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tv   The Eleven O Clock News on KTVU FOX 2  FOX  April 6, 2021 11:00pm-11:30pm PDT

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withstand this that there's not going to be the face of evil driving us away from this block, and online easter church. just service in the south bay is disrupted by hateful messages. the 11 o'clock news on ktvu fox two starts now, hello again, everyone. i'm julie julie haener that i'm frank somerville, the pastor says he thinks that his church was deliberately targeted. ktvu is azenith smith is here now to tell us how they're live stream on easter was hacked. and then what happened next as well, frank, hateful and hurtful messages were. said about african americans, jews and the lgbt q community and not only was it easter sunday, but it was the anniversary of martin luther king junior's assassination and the end of passover. first interrupted by loud music, the night tirade of hate speech laced with
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expletives and racial slurs, man, i can't in standoff stinky. i think some of the people counted as many as 40 times using the f word and the inward they made disparaging remarks about the african american community, the latter next community, the lgbt q community. can you show my friend monkey noises? y'all was some might for monkey noises dog is that audio captured on zoom five minutes long on easter sunday during grace baptist church in san jose's first outdoor worship service. since the pandemic no one should have to face on such on the high holiday like easter. what we faced here at this church? nobody in person heard it, but it doesn't people, mostly seniors on zoom did, including barbara taft from arizona. no, it was upsetting. um i'm old enough to have seen and heard just about everything in my life. i felt very sorry
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that young people have this kind of an attitude. she saw the culprits described as two young men and a kid allowed to speak during prayers of the people when congregants were asked to share prayers, the pastor believes the progressive institution was targeted a sign outside reid's black lives matter. rainbow banner reads. god is inclusive everything that they were too crying is everything that we stand for the hate speech comes after two people were killed, three injured as the church housed homeless one november night. they're not over that, and now they have to prepare themselves to try to get over this to zoom, issuing a steam it. we have been deeply upset to hear about these types of incidents. zoom strongly condemns such behavior. the company says it's updated default settings and added features to help host access. security controls, the pastor says if the incident was meant to deter them, it hasn't they didn't do anything but amp. us up to keep up the good fight.
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and the culprits were not captured on camera. san jose police tell me the church has not yet filed a police report frank azenith smith life force tonight as anything, qanon time ago, san francisco's school board weighed in on the renaming of some 44 schools after a lawsuit ktvu jana katsuyama has been monitoring developments for us tonight, and jenna board members came to a vote reversing course. julie. the meeting just wrapped up about 10 minutes ago, after quite a bit of public comment. the vote was 6 to 0 in favor of reversing the renaming of those 44 schools. now this did, as you mentioned come as a result of a lawsuit that was filed by a group of alumni from some of those schools. the resolution basically postpones the previous decision. the lawsuit
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had said that the board violated the law in the brown act like improperly handling the process. ah judge agreed and had ordered the board to reverse the resolution or explain it in court. the resolution will reverse the previous decision that was made in january to rename 44 schools that the board said were named after historic figures who had racist backgrounds and should be instead named after other figures in history, who championed civil rights or under recognized communities. many of the people spoke out on both sides. i can't believe this. and 2020. u are debating how and when you're gonna start this process. i can't believe it isn't when you revisit the renaming of schools, please do what the brown act intended that you conduct your business transparently and openly to the public. allowed for varying points of view. and the board
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tonight after the vote, many of them said that they do plan to take up the renaming issue again in the fall, but only after students have returned to class. julie alright jana katsuyama reporting live with that update for us tonight, jenna. thank you today, governor newsome announced the news that everyone in california has been waiting for. he says california will reopen by june 15th as long as vaccination rates remain high and hospitalization rates remain low. ktvu is greg lee has more on what the governor said today, june 15th. that's when governor gavin newsom, california health officials plan to fully reopen the state's economy and drop its color coded tiered system. county by county system has determined what and how businesses could operate for nearly eight months. we can confidently say by june 15th that we can start to open up as
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business as usual, subject to ongoing mask wearing an ongoing vigilance meeting the june 15th goal is contingent on two things sufficient vaccine supply for everyone, 16 and older and hospitalization rates remaining low, newsome reported 20 million vaccine. doses have been administered four million and the most vulnerable communities. the state's mask mandate will remain in place indefinitely. this is really a race these vaccines against the variance against the mutations, and that's why again i will end as i began. it is incumbent upon all of us not to announce mission accomplished, health officials said. all businesses will be able to open with common sense risk reduction measures, the state will continue to test contact, trace and encourage people to get vaccinated. some counties have already moved ahead, but statewide vaccine eligibility opens up to everyone 16 and over on april 15th the issue of supply. we have confidence that
