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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2 at 6am  FOX  April 27, 2018 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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arrest of the golden state killer. we'll tell you about the technology used to connect him to the crime. >> good morning, thank you for joining us on this friday morning april 27th almost the end of april. >> almost. >> i'm pam cook. >> and good morning i've dave clark. let's talk about your morning weather. steve is off today but rosemary is in her office. >> can't believe it almost coming to the end of april. good morning to you. the final weekend of april going to be a little cool. not too bad. a mix of sun and clouds and we're starting with a mix of sun and clouds. isn't that a gorgeous shot for you right there. we will be partly sunny for the day. we'll clear out a little bit more. here's another shot a we look out toward san francisco from ktvu. san francisco 54 degrees with mostly cloudy skies. 46 in santa rosa. 55 in oakland. how 50s in livermore and for
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san jose as well. you may notice the clouds over san francisco. here's a look at the model, we get into lunchtime and we're still dealing with partly cloudy and mostly cloudy skies. we clear out a little bit better by the afternoon. temperatures will be cooling off a little bit more as we get into the afternoon. here's a look at what you can expect for hayward. east bay shore. we would like to include all the communities from san leantro to berkeley to emeryville and oakland. 50s for the start of your day. it takes until lunchtime where we hit 60. here's a look at san rafael 67. 60degrees the afternoon high in san francisco. so if you're going to see the giants play a little bit later this evening, six in livermore. i'll have a look at your giants forecast, your weekend forecast in a few minutes. right now traffic is going to be backed up at the bay
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bridge it's about a 15 minute delay before you make it on to the span. i do want to mention that the traffic on highway 24 eastbound a little bit slow getting into the tunnel but westbound looks good. you may have heard of the accident we've been talking about here. it looks like things are clearing up. let's talk about the rest of the east bay commute. you can see interstate 880 in oakland looks good if both directions a we pass the coliseum. as we're driving past highway 1 traffic looks pretty well. we also have traffic in the peninsula. we're doing pretty well. we have that problem on 238 northbound 238 near 880. there's a little bit of a back up there. but it's not as bad as i thought. so we're definitely getting some lighter volume. 602 let's go back to the desk. >> later today joseph deangelo the man who authorities say is the golden state killer will be in a sacramento courtroom after authorities confirm his
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relatives dna on a genealogy website led to his capture. investigators say they used a genealogy website to see if they could find a match to dna samples from some old crime scenes. alex sadvidge joins us now to tell us how investigators followed the dna and found a killer. >> reporter: it paid off in a big way. they took dna samples from crime scenes linked to the golden state killer and compared them against data bases from commercial genealogy websites. we're not clear exactly which companies may have been ewed here -- may have been used here but some of the most
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popular sites are23 and me. they found a distant relative of the golden state killer. investigators built a family tree and drew in closer and closer to the suspect. now according to the san francisco chronicle detectives working the golden state killer case got a court order compelling one of those commercial genealogy websites to work with investigators comparing the dna samples. however two of those companies,
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23 and me and say they do not have a warrant in this case. and in this case a website helped find a suspected killer who had avoided capture for decades. >> how incredible. >> you have to imagine law enforcement is going to look at this particular case and see how successful this tactic was here. we're also hearing from one couple who was terrorized by the serial rapist 40 years ago in 1978 they say he broke into their home in stockton. >> said in no uncertain terms he was not going to kill him if i didn't tie him and if he did not cooperate. >> reporter: the hardwoods say the intruder forced her to tie
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up her husband tightly. then the intruder stacked up dishes on his back so if he moved the attacker could hear him and said he would kill him if he moved. she was raped for two hours until the suspect left. moon jae-in and kim jong-un met early this morning for the first time and the world was watching. doug zetter joining us with more of what happened during that meeting. what did happen? what do we know? >> reporter: it's pretty incredible and it seems to have gone pretty well. it was something to watch when kim jong-un crossed the north
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korean border, the first north korean leader to do that since the korean war which technically remains in play even to today. that requires a lot of negotiating. the question is what does kim jong-un want out of this. and with there down the line be strings attached that desolve all of this. we do not know. we do know there will be a summit between president trump and kim jong-un. >> this is also spell bounding to watch. what do we know about the impact on the nuclear situation between the koreans? >> well, you know, that's kind of the elephant in the room. there's been a long concern that kim jong-un has progressed
