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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at Noon  FOX  July 12, 2017 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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that burned more than 100 acres and destroyed one home. a clash between san francisco police and skateboarders near dolores street. president trump taking to twitter to weigh in on his son's e-mail disclosures regarding a meeting with a russian attorney during the campaign. and afternoon. i'm alex sal van. >> i'm gasia mikaelian. fire crews have a fire 50% contain. >> it broke out in the foothills east of san jose and it forced the evacuation of hundreds in that neighborhood. >> larry at lane and crater way and you have the latest. rob. >>reporter: well, alice, we're o get an update on the containment numbers. what we're
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hearing is containment is at least at 50%. this fire we know burned 101 acres. we have been here coming to you all morning from this home on crater way. this home has been completely gutted by this fire. and the fire crews right now are still making some kind of an assessment just to see if this home -- what can be savaged from this home. this home will be red tagged. the evacuations in this area at adam rock park have been lifted. officials are working in a containment mode. we did talk with some of the homeowners this morning. they said no comment. they were able to salvage a few boxes from this home. a total loss for this home here and fire crews says given the conditions, this could have been much worse. we know this fire broke out at 4:00 yesterday. at the height of this fire, there were 150 crews from cal fire and san jose fire fighting this
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blaze. they used a combination of air drops, dropping retardant and also water. you can see hear as you look at the hills in the live shot, just how scorched this hill was. and this is what we heard this morning from some of the homeowners and the fire crews that said given the scope of this fire, this could have been much, much worse. at the peek of the fire, 150 personnel from cal fire and san jose fire battled the blaze in a san jose hills with retardant. some homes were spared and others were directly in the path of the flames. one lucky neighbor surveyed the damage of his neighbor's house being doused this morning with water. >> they evacuated our house right away. the police came over and the fire department. they're great people. they took us down the hill. then later on, we came up and they only
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let the people who live here come up in this area, so yeah. >> were you feeling nervous not knowing what you would be coming back to? >> yes, yes. i just don't know what my house would look like, so it was very scary. >> the fire is 50% contained. it burned 101 angers total. one home was lost. another two suffered minor damage. >> the fire did extend into adam rock park. we did evaluations in adam rock park and we lifted evaluations to allow crews to come back in place. the structures on clater, the power is out and residents have been allowed back in. >> fuelled by tall grass, the fire moved quickly through the neighborhood. >> three factors so we're looking at the fuel, the weather and the topography. certain fuel types will carry fire a certain way.
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topography moves uphill and up drainages and canyons. another factor is the wind. and the crews on site will work to try to evaluate those things to take things like roads, ridges and ravines where we can cut the fire -- >> the fire fighting efforts paid off. what was clear by morning was ran do not and unpredictable -- leaving some homes untouched and others burned to the ground. hank has sympathy for his neighbors house directly across the street and realizes just how lucky he was. >> i'm very fortunate. i don't think it sank in until this morning. my wife is not here until late last night, so she stayed away and this morning we went back there and i think it's starting to sink in that it's fortunate somehow it skipped our house. >> and back here live, it
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is just simply amazing when you look at this house burn to the ground. you cross the street and other homes remain untouched. just the look on the faces of the neighbors that drove through shaking their heads, thanking themselves as hank was about how lucky they were. adam rock park remains closed. the community center was open and served a handful of residents. less than ten, we're hearing. the fire we hear is still under investigation. nothing suspicious has been reported and crews will remain out here until they reach full containment. right now, we're waiting for an update on the containment numbers and we're told the containment is 50%. the fire pio and chief is also kind of going right now. they're mapping it out and seeing if those numbers will be changing. for right now, they're working in a containment situation and trying to get things under control throughout the day. they'll be out here for the bulk of this afternoon. let's send it back to you. rob malcolm live in santa fe. we'll move further north where there's no time
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table where thousands who evacuated their home in butte county will be able to return. 57 structures such as shacks and out buildings have burned. this fire is burning east of oroville and threatening another 5,000 structures and the fire has burned through 5800 acres and it's 55% contained. firefighters down in san diego county arele -- they're battling a fast moving fire. the flames quickly spread to a hillside. schools and buildings were evacuated, but residents -- so far the fire burned 400 acre and it's 10% contained. this is one of 18 active fires burning in california right now. this afternoon, crews are still mopping up after an early morning fire that started in new york. the alameda county fire department says this started as a car fire with three cars that were
