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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2 at 7am  FOX  August 30, 2019 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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investigation. >> and the police are busy searching for the third and sick puppy stolen from a san francisco dog rescue. how the police say they found the two other stolen puppies. with the help of a good samaritan. >> hurricane dorian is intensifying as it slowly moves toward florida. details when it's expected to make landfall and the preparations why underway to help keep people in the path safe. safe. smooch 7:00 on a friday, august 30th. i'm gasia. >> good morning to you. >> i'm dave clark. it's going to be warmer. >> it's going to warm up and we'll talk about dorian first. >> okay. >> a lot of uncertainty and probably not until monday. it's looking stronger and stronger. one forecast model takes the peak wind gust to 152 miles an hour. that is just shy of a cat 5. we'll see. the path, once it gets to the
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atlantic side of florida, it's very, very uncertain. so, they're using what is called a blend here to put it, likes to be somewhere around central florida. again, may be around west palm beach. somewhere up to fort pierce, sebastien, port st. lucie. somewhere, again, we have three days to get the details. it's a cot error error 4 and cat, a cat 4 and will be a cat 2. in the atlantic, 85, 84, 83, plenty of energy to work with and it's gaining strength. it will be category 3 here soon. for us, we have warm, thankfully not that warm, but for us, 64 at the san francisco area. warm temps. the temps will be bumping up after the cooldown for most yesterday. above average and below. we'll start to see the temps coming up about two to five degrees and more so on the weekend. sixtys for some and running 5 to 10 degrees cooler and 12 at the napa airport compared to yesterday at this time. feels cooler to you, it is. we'll start off cool or the lows. the afternoon highs are warmer
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and looks quiet and warmer. sunny for everybody in the weekend and near the oregon border, a few showers and thundershower is about it. sixty, 70s, 80s and 7:02. sal's quiet. the same or something new? >> it's lighter than usual. people are out there and it's going to be a busy day on the road, steve. people are getting ready to do what they're going to do and that doesn't include for the most part, a commute to work and talk about the richmond bridge there. there is a commute going that way and people are getting up early. the trips you used to take with the parents where they got you up early to get on the road, that is happening. you see a lot of people with roof racks and stuff on the road. this is a look at 80 went 22- minute drive from the carquinez bridge to the other and it's lighter-than-usual. it's not much of a commute going on now. this is a look at interstate 880 and not expecting a lot of commute traffic but a lot of people on the road, especially around mid-day on the roofs like eastbound 80, eastbound
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580. 7:03 and back to the desk. we're following a developing story from east palo alto about a threat to shoot up gun hie high school. early this morning, the police told us they took a 49-year-old student into custody last night for writing a threat on the palo alto pds own instagram page. the police searched the student's home. they didn't find any guns. that student is taken into custody for a mental health evaluation and possible criminal charges. new this morning, one person was injured in a house fire in los gatos. we're now getting now reaction this hour from firefighters who responded to that scene late last night on overlook road. we're bringing in eliss harry cicmarington with more of the information. >> reporter: good morning. some firefighters have been here eight hours now. we have seen them thai morning walking and they're searching for hotspots and trying to determine the cause of the fire.
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they're there are also construction crews here as well getting ready to board up the damage and work with some of the smoke damage inside. the firefighters said they were first called to the home before 11:00 last night. they say there was heavy smoke and fire coming from the front of the structure. the flames got into the attic and seen shooting through the hole in the roof. residents were inside when this started. two people evacuated. an adult female was injured while escaping and had to be taken to the hospital. there is also a cottage on this property that firefighters said was not damaged and we're way up here in the hills where it's tough to drive in and out. >> this occurred in the middle of a hot day. it would have been a completely different situation. but, again, because of where the fire was at, cal fire response was initiated in addition to the response from county fire because of the threat to the vegetation. >> santa clara county firefighters were seen attacking the flames and trying to prevent a spread to the
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nearby vegetation. roads had to be closed to traffic and since reopened. the cause of the fire remains under investigation. reporting live in los gatos. >> thank you. firefighters were in downtown los gatos putting out a fire at an art gallery on village lane. you see here, firefighters from santa clara county fire and the campbell fire department at the scene. it appears they had to get into the building from the front and the back to put out the fire at this point, we haven't heard yet what caused the flames. the time is 7:05. san jose police are still searching for a hit-and-run driver who hit and killed a bicyclist. it happened yesterday afternoon near story road in south jackson avenue. the driver of a light help colored chevy suburbp hit a van and then another when he was hit. the driver of the chevy suburban got out of the car and ran. >> it's very scary and we feel
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afraid and just step out and look at that and who saw, you know, the guy urn the car. >> reporter: there is a camera in that area, but we don't know if it was recording at the time of the crash. if you have any information, call san jose police. an animal shelter in san francisco is recovered two of the three puppies stolen this week. they're asking for help in finding the third. they were originally stolen from family dog rescue on chapter road late wednesday night. the surveillance video shows what appears to be three men wearing headed sweatshirts with the dod under their arm. the husky pups stolen were recovered in heyward last night before 11. the shelters a good samaritan noticed them for sale on instagram for $800 each. she teamed up with police and acted as a buyer. they were recovered and two men were arrested. >> they looked like they knew what they were doing. we have footage of them looking in the kennels with the cell phone flashlight and they didn't want any of the larger
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older dogs. they definitely looked like they were here for puppies. >> shelter officials hope to find a third dog, a great-and- white pitbull puppy. the dog is very sick. the rescue group is offering a reward for its safe return. 7:07 and back to hurricane dorian. the governor of florida said residents should prepare for the impact of the hurricane to last several days. >> that is incredible. the governor gave an update on the emergency plans and has been telling people to have at least seven days worth of supplies. ktvu's allison rodriguez is here now. you have details. >> reporter: dave, gasia, hurricane dorian gaped strength overnight. it's, gained strength overnight and registered at 110 miles per hour winds and it's looking to intensify about ever making landfall by monday. this is the latest projections. residents have been told to start gathering the emergency space, water, canned food flying off of shelves and local stores. gas stations are running out of
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fuels and forecasters predict it could strength tone a category 4, nailing the atlantic with winds of 140 miles per hour. rainfall totals from 5 to 10- inches and some spots getting 15 inches of rain, that could prompt life-threatening flooding. governor ron desantis issued a state of emergency ahead of the impact. cruise ships are rerouteing vessels and airlines are working on flight changes for travelers. fema officials in washington, d.c., said they're monitoring closely and they will be ready for whatever the storm will bring. meantime, the governor, again, saying that residents really need to brace for impact here. >> if you're in an area that has an impact from the storm, you should assume you're going to lose power. if you're in an area that flooded during hurricane irma, assume that you're going to see flooding again after the storm. >> president trump was scheduled to go to poland to commemorate the 80th
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anniversary of the start of world war ii this weekend. he's cancelled that trip to monitor the storm from the white house calling it a, quote, absolute monster. no evacuation orders have been placed just yet, but we do know that so far, 9 colleges and universities have decided to close their campuses and service and truck rates have been suspended for more fuel to be brought into the state. i'm allison rodriguez, ktvu fox 2 news. >> thank you. and people time is 7:09. one of the bay area's top racehorse trainers is due in court this morning, challenging a racing ban against him. jerry hollendorfer won more than 7600 races in his career. several racetracks, including golden gate fields and santa anita park won't let his horses run or be stabled there. four of the horses died during the past racing season at santa anita and two others died at golden gate fields. he is asking a judge to grant him a restraining order that would lift the ban against him.