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too far down the line to having a nuclear bomb. every analysis that you see or read or hear about kim jong-un is that survival of the regime is paramount with him. so will he really be willing to give up this kind of technology? that's still a big question right now. >> you touched on it briefly. we know president trump is scheduled to meet with kim jong- un. what impact do you think this may have on this meeting? >> president trump seems pretty fired up based on his tweets this morning. he seems very excited of this prospect of ending the korean war ultimately. so everything seems to kind of be falling in line for this summit between trump and kim to actually take place. we still have to work out the details where and when it will take place and so on. it's also important to note that a lot of things can go
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wrong between now and then. but it is, it is kind of on the glide math now to taking place. >> douglas zader as always thank you for the update from washington. >> thank you. this morning bill cosby remains free on $1 million bail after a pennsylvania jury found him guilty yesterday of sexual assault in a retrial on felony charges. cosby was accused of drugging and sexually assaulting andrea constand at his home near philadelphia back in 2004. his attorney argued that the sexual contact was consensual and described her as a liar and con artist. jurors learned in 2006 cosby paid constand $3.4 million in a civil settlement. >> what was revealed is a man who has spent decades preying on women he drugged and sexually assaulted and a man who had evaded this day here today for far too long.
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>> reporter: the 80-year-old cosby faces up to 30 years in prison. our time is now 6:10. still ahead. redesigning the toll plaza at the golden gate bridge. the key vote today that could decide what a new toll scanner would look like. >> and a man was killed in a fire at a mobile home park at san jose. more on the efforts to save a child that may have led to his death. death. outside our doors, our unseasonably cool pattern will continue. we will show you what you can expect for the rest coming up. of pure alchemy.
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the creation of something from nothing. first stands on no shoulders. it follows no footsteps. to first, the view ahead is wide open. the only thing that first chases&is possibility. you know what we make. first makes us who we are. we need to help more tocalifornians get ahead.d, that's why antonio villaraigosa brought both parties together to balance the state budget with record investments
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in public schools... and new career training programs. as mayor of la, he brought police and residents together to get illegal guns off the streets and keep kids out of gangs, and on the right path. that's antonio villaraigosa. a governor for all of california.
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welcome back to mornings on two. >> yeah another homeless sweep expected today. it'll be at an encampment in santa rosa. dozens of people were evicted last week from a plot of land off sebastapool row. the eviction is set for 2:30 this afternoon. many people there at the encampment say they have nowhere else to go. time is 6:13, the fatal fire in san jose is still under investigation. it was first reported last night about 5:00 at a mobile home park on hermitage street near highway 237. firefighters found the body of a man in his 20s in the mobile home. it's possible he ran back into the burning home searching for
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his niece. fire crews started a frantic search of the entire mobile home park when they were told a 4-year-old girl was missing. the 4-year-old female who was earlier reported as missing has been located she is unharmed. >> reporter: we're back out there live. these are live pictures right now of the mobile home we've been telling you about. turns out the little girl was at another mobile home with relatives. police have not told us the name of the man who died nor a possible cause of that fire. a contra costa firefighter has directed county staff to investigation allegations of radio active material being dumped at the bailey road landfill. this comes after reports of wrong doing at the hunters
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point naval shipyard in san francisco. deltatec are responding to allegations whether radio active material was disposed of properly. deltatec says they followed all work plans. they say they have worked hard to make the shipyard safe for future use. still they want to make sure that they were not send contaminated materials. our time now 7:15, let's get you moving out on this friday. >> we're looking at the commute that has had a couple of glitches but the traffic volume is a little lighter and that's going to help us out on this friday. lots of times on friday we look forward to lighter commutes. this is a look at the mute here on westbound bay bridge. it's backed up out to the maze. the metering lights are on. this is a 50 minute delay before we make it to the span. we haven't had a lot of traffic