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the numbers will continue to tear up and that by may will be in that frame that president biden made clear. meeting any eligible adult who wants a vaccine will be able to schedule one use them also said with reopening comes an expectation for schools to reopen for in person learning, there'll be no barrier to getting all of our kids safely back. not just kate through 12 community colleges, including institutions of higher learning, the state did not offer specific numbers for its two contingencies, vaccine supply and hospitalization rates, california health and human services secretary dr mark galley said. the state does not plan on it. opposing a vaccine passport. we know that businesses are already exploring how they ensure that people who are vaccinated in common enjoy some of the privileges of being vaccinated. too important exceptions here. convention centers are prohibited from holding events with more than 5000 attendees
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until at least october, and the state is also working with organizers of large music festivals like coachella for guidance, moving forward. greg li ktvu, fox two news and most of the people we spoke with tonight said they will keep wearing their mass while out in public this evening on park street in alameda, we saw a lot of shoppers wearing face coverings. the governor is calling for the mask mandate to stay in place. for now, a number of people told us it makes sense to keep wearing them until the experts say it's okay to stop attacks against like the common cold. there's been a lot less like flu cases this season as well. ucsf dr monica gandhi says the june 15th reopening date makes sense since everyone 16 and older will be eligible for covid vaccine starting april 15th. that is two months to get most adults vaccinated. state health officials also announced today the contra costa county, napa county and sonoma county will
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all move into the less restrictive orange tear tomorrow. the three bay area counties are among 15 total statewide that are making the move. that means right. strong's wineries, bars, gyms, places of worship and movie theaters can increase their indoor capacity to up to 50% solano county is now the on lee bay area county that is still in the more restrictive red here. gavin newsom also confirm plans to keep the oakland coliseum vaccination site up and running past sunday. the site, which is federally funded and operated by fema, was scheduled to close at the end of the week. but today, gavin newsom said alameda and contra costa county officials are now working with fema and cal o es to continue distributing vaccines. doses will be provided by the county's and matched by the state. san francisco has hit a milestone in its effort to get people vaccinated. mayor london breed said today 50% of san franciscans, who are aged 16 and up have now received at
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least one dose of the vaccine and 30% are fully vaccinated. there are about 600, or rather 769,000 people over the age of 16 living in san francisco. we're continuing to follow breaking news in west oakland. firefighters are on the scene of a large house fire that's burning on the 800 block of 20th street, broke out within the last hour and then went to third alarm fire fighters say they found having fire conditions when they arrived, and at one point they adopted a defensive stance for moving crews from inside the building. several surrounding buildings were also evacuated as a precaution. still ahead tonight, nearly five years after the body of an east bay woman was discovered in a conquered pond. a verdict has been reached in the trial against the man accused of killing her, but first after the break new information about florida republican congressman matt gates and what he asked president trump to do in the final weeks of his term.
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com. matt gay. asked president trump in the final weeks of his term for a preemptive pardon for any crimes that gates may have committed. no pardon was given. it's not clear if gates knew at that time that he was under federal investigation for alleged sex trafficking, including allegations that he paid for sex with a 17 year old girl. he has denied all of the
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allegations. the use of force was a main topic of discussion during day seven of the derrick shobin trial today. the former minneapolis police officers facing murder charges in the death of george floyd last may. today jurors heard from a use of force instructor with the minneapolis police department lieutenant johnny mursal testified that shobin did not follow department training on neck restraints when he had his knee on floyd's neck for more than nine minutes. say. for example, the subject was under control and handcuffed. would this be author right? i would say no. why would you want to put them into a different position? there is the possibility and risk that that some people have difficulty breathing when the handcuffs were behind their back, and they're on the stomach. the defense argues that derrick show been followed department guidelines and training when he arrested floyd. know what 11 a