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a man charged with killing two people in separate incidents on skyline boulevard in san mateo county is due to in court today. he is accused of luring a taxi driver to a remote part of the road on june 17th then stabbing him to death. prosecutors said the next day, he killed a tow truck driver. the judge,entpod two doctors to determine if he's mentally fit to stand trial. >> and a key committee in the state legislature expected to vote on a bill that could if ect ride share drivers by changing their employment status. it would make it harder for consumers to classify workers as independent contractors. many drivers and labor unions like the bill. executives at uber lyft, do&door dash threat tone spend $90 million to 53 for a 2020 ballot initiative to keep drivers as independent contractor. a looming deadline for the
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survivors of the 2017 north bay fire. insurance company will cut offaide to victims. we hear from one survivor who explained how that will impact her family as the home is being rebuilt. >> and a landlord accused of staging a home invasion to scare tenants from the apartment. why the tenants claim it's not the first time this happened to them with the same landlord. e same landlord.
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. welcome back to mornings on 2. the time is 7:13. bail is set at $75,000 for a landlord in mountain view accused of staging a break-in to scare tenants from their apartment. fifty-year-old renew saini made her first appearance in court yesterday. police say she and four others turned off the power to the apartment then used a knife to break in the front door.
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the tenants say that they were also, there were also two earlier incidents. they called the police and were told and directed to go to a housing dispute mediator and that they were working with the person when this staged break- in occurred. >> there were all of the methods being done essentially to force the individuals out by fear and then ultimately with a knife incident through physical force. >> miss saini called to the ktvu newsroom from jail and told us the tenants are squatters who didn't pay rent. tenants admit they didn't pay rent but because she changed the terms of their agreement and raised the rent from 39 had u.s. to $10,000, $3,900 to $10,000 a month. the boy scouts of america is facing more lawsuits over allegations of sexual abuse. a lawyer representing 150 people said they were abused at boy scouts is planning to file a suit on behalf of many of them in new jersey. the state's new civil statute
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of limitations law goes into affect december 1st. the boy scouts of america faced several sex abuse lawsuits, dating back to the no one 60s in a statement, the boy scouts said the organization apologized to the victims encouraging them to report abuse to law enforcement. time is 715time. the son of a former bay area police chief has been charged with murder now. accused of shooting and killing a man during a robbery attempt in oakland. 19-year-old tyrone mcallster made a brief court appearance yesterday and did not enter a plea. the police say mcallster fired a single shot while robbing a 32-year-old man near san pablo avenue on the night of august 20th. last year, mcallster was sentenced to jail and put on probation for attacking and trying to rob a 71-year-old sick man in manteca. he is the son of retired union city police chief darrell mcallster, who said that his estranged, he is estranged from his son. >> based on the nature of this
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case, i don't anticipate there being any type of special treatment, whatsoever, one way or another for my client, even though he's the son of the former police chief of union city. >> police say on the night of the deadly shooting, mcallster escaped in a car driven by dennis evans, who has been also charged with murder. >> an update on a wildfire burning in lassen county. the fire is 15% contained, up from 10% containment last night. it started wednesday afternoon about 15 miles north -- the flames burned through 1800 acres. firefighters said the fire spread there you rocky terrain making it difficult to fight. no homes were burned but the fire is threatening two remote ranches and a cabin. the buryo of land management said the fire was caused by a lightning strike. 7:16 is the time. survivors of the 2016 north bay wildfires are facing an important deadline. on october 8th, most insurance companies will cut off living expenses for fire victims and
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while some are close to moving in to their rebuilt homes, others are far behind. without that extra living expense money, one family said that they won't be able to pay the rent on the apartment they have been staying in and the mortgage they're still paying on their burned-out home. now, they plan to stay with family members until their rebuild is finished. >> we had the permit last october. the rainy season was so long, we could not start and kept waiting and waiting and waiting. the waiting game. >> the debris removal is the first hurdle. then the insurance company. >> a supervisor shirley zane said everything about the recovery took longer than expected from the cleanup to finding crews to build thousands of homes. beginning this year, there is a new state law that will give people three years after a disaster to use up their additional living expense money. 7:17. and you have one eye on the
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work commute. the other eye on the getaway commute. >> that's right. you're going to start seeing unusual backups by the middle of the day, gasia and dave. for people trying to get out of the bay area. it gets earlier every year. usually around noon in san francisco for example. but there is not much of a commute to work and i am sure a lot of people are going. just not enough to make it crowded. significant number of people are not going today, it seems and this is a look at interstate 880 in oakland. traffic is looking good in both directions here and there are no problems on the san mateo bridge and that does look lighter. as you look at the maps, i don't see a lot of slowing. chp does maximum enforcement for the entire weekend starting today and all the way through the weekend for labor day. just make sure that you distribute a driver if you're going to be partying. this is a look at interstate 280 and 101. also in san jose and 85. looking good. 7:19. and let's go to steve with today's weather. >> thank you, sal and we'll get
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to our weather in a second. the fog is burning off sooner. we have intenseification on dorian. that will last about 20 minutes. hold on. an eye is forming. an eye, this is the best satellite image i can get there. and you start to see an eye form. you see intenseification there and intense convection around the wall now and that is a sign that this system is beginning to intensify. probably a category 3 pretty soon. and there is plenty to work with there. the steering currents around the hurricane are the high pressure system to the north and that high to the north, well, north carolina, the flow around that is steering the hurricane. the question is, though, it might weaken on monday and in which case, they're weaker. all signs point towards it heading towards central florida coast for now. category 33, and getting close to a category 4. one forecast model took it up to 152 miles
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per hour, the pack wind gusts. 155 is cat 5. again, once it gets to the coast, i have seen projections from miami to cape canaveral and again, you have about three days to eastern this out. the outer walls will get there by probably sunday. for us, mild to warm, warmer, the lows are noticeably cooler here this morning compared to yesterday. the water temps are still very warm. san frci 64. and that is the warmest i have seen all summer. the forecast highs today, above or where they should be. yesterday was below inlandnd it was above on the coast and in the city. today, we'll kind of even things out and keep the theme going for warmer temps. eighty, almost near 90. and 70s, berkeley, union city, low 80s. menlo park, san rafael, and 70s. and upper 60s. pretty warm yesterday and half moon bay as well. 51, santa rosa. napa airports down to 52 and how much cooler is that compared to yesterday? thanks for asking. it's 12. 12 degrees cooler, santa rosa minus 6; liver more, minus 8.
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sfo and mountain view, 5 degrees cooler. quiet here into the holiday weekend but for the fog. truckee made it to 39. and once you turn the page of september, the nights get cold in the mountains and it's all right. i don't think a thunderstorm activity will hurt outdoor activities you have unless you're on the oregon border. mild today and warmer, the inland temps on the weekend bumping to a few upper 80s and minor cooling on monday into next week. sixtys, 70s, 80s, upper 80s for some and temperatures have been hot inland and august. that is for sure. cooled down the last few days and into the weekend. cooler again into the first week of september. >> all right. my goodness. thank you. 7:21. a desperate plea for help after bay area activists -- why friends and family are calling for help from the u.s. embassy. >> and first, though, expect delays on bart this weekend. which tracks will be shut down and how drivers will be affected as well. well. here's one you guys will like.
