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tv   The Eleven O Clock News on KTVU FOX 2  FOX  December 30, 2018 11:00pm-11:31pm PST

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next at 11 p.m. >> it was horrific. i would say it was scary. >> a man caught on camera kicking and punching oaring man after a two day man hunt. we are learning the suspect worked for a bay area church. area church. the 11 p.m. news on ktvu fox 2 news starts now. >> thank you very much for joining us tonight. >> that suspect melton kelly was a temporary worker for glide memorial church in san francisco. the attack happened on friday near the powell street bart station. a witness took this video that captured melton kelly kicking and stomping on the victim and now he faces attempt murder charges. ktvu's elissa harrington has more. as >> reporter: melton kelly was arrested sunday morning when he showed up for work at grind memorial church. police handcuffed him. ficialssay melton kelly is the suspect seen on video punching and stomping on another man.
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she captureed the attack on her cell phone. >> it was horrific. it was scary. my part was to make sure i was documenting this. >> reporter: she said people believed the argument started over a speaker. it quickly escalated. the men wrestling on the ground. some tried intervene. >> punching the victim. gagging him. throwing him to the floor. kicking him. over repeatedly. >> the suspect stomps on the victim's head. >> if that weren't enough, the attacker fished into his pockets and stole whatever money he it. >> the friday happened friday. this is steps away from the powell street bart station. glide released a statement
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saying we recognize that violence is a societal issue. f0 that we all have a role in helping to solve, ing to solve, there is however never an excuse for violence. >> reporter: he was hired for the holidays. the holidays. employees became aware of the incident and did cooperate with authorities. said these acts of violence are upsetting and his thoughts are with the victim. elissa harrington, ktvu fox 2 news. also in the tenderloin san francisco police responded to a stabbing today after 11 a.m. police blocked off the area as officers helped treat the victim before paramedics arrived. the victim is in critical condition. the suspect took off but was quickly located and taken into custody. f0 new tonight at 11:00 p.m. a stolen car crashed into a fire hydrant.
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you see it there. san francisco police say the two men in the car were fugitives. both have been taken into custody and police say a pedestrian was trapped under the vehicle but suffered only minor injuries. the partial government shutdown has entered its second full week. lawmakers are working behind closed doors to reach a deal. fox news has more. news has more. >> reporter: negotiations haven't been happening but behind the scenes a number of lawmakers are trying to work out a deal. e current proposals include a combination of funding for the wall, a fix for daca and other provisions. the idea or the hope is that could be enough to get a deal but that was the hope with a bipartisan immigration deal president trump made last year. and today a senator wasn't optimistic this time around would be any different. >> i think we have been here before. i was in the room when the president said if congress passes something i am going to
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sign it and then he moved away from that. in the end we need immigration reform. there is no doubt about that but in the end we need to know what the president wants and hopefully he sticks to it. >> reporter: lindsey graham is working behind the scenes to come up with a deal but he said the problem right now is democratic leaders aren't interested in negotiating or trying to reach a compromise. >> they want president trump to lose more than they want the country to win. at the end of the day there is a deal to be had but everybody is changing their position here and most americans are tired of it. >> reporter: lawmakers are expecting negotiations will pick up once the new congress begins. till then the government shutdown drags on and the pinger pointing continues. fox news. >> the partial government shutdown is impacting services. park officials announced
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unsanitary conditions are prompting the park to close more facilities. ktvu's azenith smith joins us now. f0 the trails and roads remain opens and some areas are not. reas are not. >> reporter: with the clear weather it is a busy time of year. the park has 90 employees. 90 empl it is now down a 8 to 10 people on duty. mostly park rangers and with the holiday week and the nice weather it is a busy time of year and the staff can't keep up. >> reporter: they are making the most out of their trip to int reyes national park. >> it is not what we expected. kids were very excited for the light house. so it was not what we expected. >> reporter: to make matters worse many rest rooms locked. f0
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a big inconvenience for them. nvenienc em. >> my mom is with me, she has to use the rest room and we had to go back to the station. because the impact has gone on for a little while we are finding a lot of significant problems due to human waste and public safety concerns. >> reporter: with the lack of federal funding in addition to the light house closed the park announced parking lots and trail head is now closed creating a health hazard. >> the toilets are open but not being cleaned. no, that is not going to happen. >> reporter: the beach is also closed to precinct pregnant elephant seals. f0 and the public from aggressive male seals. ve male seals. this couple had no idea it was a national park. had they known they wouldn't known they wouldn have visited. >> the uncertainty.