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31 year old man from concord was convicted today of killing his pregnant girlfriend back in 2016 erik lamar nelson is facing the possibility of life in prison after a jury convicted him of beating point set a gap parks to death with a rock. the 25 year old woman's body was found in a duck pond in newhall park in concord, nelson was. arrested after fleeing torino. still ahead, the sonoma county district attorney is calling pg any reckless and is now hitting the utility with criminal charges stemming from the 2019 kincaid fire lost more than 20 years after the navy left the concord naval weapons station is finally going to be developed, will tell you what the city plans to do with a chunk of that land coming up lots of sunshine. today, temperatures did warm up just a little bit, but by tomorrow they're gonna drop down a few degrees and then a warm up we'll go looking for rain is well. the the sea. oa
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sewage leak into the bay. the mercury news reports that the spill happened last july. ah pipeline broke spilling more than 292,000 of partially treated sewage near moffett field. the city says that pipeline is scheduled to be replaced as part of a major improvement project. pg and e is facing criminal charges over the kincaid fire back in 2019. today the sonoma county district attorney filed 33 counts. this comes as pg and e is already being sued for $100 million in civil court. ktvu rouz deborah villalon has reaction tonight from the community. is where it all started. started up on the guys is that late that night the
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town of guys orville first to evacuate as the kincaid fire began its two week run, charring about 80,000 acres, destroying some 400 structures and on the heels of the tub's firestorm, leaving sonoma county traumatized people are just exhausted. i'm exhausted. nobody wants everybody wants things to just be better. nobody wants this wants these type of things that keep happening almost as soon as the first flames were spotted pg any equipment was suspect and the company admitted a piece broke on a transmission line lines energized even though many communities had no power at the time for fire safety, pg and e had already caused the deadly campfire a year earlier and was in bankruptcy and promising better maintenance. pigeon is deeply sorry for the role that our equipment. had in those fires and the losses that occurred because of them, the ceo testified in washington after the kincaid fire, the new ceo, in a statement today says we remain committed to making it right and working to reduce wildfire risk. however we do
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not believe there was any crime here, but sonoma county d a. jill ravage has filed five felonies and 28 misdemeanors finding the utility reckless and causing the property damage injury to four firefighters and sickening smoke that indeed. good health, said ravitch in a statement. we have been working with cal fire and independent experts. this criminal complaint reflects our findings at the height of the danger about 200,000 people evacuated and firefighters made a stand in windsor beating back disaster house by house and so whatever it's going to take two to make some substantial changes, so this doesn't keep happening. year after year. that's all that's all i want. i'm sure that's a lot of what sonoma county residents will want. the kincaid was california's largest fire of 2019 followed the next year by the widespread complex fires mostly caused by lightning. deborah villalon ktvu, fox two
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news. we have an update now on that three alarm house fire we have been telling you about on 20th street in west oakland. firefighters say the fire is now largely knocked down, though they're still fighting hot spots on the roof of the building next door firefight. say the home where the fire started was vacant. no one was injured, but multiple. people were displaced. all righty as we head into your wednesday temperatures are gonna cool down just a tad that has to do with just a little bit more fog and low clouds in the morning a quick burn off, though for many in temperatures around the bay like they were today, mid and low sixties inland there in the seventies today, tomorrow, the and then spots like livermore and conquer. it'll be 68 69 something like that. so these were the highs from today. slight cooling inland tomorrow. that's the plan. there's a bunch of fog out there just as we had this morning. so tomorrow is gonna be a lot like today. except we probably i
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think we'll see a little bit more sunshine along the coastal section. think they'll be a little few breaks in the clouds, but overall, a very similar day and then on thursday, temperatures start to warm. but like i said, it's not a heat wave. it's not a big warm up. it's just a little click up like instead of 72 on saturday is gonna be 73 or four. it's not going to be real real warm, overnight lows will be fine, upper upper thirties low forties and coldest spots. the winds are going the right way when you see him coming from the left of your screen to the right of your screen. that's a westerly wind or some some areas. there's a little bit of a north wind, but they're westerly wind is what's driving. well, all this moisture onshore, and there's some cloud cover out there now is a lot of fog at the coast and plus you got a big cloud deck over the conquered walnut creek livermore area, and that's going to be around in the morning. i think most of us wake up cloudy tomorrow morning and then we end up mostly sunny in the afternoon like today, there's a lot going on in the pacific, but nothing organized and in a way that it's going to bring us anything that we can use in terms of brain. snow in