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burning. the battalion chief we spoke with says the flames spread to a kitchen and bath store on central avenue. the building was not open at the time. there was no one inside the store and injuries reported. we're learning about a confrontation between san francisco police and hundreds of skateboarders near dolores park last night. >> that incident sent an officer and one skateboarder to the hospital. ktvu allie rasmus is joining us from dolores park with the new information you're learning from san francisco police, allie, good afternoon. >>reporter: good afternoon. police estimate 2 to 400 skateboarders gathered in dolores park. they were doing something called hill bombing and that's when they race down dolores street on their skateboards at a high rate of speed. san francisco police arrived around 7:00 last night after neighbors called to complain and express concerns about the street racing skaters. tensions rose between the
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crowd and police. >>[screaming] >> san francisco police declined an on camera interview to talk about the incident, but officer robert told us over-the-phone, quote with the number of people in this park, we could take a defensive stance and help contain it. we were rendering aid to people falling down on their skateboards. some didn't want to cooperate with us, so they just left. officer recka referred to this video. you see a skater collide with an officer next to a patrol car in the middle of the street. he says this incident is under investigation and it is not clear yet whether this was an intentional or accidental crash. recka says after the collision, the skater was moved to the sidewalk by his friends and would not let police approach him. >> i saw someone sitting at that corner of dolores and 19th who was sitting on the ground with friends around him and he looked injured. but no drops were giving him attention and i don't know if he wanted the
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attention from the cops and he was sitting there with his friends who were looking under help. >> the officer did -- the police couldn't tell us whether he's recovering in the hospital or had been released. recka said we tried to maintain the area and create the crowd from creating more havoc in the neighborhood. we closed off the street. skateboarders were flying down the hills, we feared for their safety and motorcyclist. neighbors who saw the crowd in the confrontation with police says it seemed chaotic. >> at least 20 squad cars and dozens and dozens of cops. they were fully decked out in riot gear, face shields and beanbag guns. and peep were videoing and chanting at cops and a lot more -- >> police say along with the shouting and jeering, people in the crowd threw
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beer bottles at them and at least two police cars were damaged, one by a skater who says police used his ford to smash the back window of a patrol car. now, police say they frequently get calls from neighbors about skateboarders racing down the -- however, we did hear from residents who say this is a regular thing in this area. 19 at dolores. one neighbor says there's regulp s of large -- large groups of skaters gathering to race down this hill at least once a month. alex back to you. >> allie rasmus, joining us live in san francisco. thank you. police need your help tracking down four women accused of stealing allergy medicine from a drug store. it was captured at the cvs on columbus parkway. the woman ransacked the shelves. the women walk out.
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they don't pay for anything they've taken. authorities say the women left in a gray nissan ultima with blue paper plates. if you have information about this case, you are urged to call the benicia police department. amazon and goggle are planning to protest the trump's administration plans to remove net neutrality protections and they're -- they urge people to send a letter to the fcc. right now, internet service providers are required to treat all web traffic equally. if the rule is reversed, different internet providers will be able to speed up services from one site and slowdown service from another. now to the white house where president trump took to twitter to weigh in on his son's e-mail disclosure regarding -- >> this comes after democrats says that trump's actions were fowl play. caroline with the details. >>reporter: president trump taking to twitter this
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morning to defend his son. declaring donald trump jr. was quote open, transparent and innocent while dismissing the ongoing investigation as the greatest witch hunt in political history. the president saying the fake media uses sources that's made up and do not exist. >> this isn't something the white house is focused on. >> the president's post coming in the aftermath of donald trump jr. disclosing e-mails regarding his eagerness to hear damaging information about clinton from the russian government. >> in retro speck, i would have done things differently. >> he had four pages of e-mail -- >> for democrats, we're over here talking about treason and collusion and we're not sure there's -- for republicans, they're saying a big nothing burger, but there is -- this is not a nothing burger. >> the kremlin denying being involved. robert muller would look into the
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chain of e-mails as -- >> we saw the constantly evolving stories from the president's son. we cannot rely on any public reputation -- representations -- in wash washington, caroline, ktvu, fox 2 news. u.s. senators will have to put their august vacations on hold for two weeks. republican leaders plan to keep the agenda in session. they're angry -- republican majority leader mcconnel says the revised bill will probably keep "the affordable care act" tax increases on wealthy americans to help pay for coverage for the elderly and low income americans. the bill is expected to ease cuts to medicaid. republicans hope to schedule a vote next week.