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they are huge and they can be, u know, we want to make sure we are safe. >> reporter: other families are exploring on their own. f0 knowing services for limited. ices for l ed. >> we made sure we weren't relying on rangers for g on rangers for anything. reporter: most visiters are disappointed saying the experience is not the same hoping the government shutdown ends soon and the park can go back to normal. >> very irresponsible and very, very frustrating and i am angry about what is going on in washington. f0 >> reporter: staff are asking visiters to visiters to throw out their trash to help keep the park clean. ep the park clean. azenith smith, ktvu fox 2 news. as the partial government shutdown continues lawmakers are vowing to improve the immigration system. south carolina senator lindsey graham promises congress will look into the deaths of two
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migrant children. the 7-year-old guatemala girl died from shock and dehydration and 8-year-old guatemala boy passed away after coming down with the flu. the president tweeted about their deaths for which he blamed democrats and their immigration policies. >> i don't like some of the democrats using the deaths as political pons. >> the president does not want the children to come on the journey to begin with. >> department of homeland security secretary visited u.s. facilities and promised new medical screening procedures for all child migrants. a skier who was found dead at lake tahoe ski resort has been identified as a pastor from the south bay. he was pronounced dead after he was found unresponsive on wednesday. his wife says he died of a healthcare. he was a pastor.
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his church will be hosting a celebration of life tomorrow. sacramento's mayor calling for action after teenagers stormed a mall last night breaking into a fight for the second time in a week. hundreds of teens met up to fight. it caused a lock down. there were no arrests but the mayor said the mall should consider a new policy. >> the majority are doing the right thing. but for those who aren't, time to grow up and for the parents, you know, time to take more responsibility because we can't have this. >> the mall spokesperson says all options are on the table and working to address safety. an inmate escaped over a week ago. the 27-year-old slipped away from the facility on december
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22. he was serving time for first degree burglary and scheduled to be leased in june. an inmate who escaped from san quentin last week was captured yesterday at a restaurant. officials in times square are ready to go for tomorrow's new year's eve festivities. the details coming up. >> and a new year means new laws. coming up the changes to the way pet stores sells animals. >> a wind advisory and really cold mornings coming up. we will see you back here. ♪
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♪ ♪ connecting people... ...uniting the world. ♪ united. official airline of the golden state warriors.
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in 24 hours the ball will drop in times square. fox news takes a look. ws takes a look. >> reporter: officials in charge of the new year's eve celebration in times square are ready to go. >> we spend a year rehearsing. this is our big night. >> reporter: on saturday they tested the confetti. then on sunday the big crystal spear had its own run through. weighing in at 2700 pounds. >> got to reverse. the magical thing about this is, no matter whether it is
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late, early, the new year's happens. >> reporter: people won't be as cold as last year. monday night will be raining with temperatures in the 40s. compared to last year's single digit temperatures. and wet in georgia where officials are preparing for the peach drop. it will slide down a tower in underground atlanta. a high heel, key west is offering six drops monday night. the high heel, a shell and a wedge. back here in new york police are debuting a new drone to help with security. in times square, fox news. >> you can watch the ball drop right here on ktvu. steve harvey hosts a new year's
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eve special on fox and runs from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. monday night and returns at 11 p.m. to ring in 2019. performances including robin thicke. new laws and among them new rules for pet storms to weaken the puppy mill industry. >> reporter: starting january 1 california shelter animals like these may find new homes by way of a pet shot. a new law requires all california pet steers get their pets from rescue organizations rather than breeders. >> this bill is amazing. northern california has already been very proadoption. >> reporter: their partnership has been very rewarding.
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>> they are donating profits back to the shelters. >> california is the first state to implement the rule, hoping to minimize puppy mills. >> good for california. >> i think it is great. >> reporter: although pet owners at this dog park haven't heard of the new law they were happy about it. >> i think it is wonderful. >> reporter: opposition claims it will make it harder to find pure bread animals known for certain skills or traits but people can still buy them from private breeders and some shelters and rescues specialize in pure bread. although california is the first state to pass this type of law many hope they are not the last. >> i think it is a good thing because a lot of times people
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follow what happens in california. >> to learn about the new laws for 2019 in california go to our website click on web links. rents in san francisco are going down slightly for the year but they are still the highest in the country. researchers says san francisco has the highest rent in the nation. $3,500 for a one bedroom apartment. oakland, boston and los angeles have all gone up, above 9% but not enough to pass san f rancisco. lottery players hope to hit the jackpot. the mega millions prize grown to $415 million. the 8th largest in mega millions history. the drawing is tuesday. new year's day. the largest mega millions prize was drawn in august.
