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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2 at 9am  FOX  May 8, 2018 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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major league baseball plan as returned engagement in 2020 and hopes american baseball can pick up a strong following across the uk. today at 9:00, we go live to washington, d.c. where president trump is just a couple of hours away from a major announcement on the iran nuclear deal. and we're live from the director of a south bay museum on a new exhibit using quilts to address gun violence. plus, giants world series champ jeremy affeld speaks to us about the championship. a beautiful looking shot here from san rafael toward san francisco. the city by the bay. this can't quite unwrap that morning blanket of fog out there. welcome to the 9 everybody. not just any boxes, boxes with
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furniture. like boxes from ikea and target. i was in a good mood yesterday and you know what i come home to. boxes of target. we talked about mother's day week. she put 95% of this together but she had some problems getting some of the bolts in and so forth. you know the allen wrenches and the directions and all of that. >> that stuff tells me i'm saving money so i'm okay with it. but that picture is probably the most romantic thing somebody can do for someone. >> i wouldn't call that romantic. >> do you guys have a pet peeve. your spouses they know it bugs them but you still move forward. you don't have to share if you don't want to but that's mine. she pushed me. >> my wife may be wondering. so let's chill on that for a minute. >> my husband is perfect so i don't have anything to share. but i think that's very sweet. i think a lot of people share
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the frustration. >> you can see mine later in the week. let's begin the forecast. president trump is expected to make a major announcement on the future of the iran nuclear deal. caroline swiby, the president is trying to blame kerry of trying to save the iran deal. >> reporter: the president taking to twitter to blast former secretary of state john kerry. accusing him of hurting his counting -- country. the tweet comes just hours before the president will announce if he will stay in the iran deal or pull out all together. kerry has been speaking with world leaders ahead of the renewal deadline four days from now. >> the world is safer with this agreement. >> reporter: the 2015 adream between the u.s., iran and five
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other world powers has been giving iran sanction relief in exchange for curving parts of its nuclear program. monday, a dozen democrats wrote the president asking him not to pull out of the deal. saying if the united states withdrawing from the nuclear accord, iran can remain in the plan and isolate the united states or continue their nuclear weapons program. >> i think the president has been clear about his demands for a better deal and i think that he will make his case to the american people today. >> reporter: iran may stay in this deal without the u.s. ktvu will bring you the
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president's announcement on the iran nuclear deal live right leer on ktvu news 2 at 11:00 this morning. we made our poll asking you about the nuclear deal. as we take a look 49% of you say it should remain in the deal. 39% say it should leave the deal. 20% of you say you don't know. mcgowen says i'm just waiting for gas prices to shoot up if he says no today. >> and jose says, no, what will come if we pull out of a deal we brokered with iran. >> susan says, my husband, rip was from iran. nothing good comes from this, they hate western culture. thank you for your responses. we will continue to take them through the day. thank you for using our hash
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tag # ktvu the 9. the lava flow continues to flow out of control destroying itself in its path. we want to show you time lapse picture of the lava moving slowly across the street. eventually swallowing up a car and taking out the power lines here it is. police have allowed some people to return home to pick up medication, of course their pets and also some important documents. almost 1,700 residents have homes that are near the lava. those individuals have been evacuated. shelters and relief centers are up and running. here at home and happening now. thousands of ucsf service workers are back on the picket lines for day two of a three day strike designed to pay attention to stalled contract talks. today dozens of technical employees are joining them to bring attention to what they think is a bad treatment of the
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work force. yesterday 10,000 service workers walked off the job. the average striking worker makes about $40,000 a year. hundreds of appointments have been canceled at various medical centers. because of the uc strike. camela harris is canceling plans to speak at uc davis. student organizers say she is fearless and vocal. yesterday senator harris tweeted quote, if were going to live up to our ideals as a nation it's critically we focus on economic equality and economic justice. carol crist will deliver the speech. ktvu's alex sadvidge is live in berkeley with changes that the group wants to see. >> reporter: good morning to all of you.