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shoppers near a safe way store in san francisco's castro district are being warned to protect themselves. the bird attacks caught on camera and what experts say could be causing the animals to dive bomb poor innocent people just walking by. santa cruz beaches are closed after a great white shark knocked a man out of his kayak. how the man was able to get to shore safely. temperatures getting ready to warmup around the bay area especially inland. we're going to check in with immediate colleges markly -- we're going to check with meteorologist mark tamayo who is at fisherman's wharf. ♪
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what should i watch? show me sports. it's so fluffy! look at that fluffy unicorn! he's so fluffy i'm gonna die! your voice is awesome. the x1 voice remote. xfinity. the future of awesome.
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shoppers in san francisco are told to watch their heads when going into the safe way in the castro district. take a look at this video we took at the store on market and church. birds swooping down and attacking this poor guy and a half dozen other people outside in the time we were there. the people would live in the neighborhood, they say this happens every night. >> i walk home this way everyday, and for maybe three weeks now, just with every time i go by here this time of night, i get clun -- >> i was going to safe way and i thought it was a meth addict attacking me and i turned around and it was a bird attacking me. >> no word why the birds
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are attacking, but experts say they're protective -- the city of santa cruz is taking action after a shark knocked a man out of his kayak yesterday. the city has shut down all of its ocean front beaches from the mouth of the san lorenzo river. the shark attacked about 11:00 near steamer lane. while wild life officials says the shark appears to be a great white, the kayakers radioed for help and picked up by a harbor patrol boat. officials says he was not hurt during all this, but it changed the plans of many people who were looking to beat the heat at the beach. a couple from michigan wanted to rent surf boards, but they were denied. they said they didn't know the beach had been closed. >> they said there were shark sightings. we didn't hear anything about an attack or anything. so that's news to us. but yeah, we didn't see signs
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or anything. >> officials have ordered beach goers to stay out of the water at least through this friday. the beaches are expected to reopen at sunrise saturday morning as long as there are no other shark sightings between now and then. all right. well, we are experiencing a bit of a warmup. things are going to change a little bit this upcoming weekend. isn't that right, mark. >> yeah, temperatures, alex and gasia are warming up. live at fisherman's wharf in san francisco. boaters are trying to get -- as we pan off, and that's one boat coming in, it's the argo and behind it, we have the low clouds and fog hanging near the coast and bay. we had mostly cloudy skies against a good portion of the bay, but clearing back to near the shoreline this afternoon. a typical july weather set up. as far as the satellite, as we take a look at the weather maps,
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there you go with the fog perspective hugging our coastline toward monterey bay as we come closer to the bay area, you'll notice clear skies inland towards concord and livermore, and san jose reporting partly cloudy conditions. increase in sunshine this afternoon. updated the numbers for 12 hour. we have 80s near walnut creek. warmup. oakland, 69. san francisco that's where we are, a cool 57 degrees. a breeze out here as well. temperatures this afternoon, a big range out there. 60s. don't forget the coats and sweat er. inland spots into the upper 80s and 90s. the warming trend will continue. here we go with the weekend outlook approaching thursday and friday. a bump in the numbers and it will be warm, hot inland. back to the low 90s. i know you're covering the fires popping up. and fire
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danger will be on the increase once again as we head toward the weekend. we're live here at fisherman's wharf. the boaters outside of the gate trying to catch the fish, trying to catch the prize salmon. earlier this season, you may have heard about dyer positions about this salmon season which we are in right now and a different story, good news coming up in our next weather update, we'll talk to the boater that was on the argo. he'll let us know -- give us a good update about the salmon up there and it has been exciting and we'll have that coming up and another look at your weather in a few minutes. >> mark, you're wearing a jacket. those of us in the east bay have seen shorts and flip flops around town. >> definitely you need the coat out here. san francisco weather. so we're showing you the big range of temperatures. you have to dress in layers because out here, it is on the cooler side. >> we'll bring you back in a few, thank you, mark. >> thank you, mark. the biggest icebergs on record has broken away from
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antarctica. >> experts says the iceberg measures more than 2,000 scare miles and it broke away from the larson ice shelf. it broke between monday and early today. researchers have been expecting the break and monitoring the rift for the past several months using european space satellites and they say -- scientist aren't -- they add the antarctica peninsula has warmed. there's a fiscal emergency. the sizeable emergency and how leader was blamed for their financial troubles.
