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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2 at 9am  FOX  January 10, 2018 9:00am-10:00am PST

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chicago white sox. the team will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of their first game in oakland on the 17th. >> a's president is live in the studio with how you can get your hands on free ticket to an april ball game and more information about the site for a new ballpark. ♪[music] >> former american idol winner kelly clarkson coming under fire. it is a gray start to your wednesday, january 10th. not a ton of rain but a few sprinkles. she is under fire for saying my parents spanked me and i did fine in life and i feel fine about t a lot of people here are concerned because, you
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know, it is -- what you do inside of the home sort of stays in the home. when a public figure makes a controversial statement, she is going to get heat. boy, is she. a lot of people say they do not agree with her stance. we are lucky enough -- >> what is her stance. >> that she spanks her children. >> okay. >> her argument is it happened to me and i came out okay. she says i don't beat them but a spank here and there, it works for me. >> why are people upset about how she raises her children. >> because people have opinions about what other people do. >> we have opinions about raising our own children while our parents are here. not spanking specifically but do you parent your children in a different way that you were parented? >> a little bit. there are some similarities right there. i was never really spanked growing up and i don't spank my children. and i know family members who did it. they can do it their way. >> my parents didn't have an
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ipad to take away. >> they took away your phone privileges. >> that is the biggest thing. technology has changed. things that my parents didn't have to deal with i'm having to deal with. >> i'm more hippy like how does that make you feel instead of go to your room. >> that sounds like my house. go to your room. don't touch each other. we want to mention we have a huge line-up for the 9. willie brown talking about the mayor's race in san francisco. first we have to start in southern california because terrible mudslides there are creating a very large death toll. it was at 13 last night. this morning we know that 15 people have died as a result of the mudslides. and many of those who died were in the community of montecito, about 100 miles northwest of downtown l.a. >> another hard hit area is la tuna canyon, north of burbank, near malibu. a thousand homes were hit by a river of mud and other debris.
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some mud piles are three feet high. officials worry that the death toll will continue to rise. at least three dozen in the region are reported as missing. we see the damage caused by the winter storms in the fire areas. >> reporter: a river of mud came gushing down burbank's country club drive, take withing it cars like this one. hard to believe it was once parked at the top of the hill. now it is down here and full of mud. >> there were just a few people who didn't listen to the fire department when they told us to take every car off the street. those few people, their cars were ruined into check out this white truck that is completely crunched. heidi and they are daughter live up the canyon where there is about 50 homes. they watched the powerful mudslide as it swept away much more than just dirt. >> the power line was coming down. the cars were coming down,
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rolling. and then there was a big rv. it looked like a bus. i was like, what is that? >> reporter: the area east of via monya under evacuation orders much of the day. most residents stayed. >> went to bed and i was like it is nice to hear the rain. and i wake up and i hear the roaring of all of the debris and everything hitting everything. i was like what is going on. >> reporter: our fox 11 videographer hiked up the hill to get a better look at the mud flow that started around 6:30 tuesday morning. but it soon became too dangerous. >> armando, let's get out of here. >> reporter: after two major downpours, this is what the mud flow looks like right now. it is deceivingly different. this is not the last of the debris. they expect more to start flowing down the hill. with that in mind, firefighters evacuated the remainder of the
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residents. >> we were stuck. we couldn't get out. >> reporter: while other neighbors slowly drove out of the canyon to safety. >> that was victoria spillabat reporting. a major link between ventura and santa barbara, the highway is not expected to reopen for at least two to three days. a group of firefighters is ready to go anywhere in the state affected by mudslides. the menlo park has a 14-person swift water rescue team on stand by. they have been sent to hushes and flooding in texas. a short time ago we talked with the emergency response team about the dangers they face during the rescue operations. >> each incident, it varies. we have floods and the slow- moving water. we have swift water. when water is moving at a high rate of speed. and then you have mudslides, which is a whole different animal. boats don't work in mud. boats work in water. we have to get creative and use
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ropes and technical rescue skills to rescue people. >> menlo park firefighters are part of the california task force 3 swift water rescue team. the department also uses drones to fly over damaged areas to look for trapped victims and assess the terrain and detect hidden dangers. the weather around here is expected to be cloudy all day. we might have some rain. steve paulson is here. and, steve, when is the next real rainy day come. >> there will be an okay system tuesday. but next thursday, friday looks like not what we just had but pretty close. that would be it, sal. thank you. much quieter in southern california. rain towards san diego and the four corners but things are quieter. there say possibility of rain. sunday night and into tuesday we had really good rain. we were so far behind after the bone-dry december that now santa rosa is 72% of normal. so we still have a ways to go. in this kind of a pattern and after all of the fires, i think we need a break and we will get
