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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2 at 9am  FOX  January 21, 2019 9:00am-9:58am PST

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were very excited to see him and sing "can't stop the feeling." it's official, senator kamala harris is running for president. details on her announcement this morning and what lies ahead on the campaign trail. plus, the government shutdown enters a week and lines at our nation's airports are getting longer. how the tsa hopes to improve wait times. will you save $1 million for retirement. just about anyone can do it on a teacher's salary. welcome to the 9, everybody. blue skies across much of the bay area on this monday morning. it's good to see because it's been three weeks of a lot of rain. i'm not complaining, we need it. but we're going into a little bit of a dry pattern as we enter this monday morning here also, i don't know if you watch any football yesterday? >> i didn't. >> i did for about seven hours and the bay area will be
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represented at the super bowl in atlanta. san mateo's tom brady, sierra high grad, is heading to his ninth super bowl. they took down the chiefs in overtime and in the nfc championship game right there you can see jared goff hugging his coach mcveigh. he went to marin catholic and then wound up playing college ball at cal. this year's super bowl will feature the biggest age gap between two starting quarterbacks. brady is 41. goff was living in novato. he was 8 years old when tom brady won that first super bowl. a victory over the st. louis rams. and you've got a you mcal, the n county league. then brady with the wcal. that will be fun. >> that makes it exciting. i'm more of a college football fan. >> which is great. i love college football too. >> i'm admittedly excited for
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the halftime show and commercials. we'll cover all of that. >> february 3rd is the day of the super bowl. february 3rd, 2020, that's the iowa caucus. and someone is pretty interested in taking part of that caucus. a bay area native has joined the 2020 race for president. senator kamala harris announced her bid this morning and is planning a campaign launch in oakland. >> harris is holding her first official campaign event on sunday in oakland. it will be at noon. here's that moment that she announced she was jumping into the presidential race. >> i'm running for president of the united states. and i'm very excited about it. >> harris made the announcement on mlk day which honors dr. king and other civil rights activists. harris describes herself as someone fighting for freedom, equality, and justice. she's a first term senator,
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r her quick and of some trump appointees. this includes brett kavanaugh when he was a nominee. i spoke of the it's all political podcast. he told me even though harris has a good reputation among california voters, she needs to stand out and improve to the rest of the country she is different from the other candidates. >> first of all, she needs to introduce herself to the american people, the american voters. there was a recent survey that came out last month that said 57% of the people don't know enough about her to make an opinion whether they like her or not. so that's going to be her biggest challenge up front. >> harris set up her campaign headquarters in baltimore but will have a second office here in oakland. today's announcement from senator harris follows last
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week's announcement from new york senator kirsten gillibrand. she was in iowa for the march and several meet and greets. >> i wil all american children as hard as i'd fight for my own. that's why we have to fight for these moral issues. it's why we have to fight for healthcare as a right and not a privilege. why we need better public schools. so anybody who wants to work hard can earn their way into the middle class. >> also in the race, massachusetts senator elizabeth warren, former hud secretary, julianne castro, and hawaii congresswoman kelsey gabbert. mlk day celebration train at 9:45 this morning. the train will leave san jose's station and will arrive in san francisco just an hour later. the 54-mile ride is the same distance of dr. king's 1965 march from selma, to montgomery, alabama. the celebration train will make stops in palo alto and san mateo
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on the way to san francisco. also in the city, a march will be held in honor of dr. king starting at 11:00 at the san francisco cal train station. the march ends yerba buena gardens. san francisco mayor london breed is expected to join in on the march. many mlk day events are planned throughout the bay area in oakland. the 17th annual mlk day of service starts at 9:00 this morning right now at joaquin miller park and in el cerrito a rally is being held at city hall plaza and will be followed by a march to el cerrito high school. the mayor's tree planting runs right now to 12:30 this afternoon. you can find more mlk day events on our website, at on the front page. and this is now day 31 of the government shutdown. it does not appear that the proposal by the president over the solve the crisis. presido some