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. summer time. this used to bed jam; to be the jam back in the day. ah. now, it's just a song that middle-age guys listen to. anyway, it's summer time by dj
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jazzy jeff and fresh prince. thank you, roseanna for requesting that. i love this song. if there is a summer song you want to hear, let us know. we do the requests on friday mornings, use the #ktvu on twitter, facebook or instagram. 7:25 now. the national average for a gallon of gasoline this labor day weekend is lower than it's been the last three years. according to aaa, the national average is $2.58 a gallon. that is 25 cents lower than we were this time last year. here in the bay area, we're paying about $1 more. the average is $3.54 in san jose. $3.60 in oakland and $3.68 in san francisco. the police departments are working to prevent crashes and tend to spike. there are several dui checkpoints. police will conduct one tomorrow night at an undisclosed location between 3m and 8 a.m. they will look for signs of alcohol and drug impairment. 31 people were killed in car
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crashes in california alone after last year's labor day weekend. >> if you ride b.a.r.t., expect delays this weekend. b.a.r.t. is shutting down the tracks between walnut creek and orinda, the second of six weekend closures for the tracks. b.a.r.t. is replacing the tracks that are 50 years old. and it will cause delays for drivers on highway 24. starting tonight at 11, two eastbound lanes of 24 will be closed to make room for a large crane used for the replacement work. and both lanes are expected to reopen on tuesday morning at 7. the shuttles will be available for b.a.r.t. passengers. police in hong kong are warning protestors to stay away from a pro-democracy march and rally that was planned for tomorrow. organizers officially called off the ral i after the police banned it citing safety concerns. anyone caught inciting violence could get five years in jail. this morning, two activists were arrested and later granted bail. during the past few months, people have been taking to the streets of hong kong protesting a bill that would allow people that live there to be extra
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dutied to stand trial in china. and today marks 22 years since the death of diana, princess of wales. diana and her companion doti fayed were killed when her car crashed inside a tunnel in paris. they were being chased by photographers. her death stunned the world and more than 2 billion people watched her funeral on television. they divorced a year before her death. she was the mother of prince william and prince harry. it's 7:27. a major drug bust on international waters and the whole incident was caught on camera. coming up, we'll show you the video and tell you how many pounds of cocaine were seized and how much it was worth. and after several high- profile violent attacks in the community, the staff san francisco is increasing security measures. we're live chinatown district to show you the new hi- definition cameras to keep people in the neighborhood safe.
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. 7:30. take a look at your screen. don't worry, it's not this dark outside. trust me, it's quite lovely day. not as warm and muggy. >> no. >> yesterday, when we were talking to you at this time, cooler and still some warmth through the weekend. >> why are you hiding the bridge, gasia? >> , rise, up or down; i tonight do the live thing. >> it's pretty. >> it's august 30th. i'm dave. >> and i'm gasia. am i right? this is a salcasted ina question. >> my guess is yes. >> he will let us know when he do does traffic. >> may be that was fog, though. >> yeah. >> and we'll find out soon. >> yeah. >> trust me. >> and we will have
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temperatures today that will be bumping up a little bit, although the lows have come way, way down. still, the temperatures near average today and they will go above and over the weekend. the low clouds, not as much as yesterday. warmer for most. the water temps continue to be oh, so warm. six to 57. and the rest are in the 60s. and santa rosa, 81 to 86; kenfield, from liver more to 87 and san jose, 80 to 82 and the temperatures, low 50s for some and 60s for others. the 24-hour temperature change is down from two to 8 degrees. napa airport, the last hour, was down 12 compared to yesterday at this time and it feels cooler. it is up near the oregon border and that would be it as far as any buildups or thunderstorm activity and looks quiet here and fog will be off, really having a hard time making much of an impact over the weekend as the high builds in. sixtys, 70s, and upper 80s. and sal's here at 7:32 and still good or are you noticing anything? >> still good. by the way, gasia asked about
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the iris. when you open it up, you let more light in and when you close up the iris. that is what -- . >> so it's ting? >> it's forks i don't think, it's fog. and i don't think our camera operator can do anything about this. right, kevin? yes, he's nodding his head in the back. and let's look at the commute, everybody. if you want to have a real detailed geeky discussion with me about photography, go ahead on my twitter page. westbound it's very nice on the bay bridge. i will tell you that today, unless today is the first day forever, where we don't have a big backup on 101 or some of the outbound freeways, it will be the first time ever. every labor day, we have a lot of people leaving the bay area and getting out in the road early. look at northbound 880. we have slowing already and it's not completely light on the freeway system. northbound 880, we had a stalled vehicle on the offramp. the people are beginning to
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walk up here and this is a look at the san mateo bridge. you can see the traffic here is moving along pretty well. for the most part, a lighter- than-usual commute. and remember, chp does maximum enforcements this weekend and we'll have more officers looking for violators. 7:33, light go back to the desk. increased safety measures are helping keep the community safety in san francisco's chinatown. more than a dozen public safety cameras are up and running. christina rendone is in chinatown. you have been talking to people about the cameras. >> a lot of them didn't know that they were installed. we had to look up and when we pointed that to them. they're welcoming some of the changes here in the community because 18 new hi-definition cameras are installed on a portion of stockton street from sacramento street to washington street and it's a project that has been in the works for at least the past month now with the city of san francisco, the mayor's office, supervisor erin peskin and the officer of economic and workforce development, working together
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on this increased security measure. the stays the cameras are intended to create a safe and inviting experience for the community and merchants and also for the visitors and tourists who come to chinatown every day. it follows a number of crime incidents here in chinatown last month. a man named walter wong was walking here in the neighborhood and lived in chinatown. he said that three men came up from behind him, grabbed him by the arms, assaulted him and stole his watch. he ended up in the hospital with a fractured cheek bone and bruises to the back of the head. one of the women we spoke with this morning remembers that incident and welcomes the new security cameras. the store keepers, they're old ladies. there is nothing they can do. they have to watch the whole thing and i know there is safety concerns about privacy but then, you know, when all of our information about the things you purchase and where we are, it's all online.
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so, i really don't so it as a bad thing. >> reporter: six days after wong was attacked, a man used a broom to break the windshields of three cars that were sond? traffic on jackson, stopped in cars on traffic and jackson and that is unrelated to the attack on wong. the installation of the 18 new hi-definition cameras. the city is hoping if a crime occurs, they can look at that and help police officers solve the crime and they hope the cameras act as a deter tonight criminals wanting to come to the area. police say they have stepped up foot patrols here in the neighborhood. live in chinatown this morning, christina rendonektvu fox two news. and 7:35 is the time. the san francisco planning commission approved a proposal to convert a city parking lot into a space for the homeless to live in the rvs. that is on san jose street near the balboa park station. the stays that everybody who
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parks there will be screened first. is this will be security guards, bathrooms, and shower. if the board of supervisors approves it next month, the parking space could be available by november. meantime, the city of alameda may increase protections for renters. last night at this public meeting, the city unveiled proposed changes for the grant stabilization ordinance, including relocation payments to renters when the rent is raised more than 10%. the tenant decides to move out. plus, increasing the time that a landlord has to stay in a unit from one year to three years after a landlord decides to move in to a property. and a provision to extend no cause eviction protections to tenants using section 8 vouchers. >> obviously, a situation where people are being pushed out of the area because of the caps. that is not fair. it's nowhere to go.
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>> it's absolutely a concern. if the rent is not stable, then if you're on a fixed income, you can do nothing but deteriorate. >> some landlords think this proposed protection is overreaching. the city council will be voting on the changes next tuesday. police have discovered a new victim in the gilroy garlic festival attack. a 58-year-old man was grazed by a bullet and needed stitches. authorities knew about him and they were trying to reach him when he contacted them this week. this brings the number of people wounded to 17. three people were killed by gunfire and the gunman then killed himself during the police confronting a. our time is 737time. we expect an update this morning about a san francisco human rights activist who was shot in the philippines. this morning at 10:00 a.m., san francisco supervisor matt haney called a news conference. the supervisor came back from the philippines and he visited brandon lee in the hospital.
