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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2 at 6am  FOX  April 11, 2018 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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this right. this includes the basic responsibility of protecting people's information. >> mark zuckerberg is back in the hot seat this morning. what he is saying about his company's role in the 2016 presidential election. stevante clark -- "mornings on 2" continues. welcome back to "mornings on 2". it is wednesday, april 11. i am claudine wong in for pam cook. >> i am dave clark. we have breaking news out of washington. we are learning that house speaker paul ryan is not going to run for reelection. the wisconsin republican apparently will be announcing he would not run for that reelection when his term is up.
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he has been in the house since 1989 and speaker since 2015. he was elected when john weiner resigned and no other gop leaders wanted to be speaker. he was also met romney's running mate in the 2012 presidential election. multiple reports that paul ryan will announce today he will not seat -- seek reelection. let's talk about your weather this morning. you should take an umbrella. here is mark tamayo in for steve paulson. we have another system coming on board. we have lots of clouds. you can see yesterday's system falling apart over the bay area. it produced a few scattered showers but right now we have lots of clouds in place. tomorrow -- this morning there is a chance you could encounter a few showers or sprinkles in the north bay. most areas are in the 40s and 50s right now. san francisco is 51 degrees. here is jack london square in oakland showing you the winds
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blowing the flag around a little bit. the timing with this, not too much happening this morning or in the early portion of the afternoon, but things will be changing rapidly as we head into the early evening hours. partly cloudy skies, mostly cloudy skies with clouds increasing throughout the day. forecast highs will be in the upper 50s to the 60s. we will talk more about the system coming up. let's check in with sal castendo first. we are starting in the silicon valley where we are looking at 280 in san jose driving up to sunnyvale looks good. i want to look at the map of the valley. you can see northbound 87 has a crash but it is not causing too much of a delay. the rest of the valley commutes, they all look pretty good getting up through the area. we are looking at highway 4. the bay bridge is backed up from oakland to san francisco for a 10 to 15 minute wait at the toll plaza. just about an hour from right now , facebook mark zuckerberg will testify again
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on capitol hill. this time he will be in front of a house committee. >> yesterday for about five hours he faced a barrage of questions from the senate committee on his company's policy on privacy. it was a long day yesterday and another one is expected today. >> reporter: politics and privacy. those are two of the big issues that were hit upon yesterday and we will probably see those things continue into today. what exactly does facebook do with all that user data? how did they safeguard it? what disruptive role could facebook play in the nation's elections? >> reporter: mark zuckerberg did not enjoy much personal privacy yesterday as he sat down for what would be a five hour session, starting with an apology. >> we did not take abroad in a few of our responsibility and that was a big mistake. it was my mistake. i am sorry. >> reporter: mark zuckerberg
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explain the safeguards that are now in place after the revelation that data from tens of millions of users went up in the hands of data mining company, cambridge analytica, which was linked to the trump campaign. there are larger issues at play here over privacy. >> would you be comfortable sharing with us the name of the hotel you stayed in last night? >> no. >> i think that might be what this is all about. your right to privacy. >> reporter: mark zuckerberg went on to say that users have control over how information is shared but there are limits and different standards. the company admits it has been quietly deleting mark zuckerberg so messages on facebook, something billions of other users have not been allowed to do. that will change. he even took heat for those lengthy user agreements that many people simply accept without knowing what they are about. >> your user agreement sucks. the purpose of that user agreement is to cover facebook's rear end. it is not to inform your users about their rights.
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>> reporter: we may see facebook make some changes to things like user agreements and so on, but there will be a real push from some in congress to have new regulations here, not just for facebook, but for the whole social media environment. >> it will be interesting to watch. it starts in less than an hour. one thing that became clear in mark zuckerberg's testimony, facebook collects much more data on users beyond what you like or who your friends are. at the electronic founder -- electronic frontier foundation, the legal director says we are just beginning to understand the kind of personal information collected by facebook to help companies target their advertising.