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the mountains and that's unfortunate. we haven't had rain since march, 18th and we don't doesn't look like we're going to see rain intel around april 17th somewhere around there overnight little forecast in generally upper thirties or forties and then you could see the forecast highs. yellows are your seventies and you see him right there, so plenty of seventies in the inland spots tomorrow but for us. it's sixties, the five day forecast is just a little bit warmer each day. it's subtle. this whole week is going to be very, very subtle right into the bay area weekend. that's how close we need the rain, but it's not happening this week. all right, bill. thank you. a plan development at the former concord naval weapons station. moved one step closer to reality. tonight the conquered city council unanimously approved a measure that will open the request for qualifications process for a master developer for the former military base. the city hopes to build thousands of housing units millions of square feet of commercial space and a regional park at that former
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military base. in achieving this, we will need a strong outreach and engagement process with wide distribution of the art of q, including two nonprofit housing sponsors who may be interested in joining a developer team and two community based organizations who may wish to be aware of the process and the information given to applicant. the city hopes to have a master developer in place by august or september, the navy abandoned the land back in 1999 and development plans have been delayed many times, previously chosen developer pulled out of the project last spring. all right, coming up in sports how steph curry and the warriors finally broke their losing streak, and they did it by holding off one of the best teams in the east sports director marco vanya is up next d
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tonight in the bay area, only one of them one and i guess the way is able to shut out all the negativity all the noise. they took care of one of the better teams for the east. although janos into the coop. oh didn't show up. he's injured for the bucks, and it looks like steph and his brother lai have their stroke ready for masters. we kept a what steps playing some brilliant basketball yet 41 tonight and some nice play it here. and, uh, the middle of the whole thing. some nice spunk and hustle and milwaukee the lead by 12 late, good hustle. there leads to the warrior three and they retake the lead to the warriors with a couple of free throws late. the bucks with the last gas better. ender wiggin. this is able to deny the final shot attempt by chris middleton and hope
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warriors hang on by the skin of their teeth to win it. 1 22 to 1 21 and end that depressing three game losing streaks that maybe things are finally looking up. all right, as you may have heard, the giants are in a lot of home runs. in fact, they've got 10 in the first five games of the season. unfortunately for them, nine of them. are of the solo variety data. san diego tonight the padres have bigger problems is their big star fernando titties junior may have to undergo season ending surgery. here's your early giants offensive the night one point brandon crawford again is to solo home run and stop yu darvish, and it gave him a one. nothing lead. now we pick it up in the 7th 11 matt whistler in for the giants put one right in the wheelhouse for victor. calm, a teeny, that's it. two run shot that leaves the yard in a hurry, and it holds up 31 victory for the padres. only three hits for the giants as they fall to two and
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three. can it get worse for the aids? i mean their own six tonight they've got a place clayton kershaw and a cy young award winner trevor bauer. tomorrow they do manage your first. their first lead of the young season. ramona laureano in r b. i double it scores. jed lowry one. nothing lead that would not hold up against the wall. world champion dodgers since i won one game in the third, former aide max months with a clothes line shot, the right. that's a two run homer of chris best at 31 lead 51 final and the a's are just unbelievable. oh and six afternoon game tomorrow in oakland, the sharks have been hot. they won four in a row, but tonight it kind of fell back into some bad habits. some soft defense and not much offense. it all except. with their fists. jeffrey b. l get so well acquainted with the dutch sam character could see
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you get the better that the sharp but that was the only thing they get the best step a big turnover in their own zone. josh manson isaac's little stroke with the shot, he's just lasered in on gets a nice look at it and puts it past martin jones and 31 at that 310.515. always third. so ends the shark sport game win streak, but they're playing a lot better of late. all right. we got a little extra time, so why not check this out? let's go to japan. this is a 15 year old from yokohama by the name of kona, mel. i know it's amazing the break he's got on that pitch, and then he has an 85 mile an hour fastball. what the 15 years old, so i'm gonna remember this. curve yeah, he might be signing one of those $300 million contract brings. yeah. keep telling. that's the
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sporting life right now. guys back to you. all right, we'll see all you later. take care of the marking qanon. thanks for the marking qanon. thanks for joining us tonight. (cellphone dinging) phil: shh! do you hear that? i can't find my phone. i think it's coming from the fruit bowl. (dinging continues) oh, no. (dinging continues) i've been doing sleep magic again. (dinging stops) you look like you haven't slept at all. maybe an hour or two a night. i've tried everything: warm shower before bed, meditation, reading my operating system's user agreement. did you try asking alex about the struggles that are unique to women in science? late last night. i think she's still going. it's the worst possible timing. i have a video shoot for a big listing today, and i'm supposed to be on camera. i gotta go. dad, your keys. (keys clank) you know what? i'll drive. good luck with your interview.


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