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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at Noon  FOX  February 5, 2018 12:00pm-1:00pm PST

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california general -- attorney general's office, wyatt is stepping in. the news at noon starts down. let's get right to a big, developing story. stocks are taking another hit. right now, the dow jones is down 773 points. it has dropped nearly 200 points in just the last five to 10 minutes. the slump began on friday. the dow jumped -- dropped 600 points then. interest rates are to blame. banks and tech stops -- tech
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stocks are taking a bit heeke -- hit. a frightening scene in santa rosa after out of coal -- control dump truck accident.>> christian was there just after -- was there just after the crash. >> let show you the aftermath to give you a sense of how violent this collision was. that is the dump truck that was at the center of this collision. there are two vehicles there. there are two vehicles sitting in this intersection and to the left, two more burned-out vehicles. then would go over here. two more vehicles damaged in the crash. 10 vehicles in total. amazingly, no one was killed in
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this accident. six people have been injured. that's go ahead and show you video of what this looks like immediately following the crash. the truck operated by an engineering company out of burlington was headed downhill on fountain green parkway loaded with debris. the truck on its own good way five or six times and carry another eight tons. that could've weighed in at 14 or more tons. the driver has told authorities his brakes failed. one witness told police they saw flames coming off of the brakes before the crash. the witness estimates the speed at about 70 miles per hour. the truck plowed into the intersection. police confirmed that truck
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smashed into nine other vehicles. six burst into flames. people were pulling victims out of the car. cars were scattered through the intersection burning, with people trapped inside. >> a truck it seven or eight cars. flames were everywhere. then there was a minute of total silence. everybody stopped. flames erupted. we started getting people out of the way. get out of the intersection and make room for emergency vehicles. side doors were opened on four or five cars. rip side doors were open. pull people out -- we ripped the side doors opened and pulled people out. people were burning as they were being pulled out.
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we have not heard back from the trucking company. we are waiting for updates on those who are injured. for those who drive in this area, to give you a sense of where we are, close to fountain grave parkway. right at the 101. this intersection is close. we have talked with officers here in the area. there is no estimate on how long it will take for them to clear these vehicles. they need to clear the dump truck carrying debris out of the area. it is best to avoid this area this afternoon.>>. good work. thank you. the attorney general says they will oversee reforms of the san francisco police department after the justices decision good scale back a department community relation program. we're live at the police headquarters.
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>> reporter: this is a continuation of an effort that started in 2016. there had been officer involved shootings here and members of the community and community leaders said that they wanted to see some reforms and changes made. then, the mayor asked the department of justice under obama to come in and do a review of the police department. they did. they made 270 recommendations for changes or reaffirms. just a few months ago the trump administration announced that that planogram -- program would not provide resources or guidance. so now the state department of justice is stepping in to fill that void. the attorney general along with the mayor came together to announce the agency will then
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evaluate the implementation of reforms recommended under the abominable -- obama administration. >> we need independent eyes to oversee these reforms. confidence and trust, that comes from giving people a sense that there will be an independent review of the work that is being done. >> the california doj's assessment will provide an independent assessment of the work we are doing. >> the chief says of the 272 recommendations the department has implemented about half of them. it addresses bias with training for officers and having a diverse police force. their efforts have already
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produced some results. he talks about an 18% decrease in the use of force among police in 2017 anna 9% drop in complaints from the community against the police department. those numbers are attributed to the implementations. back to you. supporters of a plan to give tasers to officers have gotten enough signatures to qualify for the ballot. it is backed by the san francisco police officers association. it would allow the police department to by these for every officer as early as august. supporters don't want to wait until december which was the date set by the police commission when it approved the use of tasers last year. fire officials say high winds and power lines are because of three fires. video taken that night, you can see the wind blowing directly
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at our cameras and threatening to knock over lights. the fire marshal says the wind played a contributing factor in starting the fire. >> sometimes the lines were coming in contact with one another in the wind. we saw sparks coming from the utility. >> the fire was investigated by the city. it destroyed a few homes and a school. pg&e released a statement today saying there has been no determination on the causes of the fires and we are focused on doing everything we can to help sonoma county recover and rebuild. these communities and neighborhoods are where our
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customers, families and friends live and work. nothing is more important to us than their safety and well- being. last night eagles fan -- fans were celebrating their super bowl win. things got a little bit out of control in some areas. there were broken windows, cars slipped over and people starting fires in the streets. the championship parade should be on wednesday. we are waiting to hear details later today. >> it was a shoot out right from the start. eagles beat the patriots. more than 1100 yards in total offense including a trick play called right before halftime. >> they snapped it. touchdown.
