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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2 at 430am  FOX  May 13, 2020 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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ken is so irresistible you'll want them whenever, so don't resist! pop 'em while you game, hang, or do your thing. pop my 100% all-white-meat classic or spicy popcorn chicken combo for just $5.99. during this coronavirus pandemic many major companies are considering a permanent change in the way that they do business. how working remotely may become the new normal is certain industries. we are continuing to learn with what covid-19 looks like in children. >> what doctors are learning about the new illness effecting young children and how it may be linked to covid-19. from ktvu fox 2 news, this is mornings on 2. foom to you. thank you for joining us, welcome to mornings on 2. i am
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dave clark. good morning, i am pam cook. thank you for waking up with us, it is early. we are already talking about rain today. let us check in. hi steve. >> hello pam and dave. i believe that working from home, going forward, i think it is the new normal for many. a lot of people will get to do that. i do not think that we will forever. no. but i will tell you, there are advantages. we have a little break right now then we see more cloud cover coming in. some rain, it is hit and miss scattered showers, more to the north than to the south. today a high of 60 60s to lower 70s. 46 in santa rosa, 51 in livermore. oakland 57, the city is at 55.
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53 and partly cloudy in san jose, a south wind at 5 miles per hour. we are going to go, instead of being from west to east it's going to go north to south. that is going to bring a change to the weekend. highs today in the high 60s and lower 70s. sal it's been quiet on the roads for a couple of days. >> it is quiet out there, steve. we will hope it continues. traffic is moving along well if you are driving around the bay area. there have been no major issues right now. let us go out and look at highway 24 westbound. traffic is moving along well. there have been no major problems there and the traffic continues to look good through the tum to the pay bay bridge.
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topping our news, today is the deadline for those waiting for their federal relief payments to update their direct deposit information. 130million americans already received payments. the irs is now urging anyone who has not received a payment yet to add their banking information to the agency's get my payment website. house democrats are proposing to spend $3 trillion on another coronavirus relief package. doug reports, this comes as the nation's top health experts are warning about reopening the country too soon. >> reporter: this is a stunning price tag that house democrats are talking about meanwhile,
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the debate rages about opening too soon. also doctor anthony fauci had a warning to states open ahead of federal guidelines. >> my concern is that we start to see little spikes that will turn into outbreak. >> the president is sending the opposite message. >> some democrats went after program for reopening the economy too soon but republican senator rand paul who is also a doctor said we should open. >> as much as i respect you doctor fauci, i do not think you are the end all. >> reporter: house speaker nancy pelosi is talking about thinking big, her latest proposal is a $3 trillion
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coronavirus relief bill that would bail out local and state governments and expand unemployment and food stample benefits as well as cash payments for many americans but republicans say it has spending that has little to do with the coronavirus. >> it has so much unrelated to the coronavirus that it is dead on arrival. >> reporter: it clocks in at 1800 pages. it is not expected to go anywhere in the senate. we are still not sure when california restaurants will be allowed to let customers eat inside but the state has new guyed lines that restaurants will have to follow in order to reopen. that includes checking the temperatures of employees. no longer presetting tables with napkins and knives and forks. no condiments in bottles and
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bars and wineries will stay closed unless they can serve sit down meals at the same time as drinks. the state is giving several northern counties approval to reopen because they have fewer coronavirus cases. these counties can move quickly through phase two of the governor's four stage plan to come out of the coronavirus lock done. to get the approval each county had to certify that they have minimum issues from the pandemic and they had to show that it they could react if there is a surge of infections. sonoma county will ease restrictions at some of its parks. it's allowing some parking lots and shared sports facilities to reopen. visitors have to come from the same household.
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you still have to wear a mask and practice social distancing. neighbors can use walking or bike paths from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. every day. playgrounds and dog parks are still offlimits. we are keeping an eye on wall street again this morning. it looks like a higher opening across the board, at least by half a percent for the dow, the nasdaq and the s & p. doctor anthony fauci advised against reopening too quickly yesterday, that sent the major indexes down by 2%. grubhub bucked that trend after uber announced that they may be interested in buying
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that service. the port of oakland announced there are three and a half percent increases in cargo exports in april compared to the same month last year but officials expect the number to fall this month and next month. maip container ships are not sailing because of the coronavirus pandemic. they expect a 5% to 10 percent drop in deliveries. twitter is telling thousands of workers that they may never have to return to the office even after the stay at home orders were lifted. the company was one of the first to react to the coronavirus by having many employees working from home. now there is a blog post on the company's website saying love where you work. they said if our employees want to work from home forever we will make that happen. other companies are likely to follow that lead.