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in oakland. it actually looks very nice. traffic is moving along relatively well if you're driving on highway 1 or highway 101, you can see how nice it is. hopefully it'll stay this way. san mateo and dunbarton bridge also doing very well. >> it's a cloudy start to the day sal and we do have temperatures on the cool side as well. 40s and 50s to start the day, 70 degrees to end. mostly cloudy skies to go around. temperatures very similar to yesterday. here's storm tracker 2 giving you another birds eye view of what's happening out there. the system off the coast continuing to bring us the unseasonably cool weather. the cloud cover it. it has mixed out the marine layer. here's a look at rain that has fallen over the area like oregon. meanwhile we have temperatures that will remain on the cool
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side getting into today. tomorrow and into saturday. here's your friday afternoon. we are expected to turn partly cloudy. getting to the second part of the day. here's a look at saturday. mostly cloudy. maybe even a little bit of drizzle to start the day. a we get into the afternoon more of the same with a mix of sun and clouds and temperatures not going to change a whole lot. i'll show you that in the extended forecast. let's head to lake tahoe. if you're headed in this direction, be prepared for a cool one. upper 30s to mid-40-degrees on saturday. just the same on sunday and a very slight chance 20 20% that we may see a few sprinkles there. a mix of rain and snow mix on sunday. here's a look at temperatures here at home where we're 54 degrees to start the day in san francisco. 54 in walnut creek. in the north bay 46 in santa rosa. cloudy and cool for you there. here's a look at the peninsula, 55 in belmont, 55 for san mateo. as we get into your forecast
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for the later part of the day, temperatures going into the low 60s for the afternoon. a lot of 60s to start the morning but notice we don't really budge a whole lot. takes a toll by noontime. afternoon highs for today 60 degrees in san francisco. 67 for concord. in the north bay 64 for nevato. a cool one at the coast for the second half. low 60s for santa cruz and for our south bay, 70 degrees expected for morgan hill. if you're going to see the giants play this evening, mid- to upper 50s. a little breezy out there. bring along the jacket. here's a look at your extended forecast. our temperatures to start the morning both saturday and sunday, mid-40s to mid-60s afternoon highs. sun and clouds. so very subtle onthe -- on the changes for the weekend.
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we may get some rain later on next week. >> don't say that. as dave would say, his friend cooler is in town. and we're going to introduce you to the team's first round pick and the player the team traded for last night. >> the federal government wants to tighten the leash on fake service animals. the push to fine people who lie about needing special help. the nfl draft is back on prime time starting at 4:00. after that it's the big bang theory and modern family. end your night with the 10:00 news and 11: 11:00 news.
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i bet your wondering what my theme is pam, dave. >> i'm thinking musical. >> fans you wish made a come back. you know why. because abba is making a come back. >> i took my mom to see mama mia. >> they broke up in 1982. they're going to release a new
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song. we started thinking here in the newsroom, what band would you like to see come back. if there's a band you wish would get back together. send me a song by them will you. just go ahead and send me up on facebook, instagram and twitter. for me it's lez zepellin -- led zepellin. right now a congressional sub committee is discussing how to stop those fake robo calls. an appeals court struck down statutes that were intended to limb robo calls. the court ruled the regulations were too broad. our time is 6:23, later today we're going to see the new electric bus for sam trans. sam trans ordered 10 of the
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buses from protera. sam tran calls this a bill step toward going 100% electric by the year 2023. it will soon cost my to visit muir woods. starting january 1st visitors will have to pay $15 to get in instead of 10. the annual pass will also go up. children three and under will still be able to get in for free. the increase will help pay for the park's aging infrastructure. and there's a crack down on travelers who fly and falsely claim their pets are service animals. passengers have claimed pets like kangaroos and peacocks
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were really support animals. major airlines are also getting tougher with their rules. the the amount of service animals on flights increase by 80% last year. amazon is raising the price of its annual fee. word of the price hike comes just a week after amazon ceo announced that amazon has 100 million members worldwide. new prime members will be charged the higher price starting may 11th. renewals will go up in june. amazon executives say the price hike will help cover costs including higher shipping fees. our time is 6:25, and we're talking history today. the mayor knew along the peninsula of korea. what today's meeting between the leaders of north and south korea might mean to ending the korean war. and a first for the new b.a.r.t. extension into the north bay. the single tunnel route that has never been done before. good morning we still have
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traffic that's pretty light in many areas. although it is getting busier here on some of the east bay commutes. mm >> outside our doors this morning a mostly cloudy start. cool temperatures expected for today and into your bay area weekend. i'll detail this for you coming up.