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>> he is sneaking out to the right side. he was on the receiving side of a touchdown pass. the patriots kept coming back. they got the lead for short time. not long. this is the game-winning touchdown pass. the eagles when their third super bowl. >> that is something we have been working on. i said let's just run it. it was a good time. the end was a little wider than i thought. i needed to sell that i wasn't doing anything. a work. he made an amazing throw. >> the eagles are your champions. the odds are out for next year's super bowl. the patriots are the favorites.
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the 49ers avenue the 10th best. some great musicians also took the stage for the super bowl.>> [ music ] singer pink delivered the national anthem before the game despite being sick with the flu. she said she had dreamed of the opportunity since the unforgettable performance by whitney houston in 1991. every player stayed standing. >> justin timberlake took the stage for halftime. he got a lot of attention for his tribute to the late artis prince. he was part of minneapolis. he also played songs from his new album. more problems for the
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systems newest train cars and why they're being taken out of service. >> the sun will stick around. there are ups and downs you need to know about. we will talk about that and what areas set records this afternoon. that and more coming up after the break. stay with us, we'll be right back after this short break. fire fighting is a very dangerous profession.
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we have one to two fires a day and when you respond together and you put your lives on the line, you do have to surround yourself with experts. and for us the expert in gas and electric is pg&e. we run about 2,500/2,800 fire calls a year and on almost every one of those calls pg&e is responding to that call as well. and so when we show up to a fire and pg&e shows up with us it makes a tremendous team during a moment of crisis. i rely on them, the firefighters in this department rely on them, and so we have to practice safety everyday. utilizing pg&e's talent and expertise in that area trains our firefighters on the gas or electric aspect of a fire and when we have an emergency situation we are going to be much more skilled and prepared to mitigate that emergency for all concerned. the things we do every single day that puts ourselves in harm's way, and to have a partner that is so skilled at what they do is indispensable,
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and i couldn't ask for a better partner. democrats are pushing to release their own memo after friday's release of a republican memo claiming the fbi used its powers to spy on a former campaign official. the committee will vote on releasing the democrats memo once it goes through the normal review procedures. thursday at the deadline for congress to pass a spending bill. dreamers led to the shutdown last month. they have not agreed on what to do about the program that protects immigrants. republicans are working on another continuing resolution
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to fund the government through march 23. nobody once a government shutdown. we also cannot continue to inflict the damage that these inflict on the military. >> if you want to increase defense spending there must be a commensurate increase on the domestic side. >> paul ryan says they are making progress. even if we could come together on a long-term spending bill, at this point, they don't have time to draft it. a beautiful winter day right now. >> it feels like spring. we will continue with this dry pattern. we are with mostly clear skies and partly cloudy in the afternoon. while we remain with high pressure in control, the other half of the country is under wintry conditions. we are looking to be dry and
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mild for today all the way through the end of the week. take a look at some of the national map. the afternoon hi in bismarck is five degrees right now. chicago is 11. south is a little bit better. miami reporting 80 degrees this afternoon. in the west, you can see all the yellow and orange and red. that is high pressure locked in right over us. that will remain the case. right now it is 62 degrees in oakland and san francisco. upper 60s in santa rosa for inland communities, 74 in walnut creek. of humor numbers, 70 degrees for antioch. alamo is 76. 74 degrees in san bernardino. napa is down by seven. half moon bay is down by 13.
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livermore is up by five. it is very subtle changes going on. we did set records friday, saturday and sunday. we are not seeing much of that today. temperatures will come down just a little bit. 75 will be that afternoon high in novato. in the east by, -- bay, 76 degrees. santa cruz will be 76. here's a look at your extended forecast. 40s and 50s to start the morning. afternoon highs will be in the low to mid 70s. we do have a weekend system that we are dropping on the back of california. no rain. it will bring us wind and bring temperature down just a bit.>> drivers on the santa monica
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bridge are seeing something new. there are overhead message boards with messaging. it is expecting to open a third lane of traffic. we are hearing about issues with new train cars. we hear that all 10 of the new cars were out of service. it was a software issue. there were years of issues with the new cars and the rollout two weeks ago including course taking -- taken out for maintenance. many of those servants -- cars will be in service by 2022. across the bay area, 24% --
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24 present of morning commutes use the hov lanes illegally. they could face five of -- fines of more than $500. officers have a high number of crashes during commute hours there. 64,000 tickets were issued in 2016. new employee bonuses. an electronics company is getting $1000 bonus. that and more coming up after the break. stay with us, we'll be right back after this short break.
