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tv   The Eleven O Clock News on KTVU FOX 2  FOX  December 10, 2018 11:00pm-11:30pm PST

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in recent months, dozens of those critters have been dug up. >> the scooters pose a potential threat to wildlife at the lake. cleanup crews have had their hands full trying to stay ahead of the problem.>> very unsophisticated to use. they seem to explode on open streets. for many and has been a good thing.>> we have been having a fair amount of the scooters being thrown into the lake. >> the executive director of the institute is in charge of the lakes up to. >> this could be very damaging to our environment because they are not natural things. >> that damage is coming from the batteries in the scooters. here is a closer look at what he is talking about. these appear to be scooters in
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the lake. this is a picture of a scooter submerged underwater. this is video was shot that appeared to have been recently submerged into the lake. he says 60 scooters were pulled from the. numbers for november are still being currently. >> it is not something i thought i would be taking out of the lake. >> it is just because they can. he thinks kids are behind her. he says they have been reported so far they have only sent employees to help remove them. work is also being done by volunteers. this is a recent picture. >> if there really far into the lake, this is very problematic because we have to launch a boat. >> she led a push to pass an ordinance to develop comments for the scooter companies. there in the process of developing new rules.
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one change they hope to see very soon. >> come to work every day. you want to do the best you can for the lake. when you have these been thrown into the lake with no end in sight, it is very concerning. >> there was this sign. they're asking the scooters not be dumped into the water indicating the problem extends beyond the lake alone. if you want to report scooters, you can do so by calling 311 hotline. late tonight we receive a statement. it says, we will implement a no parking zone around the lake. it is to prevent users from ending the right around the lake. we will also donate to the institute to help compensate them for their cleanup effort. a restaurant in san francisco trust following the annual santacon . we need to
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mention that the vast majority of the thousands of people taking part were well behaved. the few who took part in the mail he also denied have given another black eye to the event. our reporter is in the city with cell phone video of the damage became at the end of the day of drinking. santacon rivals holloway or new year's eve for street drinking. this time, it is the restaurant here on polk street that took the brunt of it. loyal customers are furious. >> when i walked in, i saw the door was totally busted out. they told me what happened. the video just blew my mind. >> this was shot about 7 pm saturday night. this woman is not wanted by
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police along with another allegedly punched a cashier. >> the girl started trying to throw a sugar canister at her head. i just do not know what caused something like this. >> friends try to hold her back but it goes off-line. she shows the cash register to the floor break in your. they said the woman drunk from santacon wanted to join friends were eating. they were arguing they had ordered food as well. they trashed the place when they were asked to leave. >> santacon started in san francisco in 1994 and has spread to many cities. an annual tradition that includes toy donations. sidewalks were jammed and people were spilling out of the pubs.
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>> very intoxicated people at midday. i can only imagine as the day went on. things got a little rowdy. >> great stuff and from the restaurant. >> he is doing all he can to show these images so the woman are cut. he each year 2 times a week but was not out on saturday. he stayed home on santacon siding get too out of control. >> as a power to you. if you're not going to be respectful, it changes everything. we all get affected by it. >> they had quite a cleanup after the rampage. a door to replace and a cash register still not working right tonight. a statement expressing dismay at the assault by what it calls belligerent santacon revelers. he goes on to ask people to help identify the perpetrator. police tell us they are investigating and are very well
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aware of those videos. new information about a deadly police shooting. police released body cam video just five days after the competition with a violent suspect. >> the body, was worn by the officer who shot and killed a 27-year-old. the police chief says the video captures the moment when he grabbed the officers rifle and began firing. >> i thought it was important that we provide the transparent components to what actually occurred. i thought it was better to get the message out sooner. >> police said the officer was able to regain control of his rifle. after a struggle, the officer shot and killed him. it is under investigation by the sheriff's office and the district attorney office. police said they had no
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choice but to shoot a suicidal man today who rented officers with a butcher knife. the man died at the hospital. police said they were called to a home for a report of his suicide in progress. they found the man who had already began to cut his wrist and neck. officers say he rested them with the bar. they said they have been trying to get the main help and you have been bellowing mental health problems for more than a decade. many high school teachers my face disciplinary action after not showing up to work today. >> why are we the lowest paid teachers. >> they protested as part of a one-day walkout. the teachers have been without a contract since last july. >> we are asking for 12% over three years. we need higher in order to be
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able to attract and retain teachers. >> a spokesperson says that while they want teachers to be paid more, there also facing a multimillion dollar deficit. the walkout was not sanctioned by the union. they said they will respect for the 500 miles of lines to protect against wildfire. they are facing multiple lawsuits following the deadly fire. they said they have created a new executive position to help lead restoration efforts. it also says it will step up efforts to clear vegetation that is going above and around powerless. there also installing more high- definition cameras in the fire risk areas. the collection of evidence from people who are arrested is forcing a lawsuit against the state of california.