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text "blades" to gillette on demand noo text to reorder blades... ...and get $3 off your first order with gillette on demand. so find a venus smooth that contours to curves, the smoother the skin, the more comfortable you are in it. flexes for comfort, and has a disposable made for you. skin smoothing venus razors.
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welcome back. san francisco base gymboree say they're closing 350 stores -- ten bay area stores are closing including gymboree and crazy 8 stores. the children's retailer struggle with online competition and stores will start closing next week and the company hadn't said how many employees might be affected. we want to give you a look at the big board where the dow joins are up. reacts are reacting to -- who said that the central bank will soon start
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reducing part of its $4.5 billion portfolio. good news for the dow jones. up nicely here a half hour before the closing bell. san francisco is taking action to ease the housing crunch in this city after the board of supervisors approved to affordable housing measure. one requires landlords to prove they move need a property in which they evicted the tenant. the second piece of legislation calls for large housing developments to lower rates on a 5th of their apartments or condos to make it affordable to low income -- this is designed to give people with middle income jobs a better chance of living in this city. still in the city, supervisors are considering an idea of a tax on vacant taxes. some worry that empty properties are adding to the shortage in san francisco, in particular one reported 2014 said nearly 10,000 unit in the city weren't being used. the town of moraga
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declared -- they're blaming infrastructure failures for their financial situation. a sinkhole that developed last year on green boulevard and closure of a bridge on canyon road in april have cost the town $5 million in repairs. under this declaration, the town has the option of placing a utility or flat tax on the ballot. officials say moraga is cutting back on services in an effort to save money. after six decades in business, a deli in the south bay is closing his doors and why the opener says he's being forced to close down. what he plans to do to keep serving loyal customers. president trump's fbi director takes the hot seat on capitol hill. we'll have information on the
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hearings of these meetings under way.
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the president's nominee for fbi director faced a confirmation hearing today. >> he's testifying about the white house relationship with russia. care -- >> president trump's choice for fbi director -- wray is taking questions from the judiciary commity.
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his announcement -- >> my loyalty is to the constitution, and to the rule of law. those have been my guide post throughout my career and i'll adhere to them no matter the test. >> raised confirmation hearing comes two months after president trump fired comey. the white house says he was let go over his handling of the hillary clinton e-mail investigation. they looked -- and told another senate panel last month the president had a different motive. >> i was fired because of the russian investigation. something about the way i was conducting it. the president felt created pressure on him. >> comey says -- lawmakers are looking to make sure an fbi will operate independently of the white house. >> the director of the federal borough of investigation is charged with running a vast agency
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with tremendous power. this power, if used appropriately could threaten the civil liberties of every american. >> he hopes wray will be confirmed before the august recess. on capitol hill, katherine herridge, fox 2 news. a legislation began -- yesterday, the house appropriation's committee included $1.6 million to build that wall. trump promised that mexico would pay for the wall, but never had an explanation -- there was a house seat in the special election, san francisco congresswoman nancy pelosi is committed to whipping a democratic majority. ktvu ken lane sat down with the house majority leader and ask her if she'll return to the job as speaker of the house.