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one here. 71% for san francisco. 78%. speaking of san jose, today 60/46. record low 29 in 1969. i should add the reported low for santa rosa on this date was 2011 when it was 25 degrees. if you were in santa rosa in 2011 on this day, oh, yeah it was cold. most of the rain looks to be slightly east of us and also up into the sierra high pressure is eventually going to win out. today it will be cloudy to mostly cloudy. temperatures will struggle to the north. 40s and 50s. i think upper 50s to near 60 south. and a few snow showers over to south lake tahoe. there is a little accumulation there, in case you're heading up in that direction. by tomorrow, it will go north. any rain looks light. weekend looks good, sunshine and warmer temps. on tuesday, the next system moves in by 10:00 a.m. there is half an inch forecast for ukiah and quarter inch for santa rosa. the system after that could be
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strong. we will keep an eye on that for next week. 50s and 60s for today. sunshine and warmer temps for your weekend. >> thank you, steve. >> you're welcome. last night a federal judge in san francisco temporarily blocked president trump's plan to eliminate the deferred action for childhood arrivals or daca program, that protects young immigrants from being departed. >> the attorney general says it is a victory for dreamers but only until a final ruling is reached in court. >> there is strong reaction from the immigrant community. >> reporter: as the fight over immigration reform rages on capitol hill, a federal judge in california issuing an injunction late tuesday, ordering the trump administration to keep the daca program in place for now. shielding thousands of young immigrants who were brought illegally to the u.s. as children. daca recipients across the country now vowing to keep the
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pressure on lawmakers to find a more permanent fix. >> we don't want, you know, the government to make a profit off of undocumented people, off of immigrants. >> reporter: the judge also rejecting the president's argument that the program rewards illegal immigration. but many immigrants who came to the u.s. legally say they disagree. >> i think daca discriminates against legal immigrants. >> reporter: in a statement the white house called the decision, go, outrageous, saying the president remains committed to finding a solution that also increases border security. many daca recipients rejecting this approach, calling for a clean bill, permanently shielding dreamers from deportation. >> a lot of the daca recipients are feeling like a pawn in this whole political arena. and we've been the pawn for a very long time. >> reporter: under the ruling, daca recipients will be allowed to renew their status, though the government will not be
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required to accept new applications or allow dreamers to return to the u.s. if they leave. in los angeles, anita vogel, ktvu fox 2 news. the new york times has canceled an event featuring james francoment they were scheduled to discuss and promote their film the disaster artist. now the newspaper is calling off the event after franco was accused of sexual misconduct by actress violet. there were similar comments by other women out there on twitter. he appeared on "the late show" with stephen colbert and says he has not seen the comments but added that the comments are, quote, not accurate. we're learning more about the san francisco police officer accused of a sex crime who is now out of jail on $200,000 bail. 30-year-old justin mccall was arrested on monday after an internal affairs investigation. he is being accused of a sex
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crime on an unconscious person on november 5th. he was removed from the field but now he has been suspended without pay. the four-year veteran of the department worked at the tenderloin station most recently. he is due in court friday afternoon. san francisco officers are mourning the loss of a police k- 9 that died after a illness. you see him here. he died last thursday. he was born in the nethers lands in 2009 and joined the san francisco police department two years later. he helped with searches and security sweeps including a super bowl, two world series game and a u.s. open golf tournament. some of the men and women who fought the deadly wildfires in sonoma county back in october were honored for their outstanding service. the board of supervisors recognized about 100 police officers and firefighters and paramedics outside of council
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chambers. >> i believe what you did in those two weeks was well above and beyond what you do normally in terms of responding to trauma. >> those honored yesterday were read a county resolution and presented a coin for special achievement. several thousand first responders will get the coin. students at schaefer elementary school in santa rosa finally back in their classrooms. they returned yesterday for the first time since the tubbs fire destroyed their neighborhood. first responders including firefighters and police officers were among those that greeted the students. there were lots of high fives and a lot of big smiles. the school did not burn down but it experienced severe smoke damage there in the fire. coming up on mornings on 2 the 9, questions over recent closures of oakland's lake temescal and a possible link to toxic sewage. we will talk to a reporter from east bay express about how
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oakland may be mishandling incidents affecting people and animals.
