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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at Noon  FOX  October 18, 2019 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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arrived at the new -- lowell fire to find the facility deserted and the gates locked. how the company responds to these allegations. the white house chief of staff said the president froze aid to ukraine to pressure them for dirt on the democrats as he tries to walk it back. have the latest turn of events affects the impeachment inquiry into prime. a high school homecoming football game and the north bay has been postponed after a lengthy legal battle. details in a last-minute decision to shut down the lights for tonight's game. good afternoon.i'm gasia mikaelian. >> and i'm frank mallicoat. happening right now power is out and a small section of a neighborhood in san jose early this morning the san jose police officer lost control of his suv as he drove eastbound
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on allmond avenue near monterey highway. the vehicle hit a utility pole and that knocked out power to the block. one business located near the class crash said the loss of service hits them in the wallet. >> we are losing money. >> we are losing a lot. who wi repay you to me? as the police department to pay oh? when you think? >> i don't know. >> i don't know too. i hope they will fix it today. >> pg&e crews say they hope to restore service by 7 pm. san jose police will only say the crash involved one vehicle the officer was not injured. shelter in place effect for three schools has been lifted after police investigated a device found at bowers park. the three schools had to shelter in place for an hour while the santa clara county sheriffs bomb squad clear the
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area. nearby residents were asked to shelter in place but no evacuation orders were issued. senior management at nustar energy are defending the company after explosive accusations that employees abandon the facilities during tuesday's fire and could not tell firefighters what was inside the tanks. elissa harrington has more. >> reporter: when first responders arrived at nustar energy tuesday afternoon they were met with a raging fire and a locked gate. that's according to contra costa county supervisor. >> the other issue that is concerning is that a number of the personnel left the facility and did not activate the fire suppression system before leaving. >> reporter: he said he spoke with the fire chief and even after firefighters finally did find a worker, that person could not tell them what was in the tank. he said this lack of
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communication brings up major concerns about how prepared nustar was for an emergency. >> we are fortunate that this fire was controlled because it could've been a lot worse. people could have died. it could has spread to neighboring tanks and properties which is why it's so important to understand all of these issues. >> reporter: nustar is telling a different story. in an email to ktvu come the executive vice president said while all our employees are familiar with the products in our tanks, the combustion happened so quickly and so unexpectedly that there was some initial confusion about what tanks were impacted. there are only four products they store. diesel, gasoline, jet fuel and ethanol. brown also denied employees abandon the facility. she wrote, employees are trained in an emergency to report to their master point in order to account for and verify the safety of all visitors, employees and contractors. in this case the muster point is just outside the gate across the road. fire officials have served a search warrant to access digital files and security footage. the cause of the fire remains under investigation. elissa harrington, ktvu fox 2
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news. a small fire broke out this morning two miles from the nustar facility. the fire happened at a homeless encampment and briefly shut down amtrak train service. the fire was less than an acre inside the gate firefighters trouble because flames ran on a hillside. they had to climb up the hill hauling train sols and rakes to clear out the underbrush. there were no reported injuries. we have new numbers on a wide further prompted evaluations evacuations and lake county. cal fire announced this fire burned 25 acres and is contained. evacuations were ordered after the fire broke out last night on highway 29. it is called the grove fire because it started at spruce grove road south of lower lake. a person living in the area posted video of the nighttime flames. a stretch of highway 29 was closed because of those approaching flames. mmission is holding an tie
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emergency meeting to examine of its public safety power shut off. the utility company came under criticism for how it cut off power to more than 700,000 customers, working out to 2 million people. the cpuc order the utilities to follow guidelines for future shutoffs including speeding up restoration efforts with goal of restoring power within 12 hours. some survivors of the 27 two north bay wildfires will get more time to assess insurance benefits or their living expenses. 26 insurance companies have agreed to extend their time limit. this comes after state insurance commissioner appeal to them to stand by their customers who are still in the process of rebuilding their homes. only 20% of the homes have been rebuilt. in part because of delays due to the scale of destruction and construction labor shortages. a group gathered this
