in the car. that's when an officer used her gun, theo officer has been placed on administrative leave during the ongoing investigation. wright's death just miles from where the trial of former minneapolis officer derrick show vin
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entered its third week. we are in pain right now, and we recognize that this couldn't have happened at a worse. time. wright's death sparked violent protests lasting into monday morning. national guard troops have been mobilized across the city. i have declared a state of emergency in the city of minneapolis, president biden has urged people to protest peacefully. there is absolutely no justification, none for looting, no justification for violence, peaceful protest understandable. and the streets are quiet here in minneapolis for a monday evening. that's because of curfew is already in effect. not only here but also saying paul from seven o'clock local time until tomorrow morning, julie or blanchard in minneapolis tonight, lauren thank you, one of the most well known cases of an officer using a firearm instead of a stun gun happened in oakland back in 2009, former bart police
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officer johannes mehserle, lee said he reached for a stun gun. but mistakenly pulled out his handgun instead and shot and killed oscar grant at the fruitvale bart station. mr lee was convicted of involuntary manslaughter and sentenced to two years in prison. joining us now to talk more about that shooting in brooklyn center is our legal expert, michael cardoza. he's worked as both a prosecutor and as a defense attorney, michael this case in minnesota is almost exactly the same as the killing of oscar grant. and in this case, you hear the officers say taser taser taser and then. immediately, she says holy blank. i just shot him. how does a mistake like that happen? well it happened before, as you say with oscar grant, i believe it was back in kansas. another officer mistakenly thought he had it stays here in his hand, and he didn't. so what does happen? i know there will be ah, lot of people that say, how can you confuse your handgun with a
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taser? that is a different color and is bigger than and got well, we know what happens. we know they're very volatile situations, emotional situations, and obviously this officer in good faith really thought that they had their taster in their hand and not their handgun. it's a sad situation, and the timing truly is awful, the police chief today said that they train officers to put their guns on the side where they shoot. so if you're a right handed shot, you'd have the gun on your right side. the taser would be on the other side so that you have to reach across your body to get it. i get the things happened fast. i get that the suspect tried to get away. but regardless, this kind of thing just can't happen. well it certainly shouldn't happen. but sadly by the prior is measure early and going back to the midwest. it does happen. so do we talk about their training of the officers? i think the
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train's good enough. it's the emotional state of the officer at the time, how they handle a volatile situation and obviously, in this case, this officer did not handle it very well. but i think people should look at this step back. certainly not riot. certainly not loot. certainly not do those things but take a hard look at this because it does beg the question. they're arresting. mr right? why does he fight? why does he start to run? i mean, stay there. let them handcuff you. so those questions have to be faced. the officer should not have done this. and how culpable is this officer in this situation is nowhere near the shop in case it will be in the eye of the beholder and watching the states. that conclusion depends on where you come from. and how emotionally vested you are in this. with johannes muscly. he was convicted of involuntary manslaughter. as we just
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reported he was sentenced to two years ended up serving 11 months. the officer in brooklyn center was a veteran of the department. what do you think is going to happen to her? do you think she will be charged? and if so, what would the charge be? well, i would imagine it would be manslaughter or negligent type of approach to the crime. but the real question is, should she be charged in this particular case? what happened? why did it happen this way? you've got to listen to the officer. now i'll be very interested, frank and find enough. was there anything and mr wright's car? was there. remember he's being arrested for a warrant where gun was involved? was there a gun in the cart? and he didn't want to face that? i don't know if there was, but that's why this is going to take a full investigation and whether the officers should or shouldn't be charged is going to be up to the government. i think the district attorney should step aside and let the state attorney and minnesota take a
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look at this to see. i know a lot of people will be upset if they are not charged. but this real he appears to be an accident. so do you charge in officer with that they can, and if they do, i would imagine it would be manslaughter. i guess just playing the devil's advocate here. it just seems like this officer should be charged. it was a mistake. i get it, but it was a deadly mistake. and i keep thinking, okay. what if that was one of my daughters or michael? i could put it to you. what if that was your son? it would be very hard for me to accept the officer not being charged and held responsible in some way, and i absolutely agree with you. i have three daughters and a son if one of those this type of thing happened to my kids, i'd be going out of my mind. and what in the officer in charge, but i think calmer minds have to take a look at this. will the officer be charged if i had the bed? yes that officer will be charged.
