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tv   The Eleven O Clock News on KTVU FOX 2  FOX  August 13, 2020 11:00pm-11:30pm PDT

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>> if you could use a fan instead of air conditioning that's also encouraged, if your health permits. >> a push to save power as the bay area braces for a major heatwave expected to put pressure on the states power grid. a flexible or has been called for tomorrow and a spare the air day with temperatures soaring, especially inland. good evening again, everyone. >> how hot will they get? that's the question everyone is asking. we begin our coverage tonight with our meteorologist. we are looking at temperatures over 100 degrees in some parts? >> reporter: well over 100 degrees. typically we say 98, 100, maybe 102. we are already at that point today and temperatures will continue to climb in most areas for tomorrow. just for reference showing you some of the highs from this afternoon the triple digits toward concord and fairfield
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and antioch. lots of 90s for hayward and san jose and even in san francisco, downtown san francisco, into the lower 80s. hot stretch will continue, especially inland. look at all of these days into the weekend and next week for monday, tuesday and wednesday. for tomorrow most areas within this range are at 95 to 108 degrees. excessive heat warning for the inland areas. the santa clara valley and the north bay mountains, this from 11:00 a.m. friday to 9:00 p.m. wednesday and then a heat advisory for the areas in yellow basically tomorrow from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. on friday. the highs for tomorrow, places like livermore going way up above 100 degrees and the heat will continue to stick around into the weekend. we will have more on your weekend forecast coming up. now to southern california where firefighters are battling a massive out-of-control fire. the lake fire broke out yesterday afternoon and spread out across 11,000 acres and is mourning north of l.a.
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in the angeles national forest. the flames have burned at least three homes that are threatening thousands more. right now there is only 5% containment. more than 1000 firefighters are working the fire lines. officials don't expect full containment until next wednesday , at the earliest. we are also monitoring a fire that broke out this afternoon in southern california. the ranch fire started at 12:45 and has burned more than 2500 acres. as of tonight zero containment. so far no reports of damage to structures and no injuries have been reported. all of this blistering heat is putting a strain on the states power grid. tomorrow everyone is being asked to reduce power usage during peak hours from 3:00 in the afternoon until 10:00 at night. conservation can be a challenge, especially for people at home during the pandemic. >> reporter: officials say they really understand that people
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are home more, they are using more energy. but they say even small steps to cut usage can make a big difference. at this restaurant they like heat and the food, but not in the kitchen. >> the guys in the kitchen should be awarded special hazard pay. >> reporter: on thursday the owner had a small air- conditioning unit and called in the office with a record- breaking heat wave expected friday and through next week. cal iso is calling for californians to reduce power usage from 3:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. friday, hard for restaurants. >> we prior to opening up, we turn on the a stoves and refrigeration you can't do much about. >> reporter: the concern is that fuel-burning air conditioners longer will put a
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strain on the power grid and the power supplies could be even tighter as cloud cover is expected to cause a drop in solar power. >> the cloud cover obviously reduces the solar output, so that further tightens our lectures electricity supplies. >> reporter: by federal law they missed maintain reserves. there may be outages. >> we are asking some to conserve now select the city can keep flowing. >> reporter: conservation is a new challenge with the pandemic as many families are using electronic devices. >> what we are asking people to do is take simple steps that may help. >> reporter: pg&e recommends not using large appliances during peak hours. and if you can set the thermostat to 70 degrees or higher, that will help. >> if you can use a fan or air conditioning, that's also encouraged, if your health permits. keeping your shades drawn to
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block out the warmth into your home, turning off lights, things like that also make a difference. >> reporter: officials say turning off pumps to swimming pools and unplugging unused devices will also help. pg&e says they are positioning crews in the east bay and south where temperatures are expected to be the hottest so they can be prepared if the heat does cause a power outage. >> at we have posted information on beating the heat, including cooling centers set up around the bay area. now to danville where three children escaped a house fire this afternoon before the flames spread the brush and threatened other homes. the fire broke out at a home on willow view court off of diablo road. ktvu's amber lee is at the scene with what happened. >> reporter: firefighters tell me they plan to be here through the night to keep an eye on the
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home and look for hot spots. the family is devastated by the loss of their home. they plan to rebuild. three children were inside their danville home when a fire broke out shortly after 3:30 thursday afternoon, causing severe damage. >> i looked out the window and there was smoke outside and flames outside the bathroom window. >> reporter: 13-year-old madison hoppen quickly got her younger sister and brother, along with pets outside to safety. they just finished their first day of school learning from home. there grandmother had just left and her parents rushed home from work. >> i could barely see the house there was so much smoke coming out of the roof. >> reporter: embers landed 200 to 300 yards away on the hillside, threatening two other homes. >> we started to see fire and smoke in the hills and back of us. >> reporter: some neighbors grabbed shovels to prevent further spread. fire crews arrived quick.