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>> as we deal with the challenge we are going to see changes, many that are going to be good for our workers and families. >> google has told employees that the vast majority of them will work from home until next year although some of them will return to work this summer. we are learning about a mysterious illness linked to children. based on the early information, doctors say it may be linked to covid-19. two young children and a teenager died from it in new york state. there has been almost 100 cases so far. experts in the bay area say a six month old baby in the south bay tested positive for it in march. >> what we expected to see were patients with covid-19,
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patients who presented with respiratory symptoms which was not the case for this patient. the patient was not what we necessarily expected to see with our covid-19 cases. it was not what had been previously described. >> it's not clear if that six month baby in the south bay had the same illness as the children in new york. >> very scary. we are supposed to get rain, i think mostly north of the golden gate. >> yes, there could be some. this looks to be more towards the north. this is one of those passing through systems. not too far offshore. about 65 miles from the marin
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sonoma coast. we are going to start to see more increasing clouds coming in. a mix of sun and clouds. napa, half an inch of rain, santa cruz a 30 of an inch. vallejo .15 inches. mostly cloudy this morning then a mix of sun clouds, showers or light rain, more clouds to the north and more sun breaks to the south but with these sun breaks at this time of year, you can get good build up. it's something to keep an eye on. 49 in monterey. a lot of moisture continuing to come across from that big low up out there. the pattern is a zonal pattern, it comes across like this. that is west to eat but the pattern is going to change
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here. that means it's going to come up and then go here in. that will have a lot colder air associated with it. that gives it more dynamics and i think we get more rainfall as we head towards the weekend. i think this could be presume time for some thunderstorm activities with that cold air aloft. so that will be the stage for sunday, monday and tuesday. 60s to lower 70s today. temperatures warmer east and south. cooler to the north due to the cloud cover. mostly sunny and warmer friday. we cloud up saturday. rain starts in the evening. sunday looks like a rain day. an effort to flip a california congressional seat back to republicans for the first time in decades. the special election in a key california congressional race. not all masks are created
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equal. what you should know if you have a mask that has a valve like that one and how the rules differ from county to county.
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welcome back to mornings on 2. a special election is underway in southern california to full the congressional seat that was held by democrat katie hill. she relined from congress in object after she admitted to having an affair with a staffer. the election is for the 24th congressional district. the race is between democrat christy smith and republican mike garcia. who ever wins will serve out the remaining eight months of hill's term. early returns show mike garcia with a comfortable lead but mail in ballots have not been
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counted yet. joe biden won democratic pr in nebraska. the united states supreme court is expected to happened down it's ruling soon in three cases involving president donald trump's tax cases. in a video conference, the court heard three hours of arguments yesterday. president donald trump said he does not need to comply with the grand jury subpoena regarding a case. >> in so many of these prior cases it was a cooperation, for example, tax returns, every president voluntarily turned over his tax returns, so it gets to be a pitched battle here because president donald trump is the first one to
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refuse to do that. >> but in your view there is no protense against the use of congressional subpoenas for preventing the harassment of a president. >> legal analysts said the conservative will likely side with the president against congress but they will all likely side with new york state. a building commissioner accused of bank fraud. rodrigo santos took money meant for city agencies. he is accused of stealing more than $478,000 that was supposed to go to the department of building inspection of the he served on the building commission in the early 2000s. if he is convicted he could get up to 30 years in prison. san francisco supervisors are moving ahead with plans for
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an early closure of the jail at the hall of justice, it was scheduled to close by july of next year because it is not earthquake safe. the new dawt to close is in noaf first of the supervisors approved it this a 10 to one vote that also bans san francisco from transferring inmates out of the county and it restricts the city from building a new jail. the alameda county board of supervisors approved the sheriffs request for $18 million in funding for the santa rita jail. that will pay for 49 positions in the sheriffs department and 100 staff members in behavioral services. supervisors also added an amendment that the jail has to reduce the numbers of inmates that are mentally ill. the supervisors questioned
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where the money would come from now that the county's budget is expected to be decimated by the pandemic. police are investigating a shooting that happened at 3:00 yesterday afternoon in the area of ocean avenue and jewels avenue. the person is expected to survive. police have not commented on what led up to the shooting. one man is accused of refusing too wear a mask in the oakland hills area and then getting into a confrontation with the store's staff. surveillance video shows the man walking into the store without a mask. employees told him he needed one and he got angry, he spoke to the staff for 10 minutes. neighbors said they recognized the man as a local. >> i do not understand what is
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the big deal. it is a mask. it is ridiculous, nobody is immune from this thing. you cannot put up a wall. you have to protect yourself. >> the store owner said the police talked to him about what happened but it is not clear if he was sited. those who refuse to wear a mask could potentially get into trouble with the police but they are most likely to be ticketed. not all masks are created equal. those that have a hole for breathing are not a face covering. that feature makes it easy for droplets to get out and possibly spread of coronavirus. >> what the valve does, it goes open and allows the stream of air to flow out unobstructed.
