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tv   The Ten O Clock News on KTVU Fox 2  FOX  June 22, 2017 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT

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heat and fire, a close call tonight for residents and firefighters after a brushfire damages homes on one of the hottest days of the year. another day of triple digit heat in parts of the bay area, and that means increased fire danger. good evening, i'm julie haener. >> and i'm jim somerville. >> how people are trial to cope -- trying to cope, and how the high temperatures played a role
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in a brushfire. first, we go to mark on how hot it got. did we see any records? >> not anything in records, but a lot of triple digits. temperatures soaring. take a look at the highs above 100 degrees out toward danville, antioch, 107, walnut creek, 105, cloverdale, 103, and to saratoga and gill row, temperatures -- gilroy, temperatures over 100. what has been interesting with the weather pattern, it has extended period of him. this is livermore last saturday, 97, temperatures jumping up to 105, 104 on monday, slight dip in tuesday, and there's the 106 for today. you probably noticed if you were near the coast, some fog making a come-back, and that will have an impact on temperatures tomorrow. livermore still triple digit temperatures, 100, but we begin to cool things off in the
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friday forecast. in fact, we have a heat advisory still in effect for portions of the bay. it has been downgraded from the heat warning, we begin to cool off friday, and bigger changes i think you might like if you don't like the heat. now to debra, firefighters still on the scene this evening of the four alarm fire that threatened dozens of houses. >> reporter: frank, there is still an engine out here, crews keeping an eye on this hill, just in case. all told, 30 acres burned, four properties damaged in a place the crews know well. >> this is all live and green today. >> reporter: a beautiful backyard charred by a fast- moving grass fire that raced up the hill, before 1:00. threatening the line of houses at the top. >> my arbor was on fire, the
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fence was on fire. >> reporter: this homeowner rushed from work and grabbed a house. >> reporter: fortunately, the firefight was swift. from the air, and with bulldozers on hand, with crews. they raced to the ridge many times, so when the call came, a jeep had caught fire, and sparked grass along the freeway, just past the karkamas bridge. >> it was problematic. we moved an additional engine on the get-go, with the possibility of this getting into the wild lands. >> reporter: it quickly went to four alarms, and burned close enough, and hot enough to break windows, melt blinds and curtains. fran at the residents kept away. >> i thought the house was already on fire. >> reporter: firefighters cut the trees, rather than risk fire in attics. the chaos was captured by a
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homeowner area video. >> look at this! holy. [ bleep ] i've been back here fighting. >> reporter: just glad her mom and daughter got out safely as she raced home from work. >> we got our lives. i consider being blessed. we have all of our -- we're insured. >> the weeds are about this -- flames were about this actual. >> reporter: many residents want a better fire break. any spoke on i 80 puts them at risk. >> this is about the fourth or fifth fire in ten years. i wish there was a wall built so that this doesn't happen. >> sometimes matches being thrown out of cars, cigarette butts, sometimes sparks will start fires, and this area right here, because of the wind, it makes a quick run up the hill. >> two firefighters were hurt
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on the hilly terrain, just minor leg and ankle injuries. as for the driver of that burning jeep, who started all of this. he took off, and the vehicle had no license plate. so last word, chp traced it to a vehicle id number to a hercules address, and they were going to knock on that door to find out the back story on that driver. back to you. >> debra, to see the pictures is one thing, but to be there and see how close those flames came up to the homes had to be very scary. >> reporter: right, and the deputy chief said they were grateful that a lot of homes had the composite roof. had they been the wood shingle roofs, it could have gotten worse, and some homes might have lit up. they were aggressive about getting engines on to the ajoining streets so if embers were flying, and starting to light other houses on fire, there would be structure protection and ready to go.
