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tv   The Eleven O Clock News on KTVU FOX 2  FOX  June 16, 2017 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT

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destroyer damaged in a collision with a container ship near japan. hello again everybody i'm alyana gomez in tonight for frank and julie. seven u.s. sailors are unaccounted for after a collision at sea involving the destroyer, uss fitzgerald. it happened at 2:30 in the morning where the u.s. maintains a major naval facility. they collided with a container ship and sustained extensive damage. the commanding officer had to be air lift today a hospital along with two other injured crew members. seven sailors on board the destroyer are missing. fitzgerald has damage below the water line and has taken on water, but still maneuvering under their own power. we'll show you the photos here showing you the damage to the others here.
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that's their crystal as you could see that damage to the bow. no one on board the crystal was injured, but the white house says the president has been briefed. stay with ktvu for developing news. we'll be posting the latest on our news app when we get it. of course you can download it for free. well tonight we're hearing for the first time from an eyewitness to this week's deadly workplace shooting at the ups facility in san francisco. ktvu lila alligood has the first time account of the shot that threed three ups drivers. >> reporter: none of the men expect to tie. >> reporter: he considers the four co-workers who died on wednesday his friends, including gunman jimmy lam. >> i'm trying to work through it to do my best. >> reporter: coach is among the 30 plus drivers in the morning meeting when jimmy opened fire. he says everyone was standing in a semicircle. jimmy was in the back. >> out of the corner of my eye, i saw somebody push by. i looked over and it was jimmy
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with his arms stretched out and what looked like a handgun. >> reporter: coach says lam walked past a number of drivers before shooting at benson louie from behind. coach says lam fire department two more shots at louie before walking towards wayne chan. >> with wayne, i heard one shot and i saw him fall. >> reporter: coach says everyone scattered. he ran into the nearest truck. >> as i went into the cab i looked over to see where jimmy was and i saw he was walking this way. >> coach got out the back of the truck and called 911. when he was exiting the building, he says he saw jimmy walking back inside. >> i got really scared. >> reporter: coach says the focus he showed as he shot each driver seemed to indicate he targeted his victims. >> because he passed other people and he needed to get to people. >> any idea why? >> no. that's what makes it more frustrated. he last spoke to jimmy the
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night before shooting. they didn't know of any disputes. >> why these guys. >> reporter: coach says he was a friend to everyone and then they mentored two younger drivers. >> confusion, frustration, sadness, anger, everything. you want to know why. >> reporter: coach has been off work since the day of the shooting. he plans to be back at work on monday, but they're not sure. he and the other ups drivers are grateful for what they received from family, friends, and from the public. ktvu amber lee fox 2 news. and weather alert tonight with triple digit temperatures. today country music fans braved the heat at the sonoma county fairgrounds in santa rosa where the temperatures soared up to 98 degrees. they cooled off a bit.
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thousands of people came to enjoy the summer festival. some fans escaped into an air- conditioning hospitality room. >> we go out and listen to a few songs and start sweating and cool you have and to go back for more. >> reporter: 46,000 people are expected to attend the grounds over the next few days. meteorologist mark tamayo is with us now. heat advisory takes effect tomorrow. i know we're talking about triple digit temperatures. it was already extremely hot today and it will continue to get worse? >> yes, today in fact in santa rosa the hottest day of 2017 so far with that 98. you can count we're not going to see that tomorrow, sunday, and even into next week. >> yeah, this is just the beginning of the major warm up across portions of the bay area. today we will start to warm things up a little bit, but nothing too major. 60s on the coast side right around the bay. a few mid to upper 90s inland. antioch at 96 degrees.
