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tv   The Ten O Clock News on KTVU Fox 2  FOX  January 4, 2018 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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subzero temperatures and blizzard conditions and winter weather emergencies affecting millions. the bomb cyclone blasting the northeast.>> a powerful winter storm is walloping the eastern seaboard with snow wind and
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flooding.>> winter weather watch is in effect from maine down to the carolinas. some areas expecting 18 inches of snow with bone chilling temperatures to follow.>> live coverage from lauren blanchard in atlantic city new jersey where the governor has declared a state of emergency.>> reporter: up and down the east coast the storm blamed for multiple deaths plus it is knocked out power to 100,000 customers.>> this is heavy. it is heavy snow.>> reporter: a massive storm system technically known as a bomb cyclone blasting the northeast on thursday.>> it is coming out heavy.>> reporter: delivering heavy snow up to 18 inches. hurricane force winds triggering blizzard warnings from north carolina to maine.>>
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we stay here until tomorrow night.>> reporter: forcing thousands of flight cancellations and stranding travelers.>> our flight was canceled. we never got information it was being canceled. now we are delayed. we are not sure we will be flying out anytime soon.>> reporter: massachusetts has been seeing flooding with icy waters surging through streets including in boston. in nantucket thursday winds were clocked at 76 miles per hour. since wednesday the system has brought record snowfall to parts of florida up into the carolinas. charleston received more than five inches the most snow since the 80s.>> it is what it is. we don't control mother nature.>> reporter: following the storm record cold moving into the northeast. forecasters believe the wind
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chills will be in the -40s in new england on friday. bill martin is with us. we hear a lot about bomb cyclone. we haven't heard that before.>> i haven't heard it ever before. basically what they are referring to is a nor'easter which is powerful. it's low center. it has dropped more than 24 millibars in 24 hours. i'm not sure how that works. if you are confused by bomb cyclone. it is a meteorological bomb which is extremely powerful. one of the strongest forms they have seen on the east coast in 40 years. you get the cold air coming down from the canadian -- look at this water from 78 degrees in the atlantic. when they meet hot and cold it is explosive. you have a strong rusher job.
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you have very low -- heavy snow amounts. isa bars are the black lines. they are close together. as the bottom dropped out it lost 24 millibars. as it dropped out you have this huge pressure gradient. the time a winds up to 75 or 80 miles per hour. we can go right to the massachusetts area. reports on the ground. some of the wind reports today. these are urban centers. 42 miles per hour they are. out at 71 miles per hour. then we go to nantucket. they had 76 miles per hour. snowfall near the boston area. snowfall 12 1/2 inches. that has been the range. this system is moving off. in behind it is the cold air.
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it is going to stick around. that is where the -40 feels like temperatures are coming from. it will go to some dangerous cold weather in the next 12-24 hours. the storm back east forced cancellation of almost 100 flights is san francisco airports. we spoke with travelers eager to get to their destination. >> reporter: suitcases are packed and despite widespread delays and cancellations some travelers are rolling to the airport determined to get to their destination.>> i was supposed to be on a redeye last night. which got canceled. i got put on an 8 am flight today. which before i woke up got canceled. nine. i am on a 8 pm connecting through st. louis that supposed to get there tomorrow.>> reporter: he lives in nigeria. he has endured the most grueling trip ever. he was visiting family in
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atlanta and flew to san francisco to see his girlfriend. yes business meetings he needs to get to in new york. he might have to hang out in st. louis before he goes to the big apple. he stood at the united counter hoping to board a flight sooner. it is not looking good.>> boston new york metro and philly canceled today because of the winter storm. 97 total flight cancellations so far. a situation that will continue into tomorrow.>> reporter: there is good news and bad news. bad news is airlines don't typically accommodate travelers for weather cancellations which means you are stuck paying for your own hotel. good news is that many airlines are giving travelers a proper heads up. some are offering last-minute ticket changes at no cost.>> they are more proactive than they used to be. the fact that passengers can tell their story in real time. no airline once a live