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immigrants in the u.s. in exchange for money to build a border wall. democrats called that a nonstarter, saying they are not going to negotiate with the president on border security until after he reopens the government. >> unfortunately the president keeps putting forward one-sided, ineffective remedies. there's only one way out. open up the government. >> on tuesday, congress will begin its work, but really what the president did over the last month and notably over the last two weeks was direct our team to meet with rank and file democrats, to find out what they were looking for. >> senate republicans are putting the president's proposal into actual legislation with a vote expected tomorrow. the tsa is reportedly using backup officers to the partial government shutdown. tsa officers are still required to work even though they won't get a paycheck until the sh agency says more tsa
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officers have been absent since the shut down because of financial strain. tsa says the contingency plan has been put in place at some airports because of the excessive sick calls. oakland teachers will vote on the end of the month on whether or not to call for a strike. some teachers spent this past weekend making picket signs to use. the school district is offering a 5% raise over three years. 3,000 members of the teachers union will begin voting january 29th on whether or not to call for the strike. the oakland unified school district says it will continue to negotiate with the union in hopes of avoiding the strike. >> however, if we don't see that serious movement, we are willing to draw the line and that line will be a picket l tha strike, it could start after february 1st when a state process is completed.
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los angeles negotiations between the l.a. unified school distric set to continue today. los angeles mayor eric garcetti says contract negotiations were productive all working to resolve remaining issues as soon as possible. more than 30,000 teachers walked off the job last week to demand better pay and smaller class sizes. teachers say they'll be out on the picket line tomorrow if no deal is reached. class size a very big issue in the l.a. unified school district. there are reports that some classes have as many as 46 students. the national average is 26 to 28 students per class. san francisco police announced an arrest in a brutal beating of an 88-year-old woman in visitation valley earlier this month. she's still in the hospital in critical condition but her family says she is gradually improving. >> we're just ecstatic when we saw her smiling at us.
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>> investigators have arrested 18-year-old kiante. he faces several charges including second degree robbery, assault with a firearm and second degree child endangerment. san francisco supervisor walton says the community is relieved about the arrest but still deeply affected by the crime. >> attacking a senior is just one of the worst things you can do. when something like this happens, it's an attack on everyone. >> neighbors and families say wong did not know the suspect. police say the man arrested for the beating is also accused of breaking into her home while she lay injured in the park. police are searching for the gunman responsible for killing a 22-year-old san leandro man at a house party. this shooting happened late saturday night. officers say the victim was outside the home with other people when someone began shooting right at him. the man who died was the only person hit by gunfire.
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the scene before officers arrived. police have not released a motive for this killing. oakland has had eight homicides this year, doubling the number of killings at this time last year. initial construction will begin on the b.a.r.t. extension to downtown san jose. the work is scheduled to begin along santa clara street and last seven weeks. crews will be boring into the ground in the street in parking spaces and on the sidewalk. vta, which is overseeing the project, says one lane of traffic will remain open at all times while some business owners fear the work will detour business. others say it's worth it in the long run. >> i think this will be a minor setback for a little while but a huge advantage in the long run. >> eventually four new stations will extend b.a.r.t. into north san jose through downtown and into santa clara. major construction will begin downtown in 2020 and the stations aren't expected to open
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until 2026. coming up, if you caught last night's super blood wolf moon, we'll show you some of the best images just in case you missed it. i was having a very hard time finding a job. had so m
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my current supervisor reached out on linkedin. we set up a phone interview and from there i was hired. linkedin was the matchmaker. working in communications services, i can be a voice for those who want to push past their limits. i'm in it to connect people.
