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tv   KTVU Fox 2 News at 6pm  FOX  March 9, 2018 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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deputies exchanged gunfire with the suspect to took five people hostage. to the hostages were allowed to leave. the three remaining hostages are employees of the pathway home , which is a privately owned program. we spoke with a man who said his wife was one of the people who was allowed to leave today.>> my wife works at the pathway home. they were having their friday morning staff meeting and a going away party for a couple of women. in the mist of this a man walked in with a gun, a rifle. she and three of her colleagues were able to leave. i do not know whether he told them or ask them to leave or if they asked to leave. i only know that they got out. she is still up in an you just -- adjacent building out of
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harms way.>> here is the location of the skin off. it is west of highway 29 and yountville. >> we are awaiting an update from officials there and yountville. they were supposed to rebuild details at 5 pm but that was pushed back to 6 pm. we're waiting for that press conference to again. once that starts we will come back to you live. >> tom, what can you tell us about what has transpired over the last hour? anything new?>> reporter: we're waiting for this news conference. it is unusual to delay it for an hour like this. i want to go to the previous conference that was mid afternoon and we will come back to discuss it.
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>> reporter: the initial response was applied a backup for multiple agencies. the fbi and authorities from napa and sonoma counties arrived. >> authorities arrived within four minutes. gunfire was exchanged. we are not sure how many gunfights -- gun shots were exchanged.>> reporter: the shooter took three hostages.>> we have him confined in a room. we're keeping him in that location. we have hostage negotiated -- negotiators from at least three agencies so that we may contact we can begin negotiations.>> reporter: there are also multiple teams in case worse came to worse. children are also on the property and they were
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evacuated. >> my understanding was there were any children in the lincoln theater. >> reporter: you see that everybody is waiting. i do see the sergeants who set up the original conference is coming up to the podium. we will take a look and see if they're ready to begin or if this is just a situation. while we're waiting i can tell you that the waiting game is what we are talking about. we're waiting for the information to pass on to you but the real waiting game is what is going on with hostage situation. they are seen if they can tire this guy out and make them think twice about doing something dreadfully harmful to these people that he is holding hostage. of course the police can refresh themselves because
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there are many police here. the hostage taker is getting tired and is probably nervous and running off of adrenaline. time is operating against him. they do tend to get tired. we do not know how badly this person is mentally damaged so. you do not want to do something that will turn the situation bad. that is currently the situation here and yountville . i will turn it back to you. >> we are about five minutes away from the press conference. we're hoping hear more about who this man hit is -- is. with your former patient? >> reporter: the rumor is that yes, he was a patient. a lot of people who use the pathway home are very much on
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the edge and suffer from ptsd. some of them have concussion damage from explosions and some of them are not in very good shape. one man said it is not surprised him that someone would do something like this. the man was a client was ejected for some reason. that could be what cause the situation. >> the press conference is getting underway. let's listen in. >> i wish i had more information to share. we have an active and dynamic situation. as of right now we do not have any additional information to provide at the time. i do not have an answer to your questions. we have tactical teams deciding want to move forward. that is where we're at right
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now. there have not been -- there has not been any confirmed communication with the gunmen. i do not have any information regarding the hostages or their circumstances. that is all i have for you at this time. i hope you able to have more information for you soon. unfortunately i do not know when we will be able to have that information available. i appreciate your patience. thank you very much. a sergeant with the california patrol is my position. >> we do not get any
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information from this press conference other than the fact that there is a tactical team surrounding the room, which has been described as a dorm style room possibly with concrete walls. it is very secure room. he did say there has been no communication with the gunmen or the three hostages since this all began at 10:30 this morning. do you have any thoughts on why they are waiting to give us information?>> reporter: i think they are trying to keep us informed if they can and answer some questions. a couple of armored vehicles left. i noticed a couple of minutes ago that the chp helicopter has left. they are obviously settling in for a long night. it could have something to do with the fact that they are on the verge of concluding this and they wanted to wait to give us the full information.