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broadcast of a flight where passengers are stranded on the tarmac in the northeast.>> reporter: this woman narrowly escaped a cancellation traveling from washington dc to san francisco.>> was an hour delay waiting for them to deice the plane.>> reporter: do you feel like you left in the nick of time?'s. yes i did.>> reporter: best advised to download the app for the airline you are flying with. or you can download flight aware which will give you up-to- the-minute information on delays or cancellations. i have jfk pulled up. closure will last through 7 am eastern time friday morning. a magnitude foreplay for earthquake rattle people awake across a large part of the bay area. the epicenter on the hayward fault in claremont canyon near the -- tunnel. it was felt by people as far away as 150 miles.>> it was
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really sudden. i woke up. it was an eye-opener.. every time we have an earthquake in california there is a low probability of a larger earthquake following it. 5% possibility of a larger earthquake in the next several days. following this.>> reporter: there are no reports of damage. seismologists hope today's quake serves as a reminder for people to be prepared for a bigger one. late word of an arrest in san jose in connection with the sexual assault of a middle school teacher. they made the arrest tonight. one day after releasing video that shows the suspect walking around harper middle school. the assault and robbery happen in a classroom tuesday morning. it was about 90 minutes before school started when the teacher came in early to prepare for class. officials will release more information about the arrest tomorrow afternoon. open police identified the man shot
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to death by a bart lease officer as celine kendall. the bard officer ordered shots at 4:40 pm wednesday across the street from the west oakland bart station. he ran over -- and saw two men in a struggle with one of them with a gun. the officer warned them and then shot the man with the gun. later identified as kendall. the other man was treated and released. the bard officer was wearing a body camera but the video has not been released. federal lawsuit filed that alleges mistreatment of pregnant inmates at alameda county santa rita jail. six current and former inmates claimed they were coerced into abortions or inhumanely treated. rob malcolm inside the jail with the accusations in the response. >> reporter: the alameda county sheriff's office has not been served with a lawsuit.
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they denied allegations made by six women. they said they were made to shock the public and grab headlines. for that reason they held a press conference of their own to rebut the charges.>> reporter: the allegations heard on the front steps outside the county sheriff's office by two former female inmates and her lawyers were so horrific and pointed the sheriff's office responded quickly.>> we take these allegations seriously. they are hurtful and we don't believe they are true.>> reporter: they claim officials at the jail engaged in barbaric systematic behavior that denied female inmates medical attention. warm clothes regular meals and worse. >> what the sheriff has been doing is either trying to pressure women to getting abortions. or treating them in such a way it imperils the health of their fetuses.>> reporter: christina says she was 3+ months pregnant and had a miscarriage due to poor conditions and
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mistreatment at the jail.>> being in a holding tank with 8 to 12 other women sleeping on the floor.>> there is a provision the state regulations that says if you have a pregnant woman you have to have a plan for her care.>> reporter: the attorneys claim another inmate gave birth by herself in solitary confinement. the office responded she was taken to a hospital prior to giving birth.. >> she went into labor and gave birth. we provided immediate medical assistance. the child was born healthy.>> reporter: officials say they would never influence the women to terminate a pregnancy. alameda county says they house 207 female inmates of which five are pregnant and receiving prenatal care.>> once women come into the facility they are seen within a couple days to several days depending on whether it is the weekend.>> reporter: while pregnant and
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being transported she was handcuffed in the back and not the front which is protocol.>> this is the kind of inhumane barbaric treatment that goes on. what we are seeking is to stop it and force the sheriff to obey state law. >> reporter: how committed the jail staff is to its female inmates.>> sergeant kelly added pregnant inmate litigation cases are quite common. he pointed to his own time working at santa rita jail where female inmates were given regular meals medical care and their rights were respected as individuals. up next trump's controversial plan to expand offshore drilling. it would be a first for california and more than 30 years. doj targets marijuana
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days after recreational sales become legal in california. a bay area city is vowing to fight back.