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good morning, well k-pl --
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welcome back. thank you for joining us here on mornings on 2. it's friday april 27th. i'm dave clark, thank you for waking up with us. >> i'm pam cook. >> tgif to you. we have mostly cloudy starts out there to start the day. we will continue our cool down. the cloud not quite a low in fact, the system off the coast is providing us with cooler weather, the cloudier weather. the possibility that there may be a little drizzle. the widespread low cover not with us today. 54degrees to start your morning under mostly cloudy skies in
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san francisco. 46 in santa rosa. mid-50s oakland. low 60s in livermore and san jose. everybody included in that cloud cover at this hour. a we get into the afternoon partly sunny. here's our lunchtime. looks like we could remain with the clouds throughout the day. a little breezy for some and cool. upper 50s in pacifica for today. 60s in san francisco. 66 in santa rosa. upper 60s in antioch. upper 60s san jose. not a lot of change going into your bay area weekend. i will detail those for you in the extended forecast coming up. let's check the highways this morning with sal. hi sal. >> good morning. we do see traffic that's going to be busy if you're driving on the roads starting off with the east shore freeway on 80 westbound. no major problems heading out to the mcarthur maze and traffic is moving along relatively well. there have been no major
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issues. at the bay bridge those metering lights are on. you can see the traffic is a little lighter once you get on to the span. 880 traffic is looking good sew far as you pass the coliseum and if you're driving on highway 101 san francisco, northbound 101 traffic continues to look good all the way into downtown. 6:31 let's go back to the desk. >> all right thank you sal. new this morning a major breakthrough between north and south korea. north korean leader kim jong-un crossed the border to the south and walked hand in hand with south korea's president. after their historic meeting they announced plans to push for three way talks with the u.s. or perhaps four way talks with the u.s. and china. now they want to officially end the korean war which stopped an arm assist but left korea still technically at war. >> this is a historic occasion of course. it's the first time kim jong-un has been willing to literally cross into south korea.
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the first time any north korean leader has probably since the korean war. but this is also setting the stage for the eventual summit between president trump and kim jong-un. >> we're cautiously optimistic about upcoming hearings but we recognize that he's been a murderous dictator who's been dishonest on the national stage many times before. >> north and south korea have agreed to stop all hostile acts that can cause military tensions and clashes. they also agreed to suspend all loud speaker propaganda broadcast at the border starting may 1st. north korean leader kim jong-un is expected to meet with president trump sometime in late may or june. now, our question of the day is, do you believe the recent developments will increase the relations between north and south korea? let us know. let us know what you think by
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commenting on our facebook page. here is a look at the results so far. 60 60% of you thinking these developments will help the relations between the u.s. and south korea. 102 votes in. we would like to hear from you. let us know what you think. 72-year-old joseph deangelo expected to make his first appearance in a sacramento courtroom today. he is the suspected serial rapist and killer who terrorized communities all over california in the 1970s and 80s. prosecutors confirmed they used a genealogy website to see if dna samples from crime scenes matched anyone in the data bases. authorities say the data base revealed the family tree that included one of the deangelo's relatives. also we have learned that a 13th killing has also been linked. now taking a fresh look at all
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cases -- a fresh look at cold cases to see if deangelo is linked. and yesterday they seized documents from his home. neighbors are still shocked he lived near by. >> it shakes you to the core. especially when you grew up with the fear of him and then to find out he -- he lives around the corner. a man accused of killing two young freemont women over a decade ago is expected to be in court this morning. mitch is currently in prison for killing another woman in 1989. he was identified as a suspect years ago but it took advances in dna technology before an arrest could be made. he is expected to enter a plea