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this group wants safety im improvements to make it easier for pedestrians to cross. they're out here making sure that drivers stop for pedestrians. this pe pedestrian and others on bicycle boulevard need safety preventions. they say when they're not out here it can be especially difficult for people to cross this intersection. i want to bring out gary hurst. you're trying to call attention to what is a particularly dangerous intersection. how tough is it to get across here on a bike. >> we've been out here an hour. everybody who we're helping cross is thanking us. today we're making it an easy
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experience for them and they're thanking us for that. >> working on safety improvement project along this state highway. you want particular safety measures to be put in place in this intersection. what are you asking for. >> we're really pleased to hear that caltrans is going to put in a pedestrian crossing. we want to make sure a cyclist is going down here in berkeley. that it's easy for them to activate that beacon so they can get across this intersection easily. >> i know it's something that you want to make it so a bicyclist doesn't need to get off their bike to make it known that they want to cross the street. >> there's a way for the state to put on a video detention system.
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so if a bicyclist is coming the system will see them coming and it will prompt the system to let them cross. as parent it's one of the worse things that i do with my kids is come across san pablo or another intersection in berkeley. this improvement would be a great help for parents trying to get their kid to school. >> one of the organizers of today's demonstrations at san pablo avenue and virginia street. they are calling for safety improvements to make it easier. they're trying to have a particular type of beacon put in at this intersection.
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>> all right, alex sadvidge thank you. coming up next, speaking out on his behalf. coming up the appearance expected later this morning from the judge at the center of the brock turner case. >> also new information to bring you in the golden state killer case. up next the connection the dna of joseph deangelo has to a distant relative and the new evidence that says the killer may not have acted alone. tonight on the 10:00 news. >> people are walking through this. it's going down the street. it's disgusting. >> smells like you know spoiled eggs. it's unbearable. >> you see a lot of pieces on the sidewalk coming from the sewers. >> the work is not being done the way it should be done. >> all the sewage that comes from that pipe comes from 16 houses above me. >> how many times would you say you've called the city complained about this sewage? >> these records show 34 sewage
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overflows in the water ways. >> that wasn't mentioned the over all tone is does concern me. >> fix it. >> do something for me guys. come down here and fix up my neighborhood and put some new sewers in. >> we've asked the director to address these concerns on ktvu. you denied us sir. so i ask you know what is it really going to take to keep our city clean? -- so i ask you now, what is it really going to take to keep our city clean? for a fraction of what you'd pay at department stores, ♪ you gotta go to ross
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♪ for the latest styles where you'll spend less. ♪ spring dress. ♪ ♪ you gotta go to ross. if you want to save big on dresses for every occasion, you gotta go to ross.
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stocks are falling as oil prices decline ahead of that 11:00 a.m. announcement from the white house we're going to give you. whether or not the president is going to pull out from an iran deal. a very small drop on the s & p and nasdaq as well. we're now finding out how
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invest tkpweu -- investigators look for the bay area killer found him. deangelo has a rare marker. mortez proved her father was not a suspect but turned over her family history she had and gave the fbi permission to dig further. that led to deangelo who is now arrested. it's possible that deangelo had an accomplice during the early crimes but they believe the crimes were committed by deangelo alone. has resigned after being acued -- accused of multiple
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assault. >> reporter: including who who claimed he choked and hit them repeatedly often after drinking heavily. schneiderman denies assaulting the women. saying, i have engaged in role- playing and other consensual sexual activity. as he lost the support of democratic leaders including governor cuomo, schneiderman agreed to step down saying the allegations would be too much of a distraction for him to continue. >> and not in this state. if it's the president of the united states, if it's the attorney general of new york, nobody is above the law. >> reporter: in addition to focusing on women's issues, schneiderman raised his profile by taking on president trump
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pushing to change state law so he could prosecute the president's aids and filing lawsuits aimed at the trump organization in new york. his resignation now makes the status of that effort far less certain. >> would be related to some financial dealings here in new york city on his final days. that's the set back for that effort. >> reporter: schneiderman's interim replacement will be chosen by the state legislature. in new york, laura ingle, ktvu fox 2 news. voters in four states are heading to the states today. west va v, indiana, and ohio all supported president trump in the 2016 election but democrats hope to gain control in the house. perhaps the race most of the nation is following is the senate race in west virginia. republicans will choose between congressman evan jenkins, state attorney general patrick moresi
