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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2 at 430am  FOX  October 19, 2017 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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thank you for joining us on mornings on 2. thursday, october 19. i'm dave clark. >> i'm pam cook. firefighters have slowed the growth of the bear fire burning in the santa cruz mountains. that fire started monday night and has burned 300 acres in and around boulder creek and is 15% contained. seven firefighters have been hurt, two are still in the hospital. at least four buildings, including one home have been destroyed. hundreds of people have been evacuated. fire officials say if crews continue to make progress, some people may be allowed to return to their neighborhoods today. the cause of the fire has not been determined. that leads us to steve paulson. the weather impact? >> as favorable as they can get
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for the next 24 hours. low clouds in higher humidity and cooler temperatures. and by this time tomorrow they may have some rain. the rain is on its way for almost everybody. morning drizzle and evening rain. the heist amounts will be in the north but low clouds are surging inland. this will equal a cooler day for everybody. the wind has turned onshore for everyone. this system has a way to go. it's not on the north coast yet but it will eventually. some rain amounts could be decent, especially north of santa rosa and over into clearlake and mendocino county. i've seen some projections higher than this. maybe a half-inch or more as you go north. less than that for the south. holding on all the way down to the santa cruz mountains by tomorrow morning. low clouds will be front and center. 50s for the temperatures.
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went west, west and southwest coming in most of the day. 20 in travis. below cloud deck has made a huge push. nothing in the sierra. the winter weather advisory kicks in at 11 pm tonight for the sierra. snow above 6000 feet. the winds will pick up later this afternoon. 60s and 70s for your temperatures today. we are off to a decent start on 80 westbound if you're driving in solano county. 80 westbound looks good from vacaville, fairfield in vallejo and moves along well to highway 37 and beyond if you on the carquinez bridge. on the east shore freeway, 17 minutes, that's as good as it gets. sometimes we have commutes that last an hour on the same drive.
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a very favorable drive to the bay bridge. maybe a couple of minute delay at the toll plaza and then you go into san francisco. conditions are good driving into the city right now. the family of a 13-year-old boy from oakland is looking for answers after he was shot and killed. police say eighth grader, anibal andres ramirez , received a text message last tuesday at 9:51 pm to meet a friend on seminary avenue in east oakland. his body was found on a bench in that same area. he had been shot multiple times and was pronounced dead at the scene. last night a vigil was held in his memory. what have's former teachers said no one can understand why this happened. >> i think everybody is in shock. he was young and very quiet. he was a good kid. i don't think anybody expected this to happen. it's unreal. even if he was out here
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drinking a coffee, it would not matter. why are we hurting each other? we are all minorities, most of us. why is that okay? >> ramirez and his family are from guatemala and have been living in the country about a year. last night's vigil also doubled as a fundraiser for the family. oakland police say ramirez is the youngest homicide. them. no suspect information has been released. prisoners at four bay area jails are staging a hunger strike and are getting support. [ chanting ] >> these demonstrators marched to support the prisoners. the marchers included family members and friends of the inmates who say the prisoners are facing inhumane conditions in jail along with often cruel solitary confinement. they say it's time for a change. >> on this day in history, they
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will look back us on this moment and in this time. they will judge us on what we do and what we don't do. >> inmates and santa clara staged a similar hunger strike a year ago. these past 10 days have been very traumatic for thousands of people in napa and sonoma. whether they lost their homes or had to be evacuated. many are suffering emotionally. as debora villalon explains, psychologist explain it's important for people to recognize the effects of grief and trauma following a disaster. >> reporter: lucy flores leaves a tent with a check and a smile after a hard 10 days. her worst moments since the fire was seeing her house and coffey park leveled. but each day since has been better. >> i'm busy. i keep myself busy. there are things i need to do and need to be done. i look forward to every day i wake up and get to do it. >> i have trouble sleeping.
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i'm trying to figure out what day it is. >> reporter: ahead of sonoma county behavioral health had 120 clinicians spread across 34 shelters at the peak of the crisis. people have stories to tell and telling them was therapeutic. it still is. >> i was at pete's yesterday morning and was talking to a guy and i said, how are you doing? he broke down. after he was finished he said, i don't know what happened but i do feel a little better. >> we don't want to call it a mental illness. it's a process of losing things. >> reporter: the board of supervisors chair, during official updates on fire size and missing persons, pushes the importance of mental health. as a former family therapist she said survivors are experiencing more than grief. if they are dwelling on their near death, having nightmares and physical symptoms, those could be signs of ptsd. >> you also have tremendous headaches. you may not want to eat.