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today if convicted, mitch could face the death penalty. the family of three children who were killed by their mother 20 years ago is asking the governor to reject a plan to release her from prison. the parol board has found hogg suitable for parol. she is accused of killing her three children in their room in daly city. she was sentenced to 23 years to life in prison. the board has final say but family members plan to hold a news conference on why she should not be paroled this afternoon. both -- that she made up the allegations because she was upset that foster was breaking
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up with her. the das office is not commenting on that decision. now legal and domestic violence experts say prosecutors may believe they have enough evidence to make their case even without the cooperation of the alleged victim? a mother from sasoon city is facing charges for putting her children in the locked cargo of a u-haul truck. someone called 911, when police arrived they found the children locked in the cargo area of the truck. yesterday the demolitions
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crews started tearing down what is left of an apartment complex. the people who live next door have not been able to go home baa of fears the building that burned may collapse. firefighters were still putting out hot spots from that fire on tuesday morning. the crews say they've made progress but there are still concerns. >> there still is a danger of collapse that could impact those units. and secondarily, the county health department has identified health issues related to the air quality. investigators say it's still too early to know how the fire started. the apartment building that burned was still under construction. we're keeping an eye on this. we're back out at the scene this morning. these are live pictures. you can see what is left out there as we're speaking to you now. the demolition work still a lot needs to be done and the camera is panning around showing you
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the damage. you also see where the federal agents are camped out there. there's a lot of work to be done. that work and the investigation is expected to resume today. more than $2 billion will soon be invested in local transportation projects. that grant money is paid for by sb1 the gas tax. there's also money to improve the interchange with highway 4. and the capital corridor train will receive funding to rerout trains so they connect with transit in the freemont area. a project to help congestion is also in line for $9 million. that will help pay to turn run
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of the lanes as an hov. the gas tax will provide $730 million toward bringing the rail system to the south bay. this comes at the b.a.r.t. board of directors last night approved a single tunnel to reach the south bay instead of two. according to the mercury news, work would be done deep over ground. it's a method that previously has been used in barcelona's subway system. the golden gate bridge, highway and transportation districts may approve a new design today for a new toll collection system. the board of directors due to make a decision this morning. now district officials say the current toll booth they are old and outdated and have to be replaced. the new equipment will be mounted on an overhead structure called a gantry it will go up south of the current location. the new system is expected to be in place by the year 2020.
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starting on monday morning, engineers are expected to begin a week of inspections on the golden gate bridges towers. this is the first time the transportation district will get up close to really inspect the towers. they're doing a method called arms length inspection. engineers will be strap on to ropes and pullys and they will be looking for rust and other problems. and a homeless encampment is set to be cleared out today. and the commute does not
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look too slow as you approach the 80 split. >> our cool down will continue as we get into your bay area friday. i will take a look at what you can expect for today and into your weekend coming up. ♪ ♪ get high speed internet from at&t. $30 per month. no extra monthly fees. more for your thing. that's our thing.
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welcome back to mornings on 2. seller earnings helping the markets out again. amazon in with much better than expected earnings helping the dow. dow only up 11 points but amazon stocks up $91.
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actually now it's up $92 a share. more than 6%. $1,611 buys you one share in amazon. >> wow. >> time is 6:44. the oakland raiders were busy during the nfl draft. trading down for more picks. then they made my buddy pam cook who went to ucla very happy. with the 15th pick in the 2018 nfl draft, the oakland raiders select colton miller offensive tackle ucla. where did he go? >> ucla. i wish they had gotten colton miller as well. >> >> he got the lenght. he's got the great feet and you talk about playing at the second level pulling. this guy has a lot of talent.
