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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2 at 5am  FOX  August 2, 2017 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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continues except if you are near the water, nope. i don't think we will get much of a delta breeze, there is a lot of moisture that is streaming up from southern and central california and coming off the sierra. so the combination of all that is inching towards us, partly sunny to the north. 50s, maybe for a few. more 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s or 100s. 5:00 do you have an issue? something big? yeah, it is a truck on its side on the off ramp northbound 238, and we do have the first live pictures of it here. it's basically in the castro valley area. although it is technically unincorporated almeda county. again, this is on the off ramp, northbound 238 at east 14th. fortunately this ramp does not get as busy a use.
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chp has decided not to issue a sig alert. it's been about 2:00 in the morning. now they have a big, heavy duty tow truck. they have to right the truck and get it out of there before they reopen the ramp. it is going to be a little bit of a job here. let's move along and see what we have with some of the other commutes. westbound 580 through the altamont pass, lucy slow traffic. 20 -- you will see show traffic. and no major problems, livermore and pleasanton. 880 northbound traffic is moving along nicely. at the bay bridge toll plaza it is still light. 5:01, let's go back to the guessing. new detail bus a teenage boy who jumped out of the emergency exit on a plane that had just landed at sfo. he appeared to be in emotional distress. ktvu amber lee talked with the
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stunned passengers on that plane. >> copa airlines flight from 208 from panama city landed at 2:30 p.m. and waiting to taxi to its arrival gate. passengers described a smooth, pleasant flight until suddenly they heard a noise. >> the whole goes up, and i hear some scream. >> passengers say they didn't know what happened. but knew something was wrong when they saw light coming through the exit door. some took photos of the commotion with their cell phones. this is audio between the air traffic controller and two pilots. >> sir, we are in the cockpit and the flight crew tell us that we have an exit that is open, passengers get off through the wing, that is is that correct? you can see that from the tower? >> confirm that. there was a gentleman over approximately on the tango taxi way there when we exited with no vest on.
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>> copa airlines confirmed a few minutes after landing a 17- year-old boy sit ising in the exit row unexpectedly opened the emergency exit door, slid down the wing of the aircraft on to the taxi way. >> we see like someone like running. but i'm not sure about what happened. >> passengers tell me there was no announcement on the plane. they were delayed about 30 minutes. they say several law enforcement officers got on the plane. >> they told us to remain calm, to be seated. they were checking to see what was going on. >> the spokesman said the teen is a u.s. citizen and traveling alone. air fuel construction crew detained the teen. police took him into custody. >> thank god nothing happened. they told us to remain there for 30 minutes -- no, about 40 minutes. we waited, that was all. >> the spokesman said the 17- year-old was not injured. he also says the incident did
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not affect the runway or airport operations. sfo, amber lee, ktvu fox 2 news. two people were hurt early this morning after crashing into a cow on the road in orinda, the accident happened about 1:00 on highway 24. the cow walked on to the road and hit by more than one car. the driver were taken to the hospital, the cow was killed in the crash. two lanes of highway 24 were closed for a couple hours as crews clear that had scene. time now is 5:04, bleach was thrown into a woman's face blinding her. the woman in her mid-50s, can you see her in surveillance video stumbling outside of a store on mason street rubbing her eyes and rocking back and forth in pain. many who walked by her didn't realize how bad she was hurt. some finally heard her screaming and tried to help. >> this woman is crying and
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crying and crying. they washed out her eye out with optic solution. she yelled she couldn't see. >> moments earlier there was a confrontation between the woman and a man in his 20s outside of a liquor store on eddie street around the corner. and witnesses say that man threw the bleach in her face. the unidentified woman who is still in the hospital is expected to survive the doctors aren't sure if she will ever be able to see again. this morning a coast guard is continuing its search after a report of a swimmer in distress at san francisco's ocean beach last night. someone called 911 to report someone struggling near the water. the san francisco fire department and coast guard responded but couldn't find anyone. heavy fog made the search difficult. but the coast guard is taking the report seriously, it is still in the area, if the sky is clear, the coast plans to launch a helicopter to help with that search.