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brandon lee's family believes he was targeted because of his work defending the rights of farmers and indigenous people. they asked the u.s. embassy to help bring him home to san francisco because they think he is in danger in the philippines. >> our government, when you have one of our people out there in need and in a dire situation, you have to be there for them. >> the supervisor haney said brandon lee is conscious and managed to mouth the words thank you. but he needs better care to make a full recovery. the supervisor's 10:00 a.m. news conference this morning will be at san francisco's city hall. it's 738time. the federal election commission is summoning facebook, goggle and twitter to a meeting next month on digital disinformation. the scc said it's concerned that new forms of russian style social media manipulation will target the 2020 elect. the commissions the goal of the meeting is to identify effective ways to minimize the
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disruption and confusion from what it calls fraudulent news and propaganda during the 2020 elect. >> and time is 7:39. south bend, end end, mayor, pete buttigieg is one of several presidentual candidates showing solidarity with the ride share drivers o. tuesday, he joined protestors outside of uber's headquarters in san francisco. he proposed expanding national union regulations to cover gig economy workers. he spoke to alex michaelson for this week's episode of "the issue is." >> i think it's great technology and great potential. but if the only way we're making rides more affordable and accessible is by making other people miserable, namely drivers, then something is wrong. >> buttigieg hopes to boost sent ahead of next month's presidential debate in houston. a recent poll shows him trailing among primary voters behind biden, sanders, warren,
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and harris. just a quick reminder, you can catch the issue is tomorrow morning at 6:30. you will see it here on ktvu fox 2 followed by mornings on 2 at 7 a.m. it's now 7:40. >> yeah. >> yosemite national park is taking extra measures to keep wildlife safe. coming up, what you new need to do if you're in a wildlife protection zone. >> and for the second time this month, find out why in every never county officials had to sign an emergency declaration for area 51. >> and good morning to you both. coming up in the next hour, we're talking about overprotective moms and dads known as helicopter parents. why experts say there are more and more parents who are actually snooping in on their children. not when they're in grade school or high school, but when they're in college. then coming up on 9. >> today. >> how did you do that? >> someone chasing you or
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something? >> i know. >> sorry. >> a movie that will resonate with anyone trying to reinvent themselves. we'll sit down with the star and director of the new movie "britney runs a marathon." ♪
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well well well, what have we here? a magical place...that's lookin' to get scared!
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with bats...and ghouls...and cars in disguise. i've cast quite a spell now... you won't believe your eyes! the spell is cast. halloween time is back with spook-tacular experiences in disneyland and disney california adventure parks!... . hands up. hans up. >> hands up. >> this has been a busy summer for the u.s. coast guard. this is video of a major drug bust that happened last month. they estimate more than 3,000 pounds of cocaine was discovered on the smuggling vessel and brought to shore in san diego. the crew on the robert ward made another huge bust last week when they seized $38.5
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million worth of the drug. after 50 days at sea, the crew returned home yesterday and where they uploaded the 2800 pounds of cocaine. >> you're talking about $38 million we're taking out of the pockets of the cartels. they're the ones, will people showing the instability in that region. and any time we can disrupt their flow of drugs coming in, we're not only protecting the united states, but we're taking money out of eir pocket. >> the and the suspected smugglers were taken into custody and handed over to the justice department for processing. our time is 7:44. in nevada, a second emergency declaration was signed ahead of next month's storm area 51 event that may draw thousands to the dessert. the emergency declaration took effect in 9 counties, preparing for the mysterious event near the area 51 military base and
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last another was declared. it light the state supply resources in case the rural communities are overwhelmed. and need some help. a bay area woman has been getting life-saving medical treatments for a rarellness and is facing deporting a. after the medical exemption for immigrants who is eliminated. the 24-year-old isabel has a rare and potentially fatal genetics disease. thanks to the medical exemption, she and her family, who are originally from guatemala, were able to move to concord when she was seven years old and get help at ucsf. two weeks ago, the family was notified by immigration officials that her stay had expired and that she has to leave by september 14th. the doctors without the treatment, she will not survive. >> ifing to become weak for
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sure and i am just going to die. i don't want to. >> the federal government eliminated the medical exemption earlier this month without warning. immigration and customs enforcement told ktvu, quote, it reviews every case on the merit and exercise appropriate discretion after reviewing all of the facts involved. and time is 746time. health officials in wisconsin telling people to stop vaping. serious long illnesses are linked to e-cigarettes. officials in milwaukee say skaen people who used vape peps were hospitalized with chemical pneumonia, causing lung inflammation. all of the illnesses involved the use of thc oil or wax. the main psycho active ingredient of marijuana. the first vape-related lung illness death was reported last week. an illinois man died from lung problems linked to using e- cigarettes. how the san francisco base company juul denied their adds
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space target young people. sal, it's an odd friday? want it? >> it is and it always is before a major holiday and before memorial day and labor day, especially. we always have a friday-like commute and turn around and have a really long afternoon commute and this is a look at interstate 80, heading to the macarthur maze. no major problems here as you drive to the bay bridge. it's lighter than usual and 880 is slower getting into downtown oakland. you can see here on the san mateo bridge it looks all right. there is slow traffic here and no problems, by the way, if driving on the silicon valley commute. a couple of slow spots and that is about all. the time is 7:47. let's go to steve. and i am sorry, what time is that? >> 7:47, steve. and cleared to run on runway 2 left for another few day before they close it. >> thank you. >> and we have to get to dorian. dorian is forming an eye,
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intense and they try to use a visible satellite here and that is why it's disappearing. and the eye is forming. i have seen other images that show it and there is conviction going around and that means it's strengthening. as it strengthens, it's now a couple of days away and very warm ocean temps there. 85, 84, 83 degrees. and so that is plenty of energy. the steering current for a hurricane is around the southern end of the high. the high pressure system is, as long as it stays there, the problem is it's weak ending on monday and all bets are off to what will happy, it's going to go across and into the gulf. happened before and there is no signs of that yet and looks like it's going to let northward along the atlantic side and we'll see again and almost category 3, and still
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category 2 and in particular, the peak gusts to 152 miles per hour and that is going to strength know here and for us, fog, low clouds and warmer for most. and they were warm yesterday and warm, though, and temperatures, 80s and capitola, 70s, and 51 santa rosa, and 50s and 60s, cooler, redwood city, sunnyvale as well and compared to yesterday when we were warm. minus 8 compared to yesterday at this time for napa, same for livermore and san jose, minus 6 and sfo, concord and fairfield, all five included yesterday at this time and quiet. there is not a lot going on
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here. the high is building in and that is not a big guy high but building in and allows temperatures to rebound here. cooler lows and warmer afternoon highs and into the holiday weekend. meteorological fall begins on sunday and that is on september 1st, officially 24 days away from the autumnal equinox on the 23rd. you have been warned. sixtys, 70s, 80s and upper 80s for some. the temperatures will bump up over the weekend and i mean it won't be like oh, my gosh. and the sun. it will be warm. the high temperatures above average and we start a cooling trend next week. >> thank you, steve. and time is 7:50. several states are legalizing marijuana. more people believe that makes pot safe to use. coming up the next hour, the new medical threat that may affect your brain and just how young people are when they begin using pot. >> first, the backlash from
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brazil's amazon rain forest fires affecting popular companies like vans and north base. coming up, why some say they will no longer buy brazilian leather. leather. ...6, 7, 8 ♪ ♪
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. >> a song called summer madness for david dolly. he likes the jam a lot. i think you know this song. >> yes, i do. i like this. >> cool. >> this is the part that i like. >> go higher. >> one more time with higher. you see what i mean? thank you, david, for the request and in of already. if there is a special song to play, we have a couple more to go. use the #ktvu on twitter, facebook or instagram. >> always good, sal, thank you. time is 7:54. yosemite national park has extra precautions to protect wildlife. the park rangers designated areas along park roads as wildlife protection zone and that is where bears and other animals were health bier cas
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and they will let you know you're entering a wildlife protection zone and have to slow down. as of wednesday, 11 bears were hit and killed by cars. celebrity chef gordon ramsey is bringing his award- winning hell's kitchen restaurant is to south lake tahoe and at the historic same room in harvey's. gordon ramsey announced yesterday that the new restaurant will open by the end of the year and that why it will be the third. it opened last year in las vegas and the second opened earlier this year at the resort in the united arab emmirates. >> time is 7 of. stock markets around the world are up and there is optimism between the united states and china. and pam cook is in the studio request with dollars and cents. >> reporter: negotiators are
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maintaining effective situation and some took place yesterday and took stocks overnight across asia and across europe, here in the u.s. and when that opening bell rang in and the tech companies are optimistic about renewed trade talks and taking a live look at the new york stock exchange, the dow jones is up just about a third of of a percent, 87 points. almost 88 points there and 26,000 for 50 and the s&&p 500, and the nasdaq gaping to 79 and 74. several clothing brands stopped buying leather from brazil in response to the amazon fire in the rain forest. they include timberland, van's and the north bay, all owned by the same parent company. the company won't buy brazilian leather until it's assured the
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material used in the products do not contribute to environmental harm in the country. the cattle ranchers are believed to have started the fires by clearing the land partly due to the demand for leather. the invitations have been sent for apple's annual media event, set for september 10th at 10:00 a.m. at the steve jobs theatre at jobs headquarters in cupertino. the invitation only and they give a clue to what will be discussed and unveiled at the event. most analysts expect to see new triple lens cameras on the iphones and there is speculation the new phones will feature a telephoto lens, a wide angle lens and supervise angle lens and apple is expected to unveil a new ipad and new versions of the apple watch and more details about the apple tv subscription service, according to bloomberg. the new iphones could have a base price, though, of $1,000.