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but we have been trending up with temperatures. remember how we had the cool start earlier in the week on monday and tuesday and temperatures have been trending up quite a bit. we have that heat advisory pour in. they will change things up just a little bit scaling back on the coverage of this. no longer oakland being under the advisory or hayward or fremont. januaries not under the advisory, not warming up as well. but for the rest of the areas with a lot of recommends and pinks, that's a warning for places in the bay area. this is for saturday, sunday, monday. even beyond monday we could be talking about more trim digit heats across the bay area. coming up a closer look at your forecast highs. we're going to have to wait for quite some time. we will break it down coming up. >> thank you, mark. amazon added whole foods to its cart today. amazon is taking a bite by the grocery business by purchasing
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the whole foods chain for $13 million. >> reporter: whole foods -- the chain is working hard to compete with safeways. they have a long way to go. >> for the most part it's too expensive for me to do all my shopping there. >> reporter: customers we met here have huge thoughts about whole foods becoming a part of amazon. >> i hope things will go down. there will be fired people, less people working. i just don't like it. >> reporter: by default that's what would happen. they will give a cheaper price to the consumers. it's too close to support. >> reporter: stanford's marketing professor says that
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may not -- saying that may not happen. to better enable them to compete in that market and start to bring some great organic spots for people without necessarily capturing your whole paycheck. but it will be an extension to end the business world as we will be thinking more. >> i think it would happen whether yourself trying or not. they will be clicking on something like amazon, it's so easy. >> reporter: in one sense this is amazon invading the brick and mortar store of wal-mart just as wal-mart did to amazon's online space. >> and then it could be huge too. it's easy. if you are sitting there all the time that's something they would need to bring it to you. >> who took their first -- recognizing their needs to move into the space. >> reporter: it is important things -- there are important things to consider. whole foods is a publicly traded company.
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meaning shares are sold and bought on the stock market. so this done deal may not be done at all especially if another bidder comes up and offers up a lot more money. tom vacar ktvu fox 2 news. hundreds of people marched in st. paul, minnesota tonight after a jury acquitted a police officer of all charges. the protest was peaceful, but police moved in after some marchers blocked traffic on interstate 94 in both directions. officer yanez shot and killed castile during a traffic stop last year. today's not guilty verdict prompted outrage from his mother. yanez thought castile was reaching for a gun. prosecutors charged yanez with
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second-degree manslaughter saying no reasonable officer would have used deadly force. but after deliberating for 27 hours, the is jury disagreed. today his mother called the not guilty verdict that results in racism. >> i am so disappointed in a state of minnesota. my son lived this state. he had one tattoo on his body and then it was of twin city. the state of minnesota, they would please be honest. this city killed my son and -- and a murderer gets away. are you kidding me right now? >> reporter: castile's family was not alone in their outrage. barbara lee of oakland tweeted, "philando castile was shot in cold blood. the world watched it live. what would it take for the justice system to value black lives." the department is rising. this is a great sign. >> a new group of police
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recruits in the bay area. the biggest city that marks with what some are calling a much-need boost. plus, for the bay areabridges. what they are hoping to make from this crash.
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president trump's personal attorney michael cohen has hired his own attorney. cohen hire add washington, d.c.-
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based firm to represent him after being subpoenaed to testify before the house intelligence committee. in addition to being the personal lawyer, cohen served as special council at trump organization during the campaign. president trump is leaving in place the obama-era immigration program known as daca at least for now. but the protections for the 800,000 undocumented immigrant who is came to the u.s. as a clean children. but today they have not yet decided on a long term faith of the program to avoid work permits for the dreamers or to support them. a woman accused of vandalizing a mosque in davis is sentenced today to 30 years probation. lauren qelo pleaded guilty to the charges last month; admitting she broke windows at the mosque and left bacon on the doorknobs knowing muslims are forbidden to eat pork. she could have been given
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hate crimes. well help is on the way in the south bay for san jose's depleted police department. as jesse gary reports it welcomes dozens of new recruits today. >> reporter: this morning a rebirth of the spjd of 54 new officers into the department by december. >> it's almost like the black few year -- like the last few years we've been in a black and white movie. in the last 26 months it's turned into colors. >> reporter: reenforcements are ready to serve and protect. they come from diversed background, eight are women mark the largest number in an academy. >> this is not a department being made. we have 54 new recruits. this isn't the department that was already great. >> reporter: great, but understaffed for years. the shortfall fueled by reductions in benefit and pay have meant the 800 police
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officers now on patrol. routinely asking overafter tom. >> we have -- rue -- their families are stretched going on four to five years now. >> reporter: after six months of training, recruits will work with veteran officers in the field for another four months. in addition they will have a direct impact on crime levels, which have been creeping upwards. district attorney jeff rosen. >> just the presence of police officers make criminals think twice about breaking into a house or stealing a car or attacking another person. >> reporter: watchdog cautions the passage last fall increases pay and benefits and extensions. the number of recruits won't turn the tide and make streets safer. >> it needs to be quality good. and as long as the officers have been trained with this intervention and their skills then it's a good thing.