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the dow is plunging once again. down by 900 boards right now. we had seated down by 1500 points. the index has erased its gain for the year. this is the biggest point loss in the dow history. percentagewise, as bad as this looks, it is not the worst percentage loss we have seen. the white house says it is aware of the deep slide in the stock market. it is always concerned when we see numbers like this. it points to an overall very strong economy. we will talk to a financial analyst in just a minute.
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is a new head of the federal reserve. powell was selected to replace janet yellin. he did not want to ask her to serve a second term. she is a first fed chair who is not earned a advanced degree in economics. insiders expect him to follow the same approaches. a retailer is offering bonuses to employees. best buy says more than 100,000 employees will get some extra cash. several businesses have handed out bonuses as a result of the tax overhaul. best buy will pay one-time bonuses of $1000 to full-time employees and $500.02 part-time employees. >> huber and wei moe have a
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trial beginning today. huber's attorney said there was no cheating. the former ceo cared more about winning than obeying the law. the case centers on an engineer who now works for huber. wei moe claims they stole trade secrets and use them for self driving cars at huber. they want to million dollars in damages. volkswagen once to delay a trial. the comments were made in a new netflix:you series, dirty money. volkswagen used monkeys to test the effects of diesel fumes. he compared the test to the holocaust. volkswagen is asking for six month cooling off period. the trial is set to begin february 26. it is one of the
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many legal battles that volkswagen has faced after cheating a mission test. >> the wall street journal says apple music have been adding us subscribers at a rate of 5% per month. the growth rate is 2% per month. spot if i have 70 million total subscribers. pandora has a 5 million. today some students will -- were reunited in class. that and more coming up after the break. stay with us, we'll be right back after this short break.
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the dow jones is down 666 points friday. today they take another big hit. right now it is down 747 points. the nasdaq is also down 136 points. james mcbride joins us on the phone. at the top of the hour, the market was where it is that. then it dropped down to 1400 points. now it is fighting. talk about the roller coaster we're seeing.>> it has been volatile. we were down 1600 points at one point. i did some research. that was the largest drop in history. percentagewise, it makes it easier to understand. this is a continuation of what was happening on friday and that is inflation concerns. that is generated by a terrific jobs report. and the fact that wages are
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going up. underlying that was an overall feeling that the markets were getting ahead of themselves. markets were up 6% in january. that is not sustainable. i think everybody is hitting the reset button. >> you are still calling this a correction quick >> yes. at most. is just a correction. i say that because there is nothing wrong fundamentally with the market. usually you have a correction or a bear market when the fundamentals are mismatched. the economy is fantastic. we have terrific corporate orderings, up 17%. tax legislation is having an impact positively. wages are going up. consumers have more money to spend then. consumer spending is two thirds of our gross domestic product. this is all good news with the exception of the market getting ahead of itself. when does it stop? >> when do you expect -- what
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you expect in the next couple of days.>> i don't know. it is not fundamental driven, it is psychologically driven. people revert to a tendency to do something, even if it is wrong. the wrong thing to do is to do anything. take a deep breath. we are in a terrific economy here and internationally. this reset is positive. there was no way that the market could maintain what they did in january or last year. last year it was up 25%. that is way ahead of the eight to 20% we have seen historically. >> what about the average investor, any advice? >> take a deep breath. don't do anything. i think the main idea here is
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that we are not down that far. we are at the same place we were four weeks ago. stocks are on sale.>> we appreciate your time. thank you.>> there is a debate underway under -- over license plate readers. >> we are in alameda with more on this proposal. -- >> reporter: debates are going on today. good afternoon. the police chief once these license plate readers to help combat what is been a surge in car break-ins and other property crimes here in the city. the proposal on the table is to install cameras at all of the bridges and tunnels which lead onto the island. there are only so many ways to get here because it is an
