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tv   KTVU Fox 2 News at 4pm  FOX  August 30, 2019 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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and moves closer. testing the emergency alert system in the south bay. >> it's impactful the sooner you receive the alert the better. another apple store hit in the bay area. thieves iphone s and ipads. . this is the scene across florida. people filling up sandbags, preparing for hurricane dorian in a matter of days. dorian is a category 3 storm. >> dorian will bring damages winds to florida. there's no evacuation orders yet. but long lines at gas stations,
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there's reports of fuel shortages, the highway patrol will start escorting gas tankers. rick is in delray beach. >> moving slowly over the warm waters hurricane dorian is strengthening. in this video you can see the eye of the hurricane. dorian caused flooding and minor damage and will bring devastating winds as early as labor day. the time to prepare is now. >> we recommend seven days of food anded in since and water, medicine. there will be power outage. >> many are heeding the warning stocking
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up on food, water and batteries, homeowners and businesses covering their windows. >> you have to be prepared. as they flock to stores hundreds of complaints of price-gouging are being reported. official's are cracking down on businesses that jack up prices unfairly. >> we'll go to the stores, the street corners. >> florida authorities are considering where to order mass evacuations because of the uncertainty of the path the storm may take. >> that is onof the big challenges is trying to figure whether the storm is going to make landfall. it's a wide area of concern. >> you're right. we've a few days to go. right now it looks between the middle of the southern portion of florida.
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we'll track it for you. as you have been hearing hurricane dorian a major hurricane, strengthed from a category 3. it will move ashore. the inland flooding could be 12 to 15 inches and the winds. as we get into the path of corian dorian, winds to 115 miles an hour, and 420 miles east of the northwestern area of the bahamas, we expect it to impact the baham a's ore the weekend and move closer to florida. by sunday we're expecting impact, we're seeing an increase in the surf and the cloudy skies and the windy conditions, the impact will come to
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florida sunday and monday, the path looks like it will ride up the peninsula as it heads to georgia. right now a category 3 is expected to intensify to a category 4 by the time it reaches florida because of the warp weather and the windsheer. we will track it for you and we'll have the latest on ktvu. in other news apple continues to battle thieves at its retail stores with the suspects going after a familiar target, the store in burlingame. live with the video of last night's incident. >> it's been happening over and over, and gracious this store has
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been hit three times in the past month. >> it happened thursday night less than an hour before the store closed. i spoke to the woman who took the video. >> pulling the phones and ipads off the strings they are on. pulling them off, trying to put everything in their pockets. they ran out of the store with stolen electronics, the thieves jumped into a gray volkswagen jetta. the car almost hit a suv and people on the street. >> there were pedestrians in the street and they almost ran down a
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bunch of kids. >> the police say this is the third time the store has been hit. part of the store front is covered because of an incident last week. the mo was similar to this. a ring of suspects was caught last year. the woman who took the video in burlingame questions if anything more could be done. >> i wasn't scarred. why was everyone rubbing away. >> what's the point of having a guard if he's not supposed to do anything? >> within the past hour i spoke to a woman who was shopping in the store when it went down. she was terrified and ducking in the car not knowing if they were armed
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with a gun. >> i know it's early, when you spoke with the police did they say they believe this crew is responsible for the other thefts at the bay area apple stores? >> yes and no. they did arrest a crew last year, this may be a different crew, new people fill the void. it's possible they may know other people that are involved or different subset or different group. >> they will work with other police documents. vallejo police say thieves are detecting electronics in parked cars. police put out this surveillance video at a shopping from parking lot. the suspects used a tool to
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find which cars had electronics inside. it picks up on the 'blue tooth signals. never leave valuable items in the car. >> in the south bay 10 people are accused of running a burglary ring. four search warrants were carried out in shows. police seized a number of stolen credit cards, driver's license and ammunition and drug paraphernalia. they are responsible for robberies. robberies. . you may have received one, emergency notifications were going out to phones and computers in south bay. it draws the big wave
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surfers, why the maverick surf competition is being canceled this year. ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ the next american chinese original is here. new sichuan hot chicken. for a heart breaking limited time only at panda express.