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the flames burned close to the back fence of homes. >> it's a learning thing. i think about how further members can travel. >> reporter: firefighters say the forecast for hot weather in the coming days as a reminder this is peak fire season. >> all the hillsides are dry. the brush, the grass, everything is ready to ignite. we are going to be on a high stage of alert, ready to go. >> reporter: the hoppen family tells me fire danger is something in the back of their minds, but never imagined this. >> having to start over, we have lost everything. >> reporter: grateful for their neighbors support. many left stuffed animals and other items, release there was no loss of life thanks to the quick action of madison. >> luckily she did so everybod are good. >> reporter: their three dogs and a rabbit were rescued. the family is now staying with a
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neighbor. the battalion chief tells me the origin and cause of the fire are under investigation. the family tells me the fire may have started on the side of their home. in san francisco a judge made a ruling that could prompt huber and lyft to suspend operations in california. the judge denied an appeal of his ruling that orders the right healing companies to reclassify their drivers as employees. both companies have warned they would temporarily need to shut down service in california if the court hearing didn't go their way. earlier this week the judge ruled that uber and lyft must classify drivers as employees, not independent contractors, to comply with assembly bill five, that's the california gig workers law. california voters may have the final say. rideshare companies would be exempt from ab five if voters passed prop 22 in november.
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and east bay assemblymen is proposing a tax on the wealthiest californians to help the state recover from the economic downturn. the bill would apply a 4% tax on individuals with assets of $30 million or more. it would raised an estimated 7 1/2 billion dollars for education and other needs. legislative session ends august 31st and it is not clear if this measure will come up for a vote before then. new at 11:00, a heartwarming reunion at san francisco international airport tonight were a little girl was reunited with her family. she is a 10-year-old from yemen who arrived at sfo after being stranded in egypt for more than a month without her family. the family came to the bay area to join their father and start over, away from their war-torn country. the families visas were issued in march, with the exception of the little girl. then president trump serious travel bans went into effect and that prevented her from joining the rest of her family.
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>> he is so happy. at the moment of his life that he will never forget. he is so happy to see his daughter reunited with the rest of the family. >> the visas of the little girl's mother and siblings were set to expire in early july. they had no choice but to leave her behind with their neighbors. the family says they are overjoyed to be back together. coming up, a harrowing rescue in the nick of time. here from the police officer who pulled the man from in front of an oncoming train. up first, stanford's big announcement. reinventing. it's what small businesses do. with comcast business, your small business can work faster, with powerful internet from the nation's largest gig-speed network.
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stanford university undergrads will not be allowed on campus for the start of the fall semester, as planned. instead, they will have to take courses from home. the move to remote learning will impact both students and businesses all around palo alto. >> reporter: 19-year-old alejandra cappy is a freshman at stanford university and is it not how she and visited envisioned it. cramped quarters in her home in arizona. >> i am not going to have the energy to jump on zoom again to meet up with my professor to go over that one meth problem. i would say right now i have a
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lot of fear. >> reporter: the university president notified the stanford community on thursday this will will not be able to invite first-year sophomore and new transfer undergrads on campus, citing the changing covid situation. freshman shaye guard, who just graduated from notre dame high school in san jose is relieved. >> right now the cases in santa clara county are spiking. if we invited thousands of students back onto campus that wouldn't help the situation. but at the same time it's pretty disappointing. >> reporter: this comes two days after pac-12 canceled all fall sports. the city of palo alto is anticipating a loss of $39 million from covid, driven by lack of sales and a tax, much of it attributed to stanford.