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the trump administration unveiled a proposal to open up coastal waters to offshore drilling. word of the plan which would open up new leases to oil companies next year has prompted a backlash from environmental groups lawmakers and several governors. what the white house is
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proposing and reaction from critics.>> reporter: there hasn't been a new oil drilling lease since 1984. the administration is proposing seven new leases off the coast of california oregon and washington. two of them would be here in northern california.>> reporter: went a ruptured oil pipeline since 21,000 gallons of oil two years ago it was a reminder of what happened there five decades prior. when 3 million gallons of oil spilled from a platform in the santa barbara channel. that disaster the largest oil spill in state history is credited with inciting the environmental movement in california.>> the risk of more drilling means the risk of more oil spills. that would be truly devastating.>> reporter: ashley is a scientist in monterey who studies marine wildlife and works for an environmental group.>> reopening the pacific ocean to more oil and gas drilling would really be
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devastating and would jeopardize coastal communities. our local economy and marine wildlife.>> reporter: they want to drastically expand permits for drilling and most of the waters of the u.s. continental shelf. including the pacific and atlantic coast in the gulf of mexico. the new plan from the interior department brought swift reaction from governor brown along with her counterparts. his counterparts in oregon and washington. for more than 30 years our shared coastline has been protected from further drilling. we will do what it takes to stop this reckless shortsighted action. house minority leader nancy pelosi said the trump administration is racing forward with its increasingly brazen attempt to loot our environment and planet. connect governor tweeted -- lieutenant governor tweeted gonna happen.>> we are not going to let anyone drill for oil off the coast of
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california.>> reporter: telephone you lawmakers should act to keep the administration's plan to open up the coast to drilling from moving forward.>> we do have the power to ban or restrict offshore drilling in certain areas. i think we need to do that. there was a bill last year to do it and it failed. we need to try again.>> reporter: there will be a 60 day public comment period which starts on monday. numbers count submit comments to the department of interior. the administration will make an official proposal. the trump administration announced it is resending an obama policy allowing states to legalize marijuana. christina tells us at least one a bay area city is vowing to fight back.>> reporter: four days into the legal sale and use of recreational cannabis in california and jeff sessions is taking action. he announced plans to reverse a
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policy that discourages federal interference with marijuana friendly states. he says the previous issuance of guidance undermines the rule of law and the ability of local state tribal and federal law enforcement partners to carry out the mission. prosecutions will be left up to individual u.s. attorneys. they would decide how to prioritize resources to crack down on pot possession distribution and cultivation. despite the uncertainty it is business as usual at harborside dispensary in oakland.>> we saw this coming. i'm not really concerned about it.>> reporter: the same goals for berkeley patient group. >> we intend to keep on with our operations. we are a state license locally supported cannabis business. we have the support of our local and state politicians.>> reporter: politicians are expressing disappointment. nancy pelosi -- attorney general jeff sessions decision
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bulldozers over the will of the people and insult the democratic process. the lieutenant governor said california will stand together to pursue all legal legislative and political options to protect reforms and rights as a state. at berkeley city hall the mayor said it is interesting jeff sessions believe strongly in states rights but is advancing policy to take away the rights of states when it comes to cannabis.>> this has always been in the back of our minds since trump was elected. we don't know what the full impact of this announcement is. berkeley will stand firm to defend our right and the right of the people of california to the criminalize cannabis. >> reporter: eight states have legalized marijuana. 29 have legalized it for medical purposes. session said marijuana should not be legalized. he calls it a gateway drug and
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blames it for spikes in violence. the dow jones hit another milestone. holding above 25,000 for the first time. this comes a month after it crossed 24,000. analysts say gains in energy and blue-chip companies are driving the rise including apple which gained 49%. it added 152 points today. nasdaq trained 12. s&p was up 10. singing competition like no other. a look at the fox show the stars where other music competitions and. paul chambers has a look in talks with the a list judges. it could be a conference championship preview. the warriors and the rockets going at it. we will let you know who came out on top. much-needed housing in the south bay. the project will provide living spaces for up to 1000 people.