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will that officer be convicted? that's the real question. you put this to a jury, and i think you're going to get a lot of different opinions and what government has to do when they charge is to take the emotion out of it. that's why frank they wouldn't let you or i charge this case because we have kids and we would be exceptionally livid about this, so i don't care. if it's a mistake. you should've been better drink. why did you do this? how did you confuse your handgun? with your taser. that's not possible. well, we know it is possible so calmer minds have to get in here and decide what's going to happen. well, the officer be charged in my opinion, yes. will she be connected the officer be convicted. that's the real question. all right, michael, we're gonna leave it there. thank you so much for taking the time to talk with us. we appreciate it. welcome. stay healthy. you too, the judge in the derrick show been a murder trial refused a defense request
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today to sequester the jury. the attorney for the former minneapolis police officer argued that jurors could be influenced by the shooting in the minneapolis suburb in the courtroom today, the judge heard from a cardiologists. he testified that george floyd did not die from a drug overdose. he says he believes floyd's death was preventable and caused by low oxygen levels. the jury also heard from george floyd's brother, who gave emotional testimony and recall floyd's close relationship with his mother being around him. he showed us like how to treat our mom and how to respect that, mom. he just he loved her so dearly when. what the prosecution is expected to wrap up its case this week. showman's lawyers will then present their defense, and the judge says he expects closing arguments to begin next week. plea for help from anyone who's
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listening. the oakland police chief says they need resource is after an increase in robberies, carjackings and homicides and coming up new it's six new details are emerging about a major covid outbreak at a kaiser hospital in san jose during chris this in san jose during chris this time what we now know about ♪ ♪ ♪ easy tools on the chase mobile app. simplicity feels good. chase. make more of what's yours.
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come experience floor and decor's grand opening in pleasant hill! comfortably shop our wide aisles and be amazed with our even wider selection. discover the perfect floor at the perfect price in whatever way is perfect for you. explore floor and decor's newest area location. now open in pleasant hill! now the police chief is asking for help from the community and city council. he says he needs more resource is to address an increase in violent crime. ktvu cristina rendon joins us now live with more on the chief's message, kristina. well, julie, that police chief says that the department is feeling the impact of budget cuts that were made last year and now it's dealing with an increase in violent crime that he calls unacceptable. it's been an extremely violent past seven days. oakland police chief laurent armstrong making a plea
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to the public about a rise in violent crime, three people were lost to gun violence on saturday, he says the number of homicides stands at 41 compared to 13 homicides at the same time last year. i 215% increase that is completely unacceptable, and it's tragic for community have to deal with this level of trauma in pain. he also knows the 101% increase in shootings a 100 and 61% increase in carjackings and a 50% increase in robberies to date. those figures, all compared to the same time in 2020 when the bay area was under a state wide lockdown. armstrong says the department is feeling the impact of the nearly $30 million and budget cuts the city made last year and it needs resource is this city has to value the lives of our community members. we need resource is we need to communities help to be able to address violence. police can't do it alone. all this well that apart. made deals with an increase in side shows expanding to places not normally seen this wanted 51st
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and telegraphed involved. 100 cars sunday and shots were fired. we have to make a choice between do we address violent crime or do we address sideshow, both of which are violent. we shouldn't have to do that. armstrong says. a pregnant woman went into labor while caught in the middle of a sideshow this weekend. their units clear a path for first responders to rescue her. he's calling on the city council to reallocate funding back to his department with money that cities received from the federal government. the council is currently in talks on how to spend that federal stimulus is unacceptable for this level of violence, and there not be a response from the city of reallocating resource is to address violent crime. monday city council members reacted, carol five, issued a statement saying in part i believe we can more affordably address the issues that some residents are concerned about, without assuring human beings into the prison industrial complex, vice mayor rebecca kaplan said. in part, i strongly opposed the mayor's devastating cuts, too. programs dealing with gun violence and then called, says he and the council are working to restore it and free some