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. if you live in santa clara county you may have got a test on your cell phone. more on the purpose of the
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tests and what the results were. >> good afternoon, california residents can face a myriad of disasters at any time. county officials wanted to know how the mcalert would do. there were gliches as the system sent out a text message. >> we're happy we tested the system today. there are things we can improve but over all it was a success. county fire captain bill murphy ordered the button pushed and 13 seconds later test phones lit up with the messages, it's the fest time santa clara sent out the message. it was sent to a 128 square mile area. >> we know we can get a message
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out fast. we're testing how accurate we can be with the full scope of the technology so we're not over alerting. we want to prevent over lap. >> similar systems were used during the north bay fires, but it can be used in flooding or after an earthquake. >> people getting a timely evacuation notice is important in their publishing being able to leave safely. >> shelley mcmahon said since march there have been tests in san diego, oakland and santa clara county. >> i want the alerts on different carriers, we're testing the cell phone speeds and
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noting when the alert came in. some sprint and verizon phones did not get the alert. >> we cannot assume everything will go perfectly. >> in addition to some phones not getting the text message, some residents outside the area got the alert. they are working to fix the gliches. have an emergency kit and evacuation plan before you need it. >> i wanted to clarify one thing, this is an alert message people will get automatically if they are in the vicinity of an emergency. they don't have to opt in. >> they get it automatically or
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you can opt if you work in oakland and live in the test area. you can sign in for the alert even though you're out of the area. if you signed up you would get it as well. people in the test area they wanted to narrow it down to that area to see how worked and it worked pretty well. >> very important they ran the test today. >> the surf competition at mavericks beach has been canceled. it will not hold the contest due to cost and logistical concerns, the look has been looking for a partner. it has not been able to rub the
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event for a number of reasons, organizes say it is harder and harder to sell the event. a lot of people may be getting out of town for the holiday weekend. let's give you a live look at what the ride will look like. you can see it's stacked up, especially in the eastbound direction, presumably the points beyond. we'll give you another live look out of silicon valley and the south bay on 680 and the north bound part of the highway. why would you want to looser the bay area. we're in for nice weather. >> nice summer like weather. we are going to warm it up a
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little bit. giving you a view of the oaklandest waris -- itstuars, we had low cloud cover, 60s at the coast to upper 80s to 90 inland. liver more at 88, san jose 89. as expected the inland cities warmer today, up by 7 degrees, cooler over napa. around the bay temperatures are down over oakland and cooler day over half moon bay. here's the cloud cover, partly sunny on the partly cloudy, mostly sunny elsewhere, closer over the north bay area, enjoying sunshine near the golden gate.
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ocean beach, half moon bay it's cloudy. and areas over santa cruz clear out in the afternoon and did so this afternoon. the winds are light and calm, oakland onshore breeze at 18, that's brought in the temperatures cooler. as far as what we're expecting tomorrow, we'll start with the cloud cover by the afternoon we're sunny. san francisco give, 59 in oakland and 58 for liver more. 92 in santa rosa, 93 in concord, 70s and 80s around the bay. holding steady for the bay area sunday. then we've a cool down. we get on the coverage of hurricane dorian moving toward the coast of florida. some bay area first responders are on standby for deploy. >> chief, thank you for being
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here, your team is ready to go, to head to florida if needed. talk about the type of personnel and equipment that's available to assist. >> we have everyone specific to a water rescue, recovery and rescue mission for water or type three hurricane response. with search dogs and 40 to 50 personnel with 60,000 pounds of equipment. >> let me ask you this. we're a few days out before landfall. for this search-and-rescue team what's the strategy to have the team members in the right place, in position so they can best help folks once it makes landfall. >> 2/3 of the 28 teams are on