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people from the midwest to northeast are dealing with the aftermath of the very big powerful storm. >> many states were under some kind of winter storm advisory this weekend some. areas got more than a foot of snow, mostly in the midwest and new england. new jersey declared a state of emergency as toppled power lines left many people without electricity right before a deep freeze. >> what we're looking at is the possibility of a 20-degree drop in temperature. >> the temperatures are expected to plunge into the single digits, turning any snow that is left on the ground into
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ice. it has been a rough holiday weekend for 1500 flights were canceled yesterday with chicago and boston really being the most affected. more than 4100 flights in the u.s. have been canceled. sfo had been 20 cancellations. flight delays could last way after the storm. the bitter cold brings the possibility of de-icing delays at some of the busiest airports. we're keeping an eye on the snow in the sierra. snow plows cleared the roads. along interstate 80 a line of cars moved through a checkpoint through cisco grove. traffic was delayed because of several spinouts. one man was driving from the bay area to reno when he lost control of his car. >> the car came across the street and hit the wall on the right side. >> unfortunately he was not hurt. chains are required this morning on interstate 80 and 50 if you're heading back down the
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mountain. we can expect someing arouny today as we head into day 2 of the king tides. the unofficial nickname given to the higher than average tides. because of the sun, earth, and moon line up, creating a stronger than normal gravitational pull. bay water was covering part of the sidewalk and the roadway. a few people decided to go out and actually get a close-up look. >> we wandered over. it was kind of cool. >> think it's great fun. i don't know. i'm hoping to see some sharks. who knows. >> there will be 7-foot tides today just before 11:00 this morning. the national weather service has issued a flooddv for low lying areas along the bay until 1:00 this afternoon. for more on the tides and the rain and the snow. >> and the cold. >> and cold, yes. let's check in with steve. are noon temperatures,
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single digits for boston, new york city, buffalo, pittsburgh. temperatures even in the teens. it will be another very cold one for them tomorrow. for us it will be a cool one as well. we had cold air this morning. lots of sun. mostly sunny. breezy at times. we had 30s for a while. now 40s, most locations are starting to bounce off those lows. upper 40s, low 50s on some. as far as the water year rainfall, we're going to get a break for about 7 to 10 days. rt to go down. 89, san francisco. oakland, 81. and san jose at 86. but the sierra, the snow just keeps stacking up and stacking up. we did measure it in feet. we'll get a break here but there's a lot to go around. they actually did better on snow as a percent of normal. 110%, 113% of normal. 17 inches snow water equivalent. for the northern sierra,
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central, 13 for the southern. that is really good for right now. those numbers will go down as well because we're not expecting an the week. that was the last system in the pattern. maybe end of the mon break through. mostly clear, cold mornings. we're running anywhere from 5, 6 degrees colder. double digits for some including napa, livermore, santa rosa. it's a little coolness in the air coming out of the north west but also a drier pattern and it's going to stay that way this week. upper 50s to near 60. the nights are still pretty long so we'll get lots of 30s this week. by the time we get to thursday, those afternoon high temps will start to bump up. maybe some near 70 by the weekend. >> wow. thank you, steve. just to give you an idea of some of the traffic today, b.a.r.t. is running on a special schedule today in observance of the martin luther king, jr. holiday. train service started at 6:00 this morning. it is running trains 20 minutes a part. parking, by the way, free at
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b.a.r.t. stations today. muni is also running on a saturday schedule today. that means fewer buses and they may skip some stops so be aware of that. because of the martin luther king, jr. holiday banks and other financial institutions are closed today. no trading on wall street. the post offices delivery. schools are closed along with federal, state, and local government offices and the courts. the one and only total lunar eclipse this year has come and gone but with the supermoon bonus. >> millions of people looking to the skies on sunday night to view the only total lunar eclipse of 2019. but that's not the only reason this eclipse was special. >> we have a supermoon because it's full and close to the earth. it is a wolf moon because it's the january full moon and it's a blood moon because it's a total eclipse. >> it's called a super blood wolf moon. observatories like this one, packed with stargazers and
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astronomers as the earth moved between the sun and the moon, taking on a red color, with the earth's atmosphere filtering out shades of blue. >> the sunlight actually is filtered through the earth's atmosphere, then is able to hit the moon. >> and the wolf part? that's more history than science. >> the native americans used moons and lunar eclipses to tell the time. and they named each month and each moon after something. so this one is the wolf moon. >> there were dozens of outdoor watch parties scheduled in the central and northeast u.s. but most were canceled due to a flash freeze with temperatures plunging below zero in many areas. but out west, the weather was warmer and skies cleared just in time for the crowds to watch the earth cast its shadow over the moon. >> it's a party atmosphere but everybody is just enjoying the spectacle. >> to get a great viewing like
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this is just wonderful. >> two more supermoons will happen this year but there won't be another total lunar eclipse until the year 2021. in new york, david lee miller, ktvu fox 2 news. still to come here on mornings on 2 the 9, if you're a fan of the electric scooters, wait until you hear what a local company is working on. why you're going to see more scooters but fewer people. we talked to over 10,000 millionaires all around the country to get to the truth. >> will you achieve the american dream? coming up, an expert explains how people can stash $1 million for retirement.
