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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at Noon  FOX  December 7, 2018 12:00pm-1:01pm PST

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good afternoon. i'm gasia mikaelian. >> and i'm mike mibach. it has been a dismal day for the stock market. you see it is down 600 points. the unemployment rate remained at 7.3%, a nearly five decade low. and some analyzists that doesn't mean much this afternoon over concerns of global trading conditions. the s&p 500 is down 2 and a half percent. breaking news in the east bay. 80 westbound is slow through berkley. skyfox up above the area. the big rig was involved in an accident at arby avenue. the chp tells us that the crash caused only minor injuries but it did cause huge traffic delays for a time for anybody
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heading west on 80 in san francisco. all the lanes were shut down for about 30 minutes. all lanes have since reopened. and traffic appears to be getting back to normal. the friday afternoon commute tends to be a little earlier than usual. so it looks like it should not be a problem. the police looking into a two car into an apartment and it could be a dui. >> reporter: the good news that no one suffered any life- threatening injuries. but you take a look at the damage, the outcome could have been much worse. two cars were traveling north on meridian avenue and one rear- ended the other. and they both ended in this apartment on the ground floor. one hit the apartment's bedroom. and the second car went through
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the fence. that was enclosed fence next to the gate. the tree and the fence stops the second car from crashing into the same apartment's living room. the man that lives here with his wife and daughter took inside the apartment to show us the damage. from the inside it doesn't look too bad. there is a two foot diagonal crack on the closet wall. it happened around 1:20 this morning. >> i look at my window and when i see the car is right here. i was like what is going on here? i get up and come out and the other car is blocking me completely. >> reporter: it almost went through the living room? >> yes. by the time. police got here, the car was there. we were very lucky. >> a miracle the way it didn't go into the house.
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it went right here exactly probably -- thank goodness it did not go inside the bedroom. we're going to put them up in one of our townhouses to make sure they are comfortable. >> reporter: the police are investigating this as a possible dui crash. they're looking into the driver of the honda that rear-ended the volkswagen may have been driving under the influence. the driver and a passenger in the volkswagen were transported to the hospital after the crash. but the police tell us they had non-life threatening injuries. so allie rasmus, ktvu news. richmond residents are on edge after seeing flames and smoke at the chevron refinery. we'll show you what is being befored like late last night. it started at 6:30 in the evening and the flaring continued through 6:30 this morning. and the refinery was experiencing ongoing flaring due to startup activity. and the flare did not pose any
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environmental or health risk for the community. chevron said it is a safety measure. former fbi director james comey is testifying before the house judiciary committee. >> new court filings today could reveal details of special counsel, special counsel robert mueller's russia investigation. >> reporter: house republicans get one more crack at former fbi director james comey before they sees control to the democrats former fbi director james comey is talking privately. the temperature will be on his the handling of his investigation of hillary clinton private e-mail servicer and the russian interference in the 2016 election. >> they didn't do sneaky things and we did not do leaks. but we have a inspector report that says they were doing a lot of sneaky stuff and a lot of leaking.
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>> reporter: the president dubbed the investigation a witch hunt. and he also signaled he's ready to move forward with new leadership at the department of justice announcing the nomination of bill bar to be the new attorney general. >> he is respected by republicans and democrats. be nominated for the united states attorney. >> reporter: special counsel robert mueller is expected to file sentencing briefs for manafort and michael cohen and i didn't mueller claims that manafort broke his plea agreement lying to the feds. >> the question is where does the break occur manafort. >> reporter: former fbi director james comey requested a public hear. and the house committee is expected to release a transcript of his testimony.
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white house chief of staff john kelly expected to resign in the next couple days. and president trump is discussing a replacement plan. and no final decision has been made, a potential replacement is nick heirs. and the fresh nominating former fox news channel anchor to be the ambassador too the united nations after nikie haily announced her -- nikki haley announced they are resignation. this annual event is called poverty under the stars. several dozen students along with activists and professor spent the night outside in the cold no raise awareness of homelessness. >> we have a 24-hour library.