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and dan blankenship who served a year in prison for his involvement in a mining collapse. >> the six leading candidates for california senate will debate this afternoon. based on independent statewide polls, the debate will include, alice, cox, newsom and antonio villarosa. we will have more on this debate later in our newscast. wal-mart will start restricting opioids. wal-mart and sam club pharmacies are set to limit customer prescriptions to a seven day supply. these new rules align with the
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cdcs prevention guideline. wal-mart will follow state law for those who require opioid prescriptions to be filled for under seven days. according to the cdc, some 115 americans die every day from an opioid overdoze. >> a bill to limit how much opioid medication doctors can prescribe to children has cleared a big hurdle. the state assembly unanimously worked to prescribe opioids. there's a longer prescription that is necessary the bill now goes to the state senate. children who live in the capital of afghanistan are typically in danger if they play outside so they're typically staying indoors. some young girls are using their time wisely by learning coding. they've created 20 games so far and one is getting
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international attention. it's called fight against opium and it's a development of the afghan soldiers to destroy the opium farms and helping the government grow saffron the world's most expensive spice. coming up next on mornings on 2. a household item that's helping continue the conversation about gun control. the change that's creating comfort and social change.
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our 3 contestants are all at the big ikea table. contestant #1, impressive knife skills. but contestant #2 fights back by using fresh parsley. make room for the judge! what's your dream? at ikea, we help you live it. make the dream yours. when you said youe, sir. were at the doctor, but your shirt says you were at a steakhouse... that's when you know it's half-washed. add downy odor protect with 24-hour odor protection. downy and it's done.
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she pretty much lives in her favorite princess dress. but once a week i let her play sheriff so i can wash it. i use tide to get out those week old stains and downy to get it fresh and soft. you are free to go. tide and downy together. our 3 contestants are all at the big ikea table. contestant #1, impressive knife skills. but contestant #2 fights back by using fresh parsley. make room for the judge! what's your dream? at ikea, we help you live it. make the dream yours. right know the san jose museum of textiles are bringing attention to gun control. >> the museum is working with the city for a gun buy back
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later this year where people can exchange a weapon for a quilt and cash for more on this we're joined now in studio by nancy brevard the director of the exhibit. people may think museums and quilts maybe not too exciting but when you throw in the subject of gun violence. eyes kinds of pop. mine did for sure. why approach the subject this way. >> i consider ourselves an art museum. and art museums should bring attention to what is going on in our community. hoping finding we have more common ground in this complex and multi faceted issue. >> you mention the politics because any talk of gun restrictions is political, have youd had any push back even though you're not taking a
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stand toward the artists who are advocating for gun control. >> we haven't had any push back. people have been congratulating us for having the courage and taking the risk to do this. but with the art works and exhibition show this is not a two sided for or against second amendment. they are works who deal with gun suicide. so we have to talk about mental illness. they talk about children accidentally killing each others children. so we have to talk about gun safety and gun ownership. they are the sportsman and a couple of people dealing with sports hunting. >> and i'm a textile person. i'm stunned by the soft cozy of a quilt versus the hard metal of a weapon. >> we wanted today play -- we wanted to play off of that oximoronic situation. we're reaching out to the quilt
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making community asking them to donate comfort quilts, quilts to use not quilts to hang on walls and not quilts with guns on them. and we will support their buy back in december. >> it's been a political inspired speech through guilts. i keep thinking in the 80s and how powerful that became not only here in california but across the country even to this day. but when you walk through the museum. when you see the exhibits do you get a sense through these equipments how powerful the exhibit cans be. >> and how powerful the quilters voice can be. quilt makers made quilts promoting woman suffrage, prohibition. so having quilters use their quilts is not unusual. >> as a young girl i made latch
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work and while you're doing that you think about what this quilt will be. >> i think that textiles can be self-art. so you approach them in a different way than you might a marble sculpture or painting. you go up to them. you want to see them close up then when you get there you see there's a pretty powerful message. >> do you think this will inspire people who have not been quilters. i'm not a quilters as you probably can tell. pick up the -- >> i guess they do it on a sewing machine. >> do you think people will get into this by looking at this powerful exhibit. >> i think it will inspire people to make a quilt and send it to us so we can trade a quilt for a gun. something soft for something hard is always good. >> okay nancy. we have put more information to let viewers know about the exhibit. how you can get involved on our