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time is 5:05. if you buy health insurance through covered california, will you pay on average 12.5% more next year. but here in the bay area increases will be smaller. this map you are looking at county by county shows the rate hikes, the smallest in san mateo county, 4.3%. the largest increase is in santa clair are rain showers county, 10.4%. now the 11 insurance companies it that sell healthcare plans will be back next year but one of the state's biggest insurers, anthem blue cross, california is reducing coverage area. now will only sell insurance in santa clara county, the central valley and some of the northern counties. >> i think we are seeing throughout the united states carriers pull out of markets or reduce where they are selling and we are seeing rate increases. and those carrier decisions are
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being driven no small part, a major part in stability caused by president trump. >> state insurance commissioner dave jones said president trump has threaten today with hold federal dollars to reimburse insurance companies. 1.4million californians are enrolled in the covered california program. there are now warnings in place after a mountain lion was seen. police say the mountain lion was running along the creek, it did not seem to be in any distress, it may have been there to get a drink of water. the trail is already closed near charter oaks circle because of damage to the trail. now police are telling people to stay away from the entire trail and call 911 if there is an emergency. time is 5:07, if you ride bart lucy a change near the entrances. bart is in the process of
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installing canopies to the powell and civic center stations. the canopies have a white roof and glass sidings, they are designed to protect the escalators from the weather elements to keep them from breaking down. a pilot study of a canopy of the 19th street bart station in oakland reduced down time on escalators by two-thirds. the bart plans to install canopies at all downtown is is stations by 2019. it's 5:08, a plan to repair highway 1 along the central coast, the proposal to cover the massive landslide with a new road. trump administration going after affirmative action. new information this morning that the justice department was given orders to investigate the use of race based policies in college admissions. good morning, can you see traffic is moving along okay. if you are driving in many areas.
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on 238 northbound the ramp has been shut down by truck that was flipped over, that truck has been righted now. we'll see how long it takes them to get it out of the way. another day where a 40- degree spread or more on some of the temps. but also high clouds are coming in from the south, take a look at that.
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the u.s. air force successfully tested, launched a missile in santa barbara county, the fourth test this year. this comes as tensions increase with north korea over its missile program. the air force says that this morning's test demonstrates the u.s. is ready to defend itself against attacks. north korea is claiming that it can now launch missile that would reach the u.s. main land. more on what is happening along the grand peninsula and the effect it is having in the bay area and washington d.c. >> the stepped up tension this week between the u.s. and north korea is painfully personal for marie. >> my dad's family was originally from north korea. like so many people they became refugees during the korean war. >> her parents living in south
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korea are among millions whose life or death hang in the balance. >> since march and really in april we saw this huge ramp up. >> tuesday, secretary of state rex tillerson is pursuing peaceful pressure, departing from president trump's hard line rhetoric. >> we do not seek a regime change, a collapse regime. we do not seek an excuse to send our military north of the 38th 38th parallel. we are not your enemy. >> tillerson took a different position than president trump on china. the commander in chief tweeted, i am disappointed with china, they do nothing with north korea. >> do not blame the chinese, only the north koreans are to blame. >> i think the messages are mixed. >> daniel sergeant, says the
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mix messages from washington pose a problem. >> a foreign government, a foreign head of state is going to struggle to ascertain who truly speaks for the united states. >> sergeant says north korea's test saturday appears to reflect deep concern of an increased u.s. threat to north korea. >> i think what tillerson is doing is to try to steer a sense i believe and response able policy in the con -- sensible responsible policy. a president day to day is attacking and shifting in the tweets. time is now 5:14. republicans in congress hope to have better luck to get tax reform passed than they did healthcare. it appears they are ready to move on. they say their focus now on debating ideas for changing the
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tax code. democrats say this time around, they hope republicans will include them in negotiations. >> why go through six months again on tax reform which they went through on healthcare and then come together. we have shown time and time again, if we are invited in we want to participate. we are not going to get it all our way. >> republicans promised to reduce rates on businesses and individuals while clearing out tax breaks and deductions. any change of the tax code should make sure the middle class doesn't pay more. the trump administration is prepreparing to investigate and possibly sue universities for admissions policies that discriminate against white applicants. the new york times is reporting that the justice department is redirecting resources of civil rights division to scrutinize policies to bring more minority students on to college cam passes. justice accident is taking a