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it was followed by 2 social justice groups. it says it is a violation of privacy protections. the state allows people to petition to have their dna taken out of the system. advocates say that process is difficult. president donald trump is searching for a new chief of staff after announcing that john kelly is living and having his top pick turned on the job. our reporter has a look at why the candidates will decline what has to be one of the most powerful jobs in washington. >> so far, usually the chief of staff is the gate keeper to the president deciding who has access. so far, one person has said no. 2 other candidates seem to be content sticking to the current job. >> the vice president chief of
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staff is considered to be a rising talent. he basically said no thank you to the job offer from president donald trump to replace john kelly as the white house chief of staff. he is trying to fill the position for a third time in to my gift. the political science professor says finding someone to fill the job may prove to be difficult. >> president donald trump is not wanted to have a single authority in the white house other than himself who has responsibility. instead you get these competing power centers. >> the road ahead will hold big challenges. also a democratic led house with oversight powers. >> the last 2 years will be much more political than the first 2 years just because the democrats have control of the house. when is somebody who can handle that. >> some possible candidates have said they have not been contacted and they're not
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interested. the acting attorney general and former top campaign operative also said to be on the short list. it seems like we have some difficulties there with the video. a republican member of congress is also said to be on the list. he said it would be an honor for him if he was chosen. there was still no word yet on who may be. the former new jersey governor has also been in the mix. he at one point said he had new triplets and he and his wife were planning to go out of washington. certainly, there was a lot of speculation as to what could come next. president donald trump said he will make a decision soon and
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that could come as soon as the end of the week. coming up, tiny homes with a purpose. getting out one second count. they are planning to test the preparedness with a massive evacuation drill. ♪
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whoa! the mercedes-benz winter event is back, and you won't want to stop for anything else. lease the gla 250 for $359 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing.
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people are getting ready for an unusual evacuation drill. this part of the effort to see her residence would cope during the life or death emergency. made drag. during saturday's drill, it will be one way. >> it is kind of an area where there is very few places in and out of town. one thing leads to another. it can get out of hand really quickly. >> residents who have been
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alerted of the upcoming real. only homes in the country club neighborhood are taking part. officials hope tiny homes could help with a big problem. our reporter explains the plan for the bridge housing. >> it was put on display at city hall on monday. the mayor and the housing department director of pushing for the construction of 80 tiny homes. the second is on philippe avenue under the highly one-on-one interchange.
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bathroom facilities will be brought into each side. >> the housing communities are meant to be interim housing sites that are safe and healthy. the provided dignified farmer. >> they would use volunteers to build the tommy holmes from mostly recycled materials. he has been experimenting with several designs to make this type of construction more energy-efficient. >> is not a big deal at all. >> as many as 120 working people world it in and out of a tidy home for three months at a time. >> these people will not be chronically homeless. these people will have work history or are currently working. >> some command the city for doing something beside this effort falls happens, there wou
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right here in june 2019. now to san francisco where the mayor presented us with plans to address the city's proliferation of empty store fronts. many small businesses have closed up. finding new tenants could be a real challenge. the mayor was to make the process easier for businesses. she is proposing legislation to allow food and drinks in traditional retail space. >> the permit thing process. the layers of text. the complicated mixed messages has to stop. this is really about moving san francisco forward so that our commercial corridors can grow and thrive. >> there also allocated nearly $1 million for small business subsidies.
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>> oakland could be the next city to require fitting. they report there was about 24,000 housing units including apartments. under the city's proposal, up to 70% of the cost could be passed on to the tenants. that is over 25 year period. we have dry skies of the. the fog is definitely going to be showing it tonight as it did this morning. it is going to be something to contend with. the conditions we have right now
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are those that are really right for the valley five. it is very 34 in napa. it is cold outside. maybe a little frost in some areas. there is the life camera shot. this is the cover for tomorrow. this is based in san francisco. this is cloud coverage. as we head into the afternoon hours, a little more blue sky. then his into the fire, same thing. all week it is partly cloudy until we get to friday. the model does this. it does friday. some showers. then sunday again. we had a little teeny something this morning. with that said, friday through
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sunday looks pretty good. wet weather. certainly the commute looks like it may be what's. sunday, it will certainly be what's on that day as well. here comes the 5-day forecast. just know that your friday is wet. everything else around is pretty much dry except for the valley fog.>> that can be pretty bad. small business owner have to go to help students from paradise try to recover at least a little bit. they are providing backpacks and basic school supplies students. the driver was inspired by teacher. the class of second graders also roads cards to students in paradise.
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the cards are being placed inside the backpack. draymond green rejoined the warriors. that is coming up next in sports. the city marking 70 years since the united nations declaration of human rights. the news continues in 2 minutes.
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they would not leave a hole in his word. run by the warriors in 3rd quarter. 38. having fun. looks like the warriors as well. klay thompson had 26 points. 116-108 was the final. the sharks tried to duplicate that. they have been inconsistent but consistently winners at home. they are watching the sharks troll 110.
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they are adding goals. the sharks won the wedding 5-2. a little bit of monday night football. this was basically a pitchers duel. let's get to monday night football. this is reggie fired after seven years. the just wanted to get the story no matter what. no replacement has been named. can't wait to see what is next. >> i like those uniforms. >> kirk cousins stripped.
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the vikings offense was terrible tonight. justin coleman bring it back. it was 6-0 going into the fourth quarter. the seahawks were looking pretty good. this was the incredible finish of the patriots game in spanish. go to our website at to fun a location
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near you. i am a family man. i am a techie dad. i believe the best technology should feel effortless. like magic. at comcast, it's my job to develop, apps and tools that simplify your experience. my name is mike,
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i'm in product development at comcast. we're working to make things simple, easy and awesome. to pick up the bassinet. or we can save five hours and go around the corner to baby town.
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what are you doing all day? jay! it's fine, mom. no, it's not fine. today's manny's birthday. aw, jeez. i'm sorry, kid. don't worry. reuben's family's taking me for a birthday lunch. you see? even the reubens remembered. we'll be back at 6:00, and we're taking you to a special birthday dinner. okay? we are? jay! i'm sorry, kid. i wasn't sorry. it was a setup. we're throwing him a big surprise birthday party. and he totally fell for it, the little jerk. i mean, that's the whole point of a surprise party. you take someone who you really love and you play 'em like a fool. that's not the whole point of all this. manny has been feeling a little bit neglected, and i wanted to give him the most special day. this is the last birthday that it's only going to be the three of us. i can't wait to see the little dope's face. ...and then that smug carol chu was all,


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