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the move. therefore gone, fema has act vladeed -- activated every team but the western region, that's nine teams, that's one team in washington state and eight teams in california. we're on standby, other teams on t way to florida. >> you talked about the resources, very critical, especially if the predictions are correct and hurricane dorian is one of the most powerful storms to hit. you mentioned that people are on the move, at what point is it too lat to get the resources in where they are needed most? >> florida has a robust rescue team group as well. over the years they've been getting more
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and more teams trained up. their instate teams and federal teams are in florida because of the risk. they have a lot of capability. we have 16 teams from across the country on the way. you're never too late unless you don't have people behind the hurricane. we don't want to get in front of it, we want to buttonhook behind it. >> once this storm makes landfall, category 3 or stronger, for this search-and-rescue team, what are the most important priorities off the bat? >> obviously the recovery of anyone that's alive. the biggest thing is to find people. we do it with the search dogs and aerial observation, door-to-door,
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building to building is how it's done. you would hope everyone would get out of the way, every hurricane we've been on that didn't happen. people get left behind or choose to stay behind thinking they can ride it out. sometimes it's a body recovery, other times we save a life. >> very important work you do. if your crew is deployed we wish for a safe return. still ahead, he's trailing in the polls, we'll hear from bridges to -- buttigieg
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this week on the issue is ellis michaelson sat down with buttigieg. >> i like the way you pronounce his name, you are very precise. we talked about that san francisco trip a lot on the issue, the issue of the gig, economy is a big deal all over california. we talked about the bigger question, how does he go from fifth place in the polls to first place. >> let's talk about where the
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race is at, we have debates coming up, it's a slam-dunk en-- shrunk infield. what's your strategy. >> we'll continue to make sure our message around american values is clear and and the sense of what we will do. we laid out the values and now we're laying out the policies. and i think that presents morph an opportunity for people to understand the differences, i have a different approach to those from my left and those who seem to believe we can win over republicans by sounds like republicans, we've soon the majority or a
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healthy chunk of voters will make up their minds in the last 10 days of the campaign. >> you think it's too early to attack people. >> i'm going to draw contrasts. the idea that we should just and nicing each other to get attention is a disservice to the party. >> the democrats that have gotten the most attention have been the democrats that attacked other democrats on the stake, we'll have a debate with all the front runners if he engages. we've that conversation, we've the most heated debate we've had between hassan piker and the young turks and gee anna, it's
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really intense. >> that sounds good. you can catch the issue is tomorrow morning at 6:30. followed by the weekend edition of mornings on two. we follow hurricane dorian a category 3 storm. how fema is getting ready. >> climbing dozens of floors with gear on, first responders will take part in this task.
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. now to latest on hurricane dorian who's strengthed to a category 3 storm. a hurricane watch is in effect for the north western bahamas. about 2 to 3,000 people are under evacuation orders there. some are heading to the u.s. mainland with memories of past hurricanes on their mind. >> i don't want to relive it. happy to leave. >> boarded up the windows, put our furniture under the house and parked our cars and left. >> forecasters are predicting this storm will head west by sunday. fema is setting upstaging in georgia, alabama and south carolina to
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deal with this potentially dangerous hurricane. truckloads of supplies and millions of laters of water are on the way too the hurricane zone. >> the president is at camp david for the weekend but before he left he said he would watch the storm with a team of supports. the storm is days away from making landfall. supports say it has the potential to be the strongest to strike florida south east coast since andrew in 92. >> we're in extra right now. >> the coast guard in x-ray