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website at look for it on the web link section. you can also find it on the ktvu mobile app. nancy thank you again. exhibit runs through. >> through july 15th. >> got it. >> coming up next right here on mornings on 2 the nine. santa clara voters will vote to whether or not recall judge aaron perski. we're live in pa -- palo alto where he's expected to speak -- aaron persky. and several students robbed. the safety measures that school is taking now. ♪you've got a friend in me
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celebrate friendship and beyond at the first ever pixar fest with all new fireworks and your favorite park parades. only at disneyland resort. (crunching) ♪ dude, your crunching's scaring the fish. dude, they're just jealous. kellogg's raisin bran crunch... ...with crunchy clusters and the taste of... ...apples and strawberries. i got one! i guess we're having cereal for dinner. deliciously heart-healthy kellogg's raisin bran crunch.
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get what you love for less early dinner duos for $8.99. choose from over 50 delicious combinations and all the salad and breadsticks you want. from 3-5, monday through thursday. hurry in. it's early dinner duos, only at olive garden. welcome back to mornings on 2. we noticed the fog came in and they came in as gang busters. now it's kind of far steve. is it going to clear out before the afternoon. >> it will retrieve back to the
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coast but it's a similar pattern the next few days guys. and then we will look toward the weekend. and it will get windy the question is will it get warm by saturday and sunday. 52sfo for some it's cool for others it's not. yesterday was clear coast, bay inland today look at that fog bank. when it pushes in like that water temps are very, very cold. biggest drop will be coast and bay. and even inland temps will come down a little bit. east san jose yesterday 81 today, 71 degrees. there'll be a westerly breeze moving in as well. the part of the system that's pushing this fog in is just off in ukaih west. it's go up and then move into tpháe sra tka. some -- into nevada. there's a westerly breeze
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component. yesterday this was all calmed offshore so that's a big change for the next 24 hours. look for mostly sunny. partly skies inland. coast will be dealing with low clouds and fog. cooler today into wednesday. wednesday the coolest day. it's going to be sunny on the week end. the question will it be breezy and warmer. that's the way it's looking right now. but it's really cold. so tackle that again in a couple of days. 60s, 70s maybe some 80s. main weather can't settle on one other the other it's going to be one extreme to the other. this one is a cooler one for the next two days. >> steve, thank you. >> you got it. in just about an hour we're expected to hear from judge aaron persky. >> persky is the judge handling the case of brock turner, the swimmer. >> reporter: aaron persky is
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expected to speak publicly at this private event. it'll be the first time he will talk about the recall against him since the recall began two years ago. judge aaron persky in the judge of aaron turner. he sentenced turner to six months in jail. that sentence sparked anger across the country because many believe it was too lenient. the public outcry led to a recall of pesky. supporters turned in the necessary signatures and put that recall on the upcoming june 5 ballot. . persky is expected to answer questions about this for the first time today. the group is a group that opposes the recall of judge persky. they say it makes judges less independent and more easily influenced by popular opinion and politics. they said if people thought the
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sentence was too lenient the way to correct that is by changing the law not punishing the law. because the group that opposes the recall argued that persky followed the guidelines. 10:30 here in palo alto. we will be inside and have an update what is said, what is asked, what is discussed coming up today at noon. back to you guys. >> allie, thank you. we're also less than an hour away from the announcement from the president about the iran deal. just yesterday europe's foreign minister was in the u.s. to pitch to the administration to make some changes to the deal but not to end it. we will bring you the announcement live here on ktvu live two coming up this morning at 11:00. that brings us to the question of the day. what should the u.s. do about
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the iran nuclear deal. 39% say leave the deal and 20 20% say they just don't know right now. when it comes to treaties there must be continuum between administrations or the other countries will not trust the u.s. >> people are having a wait and see approach. >> you can weigh any time during the day. go to our twitter # ktvu. and delivered a tough message on illegal immigration. attorney general sessions says he has assigned an addition 35 prosecutors and 18 immigration judges to deal with an increase in immigration prosecutions. he said anyone entering the u.s. illegally will be prosecuted. and as a result, families may be separated. for more on some of the other headlines we have been working on let's go to dave clark. >> sal, thank you. here are some of the top stories we're following.