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portions of the police department's budget, including operation ceasefire, sideshow enforcement, overtime and community resource officers. and within the last 20 minutes, we did receive word that the council did, in fact, make their votes on this. they have decided to unanimous unanimously vote to restore $10 million in a in funding for certain community resource services. julie cristina rendon reporting live for us tonight on the situation in oakland. thank you. coming up expects new signs of life in downtown san francisco, one of the city's largest employers just announced today that they're going to bring back some of their employees to the office. on average. the u. s is vaccinating more than 1% of the country every day and adviser and moderna are starting new clinical trials for a third round just in case a booster shot is necessary. and if you need health insurance and need help, paying for it now is the time to sign up. how millions of californians air now
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eligible for subsidies mom needs help but, she doesn't want to move. we're mostly concerned about her safety. she's already had a couple of falls. we had this joke, 'oh, that's a senior moment, right? but it wasn't. i'm driving her to the doctor, physical therapy... making sure that she's eating and staying hydrated. home care with an entire support team.
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mom could stay in her house, as long as she wants. that would be the perfect solution. she could live independently, and do her own thing. but with support, and transportation. i can focus more on my family too and be secure in knowing that she's happily looked after. he could keep doing his vegetable garden, and get really good, specialized care. and i could just be her daughter again. emergency planning for kids. we can't predict when an emergency will happen. so that's why it's important to make a plan with your parents. here are a few tips to stay safe. know how to get in touch with your family. write down phone numbers for your parents, siblings and neighbors. pick a place to meet your family if you are not together and can't go home. remind your parents to pack an emergency supply kit. making a plan might feel like homework, but it will help you and your family stay safe
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during an emergency. but it will help you and your family stay safe the state. so far more than 3,600,000 cases have been confirmed in california more than 2600 cases were reported today, more than 59,240 people have died. 31 deaths were
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reported today. sales force says next month they'll reopen their massive tower in downtown san francisco to some of their employees, followed by more employees over time. ktvu tom vacar is here now. details and what it means to other companies, their employees and the regional economy, tom, well, salesforce's phased in approach may well provide insight into just how much the economy has changed permanently. the massive monolith that is, the salesforce tower will soon be an office again for employees to report to next month. it's a very important sign in the right direction and says bay area council economist jeff bellisario. the right direction is follow the leader. we do see this, often, particularly in silicon valley and our innovation economy companies. if one company makes a big mover, big announcement. others do tend to follow, but sales force says while our officers
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will remain an important part of our strategy as we re opened, the office is no longer at the center of our workday, monday morning sales force announced that its landmark san francisco tower will be the first to reopen in may, followed by offices in palo alto and irvine. in the months following. it will take some getting used to and i definitely understand people's concerns about not wanting come in. i'm probably not gonna be back every day. i'm ready to see everybody again, but i know our office probably won't have everyone in the office every day of the week anymore. the first to come back will be fully vaccinated volunteers, but all sales force employees have the option to continue to work from home until at least next new year's day. i think that's a great program and the way to go about it. the cdc right now is saying that. it's really up to employers of what they want to do. and of course, they can't mandate that everyone gets vaccinated. another hesitancy. our study was really interesting that it wasn't just about going back to the office.