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psst, grocery cart 12 o'clock. oooh and she looks like the no artificial sweeteners type, she'll love us. right? we are the new light & fit greek yogurt with zero artificial sweeteners. zerooooo! ooh eye contact. be cool. ♪ ♪ yeah girl, 13 grams of protein. 90 calories. yaaasssss! (loudspeaker) clean-up in the dairy aisle. we're the new light & fit greek nonfat yogurt with zero artificial sweeteners. come and get us.
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>> this morning the east bay express is publishing a story that says oakland has failed to accurately report hundreds of thousands of gallons of toxic sewage spills that are affecting people and animals. >> according to the report, this could also be tied to the recent closures at oakland's lake temescal that have been blamed on toxic algae. but the supervisors tell the paper that algae feeds on sewage. >> according to the story the department of public works have hired out contractors that do not properly fix the problem of broken pipes and failed to provide information to regulators. joining us this morning is gabrielle canon, the reporter who broke the story. welcome. thank you for coming in, gabrielle. >> thank you for having me. >> background. can you take us to 2014 when the city and there was a
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settlement to fix the sewer lines. what was required of th city. >> this was a settlement with the city of oakland and other regional cities. it was repairing not only the pipes but also making the public aware when there are spills. there are certain monetary investments that were required, things like that. as far as the city of oakland is concerned, it has complied with the settlement. our report found that is likely not the case. >> you say the department of public works in oakland failed to report the sewage overflows and submitted false information. talk about that specifically. >> yeah. what we were able to uncover is that some of the reporting was vastly undercut. and tens of thousands, sometimes hundreds of thousands of gallons of sewage were not reported to regulatory agencies. there was one document even that -- that changed the start time of a particular spill to after the city agencies were
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made aware of it, which of course doesn't even make sense. >> has the city -- this is pretty bad stuff. has the city responded at all to the allegations? >> at this point we still have not been able to talk to the director of the public works department, mitchell. a spokesperson for public works responded during my reporting but we have not received a statement since it has been released. >> specifically when you talk about lake temescal. >> yes. >> how much sewage is leaking in there? is it all year round? i'm not sure they monitor the toxic levels during the winter months. it is busy during the summer. maybe i'm wrong. maybe they monitor. >> that is a great question. for me, it brought up more questions than answers. that is kind of the most horrifying part is we don't know how much sewage has gone into lake temescal. at this point we know that there's been a lot more than has been reported. and certainly even as recently as the last few weeks, there were spill that's were happening there and there were
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no signs. nobody was really made aware that that was happening. >> we reported on periodic closures of lake temescal for years. i would like to put up on the screen what we heard from hal mcclain with the parks distrib. by having low water levels and the drought, a warm winter, the algae hasn't had a winter to get knocked down. a lot of us believed that it was very little rain, nothing flushing out lake temescal. is that statement true full after your reporting? >> i think that there is certainly an environmental factor with algae. but we were able to find there was a connection to the sewage. the algae gets worse when the sewage is there. >> algae sits there because it is not raining. >> yes. one of the main issues as well is the public was highly informed about this toxic algae issue, right. so if you go up to the lake and the lake is closed or you go up to fish or whatever and you see a water quality sign, you're going to think, oh, it is the
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algae issue again. that may not be the case. i think that that is sort of the difference. we don't know as members of the public when there is actually an algae situation going on versus a sewage situation. and also how those two things play together. >> did you actually go up and look at the lake and smell anything funny and see like evidence of sewage? >> i did, yes. i went up several times during my reporting. times when there wasn't a reported sewage leak. and of course when i knew there was an ongoing problem. there were parts of the lake that you could smell the tinge. as someone who knew what was going on, it was clear to me, okay, this is sewage. otherwise if you're up there, we have all been around lake temescal and merit and things like that and you smell the funky smells and think is this just the lake. >> is it the water. >> am i being too sensitive. because you don't know. >> the saddest part about it, there is one sign that says