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ruben foster the 49ers linebacker just walked out of a santa clara courtroom after pleading not guilty. he is facing charges of domestic violence after his exgirlfriend said foster attacked at their home. but later changed her story saying foster never hit her and that she was angry because she thought he was dumping her. foster pleaded not guilty this morning. his lawyers asked prosecutors for records in the case. both foster's lawyers and the district attorney will be back in court on friday. foster will be back in court a week from thursday. in hawaii, at least 21 homes have been destroyed by the molten lava from the kilauea volcano. almost 1,700 people were evacuated. yesterdaysome of them were able to get back home for medication and important documents. scientists still can't predict when the lava flow might stop or how far it might spread. a san jose police officer is filing a claim against the
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city of san jose saying he suffered years of harassment. officer nabil hadar is a lebanese american. he says he endured racial taunts since joining the police department and was called nicknames like beirut bomber and isis. he also said fellow officers would make the sound of explosions when he walked by and insinuating he was a suicide bomber. he said last year the harassment reached a breaking point and was asked to be moved from the department to recruitment and took a pay cut. >> those are just some of your morning headlines. hey mike, sal, gasia i will send it back to you. >> dave, thank you. more information to bring you this morning on a story we covered yesterday here on the 9. >> dozens of college park high
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school students returned from the senior prom, to find dozens of vehicles had been broken into while seniors were dancing the night away. the students are now left replacing broken windows and canceling credit cards. >> some of the vehicles where windows were broken it was a mess. >> a lot of people were crying. a lot of my friends were mad. a lot of them were straight silent and keeping the anger and silence inside. >> it happened between 6:00 and mid-nighted on saturday night in a parking -- midnight on saturday night in a parking lot. seniors left for their ball to oakland on charted buses and they came back to this. broken window, belongings tossed on the ground. keys, valuables all missing. >> we come home to all of our
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cars smashed. everybody crying. we had a good night and it got ruined by a bunch of cars and people who broke our windows. >> in all, 37 cars were broken into. >> 37 auto burglaries is absolutely excessive. i mean, that's, and it could have been, it could have been committed in a short period of time. >> reporter: they believe high school rivals may be to blame. she said some of the victim's cars had silly spring strewn all over them. >> it was pink and green i believe. >> reporter: they're casting a wide net and have some leads. >> the idea that it may have been another school. that's certainly something investigators will look at. >> we will find hopefully the people or persons who have done this and have consequences. >> the parking lot was blocked
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off by gates but the burglars came in on foot. students say the lot was vulnerable and should have been guarded. >> we think it's pretty bad. i think they should have had police officers on campus or administration guarding the parking lot just because everybody leaves their purse and everything in the car. >> reporter: police and officials say they're considering having staff guard the parking lot next year. in pleasantville, henry lee, fox two news. i was looking on twitter yesterday and not only did that happen but at college park high school according to my friend who's a dj at 99.7 now. their dj did not show up. so somebody had to walk up with a phone and clipped it in. i think they need to do this all over. >> now there's a movement by strawberry my boy he's going to dj their prom for free if they
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can put that together. check some of this graffiti up. there was so much graffiti it must have been the work of serial taggers. this covered many businesses across the alameda and st. leo's the church. one merchant was about to paint over the graffiti when a contractor showed up to do the work. they haven't seen this much graffiti in one place. they're grateful the city has reacted as quickly as they did. >> if you don't get rid of it right away. you don't set the tone. graffiti does not play a part in a good ambience for the street. >> if the vandals are caught in addition to jail time they could be ordered to pay for the clean up. researchers just released a study saying the risk for dementia doubles following a