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island. readers would create a record of every car coming and going and alert police to stolen cars or cars that might be connected to other crimes. the city council will vote tomorrow night on whether to spend a half-million dollars to buy 13 of these readers. privacy advocates -- advocates are wondering what will be done with the information collected. they are worried about undocumented immigrants being tracked using these devices. the police chief has promised the information from those readers will not be shared with immigration officials.>> the documents do not say that ice is prohibited from accessing this data. and needs to be made clear. >> i know he will protect all of the residents of our city. however, we do need to look to
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him to reduce crime and address crime in our city. brick of the police department already uses a number of readers on some patrol cars. data collected is only stored for six months. some people we talked to support the idea of using these cameras at the entry points to alameda. they say as long as there are safeguards in place. >> if city leaders approved this plan, alameda would join other bay city cities already using these. will hear from the public
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during their meeting tomorrow night. that begins at 7 pm at city hall. we expect that the council will take a final vote on whether to approve the funding for these readers. >> all right. 7:00 tomorrow night. another step in the recovery efforts. students returned to the nova center for education in santa rosa. portions of the school work destroyed. today they returned to campus. all the students came together and said it is nice to be back together.>> it's amazing. it warms my heart. we have been working toward this day for the last four months. >> the mascot used to be a dragon. since the fire they have adopted the phoenix. it will be two to three years before they get a timeline on returning to a permanent berry -- building. a police
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officer is recovering after being hit by a car during a traffic spot -- stopped. the car sped away from an accident and hit the officer. the suspect is still on the loose. san francisco police are searching for a person who stabbed an officer near mcdonald's. they took one man to the hospital. no word on his condition. people live in any a homeless in count are being forced out. advocates are protesting. >> this is adjacent to the overpass. this land is owned by the transportation department.
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people living here say they have personal belongings here. there are 2230 people from advocacy groups. they say the city, county and state needs to find a better solution. this is a never ending cycle of the streets moving the homeless from one part of the city to the other. i have seen these camps of four years. it is really primitive. this is silicon valley. you would think someone would come up with a solution. >> i don't want the community to look at us and say we can't come here. we are regular people. i want the public to know,
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homeless people cry too. >> we want to make sure that safety is a top priority. this location needs to be safe for everyone.>> they plan to spend $950 million on affordable housing. it will take about a decade to build housing. the homeless advocates here say there needs to be some other solution, short-term. a place where people can go so that they don't move from one camp to another around the city. back to you. larry nasser was sentenced this morning to another 40 to 120 years in prison. the sentencing was for
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molesting athletes added gymnastics training center. the depth of his crimes, the judge said, is incomprehensible. he was sentenced last week to as many as 175 years in prison. more than 260 women and girls say they were assaulted by nasser. usa gymnastics is requiring all gymnasts have a chaperone. team members will be required to have a shopper other than the coaches. police issued 100 citations . this took place near foothill boulevard. and exxon gas station was
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locked down and the security window was open. a security camera shows after 2 am a man kicked in the locked glass door. the employee hit the security alarm but several people rushed in and started grabbing items. >> they broke the glass window and entered the store. they got chocolates and candies. no injuries to the staff. >> the station owner said it will cost thousands of dollars to repair the store. there were no injuries reported. >> the flu season is getting worse. at least 127 people have died of the flu since october. 30 deaths were reported in one week. it has been especially bad for young people. another 16 children died from the flu in the last week of january. that brings the total number of deaths to more than 50. health officials are determining if other job deaths
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were caused by the flu virus. a new development when it comes to who seems to be more susceptible to cancer risk. >> investigators are asking tough questions after training crash in cayce, south carolina that and more coming up after the break. stay with us, we'll be right back after this short break.
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at at&t, we believe in access. the opportunity for everyone to explore a digital world. connecting with the things that matter most. and because nothing keeps us more connected than the internet, we've created access from at&t. california households with at least one resident who receives snap or ssi benefits may qualify for home internet at a discounted rate of $10 a month. no commitment, deposit, or installation fee. visit to learn more.