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welcome back. happening today, theresa may is discussing a new brexit plan with lawmakers. that's after parliament. this morning the prime minister
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rejected calls to delay britain's exit from the eu which is scheduled for march 29th. she said she will hold more talks with british lawmakers about their concerns over the deal before going back to eu leaders. the european union has said the withdrawal agreement cannot be renegotiated. facebook's messenger service what's app has new limits. for the first time users will only be allowed to forward a message to five people. company executives say this is the latest bid to fight misinformation. previously an individual could forward a message to 20 individuals or groups. what's app has around 1.5 billion users. executives have been trying to find ways to stop misuse of the app following global concern the platform was beingadake news. uber is reportedly using to use self-driving technology in its bike and scooter share programs. yurb announced over the weekend the division will live inside uber's jump group which is responsible for shared electric
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scooters. bikes that can drive themselves to be charged or drive themselves to poll shows the mot trusted and least trusted professions. according to the gallup poll, people trust medical professionals the most, with nurses getting the highest honest ratings. doctors and pharmacists are next. they're followed by high school teachers and police officers. members of congress came in as the least trusted professionals. they share the bottom of the honesty list with car sales people and telemarketers. >> a lot of eyes on congress these days, trying to get a deal done. if you're not putting cash away in your 401(k), you may want to reconsider your savings plan. >> how to reach millionaire status. >> is the american dream still alive? >> reporter: champagne wishes and caviar dreams. the book every day millionaires
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makes the case the american dream is still alive. >> we did the largest study that's ever been done. we talked to 10,000 millionaires all around the country to get to the truth. >> on average it took about 28 years for these investors to reach the millionaire mark. >> typically they're hitting it around 25 to 28 years so right before age 50. that shows using the 401(k) puts people on the path to build wealth over time. >> and the top five careers among those studied might surprise you. >> most people identify as you have to be a pro athlete. you have to be an entertainer, musician. that's not the truth. the positions we saw, the professions people were working were engineer, accountant, teacher. a teacher came in at number 3. a manager and then attorney to round out the top 5. >> reporter: more than half of the millionaires hogan studied believed the main reason people don't become millionaires is because ty making people
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make in pursuit of millionaire status is not understanding the threat of debt. but also not being intentional with your money. be intentional. decide you're going to happen to your money and not let things just happen to you. >> reporter: after all, it's your cash. tracy carrasco, fox business. coming up here on mornings on 2 the 9:00, we continue to follow the top story. senator kamala harris is running for president. a look at her journey from oakland to the campaign trail. explore a digital world. y for everyone to connecting with the things that matter most. and because nothing keeps us more connected than the internet, we've created access from at&t. california households with at least one resident who receives snap or ssi benefits may qualify for home internet at a discounted rate of $10 a month. no commitment, deposit, or installation fee. visit to learn more.
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back to our top story. kamala harris is running for president. she broke the news in new york city, confirming weeks the senator's. life and how she got to this point.