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concussion. that includes blows to the head that does not include unconsciousness. for concussions with a loss of consciousness the risk is slightly higher. yesterday, one of the authors of the study explained the message behind the findings. >> of course what we really want to do is prevent any kind of traumatic brain injury or concussion. you know you can't stress safety enough. so wearing helmets, wearing your seat belt. >> the study also found that those who suffered a traumatic brain injury were four times more likely to suffer from dementia. the study appears in the latest
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issue of the medical journal. google is going to develop a conference to help parents on how much time their children spend. the voice activated digital helper. the conference begins in about an hour. former giants speaker afelt is off the mount and on the trading floor. up next we're going to talk to him live about the events that he participated with that has hick striking rich for charity. >> and 8:00, lisa followed by new girl. after that the 10:00 and 11:00 news.
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led california's fight ofor clean, renewable energy.or he cleaned up pollution at the port of l.a. and created more good-paying jobs. antonio villaraigosa for governor.
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btig is a global financial services company that specializes its institutional trading and investment banking. >> today they have celebrity traders. >> make a trade, make a difference. tell us what this is about. >> a couple of years ago i wouldn't have been able to tell you what this is about. but the last few years i've been able to get to know btig and what they stand for. for me it's right up my alley. they get their clients together for the trades they do. when the clients ask them to make trades they donate back to children in need. whether it be worldwide nationally. they get a pwufrpbl of -- they get a bunch of celebrities.
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we have actors and actresses and people from all across sports. it's really cool to be part of this community and organization. basically over the last 20 years has given back $109 million to children in need. i'm meeting other people in the community that's about the same thing. to know that there's something out here like this and the clients they bring in. the clients that they have and that they trade for. what an amazing day. it's been great to be a part of it. >> you're able to support your own organization. tell us about generation alive. >> yeah, one of the charities and i'm very thankful that they give to is generation alive. it's a charity i started. a nonprofit i started. what we try to do is build up certain leaders which is exactly what btig has. we're trying to almost let children know and kids from elementary all the way up through college. all the way up to young adults
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they always know there's poverty in the community but not necessarily understanding the pain that poverty causes. we want to try to not only bring that to light and show all the young adults what pain poverty causes but also how to alleviate that pain. we package meals, we do backpacks that we end up packing backpacks that have things for some of the women that were rescued how to help them. we dabble in different areas of poverty throughout the community and try to find what those pains are. both in the bay area and in the northwest. i'm very happy to be a part of it. corporate people in need and we packaged 50, 60,000 backpacks. we're pretty excited to do what we do and we're excited that bdig -- btig is doing what they're doing today. >> you keep close tabs on your
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former team. last night's loss aside, what do you think of the team so far this year? >> oh great. i mean five series wins in a row. like last year you couldn't buy a one series win. so the way these guys have come out and played the last few times, yeah you're going to have games like last night. especially when the phillies are hot at home. they hit well at home. it was just one of those games but i think over all this team has shown a lot of life and they have a lot of these young guys coming up being spark plugs. you have the young starters, the three young starters, straton, florez that have stepped in and doing a good job. so to see that these young starters have come up and held their own and they're basically a couple of games out of first place. you have to be excited with this team.