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there have been water quality issues, don't fish in the lake. first of all, they're only in english. and then you still see people who are out there who maybe have walked had in a different part of the lake and didn't see the sign but they're fishing and there is a sewage spill going on. >> you told the story of a woman who has been deal withing this particular issue at her own property. >> right. >> in oakland. of the hundreds of miles of sewage piping in the city, a lot of it is clay pipes. how much has been replaced, do you think, since the 2014 settlement? >> i can't really speak to an exact number. >> okay. >> i was told by worker that's they are gradually being replace. that is something that the city has been pretty diligent to try to do. of course when you look at the contractor who's have been hired, construction was a big part of my story. so you question whether or not that construction has been done correctly and done well. but, yeah, you brought up terry
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toby. that is an important example of someone who has been directly impacted by this. who has for years now been struggling to get this program. >> her animals are sick because of this. >> greater awareness. when you take someone like terry toby who has been very diligent in trying to get this problem solves, it pointed to a bigger issue. the fact that this has not been a secret in city government. we're just learning about this and only because as a last resort, after teaing with terry and other workers in the sewer department, they had no other recourse but to make this a publicly known issue in order to get something done. >> gabrielle canon. thank you for joining us. read the full article in the east bay express. tom vacar is working on the story as well. we will have that for you in the later newscasts. coming up, we will take you to the south bay where a deadly
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police shooting happened at a power plant in san jose. what the man was carrying that may have prompted police to open fire. keeping local students on the right track to success. the community effort underway to make sure it happens.
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>> breibart is working with bannon on a smooth transition. a south bay couple filed a lawsuit to buy back the street at a auction. it paid for presidio terrace back in 2014. the sale was reversed and gave the street back to homeowners who failed to pay $894 in back property taxes. the couple says they were
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denied due process because the bills were sent to a bookkeeper back in the 1990s. helping students stay in school and go to college or find a pathway to a career. that ktvu's amber lee explains how the program works. >> what is the answer. >> reporter: kelly cosby is playing it forward. the tutoring and mentoring she once received here at the high school she is giving back as part of the neighborhood program. she says she was the first person in her family to attend college and wants to use her own experience to pave the way for other students to prepare for cool glenn they need somebody to -- prepare for college. >> they need somebody to tell them you can do this. >> reporter: having a tutor has helped him pull up his grades
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from ds to bs. >> i never asked for help. >> now. >> i'm asking for help for anything that i don't understand at all. >> reporter: jeremiah says coming from a single parent home, he knew he would need good grades to get a scholarship. he plays football and credits his coach and mentor for being a father figure. he is also the school's dropout prevention specialist. and varsity basketball coach. >> a lot of times they don't need training to be reality tv stars or rappers or some of the things that they have an affinity for now. so we have to remind them and make them fall in love with school again. >> reporter: the program recently received $30 million in federal funding following the fits grant it received in 2011. supporters say high schools in hayward have seen a 10% increase in graduations since the program was first implemented. and at the same time, the
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graduation rate for the cal state east bay students who participate in this community project is 14% higher than those who don't. >> and they become leaders in their community as university students. that is meaningful, purposeful education. >> it provides you with a better life and different opportunity that's can connect you with jobs and just make your life better. >> reporter: one goal is to have students who have benefited from the program come back as college students to help a new generation get on track to attend college or find a pathway to a career. supporters say the success of the program depends on this ongoing community involvement. in hayward, amber lee, ktvu fox 2 news. coming up on mornings on 2 the 9, the deadline to fill paperwork to run for mayor of san francisco has now passed. today we're looking at the field of candidates while we speak with former san francisco mayor willie brown. jon gruden is officially
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back with the raiders. what he has to say about the team packing up and moving to las vegas and about quarterback derek carr in a one on one interview with mark ibanez. sorry. i can't make it.