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so many of them sleep in the library and spend with friend, couch surfing while trying to maintain studies. it is a difficult time. >> reporter: this is the president of the student homeless alliance. she said that more than 4300 students at san jose state universitys have homelessness in the past year. some students have to choose between rent are to you -- rent or tuition. >> where are you going to find a lotion without being cites or fearful. >> reporter: 2 dozen people braved the cold overnight in the hopes of getting the attention of campus administrators. >> it was very cold, brutal. >> reporter: socialology by
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professor supported the students. >> how can they graduate and have a good job and a better life if they cannot get their basic needs met. >> reporter: they want safe parking spots and to provide more beds in the dorms for the homeless students for at least 60 days while they come up with a long-term position. they have agreed to meet with the students to discuss the possibilities moving forward. santa clara is offering free valet parking anyone that visits or works at their county office buildings. it could cost up to $4.5 million. but that you is reportedly cheaper than building another parking garage or a shuttle service. and now people have mixed feels
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about the plan, like should they tip the valet drivers. >> it is a difficult position to be in. >> reporter: because of the tipping? >> but it is normal to tip people. >> this is really good idea. convenient and safe. >> leaders say that the solution is temporary as they plan to move employees to two other county own properties in the next couple years. today marks 77 years since the attacks in pearl harbor. we'll explain the events happening nationwide and right here in the bay area. it is nice and cool with sunny skies but there are clouds on the way for part of your weekend. we'll have your bay area forecast. oakland police seize a lot of stolen marijuana as people continue to have grow
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operations across the area. yes! with hot holiday toys for all ages, ross is your toy destination. it feels even better when you find it for less, at ross: yes for less.
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for health insurance starting january 1st, enroll by december 15th. because you never know when life... ...will change. get covered today. your sister stopped borrowing your sweaters?e it's time yes! that's yes for less. stop stealing mine... never. the perfect sweater makes the perfect holiday gift. and it feels even better when you find it for less - at ross. yes for less. today 77 years ago pearl harbor was attacked by the japanese. more than 2400 service members and civilians were killed in japan's surprise attack at the naval base. the next day, president roosevelt called december 7th, a day that will live in infan my and called for a formal declaration of war on japan.
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and president clinton declared today national pearl harbor remembrance area. in the east bay, there will be a ceremony to pay tribute to those killed in the attack and to honor pearl more bar vets. this is part of the west coast blackout. 25 years later, beacon was lit again. and this is the east bay library in concord. and the ceremony starts at 3:00. and the lighting happens remotely at 5:00. the u.s. hornet is unveiling a new exhibit honoring those killed on the pearl harbor naval base. >> they have the story from a japanese mini sub that is part of the many items on display today. >> reporter: we're inside the collection center in the history san jose. the artifacts going back to the founding of san jose in 1777. but they had we focus on
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december 7th, 1941. this the curator. we know the story of the attack on pearl harbor. but from a japanese mini sub captured? >> correct. during the attack, there were four mini subs that the japanese september to pearl harbor. there were four mini subs. one of them was run aground off the island. what they did is they captured engineer of that sub. with the sub engineer captured, it was actually the first capture for world war 2. after the navy had the submarine, they moved it to the island.