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>> in her announcement this morning, senator harris says she's worked her entire career really to get to this point here. now her career really began in the area. of course she was born in oakland. she went to law school at uc hastings in san francisco. that's where she got her law degree. that's really where her career started. she went on to work at the alameda county district attorney's office then the san francisco district attorney's office. in 2003 she was elected as district attorney of san francisco and was re-elected in 2007. harris is the first african american and the first woman to serve as attorney general of california. in 2016 she was just the second african american woman to be elected to the u.s. senate. we talked to people in oakland about their thoughts on her announcement. >> i want to see a real steady person, a steady woman in the white house. i do. it will bring a different
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perspective. >> i'm a trump supporter. i won't be voting for her. i think she's a little bit too left for me. >> so of course people coming out on both sides of this announcement in oakland and also we've seen a lot of chatter on social media as well. a lot of supporters and a lot of people who don't think she's qualified for the job. we'll see how this all shapes out. she'll officially launched her campaign in oakland on sunday. >> we'll continue to follow that big announcement. for more on some of the other headlines we're following for you, let's go to dave clark. here are some of the top stories we're following this morning. researchers have discovered as many as 20 undisclosed missile sites in north korea. the report by the center for strategic and international studies identifies one of the missile sites as a secret base that houses the headquarters of
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north korea's strategic rocket forces. that report says the bases played a key role in developing ballistic missiles. in this country in alabama, police are mourning the shooting death of the second police officer killed this month in the line of duty. officer sean tutor was killed yesterday afternoon while making an arrest at a hotel in mobile, alabama. a suspect was arrested but officials haven't said yet if he's the person who fired that deadly shot. officer tudor, who was on the police force only three years, leaves behind his wife and parents. and the super bowl, super bowl 53 is now set after two nailbiting conference title games. the new england patriots and the l.a. ramsy in the 3rd in atlanta. a showdown between the nfl's past and its future. the rams' 24-year-old quarterback jared goff will face
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the patriots 41-year-old quarterback, tom brady. the patriots are favored by 2 points. that's a brief look at some of the top stories we're working on. the partial government shutdown has reached its 31st day. the president made an offer over the weekend, but democrats were quick to reject it. >> i'm here today to break the log jam. >> reporter: the president extending an olive branch to democrats saturday. >> this plan solves the immediate crisis and it provides real border reopens our federal government. >> reporter: in exchange, the president wants what he's wanted all along. funding for a portion of his wall on border. relief for daca recipients has long been sought as part of larger immigration reform but democrats are calling the
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president's proposaler. >> offering some of those protections that he took away back in exchange for the wall is not a compromise but hostage taking. >> hundreds of thousands of federal workers are set to miss a second paycheck this friday if the shutdown continues. democratic leaders maintain they'll not negotiate with the white house until the president first ends the shutdown, which is now the longest in history. >> if the president can arbitrarily shut down the government now, do it time and again. >> this week both parties plan to push their own pieces of legislation, with majority leader mitch mcconnell bringing the president's vote tomorrow and democrats in the house again trying to advance spending builds that reopen the government without including funding for the president's border wall. with those divisions, at least at this point, neither plan has any chance of reaching the president's desk. ktvu fox 2 news. ara lee says she gets
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angrier each day the government is shutdown. she's been talking with federal workers in her district, many of whom have relatives also on the government payroll. >> one young man has eight family members working for the government. their economic security of their whole family has been destroyed. they can't borrow from each other. they can't support each other because they're all victimized as a result of this trump immoral shutdown. >> congresswoman lee says every day she and the democratic leadership are trying to figure out ways to get the government back open. the alameda county community food bank will be packing hundreds of bags of food for federal workers today. the martin luther king, jr. holiday is traditionally the food bank's biggest volunteer day of the year. later this morning, 200 volunteers and staff will be at the organization's oakland warehouse. they'll be packing an additional 500 bags of food for federal workers as part of its ongoing effort to help government