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that by passes the purpose of the masks which is to protect other people from you giving out particles that contain the virus. >> san francisco and marin counties all have similar restrictions on masks with that kind of valve. okay. we have to wear them. i was looking around yesterday. since we have to wear them for a while. i was looking around for nice comfortable ones. there are people who make them and when you buy them they donate to front line workers. you may have to get some that match your pocket square. >> i am. steve as well. i do not know if you >> no but
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twitter make one out of a sock. it was beautiful. i was like, how do you do it. we have a bit of a break but there is more cloud cover and some rain. the bulk of this is heading towards sonoma and marin, this looks like another golden gate system. that is going to move in later. that is going to keep us going through this afternoon. then there is two waves coming through. it keeps the beat going but there is not a lot of rain associated with these. santa rosa .1 inches. napa as well. overall we are looking for a couple of inches. a mix of sun and clouds. highs in the 60s and 70s, a lot of upper 60s and lower 70s. scattered showers mainly north. 51 degrees under partly cloudy skies. the one thing to watch is in the afternoon with the sun
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breaks. now that the sun is higher, you get a lift and get some thunderstorm activity. that would favor lake county and north into the napa valley. as the system moves inland it's bringing in all uft moisture from the west and southwest. these are mild systems. they are not cold systems before it is going to get colder as we head through the weekend as the system drops in from the north. there is projections of pretty good rain sunday, monday and into tuesday, that gives us a better opportunity to get some colder air aloft. after that it looks like a bit of a break. so just hit and miss shower activity wednesday and thursday. cloudy friday. then the rain starts and goes into sunday and monday. a safety net for oakland workers and families. still ahead i tell you about the emergency legislation that
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the city council passed because of the pandemic. plus, the lawsuit filed by a group of stylists and cosmetology professionals, and also, the tools to detect the coronavirus ♪
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this virus is testing all of us. and it's testing the people on the front lines of this fight most of all. so abbott is getting new tests into their hands, delivering the critical results they need. and until this fight is over, we...will...never...quit. because they never quit. that could mean an increase byin energy bills.. you can save by using a fan to cool off... unplugging and turning off devices when not in use...
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or closing your shades during the day. stay well and keep it golden. welcome back to mornings on fox 2, i hear clapping, it must be dave clark. thank you. it is wednesday, in case you have forgotten.
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the days blend in. stevie wonder is 70 years old today. he doesn't look a day over -- i saw him recently, he looks like he is 50. thank you for the request, richard meyer. send me a request, just use the hashtag ktvu. we will pick from the list. >> did you know that he put the sound of his baby daughter in that song? it was about his brand-new baby, and he used her cry in the background of the song. >> wow, there you go. >> thank you. today, a major hearing in sacramento about a bill banning the sale of flavored tobacco products. the senate health committee will hold a hearing for senate bill 793. it will ban the sale of labored
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e cigarettes, who goes and vaping products, as well as flavored smokable and non- smokable tobacco products. the tenant governor, sponsoring the bill will speak in support of the legislation. the oakland city council closed a loophole about the sale of flavored tobacco products, back in 2017, they banned the sale of flavored and menthol tobacco. there was an exemption for adult only tobacco stores, the city estimated there were no more than five of the stores a, but now there are 56 of them. the city council voted yesterday to and to the exemption. a study says that coronavirus patients who smoke have double the chance of having a severe case of the virus. the study by researchers looked at covid-19 patients from the usa, china, and south korea. they analyzed nine teen
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studies, covering more than 11,000 covid-19 patients, and 18 percent were progressively worse , and their rate went up for smokers. >> the question is, what are the chances it would get worse? for example, going into nicu, or die. if you smoke, it doubles your risk of covid-19 getting worse once you got it. french scientists published a study that said nicotine might help protect people from covid-19 based on information that showed that not many patients were smokers. however, the professor suspects that it is due to undercounting, not a protective effect of using nicotine. businesses are reopening and many are taking precautions to keep employees safe, thermal temperature scanning technology
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is in place at manufacturing plants. meat processing plants, and developers have a device that can detect a workers body temperature, when it is high, management is alerted so the worker can be tested. we are going to see a large chunk of the industry throw in the towel. guidelines are set for restaurants to begin reopening, but is it too late for the restaurant industry? we will look at the challenges as california tries to get back to work. >> there is a risk you will trigger an outbreak that you cannot control. the nation's top doctors issue restrictions, the reaction to anthony fauci's testimony, about the bala


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