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the real danger is the suspect getting nervous and doing something rash. the wait time is in favor of the police because they would then be able to talk them down. this person is probably pretty heavily damaged emotionally and mentally. i am also noticing that one of the other helicopters that is over there is also taken off. we are settling in for a long night. we do not know what this is going to turn out to be. it could be sometime tonight or sometime tomorrow morning.>> this is an extremely intense situation. our hearts go out to the people who have families there. tom, keep us posted. we will check back later. we are hearing some dispatch audio
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when the incident occurred. >> he had bullet around his waist and other stuff in his jacket. he was discharged two weeks ago. >> shortly after that came reports of charts -- shots being fired. >> paul, you have been speaking with folks who are part of the shelter in place who are now leaving the facility.>> reporter: we're talking earlier about emergency vehicles make it a steady stream out here. they are now trickling out as we speak. there is napa county sheriff and napa county fire truck. there are some people who appear to have just been released. we have first responders in law
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enforcement. i will tell you that i talked to some people who had an opportunity to be reunited. there are a lot of people out here who still have many questions and would like to see some of their family members. earlier today we talked to some people who are not being held hostage but were sheltered in place. they were able to make it out safely.>> i am a volunteer. the state workers have to stay until they are totally. that is very hard on them.>> reporter: one of the residents took pictures of the scene and an officer told him there were up to 20 shots fired. he was not near the area but he believes that the suspect has ptsd. this is speculation of a resident who knows the layout of the facility.>> these are
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people who have ptsd in this building. common sense would say that this is some individual that is suffering from ptsd.>> reporter: multiple emergency vehicles have been on the scene throughout the day. one man's wife came face-to- face with the gunmen. he said his wife and her colleagues are having a staff meeting.>> she and three of her colleagues were able to lay. >> reporter: his wife and friends made it simple to another room where they were told to shelter in place and stay on the ground. there were roughly 80 students rehearsing a play. here they are driving safely out of the facility while others just want to see a friendly face.>> i just want to be here so that when this is over i can go up and see him and he can see a friendly face. having knows what you are thinking at 96 years of age with all of this going on.>> reporter: they are allowing trucks to leave the area.
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you heard from the woman who talked about her father. she is with us right now. you had an opportunity to talk to your father's nurse?>> that is correct. the nurse assured me that my dad is fine. he is watching too much tv and all of the action that is going on out here. it gave me a very secure feeling that everyone in his ward is fine. i know he is safe. she said she would call if there were any changes but not to worry.>> reporter: you're going to stay here? >> yes. i want to see him face-to-face. that is my dad. as a parent, i felt for every one of these parents waiting for their child to get on the bus and get back.
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they had no idea what was going on. with everything that has been going on in the world today this is very scary.>> reporter: thank you very much. she is extremely happy and hopes to see her father soon. she is just one of many waiting to have interaction with a loved one. back to you julie and andre.>> they are not allowing people to go inside, right? >> reporter: as you see, the first responders are coming out and they are allowing people to be here. they are not allowing anyone to go in. there are no people going and unless they are first responders.>> we were having a little trouble with paul's audio. >> the facility was founded in 1884.
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and is the largest veterans home in the united states. the facility has a 1200 seat theater and a nine hole golf course. the location of the hostage situation is at the veterans home of california in yountville.. it helps participants deal with the stress of ptsd and depression. an emergency hotline has been set up for family members seeking information. the hotline phone number is 707- 948-3331 for those who are concerned about the safety of friends and family at the yountville veterans home. a sophisticated system is being used by thieves to steal your credit card information. we will tell you why you may not know it is happening. i am tracking your weekend
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weather. right now we have some bald. i will let you know what to expect. a violent rubbery on a san francisco hwy. a violent rubbery on a san francisco hwy. what we are learning from california highway patrol. this is the bay bridge toll plaza. it is very gridlocked at this area -- our. for all of you trying to get into the city it is going to take some time.>> traffic appears to be rolling smoothly but we will keep you updated if things change.
