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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2 at 9am  FOX  August 9, 2017 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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world series after beating arizona 5-2. canyon creak moves on to play utah if canyon creak wins tonight they play on friday. rising tensions between north korea and the u.s.. >> another attempted a a world record. plus former radar and 49er joining us live joining us live . foggy start to the day. it is cool and a very busy morning. here on august 9th. getting straight to the news on our minds and here around the world. a war of words taking place between the white house and north korea. as president trump and north
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korea president continuing. >> the president went on to say hopefully we never have to use this power. but there is never going be a time that we are not the most powerful nation in the world. the latest on the rising tensions and the political observer say we should not be too alarmed by it just yet. >> a sense of calm is what tillerson is trying to convey after trump said that north korea should stop threatening the u.s. or face fire and fury and that there is no imminent threat to the u.s. and the territories. tillerson spokes to reporters. the statement he was referring to from president trump was this morning. yesterday to north korea leader -- >> north korea best not make any more threat has to united states. they will be met with fire and
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furry like the world has never seen -- >> i think the president was sending a strong message in language he will understand because he doesn't seem to understand diplomatic. to be clear and the unquestionable ability to defend it's and the it was important that thee deliver that mestage -- that he deliver that message. >> after trump's threat, north korea said they are examining the possibility of attacking guam. and u.s. bi bombers flew out of guam but north korea is still talking with the out side world. at least china and the reason americans shouldn't work about an attack is because china is a
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check on north korea's power. they are essentially the life line and many world leaders say the president's outspoken threats are not helpful in deescalating the problem. saying this war of words is not productive. >> thank you. >> joining us on the phone. the corrector of the korea center. >> thanks for joining us. >> thanks for having me. >> fire and fury, it appears that wahas north korea's ear. do you -- washington has north korea's ear. >> the fire and fury remark strike as tone that is more typical of north korea propaganda than of the u.s. president. the new york times reporting that the statement was in fact off the cuff and not anything
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that the advisors approved. i don't think it is going to lead to an escollation. it is slaern -- escalation but the north koreas have been using statements for such a long time. i think that the cooler heads will prevail. and it is certainly the north koreas are not the irrational unpredictable people determined to develop the nuclear weapon. in fact there is a credible defensive rational of their program and they understand inf they were -- if they were to a talk the united states or an ally. it would be mean destruction. >> the united states was surprised on how quickly the north koreas have gotten up to
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speed with these wednesday. can you talk about that? >> to be sure -- a lot of analyst predicting that they could test 4-5 years out. this latest test seems to indicate that, in fact they could hit much of the continental united states. they are certainly operating a at pace that is surprising many. we learned from reports that and the defense intelligence analyst are believed that they actually have the ability to mount a war head on a ballistic missile. this is also an ahead of the schedule. so, in many ways. we seem to be playing catch up. reacting to the developments that reagain, ahead of scej -- are again ahead of schedule than
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our predictions. >> obama was hit on his credibility on if chemical weapons were used and no military action taken. fast forward. with trump. using the words and setting that line. and let's just say north korea acts in some way, whatever way that may be and president trump doesn't cross the line. do we take a hit? >> president obamas action or lack of actions certainly hit our credibility. there is not a clear red line. and i am concerned -- i don't know that it would be wise to draw a clear red line. it won't happen in a tweet
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referring to north korea, and the testing as a red line -- >> but the power of the likes which this world has never seen -- >> right. >> you can interpret that in different ways but that is line. >> he is suggesting that --and thing that was suggesting that if the north korea was to a talk and use a kvice j. -- attack and use a device. they are not irrational and razee and they understand if they -- crazy and they understand if they were to use their weapons it would be the destruction of their regime. the purpose of the weapons program is into sure regime survival. it is -- they want this -- they wanted this deterrent to present regime change for decades.