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>> thank you. heat is causing concern for people most at risk of falling ill or suffering from heat stroke. our team coverage continues with azenith smith. >> reporter: frank, there's many families enjoy the weather. it's a cool 73 degrees right now, much more comfortable than when temperatures reached 95 degrees. at the peak of the hot weather, 95 degrees had many families finding relief at the fountains in downtown. >> you couldn't get. [ indiscernible ] too freaking hot. you couldn't beat it. the shade wasn't helping. >> reporter: he brought his 3- year-old son, concerned he
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could get overheated. fremont, for the first time this year, officers on patrol were armed with ice water, to keep people cooled. >> if we were to see someone out there in distress, then we would have the water available to help them out. >> reporter: on alerts after word the body temperatures of two elderly people in san jose were too high, they tied of hyperthermia. one, a woman who died while gardening, a 72 yearly homeless man who died in his car. >> there have been two deaths already. and that's two too many. people need water. we saw it jed, someone was looking in the trash for water. >> reporter: in downtown san jose, -- groups scrambling to help the homeless population. offered water, watermelon, snacks and pop up tents.
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>> more than just giving them water, we're providing them community. >> it's just crazy. i just want to stay hydrated. >> reporter: baptista was grateful for the help during a heat wave that's been unrelenting. >> maybe they'll say yes if you go in, we're all in this together, and it's a blessing to see them do it. >> reporter: today's, santa clara officials announced people can bring their pets to 7 county libraries tomorrow to seek shelter from the heat. also, cooling centers at community centers and libraries will be open. the extreme heat has taken a toll on the power grid with
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outages that left thousands of people in the dark and heat. >> pg&e said today would break the record, but in the end, that wasn't the case. jana, you spoke to pg&e whether it -- how it went? >> reporter: they will 130 crucial to handle outages, while inland temperatures soared, we caught a lucky break with the weather around the bay and coast. >> reporter: after a week of blistering heat, power companies were prepared for the power usage to blast through to record levels. >> we did think we were going to break our all-time energy usage in our service area. >> reporter: there were some power outages, and pg&e officials said the extreme heat called the failures. >> in the last couple days, it's been from distribution transformer outages. those are the cylinder-looking pieces of equipment on top of
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power poles. >> reporter: pg&e says those transformers need time to cool off, usually in the evening. but that didn't happen. >> it stresses the equipment, and they can fail. >> reporter: since the heat wave began, pg&e said more than 377,000 customers lost power system wide. nearly 180,000 were here in the bay area. had to put in an emergency order that arrived from georgia thursday morning. pg&e says power supply was never the problem. the state's total capacity is more than 71,000 megawatts, and peak demand thursday was about 42,000 megawatts, following below the forecast. the flex alerts might have helped, and there's been a change since the state's record
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high usage in july 2006. more solar power has been added to the grid, from large commercial operations and rooftop panels. and, we talked with pg&e. they said they were thankful and grateful for all the conservation efforts that consumers used the past week, and although that has been lifted, they hope they will have customers consume as the summer progresses. frank? >> jana katsuyama, thank you. the second day in a row they're warning about unhealthy air. officials say the combination of heat, light wind, and car exhaust combined to create smog. you can help reduce pollution by car pooling, or taking public transportation. reminder, you can down load the free ktvu weather app for the latest conditions. our weather team is posting constant updates on facebook, twitter, and instagram. we are following developing news out of san francisco where
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we have learned a 17-year-old girl has died after falling from a cliff above the ocean. the accident happened around 6:30 this evening at lands end in san francisco. officials say the girl fell at least 50 feet from the cliff and into the water. rescue swimmers were able to reach the teenager, but were unable to save her. >> she had multiple injuries and fractures. she was barely breathing when we got to her. she made it all the, she fell all the way down in the water. >> rescue teams say it wasn't easy to reach her, and she spent 10-15 minutes in the cold water before they could get to her. the girl was pronounced dead in an ambulance on the way to the hospital. hospital. high drama it the u.s. capital, at senate republicans introduce their new healthcare
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bill. cloudy weather. we have heat advisories for portions of the bay area, but you probably noticed the fog near the coast, that will play a big role in the forecast for tomorrow. 10:30, our segment 2 report, a tragic link between two teens who didn't know each other. why their families says -- [ indiscernible ]