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conservative approach under attorney jeff sessions. last week the justice department file add brief arguing that civil rights laws do not protect lgbt people from discrimination in the workplace. time is 5:16, we are going to get you outdoor, you told us about a big rig crash, you still watching that? >> why, that big rig was recently righted, stave and pam. i want to show you a foe -- dave and pam, i want to show you a photo of it. 238 off ramp to either 14th. it is not a heavily traveled ramp as the ramp is closed. the crash on this ramp at east 14th. they did manage to put it on the wheels, we'll see how long it takes them to drive it out of the area. that super huge tow truck, can you see the traffic is going to be -- it is going to be affected here, that ramp is not going to be usable until they get that truck out of the way. let's move along and take a
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look at the commute on northbound 101 from gilroy to san jose. it has been a pretty decent drive right through the gilroy super commute, getting into morgan hill and coming up on the main part of san jose with no major issues once you getting into it. 290 at 880 builder change, traffic is looking good. let's take a look -- interchange. traffic is looking good. let's take a look, at 5:17 so would you say a mix of sun and clouds today? i would. more clouds to the south, more sun to the north. cloud are already coming in, santa clara valley, might be a good photo opportunity for sunrise, really? sunrise picks, have enough high clouds, we will know in about an hour. throw me a little rope, this is a tough forecast because when you are near the walter and not
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a lot of fog and it's been pit -- water and not a lot of fog and it's pretty cold. not much of a breeze tonight. again, always clears around third and king i think the higher clouds will be making not for a bad night, it won't be cold cold. higher clouds coming in right there and painted over parts of san jose, santa clara valley, the moisture and rain is pushing off, you can see a lot of this is close, also up from the san joaquin valley. 60s, 70s some temps. half moon bay 54 degrees. ocean beach yesterday was 58. and then livermore 101. there is just tremendous difference in some of these temps and it was blazing up in lake county. so 65 kelseyville. 53 mill valley. so some of these are really
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cool. winds are 53. san to rosa plus 1. no big deal there. plus 7 from 24 hours ago in hayward. plus 5 for fairfield, concord, livermore. higher clouds are going to keep the clouds up. heat advisory is out for some. i don't think there is going to be much changeover. half moon bay, i don't know how we are going to get 70 or higher. 52 in truckee. 88 in bakersfield. it all started in a little station down in -- >> bakersville. >> in california. >> 72 in sacramento. 56 in monterey. i think we read this story earlier how portland could get into 100s and seattle close. keeping not too bad right now. 67 in portland is a pretty low. average high is 80. southern california which had rain yesterday and thunderstorms, 91 palm springs. la is at 71.
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cloud cover there, that is the key for us. cloud cover coming up from the south, it's today and tomorrow. look at the sierra, things bubble up in the afternoon, watch out for the convection, can you see the slug of moisture. it's moving north. so we'll have a lot of high clouds, that will add humidity today. a lot temps are depending on the cloud cover, it will be 101, 102 in livermore. san jose 91. san to rosa 88. again, farther north less cloud cover. temperatures they didn't peak out yesterday, gradual cooling but i think today and tomorrow possibility of thunder showers south of san jose and a lot of clouds. cooler by the weekend. >> steve, thanks. >> you're welcome. time now is 5:20, museum exhibit that is good enough to eat, tell but a display coming to san francisco, it's all about ice cream. plus the recall of a popular iphone case, we'll tell you what can go wrong with them
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and how some were burned.
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things are heating up for the wta.mer. time to play. when the us open series hits stanford for the bank of the west classic, join the celebration of summer. where the action off the court, is just as hot as the action on it. now through august 6th. it's time to shine brighter than you ever thought possible. the us open series. we're serving up the best of summer. don't miss the wta action while it's in stanford. what should i watch? show me sports.
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it's so fluffy! look at that fluffy unicorn! he's so fluffy i'm gonna die! your voice is awesome. the x1 voice remote. xfinity. the future of awesome. welcome back to mornings on 2. more than a quarter million iphone cases are being recalled. mixed bond electronics phone cases contains glitter suspended in liquid. 20 different iphone cases are sold through amazon, nordstrom and victoria's secret.