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apple is one of the most outoutspoken companies and many are issuing concerns about the affects the new tariffs would have on profits and watch closely for that. time is 7:58. two fires in the south bay overnight. at least one person is hurt. coming up, we're in los gatos with the latest on the investigation. and plus, a threat to shoot up a high school in palo alto. where the 49-year-old posted a very scary message that led the police to him. ce to him.
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. smoke and flames coming from the house in the south bay. one person injured and the latest on the investigation in santa clara count.
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>> and police are searching for a third and sick puppy stolen from a san francisco dog rescue and how police managed to find the other stolen puppy with the help of a good samaritan. >> and hurricane dorian packing a punch and now reaction from orlando and how the entire state is preparing. >> and welcome back. i'm mike mibach. >> i'm gasia. we have to start by focusing on dorian. >> dorian has an eye. when an eye forms, that means intense identification is taking place. still a category 2 and may blow past 3 and go to four. we want to you get the eye. you can see it forming on the visible satellite. still a category 2 and there is an update soon. and 110, moving northwest at 10 and all signs point towards
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being a strong category 4 and flirting with 5 and thatwould be 3 miles per hour shy of the cat 5 and something to watch as we head towards late sunday monday and high clouds giving way and the water temps warm and that is cooled off a bit and the forecast high near average and it was cooler this morning, 60s now and from 1 to 8 degrees cooler than we were 24 hours ago and that likes to be it. the low clouds in the forecast and getting shallower and chewed up much sooner and enough to give us warmer temps. sixtys, 70s and warmer 80s and
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here's sal. good morning. traffic is going to be busy if you're drive ing on a commute and that is supposed to be light and we also have a bit of a slowing now on 680 and 242 and it's not completely light. the volume is not there. the richmond bridge is light and we have traffic here at the macarthur maze. 27 months and the bay bridge is not really ever been crowded this morning. and back to the desk. we're following a developing story of a threat of a shooting at a gun high school in palo alto this morning. the police told us they took a 14-year-old student into custody last night for writing a threat on the palo alto police department's instagram page. the police say they searched the student's home and didn't find any guns. the student was taken into custody for a mental health
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evaluation and possible criminal charges. 8:04 and this morning, flames were spotted coming out of a roof of a home and. >> reporter: fire toe through a home and we're getting a closer look at the damage. see how the fire completely gutted the front end of the house and firefighters were first called here just before 11:00 last night. they say when they arrived, there was heavy smoke and fire from the front of the structure and flames got into the attic and that were seen shooting through a hole in the roof and some were inside when it started and an adult female was injured while escaping. there is a second home on the property not damaged and we are way up here in the hills where it's tough to drive in and out. >> and this occurred in the middle of a hot day and would have been a different
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situation. and again, because of where the fire was at, cal fire response was -- in addition to the response and because of the threat to the vegetation. >> firefooters were seen attacking the flames and trying to prevent a spread to nearby vegetation. some roads were closed and is now reopened. firefighters were in townton los gatos, firefighters came to the scene and appears is they had to get into the building from the front and back. san jose police are searching for a hit-and-round driver who killed a bicyclist. and this happened near story road and south jackson avenue. the driver of a light colored chevy suburban first collided with a pickup truck. after, the chevy hit the cyclist in the crosswalk with the bicycle. the witnesses said the driver got out of the vehicle and ran.
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>> it was very scare, you know, and we feel afraid and stepped out and looked at that and we saw, you know, the guy you were the car. >> there is a camera in the area but not clear if it was recording at the time of the crash. if you have any information, call san jose police. an animal shelter in san francisco recovered two of three puppies stolen this week and they're still looking for help in finding the third. the dogs were originally stolen from family dog rescue on shafter road late wednesday night. surveillance video shows what appears to be three men wearing hooded sweatshirts with the dogs tucked under their arms. the husky pups stolen were recovered in heyward before 11:00 last night. the shelters a good samaritan noticed the puppies for sale on instagram for $800 each and teamed up with police acting as a buyer. the dogs were recovered and two men were arrested. >> they looked like they knew
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what they were doing. we have footage of them looking in the kennels with the cell phone flashlight. they didn't want any of the larger, older dogs. they looked like they were here for puppies. >> shelter officials say they're still trying to find a bigger dog. the rescue group is offering a reward for the safe return. >> and moments ago, the mayor of orlando, florida, declared a state of emergency as hurricane dorian is to make landfall by minute. >> at this point, it continues to intensify over the atlantic. allison rodriguez has more on preparations being done to keep people safe. >> reporter: and this storm is getting stronger as we speak and an eye formed in the middle of the hurricane, strengthening and could hit florida as a category 4 hurricane, the strongest to hit the state in decades. residents are emptying out store shelves. things like batteries, capped foods and water; canned foods
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and water. and they're selling out. one man waited for two hours to fill up at a florida gas station. the service and truck rates were suspended so that more fuel can be brought into the state. meantime, overnight, dorian got stronger as it moved through the atlantic and winds this morning, topping 110 miles an hour. it could make landfall by monday as a category 4 hurricane and winds strengthening to 130 miles an hour. and anyone from few to 15 inches of rain, making for life- threatening flood conditions. already, electric cuffs are activating emergency response plans. the estimator of orlando is warning residents to start planning now before it's to late. >> it's important we're not complacent about the storm two years ago. we saw the impact of irma and this storm has the potential to be more powerful and windy and rain affect. >> cruise ships are rerouteing and airlines are making flight changes for travelers. we learned that nasa had moved
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the platform at the kennedy space center ahead of impact here and they plan to keep a skeleton crew on site during the storm. president trump will monitor the storm from the white house and he was schedule to go overseas and scrapped the plans calling this a monster. >> a top racehorse trainer in the bay area is scheduled to appear in court to challenge a racing bear. jerry hollendorpher has many races in his career. several tracks won't let the horses run or be stable. four of the horses died at santa anita and two others died at gold know gate fields. he is asking a judge to grant him a restraining order that would lit the ban against him. he said he loves his horses and their safety has been a top priority always. >> a man charged with killing two people in separate incidents on skyline boulevard in san mateo county is due in
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court today. he is accused of luring a taxi driver to a remote part of the road on june 17th and stabbing him to death. prosecutors said the next day he killed a tow truck driver. the judge appointed two doctors to determine if he is mentally fit to stand trial. today, the doctors are expected to deliver their reports. and happening today, a key committee in the state legislature is expected to vote on a bill that could affect ride share drivers by changing their employment status. the bill would make it harder for companies like uber and lyft to clave them as independent contractors. they support the bill but executives at uber, lyft and door dash threatened to serve $20 million to fund a 2020 ballot initiative to keep drivers as independent contractors. >> and we we're talking about overprotective moms and deads. why some experts say there are more and motors such parents snooping in there on their children not in preschool but college-age children. >> and a south bay landlord accused of staging a home invasion to scare tenants from their apartment appears in