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to be more robbed at gunpoint on the highway in san francisco. here is the latest from chp on this bizarre case.>> reporter: this certainly had to be frightening. the victims were unharmed. the san francisco police department robbery unit is looking for several suspects who pulled off the steering crime. the lanes of southbound 280 were backed up for miles as chp and san francisco police were following up on an afternoon
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robbery. >> we received a call about a silver hunt day -- hyundai blocked the vehicle and several private parties got out -- the suspect got out and robbed them at gunpoint. the victims pulled over and called police. the police close the freeway. the 101 closed for several hours as the investigation continued. police believe the victims were targeted.>> they were traveling from san francisco and that on the freeway traveling south. this is when they were rubbed. we do know from talking with the vehicles that it may have
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been a targeted robbery of some kind. >> reporter: the shot shows a closer look at the vehicle with shattered vehicles -- windows. the vehicle will be taken for further investigation. the police are asking for witnesses to come forward. >> reporter: we're told the crimes of this nature are very rare. anyone with information is asked to call san francisco police robbery unit. back to you, andre and julie. >> stay with us for information on this continuing story we will continue to bring updates. another mild day for early march. it was 68 in morgan hill.
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temperatures are still above average. we all of the moisture. that should be for us but it is not. this would be a big deal storm that would change the whole weekend but it is all going south. southern california is going to get whacked with 2 inches to 4 inches of rain in san diego county. we are on the north end of it but we are not going to receive any significant rainfall. this weekend will be about clouds and maybe a sprinkle tomorrow night. it will be cloudy with a little bit of sun. temperatures will be in the mid 60s. it should clear off tomorrow afternoon and sunday. sunday will be a good day to go to the beach. we will talk about sunday when i come back. a security guard accused of murder. what
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police are telling us about a deadly confrontation between coworkers in walnut creek. we will have sports coming up next. police have made an arrest thanks to a surveillance video. the ross spring dress event. it's here. where you'll find the perfect dress at the perfect price. whether you want to stand out from the crowd or dance the night away. from a weekend getaway to that special celebration.
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a san jose man is behind bars on suspicion of robbing gas stations in the south bay and at least one fast food restaurant. police are crediting surveillance video for helping them catch the suspect. over the course about one month, the man robbed at least five gas stations in san jose and surrounding areas. in most of the robberies he pointed a handgun at the clerk and took cash as well as lottery scratchers. daniel mendoza was arrested last saturday. he was booked into santa clara county jail and five counts of robbery. mendoza may be responsible for additional robberies throughout the bay area. anyone with information is asked to contact san jose police. police in walnut creek are investigating a homicide that took place at a construction site. a security guard is now behind bars accused of the beating death of a fellow security guard. >> reporter: it happened at
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this apartment complex under construction. officers found 60-year-old -- the 60-year-old security guard dead after being hit repeatedly with a metal pole. >> assault with a metal object. >> reporter: the suspect was a found nearby. hakim madjour was arrested on suspicion of murder. a motive is not known. >> it is unclear as to what the issue was in terms of any dispute. they do know each other. it appears to be unprovoked. it is an unexpected attack by the suspect. it is an isolated incident. >> reporter: police believe the victim and the suspect were the only two duty at the time. construction workers had artie left for the day. detectives served a search
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warrant at hakim madjour's home in concorde . the two had worked together before. ? they seemed to have -- >> they seemed to have been going about their day when it suddenly happened. >> reporter: people that lived nearby were stunned to hear what happened. >> it is frightening. it is unsettling and unfortunate that it happened in walnut creek. it is a city and things happen.>> reporter: this man said he assumed the guards he saw on-duty everyday would keep the neighborhood safe. >> i was shocked that this location, that kind of crime would happen.>> reporter: the suspect is being held at county jail in martinez.'s bail is set at $1 million. ktvu , fox 2 news at 6:30
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pm is next. florida's governor signs new gun-control legislation. there is word that it is already being challenged by the nra. track -- credit card data that was stolen over and over. a major fraud ring has been busted and has links to los angeles. stay with us, ktvu , fox 2 news at 6:30 pm is next. we use our phones and computers the same way these days. so, why do we pay to have a phone connected, when we're already paying for internet. shouldn't it all just be one thing? that's why xfinity mobile comes with your internet. you can get up to 5 lines of talk and text included at no extra cost. so, all you pay for is data. choose by the gig or unlimited plus for a limited time get a $250 prepaid card when you buy any new samsung.