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most members of congress have seen the legislation for the first time, and democrats are unhappy because they say it will strip health coverage from millions of americans. >> but a number of key republicans are unhappy, and their votes could doom the legislation. >> reporter: because of the balance of power in the senate, republicans can only afford to lose two gop votes, and so far, four republicans are gone on record to say they oppose the bill in the current form. protestors gathered outside the office of mitch mcconnell, furious over the senate plan to make drastic cuts to medicaid. capitol hill police arrested 43 people, some of them in wheelchairs. this as senate republicans unveiled for the first time the
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plan to dismantle barack obama's signature healthcare law. >> it has failed, and no amount of 11th hour reality or buck passing is going to change the fact that more americans will get hurt unless we do something. >> reporter: but democrats say the new bill cuts healthcare for people who need it the most. >> the president said the house bill was mean. the senate bill may be meaner. >> reporter: the senate proposal re peels the mandate for people to buy insurance, and for employers to provide it. it phases out the med cat expansion -- medicaid expansions by 2020, and replacing it. it keeps some protections for preexisting conditions, but takes away requirement for plans to cover maternity care, emergency services, and mental health treatment. the senate plan also repeals the tax increases on the wealthy imposed by the
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affordable care act. >> these cuts are blood money. people will die. let's be very clear. senate republicans are paying for tax cuts for the wealthy with american lives. >> reporter: four conservative republicans have said they oppose the bill, because it doesn't go far enough to repeal obamacare. five other moderate complains have expressed concern. just three no-votes, and the bill would fail. >> my hope is not to defeat the bill, but to make it better. >> reporter: the president, who said of the house version that he wanted a bill with more heart said on twitter, i am very supportive of the senate healthcare bill. look forward to making it really special. remember, obamacare is dead. >> next week, the congressional budget office releases its analysis of the bill, and then, we should know how many people stand to lose health coverage, and what impact it would have
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on premiums. many have said they're waiting for those numbers before deciding how to vote. >> if this passes, do we know what impact it would have on california? >> reporter: medikal, we don't know how many coo allows it -- could allows it. barack obama issued a statement. he said in part, the senate bill unveiled today is not a healthcare billment it's a massive transfer of wilt from middle -- wealth to the richest people in america. former president called on people to contact their members of congress if they want to preserve the affordable care act. ending weeks of speculation, president trump said today he had not recorded his conversations with former fbi director james comey. on twitter, the president set with the with all of the
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recently reported electronics surveillance, intercepts unmasking and illegal leaking of information, i have no idea whether there are tapes on recordings of my conversations with james comey. but i did not make and do not have any such recordings. after the president fired comey, had he warned on twitter that comey "better hope there are no tapes of our conversation." california is banning nonessential traffic for official state business with pride week coming. texas, alabama, south dakota, and kentucky have been added to a list that already concludes north carolina, kansas, mississippi and tennessee t includes exceptions for law enforcement and to honor certain contracts. and fresno state has requested a ruling from the state on whether they can travel to the university of alabama for a football game this fall. temperatures topping 100 degrees today across the street
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parts of the bay area. -- across parts of the bay area. san francisco, 72 degrees, pleasant there. santa rosa, 93, san jose, 96, and mountain view in the upper 80s. these are the highs from today for your thursday. the fog is re-grouping offshore near the coast, and pushing locally back into the bay. a good on shore breeze, transporting some fog closer to san francisco and heading out to oakland. it's still mild for the 10:00 hour. lots of 70s for walnut creek, livermore, san francisco has cooled to 56. we have some patches of fog trying to work its way into the bay. this is showing you the south bay camera with partly cloudy skies. here we go tomorrow morning. fog near the coast, and near the bay. put this into motion in the afternoon hours, clouds clear back, it will be cooler for your friday, but still a few
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neighborhoods right around 100 out to antioch and livermore. so we're heading in the right direction for tomorrow, and cooling, that will continue into the weekend. we'll have more on the weekend outlook coming up. new details on a home invasion that turned deadly in the east bay. home invasion robbery turns into a double homicide. we have exclusive video of the victim fighting back. the giants finish a road trip with a wild one in atlanta. 23 runs scored in all! mark will tell us if the giants big come back was enough. police searching for a suspect in at least two bay area bank robberies. the photos and video that could help lead to an arrest.