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employees during the shutdown. kentucky high school student at the center of a controversy over students who some claim mocked a native american at a washington, d.c. rally is now speaking out. video of the incident shows students from a catholic high school in kentucky during a rally. a native american activist and u.s. veteran approaches their rally, and one student seen here is standing close to the activist, staring at him as the classmates are yelling. many people who saw the video say the teens are mocking the native american but the student standing by himself says he did nothing wrong. nick sandman released a statement saying, quote, i realized everyone had cameras and that perhaps a group of adults was trying to provoke a group of teenagers into a larger conflict. i said a silent prayer that the situation would not get out of hand. he goes on to say, he is mortified that so many people believe he was making fun of native americans. before sandman spoke up, the
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diocese that oversees the school apologized for the incident. it released its own statement saying, quote, this behavior is oppose d to the church's teachings. as many as 1,000 or more migrants in the new caravan left honduras sunday morning. that's according to reports from the country. meanwhile, thousands of other central american migrants are taking mexico up on its offer of temporary asylum and work visas. mexican immigration officials say more than 3600 people associated with various migrant caravans have registered for temporary status in the country. that number is expected to grow as more people arrive at the border with guatemala. it looks like governor newsome and his family will not be living in the governor's mansion for very long. the newsomes bought a six-bedroom house in fair oaks. 8 acres with a pool will be more child friendly for the newsome's
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children. they plan to move after the house is renovated in a few months. meantime, the governor's mansion will be used for public events. governor newsom could announce details on a tax plan that could raise up to $11 billion a year. the plan would do that by exempting commercial properties from tax benefits under proposition 13. it would not raise residential property taxes. proposal would likely have to be put to voters. former governor jerry brown rejected the idea of pursuing tax reforms, saying it simply was not possible. we're learning more about an explosion at an illegal pipeline tap in mexico. at least 85 people died and authorities say nearly 60 others remain in the hospital and dozens more are still listed as ictims are in serious condition with burns on more than 80% of their bodies. mexico has a history of gang members stealing fuel by drilling holes and pipelines. in the first 10 months of last
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year, pipelines were illegally tapped an average of 42 times a day. in northern ireland, four men have been arrested after a bomb blew up in a van outside a courthouse in londonbury. fortunately no one was injured but this video shows scary moments for people walking by the van and then the explosion. police say the attackers stole a pizza delivery van, loaded it with explosives, and left it outside the courthouse. police spotted the suspicious van and were evacuating the area when the bomb exploded. police are investigating whether a new ira militant group is responsible. the federal trade commission is considering a massive fine against facebook. the washington post reports that the ftc may hit the social network with a fine that could exceed $22 million. this stems from the cambridge analytica scandal. that's when facebook allowed the data mining company to access users' personal information. a new housing development
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in santa rosa's fountain grove neighborhood is another step closer to being built. the press democrat says the round barn village townhouse project has been given final approval for construction to begin. the city's fountain grove neighborhood was devastated in the wildfires in 2017 and according to the press democrat, construction on the new townhomes could start in april and the 1st people could start to move in by the summer of 2020. a new federal study finds most criminals do not buy gun s. according to the special report by the u.s. department of justice, 9 out of 10 state and federal prisoners convicted of crimes involving a gun say they obtained their weapons illegally. that has led some gun rights supporters to argue that making it harder to legally buy guns doesn't keep them out of criminals' hands. but supporters of gun control say even black market guns start out with legal sales and a new
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law can help trace their path. it's being called the do not disturb movement. it's the idea that employees should be allowed to disconnect from work after clocking out without worrying about what the boss is going to say. a proposed law in new york city would protect employees from being fired if they decide not to answer phone calls, texts, or e-mails from their boss during a time off. if an employer is found to have broken this proposed new law, they'd have to pay a $250 fine then pay the employee an extra fine of $500. many employees support the law but some employment experts say it's just not realistic. >> when government steps in to a such in the workplace and starts to interfere with the relationships that employers and their employees have worked out, it only means you're going to have confusion. >> the majority of employees want to see this happen. they believe technology is hindering their daily lives. >> workers and employers have a lot of questions about how this
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would work. however, in europe, the movement is actually gaining some support there. >> very interesting. >> i'll pick up my phone. >> i think the boss would like to hear that. 9:41 is the time right now. coming up on mornings on 2 the 9:00, honoring the worst of the worst. the films leading this year's list of razzie awards. >> you'll meet a 4-year-old boy with a special set of skills.