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>> when we think of data, it is almost an abstract concept. we are talking about your personal information, information about you, where you go, what you buy, who you are friends with them when you go to church. this is a story of you. >> i don't really trust it. i think it is weird when you going to facebook and the last thing you looked at on amazon is there. >> during yesterday's hearing, it appears even mark zuckerberg doesn't even know how much facebook tracks its users. several senators, including california senator kamala harris, asked mark zuckerberg whether facebook attract the user 's internet browsing activity after the user has logged off of facebook. mark zuckerberg said he was not sure. starting in an hour, mark zuckerberg is set to testify again. you can listen to the testimony uninterrupted on ktvu plus. we will be tracking the changes here on "mornings on 2" this morning. police are investigating a deadly overnight crash in san jose. it involved a stolen car. it happened earlier this morning near west carlos street
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not far from interstate 280. >> reporter: the clerk saw a fireball near his gas station after this car burst into flames. san jose police are continuing to investigate the circumstances of this crash. it was a single car accident. a car has been pulled from this embankment and put on two of the tow truck. you can see the wreckage. the engine block came out of this car. let me show you with the scene looked like earlier this morning. now we are getting confirmation from san jose police that the driver of this car was killed in this early-morning crash. the two passengers, both of them under the age of 18, were left with life-threatening injuries. san jose police say it happened around 1:15 am this morning. it was a total of three people
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writing -- riding inside the stolen hyundai along san carlos street near royal avenue when the driver lost control of the car, jumped the curb and then the car rolled down the embankment and burst into flames. the man who was driving the car died at the hospital from his injuries. his two passengers were also rushed to the hospital with major injuries. we talked a short time ago with the clerk at a nearby gas station who heard the impact and then screams. >> it was pretty bad to hear something like that. it is wanting to have an accident but to be going that fast, it is too dangerous. it is traumatizing to anyone that heard that. >> reporter: at this point, authorities have not identified the driver who was killed in this early-morning crash or the two minors who were left with life-threatening injuries. san jose police are continuing to try to figure out exactly what led up to the accident and what caused the driver to lose control this morning here. you can imagine that
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investigators will be looking to figure out whether drugs or alcohol may have played a role if the driver was possibly under the influence. they will be looking to see if speed was a factor. according to the witness we spoke with, the car was traveling quite fast before it lost control. a rookie san francisco police officer is accusing the police department of discrimination and racism and he has filed a formal complaint. the officer is a muslim of afghan dissent. he does not want to show his face. he fears for his safety and the safety of his family. the officer says he has been repeatedly accused by colleagues of being a terrorist. he has received a number of taunts about his religion and his ethnicity. he says the problem started when he was transferred to san francisco's central police station. >> i experience blatant racism and bigotry by some officers and sergeants. since making the complaint, i have been labeled a rat,
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singled out by my colleagues. now i fear for my safety. the department has done nothing to help. >> his complaint claims other san francisco police officer scratched isis and go back on his police locker. he also says he asked if it is -- he was asked if his radio earpiece was connected to a bond. the san francisco police department confirms the officer, -- the officer file complaints with internal affairs. they say sapd will thoroughly investigate all alleged misconduct uncovered during these investigations which locate any member this department. a deputy is accused of raping two female inmates. he was arrested last week and accused of having consensual sex with the inmates at the detention facility. the bay area news group says they uncovered an internal affidavit that suggests the
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consent was not given. there are more serious charges being considered against the deputy. he is on administrative leave and the department is working to terminate him. alameda county is sharing its share of the coliseum complex to the city of oakland. the coliseum and oracle arena are co-owned by alameda and the county. they have agreed to negotiate a sale to the city. negotiators believe a single owner would be in a better position to make a deal with the a's. they may decide to build a new ballpark there. the a's has already -- have already offered to pay off the $137 million the city and county owned this one the county. a family goes missing during a trip to the bay area. why the family is focused on a river.
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a debate over sanctuary city policies. how the department argues over it. traffic is moving along pretty well if you're driving on the golden gate bridge heading south. we will check all the commutes when we come back. lots of clouds are moving in from the north with a chance of a few sprinkles this morning, especially in the north bay. things quickly change this afternoon. we have your full forecast coming up.