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hurricane conditions. >> normal ship operations are taking place, we're in preparation for upcoming event with the storm. >> in washington with president trump declaring a safety emergency in florida. tweeting images of the president and vice president being briefed. in a video message the president warning the storm will be very big and hit very hard. >> were ready. we've the best people in the world ready. >> canceling his trip to portland. >> the president should be in washington and be able on the ever e the federal response. >> the federal emergency management over seeing the storm. >> at this point in time it's early and we're getting all of our pieces
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in place to make sure we're ready to respond. >> a state of emergency has been declared in florida by president trump the governor is urging those who want to help to donate to the florida disaster fund. the president will be back on sunday for a briefing, until then he will wait to see what dorian decides to do. every year thousands of firefighters, police take part in the stair climb. it raises money to help first responders. last year i took the challenge, as you see was crazy enough to wear full fire gear to climb 52
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stories, it was not easy. >> i'm doing my best but it ain't easy. i am drenched. whole new respect for firefighters. >> i think joe was asking what floor i was on. i was halfway there. organizers upped the ante, on september 7 parents will climb 61 flats. thank you for being here. thanks for laughing at my expense. i was huffing and puffing. i knew it would be tough with the gear and the tank, it was more challenging than i thought. >> you're in a confined space, this year it's 62 flights. that's deceiving, last year was
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1292 steps, this year it's 16 steps. it's grueling. when you're up there you're on the way to save a life and fight a fire your adrenaline is going. you need to be the hero in the room. >> it is at the sales force tower, this is about something very serious, that is helping firefighters, police officer, emt deal with post traumatic stress disorder. >> dispatchers too. we're calling it post traumatic streets injury. they see really traumatic stuff, it may not affect them right away. think of what they will see in
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florida. the guys going out there. the ones that responded to the campfire. or the las vegas shooting. horrific stuff and they see that and you can never unsee it. 30% of first ponders have a -- responders have a level of ptsd. >> that's above the general population but it leads to alcohol addiction and family suicide. >> that's right. we loose more first responders to suicide than the line of duty and it almost twice as many. drug addiction, divorces, people homeless not because of economic situation but because of their personal lives. >> this is all about raising
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money to happen those who need the help get it. >> we started three years ago to eliminate that barrier to entry. we send a check to the organization, we get them into the programs and it's been a lifesaver. this year we'll do cool stuff training the trainers to identify. starting at the fire department, a state of the art peer support unit that will be a national model. and we'll be training people to identify this so we've a large enough network, when there's a national network we'll second people out. we're doing that but we're spread thin. hooshes, but ered by health it's not. >> the county has a 1800
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number. but you don't want to talk to the same guy that the guys that fixing up the park is calling. these guys are unique, they want to talk to people like them. those programs are not covered by the city. we're there to eliminate the monetary barrier. >> again, this year's challenge at the sales force tower, your team is not only wearing the gear but doing something else. >> we're going to take up a hose tender and it's another 50 pounds, i understand you will seen up again. >> yes i am. >> that was an additional 30 pounds. >> i believe you had the pants as well. you will have another 40 pounds on. >> it was empty, i checked.
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>> i feel you needed it. >> thank you so much. i appreciate it. it's not too late for you at home to sign up to participate. we have information on the web site. you can be a virtual climber go to for more information. we want to tell you police are searching for the third and very sick puppy stolen from a san francisco dog rescue, how officers found the other missing puppies. outside the doors mostly sunny away from the coastline and i'm tracking a warmup for the weekend. we are here to discuss jessie's online time. and out of respect, we will let you make the first offer. thirty minutes. thirty minutes? objection! overruled. one hour. sweeten the deal by doing the dishes and i'll consider it. i wouldn't do it. i hate the dishes.