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breaking news that we have been following a napa county. it has been eight hours since three people were taken hostage at the veterans home of california yountville. responding law-enforcement exchange gunfire with the suspect. the negotiators have not been able to make contact with the gunmen since the situation began at 10:30 am this morning. authorities do not know the condition of the hostages. we are told they are employees of the halfway home which is a privately run program on the grounds of the veterans home. >> you are watching ktvu , fox 2 news at 6:30 pm. they have resources on the scene. >> it could be a long night ahead as they try to make contact with the gunmen.
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more on this breaking news. we're live at the scene now with limited information.>> reporter: it was limited information. the news briefing had been pushed back from 5 pm. there was a lot of anticipation that new details would be forthcoming. the statement from the chp sergeant was very brief and very cryptic. we have noticed that nothing has changed and they are trying to negotiate. what we did notice in the last few minutes is an exodus of vehicles out of the veterans home. not just news vehicles like there a s.w.a.t. negotiator from sonoma county, sonoma county backup law enforcement and we have seen ambulances leaving. we have also seen staff leaving. if they are entering into an overnight stage, it appears to be on a much pared down basis. we do not know what to read
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into the fact. a lot of support law enforcement is now pulling out. we appear to be entering into a new phase. this all started at 10:30 am this morning. staff at a private counseling program called the pathway home was holding a small going away party for staff member when this man arm -- armed with a semi automatic rifle barged in. some people were let go at that time. three remained as hostages. arriving deputies exchange gunfire with that gunmen. the campus since then has been on lockdown. no one is coming in. there is a trickle of a few dozen people coming out. that is now picking up. three tactical teams have been on-site including fbi hostage negotiators with the struggle to contact the gunmen with no success. >> we have a very dynamic and active situation at the veterans home.
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right now we do not have any additional information to provide. there has not been any confirmed communication with the gunmen since 10:30 am. we have tactical teams that are forming plans and trying to decide which way to move forward. that is where we are at right now.>> reporter: the sergeant described this as a fluid and dynamic situation. he has it that again. we will circle back with him and see if he has new information to provide that might explain the fact that so much law-enforcement appears to be leaving. if it is a peaceful resolution, that is what everyone is hoping for. back to you. >> we are waiting to learn the identity of the gunmen. what are you hearing on the ground about who he is? is he a former patient, how long has he been there. -- lic been there? -- how long has he been there?
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>> reporter: it may be the executive director of the pathway home program. also a clinical psychologist and a social worker. this is not confirmed by law enforcement. this is what we have been hearing from spouses of those that are inside. one man told us his wife was actually at the party when the gunmen came in. he has been in contact with her. she has not made her way out yet. she described the suddenness and shock. she and a few others made their way outside. we have been told that he is a former patient but we do not know what his tenure was and what the circumstances were. we do not know if he has an issue with the program or with a particular -- with particular individuals. i imagine that will come out in the days ahead.
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>> it is surprising that when they get the update they did not explain why so many people are leaving. thank you deborah. >> on we will have the latest on this breaking news. also on facebook, twitter and over budget and behind schedule. new information about california's high-speed rail. i like trains. >> sentencing date for the executive known as -- known for raising the price of a life- saving drug by 5000%.