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morning in san francisco calling for the closure of the hall of justice on bryan street. they say the building is seismicallunsafeand could collapse a a powerful earthquake. >> we are concerned for those inside for a multitude of reasons and one is that the building is not earthquake safe. if anything happens, there was an earthquake a few days ago, if anything bigger and more devastating happens, we want those people to be safe. >> the san francisco public safety neighborhood services committee is holding a hearing about closing the building. city leaders have been trying to wind down operations at the hall of justice since it was marked for demolition in 1996. >> no one believes this building is safe. i met with the key city officials on this issue come all of whom have spoken out publicly. the sheriff, the seated minister's office, the public defender's office, the district attorney's office, superior court judges and other mayor and they all agree this building is seismically unfit and as a result nearly everyone who works there will be moved out of the building. >> officials say there is still
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not a plan for the inmates who are locked at the jail to be moved out. yesterday mayor london breed said she expects that to happen by july 2021. and undocumented immigrant accused of killing in san jose woman appeared in court this morning. carlos arevalo carranza is charged with first-degree murder in the march killing of bambi anderson. investigators say he stalked larson in the south san jose neighborhood where she lived before killing her. i.c.e. said agents tried to deport carranza. a salvadoran national, nine times, before the killing but a request to detain him was not honored in santa clara county because of its sanctuary policy. he was expected to enter a plea today but his case has been continued until december 13. the ceo of work on former hewlett-packard ceo has died. the oracle founder larry ellis confirmed the death today. in a companywide memo he called mark hurd a close and irreplaceable friend and trusted colleague. he took a leave of absence from the company last month for unspecified medical reasons. he was 62 years old.
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onto politics. the trump administration now on damage control after surprising remarks from the president's right-hand man. the acting chief of staff said his words were misconstrued and is now blasting back at the media. ray bogan on the latest twist in the impeachment inquiry plus the departure of a longtime cabinet member from the trump administration. >> i'm going to rely upon our general counsel to give me advice. >> reporter: energy secretary rick perry saying he still considering whether to comply with the subpoena from house democrats. despite demands he turn over documents related to the impeachment inquiry by today's deadline.. explaining his decision one day after offering his resignation. >> it has absolutely nothing to do with ukraine. >> reporter: his remarks are coming despite several u.s. diplomats agreeing to testify this week including ambassador to the eu gordon sondland. colleagues describing sondland, perry and former envoy to uk kurt volker as the three amigos.
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given they had been tasked by the white house to manage u.s. relations with ukraine. president trump's reportedly telling house republicans it was. who urged him to make the now infamous call to ukraine's president. >> the impeachment is about the facts, the truth and the constitution. in terms of somebody honoring their oath of office. >> reporter: acting chief of staff mick mulvaney is now walking back comments he made thursday about the administration's decision to hold up military aid to ukraine saying his comments were misconstrued and there was no quid pro quo. >> get over it. there's going to be political influence and foreign policy. no one in the ukraine was aware there was any discussion that military aid might be withheld for any reason at the time of the trump-zelenskiy call. this is yet another baseless investigation into the president. >> reporter: president trump said he already picked rick perry's replacement but no word
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yet on who that might be. in washington, ray bogan, ktvu fox 2 news. a decision to hold a 2020 g7 so many president trump's doral golf resort near miami is coming under scrutiny. some wonder if the president will profit financially from it but his chief of staff says he will not profit in any shape or form from the international event being held there. offer rooms of cost and the ll summit will save millions compared to other possible locations. a block party in the east bay featuring several bay area natives and the multiplatinum artist will take you to the brand-new sway fast happening now in the streets of downtown oakland. one giant leap for women kind. we show you the first all- female spacewalk outside the international space station and it happened today. a little cloudy over parts of the bay. there's a gorgeous view from san francisco. we will be in and out of the suand clouds this afternoon and temperatures running a little below average. i have details on your bay area
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weekend coming up. man 1 vo: proof of less joint pain woman 1 oc: this is my body of proof. and clearer skin. man 2 vo: proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis... woman 2 vo: ...with humira. woman 3 vo: humira targets and blocks a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. it's proven to help relieve pain, stop further irreversible joint damage, and clear skin in many adults. humira is the number one prescribed biologic for psoriatic arthritis. avo: humira can lower your ability to fight infections. serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. tell your doctor if you've been to areas
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where certain fungal infections are common and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. man 3 vo: ask your rheumatologist about humira. woman 4 vo: go to to see proof in action.