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>> reporter: kuba cafe has locations on and off campus, overall business is down 80%. but the owner understands. >> i know this is painful for them and stanford is hurting also. >> reporter: as for freshman alejandra, she understands it's a health matter out of her control, but can't help but miss stanfords energy. >> whether it be the engineering building or the stanford institute for economic research policy, things like that, to me that's just so inspiring. it's a constant reminder that you are here and you are at school and here to learn great things and do great things. voter registration numbers show democrats are strengthening their hold on kalif when you. figures released by the secretary of state show that democrats now outnumber republicans by a nearly 2-1 margin. republican registration has
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jumped. mycotic registration is up 1% to 46%. new numbers also show 83% of eligible voters have registered. that's the highest percentage in 68 years. democratic presidential candidate joe biden is calling for a mandate requiring all americans to wear masks. in his first full day of campaigning with running mate kamala harris, biden called on every governor to mandate that everyone wear a mask for at least the next three months. he also said that experts are telling him that could potentially save more than 40,000 lives. >> this is not about democrat, republican or independent. this is about saving america's lives. listens to do a mask mandate nationwide starting immediately and we will save lives. >> biden and senator kamala harris attended a coronavirus health briefing with experts.
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tik tok and you a simple user planning to sue the trump administration over the executive order that could bend the app in the u.s.. the loss of the claim the order is unconstitutional. the president signed the executive orders last week targeting tik tok from china. the president calls their data collection a national security threat. coming up, how a growing group of amateur back raters are supporting small businesses while also getting a great workout. up first, heroic action from a police officer who says she was just doing her job. in bay area weather temperatures soaring, but the real heat moves in tomorrow. (upbeat music)
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- [narrator] food delivery just got more rewarding, now that grubhub gives you rewards when you order. did you order tacos? again? boom, rewarded. (chewing) (dog barks) ordering dinner for the family? voila, rewarded, with a side of quiet. (baby mumbling) grubhub rewards you. get a free delivery perk when you order. - [group] grubhub. (upbeat music)
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incredible video of a rescue just in the nick of time. a police officer in lodi pulled a man in a wheelchair to safety just before a train came barreling through. our crime order henry lee talked to the officer today and she told him she was just acting on instinct. >> this is body cam video showing lodi police officer erica uria on patrol when she came across a heart stopping site on the railroad tracks. >> i noticed a man in his wheelchair and i noticed he was kind of wiggling like he was stuck. >> reporter: the officer ran out of her car. >> and you get him? get him, get him! >> reporter: with only seconds to there the officer pulled the 66-year-old man out of the way,
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but realized he had been hit. the man suffered a leg injury, but survived. uria, a 14 year veteran of the lodi police department, says she doesn't feel like a hero. >> i honestly know it's clichc to say, but i really don't. i don't feel i did anything that any of my partners, any of my fellow peers wouldn't have done. >> reporter: she said she acted instinctively. >> what was going through my mind was just get him off the tracks. >> reporter: and she got him off just 14 seconds after getting out of her car. >> it's one of those situations where you see someone that needs help and you go out there and help them. >> reporter: officer says at first she didn't think she got him in time, but she did, with no time to spare. in bay area weather of course we are talking about the intense heat starting to build in today, but it really kicks
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in tomorrow and unfortunately this is not just a two to three day deal. this last through the weekend and into next week we are tracking this dangerous heat in your friday forecast for tonight into tomorrow morning, the possibility of a few isolated thunderstorms. it's interested with this setup and then fire danger increasing , linked to the dry, hot conditions headed our way. right now at the 11:00 hour it is 82 degrees in concord, burke the right now 70, san jose 78 and san francisco and downtown in the mid 60s, probably noticing a beautiful sunset earlier this evening with high clouds streaming in from the south. this is moisture that was once linked to hurricane, hurricane alida. some of this moisture is approaching the bay area, so not out of the question. tonight into tomorrow morning we could have the possibility of an isolated shower or thunderstorm. that would be favoring the south bay and points south. be watching that overnight,
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steve paulson will be in first thing tomorrow morning to track the possible showers approaching the bay area. fog free and with that temperatures tomorrow morning will fill tropical out there. and will feel muggy, temperatures in the 50s and 60s. a source of the heat is this area of high pressure building in. this sets up shop and does not want to move it all. major warming, dangerous heat and we head into friday, saturday and sunday and into next week. you will see the five day and we will cool things off by just a little bit. throughout the day tomorrow we will have a big batch of high clouds move in from the south, not completely sunny. that may help out the heat a little bit into your friday forecast . the highs for tomorrow, look at these temperatures. santa rosa 101, antioch 107, oakland 90 degrees. take it easy out there. san jose 97 and the coast at 76 and half moon bay. looking ahead at your five day forecast, once it heats up after 10:00 or 11:00 tomorrow
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morning, just look for the shade. try to drink lots of water and repeat that cycle each and every day because this pattern will stick around for the weekend and into next week. just be careful out there. some amateur cyclist have found a way to get exercise during the pandemic and support small businesses at the same time. the rideout posse started three months ago as a way of getting in shape and keeping in touch with friends. now dozens of people ride together on routes designed to take them to small businesses. ride organizer brandon murray says it's the perfect way to help the businesses survive the pandemic. >> we are not asking for discounts or doing anything. we want to give support. we want to give them our money. we want to circulate this money within the community. >> casual rides rollout every week from various locations in san francisco. some rides have as many as 100 people showing up. the schedule is on instagram.