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police in oakland involved in a special operation tonight. we found a heavy presence in the area of 19th avenue and east 19th street. they started detaining people at 745 and initially up to nine people were being held. most were later released with at least one person arrested. at this time police are not detailing what the special operation is about. a new plan just unveiled could bring housing relief to the south bay and ease traffic. residents might not reap rewards for 10 years.>> jesse is live in central san jose with more about the southwest plaza.>> reporter: if all goes according to plan deposit with said where that apartment complex is right now -- provide housing up to 1000 people.
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a way for them to get around without a car. the vta station just across the street.>> reporter: artis kurt anderson said a years worth of brainstorming went into parading -- creating these renderings of southwest plaza. the development would have 710 units of housing stretching 10 stories into the sky. the ground floor would provide 12,500 square feet of retail space.>> the city has given us very positive encouragement to proceed. we are really excited to move forward.>> reporter: the plaza would replace existing shelter creek -- complex and provide easy access to the station across the street.links winchester station to the south with downtown san jose to the north.>> the other vta stations have those apartments already.
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i was wondering when something like this would happen. it is inevitable is what i.>> reporter: leaders such as councilwoman deborah davis have given the project a green light. turning the southwest expressway area into an urban village. i'm excited to add more housing says davis. it is especially needed for seniors any of whom live on fixed incomes. the question of what comes next is forefront on the minds of current residents and families.>> in a way it is better. her current residence it is concerning.>> reporter: anderson promises those who live as shelter creek won't be left in the cold in the name of progress.>> we have to assist these people to relocate. that would be part of this.>> reporter: anderson just received the planned development zoning. he hopes by the spring to get
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development permits from the city if all stays on track. residents could be moving into the new structure by 2023. rumors are flying about who is in and who is out. a look at the latest names of those who want to become the next mayor of san francisco. the comedy show held tonight to benefit victims of the wine country wildfires.
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woman: so, greg, it's a lot to take in. woman 2: and i know that's hard to hear, but the doctors caught it early. hi, blake! my dad has cancer. woman: and i know how hard that is to hear. but you're in the right place. man: and dr. pascal and her team, they know what to do. they know what to do. the doctors know what to do. so here's the plan. first off, we're going to give you all... (voice fading away)
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san francisco mayor's race is heating up. we checked the list of candidates. it is 20 names with a deadline to file coming next week. tara has a look at the contenders hoping to fill the remainder of ed leaves time.. president angela -- officially announcing her decision to run for mayor of san francisco.>> here are the multiple signatures.>> reporter: the 68 year old said she would work to fight crime solve homelessness and create affordable housing.>> to create a city that bridges the gap between the extremely rich and those that are middle-class and the poor.>> reporter: she joins the list of those running for mayor
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including mark leno and jane kim. though still mulling at other -- david hsu and carmen shoop. in the ways. in the wake of the has taken me to campaign.. we don't want any back >> reporter: could choose to replace the city's first african-american female mayor. with an answer from her caretaker mayor until the special election in june.>> would love to see a capable woman be uplifted.>> reporter: kim and her progressive colleagues have raised concerns keeping breed in office would give her a moderate and unfair advantage in june.>> we haven't seen an open race since 2003. i the voters deserve to have a fair transparent and open election with a voter gift to determine who gets to sit in the highest office in our
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city.>> reporter: they would need six votes to replace breed. the progressives need to secure it one moderate. tang is the swing vote carmen or david hsu run. the question of who would be caretaker mayor is up in the air. we are learning details about got wieners new bill requiring internet providers to maintain net neutrality in california. it comes one month after the fcc voted to roll back net neutrality rules. weiner appeared on ktvu. he said his bill aims to ensure people can access all websites freely.>> the internet is so important for our 21st century democracy and having a free and open internet. net neutrality is at the heart of that. people need to be able to decide websites they want to go to. without net neutrality and