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it was also about getting to work in the first place. s o a lot of people 35% i believe we're concerned about actually using public transport. those that have been going officers have been driving way. no, the numbers are very down on bark. but there. act, almost where they were on bridge traffic again expect the workforce to follow the leaders. the more more people we get returning in your own office and the more people that are taking transit safely, the more you pass it on to your neighbor and tell you what the city needs it just for the vibrancy and the local businesses. you know these these people could use the extra foot traffic that they're used to. one salesforce study done in australia, where sales force has been open for months, finds 80% of employees want to start the week at home, then come in on wednesdays and thursdays. tom vacar ktvu fox two news, tom. thank you, the number of america. the number
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of americans getting vaccinated against covid-19 continues to rise nationwide. the latest figures from the centers from disease control and prevention show almost 190 million vaccine doses have been administered in the u. s the cdc says more than a third of the population upwards of 120 million people have received one dose and more than one in five now fully vaccinated. that's normal, or that's more rather than 74 million people who are fully vaccinate. did the race to get people vaccinated. health officials say new strains of the virus are leading to a new spike in cases. fox's jonathan serrie tells us that in response, moderna and fizer are working to get booster shots to target those new variants. more than 230 million covid vaccine doses have been distributed and 46% of all adults in the u. s have now gotten there first shot, but states are still racing to cover as many people
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as possible as a new spike intensifies. the daily average of new cases is now close to 70,000 3% increase from last week and hospitalizations her up more than 6% prompting health officials to recommend pulling back on reopening plans. we know that the vaccine will have a delayed response. the answer to that is to really close things down. a big driver of the new surge covid-19 variants, including one from the uk that has become the dominant strain in the us, some americans are now getting a vaccine shot for a third time as both visor and moderna start clinical trials for booster doses. targeting those new strains. we have this new strain coming out of south africa and in england, so i just decided why not? the trials come is vaccine access expands across the country, the white house says. by next week, all adults will be eligible and more states are allowing
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teenagers to get vaccinated as well. including illinois, where anyone 16 or older can sign up. starting today, they figured that home to the older people, that's the problem and the minimum age could be getting even lower. fizer is asking the fda for permission to start vaccinating 12 to 15 year olds in atlanta. jonathan serrie, ktvu fox two news at colleges across the country administrators are trying to decide how far they should go in urging students to get vaccinated against covid. 19 they're weighing whether to make vaccinations a requirement in the fall. some universities including rutgers, brown cornell in northeastern have already said students will have to get vaccinated before returning to campus. college officials say they want to protect the students health, but some school say they cannot legally require the vaccines because they don't fully have the air. they don't rather have full federal approval still had
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tonight. the former chief of police in richmond was nominated today for a very important job in the biden administration i'm morgan, and there's more to me than hiv. more love,... more adventure,... more community. but with my hiv treatment,... there's not more medicines in my pill. i talked to my doctor... and switched to... fewer medicines with dovato. prescription dovato is for some adults who are starting hiv-1 treatment or replacing their current hiv-1 regimen. with... just 2 medicines... in 1 pill,...
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dovato is as effective as a 3-drug regimen... to help you reach and stay undetectable. research shows people who take hiv treatment as prescribed... and get to and stay undetectable... can no longer transmit hiv through sex. don't take dovato if you're allergic to any of its ingredients... or if you take dofetilide. hepatitis b can become harder to treat while taking dovato. do not stop dovato without talking to your doctor,... as your hepatitis b may worsen or become life-threatening. serious or life-threatening side effects can occur, including... allergic reactions, lactic acid buildup, and liver problems. if you have a rash and other symptoms of an allergic reaction,... stop taking dovato and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis b or c,... or if you are, may be, or plan to be pregnant. your doctor may prescribe a different medicine... than dovato if you plan to be pregnant or if pregnancy is confirmed during the first trimester. dovato may harm your unborn baby. use effective birth control... while taking dovato. most common side effects are headache, nausea,... diarrhea, trouble sleeping, tiredness, and anxiety.