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there are rides on tuesdays, thursdays and sundays. the weekend right is the most challenging, you can expect some hills. coming up in sports, the big day for the best tight end in the nfl. 49ers head coach kyle shanahan talks about why george kittle is a $79 million man. up first tonight, toys inspired by the pandemic. mattel and fisher-price are releasing three playsets that kind of reflect the realities of working from home, exercising at home and spending more time in the kitchen. the my home office set comes with a laptop, smartphone, headset and a coffee cup. now more than ever, it's important californians have health coverage. if you've lost health insurance, covered california can help.
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you may even get financial help to pay for your health insurance. just visit today. for your health insurance. it's a beautiful thing. superfast internet with an xfinity flex 4k streaming device included? even beautiful-er. and now flex also comes with peacock. ooh la la. this rare bird lets you stream tons of movies, shows, news, sports and more. and with flex, it's all at your beck and call... show me parks and rec! see? the best really did get better! magnificent. switch to xfinity internet and get a flex 4k streaming device with peacock premium included for no additional cost.
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have you heard enough about george kittle in the last couple of days? [ laughter ] the news started leaking out yesterday's and the 49ers were about ready to break him off big time, and that they have. it was made official by the team. he is now going to be the highest paid tight end in nfl history and by a wide margin. here is the deal, five years, $75 million, 40 of that guaranteed, $30 million signing bonus. kyle shanahan, you might've heard of him, he said the big guy that deserves it. >> it starts with how talented and good you play. he is the guy , not only what he has done, but what he will do. when you have a guy like that i think it makes it easier for the owner to commit to him like
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that. >> doing their best to keep that championship caliber team together. nba stuff, phoenix suns unbelievable in the bubble. they were eight-0 yet on the outside because portland needed to win tonight and that they did. it was oakland's own damien lillard, as usual, leading the blazers to victory. they were down seven in the fourth quarter. you want to see something from the outer limits? just about out of the bubble. damien lillard pop/shot, he has got a three and that gets them back in the game. fourth now, charis lavert of brooklyn, with a nice spin he works for that and the drop on the turnaround. backup by one, lavert with 37 tonight. blazers have another weapon, cj mccollum with the midrange jumper. lasers go up by four, but yet in the final seconds that nets are down one, they have to go
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with lavert and a little too strong. not a lot of defense played there. lillard had 42 points and 154 total points in his last three games. portland now plays memphis saturday for the eighth seed play. this is kind of funny, back by popular demand. mom needs a golf lesson, or so it seems. her infant daughter is screaming for it, check this out. >> you got this. [ laughter ] >> come on, mom. you are scaring the kid. that's mckenzie high get who needs a little bit more work on her game. got some hockey to talk about too. in the nhl, third- period columbus up 2-1. alexander lindbergh brilliant,
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through his legs, he will score, columbus win it 3-1 and that series with tampa tied 1-1. >> see you later everyone, good night. so why don't you go get your uniform? [ singsongy ] chop chop! cam. what? she's in karate. it's not offensive. debatable, but why would you schedule all this extra stuff on the same day as her talent show? okay, are you accusing me of overscheduling our tone-deaf daughter so she's so tired she misses the talent show and doesn't humiliate herself? lily has no talent. because she's 7. no one has talent at 7. i did. tons of it. sheep-shearing, cornhusking, hay-baling. it was hard for me to pick just one to showcase at my first little prince pageant. in the end, i went with waltzing. you waltzed at 7? barely. my partner had two left hooves. hmm. [ singsongy ] i got it! [ normal voice ] hey, wait. isn't my talent show today? oh, who knows? but let's go ride some ponies. no, no, you're right. it is today, and since you have a little bit of time before ballet, why don't you two do a little bit of warming up? maestro? come on. oh, okay, great. thank you. yeah, yeah.


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