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court. after the break, why the tenants claim this is not the first time this happened. appened. cooper! did you eat all of your treats? ♪ help! i need somebody ♪ help! not just anybody ♪ help! you know i need someone
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did you eat all of your treats? ♪ help! i need somebody ♪ help! not just anybody ♪ help! you know i need someone . 8:13. bail is set to $75,000 for a landlord in mountain view accused of staging a break-in to scare tenants from their apartment. the 50-year-old saini made her first appearance in court
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yesterday. show and four others shut off the power to the apartment and used a knife to break in the front door and they called the police and were directed to a housing dispute mediator, working with the person when the staged break-in happened. >> there were all of the methods being done to force those individuals out by fear and ultimately with the knife incident through physical force. >> she called the ktvu newsroom from jail and said that the tenants are squatter who didn't pay their rent. they admitted they didn't pay rent because she changed the terms of her agreement, raising the rent from $3,900 to $10,000 a month. >> the son of a bay area police chief is charged with murder, accused of shooting and killing a man during a robbery attempt. the 19-year-old made a brief court appearance yesterday and did not enter a plea. the police say he fired a single shot. last year, mcallster was
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sentenced to jail and placed on probation for attacking and trying to rob a 71-year-old man in manteca and he is the son of a pretired union city police chief darrell mcallster. >> based on the nature of this case, i don't anticipate there being any type of special treatment whatsoever one way or another for my client. even though he's the son of the former police chief of union city. >> police say on the night of the shooting, mcallster escaped in a car driven by dennis efevans who has been charged with murder. gas prices are lower than they have been in years. in fact, analysts said the prices nationwide are the cheapest they have been the past three years. aaa said the national average is $2.58 a gallon. 25 cents lower than this time last year. of course, here in the bay area, we're paying $1 more and armies are $3.54 in san jose; $3.62 in oakland; $3.68 in san francisco. police departments across the bay area are reminding people the labor day weekend is one of the most common times of the year for crashes involving
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drunk drivers. there will be several dui checkpoints this weekend. menlo police will conduct one tomorrow night between 8:00 p.m. and 3 a.m. the officers will be looking for signs of alcohol and drug impairment. 31 people were killed in park crashes in california alone over last year's labor day weekend. and now aaa data finds that more than two people are killed every day on roads across the country and crashes involving those running a red light. the most recent crash data available shows 9 through people were killed in red light running crashes in 2017, a 10- year high and a 28% income since 2012. also, according to the aaa data, most drivers view red light running as very dangerous and yet nearly 1 in 3 blow through a red light the past 30 days when they could have stopped safely. and let's get you out of the door. the commute is one thing, sal. labor day weekend holiday is another. >> and this friday, and the
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friday before memorial day, similar in that we don't get a lot of morning commutes but afternoon and evening drives. people around the road and statistics show a lot of people will be on the road starting at 91, really, and all of the way through the night. westbound bay bridge not much of a morning commute and hasn't been. there has been some slow traffic on 880 northbound and slowing down a bit. san mateo and dunbarton bridges look good across the bay. if you look at the maps, we see some slowing on the freeways, including 85 and this is a look at any 7 in san jose and looking okay. >> and probably good weather for it. and i would say so. we had the wind yesterday and the cooldown. the temps will start to come back up. it's clear and our good friend there. it's a good hot air balloon day in napa. i saw 8 on me walk this morning and chilly, though, at 57.
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the napa airport at 1 time. it was 12 degrees colder than yesterday at this time and look, the big difference under the temps here. 52 and 62 and a couple of observations. 53 at american canyon. and 61, 63. upper 50s, low 60s. and heelsberg made it to 48 this morning. and that is going to be warmer than 50. and sebastopol to 52 and pengrove. now they're warming up. and muggy this morning, the temps, 61 with the humidity and that is 99% and burned off and it's going to retreat. and temperatures, 50 and 61, and same up by the concord pavilion and pinole, 64 and 65.
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and inland 80s, upper 80s and 70s from berkeley and 80s. capitola, and 70s and pacifica at 68 degrees. fiftys and 60s on your temps and anythingwise, not much going down in the state. around 109 and into tomorrow. truckee made it to 39 this morning and 46. the thunderstorm activity is quieting down and this is it for august and we, when we meet again, it will be september and minor cooling on monday and 70s for 80s and low 90s and looks good on monday and on to
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tuesday. >>. download the ktvu weather app for your smart phone and that free. download. >> a desperate plea for help after a bay aractivist is seriously hurt in the philippines. why friends and family are calling for help from the u.s. embassy. >> and several states are legalizing marijuana. and more people believe it's safe to use. coming up, how young some people are when they start using. using.
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. >> summer is one of the jams for people, the kids, mike and gasia, the kids listen to this and there it is mike james spears. thank you, mark and if there is a special song, let me know and whoever going to do themes, obviously and use the #. and video of a test launch of a new spacex rocket, the prototype of the kind of ship elan musk said will take people
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to mars. a star hopper that successfully lifted off the launch pad in texas and moved sideways and touched down away and it's looking for more prototypes, called star ship and is intended to carry as many as 100 people to the moon and pars moon and mars. with the use of social media and smart phone snooping features, more parents are offering the students and part of being a healthy parent is learning to separate and disconnect and some are not ready to let go. yo the way the world is now, you want them to be safe and sleep better. >> you want to give them more room spike to develop those -- making healthy and smart
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choices, finding out who they are as an adult. >> the family therapist said there is nothing wrong with checking in on your children, but easing up on the obsessive tracking might help them in the long run. sno spent a new study indicates new concerns linked to marijuana use. the health and human services secretary tell the news conference, outlining the health risks. research shows marijuana use is especially harmful to young people and pregnant women. many people are not aware that marijuana today is three to five times as potent as in the 1990s. >> and that is before you take into account concentrated forms like edibles and waxes. >> as i like to say, this is not your mother's marijuana. >> according to the government study, 9 million people between the ages of 12 and 25 reported
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using marijuana the past month. coming up, the two new sandwiches at buffalo wild wings. >> and what prompted the city to install new surveillance cameras, what people think about them in a live report. >> this is not your mother's san mateo bridge. it's looking pretty good. heading into the high-rise and peninsula. >> warmer but not crazy hot. the temps into the holiday weekend and clear for many. we'll have the temps coming up.
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so that early retirement we planned. it's going ok? great. now i'm spending more time with the kids. i'm introducing them to crab. crab!? they love it. so, you mentioned that that money we set aside. yeah. the kids and i want to build our own crab shack. ♪ ♪ ahhh, you're finally building that outdoor kitchen. yup - with room for the whole gang. ♪ ♪ see how investing with a j.p. morgan advisor can help you. visit your local chase branch.
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. it's awfully gray behind us and not that cool. >> i'm mike mibach. and congratulations to san jose state over northern colorado. hopefully tomorrow sanford and cal. >> that is a nice start. >> 35 points. >> there you go. >> and it's cooler and not that cool. it looks like near average. the fog retreated and this is not showing up. i have seen a better image. the temperatures near average. and above where they should be.