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internet service provider can block access to a website.>> reporter: new york and washington state are introducing similar legislation to preserve net neutrality rules. a night of much- needed laughter in sonoma county at the heart of the fire zone. a comedy benefit to raise money for the needs of fire survivors with tickets set aside for them and first responders. deborah live in santa rosa where the event was a sellout.>> reporter: six comedians flying and to donate their talent. the lineup went down to five when one of them got the flu. it has been a lighthearted evening. in a community that hasn't had much to smile about.>> we wanted jimmy kimmel to host.>> reporter: the audience drove through earned neighborhoods to get to the theater.>> we flew on a plane that have propellers.>> reporter: they left the walls outside for a
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while.>> i like comedy. i thought why not try it.>> reporter: was hatched by a beer maker and a comic.>> tragedy is a great time for comedy.>> reporter: stand up sonoma has -- to think. the flagship beer at russian river brewing. the two men met a few years ago when porter during stand up spotted. and the crowd in a shirt. >> i made a bunch of jokes on how it is like the holy grail. indiana jones trying to find beer sometimes.>> we stayed in contact ever since.>> reporter: this venue a perfect choice.>> there is room for the arts. there is room for levity.>> reporter: the tubs fire damage one fourth of the complex including classrooms a small theater workshop and storage
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space.>> coworkers have lost their homes or volunteers. it is around us. we have to make the most of it.>> reporter: after this couple left their home -- lost their homes their kids received free bikes. the charity founded by cyclists. who lost his own house to the firestorm. king ridge will receive the proceeds adding to $700,000 already raised.>> we want to give the money directly to the victims. not to the landlords. not in the form of vouchers. these are cash grants between 500 and $1500.>> i cannot say enough about the community and the people that supported us. everybody else that has lost their homes.>> reporter:>> he saw the russian river brewing company.>> reporter: king ridge has helped more than 100 families. with rents and necessities.
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on this occasion silliness rules.>> we can tell some jokes and have a good time. it also help some people. that is a no-brainer.>> reporter: 1600 seats were sold with sponsorship donations. this event will net more than $100,000. the sensor waived is rental fees and will get six dollars from each ticket for its own rebuilding fund.>> they need some help to. they got damage as well. uc berkeley student detained by ice agents in southern california. the violation authorities say prompted the arrest. tracking some raindrops. some scattered showers. more on the way for the morning commute. so you spent all your money on holiday gifts.
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bitcoins are about to go bust. which means like most people this time of year, you're broke. introducing value jack's way. five great ways to save, including four crispy chicken nuggets for $1, jack's one-of-a-kind breakfast pockets for $2 each, three of my famous tacos and a small drink for $3, two breakfast croissants for $4, or the bonus jack combo, now just $5. it's like i tell jack jr., it's all about big value, jr. prices. that's value jack's way.
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♪ ♪ there are two types of people in the world. those who fear the future... and those who embrace it. the future is for the unafraid.
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♪ all because of you ♪ ♪ firefighters managed to extinguish a house fire in oakland tonight. it was reported at 6:45 pm at a duplex. near 55th avenue. it was an accident. the resident was meditating with candles when his dog knocked one over. that unit is a total loss. they were able to contain it quickly to the front unit was slightly burned. no one was injured. the
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death of a student visiting a fraternity at fresno state. officials identified the student as -- he died yesterday after spending time at the delta sigma phi fraternity house. he was found unconscious but was not a member of the fraternity. an autopsy will be performed to figure out the cause of death. officials confirm it 20-year-old uc berkeley junior is being held by immigration authorities as supporters work for his release. he made a wrong turn saturday and ended up at a border checkpoint where he was taken into custody. the lawyer said he is being held at a private prison. he is from columbia. authorities say he had violated the terms of his visa. santa clara valley transportation authority raised its prices. many could save money in the long run. because of the vta new transfer policy. those using a clipper card or
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the easy fair mobile app will have two hours of free transfers on all buses and rail lines. it is easy to use.>> the easy app is great for any handheld device. it takes paypal and regular credit card. it is an easy way to show you have made a purchase. an easy way to offer operators your proof of purchase. you can transfer within a two hour window.>> the app was launched in november. the fee structure started new year's day. adult fares went up a quarter. express bus fares are up $.50. thursday nights are about to become a battle here on fox. details on the new music competition like no other. paul chambers has a behind the scenes look with the a-list judges. bill martin with your complete bay area forecast
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as we show you the bay bridge. he will tell us about the next round of rain coming our way.