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hope someone will recognize this man. surveillance cameras show the suspect at a nearby liquor store after one of the robberies. they say he has distinctive tatoos, including operating hands on his shore -- praying hands and shoulder. he robbed the chase bank on san pablo avenue last tuesday, and also a city bank at san pablo town center just yesterday. now to brentwood, where police say a home invasion robbery turned into a double homicide when a residents turned the tables on a pair of in trysters. -- intruders. amber? >> reporter: frank that, is a quiet residential neighborhood, but around 11:15 last night, one of the homes here along birch was targeted by robbers, but the man who lives in the
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home took the thieves by surprise. >> they walked in the back -- >> reporter: this video came from the surveillance cameras belonging to a neighbor. at first, it appears the suspects may have been out the area. then the two men walked up to the driveway to the victim's garage. another neighbor says the thieves confronted the victim in the garage where there's a large safe. >> he's always in the garage, sitting in there watching television, just chilling. so the garage is open. it's always open. >> reporter: one robber can be seen in the garage. the resident told him the thieves ordered him to open the safe, not knowing there was a loaded gun. >> he opened it up, pulled the gun out, and started firing. >> reporter: nichols said he heard 10 shots fired, went outside, and saw the white suv with two or three people inside. it pulled up to a body on the ground before speeding off. nichols says he walked up to the body, it was one of the thieves wearing a mask. >> he was still breathing,
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labored, and i knew he wasn't going to make. >> reporter: other neighbors say they're shocked by what happened. police will say only that the two robbers were in their 30s from antioch. they say this is an ongoing investigation. as for the resident, police say he is not being charged because he was acting in self defense. live in brentwood, amber lee, ktvu fox news. coming up, two teenagers take their own lives, just days after watching a controversial show on netflix. >> i fear that the show gives only one alternative for dealing with cyber bullying other teenage issues, and that
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one alternative is suicide. new petition to reinstate uber's former ceo, days after he resigned amid a series of scandals. a bay area school district working to improve policy after our 2 investigates report about sex crimes on campus. the action taken, just today.
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we hear from two families who are talking publicly about their daughters, both who committed suicide back in april. they were just 15 years old, and they both took their lives just days after watching a controversial show on netflix, called "13 reasons why." it's about a young girl in high school, who commits suicide. the two families you're about to hear from say that show was a trigger for their daughters. >> reporter: this is bella, she was just three days away from her 16th birthday. >> my daughter was a hero. she believed in protecting her brothers,. >> reporter: she was a sophomore at livermore valley charter prep. she had straight as, and writing was her passion. >> she loved english.