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the company is offering a full refund. meantime a software company in wisconsin has become the first in the country to implant microchips in some of its employees. 41 of the company's 85 employees volunteered for this chip injection into their hands. for now, that chip can only be used to perform a simple function like unlocking doors, buying snacks from the vending machines. the company says the chip does not track the employee's moments. this technology is said to be more secure than a smart phone, and that it will help protect personal information. time is 5:24, amazon moving into a prime location in san francisco. just signed a lease for 180,000 square feet of office space in a building at 525 market street. earlier this year amazon signed leases for office space in east palo alto and sunnyvale, the company employs 30,000 people
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in california. amazon also wants to hire an extra 50,000 workers nationwide. it's opening up new warehouses along with trying to lock in employees before temporary jobs open up before the holiday season. the company says many am cans will be offered jobs on the spot. amazon has more than a thousand job openings here in the bay area. it's only august 2nd, if you plan to travel by plane for the thanksgiving holiday, it's time to buy your plane tickets. the best time was usually 6-8 weeks before thanksgiving. according to sky scatter flight trends, the best time to book a thanksgiving flight this year is 12 week jason sunderland head of time, which is the end of this month. sky scatter says reduced unemployment and growing employment says a record number of people will be traveling by plane this thanksgiving. once you are stuffed with
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thanksgiving turkey, will you have new shopping option this year. game stop will open on thanksgiving to get a jump on the black friday crowds. this is a total 160 mentality for the company that has said for years, workers and customers should spend the holiday with their families. the video game store says employee and customers want stores open. the hours will be shortened to still allow employees time to spend with their family. it is 5:26. if you are looking for a new job, nasa is hiring a planet airy protection officer, sounds like something from a hollywood movie l is a job posting for that. some of your duties would be, protecting earth from alien contamination, making sure a spacecrafts return federal government earth are back to earth are clean and keeping space free from -- from contamination. now, the job requirements
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include an advanced degree in physical science, engineering, or math. it pays from 124 to $187,000 a year. it is 5:27. some changes to the graduation requirements at all cal state universities, class has become optional instead of required. also burglary suspect whose lead police on a chase end up slamming their car into a house in freemont, you are going to hear from the homeowner. good morning, we still have traffic that is getting busier by the moment. this is when the bay bridge is beginning to change, it looks like they may have switched those metering lights on just a few minutes early and now we have a backup building at the toll plaza a. and we have high clouds -- plaza. and we have high clouds, 40- 45-degree spread.
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you should see steve paulson grinning, because steve likes the pretenders. he is he grinning, he likes the
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music, he likes the picture of the bay bridge. just a beautiful shot on this wednesday morning. as we say welcome back to mornings on 2, it is wednesday, august 2 august 2nd. i'm dave clark. >> i'm pam cook. very distinct voice she has, yes. as we check in with steve, i guess if you can't get to hawaii it is coming to us. >> they do a great version of i got you babe. oh, yes, a great version. that is one of many. but yes, hawaii weather, pamela, why go to maui when can you be right here. >> i have a lot of reasons why. >> that's true, don't answer that question. there is your tropical clouds coming in. possibility of thunderstorm? yes. santa cruz mountains down to monterey, san jose, hollister, it looks like it's in the mix, if it's not today, early tomorrow. a lot of cloud cover will
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stream in, cloudy, mostly cloudy, what is really tough, if you get the cloud cover there is no way on this green or brown hill earth right now, temperatures as hot as yesterday. it will be a as hot for some. most moisture streaming off the coast but it's close. as, 60s, to 70s on the temps. ocean beach was 58, livermore 101. parts of lake county it was really hot. ukiah 110. alina valley 52. navaid dough 56. 53 in mill valley. 59 up san rafael. 68 livermore. 70 miraga. cloud cover is starting to come in and the temperatures didn't cool off. heat advisory away from the coast. not enough of a delta breeze but a lot of cloud cover streaming in. mostly cloudy unless you are
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farther north. i think we go partly sunny. even convection coming off the sierra. this is coming into play the next 24 to 36 hours. i would think south so far. 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, i am leaning on the cloud cover to taken off the highs. if you are wondering. >> i was wondering, as a matter of fact. >> you actually are a weather geek. >> i am a weather geek and it's great to work with you because you answer all my questions. >> i try. >> i will say, i did see the pretenders and christie hine up close when i was working at the radio station. >> very nice. >> yeah, up close, steve. >> did they do middle of the road? >> yes, they did, as a matter of fact. i want to show you some cool video here of a truck that was being righted. it was on its side here we go! a little bit of squeaking a
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little bit of noise here, that semi is back on its wheels, the trucking company, a little bit of damage, no major injuries. but that ramp is closed on 238 off and on at east 14th. did not issue a sig alert because it's not -- that ramp is not used as much. the freeway is still moving by. this is a live picture now of what is going on and you can see that the truck is now on to a huge to you truck. and you will see that it will be towed away hopefully any time soon. it's been out there since 2:00 this morning. so it is going to an little bit. let's move along and take a look at 80 westbound, vacaville, fairfield, getting into fairfield and vallejo not a bad commute. getting away from the area and heading out toward let's season only ma and marin county. and this is a look at interstate 880 traffic looks
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good. no major problems at the bay bridge, those lights did go on early and there is a big -- i would say 10-15 minute delay already at the toll plaza. 5:35 let's go back to the desk. 37 million people took part in a national night out at events across the country. richmond police chief says he looks forward to it every year. >> always good when police officers can inter act with communities and nonenforcement roles when there is no emergency, when there is no crisis and helps reinforcement what we try to build on here, relationships. 16,000 communities across the u.s. held neighborhood block parties, events allowed neighbors to get to know one another, spend time with police officers in a casual atmosphere. >> child of the 60s and 70s, it's very important from my experience. law enforcement and the community have a good relationship and know one another well.