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in september 1942, after that, they had an auction to help support the war plan effort for world war ii. >> reporter: they auctioned off the sub? >> they auctioned off parts of the sub to help with the war effort. when the attack occurred on december 7th, 1941, the public was surprised out of nowhere this came and they were in war. so the people galvanized. and to have something like this souvenir of that day was important to people. so that is why people bought these items from the navy to support the war bond effort. >> reporter: and now is part of your collection here. this is history san jose. a piece of history come to live on pearl harbor remembrance day. the new york offices of caa rep toed overnight after they
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were -- reopened overnight after they shut down. a man called the cable network last night and said that five bombs were placed throughout the time warner building. they then swept the building. cnn went to a program for a half hour before the all clear was given. and the network was evacuated in october after a package with an explosive device was found. a senior advisor to california senator harris has resigned after the involvement in a 400,000 settlement in a harassment case. she worked for four years when she was the san francisco district attorney. when harris was still attorney general but preparing for her job as a u.s. senator, she was not aware of lawsuit but something that she takes very seriously. a developing story in
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paris. there were violent protests against sharp tax increases. attractions such as the eiffel tower and the -- museum closed tomorrow. 8,000 police officers will be deployed at high risk areas. several days and other injured after demonstrators and demands began three weeks ago. look at this roadway that turned into a rushing river of mud in burke bank. 61 homes in riverside and orange counties were evacuated in the area burned by the holy fire that popped up in the month of august. and this is the burn zone in malibu. the crews could be seen clearing mud and degree. a mudslide temporarily shut down a part of pch. they have been prepping all week for the bad weather they
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experienced. >> it is a mudslide. the mown burns and the mud comes down. this is what always happens. >> there were no reports of any injuries or damage to homes in malibu. interstate five through the grapevine is now back open after snow forced to close after several hours. chp shut down the freeway in both directions of the snowy conditions. it is making the roads do dangerous for drivers. they are getting more rain in southern california more than we are in the bay area. that's right. the system that went over the area in the week is giving them more rain. and now we're dry for the next couple days. here is a look from san francisco as we look across the bay. isn't that a beautiful view. it is a beautiful day out there. the temperatures not too bad and a little cool in some
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areas. but with the sunshine, it feels quite nice. we have weak storms are that arriving over northern california. but for us, the strongest one looks to be right about sunday or so. we'll in and out of the clouds and cold morning followed by mild afternoon. this is a look at futurecast. we'll remain with partly cloudy and mostly clear skies. we get into tomorrow afternoon, more of the same. increase in cloud cover coming by sunday. the rain will hold off for the most part. this is sunday afternoon by 4:00. so we'll call for dry conditions for saturday, most likely on sunday as well. sunday will be a partly to mostly cloudy day later in the afternoon. and it could be a little cooler. as we get into the evening hours, it begins to move through portions of the north bay. and it will slide through in the overnight hours. by monday morning, we could wake up with the system behind us. so we'll continue to track that for you.
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it looks fairly week. a quarter inch of rain in some areas. 57 degrees in san francisco, 56 in napa. the temperatures a within a few degrees from yesterday. 62 in oakland. 59 in san francisco. upper 50s in napa for the inner east bay. livermore and the south bay, 64 degrees. here's is a look at the extended forecast. the bay area weekend, the temperatures coming down slightly and they may not notice the upper 50s to low 60s from the coast and around the bay and inland. a mix of sun and clouds turning mostly cloudy sunday afternoon. it looks like the rain will come in late and a few lingering showers monday morning and right now at the moment, tuesday looks dry. if you're traveling to the sierra, the snow levels will be dropping sunday night into monday. just ahead more on the new jobs report for the nation's economy.
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we're down low in the red. and we have 35 minutes to go in the trading day. we lost two and one-third percent. that is very similar in the s&p 500 -- 3%, that is. labor department said that for
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november, the companies pull back on the hiring and added 155,000 jobs. they had been expected 195,000 added. the national unemployment remains at 3.7%, which is the lowest in 50 years. the economy is expanding at a solid pace. but growth will likely start slowing down. a new study suggests that will take millennials two decades to save the down payment needed for a home in san francisco. the apartment list said that the 20% payment on the medium price condo in the city totals $175,000. and it could take most millennials more than 20 years to save that amount. only 11 percent have saved more than $10,000. you may soon see amazon's new own checkout stores.
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these are quick grab-n-go shopping. they would have to go through the same competitive bidding process. and there are 7 go locations, including one in san francisco. congress has passed a temporarily spending bill to extend the federal budget deadline for two more weeks. they are preparing to battle over funding for the department of homeland security. house democrats are refusing to support the president's plan for $5 billion to fund a border wall. >> most of us and speaking for myself, consider the wall immoral, ineffective, expensive. and the president promised that mexico would pay for it. >> we have two more weeks. and let's go from there. >> president trump has indicated he may allow a shutdown if he does not get the funding for the border wall. after the break, the search continues for a suspect after several police raids.
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what they are investigating and how a victim ended locked up inside a safe. watch someone sneak through a dog by door. we'll explain how this story ends.
