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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2 at 4am  FOX  September 20, 2017 4:00am-4:30am PDT

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rico. thank you for joining us this morning mornings on two . >> let's talk about the middle of the week weather. sunshine.>> and then we have clouds coming in. and then the hurricane.>> it was a category five was a cat for -- 4 wind 155, that's enough, category four. they have been seaways 26 feet from some of the buoys but information is been wiped out. the bbi's and the virgin islands is that most on short looks like it's moved out in the southeast part of puerto rico. last check quantity five miles per hour. just an amazing system and
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deepens incredibly. we have a system moving to the north and the first possibility of rain for sonoma county, mostly clear this morning and cancel be on the increase as the system is integrated not a lot of moisture with that but it continues to sweep in, the lows are up because clouds are coming in and the breeze has picked up a bit. mainly from the south, some from the north. it's variable but trending more west southwest. so morning sun giving away to cloud coverage as the system deepens into early tomorrow. 60s and 70s, no 80s on the map for the first time in a long time. all right what you have? >> nothing. >> barely awake but here we are. a lot of people that have been on the road for apparently a while because we have some slow traffic and some of the construction here on 580 and
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north flynn is been picked up and not spite we have a little bit of slow traffic is slower than it normally is and i think this will go away because it's unusual, but they are picking up the cones and every once in a while they stopped traffic for a few minutes to get everyone off and they create a traffic jam. also looking at the commute and to livermore, dublin pretty good. i look at interstate 80, no major problems here. when you get to the bay bridge toll plaza it is mostly light. topping the news, rescue teams and mexico work around the clock looking for survivors of the quake that hit yesterday. the usgs is the 7.1 magnitude quake was centered in the state of puebla, southeast of mexico city. earlier this morning mexico civil defense agency lower the death toll from the quake to 217. they say there is a strong
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possibility more victims will be found. it's a good 25 fountain a school where one wing of a three story concrete building collapsed. 21 others victims are children. rescue crews continued their frantic search for survivors who may be trapped. volunteers are using bare hands to remove debris in hopes of finding people that are trapped and still alive. searched him say they hear noises from inside but they can't tell if the cells are from victims trying to escape or south of the building shifting. many in the bay area trying to reach family members and friends in mexico. we were at the mexican consulate in san jose and spoke with several states difficult to be so far away. eduardo lopez grew up in mexico city. he has reached his family through facebook messenger and they are okay but he fears his friends may be trapped in the
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rubble. >> maybe i have friends that are in the buildings and is difficult because you don't know. i tried to call all but some don't answer.>> the mexican consulate has a 24 seven hotline number for people in the bay area trying to reach loved ones. the number is on your screen, 855 463 6395. once the damages assessed at office will determine what kind of aid the bay area consent to help. seismologists are studying the quake which is weaker than the one earlier this month but more damaging. separate the alone -- deborah reports on how these earthquakes are different from the ones in california.>> you see the main earthquake. >>reporter: this is how the quake was recorded in the berkeley hills at the
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seismology station. >> this area has few earthquakes and relatively few are -- stronger. >>reporter:>> there is not in any significant aftershocks which is unusual. i don't know that suggest. it's a rare occasion. >>reporter: while the images is something the bay area can relate to, the faults moving in mexico are different. our tech tonic rub side by side.>> the earthquakes here are usually strike slip earthquakes while these are earthquakes in the subduction zone where one plate dies after another. >>reporter: there's a risk we
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share, liquefaction. mexico city is built in a geological bowl where it sediments was once a lake and it remains waterlogged so it shakes like putting.>> if you have a strong building standing on it and it's not very well for the doesn't have a good foundation in the buildings collapsed. san francisco public health department and you see ff is moving ahead with plans to build a new research center. yesterday you see ff gave the public health commission an update on their plans to build a separate research building. after the big quakes in mexico officials are also focusing on retrofitting historic brick buildings on the hospital campus.>> they are beautiful historic brick building. the codes are just different from what they were built. what we plan to do is to be the most updated to code department
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of public health emma come in to do the retrofitting to bring the buildings up to code.>> the building is looking for funding. they may possibly move the public health department from civic center to the zuckerberg san francisco general>> a highway patrol officer was killed yesterday morning as he headed to work. james branik began a career in 2005 . the accident happened just before 6:00 am yesterday near stan martin. investors say branik was -- branik was riding .>> james was an amazing person and officer.>> despite efforts he died of the same. chp officer branik -- branik is survived by wife and parents. the driver of the pickup truck is cooperating with the