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>> parks celebrated national night out. greeting riders at different stations, say the campaign is designed to raise awareness about crime prevention and strengthen neighborhood spirits. time is now 5:36, san jose police need your help. they want to find a woman who stab add local reporter on july 21st july 21st. the female suspect described 18 to 22 years old, medium complexion. she is accused of stabbing and robbing a mercury news reporter inside of his home on july 21stin willow glenn neighborhood. that reporter is recovering. if you have any information, call san jose police. a driver trying to get away from police slammed into a home in freemont. police say the car may have been going 70 miles an hour when the driver realized he was in in a cul-de-sac and may not be able to get away.
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the homeowner says it's fortunate no one was home at the time of the crash. >> we work from home regularly. and today wasn't one of those days. parents visit us during summer. >> this could have ended tragically based on the speed that they are going and reckless behavior. >> it took a team of firefighters to pry what turned out to be a rental car from that home. all three men in the car were arrested and could face charges including burglary and evading arrest. the crash was so powerful the home is deemed unsafe to live in. 5:37, caltrans has a plan for reopening highway 1 that was closed near big sur by a mudslide three months ago. the transportation department says the cheapest and fastest way is to shore up the quarter mile of highway and build a new road over it.
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the other options were to build a tunnel or a new road around that mudslide. cal trans said it will reinforce the slide area. the entire project expected to take a year, the exact time table and the cost that will be announced late they are month. meantime, marin county supervisors approved putting $47 annual parcel tax used for flood control projects including highway 37 navaid doe which was closed by flooding t would raise about a million dollars. but critics of the parcel tax say the project to elevate highway 37 in marin county would actually cost more than $3 million. people in a south san jose neighborhood are upset they were fined for setting off illegal fireworks. 500 to $700 citations. accused them of setting off
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fireworks during the warriors championship run and independence day. these families say they are innocent. >> it just seems like a backwards way of doing it. we're -- they are assuming we are guilty and we have to prove we are innocent. >> i can say, you know, as a former san jose police officer that citations aren't given out just kind of, you know, without any really good cause. >> the city says people can be cited if there is video or photographic proof or more than one witness complain bus a particular add -- complains about a particular address. it is now 5:39, cal state university dropping a
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requirement that students take algebra to complete their degrees. right now students that don't major in math or science still have to fulfill a math requirement with intermediate algebra was a presecond receipt. beginning in the fall of 2018 students will still have to complete a math requirement, but they won't have to take algebra. the change is meant to increase the graduation rate jason sunderland cross the csu system. right now it's 5:40, still ahead, california law takes guns away from people with restraining orders. its purpose is to protect families, but coming up at 6:00 well will tell you how effective that law might be. keeping your power bill down, some tips for reducing costs as the heat of the summer continues to hit many bay area communities. if you are getting on the roads soon, you will see that traffic is going to be okay. this is a look at the san mateo bridge, not a bad commute heading out to the highrise.
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food. water. internet. we need it to live. but what we don't need are surprises, like extra monthly fees. i see you, fee, played by legendary actress anjelica huston. you got me, mark. we just want fast internet for one, simple rate. for all the streaming and the shopping and the newsing, but most of all... for the this. internet for one everyday simple price and no extra monthly fees.