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so much goes... into who i am. hiv medicine is one part of it. ask your doctor about dovato—i did. the u. s customs and border protection agency. magnus is currently the police chief in tucson. if confirmed by the senate, magnus will be tasked with handling a record number of border crossings that are projected to increase in the coming months. the white house says. magnus has developed a reputation as a progressive police leader who focuses on relationship building between the police and community promoting reform and insisting on police accountability. magnus received national attention when a photo half of him in uniforms holding a black lives matter sign during a protest in richmond went viral. ah police officer in virginia has been fired following an excessive force accusation. it
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came during a traffic stop of black u. s army. lieutenant this is video of the incident happened last december and you could see officers draw their guns, then pepper spray and push. officer karen nazario. excuse me, lieutenant. karen nazario to the ground. officials with the city of windsor now says that officer joe gutierrez has been fired the other officer daniel crocker, is reportedly still employed by the police department. according to a lawsuit. nazario is claiming that his constitutional rights were violated. disgraced hollywood producer harvey weinstein is challenging his extradition to california to face additional sex assault charges. weinstein has been serving a 23 year sentence after. convicted in new york city of a criminal sex act and third degree rape last spring. today, he appeared by video for a court hearing in buffalo, where a judge delayed a decision on extradition in a new indictment. he was charged in california last year with
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assaulting five women in los angeles and beverly hills from 2004 to 2013. ah former coach for the kansas city chiefs, is now charged with the d u i for a crash that left a five year old girl with a brain injury. britt reid is the son of chiefs head coach andy reid. he crashed into a car that the little girl was writing it. it happened in missouri back in february, a day before the team left for super bowl 55. reid allegedly failed a sobriety test and told responding officers that he had been drinking and was on a prescription for adderall. reed could face up to seven years in prison if he's convicted. prosecutors are requesting a $100,000 bond. low cost health insurance is now available for millions of californians. and now those who need help will receive even bigger subsidies. keep the exact same period keep their exact same benefit design, but get hundreds of dollars. to
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lower their monthly premium. coming up next see how billions of dollars will be spent helping californians pay for their insurance. they were still waiting on the rain. we'll talk about that a bit as well as wh these are real people, not actors, who've got their eczema under control. with less eczema, you can show more skin. so roll up those sleeves. and help heal your skin from within with dupixent. dupixent is the first treatment of its kind that continuously treats moderate-to-severe eczema, or atopic dermatitis, even between flare ups. dupixent is a biologic, and not a cream or steroid. many people taking dupixent
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saw clear or almost clear skin, and, had significantly less itch. don't use if you're allergic to dupixent. serious allergic reactions can occur, including anaphylaxis, which is severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems, such as eye pain or vision changes, or a parasitic infection. if you take asthma medicines, don't change or stop them without talking to your doctor. so help heal your skin from within, and talk to your eczema specialist about dupixent. if your financial situation has changed, we may be able to help.