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investigation. hundreds of san francisco firefighters attended a funeral for a battalion chief that died on the job. the funeral service was at saint ignatius church. he collapsed and died september 10. he had just responded to a call that morning and later firefighters found him unresponsive in his office. firefighters from all over the bay area stepped in yesterday to cover san francisco fire station so his colleagues could be at his funeral.>> the largest agricultural water district and the state is rejecting brown's controversial project to send water from the doctor to twin titles. the westland water district is considered key to the $15 billion plan. the district covers more than 1000 square miles of farmland in the central valley. if it had agreed to sign onto the project at would have contributed more than $3 billion . >> we don't know the cost of
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this project. we were told 16 billion for many years. we don't think that's the actual cost, but even if that 16 billion would you look at financing that over the course of 70 years, the cost gets quite high. no one i know has a 70-year-old mortgage.>> this plan would feedwater from north of the delta through 235 mile-long tunnels to the central and southern part of the state. the governor says the tiles will have a more reliable water supply for two thirds of california residents and hundreds of farms. will estate coastal commission order margin speech to open that beach to the public? is the latest legal rounds over the beach which is south of half moon bay. a san francisco appeals court ruled that venture capitalist broke state law when he blocked public access to the beach after he bought it in 2008. the coastal commission released a cease and desist letter yesterday ordering him to
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remove a locked gate and all of the signs on the property that's a no trespassing and beach closed. select a sheriff's deputy helps after a gun was stolen from a rental car. off to a late start. not a lot going on. we are hoping it stays that way. we are looking at the east shore freeway. you know it's not going to stay this way. but right now it's good. a lot going on otherwise and maria has made landfall in puerto rico. to fred would do anything for his daughter.
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"get in, fred!" even if it means being the back half of a unicorn. fear not fred, the front half washed his shirt with gain. and that smell, puts the giddy in "giddy-up"! ah...the irresistible scent of gain flings! laundry detergent. you can't help but smell happy.
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within the last 20 minutes hurricane maria made landfall in puerto rico. it has weakened to a category four storm, that still pretty big. it's a dangerous hurricane with 155 mile-per-hour winds.>> and all of this from what was hurricane josi has been downgraded to a tropical storm, but as jackie tells us it is still causing problems. >>reporter: hurricane maria blast the caribbean, forecasters call it an extremely dangerous hurricane. people in the u.s. virgin
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islands hunkering down. the national weather service warns the hurricane that hit puerto rico directly.>> with had previous hurricanes this is the biggest one we will challenge -- that will challenge us. >>reporter: this as puerto rico's governor has been warning maria could hit with force and violence. u.s. territory has not seen for generations.>> we are afraid we lost life because houses and everything else will be replaceable. >>reporter: this after the storm caused devastation and parts of the eastern caribbean. they described by some as mind- boggling. in puerto rico neighborhoods up and clearing out as families have been fleeing to shelters. others catching final flights out of the region.>> i was so glad to just get onto that flight and know it was actually going to take off. >>reporter: severe winds will >> the islands for up to 24 hours. >> after suffering, i just want
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to stick around for this next one. >>reporter: to the north josi is stirring up the atlantic triggering flooding, dangerous turf and recurrence along the east coast. josi is expected to we can but continue producing large swells for several more days. world leaders still reacting to president trump's first speech before the united nations general assembly where he harshly criticized the iran and venezuela and bluntly friend north korea. >> united states has great strength and patience, but if it is forced to defend itself or its allies will have no choice but to totally destroy north korea. >> north korea delegated walked out. trump's criticism of the iranian government calling it a murderous regime, that sparked a response from iran's foreign minister who tweeted, quote
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trumps ignorant hate speech belongs in medieval times coming out the 21st century. while israel's prime minister praised trumps speech perspective listen to countless speeches in this whole but i can say this, none were boulder, none were more courageous and forthright than the one delivered by president trump today.>> today trump meets with world leaders including the king of jordan. the palestinian president, african leaders and the president of egypt. like robert mueller's office interviewed the attorney general as part of its investigation of russian meddling in the 2016 election. according to the wall street journal broadens the was asked about trash removal of james comey as the director of the fbi. investigators are looking into weather the president might have attempted to of justice leading up to comey's firing.