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we think if we can get him with that off screen. and coach kay working on him and he's going to flourish. >> mackenzie is happy. after they drafted miller the raiders traded to pittsburgh for thomas who had 15 catches last year. he was suspend for all of the 2016 season because he violated the nfl substance abuse policy. and the 49ers surprised some fans by drafting what they hoped was the future corner stone for the offensive line. >> with the ninth pick in the 2018 nfl draft, the san francisco 49ers select, mike mcglinchey. offensive tackle, notre dame. >> 49ers general manager john lynch says mcglinchey impressed them when they met him during
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scouting. >> he was the guy who came in and owned the room. and everyone felt it wasn't just me. kyle felt that way. our coaches that were in the room felt that way. our scouts in the room. he has a special presence to him. he's real, he's authentic and he's a bad as and we love that. mcglinchey's cousin is matt ryan. our round two and three of the nfl draft begins today. the raiders have two picks. the 49ers have three. and you can get all your local news if you don't necessarily want to watch all the draft you can still watch news. that's over on ktvu plus. we have everything for you. >> what do you want to say to sal? >> no first we have to go with gasia. >> oh yeah we do. >> gasia what's coming up in the next hour. >> coming up in the next hour, a three day strike that could
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affect all uc schools and several other institutions is set to happen in the coming days. why some 25,000 union workers say they're going to strike and why they recently rejected a proposed wage increase. also sharpen your eyesight and improve your mood all with a few bites of chocolate. what's in chocolate that researchers says carries those benefits on why that kind of chocolate you eat can change the benefit you see. so i raided the snack cabinet this morning and i will tell you this is i think 85% cacao, the darker the chocolate the better for you. >> and even one for me. >> one for you, one for jade. i will bring those in to you. >> i love when there's good news about chocolate. questions, should teenagers take a nap at school? a new study says they should. >> researchers at the university of delaware says naps can improve brain function
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in early adolescents. i'm a big napper. >> we support napping. >> we support napping for sure. >> and sal, i have to let people know that your traffic jam. what band you would like to get together. i heard fleet wood mack has two new members and they're going to go back on if road. >> i do not approve with them somehow parting ways with lyndsey buckingham. >> it sounded mutual. he didn't want to go on tour right. >> i don't know about that. but to me fleetwood mack is not fleetwood mac without lyndsey buckingham. >> so sal is not happy. >> no, no, no. i feel like that guy in the
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office. no no. all right good morning everybody. let's go over and take a look at the commute now. traffic is moving along pretty well if you're driving on the bridge as you saw right at the bay bridge toll plaza. it is backed up all the way back to the maze. so it's not lighter than usual but look at that cloud formation. my goodness. it's getting slower as you head toward the downtown area. if you're driving on highway 101 it looks okay. san mateo bridge is slower than the dumbarton bridge. highway101 doesn't look bad and if you're driving on livermore the traffic here in the east bay has been a nice break considering what we've had the last few days. rosemary let's go to you with the weather. >> now for some good news. in time for the bay area
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weekend the cool down continues. providing us with some beautiful shots. giving you a look there. sam had a nice one in his traffic cam. here's another nice one for you heading to san francisco and san jose. hello sunshine. we'll be partly cloudy and mostly sunny for the day. the cool down will continue through today and into your weekend. you can see all that cloud cover in place system off the coast right off the coast of cape mendecino is going to continue to provide us that on shore breeze. that cooler weather. a little bit of rain over northern california, oregon into washington. we may see a few patches of drizzle but we're not expecting to see much more than that. but again, the unseasonably cool weather will remain in place for your last weekend of april. can you believe it? here's a look at the futurecast model for you by the afternoon. we're looking at partly cloudy skies. a little bit of rain over northern california. it could be a little breezy here at home as well.
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here's a look at tomorrow morning, make waking up with a little bit of drizzle out there. by the afternoon we're looking at good conditions once again with partly cloudy skies and temperatures not going to change a whole lot. here's a look at what we're seeing right now. 46 to start the day in santa rosa, 54. for the city of san francisco along the peninsula, 52 redwood city. and for the inner east bay 53 to start your morning. and livermore temperatures for the inner east bay, 50s. 51 in moraga, here's the afternoon highs for you mid-60s for san rafael. 66 for santa rosa. i pulled these numbers back a little bit. upper 60s for the inner bay. 60s for the city of san francisco. for the south bay 68 expected for san jose. here's a look at your giants forecast. 60degrees the afternoon high in san francisco. as we get into the evening hours, 56 degrees right around
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game time at 7:15 and we will continue to cool as we get into the second part. that west breeze at 15 miles per hour. partly cloudy skies. always a good idea to bring along a jacket. here's a look at the extendedded forecast starting out in the 40s, low 50s: a mix of sun and clouds. a bit of a warming trend as we get closer to that. >> sounds good, thank you rosemary. tracking down the golden state killer. how popular genealogy websites in dna might play a role in other cases. and a massive new building for the san francisco conservatory of music. the 12 story high rise that will house students and a performing arts center. play "do it like this".