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welcome back. the storms that passed through the bay area this weekend took out power for many hours and there are new outages this
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morning. there are now about 500 people in the bay area who are still without power this morning. the biggest outage right now is in concord where pg&e reports more than 600 customers are without electricity. another 150 customers in nearby clayton are also without power. pg&e says crews are continuing restoration work. they've already been able to get the power back on for more than 9,000 customers since yesterday afternoon. if you ever wanted to own bitcoin, you could pick some up on your next trip to the grocery store. coinstar machines will now be dispensing the cryptocurrency. it will then print out a voucher with the bitcoin redemption code. the limit is $2500. a british researcher says today is the gloomiest day of the year. the researcher created a mathematical equation for what he called blue monday. it falls on the third monday in
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january. his calculation is based on weather conditions, debt levels, time since christmas, and time since many of us failed to meet new year's resolutions. however, mental health experts say depression can't be calculated and the concept of blue monday is largely a pr stunt used by companies to sell products that may improve your well-being. the man who was the oldest man in the world has died. his granddaughter says he died peacefully from natural causes yesterday morning at home in japan. she says he did not have any health problems. his biggest vice was a fondness for sweets. he was 113 years, 179 days old. it's now believed the oldest living man is gustave gerner of germany, 113 years, 98 days old. the guinness book of world records is expected to certify him as the oldest man in the next two days. a 116-year-old japanese woman is
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the world's oldest living person. unsan in san francisco, a little chihuahua mix was rescued from a cliff. hang glide s the cliff saturday, but they're not quite sure how he actually got there. we now know which movies are contending for the title of hollywood's worst. >> there are four contenders for the golden raspberry awards. the john travolta crime drama, holmes and watson. death of a nation and melissa mccarthy's happy time murders. the winners, or perhaps we should call them losers will be announced on february 23rd, the day before the academy awards. and in less than 24 hours, we're going to find out who is contending for the academy awards. the oscar nominations will be announced in beverly hills
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starting at 5:20 tomorrow morning. some of the movies expected to be contingent for best picture, bohemian rhapsody, green book. there are always surprises over who is nominated and who is left out. it will be held on february 24th. coming up next on mornings on 2 the 9:00, there better be a safety school. the hardest colleges to get into and two of them right here in california. and google rolling out a new feature for its navigation app. how it may help you avoid an expensive ticket. i couldn't find a job.
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i had so much doubt in me. my current supervisor reached out on linkedin. we set up a phone interview and from there i was hired. linkedin was the matchmaker.
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welcome back. it's mug monday. now is your chance to win a ktvu fox 2 newsge and clickonst link to fill out the form. entries accepted from now to 1:00 this afternoon. do not miss out on your chance to win. the big winner to take a picture with your mug and send it over to us and we'll put it on air. these are the mugs we're talking about right here. ktvu fox 2 news on one side, then ktvu plus on the other side. the power of 2 for you. again, entries accepted until 1:00 this afternoon. >> the coveted mug. the harlem globe trotters are trying to bring a little joy to federal workers who are not being paid because of the
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government shutdown. the team is offering two free tickets to the 2019 fan powered north american tour to any government worker who has been furloughed. the worker has to show a government i.d. and this is only valid as long as the shutdown continues. seat locations are determined by the venue and quantities are limited. today they're appearing at the s.a.p. center. doors open at 11:00 this morning and tip-off is at noon. the golden state warriors are down in los angeles to take on the lakers tonight. today is your last chance to vote for warriors players to the nba all star game. and taking a look at the most recent round of voting, you can see steph curry would be a starter for the west durant, 12s behind. klay thompson, the other warrior with more than a million fan votes. all votes today, by the way, do count as double. the nba all stars will be announced on thursday. los angeles police are
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investigating a reported burglary at a home belonging to boxer manny pacquiao. someone called police yesterday to report the burglary one day after pack quiao won a numerous decision. it's unclear what was taken from the home or if there are any suspects at this time. tomorrow we find out who makes it into the baseball hall of fame. more than half the votes have been made public before the official class of 2019 comes out. you need 75% of the vote to get into the hall. long time yankees hall of famer. it appears roy halladay and edgar martinez look to be getting in as well. pitcher mike mussina on the bubble there. barry bonds has over 70% of the yes vote. but some baseball analysts expect support for bonds to actually drop once all of the ballots are counted. we'll let you know tomorrow who makes the baseball hall of fame.