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the first ever sway fest is taking place outside of pandora headquarters in oakland. the event is free and is billed as a block party and is hosted by oakland's own sway calloway. the event features various artists. i hope you're with us on the 9 because he was our guest this morning. he talked about being part of this big event. >> what sway is doing it's a mix. it's getting the voices out but also him coming back and realizing his influence. someone is one of the most recognizable faces in the world, he has done so many different things for other individuals and outside cities for him to come home and create
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this sway fest is similar to the dave chapelle block party that is going city to city. i'm happy to be part of it. >> sway fest started at 9 am and will carry on. this is a live picture. you see a large crowd here in front of the stage followed by another famous oakland rapper who was just in our studio. a few re minutes to go if you're in downtown oakland, sway fest will go until 1:00 this afternoon. teachers on strike in chicago for the second day. [ crowd chanting ] >> as negotiations continue between the city and the teachers union, thousands of classes are canceled again today. teachers say their main concern is the class size with some having classes of more than 40 and some as high as 50 students. the chicago mayor says the
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city's education budget is already in the red. the teachers union president says there are signs of movement towards a deal. >> we have people willing to negotiate. yesterday i think we got a meaningful offer from the board. it's the first time i saw a class size proposal in writing. that's a good sign for us. >> the ball is in their court. we put a comprehensive offer together and as i said now for many weeks they need to respond in kind with a comprehensive counter offer. >> about 26,000 teachers and 8000 support staff are all on strike in chicago. when the sun sets tonight the lights will not be on it center in high school. the judge pulled the plug on new lights which forced the school to reschedule tonight's homecoming game. allison rodriquez has more. >> reporter: the issue are these lights behind me. they are off now and will stay that way for the next month. the varsity mustangs will need to play their big game tomorrow afternoon instead. they will most likely graduate without playing a friday night
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game here the rest of the season and it's to do with a battle happening about the new lights and sound system center in high school installed in the stadium. they say it's state-of-the-art but some neighbors say that's not a good thing. a group named the coalition to save samarin is claiming neighbors were not considered when the school put the equipment in. and in court a judge agreed that a more in-depth environmental study should be done. so the school did that and then turned on the lights for the first time last week for a home game but the group said the school went offsides but not getting approval from the judge first and the judge agreed issuing a temporary restraining order on the lights. a blow for the football team but the vice principal says they are looking to the future now. >> students are resilient. kids are resilient and i was out there practice yesterday and it's all business. it's all about the game and san rafael and homecoming. and they are trying to stay focused on what they have to do this weekend but they are in good spirits. >> reporter: the judge said the
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lights will stay off until the next court date in mid- november. football will be over by then but other sports would take over the field like soccer. officials say if the lights are turned back on it will be better for student studies thinking they don't have the practice during the school day instead they can fully focus on the classroom. according to the marin independent junior the superintendent said the district is looking forward to our day in court and remain optimistic that our final revised environmental impact report is complete, accurate and in line with the terms of the court. the judge called this an unnecessary civics lesson creating frustration all around for everyone. allison rodriquez, ktvu fox 2 news. the weekend is upon us. it's a big friday. let's check in with rosemary and get our forecast. hello. we have a mix of clouds out there and this is going to be more of what we see as we get into the weekend as well.