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the cost of california's high-speed rail project is surging to $77 billion. some lawmakers are calling it a financial train wreck. the latest budget plan was released today by the rail authority's new chief executive. the project is also severely behind schedule by about four years. lawsuits have caused the price to soar and progress to slow. the endgame is to connect san francisco to los angeles. work has started on a section that will connect san francisco and the central valley. that phase is not slated to be finished until 2029. the governor continues to support the projects aim at high-speed rail is california's future. >> i make no bones about it. i like trains and i like high- speed trains even better. so did the voters in 2008 when they approved it. 11 other countries have high- speed trains. they are now -- they are now
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taken for granted all over europe, japan and china.>> high- speed rail authority officials say $77 billion is the baseline. the project could cost less or more. the state auditor is investigating the project. the report is due out later this year. a former pharmaceutical executive known for raising the price of a life- saving drug by 5000% was sentenced today for defrauding investors. they sentenced him for seven years in prison. -- to seven years in prison. he cried as he told the judge he made many mistakes and he apologizes to investors. rick scott signed new gun- control measures into lot today. the national rifle association almost immediately filed suit challenging the law. the legislation comes in response to the shooting at
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stoma douglas high school which killed 17 people. the law raises the minimum age to purchase a firearm from 18 years old to 21 years old and it extends the waiting period to three days. the law also creates a guardian program that enables teachers and other school employees to carry handguns. >> i asked for a bill that would ban on stocks and rage the age -- raise the age to purchase a gun to 21 years old. this bill does that. there are things in the bill that i oppose. i've been open about that. i still think law-enforcement officers should be the ones to protect schools.>> the nra's legal challenge focused on the part of the law that raises the age to 21 years old. the group claims it violates the constitutional right of 18- ,21. -- 18-,21.
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♪ ♪ with the chase mobile app, michaela deprince could pay practically anyone,
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at any bank, all while performing a grand jeté between two grand pianos. she could... in a commercial. in real life she uses it to pay her sister, from her couch, for that sweater she stained. what sweater? (phone buzzes) life, lived michaela's way. chase. make more of what's yours. a sophisticated system to steal credit card information here in the bay area. it is being run by a los angeles-based criminal organization with ties to other countries. >> officers have made several arrests. they say this is just the beginning.>> reporter: fremont police have arrested four men that they believe have been stealing credit card information from people all over the bay area.
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the big break came from an alert patrol officer who noticed something suspicious at a wells fargo bank.>> one of the things this person was doing was going to different atm machines and conducting multiple transactions. >> reporter: police arrested someone that night. his brother then reported him missing. investigators later arrested him to. -- arrested him as well. these were sophisticated. instead of sitting on the outside of the gas pump hobbies could be hidden on the inside.>> the pump is resecured and left alone. that skimming devices bluetooth enabled which allows a person with a laptop to park nearby. >> reporter: the data is then transmitted to people that create fraudulent cards using the stolen information. eventually police arrested two more men.
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this is also in connection with the case. they recovered nine more bluetooth enabled skimmers and more than 125 cloned debit cards. >> if i do not know i am being robbed, how can i defend myself?>> reporter: authorities believed they were placed all over the bay area. customers hope gas station owners will take note. fremont police say these arrest should be a wake-up call.>> for business owners, please inspect your pumps. that is what we are seeing. we are trying to prevent this as best as possible. >> reporter: authorities are searching for at least three more suspects. the case is much larger than that. there are possible ties to transnational criminal organization based in los angeles county. in fremont, ann rubin, ktvu, fox 2 news. it is a cloudy day around the bay area. looks like a great weekend.