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welcome back to mornings on 2. time is ac 43. happening today -- 5:43. the gates open this afternoon. the fair is open from 3:00 to 11:00 today through friday. this weekend the hours are from noon to 11:00. the fair includes a carnival contest, nightly concerts and a lot more. the tickets range from 6:00 to ten dollars at the gate. the -- six-dollars to ten dollars at the gate. senior citizens get in free today. kids get in free tomorrow. and on friday the military and first responders will get in free. after some uncertainty a well known before in the mission district will stay at its currently case. the leaf for the he will pre-- the leets is set to expire but
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-- lease is set to expire at the end of this year. now the bar at 17th legacy status back in april making it eligible for city grants. the owners said they plan to relocate the bar once the lease is it up. san francisco is about to become the next city to host the museum of is cream. at the former home of the emporioarmani. the museum recently had temporary openings in los angeles and new york. we still don't know how long the san francisco location will be open. if have you not been able to get tickets to hamilton, will you soon have a chance.
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going to take a shock. hamilton is returning to san francisco in early 2019. first national tour opened in san francisco on march 10th. wraps up this saturday august 5th. the show heads to los angeles. details about the dates for return to san francisco and how to purchase the tickets will be announced a little late. our family is addicted. >> i know you are. >> phenomenal. sal has been susee, a lot happening on the roads, what is happening out there now? >> on the tracee triangle is going to be busy, dave and pam. it is going to an tough commute on 580 and 205 and we can show you the map and the road sensor that will show you the traffic on both of those freeways it is going to be very slow as we push in here. look at all that slow traffic and some of these speeds look low. i can just tell by the shade of red. 6 miles an hour, that is not a
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good commute, obviously. westbound 205, and gets better. by the time you reach livermore it is not a bad drive. the traffic in both direction is getting busier although it is not stop and go. and at the bay bridge toll plaza, we do have a backup that started just before 5:30, about a 10 minute delay before you make it on to the span. it looks like it's clear weather at the toll plaza as we go to you. >> look at this right there. right there. >> i see. >> that is the golden gate bridge back there. see it? >> yes. yeah, it's covered in a fog. >> do we have another shot say san jose or something that shows the higher clouds. >> i am putting the control room on the spot. that's marin. >> so the higher clouds are coming in. the fog is pouring in. look here -- i am going right out and say it again, if half moon bay is over 65 i am buying pam and dave lunch.
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i don't see it. >> oh, all right. >> i didn't say where. >> we get to pick. >> you about etito pick i think i know where you are going, that would be r and d. >> we can have our salad. >> yes, indeed. believe me, i try. there are so many mikro climates here. high clouds are coming in. there is fog, this is a really tricky forecast for tonight -- for the a's visiting the giants. so i would go with layer, okay. the city was 67 yesterday, a good push of fog, here come the higher clouds. there is a possibility of a isolated showers i think more later in the day into tomorrow. the bulk of this moved off of monterey, so it's close but it it needs to recurve a little bit. we'll get the higher clouds. 66 san jose. 54, foggy with some mist last
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report i saw from half moon bay. 53 santa rosa. some areas you only got in the upper 8 east. you don't have to go far to find hot conditions or cold conditions. 55 woodside. pacifical 53. 63 in freemont. union city 62. 64 morgan hill. san mar teen. 53 in santa cruz, 64 campbell. you got a big difference here, there will be more cloud cover to the south. san jose is plus 6 compared to 24 hours ago. plus 7 hayward. yet only plus 1 for santa rosa. heat advisory it does not include the city, it does not include the coast through oakland, higher elevations where it's really warm. upper .0s and 80s, you get up -- 70s and 8 east, you get up a couple thousand feet. 82, 83, 88, sacramento, bakersville warm due to that tropical cover.