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investigators are at the scene of a train crash in cayce, south carolina. we have more from west columbia . the ntsb is ramping up its
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investigation after passenger train slammed into a freight train sunday morning. >> they are train bart playing everywhere. there is diesel fuel everywhere. >> this is the third deadly rack involving amtrak in less than two months. the passenger train went down the wrong track. lawmakers are asking questions about how it could've been prevented and how to make the track safer. we are hearing a lot about positive train control. a gps tracking system. >> it is designed to prevent this type of accident. >> pdc is mandatory but almost all commuter rail lines have gotten the deadline extended. some passengers say they are comfortable riding the rails while others say they want this and other safety men --
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measures implemented soon. >> it is still safer than traveling on the roads. >> i wish we could adapt some systems that other countries use . the compliance deadline was last extended in 2015. back to you. turning to weather, not a drop of rain. >> some long rain models show us drive past mid february.>> we had some beautiful weather for the weekend. here is a live look across san francisco. we are partly cloudy, mostly sunny skies. we have a storm weakening the
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ridge of high pressure just a little. temperatures in santa rosa are 69. 72 in berkeley and 68 in san francisco. the airport reports low 60s. 72 degrees in livermore. the inner east bay is warmer today than yesterday but napa is down by seven degrees. that is a notable change. not quite as warm as yesterday. again, this is the high pressure that will remain parked for the next several days. we are seeing a few high clouds over the top. i will show you what we have going into the rest of the week. no sign of any rain. by friday night into saturday there is a system that will drop on the backside of california. it doesn't have any moisture. it will not bring us any rain.
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it will bring us a little bit of wind as it passes through. high pressure will come in right behind it. saturday could be breezy. outside our doors today, widespread 70s. 75 in novato. upper 60s in pacifica and san francisco. 74 degrees for concorde. 76 will be the afternoon high expected for santa cruz and gilroy. in the extended forecast, subtle changes from day today. it will feel like groundhog day. temperatures in the 40s and 50s overnight and then 70s for the afternoon. slightly cooler and breezy on saturday. >> no rain. >> a new study says that high
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levels of cell phone radiation can cause tumors in male rats. this study showed heart tumors when male rats were exposed. the levels of radiation are much higher than those that people are exposed to when using cell phones. go new technology could put security guards out of work. meet ramsey the robot. if it notices something aikins send alerts to a monitoring center. they can also go where it is unsafe for humans. >> at 3 am when humans don't want to be doing this job, that is what the robot has been developed to four. >> there are 10 robots already
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built. each one is $65,000. and as an expected life expectancy of about three years. >> the reviews are in, what were the best and worst commercials of super bowl lii. that and more coming up after the break. stay with us, we'll be right back after this short break.
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some fans are upset that a martin luther king speech was used to sell trucks during the game. people are blasting this on social media. dodge says it had proper permission to use the speech. >> the king center was founded by coretta scott king. either the king center or bernice king approves the use of his words or imagery. an ad that may have missed the mark was from diet coke. others say it did not have a
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clear message. >> this one was from tide.>> the typical super bowl car ad, right? or a beer add. but it is a tied add. >> everyone's close are so clean.>> [ music ] is this commercial from the nfl. the nfl used to penalize
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celebrations. half 1 million people have watched this since being posted. >> live look at the stocks. the dow jones is down right now more than 1100 points. during the past hour it plunged as much as 1500 points. the gain for the year has been erased. the dow point is the biggest of all time. in percentage terms is not as bad as it was during the financial crisis. we will have more on this later. tax season is here. residence in newark fremont and new york city can get help on the newark campus of the college. these are by appointment only.
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you can make an appointment by calling the number listed on your screen. you need to make parking reservations if you are planning to visit yosemite. or still falls takes on a fiery glow at sunset. starting this year, the park service will issue advanced parking reservations. visitors can also walk to spots or take a guided tour. to mountain lions were spotted over the weekend. a short time -- one woman so a mountain lion on sutter lane.
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the dow looks to be on track for a drop. it is down 1032 points right now. ,,
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>> the apple cider vinegar detox. >> it can help you recover from a cheat day. >> your weapon for weight loss. >> it has the ability to reduce craving. >> see how you can take it with every male. plus, is the greek yogurt you are buying in the grocery story folk? >> we de-ed about 48 yogurt samples to the lab. >> we are revealing which are nothing more than junk food. coming up next. ♪ >> are you ready to save some lives today? >> yeah! ♪ >> i love you, dr. oz. cheers and applause] dr. oz: today it's all about


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