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president trump is responding to a warning from russia that it will shoot down any missiles fired at cereal in response to the reported chemical weapons attack by the syrian government. this morning president trump tweeted quote, russia vows to shoot down any and all missiles fired at cereal. get ready russia, because they will be coming. nice and new and smart. you should not be partners with the gas killing animal who kills his people and enjoys it. >> the russian ambassador to lebanon says any missiles fired at cereal will be shut down in the launching sites will be targeted. that could include u. s. aircraft carriers. administration officials have been consulting with france and
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britain about launching a military strike by the end of this week. they will send a fact-finding mission to syria after getting a request from the syrian government and its russian backers to investigate the reported chemical weapons attack. russia's foreign ministry says missile attack would destroy any evidence of the attack. that leads to our question of the day. has -- as president trump continues to threatened missile attacks, do you think the u. s. should carry out airstrikes in serial? let us know what you think. vote on the ktvu twitter page and comment on our ktvu facebook page. san francisco's sanctuary city status will be back in the legal spotlight today. the trump administration will try to convince a federal appeals court that an executive order threatening to cut funding to sanctuaries -- century cities is legal. >> reporter: when president
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trump announced last year he would withhold federal funding to cities and counties with sanctuary policies, a federal judge said the president's order was too broad and the president did not have the authority to attach new conditions to federal money already approved by congress. the ruling led to all sanctuary cities and counties blocking the president's order nationwide. the department of justice appealed that ruling and today there attorneys will get to explain what they three-judge panel why they think the president's order is constitutional and should be reinstated. what is a sanctuary city? let's remind everyone, there is
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no formal or legal definition. it is a term to loosely describe cities and counties that limit the cooperation between local authorities and federal immigration officials. cities like san francisco says it erodes trust needed to get people to report crimes and get people to help. the trump administration argues that sanctuary policies protect people who have violated immigration laws and other clients. the administration is set to make its case here at 9:30 am. >> certainly something to watch. let's get you moving this morning. is everyone behaving for you, sal? >> i think for the most part we have a better commute than what we had on monday. we have some slow traffic. i want to show you the freeway. there is a 23 minute delay to the bay bridge toll plaza from
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the carquinez bridge to the trans 17. a lot of people go to the toll plaza. add another 20 there. the weather will not be a factor for the morning commute, but it will be effective for this evening. you want to plan ahead. we are looking at the san mateo bridge. that traffic is congested heading out to the peninsula. you can see traffic on the dumbarton bridge is not too bad according to the road sensors. we are seeing slowly -- slowing on 880 near tennyson. steve paulson has the day off. mark tamayo is here. we are talking about a dry start for the morning. that could change for this evening's commute. we have some clouds out there increasing. yesterday's system was not a big deal, just some clouds and a few showers. one coming on board this evening will be stronger. we have the clouds from sfo to oakland to hayward up to santa rosa and napa. this morning a
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good 8 to 2 -- 8 to 10 degrees warmer than this time yesterday. there is not too much happening the first half of the day. by 3:00 the chances mainly up in the north bay. things quickly changed by the six :00 hour -- the 6 :00 hour this evening. we are partly cloudy skies across parts of the bay area. we will continue to thicken of the clouds and we are tracking the rainfall up to our north that will gradually slide to the south. here we are for this morning increasing clouds and into the afternoon we have upper 50s to the 60s out there. 58 to 66 degrees. this will be a snow producer toward the sierras. a winter weather advisory begins at 6 pm until 9 am thursday for the higher elevations above 8000 feet. we could have amounts topping 6 inches, maybe approaching a
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foot of snow fall. went to was to continue and the mountains. it is typical for april. we have partly cloudy skies and mostly cloudy skies this morning. we thicken up the cloud cover and the rain chances. by 6 pm tonight, we have the rain line coming on board. this is 7:00, quickly moving across the bay area. things will start to taper off. tomorrow will not be a bad day but we have to hold onto the possibility of a scattered shower in your thursday forecast. for the most part, we should have more sunshine tomorrow. forecast highs this afternoon will be in the upper 50s to the 60s. here is a look ahead. the main event is happening this evening with a chance of an isolated shower in your thursday forecast. it will be dry friday and saturday we have the chance for more showers on sunday. april weather is always interesting. i was in tahoe last week. people were walking around in
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flip-flops in the could have more snow by the end of the day. >> i was up there last week. we were doing some skiing in the rain. >> the snow levels come down with this one. a lifeline for governor brown's proposed twin water tunnels. the water district says they are willing to pay the $11 billion to get them built. the very expensive fine that blocked access to the beach below their prophecy -- below their property. sorry. i can't make it.
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it's just my eczema again, but it's fine. yeah, it's fine. you ok? eczema. it's fine. hey! hi! aren't you hot?
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eczema again? it's fine. i saw something the other day. eczema exposed. your eczema could be something called atopic dermatitis, which can be caused by inflammation under your skin. maybe you should ask your doctor? go to to learn more.