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we will see temperatures go above average until sunday. probably easing up into monday and tuesday, and we go from august to september. yes, already. santa rosa, five. kentfield up 2. , 50s and 60s. a lot of low 50s to the north now. not as warm as we were yesterday and compared to thursday. except for activity,na is about it and little delta breeze. roaring to 30 and at 7. that that is' sure sign it's warming up inland and here's sal. we have slow traffic on the richmond approach coming out to el cerrito and berkeley. the carquinez bridge to the macarthur maze, we're beginning to see, believe it or not, some people request going the other way and people are heading out of the bay area. many are for the labor day
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holiday. chp is reminding people they will do maximum enforcement. the toll plaza is not crowded all day. 880 has been slow and san mateo and cup barrton bridge is good. the slowdowns on the nimitz freeway and contra costa county and in the silicon valley, where some of the commutes are getting slow or 101 and 85. ate where are error 31:00 and back to the desk. >> this morning, there are new security measures in place in san francisco's chinatown neighborhood. they come after a series of high-profile crimes targeting people in the city's asian community. christina rendon is live with more where they're up and running, christina. >> reporter: the cameras are up and running and there are 18 new hi-definition cameras installed from a portion of where the sacramento street tunnel is all of the way to washington street. a two-block radius here. a project that has been in the works for several weeks now. the mayor's office, the supervisor and the office of
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economic and workforce development work together on this increased security measure. the stays that the cameras are intended to create a safe and inviting experience not only for the community and the merchants but for all of the visitors and tourists who come to chinatown every day. ands this a number of crime incidents in china unto. last month, a man named walter wong was walking in the neighborhood when he said that three men came up from behind him and grabbed him by the arms, assaulted him and stole his watch. he ended up in the hospital with a fractured cheekbone and bruces to the back of the head. some residents here welcome this new change in cameras. >> i have always felt safe in  this neighborhood and never felt in danger on the all. the new cameras, a good e desion for the little amount of time that happens here and it will be nice to kind of add additional peace of mind. >> reporter: six days after the attack on going, a man used the broom to break the windshields of three cars stopped in
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traffic stockson. that vandalism is not related to the attack on one, say police. with the installation of the 18 new high-definition cameras, the city hopes if a crime does happen, the footage can help them solve the case and they're helping the presence of the cameras to be a deter tonight criminals that night try to come to the area. police have stepped up foot patrols in the area christina rendone can, tvu fox news. the san francisco planning commission signed off on a proposal to convert a parking lot for homeless people to live in their rvs. this is near balboa park b.a.r.t. station and would provide space for 33 rvs. the city will screen everybody and that there will be security guards on site and there is some bathrooms and showers there as well. if the board of supervisors approves the plan next month, the states could be up and running by november. the city of ala made considering a, alameda considering a change for renters. it unveiled some of the changes
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to the rent stabilization ordinance. they include relocation payments to renters when rent is raised more than 10% and the tenant decides to leave and increasing time a landlord must stay in a unit from one year to three after a landlord decides to move into a property. and provision to extend no cause eviction protections to tenants using section 8 vouchers. >> there is, obviously, a situation where people are being pushed out of the area because of the costs and that is not fare. there is nowhere to go. >> and that is absolutely a concern. if the rent is not stable, then if you're on a fixed income, they did can do nothing but deteriorate. >> some landlords believe the proposed protections are overreaching. the city council will be voting on the changes next tuesday. 8:34 now. the police discovered a new victim in the gilroy garlic festival attack. a 58-year-old man was grazed by a bullet and needed stitches. they knew about him and were
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trying to reach him when he contacted them this week. this brings the number of people wounded in the attack to 17. three people were killed by the gunman who killed himself during the confrontation with police. we expect an update this morning about a san francisco human rights activist who was sh in the philippines. at 10:00 this morning, the san francisco supervisor matt haney scheduled a news conference. he just returned from the philippines where he visited brandon lee in the hospital. lee's family believes he was targeted because of his work defending the rights of farmers and indigenous people. they asked the u.s. embassy to help them bring him home to san francisco. they believe he is in danger there in the philippines. >> our government, when we have one of our people out there in need and in a dire situations, you have to be there for them. >> supervisor haney said lee was conscious and able to say thank you, but that he needs bitter care to make a full recovery. the news conference will be at san francisco city hall. the federal election
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commission is summoning facebook, google, and twitter to a meeting next month on digital disinformation. the scc is concerned that new forms of russian-style social media manipulation will target the 2020 elect. the goal of the meeting will be to identify effective ways to minimize the disruption and confusion for-from-what it called fraudulent news and propaganda during the 2020 elections. south bend indiana mayor pete buttiegeg is showing solidarity with ride share drivers. he has proposed expanding national union regulations to cover gig economy workers. he spoke with alex mickleson for this week's episode of "the issue is." >> i think it's great technology with great potential, but if the only way we're making rides more affordable and accessible is by making other people miserable, then drivers, something is wrong. >> he is hoping to boost sent ahead of next month's
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democratic presidential debate know a recent poll shows him trailing among primary voters behind joe biden, bernie sanders, elizabeth warren, and kamala harris. a reminder you can cash "the issue is" tomorrow morning at 6:30 here on ktvu followed by mornings on two at is everyone:00. clothing retailer forever 21 may soon be going through changes. the steps it's taking and why many expect it to declare bankruptcy. >> and a major drug bust on international waters. the whole incident was caught on camera. coming up, how many pounds of cocaine was seized and how much it's worth. t's worth. . >> good morning, we do have commutes getting busier and we are going to start seeing people go the other way soon. the labor day weekend is upon us. pon us. >> and the labor day forecast is upon us and looks warm. we'll so how much warmer coming up. the skies are clearing after yesterday when we had a big fog bank.
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. welcome back to the 80s for this one and that is a cruel
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summer. if you have a theme you want to do, an idea for next friday's theme, for example, let us know on social media. use the dashtag on ktvu's twitter, facebook or instagram and thank you for the request, by the way. go ahead and hit me up and let me know. >> 841time. it's been a busy summer for the u.s. coast guard. >> hands up. hands up. put your hands up. >> this is video from a bust last month. officials estimate 3,000 pounds of cocaine was discovered on a smuggling vessel and brought to shore in san diego. the crew on the coast guard cutter robert ward made another huge bust last week when that i seized an estimated $38.5 million worth of the drug. after 50 days at 63, the crew returned home to the port of san pedro yesterday where they unleaded the 2800 pounds of cocaine. >> and you're you're talking about $38 million taking out of the pockets of the cartels. they're showing the instability in that region. any time we can disrupt their flow of drugs coming in, we're not protecting the united states only, but we're taking
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money directly out of their pockets. >> they tried to fair the drugs into the u.s. last month and taken into custody and they have been handed over for processing. >> and in nevada, a second deckarularration was signed over the area 51 event and could draw thousands to the dessert. it took affect yesterday and preparing for the mysterious event near the area 51 military base. another declaration last week was approved in lincoln county, home to the town of rightel. a self-proclaimed capitol of the world. it let's the state supply additional resources in case the rural counties are overwhelmed and need help. a bay area woman who has been getting life-saving medical treatment for a rare illness is facing deportation after the medical exemption for immigrants was eliminated. the 24-year-old isabel has a rare and fatal genetic disease. thanks to the medical exemption, isabel and her family, originally from guatemala, were able to move to concord when she was seven
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years old and get help at ucsf. two weeks ago, the family was notified that her stay has expired and show has to leave by september 14th. the doctors without the treatment, she will not survive. >> going to become weak and for sure. the energy will go slow and i'm going to i don't want to. >> the federal government ktvu researches on merit and discretion after reviewing the facts involved. officials in wisconsin are urging people to stop vaping, saying serious lung illnesses are linked to e-cigarettes. 16 people who used vape pens were hospitalized with chemical pneumonia, causing lung inflammation. all of the illnesses involved the use of thc, oil or wax, the
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main psycho active component of marijuana. the first vape-related lung illness death was reported last week when hap illinois man died from lung problems linked to his e-cigarette use. >> we're going to use every regulatory and enforcement power we have to prevent this epidemic from continuing. we will stop the use of e cigarettes and vaping materials. >> san francisco-based ju, l denied their ads are targeting young people. the company is working with businesses that sell e- cigarettes to implement an i.d. verification system to prevent cashiers from selling vaping products to underage customers. >> and it's rare we check in on the weekday and so the toll plaza as light as it is today. >> it's light, gasia and mike. i think it's going to be a very busy traffic day today. it's light in the typical commute of the bay bridge. it's not had a slowdown all morning and people are getting ready to go the other way, east
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80, eastbound i-80 and northbound 101 through marine and the bridge gets a lot of use today. 880 is slower into downtown oakland and as we look at some of the utes. you can see the traffic is there want it's slow but not as slow as it normally is. northbound 101 before tiburon boulevard. noish 101 is slowing from the helicopter pad across the richardson brim there and threw up to marine. if you're on the freeway, it looks good. 8:45. let's get back to steve. >> thank you, sir. >> all right. >> and we'll get to it here. low clouds burning off sooner and they probably are not going to last too much longer. compared to yesterday, sticking around for 9, 10 for some areas inland and peeling back. they're cooler this morning. we're not going crazy to bumping up the, crazy on bumping up the high too much.