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a live look at sfo where we still have fog and a gray sky. 61 degrees right now in san francisco. santa rosa, 64. mid 60s in livermore. san jose, 69. some areas are cooler. santa rosa done by five. oakland done by a degree or so as well as livermore. san jose and concord are up by a tad. as we get into the afternoon these clouds will remain . we will be in and out of the clouds and it has to do with the system north of us. you can see some rain over areas like washington and over into areas of oregon. for us it's about the cloud cover and we may squeeze out a sprinkle or drizzle but it doesn't look like much. here's a look futurecast getting into the afternoon today. you can see we are partly cloudy. how about tomorrow morning? it looks like we could see some rain drop into lake county. just on the north edge of sonoma county. we could wake up with some drizzle or sprinkles on
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saturday morning and as we get into the afternoon more of the same in the way of cloud cover. a mix of sun and clouds expected for the bay area saturday. sunday temperatures will warm up some. have a look at that in the extended forecast. we are also with a high surf advisory for the entire coastline from areas of the north bay down through monterey. some of those breaking waves could reach 20 feet. i expect it to peek this afternoon and then we gradually come down but that advisory does not expire until 9:00 tonight. afternoon highs today. 70 in novato. low to mid 60s over san francisco. upper 60s in the east bay shore and low 70s in antioch. in the south bay, san jose, 70. 71 los gatos. 71 over areas of santa cruz. here's a look the extended forecast into the weekend. on saturday, very similar to
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today when it comes to temperatures and the cloud cover. we will warm up getting into sunday. more sunshine expected and temperatures come up a few degrees. back to seasonal numbers and as we get into monday and tuesday temperatures will be above average. low to mid 80s for inland cities by tuesday. if you're going to talk over the weekend, i'll have a look at that forecast coming up. how the san jose sharks and hundreds of volunteers in the south bay are turning empty space into a safe place to play.
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masses marking another milestone above earth. for the first time in its history and all-female space walk took place this morning. nasa astronauts christina koch and jessica meir ventured outside the international space station to make a repair to a power system. the space walk took place precisely 35 years after the first american woman walked in space. nasa originally wanted to conduct the space walk last spring but did not have enough size medium suits available. nasa said it plans to put the first woman on the moon by
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2024. senator kamala harris tweeted today on this. for the first time in our nations history and all-female crew walked in space today. it's more than historic. it's a winner for women that even the sky does not need to be the limit. nasa is working on inflatable space lodges for when astronauts go back to the moon sometime around 2024. dozens of nasa officials and former astronauts are testing the inflatable lodges which will house astronauts on the surface of the moon. they are reviewing five different housing mockups built by different companies. the prototypes created by bigelow aerospace will be launched from earth inside a rocket and unfurl into a two- story, 55 foot long dwelling for six people. >> the whole point is to define what we like and don't like about these different habitats and come up with recommendations and even requirements for what we actually want to go to flight with. >> the moon outpost will be known as a leader gateway.
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bigelow aerospace says the units are a precursor for going to mars and could be used to house space travelers inhabiting other planets. mobile payment platform venmo is launching a credit card next year. the parent company is partnering with synchrony financial to issue the car. this will help generate revenue for the peer-to-peer app which is brought in more than 40 million users but is unable to turn a profit for pay for. venmo has a debit card for the company set a credit card should allow for a wider range of purchases. let's take a peek at stocks. the dow jones has been under c level and at this time is down by two thirds of a % losing 178. next, a cease-fire in syria brokered by mike pence yesterday already falling apart. this as u.s. ally kurds is a turkey is violating the agreement. we have an update after the break. juul labs is facing another lawsuit. with a new suit is demanding from that san francisco company.
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so connect with unitedhealthcare today... about medice suppnt pla. now to a developing news in syria where a cease-fire brokered less than 24 hours ago is doing little to stop the fighting. >> yesterday mike pence and turkish president announced a five teachers. here is an update. >> and we have all agreed on a pause or cease-fire in the border region of syria. >> reporter: fighting reported in syria hours after a u.s. negotiated cease-fire between turkish and kurdish forces was announced. under the trees turkey would stop the offense for five days to allow curtis forces time to withdraw. >> against our very strong advice once again and we think tragically president erdogan decided to go and militarily.
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this was a huge mistake. we condemned it at the time and what we are trying to do now is fix it. >> reporter: even with clashes in the northern serious town, relative calm has been reported elsewhere on the border. the secretary of state mike pompeo landed in jerusalem but not taking questions about the cease-fire being violated. >> has the cease-fire been violet? >> reporter:'s decision to withdraw troops has been controversial sparking criticism from democrats and republicans. >> the decision to abandon the kurds violates one of our most sacred duties. it strikes at american honor. what we have done to the kurds will stand as a bloodstain in the annals of american history. >> reporter: at a rally in texas probably stood by his decision to leave the country. >> and it was unconventional what i did. i said, going to have to fight a little while. sometimes you have to let them fight a little while. >> reporter: the u.s. has threatened to have heavy sanctions on turkey fighting continued during the cease-fire.