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welcome back to "mornings on 2". the owner of an apartment building in pacifica may have to pay a penalty for blocking a public beach. back in december 2016, a big sinkhole opened up off esplanade avenue, closing the only entrance to manor beach. the california coastal commission is reportedly about to approve a $1.4 million settlement with the owner of ocean air apartments for failing to maintain a seawall and public staircase to the beach. the owners would also have to repair the damage and perform erosion control. the commission is due to talk about the proposed settlement on thursday. californians have not bought as much recreation marijuana as expected. it is about $44 million less than analysts expected. the figures were provided by a colorado company. the state is
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expected to provide its own sales figures by the middle of next month. san francisco supervisors are considering a proposed ballot measure tied to the growing ridesharing industry. supervisor aaron peskin introduced a proposal that would introduce taxes totaling million dollars every year. he believes higher taxes are needed for those vehicles. he says they are crowding the streets of downtown mark zuckerberg -- san francisco why they make big profits. if it is approved, it would go before san francisco voters this november. facebook has offices all over the bay area and is expanding in the south bay. it has struck a deal to move into an office building on san
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antonio road. it will lesa lees 2000 square feet of the building. facebook says it is a temporary move but it is expected to move about 1000 of its employees into the complex. facebook ceo mark zuckerberg is back in the hot seat. >> we have made a lot of mistakes in running the company. >> coming up next, a recap of yesterday's marathon session before the center. he is due to speak before the house in about 30 minutes. the search is set to continue for a missing santa clara woman after investigators found her car. we will tell you where. we are seeing that traffic is building. we are getting closer to the seven :00 hour. traffic in san francisco is lower. we are tracking clouds out there and some rainfall eventually. we will break down the timing coming up. trying to film this commercial! oh my gosh, sorry. with delicious cholula hot sauce and crispy jalapenos on a signature bun. the new cholula buttery jack. part of the buttery jack family.
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made with delicious cholula hot sauce,ack. crispy jalapenos and pepper jack cheese on a signature bun.
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yep, this is my third one today. the new cholula buttery jack. part of the buttery jack family. only at jack in the box. . this is ktvu, amongst on 2, thanks for joining us on mornings on 2, the middle of the week wednesday, april 11th i i'm dave clark. >> and i'm claudine wong. we're watching rain headed in our direction, mark tamayo is for steve paulson. >> we have the heavy rain last friday and into the weekend we had the break on sunday and then it was warm monday, tuesday a few showers and today we're talking about -- >> it's so hard to keep up. >> i'm already for getting. we have a developing system setting up cloud cover across the bay area. we have clouds moving into the east bay with partly to mostly cloudy skies, and we'll continue with that trend for a
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good portion of wednesday afternoon. we are talking about rainfall right now. in terms of radar coverage, most of it is to the north, this a chance we could have a few sprinkles, and the main line associated with the front will move into the afternoon and evening hours. san francisco 51, san jose in the upper 40s and freemont checking in at 47 degrees h the next system is coming on board, it won't be like last week, it will be stronger than yesterday. a 10th of an inch to a half an inch in the north bay. the window is 5 to 8:00. the winds pick up from 25 to 30 miles per hour. here's the plan for this morning. more cloud cover this afternoon we'll be approaching the and following the rain as it moves
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in the late afternoon early evening hours. and sal has the commute. >> right now we see traffic, but no unusual slowdowns. if you're driving from the car keenes bring to the -- carqu ines bridge, the it's slow, and there's a slowdown on the 280 split. there's better traffic after it will vermont street. there's slowing on the san mateo bridge. northbound is not a bad problem from from union city to the oakland area. in the silicon valley we had a couple of crashes on 87. for the most part we have traffic that's looking good, it's slightly traveled so far. lets go back to the desk. in the past hour, we have
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learned that congressman paul ryan, the house speaker will not run for re-election. the wisconsin republican's term is up in november. he's been in the house since 1999 and been the speaker since 2015. he was elected when no other republican leaders wanted to be the speaker. and he was mitt romney's running mate in the 2012 presidential elections. in 30 minutes he's going to speak in the republican leadership press briefing. we'll keep that to you right here on mornings on 2. we're 30 minutes away from facebook ceo, mark zuckerberg's second day of testimony on capitol hill. >> this morning facebook ceo, mark zuckerberg will testify before a house committee he appeared yesterday before senators. frank mallicoat in our newsroom with a focus of the questions from lawmakers so far. >> good morning to you, and this morning, facebook ceo, mark zuckerberg will face house energy and commerce committee. his testimony is expected to be
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similar, saying facebook made mistakes and accepting responsibility for those and laying outweighs that the company is working to protect users' privacy. there was testimony yesterday, five long hours. i asked them how he disseminated information and how they targeted the marketing efforts and lindsey graham took him to task, his terms of service policy is little ease that the average person doesn't understand. >> do you think the average consumer understands what they're signing up for? >> i don't think that the average person likely reads that whole document. >> some senators say it may be time for tougher regulations on facebook and social media platforms as well. and facebook ceo, mark zuckerberg said he would
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welcome it as long as it was right regulation. >> and 7:00 this morning, the house can be more combative and more partisan that the senate. after a month of prep, they seemed well prepared yesterday for the senate, confident at times and injecting a sense of humor as well. we'll see how i fares under the bright lights of the house in short order. frank mallicoat, back to you. in 30 minutes facebook ceo, mark zuckerberg is due to testify before congress. you can hear his testimony on ktvu plus. we'll continue to track the latest right here on mornings on 2 throughout his testimony this morning. the search continues along the san mateo coastline from a woman from santa clara. mary roth went missing two days ago. this photo was given to us. they searched for her yesterday, concentrating an area south of devil slide.