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. school is where kids learn new habits but parents don't want the kids to pick up smoking. next week there's a discussion on youth dough abako -- tobacco use. >> thank you for joining us. vaping has been in the news a lot. a week ago we heard the federal
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health officials saying there were 193 cases of illnesses and a death. >> it's concerning and brings to light the issue that we in the public health field and parents and students and teachers have been concerned with the rise of e-cigarette use, an epidemic. >> when i was in high school and middle school. now you were successful, teen smoking was going down, now with e- cigarettes that's changed. you can't go by a school without a teen with a vaping tool in their mouth. >> kids that are picking up
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vaping and e-cigarettes would never pick up a traditional cigarette. >> the psa are working, they knew smoking was bad. now you have to reintroduce them that vaping is bad. >> they don't look like typical products, this a they look like flashlights. thumb drivers. it's been a reeducation process. >> talk about the reeducation process. we saw how we did it with smoking and tobacco. how are you getting the information across the teenagers? >> one of our speakers that will be at the event, she is dr. bonnie hall bring, she developed a
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stanford tobacco prevention tool kit, it's online to learn about what are the products, why should we and can bed -- concerned. her research shows the flavored products are used by youth and we should restrict their access. >> you're going to have supports on stage to talk about the event. tell us about that. >> we're going to have the doctor talking about her research. she will talk about her work with menthol and tobacco targeting. we'll have a patiented and youth there to talk about their experience that a lot of viewers
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can relate to. >> it's called the tobacco industry has a kids menu. >> it's something that's been resonating that these flavors, the fruity, ministry products -- ministry minty, can kill their users. we'll talk about the flavorers at the forum. thank you for joining us. let's put the information on. september 3 at the oakland coliseum east side club. 5 to 6:30. i'll be there moderating the event. people can register if you go to fight
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cancer, click on california and you can still get tickets. it's going to be an important event. let's bring in rosemary and look at the conditions outside, no complaints from me today. >> such a gorgeous 1 out there. temperatures common a coming up slightly. something nice for the unofficial end of summer. a look at the state of california, we're mostly clear. and that's where it has remained for most of the day. clearing over the north bay coast. and the rest of us enjoying the sunshine, temperatures within a few
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degrees of yesterday, we have an onshore breeze. haven't lost it completely. it will pull back a little bit, 85 degrees right now santa rosa. upper 80s over brentwood. getting into tomorrow and sunday we're going to inch the numbers up and drop them as we get into labor day monday. tomorrow morning 56 in pacifica, give an rafael, and as we get into the afternoon a round of beautiful weather. for the east bay upper 70s, how about the south bay, 85 san jose, along the peninsula, 84 redwood city. temperature in tahoe, upper 70s to low 80s, we'll remain that way. if you have plans to head to
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tahoe mostly sunny and low 80s. we start out cool in the 40s, here's a look at the extended forecast. a warmup for the weekend temperature down on monday. >> good-looking weekend. after an uptick in crime. the city is trying a tech logical approach
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ism two of the three puppies stolen this week have been recovered but they are asking for help to find the third puppy. they were stolen from family dog rescue. it appears to be three men with the dogs under their arms. the shelter said a good samaritan noticed the puppies for sale for $800 each. she tombed up with the police and the dogs were recovered. shelter officials hope to find the third dog which was a gray and white pit bull puppy who is very sick.
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increased security measures are keeping the public safe. >> there are 18 new cameras on a two block portion from the sacramento street tunnel to washington street. these installations happened in the past few weeks, it's part of an increased security. the cameras are intended to create a safe and inviting experience for the community. if i was a member of the crime, a man was walking the neighborhood he lives here and three men came up and grabbed him by the arm and assaulted him and stole his watch.
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he ended up in the hospital. a woman remembers that attack and welcomes the new security measures. >> the store keepers, the old ladies and there's nothing they can do. they had to watch the whole thing, there's safety concerns about privacy, when all of ou information about the things we purchase and where we are is online, i don't see it as a bad thing. >> i've felt safe in the neighborhood, new cameras, good edition for the crime that happens it will be nice to have peace of mind. >> police say vandalism is unrelated to attack on wong and with
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installation of the cameras the police hope just the presence of the cameras are a deterrent for criminals. news at 5:00 is up next with a state of emergency in florida as hurricane dorian heads for the east coast of that state. a suspected serial rapist arrested in the south bay, more about the man accused of attacking be sex workers over the summer.
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i'm a heist caught on camera, men make off with 10s of thousands of dollars in valuables. another apple store hit in the bay area. good evening. police say as many as nine thieves took phones and ipads and made a quick get away. >> we've seen this over and
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over, smash-and-grabs at apple stores all over the area. this store has been hit three times this month. >> phones, tablets, lab tops, these men yanked anything they could from the display tables. it happened an urbefore the store closed. >> i heard a commotion. >> i spoke to the woman who took the video of the incident. >> pulling the phones and ipads off the strings they are on, the metal strings they are on. pulling them off. >> the thieves ran out of the store, their arms full of stolen electronics, the thieves jumped into a gray volkswagen jetta. the car almost hit an suv and people on


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