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it's just my eczema again, but it's fine. yeah, it's fine. you ok? eczema. it's fine. hey! hi! aren't you hot? eczema again? it's fine. i saw something the other day. eczema exposed. your eczema could be something called atopic dermatitis, which can be caused by inflammation under your skin.
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maybe you should ask your doctor? go to to learn more. >> in just the past hour we received information from san jose in connection to the officer-involved shooting last night. >> it happened at a power plant. it is the city's first officer- involved shooting of the year. >> allie rasmus is at the power plant where the shooting occurred. the police chief will discuss the shooting later today. >> reporter: yes. 12:30 this afternoon. the police chief will be talking about what happened here in the city's first officer-involved shooting of the year. it happened around 5:00 yesterday afternoon the metcalf energy center, the big plant down the road, private road where we're standing. it is a private plant that provides energy to parts of san jose. apparently a person had parked right at the gate that you're
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looking at in the distance. police spotted the man described as an intruder by a spokesperson of the plant. again, this was around 5:00 yesterday. and they noticed an unusual weapon that the man was carrying. >> following behind him. he is on foot. he still has an ax and a large pole. >> he's got the ax in his hand and refusing to drop it. >> an ax in his hand and he is refusing to drop it. >> reporter: so an ax is reportedly what the man was carrying. about two minutes after that exchange that you just heard from police dispatch, you can hear report that's shots were fired. the man with the ax was shot in the chest. police have not commented on the man's condition but the san jose are mercury news reported that the shot was fatal and the man died at the scene. none of the employees were hurt in this and the man was a, quote, intruder and they are
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cooperating with the investigation. we spoke with a man who makes deliveries in the area. he says 3:00 yesterday afternoon, he noticed an unusual van parked in the area with a person inside who had some sort of samurai type sword mounted on the dashboard and he wonders if it was the same man involved in the officer- involved shooting just two hours yesterday. >> the windows were fogged up and he had a sword or an object mounted on his dashboard. a weapon of what looked like it. and he looks suspicious. every time that i came back and forth within 15 minutes, he kept switching directions. >> reporter: now, again, at 12:30 this afternoon is when san jose's police chief is supposed to speak about the circumstances surrounding this officer-involved shooting. again, we will be there to bring you that -- when that news comes in. back to you guys. >> thank you, allie. san jose police department is unveiling a new tool that the public can use to find out how and when officers use force
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when interacting with the community. it is an online portal where people can read about incidents where police used force while dealing with the public. the chief police will also talk about why it is important on the local, state and national levels. for more on some of the other headlines we have been working on here is dave clark. >> thank you, sal. just in half an hour from now, governor jerry brown will unveil his proposed state budget. the state has to set aside more money for medi-cal and other programs. last year's budget was $183 billion. well, a problem with the popular dog-walking app has led to the accidental release of
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the private records of its customers. the wag labs dog walking app mistakenly exposed web pages showing the names, addresses and lockbox codes that could let thieves break into houses. the information was on the company's website, on obscure pages that were not protected. we don't know yet how long the pages were exposed or if the information was stolen or misused. bay area voters may get the chance to decide if tolls go up on seven bay area bridges. today, a report will go to the bay area toll authority recommending a toll hike of as much as $3. that committee will decide whether to put the idea on the june ballot. now, if the committee approves it, then voters in all nine bay area counties would get to decide. the golden gate bridge, by the way, won be affected because it is operated by its own bridge district. those are just some of your morning headlines. mike, sal, gasia, i'll send it
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back to you. >> thank you, dave. jon gruden is back with the raiders after a 16-year absence. mark ibanez caught up with him after the news conference. >> when did it resinate with you that there was fact in it and this might be the year and why? >> well, i got a lot of respect for mark davis. we have been friends over the last six, seven years. we've had numerous discussions over the years about coaching and his vision of the franchise. and, you know, the reality is when we had a ring of honor game in tampa a few weeks ago and i got around a lot of my old players. and i realized it was like this is what i love the most in life, is being on a football team and being with the players. and i never really felt good about leading the raiders under the terms that i left under. and i wanted to come back here and work for mark and do something special here for the city of oakland. because i love these oakland raider fans. i can't wait to get outside and meet them. >> that being said, is it a