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a search continues this morning for who had a marijuana growing operation after a police seize. >> reporter: a month long investigation into a violent gang led officers to the home on this 9800 block of empire in east oakland, a home in stockton and other locations. we saw them remove ten large garbage bags filled with marijuana. the search warrant is connected to robberies of marijuana growth and dispensaries, including one in hayward wednesday night. the captain said that the suspects were under surveillance. >> they done broke into a cannabis warehouse and committed a burglary which became a robbery because there was a tenant inside. >> reporter: the police said that the investigators followed the suspects from hayward to
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stockton and they seized assault weapons and cash. the captain said that six people were arrested. one man is seen walking out of the oakland home with his hands up. police said that more than 100 pounds of marijuana was recovered from the multiple locations. one pound sells for $1,500 on the black market in california. but in states, where recreational marijuana is illegal, one pound can sell for $5,000. >> individuals saw the and were able to obtain this marijuana through illegal means. >> reporter: the suspect initially came to the attention for law enforcement. >> they were armed with
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multiple weaponry, such as hundred round of rifles, assault weapons and handguns. >> reporter: marijuana sales are on the rise largely because they deal in cash. the bart police are getting 16% pay rise in the next four years thanks to a new contract. it will bring the salaries to transit officers in line with other bay agencies. bart police have attended more than 40 recruitment events this year to attract qualified candidates. new inauguration plans for -- a swearing in is set for the west steps of the state capitol at 11:00. they aounce nod a benefit concert the night before he gets sworn in. california rises will be held at the golden one center in sacramento. and the money raised will go to
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the california fire foundation as a way to help victims of wildfires. the lineup of performers have not been announced yet. there it will be a family- friendly event in sacramento. the lauren county sheriff is under scrutiny today after his cooperation with ice. >> reporter: a broad coalition of groups facing the county board of supervisors. to show their alliance with lauren's immigrant community. >> if you support those not standing, stand with us. >> reporter: and the supervisors are on board. lauren has joined with other counties to defend state sanctuary laws. but the sheriff does not support sp54. >> it is not immigration reform that is very deceptive.
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>> reporter: they released newspapers in 2017, they were notified of the release of 137 inmates and arrested 68 of them. the jail told ice about 172 people and ice picked up 65. >> when ice knows someone is going to be released, they notify us that they are going to pick them up and we do the exchange in the county jail. >> reporter: at a rally before the court, protesters said that doyle's ice run offices and other bay area jails and under pressure, sheriff softened slightly saying that they will no longer with ice and let them know of an immigrant's release unless they were a subject of a violent crime. >> we're required by law to share public information. >> if there are no charges
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against you, you can be picked up from the jail. >> reporter: the sheriff must steps back from the ice. >> it destroys immigrants and their family. >> sheriff doyle, do your job and enforce the law. >> reporter: the forums to share data and hear comments are required now in every california county under what is called the truth act. other than his budget, lawrence supervisors cannot control how the sheriff runs his jail. but he is an elected official. to the california wildfires, next thursday, california energy regulators will hold a hearing examming the practice of utility companies shutting off power in the hopes to reduce the risk of wildfires. they will meet in san francisco to discuss regulating the intentional blackouts. and power lines can spark wildfires or make them worse,
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they are also concerned with the problems of leaving communities without power. a final decision is pecked next year. california senator dianne feinstein said that california is not likely to get all the relief they requested before the end of the year. the state will not get the $9 billion that governor brown has asked for and they are working to get the status of relief funding. a spokesman for senator finestein said it is expected that the funding will come in a series of payments, not all at once. the federal government miss hand mishandled fema programs. they are greed on before the disasters happen. but the government accountability office analyzed the contracts and concluded that mishandling led to confusion and victims received limited assistance do to
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outdated strategies and unclear guidance. the wildfires that scorched northern california added stress to an already height housing market. >> reporter: we go to season home sonoma county where homes are needed, even more now. >> reporter: and now they need flat land to build small homes on said keith woods. >> the building world that is a lot easier to deal with than hillsides, slope lots and that is the biggest difference in the north bay. who is building successfully and who is not. >> reporter: in the last 14 months, the five major wildfires against the six northern california fireses have incinerated 21,000 homes. that is the equivalent of 85% of all the new homes built in
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those counties in the past decade. it guarantees that a severe housing shortage will persist in the coming years and the cost of homes will rise. there are a large number of people moving out and moving on. local contractors to build in california are and will continue to be overwhelmed. >> we had more lost homes before the butte tragedy, more lost homes than we have licensed contractors in the north bay. >> reporter: consider this. even if all 1500 in coffee park were completed tomorrow, a job in reality will take many years, there are still 19,500 homes to go in the six county burned area. lack of youthful interest in the building trades in the 1990s and the recession that knocked out half the home