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eighty, cor delia, 70s, berkley, and menlo park and san rafael, capitola, 70s and pacifica, 68. sitting in mainly the 60s here. oakland is 65. and that is 63 san jose. remember, yesterday, those are some of the lows. about 65 to 68. and so it didn't take long to get over the 70s from oakland to san francisco. the inland temps are cool. >> and you're supposed to call in on 301. >> and not much. i mean it's variable and less than 10 for everywhere there. the fog will burn off and have sunshine. it's going to be shallow with the high kicking in, it's going to chow it up sooner into the weekend; chew it up sooner and the temps bump up. into sunday, looks cool or monday and still nice. it will be in the 80s for many. seventys and 80s. sixtys and 70s, upper 80s 80s and a few near nor 90s and cool
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or tuesday. >> copy that, steve. thank you. >> is theile to come on the 9s. roaring back to life in the bah area. in the next hour, we'll check in with frank live in san jose as drivers get ready for the monster jam triple threat series. >> and no secret that virtual reality entertainment is exploding in popularity. how the fitness industry is trying to get in on the trend. d.
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. an arrest warrant lane issued for cousins. he is with the l.a. lakers and shooting the ex- girlfriend and not allowing the seven-year-old son to tape the wedding. they expect cousins to turn himself into pam bam where the arrest warrant was in to alabama where the arrest warrant was issued. and comes five months after diagnosed with stave 4 pancreatic cancer. he is on the mend and thankful the chemotherapy treatments are over and. they're looking to expand technology and teaching people how to virtually box. it uses cues at the beat of the music and they represent
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different punch moves. >> that was the easiest way to think about it. and that is a cross between guitar hero and boxing workout. >> the new box vr is available on multiple platforms. >> and we earnings reports are in today. analysts and corporate executives warn that could change depending on the trade talks with china. >> and go to pam cook with the morning's dollars dollar and cents. >> reporter: the trade war has been going on since last year. the currentern earning season, many u.s. companies are issuing concerns how the new tariffs could affect profits and factoring it into the earnings, the outlook going forward and the plans. when the opening bell rang this morning, better than expected earnings reports this morning from big lots and dell technologies. the tech companies are particularly optimistic about the renewed trade talks and they're watching closely. check in the numbers now, when the opening bell rang after china's foreign mile per hour industry reiterated that
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negotiators are main tapping effective commune cautions. china and the white house said should trade discussions took place yesterday and more are scheduled the next few weeks since there is a live look at the dow jones up a little bit but the nasdaq and the s&p 500 have turned negative at this  hour. several clothing brands have stopped buying heather from brazil in response to the fires in the amazon rain forest. the brands include timberland, vans and the north face, all owned by the same parent company. the company said it won't buy brazilian leather until it's assured that the material used in the product does not contribute to environmental harm in the country. cattle ranchers are believed to have started some of the fires in the rain forest by clearing some of the land partly due to the demand for leather. and the speculation continues that forever 21 will have to file for bankruptcy protection. executives are looking to secure a loan to take the company into chapter 11. the company has been in talks for additional financing and is working with advertisers to
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help restructure the debt. negotiations with lenders have reportedly stalled. forever 21 is not commenting on the report. and another restaurant getting into that chicken sandwich war with popeyes and chik-fil-a. buffalo wild wings is adding not one but two chicken sandwiches to the lineup of southern fried chicken sandwich made with swiss cheese and bacon aoili and a nashville hot chicken sandwich made with hot sauce and chili peppers featuring beer battered chicken. and if you have doubted the power of social media, twitter started all of this. >> the war of words. >> the chicken war? >> the war between popeye's and chik-fil-a and they jumping in. people are offering them for sale in the after market. i have one for $1,000. >> the people aring the work of the advertising companies. >> they're happy. >> and they're sitting back and counting the cash. >> enjoying it. >> and thank you. extra precautions have been
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set up to protect wildlife in yosemite. y that designating some areas as wildlife protection zones and they're where bears and other animals were hit by cars. signs will be posted to let them know they're entering a wildlife protecting zone and should slow down. as of wednesday, 11 bears were hit and killed by cars. gordon ramsey is bringing his hell's kitchen restaurant to south lake tahoe, located at the stage room at harvey's. he announced yesterday that the new restaurant will open by the end of the year. >> honestly, i can't wait to bring this incredible concept, the picturesque stunning lake tahoe and i can't wait to see you there, more importantly. >> this will be the third hell's kitchen restaurant. the first opened last year at ceasar's palace in vegas. the second opened earlier this year at the ceasar's resort in the united arab emirates. i know you heard if you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life. hard to consider this a job,
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but it is. a dream job for any nfl foody. where you can get paid to watch football and eat to your heart's content. >> and up next, that time of the year again. how you can scare people for great america's halloween hunt. s halloween hunt.
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they have a job for you. the amusement park is hiring 500 people to work as professional monsters come as makeup artist for its halloween haunt beginning next month. there will be eight haunted mazes and two scare zones. if you're interested, it's in the great america every sunday. it is set for september 10 at 10:00 am at the steve jobs theater at apple headquarters in cupertino. it's by invitation only, and invitations often give a clue as to what is to be discussed and unveiled at the event. the impact to see triple and skimmers on the new iphone. their speculation that the phones will feature a telephoto lens, wide-angle lens, and a super wide angle lens. apple is also expected to unveil a new ipad, new versions of the apple wants, and more details about its apple tv subscription service. the new apple iphone can have a
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price of $1,000. joseph mosley can add another honor to his resume. he's been nominated for the u.s. olympic and paralympic hall of fame. he's one of several being considered being inducted into the the 19. mostly talked about the honor today on the four. >> it's a great honor. the company i am in is intimidating. it's unlikely that i would pull it out. i mean, a misty matron a, all these guys that i admire, and all these people i didn't know about either, so it's incredible. >> you can vote online for the hall of fame class of 2019 through september 3. we posted a link on a man swimming from hawaii to san francisco to raise awareness about ocean pollution is due to rough tomorrow morning. ben lecompton left hawaii and
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judith. he swimming through what is known the vortex of the great pacific garbage patch. he wanted to cover 300 nautical miles to represent the 300 million tons of plastic we produce every year. he is set to swim under the golden gate bridge, escorted by a support boat, at 10:00 tomorrow morning. picking up speed and growing in strength. we will let you know when hurricane dorian is expected to make landfall in the east coast. and the roar of these engines at the miller sound in the bay area means monster jam back. what drivers are into prepare for the triple threat period. i had a friend. she was prescribed adderall, you know, some people abuse adderall. >> in the new movie "rainier is a marathon," we sit down with the star and director of the new film and where you can see it today. all right, welcome to the nine. here we are.


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