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62 people were killed and an attack during a morning prayer service at a mosque in afghanistan. the associated press said 36 were hurt when a mortar round went through the roof of the church. the victims included children and officials warn the number of casualties could rise. the taliban and isis are active in the area that neither has yet claimed responsibility. debate in british parliament begins tomorrow for prime minister boris johnson's brexit deal. the parliament treasury committee demanded economic forecasts e and thcosts associated with leaving the eu. the finance minister said he does not intend to update the forecast produced in november of last year. tomorrow we should learn if the proposal has enough votes to pass. san francisco police are investigating two cases of people being terrorized by a group wearing masks and caring a bat. both taking place in the noe vallley. a surveillance video shows a
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man yelling for help in the area of jersey and diamond streets on monday night. he is seen being chased by four people who jumped out of an suv. suspects got back in their car and drove off. officers say they responded to a similar incident minutes later at 26th and sanchez. no one was hurt in either case the no arrests have been made pick san jose police officer who shot and killed an armed suspect who carjacked and kidnapped a ups driver has been cleared of wrongdoing. the da said the officer lawfully shot and killed mark morasky in february. new video from the office shows the suspect carrying a shotgun and running toward the officers. the da office said the officer was shot, who shot the suspect, rather, had no other reasonable option but to shoot. harrison barnes and his wife are paying for the funeral of atatiana jefferson, the woman shot by fort worth texas police officer. he played two seasons with the mavericks people before being traded to the kings.
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he said he and his wife wanted to do something for the family. atatiana jefferson was taking care of her nephew saturday when he police officer fire through a window at her home and killed her. the officer has resigned and was arrested and charged with murder. family every 12-year-old boy paralyzed by a gunshot wound and atlanta find a new home. isaiah was leaving his school football game in august when he was hit by a stray bullet leaving him paralyzed. he was unable to leave the hospital because his previous home did not meet his needs. a new home was found coming for year and also bought furniture. michael jordan is giving back to the less fortunate. by helping them have a place to receive medical attention. mj cutting the ribbon yesterday on a state-of-the-art medical clinic for low income families in charlotte, north carolina. $7 million family medical clinic will provide vital access to primary and preventative care to people in the community including those who are uninsured and underinsured.
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michael jordan said it was important for him to give back to the people who have supported him so much. >> i think the partnership goes a long way in providing needs to this community here, lesson for, the money doesn't matter. the name really doesn't matter. it's the commitment that by partnering up with unbelievable partners and we see a need in this community. i'm pretty you guys have heard and read about that it's devastating . >> he also bowed to do more saying this is just the start of a battle of being able to touch as many people as we can. johnson & johnson has recalled baby powder after asbestos was found in tests. luntthvor recall was limited to 33,000 bottles of baby powder produced and shipped in the u.s. in 2018.
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last year a "new york times" investigation found that johnson & johnson has knowingly been selling baby powder with traces of asbestos for years. at the time the company called the report one-sided, false and inflammatory. new numbers from the cdc show more than 1400 lung injury cases are being linked with e- cigarette products in 49 states, the district of columbia and the u.s. virgin islands. alaska is the only state without a reported case. more than three quarters of the patients reported using e- cigarettes containing thc. the cdc also reported 33 deaths linked to e-cigarettes including three in california. a 13-year-old is the youngest person to die so far from a beeping linked illness. the cdc plans to ramp up testing on aerosols produced by e-cigarettes and vaping products as well as testing lung tissue and fluids collected from people who became sick. juul labs is facing another
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lawsuit in washington. king county officials are suing the company asking a judge to rule that joe make it liable for the teen vaping epidemic. the lawsuit said the company use tactics to target youth in its marketing campaigns. king county tobacco prevention program manager said the number of 10th-graders vaping increased 82% from 2016 to 2018 and that explains the biggest risk at hand is the amount of children now addicted to nicotine. >> they are using sometimes one part which is equal to an entire pack of cigarettes of nicotine, they are sometimes using two or three pounds a day. if we were seeing kids smoking to three packs a day we would be very concerned. >> a lawsuit demands the company pay for prevention, education and addiction treatment pick this week we are focusing in on the homeless crisis and the bay area. coming up next we will take you to san francisco where plans for a new navigation center to help the homeless as being well received by neighbors. why this a recent attack in that area validates concerns about more crime. this afternoon we have
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partly cloudy skies with temperatures running a little below the seasonal average. have a look at when can expect the afternoon and the rest of your weekend coming up. humira patients, you inspire us.