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let's go to bill martin and find out what is to expect. back a grade but dropped -- a grade but dry weekend overall. we may get a light drizzle saturday night into sunday morning. that is it. saturday looks good all day. kind of like today. it will not be quite as warm tomorrow. there will be a lot of clouds. tomorrow will be mostly cloudy and temperatures in the 60s. so is sunday. overnight saturday and into sunday morning there may be a few drips. the real weather story is this massive plug of moisture. look where it is going. it will have dynamic as it moves into southern california. this is from santa barbara down
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toward san diego. they will get significant rainfall. a couple of inches of rain in those areas is huge. that can be a problem. we are on the north and. we just get clouds. with the clouds we will expect temperatures in the 60s. it will be a fine day. it will be cloudy. it will not be spectacular. there is high pressure that allows fog to form. even with that system that could bring us michael tomorrow night, the fog still has an opportunity to hang out. the clouds coming in will be at a higher level. the fog may be able to stay established at least on sunday morning a little bit. here's the model for saturday morning, saturday afternoon, sunday morning and sunday
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afternoon. that is the weekend. a lot of clouds and maybe a little bit of that. i am not going to change my plans. everything changes around as we get into tuesday and wednesday of next week. we will have high latitude storms. cooler storms and more snow. that is what we should root on more than rain. we need snow in the mountains. next week is a wet weather we. we will have a lot to talk about then. >> we hope for storm this weekend but i guess it will not happen.>> maybe next week. daylight savings time starts this weekend at 2 am on sunday. we will spring forward one hour. that means we lose one hour of sleep but gain an extra hour of sunlight. a growing number of people do not like the twice yearly process of springing forward and falling back. a state lawmaker from san jose has proposed a bill to exempt california from this process. if approved by the legislature the measure would be placed on
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a statewide ballot. >> florida senate just passed something like that to do the same thing. everyone is on that bandwagon. both the a's and giants were victorious. that was in cactus league action. we will have highlights from both games, coming up next.? --
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scott is here to talk about oakland a's news. opening-day is a couple of days away. the teams are tweaking the rosters. the a's are always on the lookout for baseball bargains. they may have just found one in time for the regular-season. they have reached agreement on a one-year deal with jonathan lacroix. he is very all-star -- he is an all-star. he did great with colorado last season. he will presumably jump right to the top of the a's catching chart. a study in fashion, as the a's and brewers go at it. if you need a beverage, you know where to find one. it is 2-0 a's.
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the kid strikes out santana. three hits, two innings and two strikeouts. ace pitching was phenomenal today. they got the final out to preserve a four hit shutout. 2- 0. the mariners and giants in scottsdale. bottom of the two, one nothing seattle until brandon bell. the first home run of this ring -- the spring for bell. 5-4 seattle. gordon is not a power hitter but he hit home runs twice in this game. that makes it 6-4 mariners. bottom of the seven it is 7-7. check out the right fielder. he is back, he is back, he is back and i am out. the giants won 10-7. the seahawks boom has gone pouf.
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a long time or -- longtime 49er nemesis is on the market. he wants to go to a contender. seattle sent them packing with a failed physical designation. he ruptured his achilles tendon last november. he is now free to shine -- sign anywhere without having to wait for the start of free agency. another high-profile release, the 49ers bid farewell to eldest emeryville after one season and seven cisco. -- elvis do mercerville -- dumervil. after one season. tiger played the back nine first. this is his second shot on the
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par 412. set up about six feet from the hole, he would birdie their. now at -3 onto. tiger shot a 368. st. maries basketball remains in limbo. they sweat out selections on sunday. they are hoping for a bit to the ncaa tournament. lamb dale -- landale is having a terrific season. conference tournament is in full swing, coast to coast. the season is hanging in the balance. american athletic conference
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final, it is the final seconds of the tie game. that is the way to win. memphis advances to the semi final. a teardrop from deep. news will continue with more life coverage on the breaking news in yountville. we have been following the hostage situation that is continuing right now. >> new developments are happening. we will be simulcasting the 7 pm news here on ktvu , fox 2. goodnight. ♪
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[ music ]breaking news from napa county where we have late developments involving a gun man who took three people hostage at the veterans home of california.[ music ]fox 2 news starts now.


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