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>> i love you, mommy! >> all i could see was she was on her knees bent over, like digging deep in her closet. i thought she was joking around with me or something, because there was nothing to find in her closet. so i laughed, be i said, hey, what are you doing. and when i got closer, i saw she. [ indiscernible ] she is blue. >> reporter: her father cut her down. she was on live support for a week and a half, but doctors finally said there was no hope. bella had been battling depression, and bullied since middle school, she seemed happy in the weeks before she took her life. >> she was doing great, we put her in a new school, she had
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new friends. >> reporter: this is bring sill, she was -- priscilla, she was also a sophomore. she lives with her uncle, peter chu. >> she's very determined. remember her brothers running, screaming out priscilla, hung herself. we put her down, and called 911, and tried to do what we could to cpr, but i think it was pretty obvious she was cold. >> reporter: this was the last picture taken of priscilla. she was in chinatown. she battled depression and other issues, and looking back, peter said he missed the signs, her grades were going down, and she told him she hated school. >> i feel like the worst adult,
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i was forcing her to go to school. >> reporter: the two girls didn't know each other. bella lived in livermore, priscilla in san mateo, but both committed suicide four days apart, after they watched the netflix drama "13 reasons why." it's based on a young girl in he school who commits suicide and leaves behind 13 cassettes to be given to the people who she says were the reason why she took her life. it is very graphic. especially the two minute scene where she slits letter wrists in a -- her wrists in a bathtub. john and peter feel that the show was a trigger for bella and priscilla, and the message of the show is suicide is the only answer. >> i feel it's dangerous for that small percentage of young adults who the show could
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become a trigger for them. i feel the show gives only one alternative, and that one alternative is suicide. >> reporter: the executive procedures of 13 reasons why is kreleena gofundme. -- gomez. the producer said many people are cueing the show -- excusing excuse excuse john disagrees. >> there's no word that describes my contempt for the people that did this. you can't convince me they were trying to attract people's attention to the issue of teen suicide by showing them a little girl killing herself.
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there's nothing positive about that. >> reporter: netflix is aware of the controversy, and sent us this statement. our hearts go out to the families during this difficult time. we've heard from many viewers that 13 reasons why has opened up a dialogue among parents, teens, schools, and mental health advocates around the difficult topics depicted in the show. we took extra precautions to alert views to the nature of -- viewers to the nature of the contents. the show was shot in the bay area, and it's just been renewed for a second season. and that makes john herndon livid. >> don't go through with the renewal for the second season. stop this. this is wrong. you're making money off the history of others -- misery of others. >> reporter: peter agrees. he also has one request forego meze. >> for has gomez, i would
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implore her, since she has such a huge platform to reach youth to the kid, and tell them, please, there are other alternatives and resources for you. this is not a way out. >> reporter: priscilla's room is behind the white doors, and every night, peter touches them before he goes to bed. >> i can hear her giggling, laughing with her friends, and it's quiet. which is the hardest thing. i miss her laugh. >> reporter: as for john, he's only gone into bella's room twice. he says it's just too difficult to be in there. >> when you look at pictures of your daughter, you go into your daughter's room, what do you think about? >> how much i miss her. it's like she's still here.
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her pillow. [ indiscernible ] >> watched the interviews so many times, it just gets you every time, and being in those two rooms. it's just sobering when you understand what happened inside those rooms. the bottom line here is really, whether you agree with the show or not, john and peter say it's important that you watch it with your kids, and you talk about it afterward, because it's such an important topic, that no one talks about. >> it's heart breaking listening to them, and hearing them talk about their daughters. you can just feel their pain. has either family tried to reach out to netflix about the show and concerns? >> yeah, john has tried to call netflix, he said he tried to call them six times. one time they hung up on him, the other times he left a
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message, and nobody called him back. but he does say that eric swalwell is working to try to get two of them together, because john's very disappointed he hasn't been able to talk to them. and he has a lot to say, and a lot of questions he would like to ask. hopefully he will be able to talk to them. >> our hearts go out to those families. we want to let you know if you're hurting or you know someone who is, you can call the national suicide prevention lifeline. there are people there manning the phones 24 hours a day. that number is on your screen right now. 1-800-273-8255. coming up, a case of road rage caught on camera. what led to this violent confrontation on a freeway in southern california.
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the driver of the car swerves towards the bike, then loses control and crashes into the center divide. the car then swerves back into the lanes of traffic, and hits a white pickup truck causing it to flip over. the chp says two of the drivers were injured, but they are
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expected to be okay. officers are looking for that motorcyclist. he could face charges for leaving the scene of an accident. more than a thousand uber employees have signed a letter asking that the board of directors reinstate travis kalanick as ceo. he resigned on tuesday after being pressured by some. company's biggest investors to step down. there have been a series of controversies at uber in recent months, including claims of sexual harassment by a former female engineer. kalanick has been dealing with a personal tragedy. his mother was killed in a boating accident last month. change is coming to a bay area school district plagued by allegations of sex crimes on campus. >> we expect better from our school district. and hopefully, they will get their act together. up next, how officials are working to improve policy after 2 investigates report. relief is on the way. the bay area heat wave should be easing. be easing.