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builder's work force is the problem. so the exchange created the construction core and they build trades in the building trade by literally building tiny home after tiny home. >> one in sonoma and, lake, napa and lauren county. >> what is tough about this time that happened is if it happened 7 years ago when there were more people available for work and the cost of materials and labor was not as high as it was now, it might be easier to rebuild more quickly. >> california will be the first state to require new homes to be equipped with solar panels. the mandate goes into effect 2020. it received the approval this week. environmentalists applaud it saying it will reduce the need
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of fossil fuels. >> we don't think this is the direction that we should be going. if we're serious about increasing housing supplies and lowering housing costs for california. energy officials estimate that the new requirement will add $10,000 to the cost of building a single-family home. but the costs will be offset by lower utility bills. we have new video do share with you in l.a. this morning. we see a homeless man pushing a pedestrian into ongoing traffic. you may find this video difficult watch. take a look at the left-hand side of your screen. you see the man the yellow jacket. and he gets up and pushes the man into the lanes of oncoming traffic. he is hit by a box truck. the suspect just walks away. we see the bystanders help the man who is down. he had broken bones and
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collapsed lung. the man that pushed him was later arrested. you see a man trying to break do you a door through a doggy door. the homeowner was lying in bed when the doorbell ring. she grabbed a weapon and raced downstairs and she and her dog were able to scare the intruder away. a man with lots of goats had many stolen. >> there were take being in santa clara county. >> this is big guy. >> reporter: at this ranch in south jose, brian allen, the owner of green goat landscapers, he had a herd of 300 goats and 60 of them are now missing. >> we had a teenager take one
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of our goats, but nothing like this. this is about 25% of our herd. this is a big hit for us. >> you would not see them because we purposely kept them out of the public view. >> reporter: sometimes thanksgiving weekend, the thieves broke the lot taking 60 goats. they discover is the broken fence. they hauled the gets away in allen's white trailer. >> they set up a pen area with hay and the goats would naturally go in. once they got them in the trailer, they drove away. >> his wife found the trailer a day later four miles away between butter field and highway 101. no goats inside. he suspected that whoever took them plan to start their own business or slaughter them for
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meat. >> we visited a butcher just to see if he had come across them or if he had any leads. >> reporter: for the allens, they are a part of the family and priceless. >> a lot of these we bottle fed. my daughter and i would go out on saturdays and sundays and feed the goats. >> is this big guy. we have chewy. >> reporter: they are hoping someone may have spotted the thieves as they took off. all they want are their goats back. >> it hurts. and my son's 3-year-old, she loves all of these guys. a nine-year-old went to the warrior's guard. and we'll see the generous gift. we have sunny skies. i wonder what the weekend is going to look like. we'll look at the answers in
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your weekend forecast. california phones offers free specialized phones... like cordless phones, - (phone ringing) - big button, and volume-enhanced phones. get details on this state program. call or visit
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an update to a nine-year- old napa girl that received a pair of seth curry signature shoes after the disappoint when they found out they do not come for girls. the warrior's star centered a pair of curry fives after she wrote him a handwritten letter for them to be sold in the girls' section. he was working with underarmor to fix the problem and promised her one of the first pair of the new curry sixers when they hit the market. till then, she has a pair and she has an invitation to watch the warriors in march. weekend is looking good. we have more rain in sight. it looks like it will come by the end of the weekend. maybe not till the overnight hours sunday into monday. more on this am could go --
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this coming up in a little bit. enjoying mostly clear skies at this point. we will be in and out of clear skies, partly cloudy at times but not a big deal when it comes to big changes. here's a look at sfo. san francisco right now 56 and santa rosa. upper 50s in livermore. san jose 59. the temperatures are within a few degrees for most, down by 4 degrees in santa rosa and nevada. livermore down by two. so minor changes going on today. we are in between systems. there's a look at the system that brought us the rain and the sierra snow earlier in the week. and it crossed over southern california and it is in the four corners. the next system coming our way is not going to rife till sunday night into monday. and it looks like a fairly week system. this is a look at what is going on right now. another view from the satellite
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showing that we're mostly clear. today, a dry day and a partly cloudy to mostly clear day. and the temperatures in the upper 50s to low 60s for the second part of your afternoon. there is saturday afternoon. notice we do begin to see a little bit of an increase in cloud cover by saturday. really sunday is when we'll call for partly sunny and mostly cloudy skies. and the searches will be a little cooler because of all the cloud cover in place. but the rain will hold off. it doesn't look to arrive sunday night into monday. we'll track it for you over the weekend if you need to know hour by hour. but right now it looks like it will hold off most of sunday as well. the next system expected to bring us a few 100th of an inch to a quarter of an inch. the winds about 20, 25 miles an hour. we're only likely to see a few inches. if you're going to the sierra, 20s in the overnight hours, 40s in the afternoon.