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the way you triumph over adversity. and live your lives. that's why we redesigned humira. we wanted to make the experience
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better for you. now there's less pain immediately following injection. 'vreced the size of the needle and removed the citrate buffers. and it has the same effectiveness you know and trust. humira citrate-free is here. a little change can make a big difference. humira can lower your ability to fight infections. serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. ask your doctor about humira citrate-free. here's to you.
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this week ktvu is spending time highlighting a serious problem in the area , homelessness. the last hour we took you to oakland where a tiny cabin's temporary housing program missing success. >> but insane for a new navigation center center open in the south of market neighborhood is causing controversy. residents are concerned the facility will bring crime to the area. >> reporter: san francisco's newest navigation center is set to open soon on the embarcadero your bryan street. it will be known as a safe navigation center and a threshold to get and will be lower than that of the current navigation centers that provide shelter, beds, food and medical services and a means to get into permanent housing. >> we have to have places for
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people to go where they are able to stay for 24 hours and not be told they have to leave in the morning. >> reporter: with some neighbors are concerned the new shelter will bring increased crime. they launched an unsuccessful legal bid to keep it from opening. >> if the city's hapless happy with the status quo of crime going up they can defend that but the -- the focused area around these navigation areas. >> reporter: the group safe embarcadero felt concerns were legitimized when a woman was attacked while entering the building a few dozen yards from the new navigation center. >> it seems like the city really did not take any of the neighbors in the neighborhood, they did not interview anybody. they did not take anybody's opinions initially. it was just announced. >> reporter: but sf pd released numbers in august that it says shows crimes such as homicide,
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rape and robbery dropped around three of the cities most recently opened navigation centers. those who live and work next to them see things differently. >> their lot to smoke weed in there. they can carry dogs in there. the dog, exceeds my language, they pick on the street. we call the people to come clinic. stuff like that. they break into cars back here. it's just been a problem. a similar issue touched off demonstrations in fremont in september. residents opposed to a location for a navigation center in the city. one man even going on a hunger strike saying decisions about navigation center should be left up to city voters and not city council which eventually ended up approving the creation of the center in a parking lot behind city hall in downtown of capital avenue. >> the only position i take is the decision-making. i believe this issue is so critical for fremont. >> reporter: despite the debate of the city leaders such as the mayor of vallejo are considering navigation centers as well. >> my hope is with the navigation center and the program we are hoping to start that all that will be a coordinated effort and we can
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bring it together for these folks. a week-long series on the homelessness crisis continues. coming up tomorrow, or for the homeless. how one nonprofit is working to get people off the streets and back on their feet. on sunday night join us for a roundtable discussion on homelessness with leaders from some of the biggest cities in the bay area.  frank somerville asks them about what may be causing the problem, why it's getting worse and what's being done to stop it. that sunday night during the 10:00 news. talk about a good change in the weather we will see between now and sunday. that's right. we will be a little cool for this time of year getting through today, tomorrow. things improve on sunday if you like it warmer and eventually we get above average. i will show you that and the extended forecast. we have a couple of systems working through the pacific northwest and we may squeeze
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out some drizzle or sprinkles for areas over the rth bay like lake county and the central and south bay. as we get into saturday a mix of sun and clouds. tomorrow will look and feel a lot like today. we do have partly sunny skies and partly cloudy expected today. as we get into the week ahead, next week, temperatures will warm back up. inland cities will be in the 80s eventually. here's a look at the system moving through the pacific northwest. wen the tailnd of it. you can see over the pacific a little bit of green on the screen indicating moisture but as we move in closer toward the bay area we are generally looking at partly sunny skies and as we get into the afternoon , partly cloudy interpreters running a little below average this time of year. upper 60s in nevada right now. 61, san francisco. 64, oakland. 60s, livermore. sunshine over concord and we have 70 degrees outside your door. for the weekend, into the afternoon and evening hours if you have plans notice we do