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>> you know what, that would be up to my caucus >>reporter: you're open to that. i want the democrats to win the house. that's where our focus is. and that's really what matters. we have fabulous candidates throughout the country. never in the history through my time i have ever seen a time where people were so concerned that would happen in the last election that they want to take responsibility for the next election. they see the urgency. what can i do to help. they want to take responsibility, urgency, responsibility, that makes opportunity for us. >> and you can watch ken wayne's full interview with congressman pelosi at our website at conservative -- shapiro accepted an invitation to speak at berkeley in september. they invited the editor to speak on september 14th at 7:00 p.m.
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it's the same group that invited miry and anne to speak. because of security concerns, those talks never happened. the college republicans ask the campus to provide a facility for shapiro, one that will accommodate 500 people. >>[screaming] this was the seen last year when shapiro visited cal state l.a.. protestors shouted him down. he said in part, we're confident that arrangements can and will be made for mr. shapiro to speak on the berkeley with the time and date -- and a recommendations of law enforcement professionals. we'll do everything in our power to ensure that mr. shapiro is host and their guest can safely and successfully exercise their first amendment rights. . a senate approved a bill to set a timeline for california law enforcement agencies to release some police body camera videos.
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right now, every individual law enforcement agency sets its own rules on when and if it will release videos. this bill would require agencies across state to release videos in cases where officers use force or there's an accusation that police violated the law or public policy. supporters say that will help build the public's trust in the police. >> without a uniformed policy across the state, the public doesn't know what their rights are, when they can obtain this video, and each department will have its own policy. >> the state sheriff's association as well as a number of other california law enforcement agencies oppose the bill. they say this one size fits all policy will not work and takes discretion away from law enforcement. this bill will be september to other committees before the -- this will be sent to other committees before the full senate can pick it up. the shooting of a
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19-year-old hayward man. investigators are trying to figure out if he was killed because of his work as a marijuana delivery driver. romero was shot around 10:20 saturday night. he was pronounced dead at the scene. >> we are looking into the fact that we know that people who deal in marijuana are often targets of robbery. it's a lucrative business to rob people involved in that. we're looking at that angle. >> investigators aren't sure if romero was working when he was killed. anyone with information is asked to call the allegany police department. in san francisco, police are searching for a sooererial burglar -- searching for a serial burglar. >>reporter: you can call it a smash-and-grab says martha, the owner of cliff's variety store on castro street. >> i'm sure [indiscernible].
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>> the crook was neat. no broken glass. >> he spent an hour blow torching the side panel next to the front door out. >> this surveillance video shows the suspect torching the flame and walking into the store. within six minutes, he steals $700 worth of merchandise. >> [indiscernible]. >> today, ashton shows what was taking including high end spray paint that graffiti artist are known to take. >> he came over here and trying to get this open. >> it happened at 3:00 in the morning on july 2nd. >> i definitely felt violated. >> that same morning, san francisco police believe the thief struck a verizon store and puff and stuff, a nearby smoke shop. >> he walks in and it's like he's shopping. >> surveillance there shows suspect using the same methods to break-in. >> they don't smash the grab. they wiggle it out and help themselves. >> police believe the same
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man may be responsible for two break-ins that happened at cold hardware stores in north beach. >> it's no longer safer around here. >> sfpd zeroed in on a suspect. merchants says break-ins have increased and they hope sfpd can put more plain-clothed officers on the street. sfpd says the implementation of that program is under way. tara moriado, fox 2 news. happening today, the oakland unified school district is holding a job -- school leaders and staff will be at the event. it's going to be held from 4:00 to 6:00 this afternoon. this morning on the 9:00, i hope you were with us when we spoke to the manager and they described the district's ideal candidate.
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>> looking for coachable, equity based and equity focused and want to be here for the long haul to bring back oakland public schools being the best which it was in the early 1990s. >> for more information on how to register for ocu -- click on the web links tab. a deli in san jose is closing its doors after 67 years in business. time deli is famous for the clock outside of the business. the owner announced yesterday that it will be shut down after 3:00 on saturday. he says he had no other option after a lawsuit for violations of the american's with disability's ability. other businesses in san jose have been hit with similar complaints. that particular lawsuit was settled but the owner says the money needed to fix the problems is just too much for him to stay in business at that current location.