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they, it realy reflects the way they see the world and being align and predatory. and one can argue their program was developed in part because in fact -- in a large part because they didn't believe in the soviets. they were an ally and later the chinese. it was not the fear of the united states. it was that they didn't even trust their own allies. they seen the sheep verses wolves mentality and they receivey believe these weapons will -- really believe these weapons will protect them from coming in and over turning the regime. >> thanks for joining us james. >> do you support president trump's strong statement to north korea about meet theiring threats with fire and -- their
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threats with fire and fury and 28% of you say yes and 72% of you say no. tweeting we need diplomacy. >> he should have said that months ago. >> nothing we can say that will change this mad man. he is insane. >> we just learned the fbi raided the home of the former chairman. part of the investigation of part of the russian meddling. it happens on july 26th one day after he voluntarily met with the senate intelligence committee and the warned indicates that in -- warrant indicates that he would not turn over all of his records pertaining to the russian
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investigation. >> today marks three years of the 18-year-old michael brown that drew national attention and help spread the black lives matters movement. >> the number of high profile cases involving police shootings have not changed. the number of deaths is about the same as it was for the past two years. the average is out to more than two officer involved shooting deaths perday. >> the crews working that scene where the two homes collapsed at campbell and they received the equipment. the crane was fully extended to 190 feet and replacing power poles . the crane also fell on to fences and sheds and people in the neighborhood heard a cloud low
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-- loud noise. >> it is shocking to see the damage that happened. >> they are saying it is a hidrotic problem. it wasn't -- hydraulic problem. it wasn't the operator. >> coming up on mornings at two. the story we can not stop talking about. a developing story a little boy 1-2 years old found luloan and the search for -- all alone and the search for the parents. the big eclipse, and how it will impact people with solar panels pantene is the first shampoo and conditioner system with active pro-v nutrient blends that fuel 100% stronger hair.
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because strong is beautiful.
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and the search for the parents. the big eclipse, and how it will impact people with solar panels .
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we know the markets don't like uncertainly and the situation between washington d.c. and north korea the dow is down and s&p 500 is slightly down and nasdaq is down by a third of a%. >> and the developing news out of a san jose a toddler found this morning. >> police called to the woods that is gated apartment complex. >> we have been there for hour where the search continues -- >> the mystery absolutely -- the boy found, the parents still missing. the mystery continues, and in fact, deepens now and we are five hours and the parents have not been located. we talked to the security guard who tells me this is the area that toddler was found, and police describing him as a
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1-2-year-old boy with no physical description of what he looks like and police say they were alerted by someone and there were no adults in the area and officers arrived on scene and found the child and taken area hospital. and authorities hoping that people rewake and that the family will become aware that the child is no longer at mome and con tabt them -- home and contact them. at this point not a lot of details. he is between 1-2 years old and unable to tell police where he came from. at last report. this is in the last 20-minutes they are still looking for the child's parents. and they will update us when they get an update and we asked for a photo. at this point there are still going to update us when they have more information. and they have not released the
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photo yet. >> this is a massive apartment complex. hundreds of units. you can see the lane on either idea can see that double line. so that is a sense of the traffic. that under scores how dangerous this situation was for this toddler to be wandering around and now that mystery compound said to when the child got here and what is going on with the parents now that it is 9:16 in the morning; why have these parents contacted the police. why have they not alerted the thuauthorities and we have -- the authorities and we have not seen any patrol cars here. we expected that they would have a unit here that would immediately start the process of getting them back to this child and so forwe got here at 530 -- far we got here at 5:30 and we
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have not seen one police officer. we are hoping to talk to the police later on and get answers and and figure out where they are. >> are we even sure the parents or family lives in the complex. >> perhaps someone dropped him off, we don't have a confirmed that he lives there? >> reporter: you are exactly right. more questions than answers. we don't know how the child got here if the child is associated with the family, and perhaps the child wandered in but it is hard to speculate what may have happened. >> if anything happens we will bring you back in we have toddlers and they climb out of the crib --
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>> it depend on how old, 1 and 2. -- >> one he is barely walking. >> everyone should be coming out and there is not lot of presence -- >> so maybe they are on to something else. >> i am wondering maybe they are on to something else and not telling the media just yet. hopefully the parents will be located -- >> we don't know about, but hopefully, as long as they are located. >> i would like to see them be more active -- get out there -- moving to over news. >> solar companies preparing for the eclipse and how one might affect the other. it is the most anticipated national phenomena in generations. states like california stand to
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lose 4.2 giga watts that is power for 4.2 million homes. the moon will block the sun for two-minutes. >> luckily you know it is coming. there will be a slight drop but it is being prepared for and the total darkness only last about 2.5-minutes. >> solar energy is responsible for 1.4% of the electrical generation;. >> it is not really a big deal. we have a lot of other kinds of clean electricity and natural gas. so it doesn't create a risk to the grid. >> crescent dunes solar field. serves 75,000 of those people. others without stored units will rely on other sources like wind
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and hydro or conventional fuel. >> as it moves across the u.s. -- it is not going to have much of an impact on the systems. it will be like a big cloud came over part of the u.s. >> that was andrew craft reporting. >> coming up tonight. on morning on two at nine. the evidence in the killing of a san francisco man at twin peeks and the surprising revelation. more on the week's event with some of the original rosys
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. >> it will be a sea of red and white this saturday as thousands of people gather in richlen.