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have partly cloudy, mostly clear skies. that system as well to the north. it's more interesting by tomorrow morning notice how it drops into california all the way down to lake county in the north edge of sonoma county. that's where we have our best shot at sprinkles through the morning hours but take a look at the afternoon. a lot of cloud cover in place. still the possibility, this will change and fluctuate over the next 24 hours but the take- away will be to date today and tomorrow, partly sunny and partly cloudy. cool for some. sunday we have mostly clear skies and warmer weather expect the. for today, the afternoon high will be 70 in san rafael. low 60s in san francisco. upper 60s in berkeley. into the south bay, 70 expected in san jose and 71 in morgan hill. if you're going to tahoe, a cool one for the weekend. 48 degrees in truckee right now. 54 over areas of south tahoe and into the weekend the overnight lows will be below freezing. afternoon highs only
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in the 50s. partly cloudy tomorrow. mostly sunny on sunday but still going to be a bit cool for folks to plan to do some camping. be aware of that. here's a look the extended forecast. temperatures warming up sunday. and the warmer weather will come monday into tuesday went inland communities are into the 80s. low 80s around the bay. election day as less than three weeks away and this year the race for district attorney of san francisco is hotly contested experiment there were four candidates and today amber lee introduces us to leif dautch. serving as the deputy state attorney general until he took a leave to run for office. >> kenerly the flyer? >> reporter: leif dautch goes door-to-door campaigning for votes. on this evening he approaches people. >> running for district attorney in town. focused on homelessness, car break-ins. >> reporter: auto break-ins, a signature issue highlighted in his campaign video on social media. on the campaign trail, dautch
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spoke to a man who said his car was broken into twice. >> we will start a five person task force in the das office working with the police and the sheriff's and going after these organized rings that are responsible for the vast majority. >> reporter: to address the homeless crisis, dautch said he returned juvenile hall which is scheduled to close by the end of 2021 into a mental health center with 150 beds. >> i work in the tenderloin so i see the homelessness crisis and property crime crisis, the opioid epidemic. i see it every day. and for those of us who care about the city, my wife and i are raising our family here, we wanted to do something about it. >> reporter: dautch has served as california deputy state attorney for seven years and he said his experience as a prosecutor and the manager makes him uniquely qualified to beat the city's next district attorney. at his campaign office on union street he and volunteers phone
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bank for support. >> other any major issues for you about crime or public safety? >> reporter: dautch said he plans to address police officer involved shootings with town hall meetings within six months to explain charging decisions in each case. he says he will work to rebuild the contentious relationship the dea's office has had with the police department with a focus on helping crime victims. >> and her from the police we will not bother responding, taking a report pursuing the case because we know the district attorney's office will do anything. that's heartbreaking and it's got to change.>> reporter: dautch tells me he's the candidate for voters looking for accountability on someone who is focused on quality-of- life issues. in san francisco, amber lee, ktvu fox 2 news. don't forget our weekly political show airs sunday mornings. this week on the issue is, east bay congressmen eric swalwell
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on sunday at 6:30 am. then stick around for mornings on 2. tomorrow admission to san francisco's art museums will be free. the deyoung museum and the legion of honor offered free saturday general admission to san francisco residents. now the success of that program with the museum to expand the offer to people living in all nine bay area counties. both museums will have art experiences for the entire family including art making and sketching in the permanent galleries. all you need is a valid photo id opostmarked envelope with your name and address. a preview of a show coming to oakland arena this weekend that will dazzle the young and young at heart.
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taking a check out stocks. the dow never getting above sea level on this final day of trading. it went down and then went down some more. right now in the red 207 points. the nasdaq had a tough day.