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an update on the changes underway at the palo alto school district after disclosures from students. >> the school board took steps to reform their existing policy designed to protect students. how the board is trying to
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create change. >> reporter: with temperatures soaring outside, palo alto school board members sweating the details, delving into the task of -- the collective scrutiny focused on sexual harassment reporting guidelines. >> we want to make sure the uc perform policy has a sexual policy, aligning it with state and federal laws. >> reporter: the re strew comes amid criticism, following a series of 2 investigates record. how a high school student at least was convicted juvenile court of having oral sex with a minor in a school bathroom last october. but the district did not initiate a title 9 investigation as require by federal law. the attorney, an education at expert. >> a large budget doesn't have an in-house counsel. >> reporter: the mother of the
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victim from the school bathroom attack spoke with fox 2 news a few weeks ago. >> as parents, i mean, we all worked together, we put our kids in the same school to get the same education. my daughter had to leave because i feel palo alto high school failed my child. >> reporter: since the initial report, 19 additional allegations of sexual assault have been made, including the revelation of a sex assault against a 16-year-old girl on the campus quad in november 2015. her father says there wasn't a title 9 investigation in his daughter's case, and the district has a habit of concealing such cases. >> the culture of let's see if we can keep it within the school. >> reporter: the board is tweaking the uniform complaint procedures, adding the title 9 officer. a time line for the start and completion, and evidence collection for investigation is spelled out, and the
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complainant has the opportunity to appeal an unfavorable decision by the investigating authority. >> we expect better from the school district, and hopefully, they will get their act together this is a step toward doing what she have -- they should have been doing all along. >> this is something everyone in the system needs to know, just not the title 9 compliance officer. this puts forth reporting requirements. >> reporter: the decisions are being sent to the office of civil rights for review. once they give their approval, the board will vote to adopt the changes. the superintendent says the vote has to happen before august 1, because on august 1, all district administrators are scheduled to begin title 9 training. the weather pattern is changing around. it's been a week of hot temperatures inland, coast side, right around the bay, fog
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will increase in coverage. right now, on the say the light -- satellite, a good on shore breeze, so reports of dense fog across the cold again gate bridge -- golden gate brink this evening. there's the current fog pattern, and we'll check in on some current numbers. 70s tout to report toward concorde, livermore, san heat is 70, oakland, 63, and san francisco has cooled to the upper 50s. looking across the bay, and there's the solid fog bank that will work closer to the bay first thing tomorrow morning. just be extra careful driving friday morning along the coastline. this area of high pressure has been in charge of our weather all week, cooling kicks in tomorrow, but still, we have temperatures inland, close to 100, but we begin to cool things off tomorrow. more cooling for your saturday, and then sunday, that will be the coolest day of the weekend. as you tire of the heat, we are heading in the right direction,
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especially by sunday. dense fog tomorrow morning, up to pa pacifica. clouds clear back to near the shoreline, and all sorts of colors to show you that the big temperature range, mid-60s for the coastline, lots of 90s inland, and hottest locations right around 100 degrees, but we are beginning to scale back on the heat for tomorrow. vacaville, 100, oakland, 78, triple digits by livermore, san jose, the forecast high of 90, and san francisco clouds in the morning, maybe a sun/cloud mix in the afternoon. temperatures in the 60s. looking ahead, your five day forecast, we are cooling off into the weekend,. we have some relief heading our way. coming up on the 11:00
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news, developing news out of san francisco where a teenage girl has died after falling from a cliff. the warriors had no picks in the nba draft. but they are still busy at work, bringing in more players. mark will tell us who they picked up, next, in sports. when you eat a subway® $6 footlong sub of the day. it's the taste you love, at a price you can't get enough of. the $6 footlong sub of the day. seven days, seven footlongs, seven more ways to enjoy subway®.