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little bit of bittersweet in that knowing that the team in a couple years will probably leave. >> yeah. >> your thoughts and sensitivities about that with regard to oakland raider fans. >> i'm really sensitive about it. i had a son here in oakland. i've got a lot of friends in oakland. and i want to try every way possible to give them something to remember. i want to show my gratitude to them by coming back and laying it on the line for them. >> final question, jon, you are known as somewhat of a quarterback whisperer, if you will. derek carr, you have talked a little bit about him this morning. but things you like about him and maybe what -- what got side tracked? what went wrong with derek carr. >> he got hurt, number one. you got hurt. that can hurt any quarterback's performance. but i've always liked him, from the first time that i met him. i think he is a great person. i think he has great talent.
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he has superb arm talent. he has a passion to play football and be greatest he has dynamic leadership traits and he is in his prime. there's a lot to like with derek carr. it is our responsibility to get him to play at a better level. >> will you understand us media guys better now that you have been on the tv. >> yeah. i'm going to tell what you a great job you're doing. i can tell you when you're not doing a good job too. that's all i know. >> i appreciate that, jon. best of luck to you. >> i bet you he remembers mark from the earlier years. >> certainly. >> the warriors play the clippers tonight at oracle. they have a healthy steph curry and have won five games in a row. 33-8 so far on the season. the clippers have won seven of their last ten games. there was a different dre at the warriors practice
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facility yesterday. dr. dre stopped by to talk to the players and the photo was shared with draymond green. 90 minutes ago people could start registering for free tickets to the april 17th game against the white sox. the a's are celebrating the 50th anniversary of their first game in oakland. we posted a link on in the web links section for you to register for the free a's tickets. >> joining us live is dave kaval. i love the promotion. the free tickets. are there some left. >> there are some left. this morning it has been super popular. >> you check the seats. >> general admission. if you're a season ticket holder, your tickets are guaranteed. it will be a completely free game. free parking. we will celebrate our 50th anniversary in oakland there. will be throw-back jerseys. it will be amazing. >> you had a party. we have the new digs down the
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street. >> we're neighbors. >> new offices in jack london square. how was the move. >> a great move. a lot of work over the holidays to get everything going. we love our new place. we're all in one location, right at jack london square. we're celebrating our history. >> i can tell you some of the lunch spots around here if you want. >> okay. yeah. >> let's talk about the new stadium. you joined us when the site near laney college went south, no longer an option. back then you said you didn't have a plan b. what is the plan b now. >> the key thing is we're 100% commit today an option in oakland. we will find a place that the community and the a's can partner and find a way to make it work. we're evaluating the final three sites that we came up with last year, howard terminal, coliseum and peralta. and we want to be thoughtful before we make the next announcement. >> why are you speaking about peralta? i thought it was out. >> we're looking at all three
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final options. those are the viable options for a privately financed stadium in oakland. we want to make the best choice for the community. >> when i heard you were putting on, i went to twitter and put up a message. the first question, will the a's be able to keep players. the second question one is about mark molder, the former a's guy who was the color analyst. >> yeah. >> filling in. i guess he is not coming back. why is that. >> with mark, he was doing about 20 games with us. you know, he did a great job on the broadcast. but we wanted to have someone who could do more games. it is important. it will be announced in the next couple of days who that will be. >> you have someone. >> we do. >> can you make that announcement here. >> it is coming shortly. it will be someone with a history with the club. >> i see. >> the key things, we wanted someone who could do more games. >> it can be a great