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paul manafort who served briefly as campaign manager for trump is angry about a report that says he was wiretapped by federal officials manafort is being investigated as part of national council molars investigation into of russian investigation. a spokesperson for manafort issued a statement demanding a separate investigation into information leaks. he went on to say the surveillance of manafort was political elite motivated. paul manafort served in the trump campaign for two months. he resigned after reports that he had a business relationship with a former ukrainian later who had ties to the kremlin. let's check in with sal for a look at traffic. i know you checked about it. it seems like more cars on the
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road and more construction overnight. >> that is right. a lot of cars on the road right now coming in from kilroy to morgan hill and san jose. that's what will start this time. and the traffic is not going to be stop and go, but there are people on there yesterday. it's a fun through the morgan hill area after a crash. this morning obviously things are better and if you look at the valley it is not a bad commute. we are looking at 280 in san jose and you can see traffic here is moving along okay. that's northbound to 280 on the right there. a little bit of construction work that was going on. right now traffic seems to be moving along very well. at the bay bridge it's also light so far as a lot of people are still on the outskirts of the bay area on the way and. -- in. let's focus on puerto rico. the san juan radar is not functioning. i can believe that. when you have 155 mile-per-hour cat 4 hurricane to make
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landfall. the track of this, i think it's the first is 1932, there's so much hurricane data coming in, but it's been a long time since they had a direct hit of any kind like this and you can see look at the size of this. the truck 24 is very small but it made it to a cat five. how can you say it's not going to be catastrophic over puerto rico ? the track will take it over the midwest and similar to what is hurricane josi. they are blocked by high- pressure systems out east. at west you can see that's the leading edge of our system as it takes in from the gulf of alaska, the first one of the season. we've had a half one movement but this will continue to rotate and. there some light rain to the north and looks like for sure and mendocino county not a lot but little bit and this can make it out to sonoma county and lake county maybe northern
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napa county. we start off mostly clear the clouds will roll in through this afternoon and tonight and then another slog of some cool air, the goals will arrive tomorrow morning. 50s, 60s, warmer on the loews -- low. 52 is one of the coolest, hillsboro 62. when you get the northwest went to get the water temperature going down. san francisco buoy 59. by the end of the week they may be 52, 53. 30 up in truckee, could be a light dusting of snow late tonight into tomorrow as well starting off with some cloud coverage moving and, not here yet but it will be later this afternoon. if you're traveling in the morning is the best time to go. technically is still summer. it still impressive that it's making it here and right now the system begins to take an. we get increasing clouds.
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turning cloudy, cold and breezy with light rain to the north. 60s and 70s, no 80s on the map at all. the first time i've seen in a long time. of tonight into tomorrow wednesday a cooler and very cool on friday morning and breezy in each day on the weekend it will be a little warmer. next week looks warmer as well. next couple days will be quote. >> it feels like it. select and updates on interference with future elections, what democrats on capitol hill want to do about it. okay, i never thought i'd say this, but i found bladder leak
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♪ they're magically delicious 4:24 am, the price tech keeps going up to build california's bullet train. contract changes approved by the high-speed rail authority. several members of the board say budget overruns are hurting the public image of this project. work has begun on the first 32 miles of tracks between fresno and madera. the goal of the plan is to link san francisco to los angeles by high-speed rail. a poll from uc berkeley finds that more than 50% of californians are considering moving because of the high cost of housing. emberley has the details. >>reporter: the bay area is tattered for beauty, mild weather and proximity to the great outdoors.
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the california is in my dna, the lifestyle. i love to snowboard and surf and bike. >>reporter: he doesn't love the high cost of housing. a new uc berkeley poll found that registered voters in california consider housing affordability a serious problem. if you that is most prevalent in the bay area was 65% of registered voters share that opinion.>> i moving out of state, some are going to la, back to family. >>reporter: wendy wilbanks is a real estate agent, started a she rents, she tells me a third of clients are tech workers and their 20s and 30s. she says most can only afford to pay $1600 a month for housing, a far cry from what a cost or even a studio in the city, roughly $3000 a month. >> a lot of folks are ruminating up. we are seeing a ton of living rooms turn into fourth bedrooms. the people are doing what they
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at can't afford it.>> the problem is i can't save anything because it's half my income is my rhetoric >>reporter: she says she and two roommates pay 4200 a month for a two bedroom. one of them sleeps in the living room. >> we all have a side hustle. it's a millennial thing. >>reporter: what is it?>> the eucharist -- yoga studio. >>reporter: she said she was paycheck to paycheck.>> pricing is ridiculous. just the cost the food and everything even compared to alec as we lived there for a while, everything is more expensive. we know that if our rent goes up we will have to move away. there will be any other option. >>reporter: people say housing affordability is a huge problem and they say they don't want to leave the bay area but have to consider the possibility.
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walking a lot in san francisco, why an appeals court say adds warning against sugary drinks may violate the first amendment. you can say -- see traffic is moving well. while we have folic conditions later on but category four hurricane maria has made landfall. the in-laws have moved in with us.
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