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down 50 and the s&p making it 343 for the index, right now down six. the reigning nfl mvp will miss 4-6 weeks after hurting his knee thursday night. kansas city chiefs quarterback patrick mahomes dislocated his right knee and had to be helped off the field. he would not return to the game. the good news is he will return this season since no significant ligament damage was discovered and an mri. the chiefs still won the game, 30-6. week seven in the nfl. the 49ers will put the record on the line sunday in washington, d.c. taking on the redskins. players and coaches say they are not overlooking the redskins despite their one game winning streak. there 1-5.the 49ers strong defense will have a chance to shine against one of the worst scoring offenses in football. by the way you can watch the game sunday morning at 10:00 right here on ktvu. raiders return from a bye week with a showdown against
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aaron rodgers and the green bay packers. the game will be played at lambeau field and luckily there's no snow in the forecast. the raiders have not one against the packers since 1990. it's been a while. trying to and that streak sunday morning in time, at 10:00 hour time. disney on ice is bringing the magic of frozen, little mermaid, cars and toy story 3 to the area. here is a preview from oakland arena. >> reporter: that's right. is happening this weekend and i'm lucky to have one of the ensemble skaters for disney on ice here, morgan johnson. thank you for joining us. what can we expect to see this weekend ? >> disney on ice presents worlds of enchantments futures four films. we start with toy story 3 and the we head into the little rabbit, the second features cars and we finished the night with frozen. >> reporter: you have been skating from a young age comic right ? >> i was four years old. >> reporter: this might be a dream come true if you're a disney fan. >> grew up going to disney on ice every year and my hometown and to be able to live my dream
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is real. >> reporter: what kind of segments of disney will we see? i know frozen as part of it? what else ? >> toy story 3, cars, we only show that has car so that's a cool aspect and a little mermaid. >> reporter: all right. when you are out there, by the way i want to ask you, where can we see you on the ice? >> i am an ensemble skaters he can find in this toy story 3 segment as a green army soldier. a sea creature in little mermaid and in frozen. >> reporter: we are just about to see a segment of some skating that you will see on the show. what will we see? >> we will glide down and say hello to our favorite sisters. >> that will be this weekend. thank you for watching and let's give you a sample of the show. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ san jose sharks the team foundation and volunteers were in action this morning. >> we dreamt up the space. the kids had a lot of input which was really fun and now we are
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here today to make it come to fruition. >> starting at 8 am the team partnered with a nonprofit and the sap center to construct a plague on it vacant site at windmill springs elementary school. volunteers hammered, drilled and put together the structures and completion is set for early this afternoon. >> having our employees out in the community volunteering is a way for them to get connected and learn about people from different backgrounds and it helps them be better at their jobs when they have more empathy and that way. >> the impact is to the kids in the community. they have been in an underprivileged area. they don't have the funds to put up and support these playgrounds. we are able to donate our time and money to it to make sure they have a safe place to play. >> sharks center and the mascot's joined the efforts. a ribbon-cutting opening for the playground to be used by an estimated 480 children will happen at 2:00 this afternoon. today at 4:00 we continue
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our coverage of the homeless crisis here in the bay area picks two that includes programs put into place to help people living on the streets. this afternoon we look at the success of tuff shed villages set up by the city of oakland and one of the are sustainable moving power. that's today on the 4. a baby giraffe it's making its debut at the elliott zoo. the new edition was born early this month and was just introduced to the heart of this week. the calf is already 6.5 feet tall. she does not have a name yet. you don't have to travel to allie to see giraffes in person however six flags discovery kingdom along with oakland and the san francisco zoo also have these amazing animals. four peacocks and san mateo county need a home. the peninsula humane society so the birds were surrendered by their owners. shelter officials say the birds are great pets if you live anywhere rule area and have a
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lot of open space. they also eat insects, slugs and frogs. for more inforon contact the nihumane society. and have a really big yard. >> that would be something. it was good having you in today. >> i will see you monday as well. >> have a great afternoon. made us back here for more news starting on the 4. oz skincare investigation. we go undercover and what we found will shock you. plus, age defying secrets. >> 27. >> 34. >> how these women look half their age. coming up next. ♪ season are you ready for 11? >> yeah! ♪ [applause]


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