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partnership and we can have a lot of new energy around the broadcast. >> are you sure you don't want to tell everyone who that is. >> in due time. >> i want to pin you down. a lot of people changed that the a's changed their slogan. raise the flag over city hall saying that the a's are rooted in oakland. shot a commercial in her office. no long rooted in oakland. now it is victory for oakland. are you committing 100% to building a new ballpark in the city of oakland or are you looking at perhaps fremont and san jose. >> no. we are 100% committed to oakland. we have the rooted in oakland kind of tag line and ethos but we have a victory for oakland as well. that is our brand constitution, who we are as an organization. i don't think they're mutually rooted. we want to make sure that our fans and front office and players are pulling in the same direction to have successful in oakland. >> other than howard terminal and coliseum, has any new site
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popped up, or wild ideas. >> our parking lot is off limits, by the way. >> you don't want to take public transit. >> there are really three finalists like we said before. howard, peralta, coliseum. they can be privately financed and make the most sense. >> you have to be mad at peralta. did you feel like you got blindsided? >> we're not mad at anyone. i think from the beginning we wanted -- >> that was your number one. >> it was a process and we wanted to make sure we engaged their community and made it as much their decision oz our decision. this is a big deal. >> how are you going about it this time. >> we learned from what happened. we will keep the open and transparent communication with fans and community groups and we want to have a solution that works for everybody. >> somebody asked why we wouldn't go to the coliseum since they have transportation there. i think i know your answer.
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>> we have looked at other successful ballparks in the united states, in north america. and you see the urban downtown locations. walkable to the downtown core. those are the most successful. camden yards, at&t park across the bay. that is a model for success in baseball. we want to learn from that and make sure that we have the same success in oakland. >> david kaval, our neighbor. we will bring you muffins next time. >> can't wait. >> coming up, we will talk with former mayor willie brown of san francisco about the current mayoral race. stay with us. if your idea of seizing the day
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starts before the day even begins... then you need lean protein. and it comes in a jimmy dean delights breakfast sandwich. stacked with 17 grams of protein. lean into a great day. shine on.
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>> the san francisco mayor's race is now set with eight qualifying candidates on the ballot. the window to file for the
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election closed at 5:00 last night. it includes the following candidates. >> city attorney dennis herrera who had taken out the paperwork to run for mayor said yesterday he decided not to enter the race after all. also not on the list are david chiu and carmen chu who announced this week they would not be running. supervisor mark ferrell who was mentioned as a possible candidate also previously announced he would not be running. joining us live this morning is former san francisco mayor willie brown. mayor, always a pleasure. great to have you on the team today. >> thank you. thank you very much for the opportunity. >> so what is your pre-season, your pre-election top poll when it comes to the names we just listed for the june 5th mayoral
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election. >> i think there are four people that will be very competitive with reference to each other. obviously the three women, london breed, jane kim and angela aliota. and then mark leno, the former state senator, who is also in that contest. i think those are the four people that will be seriously considered. >> do you think the city should appoint a caretaker mayor or should london breed remain in that position? >> the charter is very clear. it says whenever there is a vacancy in the office of mayor, the president of the board of supervisors shall be acting mayor until six people says something differently. i believe that london breed should occupy that position through the time that the public says something differently, which is june 5th, when the special election takes place per the charter. >> does that give her an advantage, unfair or not?
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>> there is no such thing as fair or unfair. london breed won as -- unanimously as the president of that board. obviously every member of that board knew what they were doing when they voted for her. and then simultaneously, we have only had this situation one other time. in 1978 when masconi was assassinated along with harvey milk, dianne feinstein was the president of the board of supervisors and she became the acting mayor and then ultimately mayor. that's the way it is and that's the way it should be. >> mayor, some people have mentioned your name as a caretaker mayor. we saw polls that said it was a popular decision but you said no way. right? >> absolutely. i would not even consider it. i believe that the young people, the new people in the world of politics are the ones we ought to have our focus on. and i particularly believe that this is the year of the woman.