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investigators in china say a scientist who claims he altered the genes of two babies acted on his own and could face charges. in november, the scientist announced that he altered the genes of twin girls to try to make them resistant to the a.i.d.s. virus which raised ethical concerns. the scientist conducted his research at stanford university several years ago before returning to china companies. 3, 2, 1, and lift-off of the united launch alliance rocket for the national reconnaissance office. >> after several delays, the military spy satellite is finally on its mission. the delta 4 heavy rocket blasted off from vandenberg air force base, just north of santa barbara on saturday. the rocket carries a national reconnaissance office satellite. the launch was repeatedly postponed since late last year for reasons including a hydrogen leak, high winds, and a problem
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with ground communication equipment. details about the project are not being made public. stanford university on a new list of the hardest colleges to get into. the college ranking site niche ranked the colleges based on acceptance rates for the income class. harvard university was ranked number 1 as the hardest school to get into. stanford, number 2. california institute of technology in pasadena, yale, and princeton rounded out the top 5. want to show you something caught on camera. fisherman in maine lost his catch to a bald eagle. the fisherman was ice fishing with some friends when they saw the eagle watching them. so they pu fish on the ice,a, backed away to see if they could get video of that eagle up close and they did. you can see very much. wow. very nice up close video. if you want a prayer from the pope, you may be in luck. pope francis announced a new app called quick to pray.
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the app will inform users about what the pope is praying for so they can join him. users can click a box to indicate they complete the prayer and view how others also pray. pope francis has made efforts to embrace technology, tweeting frequently, and even calling the internet a gift from god. google maps reportedly adding a feature to help you avoid speeding tickets according to google maps is starting to roll out a speed trap feature. icons that look like a small camera indicate areas where users have reported a speed cara will also provide an audio warning for users when they're approaching a speed trap. today could be one of your last chances to ice skate outdoors. it's the last day of operations for the remain ing open holiday ice rinks. that includes walnut square, san rafael, santa clara. downtown san jose closes on
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sunday. every week we'll be highlighting some of the athletic abilities of children and teenagers 18 and under in a segment called "that kid's got game." this week, meet 4-year-old matan. >> he's the unofficial trick shot prince of instagram. he has more than 100,000 instagram followers, mostly because of his incredible soccer skills and he's got a pretty big smile as well. matan was inspired by his uncle when he was 2 years old so he became initating his uncle's moves. when he's not studying his uncle, he watches cristiano rinaldo videos for inspiration and ideas. he's researching here. >> looks like he's doing some good research. >> very nice moves. if you know a child with a very special skill, let us know. you can go to ktvu.on that kid'. those are some pretty good soccer moves. >> yes, they are.
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that other kid can't get the ball at onder how many attempts, how many timesba. >> he looks like an amazing natural skill. pretty cool. >> send us your videos any time you want. thanks for watching, everyone. i'll be back here at noon. have a great rest of your monday morning. >> enjoy your day. thanks for watching. [music playing] (sashimi) psst. hey, you! the one with the designer dog collar. wondering how i upgraded to this sweet pad? a 1,200-square-foot bathroom, and my very own spa.
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>> announcer: live from new york city, it's "the wendy williams show." ♪ now, here's wendy! ♪ [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> wendy: hello! thank you for


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