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get the guys out on the court, they are great -- and there's nothing else passive about this organization. they had money to spend on a draft pick. 3.5 million going to the bus, and they use the 38th pick in the draft to snag jordan bell out of the university of oregon. he was the pac-12 defensive player of the year, very athletic. and that's where the warriors like to start, he had 10 point, 8 rebound, two blocks. 6'9", 225 pounds. and he helped the ducks into the final four in the big tournament. you'll be hearing more about that. the rest of the nba draft day, everybody trying to figure out how to keep up with the golden
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state warriors. the number one pick, photos goes to the 76ers, and lakers go for the ucla product, lonzo ball. but good news locally, cal has a product going to the big time. and that would be ivana rap. he goes number 35. drafted by orlando, quickly traded to memphis, 6'11", from oakland, and bird picked by the celtics where he will join his former bears teammate brown. the as and giants gave up 12 runs today. so you know where this is going. and both of them had 8 runs in one inning scored against them. start with the giants, final game of a road trip. as it should be. daddy has a beer, little girl
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has popcorn. buster had a nice back in his home state of georgia. three for five. he had a home run and a ground rule double here. in fact, he had two doubles on the night, and the giants led this game 5-2. but a 8 run 5th inning for atlanta, the big hit here, by the way, matt cain gave up 7 runs. this is a 3-run shot, 11-6 san francisco, five runs in the last couple innings. the big shot brandon belt, 13 13th home run. the giants fall shy 12-11. and what you might call a bad business day for the as, on and off the field, as they out right release steven boat, one of the most popular and well respected players on the as, everybody connected with the organization sorry to hear him go. he's committed to the youth
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movement. swept by the astros, hahn gives up 9 earned runs in two innings. gonzales here, ditto, that was 10-0 after two innings. the as scratch back in it. maxwell, who will get a lot of the playing time behind the plate -- 3 hit, including the rbi double 6 run 8th inning, and homage to him. 12-9 is the final. you'll hear more from him tomorrow when he holds a press conference. but the bottom line, derek carr is one rich dude, the highest paid player in the nfl now. it has been solidified as a five year deal arming 25 million -- averaging 25 million a year. he'll be with the raiders
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through 2022. he will be holding a press conference tomorrow. weather considered, imagine being in a car about five hours in sonoma. three drivers on hand to promote the race, and 12-year- old rookie -- 21-year-old rookie jones. the first mexican born driver, swarez, when he won the xfinity series. making his first start ever at sonoma, and he gives advice to other he mexican drivers. >> when i moved -- i didn't speak any english, didn't have money, no sponsor. i looked for an opportunity like all these guys. and i have learned this country, when you work hard,
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sooner or later, it pays back. super grateful to be in this country and working hard, and doing what i love to do. and slowly following my dream. let's check it out. some activities from mlb. crawford, foul ball. once the young lady with a beautiful snag down the left field line. yankee stadium is the place that young man, going to his first game to see aaron judge from linden, california. fonsi's hometown. he is a happy youngster to say the least. all worth checking out on this nba draft day, warriors, more on that later at 11:00, and it is 11:00 now, and time for more news with julie and frank. next at 11:00. natural air conditioning and it's back. the fog surrounding the new --
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that is a great signal that the heat wave gripping the bay area's inland communities is about to ease up. about to ease up. in developing news, in san francisco, a 17-year-old girl died this evening after falling from a steep cliff above the ocean. it happened around 6:30 along a trail at lands end. officials say the teen was with a group of friends when she fell at least 50 feet from the cliff and into the water. rescue swimmers were unable to save her. >> she had multiple injuries and fractures. she was barely breathing when we got to her. she made it all the way down, fell all was down into the water. >> rescue teams say it wasn't easy to reach the girl. she spent 10-15 minutes in the water before they could get to her. she was pronounced dead in


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