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>> the group will attempt to asecure the guiness world record for people dressed as rosy the river. >> sisters. marry and susanne on the en. phyllis. thank you for coming in. >> so phyllis. what did you do you are more of a welder? is that what i heard. >> did you really know the importance of what was going on in the time of world war ii and how historic that was. >> was 20 and married -- i was 20 years old and married with a baby and my husband wanted to get a job in the ship yard and for some unknown reason i piped up and said me too -- well, of course, he disproveed of the whole thing and i can't remember
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the time lapse there but -- it stayed in my mind and, i thought, i like to do it. then marion is my sister and she agreed to come down for oregon during her school break. take care of my baby. >> there you go. >> so i went to welding school for two-weeks. and they said -- go into oakland. to the hiring call. get your job. i did, you know, excited. they said no; they couldn't hire me. i to go to the boiler's maker union. and they don't take women. i went home. and i went back. over and over. and one day i was in there i went up to the window and they
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said no and i started crying. some man said go back up there i did. i don't know if i went to a different window but they hired me but the boilier makers union still had not okayed it. they hired a chaperon to take the six of us out, to the ship yards. the chaperon lasted a few weeks. because, they really didn't know how the men would react squx i love that. >> i love that you never quit. >> there of the teachers of my school dressed up as roseies even the men.
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can you tell me why it means to be part of the cultural icon that you lived? >> well we never thought we would be recognized; everyone -- everyone wanted to do something for the war efforts. so my own -- like i said i came down to be the baby sitter and where met my future husband who was in the coast guard and i stayed; and i went to the local high school for my senior year. had a art class teach whoor recommended me to a -- teacher who recommended me to a special class and i learned to draw blue prints; and i had fibbed about my age but a lot of the guys did too. i was fully trained by the end of august.
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my birthday wasn't until january. so, i became 18 years old if stead of 17. went to work. >> that is just a little fib. >> that is okay -- >> well hoping that thousands and thousands will come out and the current record -- >> what did you say? >> we did it -- >> there is are folks trying to break it as well. we can't let that happen. >> come out and be part of the world record attempt. bring a red bandanna. a dark blue shirt. closed toe shoes. we have the information on the ktvu. coming up next.
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mornings on two. the new tool to battle wildfires. the biggest fires across the golden state. >> racing, talking live with one of the oldest competitors of the high speed race. -- thank you so much idn't work . guess what? world's still turning. yeah, i bribe my kids. how else you think stuff get done around here? mom's special juice, it's wine. now if you think that's shocking, check this out. new yoplait mix-ins, with salted caramel pretzel. watch out now. ♪
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so... why is she smiling?her days driving all over town. because she shopped during the safeway anniversary sale, and filled up her trunk with grocery savings, plus earned 4 times the gas reward points. now that's something to smile about. the safeway anniversary sale! come in and explore! daily hair damagen stop before it happens ...with these roses. one is treated with dove. both are exposed to damaging heat. the rose without dove is dry and brittle. dove deeply nourishes and stops 90% of
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daily hair damage before it happens. actually, the biggest dinos only ate plants! mu-um dinosaurs only eat meat! and country crock is made with plants. country crock has always been made with the goodness of plants. it has real, simple ingredients... and the same country fresh taste you love. welcome to crock country. . we continue to follow the latest development business between washington d.c. and north korea. a war of words. fire and fewer aagainst north korea. let's look -- fury against north korea and the question of the day. do you support president trump's strong statement to north korea about meeting their threats with fire and fury? i 29% of you say yes and if you can find north korea should pray this is resolved by diplomacy.