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you may have stomach aches. although symptoms that happen when you have experienced trauma and also a huge loss. >> reporter: sadness, anxiety and guilt are only motions to be expect it and most people will move through them. if not, counseling can help. children take their cues from parents. they should share their feelings as well. kids experience grief differently than adults do. watch the behavior of your children. spend a lot of time with them and devote yourself to them. >> that's why it's important for parents if they are feeling to talk to somebody. especially if they are feeling anxious. that impacts their kids. >> reporter: for many victims, family is keeping them going. >> my kids. my husband. and keeping myself busy. i can't sit around and cry and do nothing. there is stuff that has to be done and i'm doing it. in most of the north bay
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the immediate fire emergency is over. now the long process of filing insurance claims begin. insurance companies are setting up mobile response teams to help the people of that need help get it as quickly as possible. as many people are finding out, insurance claims are complicated, hard to understand, very bureaucratic and a lot of money is involved. the state of california has put the insurance industry on notice. it expects customers to get what they paid for in a timely manner. >> i think this is a great opportunity for insurance companies to show how responsive they are to the community's needs and the needs of the individual policyholders. i would hate to have a big story about an insurance company that is not there for people during an incredibly vulnerable time. >> state farm insurance agent miguel had to evacuate his home
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in santa rosa. he, his kids, their dog and friends camped inside his petaluma insurance office. while under evacuation, he was taking incoming calls from clients. he was answering questions about claims and trying to calm their nerves. sonoma county officials are holding community meetings to discuss getting people safely back into the neighborhoods. the first meeting starts at 1 pm . that will be at the sonoma veterans memorial building on first street. the second meeting is tonight at the santa rosa high school gym. that starts at 6:00. both meetings are expected to last about two hours. they will include information about cleaning property and how to identify licensed contractors. oakland affordable housing advocates are speaking out about a developer. last night at oakland city hall, the oakland planning commission listen to critics
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and supporters of haber and jacobson construction. the company has been criticized for ignoring requests for repairs and moving renters out in order to build new residential buildings. >> right now what's going on is they want to convert the people of oakland to a different class of people. this project is designed to do that very thing. we need to fight it. >> supporters of the developers were also there speaking out saying the company is building badly needed housing while offering affordable rents. it's believe to be the first lawsuit against pg&e following the north bay fires. the reason one family accuses the utility company of negligence. the numbers are in. we will tell you how 2017 is stacking up in terms of overall global temperatures.
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welcome back. the raiders will try to right the ship tonight when they take on the chiefs at the coliseum. the raiders are coming off a loss to the chargers which means they will face a tough chief team with a record of 2- 4. the raiders and chargers are tied for last place in their division. the raiders had a short week of practice but the coach said they made the best of it. >> you recognize how close it is, what a final line it is in this leak any fight to get on the right side of that line. that's where we are. we have a lot of strong men in this locker room and we will keep battling and look to be better as we go through this year. we need a big win and then we need to start stacking them. >> kickoff is at 5:25 pm tonight at the coliseum. think about that when you think about the traffic.
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it could be the raiders' debut of navarro bowman. the coach said he will probably be up to speed to play. a rookie quarterback will try to do something his grandfather dreamed of doing, beating the dallas cowboys. cj papa third will make his first career start sunday when the cowboys come to town. he is the grandson of bobby beth or to, a redskins general manager the 1978 to 1988. during that time washington won three super bowls while competing with the cowboys in the nfc each. the game starts at 1:05 pm right here on ktvu fox 2 news. today is the deadline to submit bids for cities that want to be considered for amazon's second headquarters. amazon is promising $5 billion in investments and the creation of 50,000 new jobs at its new headquarters. it also said the winning city will have to provide generous
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tax breaks and have a minimum population center of 1 million people who are well-educated. san jose and concord are among the cities that have submitted bids. the national oceanic and atmospheric administration says 2017 is the second warmest year on record for the whole world. september was the fourth warmest september on record and saw several extreme weather incidents including hurricanes irma and maria. the record temperatures were recorded in the bay area and in the midwest and lower mississippi valley. africa, asia, most of australia also had warmer than average temperatures. these records go back 138 years to the year 1880. 4:45 am. let's check in with sal. traffic looks pretty good. we do have some slow traffic on
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the altamont pass or the approach. this is a normal commute. once you get into livermore it looks good from livermore to dublin and then into haywood. it looks like westbound 580 at the castro valley y, there could be a crash that could be causing some delays. i don't see any slow traffic. we will keep an eye on it. it's now being reported eastbound 580 on the offramp. it's not causing slow traffic. this is a look at interstate 880 near oracle arena. traffic in both directions is moving well. this is a look at the bay bridge toll plaza. traffic is also nice and light. we are off to a nice start on this thursday morning. hello, steve. >> i believe all format professional sports have games
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tonight. >> what am i going to watch? we have a front coming in and that will bring us rain. this will be later but it is on its way. we have lots of morning drizzle. evening rain overnight into tomorrow. all signs point toward the system making it. look at the search on the low clouds. temperatures have cooled. a general look at some of the rain for monterey. you can see there is a quarter inch and napa in santa rosa. upwards of a half inch when you go north toward cloverdale in clearlake maybe even an inch in some areas to the north. it does hold together. the models march the south tonight late tonight and into tomorrow. maybe a 10th of an inch in the santa cruz mountains.