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instead he's decided to buy a food truck and do his business remotely. >> before this happened, taking pictures of this clock we've had, it has been up there since 1950 and i think he had taken the truck and put it on -- he took the clock and put it on me truck, but i don't know if i can do that. >> the owner says he's thankful for the support and loyalty from his customers that he's received overall those years. still ahead, it appears the largest sporting event headed to california. how soon golden state could play host to the olympic games. plus we're going to head back out live to our meteorologist mark tamayo who is hanging out at fisherman's wharf. he's going to talk about a warmup in the forecast for us.
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welcome back. special agents with the federal borough of alcohol, tobacco and firearms have been able to access oakland's waiverly apartment complex. agents investigating the site yesterday for the first time since the fire broke out on friday there. they haven't been able to get it earlier than this because the site was still smoldering. the aft is trying to figure out if that fire at 23rd and valdez street was arson. they had a k9 at the site to sniff out excel rants and the mixed use development was under construction and set to open in the fall when it caught fire. three other residential developments still under construction in both oakland and emeryville have
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been destroyed by fire during this past year. all of them were ruled to be arson. the atf is hoping someone will recognize this man dressed if all black. he was seen on surveillance video in may. this was the second time that construction site was set on fire within a year. there is a $110,000 reward for any tips that can lead to this person's arrest and conviction. also we have new information today about one of those three fires. the owner of the unfinished oakland apartment building that burned to the ground on halloween says the arsonist spread a flammable liquid along the second floor hallways and stairways to help set it on fire. the investigation into this fire at the complex on lester avenue near lake merit is underway. but some say these fires set at construction sites are attacks by people protesting new housing developments in their neighborhoods. allegany county
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investigators are searching for the cause of a smoky smelly fire. there was a shelter in place order in san leandro. it started in the metal scrap yard. a worker said someone inside the warehouse dropped a battery. that started the fire. people we talk with says smoke was just pouring out of the building. it's so thick you can see in these pictures, it was blocking out the sun. >> the whole street was black. it was really bad. >> was it the smoke or the smell? >> both. both. you couldn't see at all and your eyes would hurt. >> everyone inside that building did make it out safely. bay area air quality managers collected air samples as the fire was burning. they're working to determine if the odors and smoke created a health risk. let's go out to meteorologist mark tamayo bundled up at fisherman's
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wharf. we'll talkre talking about salmon fishing coming up. but let's talk about the forecast. we had fog this morning. we had lots of sunshine this afternoon. taking a look at the forecast highs for today. we started out with lots of overcast near the coast and near the bay. temperatures this afternoon, typical summertime here in the bay area. low 60ss for the beaches for the beaches. the heat up will continue for thursday, friday and into the weekend. by the weekend, we're thinking mid 90s out there. the beach, that's the area where you want to stay cool with the readings in the 60s throughout the period with the fog in the morning, clearing back near the immediate coastline. as we have been mentioning, we have been talking about the fishing here outside the gate and inside the bay. joining me is captain craig of the argo. you were out there right now. you were coming in. >> we were at the -- lots of bikes and lots of action
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and caught a few fish too. >> can you show us what you caught? >> why not, right. you might as well catch an hababick. you have one here and this is the most meat you can get. wonderful fish. >> great looking fish. we were talking about salmon because you've been going out for salmon fishing for the past few weeks and we heard dyer conditions, this would be a horrible salmon season. just like the forecast, it's not always right on. >> this year has been outstanding as far as us in the bay area. the only way to get a fish salmon is to go on a fisherman's boat -- the commercial fleet, they can't fish until august 1st. normally they would be fishing, but because of the restrictions we talked about they couldn't fish until late in the year. they're missing out, but august 1st, that's when the