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>> what do you see? >> interesting. jim tweeted me saying have you looked at his body language and if you can analyze it to see if he is serious or not. >> i got a three-word response. no -- hell no. >> well thanks for talking to us. using our hashtag. we will discus this throughout the afternoon news cast for sure. >> weather is foggy today. i like it -- >> all over. >> but steve said it will be sunny by this afternoon. >> for some that is correct. >> pretty good strong push on the fog for areas. the inland had a big fog bank; and san carlos has the best weather. but don't tell -- tell anyone.
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i know san cor lose is in there and look at that fog bank it is large and in charge and getting helped by that guy. that is the key that is enhanced, and that is giving us that morning drizzle. and look at the temps. san francisco is 57 since i think 11:43 last night. and hasn't changed a lick. the temperatures are not changing. 56, 57, and 58. ocean beach you are the warm spot. giant today and the cubs looks cloudy but some sun break, 62 and san francisco you are an at 64 and that might be tall, tall order; partly sunny and a lot of gray over oak land right now you can see the fog bank. and our temperatures are staying on the cool side. 60s and 70s and 80s and a few
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90s but they are pretty far inland. if is foggy on the coast -- >> compared to the rest of the country i think we are doing okay. >> let's say good morning to dave clark. >> some of the stop stories. man accused of attacking passengers on two separate occasions is due in court. hours after surveillance video was released. he is accused of beating a man with bolt cutters on a train, and then punched and kicked him. officials say two-days later they were saying he punched a passenger on a train and that train was approaching san francisco and police say both of the attacked victims are expected to recover. >> in court yesterday; mims was
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charged with the murder of 71-year-old franch. he is charged with stilling franch's camera, and they also blame the judge for releasing him days before he was shot and killed. >> feel like he would be okay if the justice system worked. it failed. >> the only solace is that he was doing something he loved to do -- >> and looking that city he loved. the woman who pulled theer is in the -- the trigger is in the hospital. >> i will send it back to you. >> dave thank you, we approach the beak of fire season we are -- peek of fire season we are
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getting a look that helicopter. >> here that airport on the tarmac is the largest wildfire fighting tanker every based in the bay area. it is called the f 64 sky crane. >> this is a beast on a fire. it is -- it is carrying enough water that you can make a difference on a drop. >> the sky crane can hold up to 1600 gallons for more than the 280 gallons the others hold. they can drop more watt orn a fire faster. -- water on a fire faster. >> and more precise, we can get lower and pin point the accuracy. >> they are renting it through the next three-months. it has a snorkel to suck in water. >> the part there has to be
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submerged. and it will dip out of just about anything. >> adjust the intensity of the water drop. >> we can modulate it and we cane make it rain or if it is -- we can make the rain or if it is a timber fire we can bump the coverage. >> it is daunting. you know some fires you are like we are going to get this and spank this and go home and have lunch. but there are other fires. you are like, we may be back -- you know? >> and the hope is no more massive wildfires the rest of the summer most likely there will be and chances are this tanker will be there trying to knock it down. this friday through sunday the motor american championship is being held. >> it is being held on asphalt road courses at speeds up to
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200 miles and let's go out to sal, he is with roy howster. >> ,. >> we are going to talk to roy, and here is your bike. and thank you for joining us. what is it like to race one of these at 200 miles per hour or close to it? >> it is exciting. things go by fast and it slows the rest of the world down. >> a lot of this has been made. this is not your first career. you are a motor cross rider before and you switched to this when you were in the mid-40s and you are 53 -- >> it is a little bit of a different bike. >> it is a fully developed super bike and suspension components and things that help it handle better and go faster.