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if they can get together and be healthy. they're going to be fun to watch. we were running video of you working the phones. what do you know about trading. are you getting some tips from some of the traders there. >> give us some tips if you don't mind. >> basically pitching. i didn't know how to pitch either. buster had to tell me what to throw and i just threw what he told me. and they said what do you think. i said buy it. i said all right buy it. so i'm kind of learning a little bit. but it's a chaotic deal here. they have screens and they're looking at numbers bounce all over the place. and it's a high trust thing. as a client you have to trust these guys know what they're doing. and these guys have to be able to say i can't take it because there's a lot of people that have a lot of money involved here. there's a lot of intelligence that goes way beyond my pay grade. it's a chaotic place. i think there's more pressure here than at the world series. >> i don't know about that.
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>> i don't know. >> i mean i watched you come in. i watched you come in on those world series games and you were the king of cool. and here we have a picture of you running out on to the mound. obviously you miss it. how much do you miss it? >> you know what. i don't necessarily miss the every day stuff. it's a grind. it's 162 games in 180 games. it is a grind out there. and you're gone a lot. traveling to all these different time zones and you just get physically tired of that for me personally. but you miss the comradery. you're with a bunch of guys all the time. i mishaving -- miss having fun with those guys on the field. and compete, you're never going to find a way to compete at that level again. but i miss the play off atmosphere because it's electric as it gets. back against the wall. every pitch matters and it's just an intense game. that to me is some of the best competition i've ever been a
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part of. >> for giant fans they remember. i know the giant fans are in philly, they will never forget game six in 2010 and what you did on the hill. >> i was there. you're the man. >> appreciate your time jeremy. >> all right, thank you. >> to come in as relief, keep the phillies close and win the game. >> thank you jeremy adfeldt. the reason more divorced parents say they're being forced to live with each other even after they call it quits.
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a new report is highlighting the expensive price of living here in the bay area. according to the san francisco chronicle more divorced parents are forced to live with each other even though they've split. the report credits the price of housing and parenting their kids. instagram is going to allow users to add music. it's not clear when this
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feature will be announced. >> the stars were out last night at the annual met gala. many many gowns were just extraordinary. the gala is a fund raising benefit for the metropolitan museum of art which wells stars. katie perry and her angel wings signifies the opening of the costume museum. in sports, the oakland a's were blasted out 16-2 by houston. mrs.piskoti died sunday night from als. on the field, the a's struggled. springer went six for six in the game. by the end of the fourth
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inning. the astros led by 11 runs. the a's and astros will play again tonight. the giants they also got blown out 11-0 as we mentioned earlier they're on the road again out there in philadelphia. >> he's got some power. just like that. high and deep. and gone. >> jeff samargia was out on the mound. the bullpen struggled as well allowing an additional six runs giants and phillies go at it again tonight. >> major league baseball is taking the page from the nfl's play book when it comes to expanding its fan base. next year two of america's the oldest baseball team will play a two game series in london. the yankees will face off against the red sox in mid- june. major league baseball plans to bring out 55,000 people to the game. major league baseball plans a
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return engagement to the united kingdom in 2020 and hopes baseball can pick up a strong following in europe. the warriors lead the pelicans in the best of seven series. after dropping game three the warriors came storming back for a big dominating win in game four. tonight's tip off around 7:30. if the warriors win they will likely play the houston rockets. houston can wrap up its series with the jazz. that game tips off at 10:00. >> if both win the game will be friday. rapper kendrick lamar as canceled his concert tonight to accommodate the play offs. getting word from the associated press that its sources say president trump is
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set to withdraw the united states from the landmark nuclear deal with iran. and that would be considered a blow to u.s. allies. this is crossing the ap right now. of course we're going to bring you live coverage of the president's address on the iran deal coming up right here on ktvu fox 2 this morning at 11:00. >> that's it for us this morning. thanks for watching everybody. enjoy the rest of your morning. again, we'll see you back here at 11:00. n:3:3:3
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>> announcer: live from new york city, it's "the wendy williams show." ♪ now, here's wendy! ♪ [cheers and applause] >> wendy: hello! everyday is a party here. thank you so much for watching. say hello to my cohost, my studio audience. how you doin'? >> audience: how you doin'? >> wendy: i'm doing okay. let's get started. time for hot topics


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