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back to the latest on the winter storm battering the east coast from the carolinas to maine. hurricane force winds are causing damage and flooding. more than a foot of snow
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expected in some places. icy conditions forced the cancellations of 5000 flights in and out of boston new work and adelphia. they might cancel more tomorrow leaving travelers stranded.>> i've never seen la guardia like that before. it is closed down. no people. there were no planes leaving or going anywhere. basically just stuck here at the airport.>> the palm trees on the eastern shore of maryland that showered with snow. some of the heaviest snowfall in maryland and virginia along the beaches. you have to feel sorry for those people. we have record warmth today here. 70 degrees san jose. it is completely different. tomorrow they will break from the heavy snow and winds. they will get the very cold air that will usher in on saturday. friday saturday and sunday.
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that some records and cause problems. here are the highs we achieved on the other end of the spectrum. 70 san jose. the five morgan hill. well above the average. we are in january and you would not know it based on temperatures. we have a nice pattern setting up that is pretty progressive and has potential to be wet. wet weather right now. the jet stream instead of going over the top or underneath it will have to go through the west coast. parts of morgan washington southern california. it gives us a better shot of rain in the long term. some scattered showers right now. reports of hundreds of an inch the blast few hours. it is been very light. it is hit or miss. the real ryan shows up as we move into this evening late into tomorrow morning. the commute might be wet for you. temperatures above average above where they were.
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a beautiful shot of the golden gate bridge. a couple models loaded up. this will get you through tomorrow. the next system tomorrow morning. tomorrow 11. and then tomorrow afternoon commute. sort of like today. none of this will be heavy rain. we did see one 10th of an inch. maybe quarter of an inch. most of us will see one 10th of an inch and under. the pattern is fluid. here come saturday. and here come sunday. it is drive. more rain next week. here comes monday. that is down the road. past 72 hours. that is your monday. we have some other potential stuff moving in in this direction. you look for a pattern shipped. this is a definite pattern shipped from what we have seen
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and december. low 60s tomorrow again. lots of middle 60s. today we have the record. not as warm tomorrow. the five day forecast. it is a good progressive pattern. it is much more encouraging as we move into this first week of january for potential rain and snow. the new fox show the for battle for stardom premiere tonight. the singing competition does. it starts were other competitions and. it features for performance fighting to defend their seats against challengers. paul chambers talk with the shows judges about how it works.>> reporter: thursday nights is born to be a battle. star-studded panel of music experts and you the viewers search the globe on the new competition before.>> we are starting with the best.
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we are looking for somebody who even has what it takes to challenge them.>> reporter: the show starts were others in. each week the four finalists defending their spot against the for challengers. if they believe the challenger is better they take the spot to become part of the for. it is up to you america to vote on who you feel should be brought to the show. the panel consists of sean holmes. producer ardis dj collett. megan trainor record charlie walk.>> at the end of the season the four remaining finalists battle each other. until there is one winner who gets a big prize.>> you get to
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work with us. i'm going to be honest. a guaranteed land.>> you take the winner.>> after the last episode we really get to work.>> reporter: with other competitions out there what makes it different? >> i don't see it as a singing competition. an artist competition.>> the difference between the other shows. you don't have the support to get to the next level. you get guaranteed radio play.>> the best show. the only show.>> reporter: it airs thursday night at 8 pm. coming up there is a big backlash in california in response to the trump administration's plan to open up offshore drilling along the pacific coast. what some lawmakers want to do
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about it. warriors had to play without kevin durant against the rockets. sports is up next.