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>> and the tires are bald for racing and what do you have to do when you go into turns how do you learn how to lean and this craft? >> there is a number of things. you can go to riding schools. worked as an instructor you watch professionals and you just learn it. as you start to do it you fall into the corner. you find how far you can go, usually by your first crash. >> when people come to see this. what is something they might be looking for. they have never been to a race how do they watch it. do you watch the leader. do you watch for something who is break away from the back? >> what do you look for? >> there is a whole grid full of riders. so it will be difficult to follow, because there is lot of action in the mid-pack. the rest of the riders. but i think that -- you know for the most part you see the bikes go by, it very exciting. >> i want you to start this puppy and i want to hear it.
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would you mind? >> no sure, i would be glad to -- >> we will try not to ride off -- [motor engine] that is what we are talkinging. >> . -- talk, so youing, so you placed as high as eight? >> this is the first time in five years. we have not been here since 2012. so it is hard to give predictions because none of us have been here for a long time. and it is hard to say, who is going to place where -- because it is really just every thing sup in the air -- sup -- is up in the air this weekend. >> on this national race coming up this weekend. let's go back to you mike -- >> nice, and we have the
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information and waiting for you at ktvu. look for a it on the web section and you can find it on the mobile app. >> the niners play the first preseason game and talk about having faith in the quarterback -- >> whatever people will say, i think consensusly there is a few on the planet. i know that brian has the ability to be like that. he can throw the ball and he is tough. he has had good times and bad times. thought through adversity. smeeumz it can make you -- sometimes it can make you better or worse. every thing made him stronger. he came out and was doing better than he was in ota's if he can
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continue to improve he gives us a great chance to win on sunday. >> you can look forward to watch for the battle of the back up. the raiders opened up their preseason saturday in arizona. >> and the canyon creak little league team is playing a must win game. playing in game seven and determines who goes on to the world series. canyon creak is two win away, after beating arizona they play utah tonight and the game is at 7:00 p.m.. and they play again friday friday if they win tonight. >> -- google firing an employee and the damage control. >> the movey about the fight to free the man convicted of murder.
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ie about the fight to free the man convicted of murder. murder. . a former all pro nfl defensive back and he is starring in a new movie opened friday august 25th and tells the story of a man trying to be freed -- >> the court will give the minimal allowable sentence of 15 years to life -- >> you are here by sentenced. >> now joining us live. >> thank you.
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>> thanks for having me. >> you played football. is your preparation different then preparation for football. is it similar. -- >> it is definitely different. it is two very difficult and different things. >> in what way? >> besides the physical. >> besides the physical this is much more of a mental game but the similarities are the instincts that have to come to play. you prepare and when it is time you throw it away and just go. >> and was arguing with my friend. the fact he is an athlete helped him out, you thing being on the big stage helped. >> 100%. >> you are right. -- >> sports helps and for kids especially if you get into
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sports it teaches you discipline and it is the greatest teacher in life for me -- >> let's talk about your movie, crown heights. that deals with a young man wrongfully convicted. watching the trailer gave me a pit in my stomach. i have children and you have a very little boy right now, do you draw upon the emotions you might feel indirect relation. or do you have to shut thought off because this is so tragic? >> my preparation really resolved about the two guys the story was about and finding a way to get their story out. wrongfully convicted of murder and life in prison and his buddy. imagine your best friend is convicted of murder and the time they say the murder happened you were with your best friend on the otheride of town. so there is a -- on the other side of town. and the fight he went through the get him out of prison.
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but when will you give up and he never did. >> was that in the back of your mind. growing up, high school -- >> at what point did you say i will try acting out? >> i was the kid who we had a tv and is with lobby for the tv to be in the kids room because i was so -- i loved movies and tv shows. some of the them really made a big impression. it is not something that i thought i would be an actor and mid-way through my career i did a nike commercial and led me be on friday night lights. led to directors and different people saying you thing you are gifted at this and you should look into it, so i knew there was a transition somewhere. >> your wife is an actress to do you help each other out. or is it i am work ong this and you don't -- i am work on this
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and we don't talk about. >> it is just like do your work and come home, and i go play football and come home to the family. >> you don't read scenes -- >> no, no, that is not happening. >> for those -- your wife is kari washington you are one of the hollywood couples that are ununder the rar -- are under the radar. >> i think it is important to have the line of personal and professional. not have it cross. i think i have always ben that way. >> do you wasn't a controversial questions. >> did you like playing for the raiders or the 49ers better snrks the raid -- >> the raiders. >> was there for a decade.