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focus on the pacific northwest. they are expected to have their hot day today. so far not too bad. 67 portland is important for a low. tropical clouds streaming from california, off the syria with the convection is blown up. boom, even northeast california. if you are traveling up there, you can see it right there, inches closer again the bulk of it is santa cruz mountain, santa jose. and that adds humidity as well. 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 100s dependent on cloud cover. today and tomorrow cloud cover. cooler toward the weekend. >> steve, thank you. >> yes. it's 5:49, we've been telling you about the overturned big rig off 238,
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allie rasmus. >> reporter: yes, it doesn't seem to be having too great of an impact. northbound 238 on ramp as -- off ramp at east 14th street and hayward. never had to close or call for a sig alert, that is what they do if there is a major incident disrupting traffic. you can see they've got it back up right, this big rig 20 minutes ago, they were able to use airbags and heavy equipment to back this up. heavy duty to you truck. what were the challenges in getting this big rig back up right, this overturned at 2:00, it's almost 6:00 just now getting things cleaned up? >> it took some time because of the commodity that this trucker was carrying. $70,000 pounds of washers and driers, when they were trying to up right it that box trailer and contents would spill out. >> so they had to be careful
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about it. they used airbags. >> state of the art system that they use now which enables them to up right that and keep everything in place. >> the driver was not hurt. >> the driver was not injured. >> did he say what happened? why he overturned. >> made an information statement taking the ramp too fast. he remembers the ramp but doesn't remember there was a sharp turn. >> taking it 45 miles an hour, and with a load this heavy. >> right. >> thank you very much. sergeant ted montez. you can see big rigs back up right with the heavy duty to you truck. so the northbound 238 -- on ramp should be back open here very shortly. back to you guys. >> allie, it doesn't have too much of an impact, you are not
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seeing a lot of traffic. >> reporter: this is actually kind of a tough on ramp to get to. it's kind of where 238 the statehouse intersects with a lot of streets in hayward. you don't see much of a backup here, really. there are more popular ways that people get on to 238 rather than this specific intersection. just a spectacle for most of the importanting with that big rig carrying 70,000 pounds of i can't minds on its side. things should be wrapping up here shortly. >> thank you, allie. >> thank you. time is 5:52, jack del rio has a message for his team. the mindset he wants his players to have going into the brand new season with the super bowl in mind. this busy mom spends her days driving all over town.
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so why is she smiling? because she shopped during the safeway anniversary sale and filled up her trunk with grocery savings, plus earned 4 times the gas reward points. now that's something to smile about. right now, get pepsi 12-pack 12-ounce cans, buy 2 get 2 free, and lay's chips, 9.5 -10 ounces, 2 for $5 with your club card. the safeway anniversary sale. come in and explore.
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welcome back, 5:55. the giants beat the a's 10-4. first inning against the left hand pitcher that lasted three innings. brandon belt hit a solo homer. that's his 17th of the season. pence smacks one in the sixth.
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>> it's a high fly ball to the right. still back. it is out of here! >> that's pence's eighth homer of the year. the bay bridge series resumes tonight at at&t park. raiders have the day off today from training camp. yesterday in napa the team is in their pads. wide receiver cooper is further, he missed -- hurt, he missed practice. jack del rio told reporters he wants to build on last year's success but the players can't dwell on that. >> good or bad what happened in the past is left in the past. have you to come in and reestablish who you are. the things you believe in, learn how to sacrifice. get yourself in shape ate he not just physical condition, mental, emotional condition. we are working hard at it. we are just getting started
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here in camp. it's early in camp. we have a long way to go. i like the spirit of the football team. we have a good group of men and we have a lot of work in front of us. >> i want that hatch, too, pam. >> the raiders first preseason game august 12th against the cardinals in arizona. we are coming up on our 6:00 hour, there is a search for a missing swim oar going on this morning -- swimmer going on this morning. why it's been so tough. san francisco firefighters will take a new approach to fighting fires, the idea that could take flight next year. ♪
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what should i watch? show me sports. it's so fluffy! look at that fluffy unicorn! he's so fluffy i'm gonna die! your voice is awesome. the x1 voice remote. xfinity. the future of awesome. ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ good morning, the coast guard is continuing to search for a swimmer who appeared to be in distress spotted in the waters near ocean beach last night. we'll tell but this search and rescue operation that continued throughout the night and how the weather is playing a role here. a plane lands at sfo and moments later a 17-year-old boy jumps out the plane through the emergency exit. you will hear how the pilot
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reacted. mornings on 2 continues. good morning, thank you for joining us here on this wednesday morning, august 2nd, i'm pam cook. >> i'm dave clark. let's talk about your wednesday weather. steve paulson is right here in this office. there is two things going on, bigger fog bank today than yesterday. no way the city is going to get over 70, i don't buy that. and mainly san jose, santa cruz mountains there is your fog pouring in. the city was only 67 yesterday. i just went 66. cause i just think there is too much fog. with on and off -- without an offshore breeze it ain't happening. the tropical clouds, we talked about this, focused order santa cruz mountains a little bit east bay they continue to come in here. can you see


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