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[music plays] [dog barks] [concert roaring] [music stops] dinner in 5.
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when everything's connected. it's simple. easy. awesome.
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♪[music] >> what group do you wish would get back together? alba is getting back together. someone said the pretenders. i didn't know they were broken up. john mccarthy called it.
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-- called it. no. what are we, back in 1988? he tweeted it. if there is a band that you wish would get back together, send us an electronic message like we do in 2018. >> we will take the tenth caller. thank you, sal. well, the san francisco conservatory of music will expand its campus at the civic center. it will include a 12-story building on van ness right across from city hall. the complex will be called the bose center. it will have two concert halls, classrooms, a restaurant and a recording studio of course. the concert halls will hold hundreds of performances annually which will be mostly free and open to the public. construction will start this summer. the new building is set to open in 2020. the state puc is penalizing pg&e with a fine of almost $100 million. it is the latest fine tied to
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the deadly san bruno pipeline explosion. the fine of $97.5 million is for pg&e's alleged improper back channel communications between pg&e executives and staff after that fatal explosion in 2010. the pg&e is not allowed to pass the cost on to its customers. the state has already find pg&e $1.6 billion for the pipeline explosion. eight people were killed, dozens of homes were destroyed. the time is 6:57. in hockey, last night the san jose sharks lost 7-0 to the vegas golden knights. game one of the stanley cup playoff series. the knights had their first goal four and a half minutes into the game and the next goal 26 seconds later. the goalie was pulled out of the game in the 2nd period. this is the second time that the sharks lost a playoff game by 7 goals.
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the first was in 1995. game two is tomorrow night. the oakland a's took their first step towards a possible new waterfront ballpark at howard terminal. the board of oakland commissioners voted to begin an exclusive negotiation with the oakland a's. under the one-year agreement, the a's paid the port $100,000 as they study economic transportation and environmental issues. supporters of the stadium says it will mean more foot traffic for jack london square in oakland. but critics worry it could eliminate jobs. mayor schaaf released this statement yesterday. this brings us a step closer to our shared goal, watching our a's play ball in oakland for generations to come. through these negotiations, i will remain focused on keeping the a's rooted in oakland in a way that is responsible to our
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taxpayers and enhances neighborhood vitality. there is a lot of questions that have to be answered before the a's can move ahead with the ballpark plans. the a's president will be here in the studios this morning to talk about it. that is later this morning on the 9. the time is 6:59. new this morning, the yes, we know the name of the new baby prince born to britain's royal family. the name of the son of the duke and duchess of cambridge is louis arthur charles. he was born on monday. louis is a tribute to prince phillip whose grandfather was prince louis alexander. the middle names of charles and arthur have special meaning as well. charles in honor of the baby's grandfather, prince charles. the name arthur is a family tradition, the middle name of both william and charles. the images are extraordinary. the leaders of north korea and
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south korea meeting, shaking hands and speaking to one another. i'm doug luzader in washington. we will have more on what was said coming up. we're following the latest on the arrest of the alleged golden state killer. we will tell you about his appearance in court today and the technology that was use today connect him to the crime. this is ktvu mornings on 2. >> and here we are friday. >> yes, it is. >> 7:00. thanks for being with us. i'm gasia mikaelian. >> and good morning. i'm dave clark. let's talk about friday weather and the sky, the clouds and everything. rosemary is in for steve. >> good morning. tgif to you. >> yes. >> a lot of folks ready for the weekend. we've got cool weather in store for our final weekend of april. in any case, we will take it. starting out with mostly cloudy skies this morning. partly cloudy for the afternoon. and temperatures will continue to cool just slightly. nearing 70 degrees for some of our warmer locations today. here is a


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