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there is a huge fog bank in place. 50s for the temperatures this morning. low to mid 50s. lafayette, 52. a west wind, a south wind. the wind will turn more southerly as the system gets closer. we have lost that east and northeast breeze, finally. humidity is up and we get the onshore breeze. 27 in truckee. quite in the sierra but the system will come in tonight. the wind will pick up later and precipitation would be late tonight into tomorrow morning. around the 6000 foot level, 3-6 inches of snow. that's when the winter weather advisory starts. the system does not look like a lot but it has cold air behind it. some of that make it hard up. the timing looks to be around 3:00 on the north coast. and moves in in areas to the
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north around 5:00. it will move south around 7:00. overnight into tomorrow morning , it is approaching the sierra around midnight. this takes it into 2 am and by 4 am, most of it should be out of our area. by friday morning i think we will be done with the system. air quality should be great and we will get and northwest breezes. cloudy with drizzle afternoon rain. 60s and 70s for your temperatures today. that low cloud deck is in charge and it will keep temperatures cool. cloudy with rain later. saturday morning looks cool and warmer into sunday and monday. >> how do you want the folks to dress? >> i would take a light jacket. what if in seven minutes a day you could get your body in
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shape like pam cook? we will check out a popular app that promises it will give you the benefits of a sweaty bike ride and a trip to the gym and just a couple of minutes.
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in today's health check we are talking about one of the hottest trends and workouts.
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the seven minute workout. can you really get the benefits of exercise in only seven minutes? the box medical team takes a closer look and joins us this morning. this sounds too good to be true. >> reporter: i know. i hope so. i'm holding on to hope. this seven minute workout come the idea is to get a full body workout in seven minutes. there are a lot of these things going viral. this sounds really good, especially if you don't love going to the gym. you get the app for free. that's one of the good things. i downloaded it onto my phone and started doing the work out before work. is only seven minutes so you tell yourself, i can squeeze this in. it was created by chris jordan, a director of exercise physiology at johnson & johnson human performance institute. i was getting it in before
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work. i went to the doctor and i said listen, is this working? this is what he told me. >> there are lots of studies to show that in general, the higher you work out, the higher the intensity, the shorter the duration. if you are working really hard for seven minutes, you can get lots of benefits. >> reporter: that is the key. you need to put your all into this seven minutes. these are exercises like push- ups and ab crunches, lunges and squats. basic exercises and no equipment is needed. the doctor said it's good. do it. not everyone can do it. if you have cardiovascular risks or diabetes, those people need to take it slower. if you are in reasonably good health, go for it. it's only seven minutes. >> and i heard more about that
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that it's better to do a high intensity workout for a short amount of time rather than an hour's slow walk. >> reporter: exactly. you can cram it in as long as you are focused. the idea is that it's appealing because it's only seven minutes. i figure it's better than doing nothing. >> i noticed that you said before work. if you work out in the morning, that speeds up your metabolism more for the day. >> reporter: that's what i'm hoping for. anything i can do. get it done. it's done in the morning. it's seven minutes. i'm then off to work and you do feel love you -- you do feel like you're revved up a little bit. >> thank you. that gives us a nice hope for seven minutes. the death toll from california's hepatitis a outbreak is up to 19. one week after governor brown issued a health state of emergency.
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more than 500 people statewide have contracted hepatitis a since november. most cases are in the san diego area. so far only a few cases have been seen in san francisco and santa cruz. no deaths have been reported in the bay area. the homeless are most at risk. the virus is spread by bad hygiene. google unveiling what it calls protection against phishing attacks. that makes it the first tech company to directly offer users what it says is a way to keep google accounts secure. google said it's doing this because some of its users are particularly high risk of an online attack that targets them. the new protection covers gmail, youtube and searches on google chrome. it said a safe browsing technology can make real-time predictions about a possible attack including just seconds after a phishing site was created. we are coming up on our
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5:00 hour. president trump tweeted about the wildfires for the first time yesterday. coming up we will tell you whether or not he plans to visit the area. a suspect arrested in a hit- and-run that critically injured a san francisco police officer. we are looking at highway 24. we are off to a nice start on the way to the tunnel. 680 also looks good. we will talk about highway 4 and the rest of the contra costa commute when we come back. if your commute takes me the altamont pass, hang on. we have gusts up to 44 miles per hour . not as bad elsewhere.
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good morning. we have an update about the condition of the san francisco police officer hurt after a driver intentionally hit him three blocks from city hall. what we now know about that officer and the investigation. firefighters in the santa cruz mountains are working on the bear fire. we have the latest on the fight to save homes and contain the flames.mornings on 2 continues. good morning. thank you for joining us. thursday, it's friday eve,
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october 19.i'm pam cook. >> i'm dave clark. let's talk about your thursday weather. our first system of the year from the north. that is coming in. tonight for most unless you're up north then it will be this afternoon. the low clouds are in place. every reporting station says cloudy from santa rosa to napa and concord and san jose and everyone west. this front is getting closer. high humidity and also a westerly breeze. the altamont pass has gusts up to 44. los vaqueros reservoir, 43. black diamond, 1600 feet, 26 miles per hour. mount tam, 24. the wind is picking up in a southerly direction.


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