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>> knew -- i knew that. >> i played corner and decided to hang it up and had enough. and -- no one wanted me but 'twas tough for you. >> did you play at colorado. >> you played at high school. >> with was a powder puff. >> okay [ laughter ] >> was it tough for you? >> i knew it was time. i had success for several years at the highest level for my position. then there is a point when that is no longther case. you know you realize you can't to this for 100 years. it is time to look into other things -- >> great career and hats off to you on this new career and adventure. >> and awesome. and thanks for joining us. crown heights opens august 25th
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and thanks for joining us. >> calling me out. >> at ikea, we believe your perfect student deserves the perfect room for the perfect price. and... who's there? hey. a boy? oh, on the bed? you never told your dad and i about any... wait, what's going on now? move the flag. wait, what's going on now? tim & charlie, 4th graders. lazy 3rd graders. they even have those new easy open gogurt tubes. we used to struggle 20 minutes to open our gogurts.
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we were on our own. and when we finally got those things open, we'd be overcome with the sense of accomplishment no 3rd grader today will ever know. hi guys. get a job. you believe this guy? new ez open gogurt. kids never had it so easy. ♪ no artificial flavors, preservatives or colors. and an excellent source of calcium. enjoy cheese dippers by the laughing cow.
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at ikea, we believe your perfect student deserves the perfect room for the perfect price. and... who's there? hey. a boy? oh, on the bed? you never told your dad and i about any... wait, what's going on now? move the flag. . oakland mayor announced her choices for the city commission and they are going to pick three of the seven members and the alternates; the attorney and former public defender. thomas smith and public law
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attorney and regina jackson and the city counsel will choose the other, and the 150 people applied. the interviews of the remaining 28 people are now happening. commission members are not going a be paid. and they will be able to make recommends and have the power to fire the police chief. google's diversity program criticized and saying that women and men have different biological traits and many expressing if they can safely express their views. google is holding a town hal and
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the legal options and for the national relation board. >> mark zuckerberg preparing for a run at the white house. >> he was recently spotted eating at iowa and it is a ritual for presidential hopefuls. he hired a former obama campaign worker. >> you don't tend to hire pollsters unless you want to know what people are thinking. >> to survive the primary he is going to have to appeal for women. one of the big criticism that they don't hire women and they are suppressed internally. >> he also gave a commencement address at harvard and some say
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it sound like a campaign speech. >> posy got the giants on the board and it was anot an obvious one -- not an obvious one. they were not sure if it cleared the wall. >> they ruled it was a homer and he gave the homer call. >> block came to the plate and hit -- >> they do and block, served in the right feel. base hit. here comes crawford and he is safe. >> block drove in crawford and he also pitched 7 innings and gave up two runs;. four runs against seattle but it wasn't enough. >> this a one is high and deep
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and at the wall and that baby is gone. >> unbelievable. >> the 30th homer of the season and the bull pen could not stop the mariners. they win 7-6 there is a day game first pitch set for 12:35. >> a new study make you decide to bring a bag lunch. >> i do to save money. >> do you brown-bag a ball game. >> i have. >> know you have -- >> let's look at the numbers. check the records gathered by local health departments. the food safety of the oakland an a ranked teevans -- 12th. at&t there were eight instances
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of vermin infestations among the 88 violations. >> it is ball park food. >> it bills up your immunity right -- builds up your immunity right? >> we are welcoming the comedian to the set and has a show in berkeley and it was extended once and now twis and i found him on -- now twice and i found him on public radio and i can't wait to meet him. he will be here tomorrow. thanks for joining us
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>> announcer: live from new york city, it's t"the wendy williams show." >> it's going to be too great. ♪ now, here's wendy! ♪ >> wendy: come on! welcome to my show! this is my co-host, my studio audience. couldn't do


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