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lottery players have two chances striking it rich. no one matched the winning numbers last night ringing the
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jackpot for seven days drawing to $550 million. the mega millions game has an unclaimed pool that has climbed to $445 million with a drawing tomorrow night. the lottery parts together amount to almost 1 billion dollars. that is not pocket change. that would put me away for the rest of my life.>> pay off my student loans.>> the odds of winning the jackpot in either game are pretty slim. for mega millions one in 302 million. you are more likely to get killed by a lightning strike than winning. you can still play. powerball the odds are slightly better.>> not pocket change.>> so you are saying there is a chance.>> you have to buy the ticket. a nice ticket for the warriors. they one easily without kevin
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durant.>> this was one of those games you circled on your calendar. houston rockets got off to a great start and took care of their business. it was the no excuses game. they do not have james harden. the warriors did not have kevin durant. warriors playing good ball. everyone picking up the pieces. triple-double for green. all time franchise leader in the category. 17 points. 14 assists. steph curry -- defense from houston. steph curry still hot after coming back from a sprained ankle. 14 and the first half. the warriors trailed by 1 at halftime. this guy does. maybe the best -- in the nba when he is healthy. chris paul going to the bucket. 15 and the first half. the warriors check this out.
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a little collision. that is usher in the stands. meanwhile the warriors in the final moments of this game clay. he had 31 points. seven of 10 of threes. this is the dagger. steph curry again does into a texas team with a long three. he had 29. the warriors are 31-8. best record in the nba. they take care of the rockets. without kevin durant. injuries sometimes an excuse. sometimes a real reason for lack of success. that might be the case for the stanford cardinal in men's basketball. the signature game. for jarret and the stanford cardinal. down on the farm. this victory in his tenure as a
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coach. down 3 regulation -- dorian works for his shop. with 6.6 seconds left. a tie game. he had 26. we go to overtime. ucla with the last moment shot. aaron holliday 83 at the buzzer. they will go to a second overtime. with ucla. 101-99. the bank shot to clinch it. they go up 4 with 34 seconds left. to polish it off 107-99. bears trending the wrong way with jones at the controls. blown out of their own -- trojan taking advantage of 15 first-half cal turnovers. stewart this field. aaron the dog. that expression pretty much sums it up. this is the dunk of the night
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from usc. look at it again. is he up above the round. usc dominant 80-62. it might be a long year. cal 1-1 in conference play. lendale 13 points and 17 rent -- rebounds. the clear it lays it on thick against loyola. u.s. of comes up a bit shy by 10 against byu up on the hilltop. on the north side of the canadian border the sharks have had good success in toronto ontario. haven't lost in 16 years. might have had this one tonight. now with the leaves. looking good. tempers flaring early. joe barton major for this stuff up. the interesting part about
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this. watch closely. you know about thornton's beard. there is the official picking up part of joe's beard. they are not amused. 51 left in the first. dillon -- his first goal of the season. the sharks type things. later. 2nd period. chris takes advantage of the goalie. fred anderson's. they go to overtime. no scoring. go to a shootout. trying to keep the sharks alive. got to make this shot. it hits the post. the sharks are denied. they pick up a point. they wind up on the short in. 3-2 against toronto. it is none other than a bye week for the patriots. they will be a huge story back east. you know about the blizzard. it could be a big divorce
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between the big three. robert kraft and coach belichick and tom brady are supposedly scuffling with each other behind the scenes. big story will break tomorrow. you will see. jimmy g might be behind it all. a little disagreement about whether he should be traded or not. apparently tom brady wanted him out of town. this is video of the patriots today walking to their practice field. like a blizzard boot camp. jimmy g will no doubt be rooting for his former team to win the super bowl. he stands to get $163,000 if they do. it will be an interesting day tomorrow in sports. divorce time in new england. the happy threesome. that is the sporting life. time for more news. we are not going to let anyone drill
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for oil off the coast of california.. lawmaker vowing to fight back after trump moves to drastically expand offshore drilling. it is the most expensive offshore drilling proposal in decades. it calls for opening federal waters along the coast of california for the first time in 30 years.>> trumps new five- year plan would open oil and gas exploration here on the west coast and along the east coast. the arguments for and against the proposal.>> reporter: the oil industry supports the plan are doing it would create more jobs. the reaction in california has been against new drilling leases along the coast.>> reporter: when a ruptured oil pipeline sent 21,000 gallons of oiin


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