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mostly sunny tomorrow and partly sunny on sunday. this a look at the afternoon highs at home. upper 50s to low 60s. and the extended forecast showing you morning chill followed by mild afternoon. the next chance of rain sunday night. this std second oning back in the league's history with a 99 touch down rain. he joins tony dorsett as the
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only two for accomplishing that. denver coming to the bay area without their number one pass catcher. the broncos sanders is out for the season. and they are looking to improve from the worst record in the league. sunday's game is 12:05 in santa clara. the raiders could be playing one of their last games in oakland. raiders to look in the rebuilding mode after trading away murray cooper and mack to start the year. it could be hard for the silver and back to get a win sunday. the raiders are 10 point underdog dollars. it will be a 1:00 p.m. kickoff. after being named the host of the oscars, kevin hart is bowing out. what is the reason behind this decision.
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>> this week there are a number
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of ways to get in the holiday spirit. >> reporter: heading into the weekend and this is what is happening around the bay. the 2018 tree lighting and the milestone rock and holiday show will fill alameda city hall on saturday. the tree lighting starts at 5:30. in oakland, zoo light returns. enjoy lights and christmas true and santa. in san francisco, celebrate the parole lantern festival and parade. it goes to the winter gardens. it is on saturday. you can head to union square for the hanukkah lighting ceremonies going on every night through sunday night. in knowy valley enjoy 24 holidays and 24th street complete with high rides. watch dozens of brightly lit
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boats parade along on saturday 6 to 9 followed by fireworks and a dance party with some trucks. in the south bay, go into a winter market experience similar to villages through the austria, germany and switzerland. in sports, raiders and niners are home. and warriors and sharks are away. that is your weekend watch. kevin hart is stepping down as host for the oscars. this is after an outcry of homophobic tweets in 2010 and 2011. he said that he didn't need to apologize. >> i just got a call from the academy. they basically said, kevin apologize or we'll have to move on and find another host. these are tweets from 2009, 2010. that is the past. the reason this is in the past is because i've addressed this
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several times. i've spoken on t i've said where the rights and wrongs were. i said who i am now versus what i've done. i've done it. i'm not going to keep going back and tap into the days of old when i moved on and i'm in a different stage in my life. >> it was a couple days ago that he revealed that he was hosting the oscars and he said it was a dream come true. we're learning tragic new information about mass shooting at a southern california bar. >> the sheriff announced that sergeant -- that died in a gun fight with the suspect was hit by friendly gunfire as well. he was struck by six bullets, five of them from the suspect one from a chp officer that was responding to the scene. we're working to learn more on this developing story and we'll bring you that today on the 4. just a few minutes away from the closing bell. it's been a rough week for a
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lot of the stocks out there. the dow jones industrial average in the negative. it started the day in the positive. but currently down 540 points p and the nasdaq is down close to 3%. and the s&p 500 also deep into the negative down more than 2%. a new one we have a kind vending machine is getting a lot of attention because it sells bacon. it is selling strips of cooked bacon goodness at a dollar a slice. a new study shows that sleeping in on the weekends could repair your health. them that consistently sleep fewer than five hours are 65% you more likely to die early than those that sleep six or more hours a night. but those that slept at least nine hours at night on the weekend. >> nine hours at once?
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>> i think my body would go into shock. we'll be back here with more news come can be up at 4:00. till then meet us on
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