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they're conducting the search with help from the coast guard. so far investigators say there are no signs of foul play. there is nill no sign of a southern california family that went missing driving from portland and san jose. families fear that there was a car crash into a river could be linked to their disappearance. they're trying to locate a maroon suv that was swept into the ranging river on friday during stormy weather. right about that time and their two children, the couple and their two children were traveling through north carolina heading to for the land for spring break. they were driving a maroon honda pilot. family of four was supposed to stop in san jose to visit them, but no one has heard from them since thursday. >> they were really looking forward to this trip away, and it's very unlike them not to have returned home.
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>> the chp said heavy rain and rough currents are making the search for that suv very difficult. and the plane crash monday night in scottsdale, arizona claimed the life of a young model. mariah coogan was the model who was in that plane crash. the ntsb is investigating. she was a member of the 2013 graduating class in santa rosa in high school, she left her junior year to pursue a career in modeling. this was reported before 11:00 last night on the transition road from northbound 35 to highway 41 near the border of pacifica. a driver was killed after his suv veered off the highway and crashed. this was no one else in the suv
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and no other cars were involved. that accident shut down the transition road for several hours. sacramento police have created new rules for police body cameras, it comes after two officers muted their micro phones after the deadly shooting of stephon clark, the march incident sparked weeks of protest and calls for reform. now, the sacramento police department has issued a first written policy about when they can turn off the cameras or muting the sound. muting the audio is dealing with a sexual assault victim, or confidential informants and when they're speaking to a doctor or a paramedic. they're looking to build two tunnels in the delta. jerry brown's state water project is being pushed forward after a decade of planning.
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the plan is to deal water from northern to southern california through two tunnels. it's a major step forward from the vote and they'll seek legal challenges from opponents which could delay it for years. they're moving ahead in sacramento to crackdown on drug use, they would tighten regulations and increase training for doctors who prescribe the medications and increase resources for the doctors and police. one measure that passed through a committee yesterday would crackdown on doctor shopping across state lines. they would link the prescription drug monitoring system with other states. >> individuals can move across the borders and get their medications filled in one state and we in california can't look at the data. it's a commonsense approach that doctors have information
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prior to prescribing these medications. >> critics say the bill doesn't do enough to protect the privacy of patients. they'll have to pass the full assembly and the senate before it goes to the governor's desk. san francisco may have more affordable how longing. it will be where there was a school and it will be available to low and middle income educators. the city pledged to spend $44 million to make it a reality. >> we're excited about the development of it and see the next steps. we can't do enough for our teachers here in san francisco and especially as a parent of three young kids and we've talked about this, we need to do everything we can to keep our teachers in san francisco. construction in the new housing is in 2020, and teachers can move in 2022. the goal is they can live where they work.
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and bill cosby goes back for the third day of his sexual assault retrial. he is accuse of sexually assaulting andrea con stand. she is one of several women who said he sexual assaulting her after decades. and and the defense reminded the jury and the public that their client is presumed innocent in the eyes of the law. >> we have seen things in the media. >> the prosecutors say the evidence against cosby is overwhelming and they are going to put five women on the witness stand who said he drugged and assaulted them. and coming up at 7:00, we'll take you live to the scene of a fiery crash. investigators are now saying that car was stolen. .