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with all of the things that have gone on over the last several months involving women and the clear demonstration of how they're not treated equally and we all participate in not treating them equally, this is the opportunity for san francisco to say, yes to a woman. there are three obviously qualified women with london breed in my opinion being the best of the three. we have a chance to do it and make history for san francisco. >> let me ask you a question outside of san francisco. you bring up the point of the year of the women. oprah winfrey this week, a lot of speculation about her and a possible run in 2020. who do you think would be better in the oval office, someone like oprah winfrey or someone like our senator here in california, kamala harris, who is an up and coming, not around here, but around the country, getting to be known around the country. would you see an oprah winfrey or kamala harris in the white house? >> i would tell you, out of the
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box and view of the incredible statue that oprah winfrey has among people, she can sell a book that you have not even written yet. she is very persuasive. not unlike donald trump. believe me she would be a formidable candidate. but i don't think she is interested in running. she interested in doing the things that she does. on the other hand, kamala harris has been the district attorney of san francisco, the attorney general of california. she has been in every way highly qualified, highly trained. and now she is a u.s. senator. and believe me, over the next two or so years, i think we're all going to see a real star rising right out of san francisco and california and it will be kamala harris. >> mr. mayor, how in touch are you with what is happening in the san francisco mayor's office these days?
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>> well, i am a columnist for the chronicle. believe me as a nosy reporter. >> we know. >> i keep my ears open for everything under the sun. and believe me, i know what is going on at city hall. >> did you happen to hit the sacred heart game last night at usf? >> no, i did not. >> he's going to brag that sf won. >> yeah. i understand. but, you know, i was focused last night on what is happening with reference to health care. the city was hosting a huge convention involving those who finance research, et cetera. and i was hanging out with them. >> mayor brown, always a pleasure. thanks for coming on the 9 this morning. and have a great rest of your week. >> okay. you guys have a good day. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> you had to get that si thing in, didn't you. >> he is mr. city. always involved in everything that happens in that city, even when si beats them right there.
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yesterday supervisor aaron peskin called the board of supervisors to find a replacement for london breed. six members of the board would have to sign off to approve the new acting mayor. so far there is no indication who the caretaker mayor may be. our question of the day has been should san francisco appoint a caretaker mayor or should london breed stay in that role? we see from the poll results, 26 percent say a caretaker memory. 74% say london breed. i don't remember any conversation about a caretaker mayor with ed lee. >> it would take a caretaker too long to get up to speed. london already knows the project that's mayor lee was working on and their status. >> and oscar says it should be up to her if she would like to or not. >> thanks for talking with us
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and using the #ktvuthe9. coming up, students at the university of washington giving amazon's alexa an upgrade. how you can have a conversation with your digital assistant.
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>> the malaysian government is offering a texas government $7 million to find the wreckage of a plane that crashed seven
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years ago. 239 people were on board. malaysian officials want to find the plane or both flight roars within three months. it will have underwater search equipment in place by next week. amazon is recruiting university students to make alexa more conversational. >> hi. how is it going. >> good. how are you. >> i'm doing amazing. >> a team from the university of washington recently won the alexa prize and $500,000 for developing a conversational social bot for alexa called sounding board. >> we can talk about science, social media, or superman. >> let's talk about superman. >> it sounds like you want to chat about superman. have you heard of this? in sweden it is illegal to name your child metallica, superman, ikea and elvis. >> that is interesting. >> i'm happy you feel this is
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interesting. >> our old friend brian flores there. >> thanks for being here with us today. be sure to join us tomorrow. we are welcoming oakland's mayor and police chief to the studios in the 8:00 hour. opd is talking about a fairly large drop in violent crimes. still a lot of issues that oakland is dealing with. we will talk with the mayor and police chief when they join us in the 8:00 hour of mornings on 2 tomorrow. we will see you back here at noon. >> alexa, take me to the break. >> there you go.
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>> announcer: live from new york city, it's "the wendy williams show." ♪ say it like you mean it feel it baby feel it ♪ now, here's wendy! [ cheers and applause ] >> wendy: thank you for watching. [ applause ] say hello to my co-host. [ applause ] how you doin'? okay. let's light it up. it's time for hot topics! come on! [ applause ]


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