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if your financial situation has changed, sign up for low cost health care, ktvu is james toys tells us about the new federal subsidies that could save you hundreds of dollars. the sooner they are, the sooner they say this webinar from covered, california explains how millions of people in the state can save on their health care payments. money supported by the recently signed american rescue plan. we're not waiting. so far. april through june were treated as if it's one of our mega open enrollment period because this is big for
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california, according to executive director peter lee $3 billion would go to three groups. those without insurance can access low cost rates people with their own private insurance provider can receive financial health through subsidies as well as access cheaper rates. these two groups account for about a million people in the state keep their exact same carrier. keep their exact same benefit design, but get hundreds of dollars toe lower their monthly premium. the last group includes people who are already enrolled in covered california, they will receive even more subsidies and price cuts. lee demonstrated an example speaking on a family of four in oakland, earning about $78,000 a year out of pocket they pay about $2000 a month for health care what happens with the american rescue plan? goes down to $383.1 lee brought in other speakers who say they're looking forward to what they may save like this retired firefighter from stockton new
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to the program. well it's gonna mean $1000 a month and savings for me and this father who says he'll now save $200 a month despite having been enrolled with covered california. for nearly six years. oh yeah, happy to be receiving subsidies from to help me pay for my helping transport mew. but i'd be even happier to get more subsidies from the american rescue plan. those already enrolled in covered. california will not have to change a thing. lee says. their savings will automatically be applied for those who are not enrolled. they will have to apply as soon as possible. enrollment is open as of today, and will last until the end of the year. if you enroll by april, 30th, you could get your savings as early as may 1st i'm james torres, ktvu fox two news. all righty, then temperatures today heck of a lot like yesterday with
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numbers back into the low eighties. but did you see here on our live cameras shot from the sutro tower? looking back towards the golden gate bridge to see the fog is back and boy that couldn't look more like spring than it does right now, and you can see the marine. there is not that deep. it's right up there. 1008 100,000 ft deep, something like that. just estimating, so not good, not expecting a big push in vienna landbay valleys, but really into the bay tonight as this strong sea breeze, which is going to increase tomorrow, so the sea breeze today. there it was, you know 10 15 20. but tomorrow and the next day it's going to come up, maura and then temperatures will come down so we'll see some 25 35 minor wind gusts tomorrow, you know, at sfo in places right along the coast like point reyes. they're the current temperatures there. clearly the sea breeze is right where the green is, and then there's it's doesn't make it much further and that zafar unction of the depth of them really are so when i just said it's 1000 ft. deep. right in these coastal east bay hills were about 1000
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ft. high, it effectively blocks off or can block off the sea breeze just roughing it out, but that's kind of how this goes this time. here we was the microclimate set up. it's almost always about topography, the winds there they are taking a peek at some of those. we got more wind. sfo has some guts, so they're as they often do up to 28. for you at 20 miles an hour, so it's bone tomorrow be a little more robust on the winds and then temperatures a little cooler. you see that tall, tell fog bank. that's a big one. that's a good looking size. that's a good size fog bank for right now, so it's going to start to fill in up to the north of us. that's the first time we've really seen that extent of fog. so there's just a lot of it. and so it's gonna be easy for it to come and go over the next few days. there's that shot of the fog, and then the wind vectors showing you the onshore flow. current temperatures for the forecast morning you're gonna find 40 and santa rosa 43 napa. just like last night. the big difference tomorrow is it's a cooler day. that's just the bottom line a cooler day with
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temperatures in san francisco into the low sixties in the warmest spots, we're not going to see the eighties that we saw today we're going to see mostly just seventies tomorrow mid seventies would be the warm spots. and if you look at some of the specific forecast highs, 73 in the antioch that's down from over 82 degrees or so today, so down almost nine degrees and you're gonna get that has to do with a little deeper marine layer in a robust sea breeze, so there's the five day forecast. there's no rain in that five day forecast, so we'll have to go looking for some more opportunity. i'll see you back here at six. you will see then. thank you, the bay area coffee company is celebrating a major opening in oakland. red bay coffee is a black owned. roasting company, and today they celebrated the opening of their new headquarters and flagship store. it's on international boulevard in the fruitvale neighborhood, in addition to the coffee shop, the space is also being used as a community hub for educational workshops and a place for entrepreneurs of diverse backgrounds to connect. this is
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a very entrepreneurial on vibrant neighborhood rich and culture. maybe one of the most diverse neighborhoods in the country quite frankly, and how we're celebrating. this grand opening is and in homage to the culture, red bay, says their sources. uh it's coffee. they sort they get their coffee from nine regions. including two countries in africa. the grand opening has been celebrated with a serious of cultural events, including performances from chinese lion dancers, mariachi bands and afro brazilian drummers. many say it is a dream job. unless of course you are a vegetarian, a review website is offering that dream job unless you are that is you have to, like hot dogs and baseball bonus finder posted the job it requires trial. bubbling across the u. s
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eating unlimited hot dogs that baseball stadiums and getting paid to do it. the tester will be expected to eat and write a review of the baseball games and then rate stadium atmosphere and excitement on bonus finder .com. the summer job offers of $500 paycheck along with the food and travel budget in santa clara. great american is now set to reopen on may 22nd. the park will reopen with limited capacity so guests can maintain social distance from others under state health guidelines because santa clara is in the orange tear, great america can reopen a 25% capacity. guess we'll also have to wear masks and their temperatures will be checked as they go inside. great america says that you have to make a reservation through their website to get in. yeah president and body and host a bipartisan meeting at the white house and hopes of building support for his infrastructure plan. i'm re broken with more on his push for spending coming up. also
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ahead tonight a promising drug cocktail used to prevent severe illness and those who test positive for covid-19 is now it for fda approval. coming up new. it's six. the impressive results from recent studies and details on a new study from uc davis that traced a huge coronavirus outbreak to meat coronit was when she started packingforgetting things.