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and a marine mammal was found washed up and they're concerned that the animal may have been intentionally killed. and it's getting busier around the became area, including san francisco, northbound 101. we started off the morning with mostly clear skies, the clouds are working their way back in the area, there are nice colors out there as well, to start out your day. we're talking about rain showers, we'll have the timing coming up. california phones offers free specialized phones... like cordless phones. - ( phone ringing ) - big button, and volume-enhanced phones. get details on this state program. visit right now or call during business hours.
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and accessories for your mobile phone. like this device to increase volume on your cell phone. - ( phone ringing ) - get details on this state program visit right now or call during business hours.
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welcome back to mornings on 2, just about 6:45, the warriors ended their regular season losing to the utah jazz 119 to 79. a blowout. they led 33-19 at the first. and they got 23, and kevin do you understand and other warriors, they were the only ones to score 10 points. that was the worst since steve occur became head coach. this could be the utah jazz who are in the playoffs with five other teams. the giants beat the diamondbacks 35-4. it was a game to watch. taking the mound for the giants, tyler beady, 24 years old. he allowed two runs in his first major league start. they hope they'll lead in the
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6, you see him come on the home mate. he was called out, he didn't touch the plate. the diamondbacks get the game. he got into the play, bases loaded, chance to win the game and the first pitch comes to him. >> and this game is over. >> that is all he needed. it's over, mcuthcin, he had a run. it's a thriller, the two teams play again this afternoon. the dodgers shut out the a's 4-0 in l.a., the dodgers used home runs to jump to the early lead. they made the oakland debut and struck out pinch-hitting in the 6th. they've had five hits, but they
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play again tonight. the time is 6:26, lets check in with gasia in the next hour on mornings on 2. branching closer to the start of day 2, facebook ceo, mark zuckerberg's testimony at capitol hill. we'll monitor and bring you his remarks. we'll sit down and talk with a political scientist on what the government can and really should ask of facebook. there's no question that the state warrior kevin durant is valuable to his team. we may find out how valuable when it comes to dollars and cents. what he has decided that will affect his pay dramatically in years to come. i'll see you in a few minutes. a bay area medical team is reporting a break through in the research against alzheimer's. they identified a gene that is
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a primary cause of disease. they can cut out a protein in that gene, the scientists conducted the test on human brains, not on the brains of mice. >> it's interesting, we'll have to follow that break through as it develops. 6:48, lets go out to sal for a check of our roads. how are we doing? >> i would say in general we're not bad. we have slow traffic out there as you might expect on the morning commute. lets go ahead and look at the east shore freeway. you can see traffic is look owing kay if you're driving from the carquines brick brick to the macarthur maze, and then we have 15 minutes waiting to get on to the bridge. traffic on westbound 92, san mateo is congested with 880 near which. and 101 and san mateo is not slow yet.
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this is slower here, at southbound near winton avenue and that's slowing traffic a little bit. 6:49, lets bring mark tamayo back with weather. you can see changes in the traffic cameras with cloud cover, it will be changing for the afternoon and evening commute. right now, satellite is showing the clouds working their way into cal i. mostly cloudy skies for the north bay. partly cloudy skies for the south bay. some green showing up, there could be moisture that is tracking sprinkles and drizzle, and especially in portions of north bay this morning. we're tracking the main event later in the day. it's cooler this morning compared to yesterday at this time, and this is out towards santa rosa and mountain view and freemont in the upper 40s, it will be more than yesterday. we're thinking about a 10th of an inch and a half an inch for the north bay. heaviest this evening between 5
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and 11:00, the winds pick up between 20 to 30 miles per hour. in terms of the timing there's not much happening the first half of the day. things rapidly change by the evening hours. this is 6:00, you can see the intensity picking up and it could be lingering between the 9 or 10:00 hour. the front lies to the south. this will be a snow producer in the sierra, they pick up snowfall in the month of april, we have a traffic advisory that starts at 6:00 on thursday. for the higher peaks, we could have as much as 12 inches. approaching a foot. there's not a lot of rainfall to show you here, but definitely clouds, this is 4:00 this afternoon and we bring in the best chance of rainfall up in the north bay, this quickly moves across the bay area, 6:00 tonight and the rest of the area, 8:00 this evening and 10:00, there's not as much happening and tomorrow there's a slight chance of a shower in your thursday forecast, the highest chance will be up in
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the north bay. forecast highs this afternoon mainly in the upper 50s to the low to mid-60s out there. >> clouds are already working back into the area. here's the 5-day forecast, there's a slight chance of a shower on thursday, it will be dry friday and saturday. they're track ago chance, it's only a chance right now for the second half of the weekend. a burned out home in willow glenn neighborhood is selling for $800,000. we went to visit the home to see why why the realtor says that $800,000 price tag may be a bargain. >> reporter: in the heart of the willow glenn neighborhood lies this property about to go to the market. some consider it an eyesore, it's selling for $800,000. >> growing up here it's crazy. it was orchards here not silicon valley. >> according to google maps this is what it looked like
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when a fire ripped through it 2 years ago. >> it's a good sized lot, 5800 square feet. >> this is what it looks like, she's selling the square foot lot, not the house. >> they left it standing so you can remodel instead of tearing it down, you can do a remodel rather than a tear down. >> she posted it on the facebook page, many are airing their frustration in the housing market. >> you know this is what it's worth and the buyers set the price. >> i'm not surprised at all. i ran numbers in that area. there's been many sales in the quarter of a mile in the last month or thee that have been 1.5 and 1.6 million. >> buying has this burned out home and asking price is cheaper than buying a new house in willow glenn.