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that was $1.5 billion. the winner still has not claimed their prize. mega millions is available in 44 states including california. a wind advisory starting tonight through tuesday morning. the winds are not materializing yet. it is for the hills. above a thousand feet. that is the santa cruz mountains. usual suspects. not a high fire danger because it is wet. hinds at higher elevations, 60 miles per hour. and sea level, majority of us won't notice much. 15, 20 miles an hour. gusts but mainly a hill event through tuesday morning. the high pressure keeps us dry and cool as well. there is a tweak in the high and that is why the winds rush from the northeast through the
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next 48 hours. but that high is still strong and with the stable atmosphere over night lows get really cold. not today because of the winds. not tomorrow night. but wednesday and thursday it will get chilly with temperatures in the 20s in some places on thursday morning. the beautiful golden gate bridge. no fog. just a stunning evening with perfect air quality. the winds do that. you know? tomorrow if you go out to ocean beach, look to the west, you will see it. the visibilities, this is the day tomorrow, i have done this, go up to, you know, this shows nothing, you can go up hike, drive, you will see the sierra
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nevada and sometimes mount shasta. amazing distance. over 200 miles. here is the 5-day forecast. is it the 5-day forecast? no. that is the new year's eve forecast. >> we will take it. >> there is the 5-day forecast. yeah. it will be a stunning day tomorrow. if you get out, get to the golden gate bridge. that is all you need to do. >> expecting no fog for the fireworks. >> no fog. perfect weather. bundle up. >> all right. thank you very much. police in the north bay are searching for men who robbed two at&t stores this month. images from surveillance video show the three men as they entered the location two weeks ago. one of them pulled a gun while ordering customers and employees to hand over their phones. the same men robbed another at&t store in santa rosa hours earlier. anyone with information is
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asked to call police. a woman has died after she was attacked by a lion in north carolina. she was an intern. authorities say it happened when a keeper was cleaning the enclosure and he slipped out passed the locked area. the lion quickly killed the woman. they tried to tranquilize the animal but they were not successful. the lion was shot and killed. the executive director says she wanted to spend her life working with animals. sports wrap is a few minutes away. mark and joe will recap the 49ers and the raiders and they will look back at the biggest moments in bay area sports in 2018. all that and more coming up. >> still ahead at 11 p.m. a woman doesn't pay her cab fair and an officer decides to help. more on that coming up.
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>> first, check this out, australian, people searching for reprieve from the heat. here you see a koala accepting a drink from a woman who pulled over from the side of the road. you see him there taking a swig of her daughter. bottle. the news continues in 2 minutes. ♪ toyland, toyland
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♪ little girl and boy land ♪ while you dwell within it ♪ you are ever happy there daddy, it's christmas! ♪ childhoods, joyland never let go of your dreams.
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the mercedes-benz winter event is back. lease the glc 300 for $459 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing.
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donated rvs from utah made their way to paradise. when the town was devastated by the fire he reached out to his utah neighbor. he quickly donated a motor home. then offers from strangers who wanted to help fire victims started to pour in. >> our intention was one unit. we were going to get his friend taken care of and then by word of mouth peopling asking, money started coming in. >> they worked together to buy three more rvs and had 20 vehicles donated. they are driven to paradise and given to a family in need. the story of an officer who was full of the christmas spirit and decided to help
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instead of arresting a suspect. >> good opportunity for me to show, you know, we don't only put bad guys away. >> reporter: he has been on the streets as a police officer for four years. a theft call christmas night to this home became his christmas gift to a young woman in trouble. >> my daughter came over here to get food, brought a cab. didn't have the money to pay the fair. >> reporter: her daughter is troubled. struggles with drug addiction but homeless but made her way to her mom's house. >> i knocked on the door. she opens the door. how can i help you. my brother was supposed to pay for it. which is the usual. i gave her time to find
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somebody to pay her tab. told her she would be going to jail if she did not. she said no one will pay it for me. i don't have the money. i can't pay today. >> reporter: when the girl couldn't come up with the money that is when he had a gut instinct he needed to do something different. >> when god puts opportunities in front of you you have to take it. >> reporter: instead of taking her to jail he paid her cab fair. >> back of my mind, taking her away from her family, it is a loose situation for everyone. >> thank you. that was very kind. made her night. she is not sitting in jail on christmas. >> nice present. >> he did. yeah. very nice. >> what we do as police
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officers. protect and serve. anyway i can serve someone i will do so. >> reporter: fox news. >> thank you for joining us. sports wrap is up next with mark and joe. and join us tomorrow morning for mornings on 2 and online on twitter, facebook, and the ktvu app. d the ktvu app.
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intercepted. >> a similar challenge today for the 49ers and raiders. and a formula that doesn't work against elite teams. the day left the raiders wondering about next year. >> i still love oakland. hopefully we can work something out. >> and the 49ers find a sliver of a silver lining. >> exciting. >> this was a day for scoreboard watching as the nfl's final post season teams were determined. we will take a look back at 2018's highlights and remember some old friends. it is all


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