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i didn't know how much mom was struggling. when i pictured us growing old together. i didn't envision this. i did think of it, but i also thought of her happiness, and i would never put my mom into a facility. i love caring for him. we've been together for so many years, he's my best friend. but i can't do it alone anymore. if he's at home, getting the best care... home care with an entire support team. mom could stay in her house, as long as she wants. thekey would be the perfect solution. they'd play her favorite music, cook her favorite foods... and walk everyday, safely! his days will be filled with joyful moments. she'd have her dignity and i wouldn't have to do myself. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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deposit, plan and pay with easy tools from chase. simplicity feels good. chase. make more of what's yours. over. office today. they discussed infrastructure and what, if anything, they can agree on boxes. ray bogan has more now on the president's latest push two passes to trillion dollar infrastructure proposal. we got the dean here president body and a group of bipartisan lawmakers, men in
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the white house to discuss the $2.3 trillion infrastructure package. i'm prepared to negotiate. the gathering of lawmakers came after a meeting with ceos from around the world to talk about how they can increase domestic semiconductor production and secure the supply chain. a shortage could impact car production, internet and cellular services. china and the rest of the world is not wave and there's no reason why americans should wait. the body administration released a new report detail in the infrastructure needs of every state, including roads and bridges, public transportation, drinking water and housing, among others. they also shared each state's grade from the infrastructure report card. delaware. got a d most gotta see you don't need an engineering report to know the driving on american roads. they're not the way they should be that our bridges need work. we've got thousands upon thousands that are in poor condition or even structurally deficient. during his interview on fox news sunday, secretary
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buttigieg's was forced to defend some of the administration speaking points about the infrastructure package that air out of context. republicans say the white house is rhetoric about the package has been a turn off. we've got a lot of questions. the door's open is heavy, but the door's open. but the president and his team need to stop the spirit. democrats say the infrastructure package could add about 2.7 million jobs, but republicans say it could eliminate at least one million jobs break. bogan fox news. this'll is ktvu fox two news at six. thousands of various students headed back to the classroom today after more than a year of distance learning really different where we're used to doing this in august two. now it's april, but the first day of school is the first day of school. two bay area school district's welcome students back for in person instruction today. hello again, everyone. i'm julie julie haener. i'm
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frank somerville students in san francisco and san leandro. we're back in the classrooms today. ktvu is. rob roth tells us that the two district's took very different approaches to reopen it. and bread hard elementary school in san francisco monday morning a sight no one has seen here and more than a year students coming to school being part of a classroom again. at least one first grader. apparently lawson sleep in anticipation, little graduate. he's been up all night, but he had the jesse's hours definitely different where we're used to doing this in august two. no, it's april, but the first day of school's for stay in school, and whenever it happens, we still we still sort of feel those jitters. this is one of 22 public elementary schools and 11 early education sites reopening monday as the schools of staggered dates for resuming in person instruction through april, students still have the option of remote learning, but it's all but certain middle and high school students will have to wait until fall to return, with the exception of special and homeless


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