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one of the main selling price in silicon valley is the proximity of high tech employment. this is near the proposed google village. >> buyers are trading money for time, all of the time now, so that they can be closer to their employment. >> the latest numbers in santa clara county showed the median price for a single family home was $1.400 when 876 are up for sale, that's 22% less than last year. 6:52 on the clock. the department of justice is set to argue against holding back money for sanctuary cities.
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c1 welcome back to mornings on 2. it's 6:56. alden smith is due in court today. he was arrested friday for violating a condition concerning electronic monitoring for previous cases. smith has faced several runins with the law, including allegations of domestic violence, dui, and vandalism. a disturbing sighting by a ktvu viewer prompted an investigation. the viewer sent the pictures of the dead marine mammal washed
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ashore yesterday. it's wrapped in rope, and the viewer said it didn't have a head. it's not clear from the photos what kind of photo it is. we have contacted the marine mammal center, and they will sent out a team this morning to investigate. it's 6:57, and northern california will get federal funding to rebuild homes and businesses after the wild fires last september. the state was awarded $212 million for wild fire recovery efforts as part of the disaster package awarded to nine states, puerto rico, and the u.s. virgin islands. h.u.d. said it's part of the biggest single reward for disaster recovery in h.u.d. history. free tuition does not apply for the upcoming summer session for san francisco college. san francisco has been offering free tuition under the 2-year,
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$11 million program, funded by a hike in a real estate transfer tax. a recent for additional summer funding from the mayor's office was recently turned down. we are learning about the guest list for the upcoming royal wedding. president trump and former president obama are not invited to the wedding next month. kensington palace confirmed it will only be family and close friends attending the wedding. president obama is friends with the royal couple, but a royal author says a decision not to invite him and other political leaders is a good diplomatic decision. >> well, the fact that obama and trump are not being invited comes as no surprise, really, because they were in a bit of a bind. if they invite only obama, that would put trump's nose out, and these days, with the imposed
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brexit for britain, we need all the friends we can get. >> the british prime minister may also be excluded from the wedding guest list. the wedding, by the way, is set for may 19th. it's 6:59, and a map of san francisco, that is more than 150 years old has been found. it dates back to the year 1866, and now in the upper right side, it's labeled map of the outside lands of san francisco. on the left is the pacific ocean, and the plots of land that are now the outer richmond and sunset districts, and the department of public works said it was found in a door working on a project to digitize all the old maps. i'm committed to getting this right. this includes the basic responsibilities of protecting people's information. >> facebook ceo mark zuckerberg back in the hot seat this morning for another round of testimony that will start in minutes. what he is saying about his
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company's role in the 2016 presidential election, this as mornings on 2 continues. an investigation is underway in san jose. one person was killed in an early morning crash, and two others were badly hurt after a car burst into flames. we will tell you what a witness saw and heard before the accident. very busy wednesday already. it's april 11th, and i'm gasia mikaelian. >> good morning dave clark. steve is off this morning. >> i'm happy to be here with you this morning. the rain chances are going up, especially the north bay by the afternoon hours. the clouds are working their way into northern california and the bay area. we could be tracking sprinkles or drizzle to the north bay for this morning things will quickl


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