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meat will be coming to the market. >> i'm asking a complex question. i'm hoping for a simple answer. they had these dyer positions and it's not happening. >> i have a simple answer. no one knows. they're not always right. like past years, they're going to have hundreds of thousands of years -- this year, it's the same thing. we're talking about mainly a coastal type of thing, so we're lucky in the bay area, these fish have been concentrated between point ray on the north and they're half moon bay and pacifica. they move around all the time. what's going to happen in another few weeks -- we don't know, but so far it has been fantastic. >> that's good for you guys. >> it's salmon or king. >> we're on the argo and hopefully -- >> you're always welcome. >> thank you. looking for the salmon. thank you craig. yeah. that's the update on salmon. great news guys and the weather not too bad as well. bring the coats or sweater if you are going to be fishing
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near the coast and the bay. >> mark, can you ask the captain, we have seen so many videos of people meeting up with whales in the bay, has he had close encounters recently? >> yeah, gasia is asking about the whale activity. you're seeing a lot of them, but any close encounters? >> occasionally. we don't go that fast. occasionally they come up. can you be within 50 feet or so -- you can be trolling for salmon and one comes up to the boat shooting up like that. we're not moving real fast. we're going relatively slow so it's not a danger necessarily, but they're doing their thing around us, so can you get up close to them, yeah. in our natural fishing process, yes. >> you've seen a lot of whale. >> they're ever where. anywhere from the golden gate, you get to high point to -- >> thank you so much, craig. i appreciate it. that's the update, gasia.
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>> thank you, what an invigorating day you must having. a competition to fight hunger. coming up, how the san francisco 49er are taking off with the new york giant in a contest where everyone wins. ♪ ♪
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be a powerful force. nature valley
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it has been nine months since a bay area attorney
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was gunned down just outside his home. >> now friends and family are announcing a reward for any information that may lead to whoever killed 62-year-old james gilland. information and a plea from those who knew him best coming up on the 4 at 2:00. we'll take a look at the dow because it looks great. up more -- gaining 127 points. >> it's over a decade away, but the olympics are coming to california. >> representatives from paris and los angeles made their formal presentation to host the 2024 and 2028 game jackie ibanez reports. >>reporter: the summer olympics -- with one to be hosted by paris, the other by los angeles. >> it is a really of great importance for the future
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of the olympic games because insuring stability of the olympic games for 11 year. >> paris is favor to host the games in 2024 which will be 100 years since last hosting the olympics in 1924. l.a. is expected to accept the 2028 games in exchange for added revenue from the ioc. negotiations will begin between the two cities. if they can't agree on an arrangement, only the 2024 games will be awarded in september. that seems unlikely at this point. >> i think that's an exciting day for myself. it's one step closer to making that happen. >> french president macron attended the meeting. >> this is exactly what categorizes the bid and what i think makes it strong. 95% of the structures are existing or temporarily structures so we are not going to build
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white elephants with this -- >> trump tweeted this. working hard to get the owe olympics for the united states. l.a., stay tuned. >> voting by delegates of the ioc will take place september 13th in peru. jackie ibanez, fox news. the giant -- this morning, players from the 9ers met with employers to pack up meals for those in need. in the meantime, on the other side of the country, players from the new york giant were out at new york liberty airport in new york doing the exact same thing. both teams are working with the organization, rise against hunger to see who can pack the most meals with a goal of 4,000 total. >> it's always a sad thing. you hear people that's going through, you know, hunger issues and things like that, and the economy, we have so much money, but people are out here starving.
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at any time you hear hunger, it grabs my heart and makes me want to help anyway i can. >> rise against hunger coordinates the packaging and distribution of knew treeant -- the san francisco 49ers, they wound up winning today's friendly competition. >> very nice. they're reports about who could perform at next year's super bowl. brittany spears has been in secret talks to perform during the half time show in february. she performed at the game in 2001. that's when she shared the stage with aerosmith and insync. it's possible she could team up with other artist. she has been performing in vegas for years, which i hear is a rave of reviews. >> it will be nice to see. >> quite a show. >> back on the big stage. >> there you go. >> we appreciate you making us your choice for news this afternoon.
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we're always here for you when you need us, and please follow us on twitter and facebook. have a great afternoon. comfortable you are in it.
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