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>> reporter: police officials promise cleaning will be second to none as the largest academy in 11 years prepares for life dressed in blue wearing a badge. this department is rising. it's a great sign. to me it's not a blip on the screen. we fixed the issues that was plaguing this police department and we're rising again. >> the department has 110 officers. 54 in the academy. the 154 officers if they become police officers could ultimately work in the substation, the building where the training is going on right now, which has been vacant because of the shortage of police officers. in the south bay bureau i'm jesse gary ktvu fox 2 news. mayor libby schaaf celebrated a celebration to kick off the summer breeze program. the city is teaming up with the oakland school district to open 100 different locations for children and where they could receive free lunches and snacks during the summer months when
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school is out. >> reporter: the city of oakland alone would be funding more than 90,000 free lunches and snacks this summer. we know 72% of our public school students qualify for free or reduced lunch, but they don't have that resource during their summer. >> 22rec centers and eight public libraries are among the locations where children could receive those free meals. well tons of steel from the old bay bridge is now on its way to be turned into art. the chronicle reports two artists carted off with bridge beams. most went to asian scrapyards, but they kept about 450 tons. she will use her steal to make -- steel to make a giant wind chime. well the bay area is heating up this weekend and not
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just this weekend, but the extended period of some pretty intense heat for portions of the bay area especially inland into next week. so we would start to warm up with the highs today and from earlier. temperatures are spiking into saturday and into sunday. the hottest location is 104 and possibly a slight drop off for the in your opinions. they are rebounding into tuesday and wednesday of next week. outside right now our live camera looking out towards oakland, jack london square. a little bit of a breeze out there, but still pretty warm for your friday evening. right now we have some scattered high clouds moving into the north bay. we're showing you the temperatures right now out towards phoenix and vegas. this heat will be working its way back into california. so with that is where we have-- as far as temperatures right now still pretty warm. through the 11:00 hour right now, we still have 88 degrees to report in con card.
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oakland 67. san francisco has cooled off to 63 degrees. the plan for tomorrow is a lot of sunshine on out there. temperatures with a lot of climates. you can see the coast around 70. the bay, upper 80s inland. around 100 to 101 degrees by about 3:00 to 4:00 tomorrow afternoon. along the creek here is a plan for tomorrow morning. 7:00 a.m. start now and be in the upper 60s. the strong area of high pressure will move around. stick around next week for the comfort situation. upper 80s to the lower 90s at 102 to 103 degrees. this will beginning around for monday and tuesday of next week and we might cool it down still a long ways to go overt next fewdays. >> reporter: then lots of
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sunshine across the bay area for the afternoon hours. but you'll notice a lot of colors here. we are showing you the whole scale. upper 60s at the coast side. 70s and 80s right around the bay. inland upper 90s to right around 100 degrees by 4:00 tomorrow afternoon. look at your forecast's high for saturday. keep in mind sunday will be warmer. so just limit your outdoor activity during the afternoon hours. speaking of shade that will be your friend. drink plenty of water out there. oakland 87 degrees. san jose 93. morgan hill, gilroy, close to 100. san francisco downtown in the upper 70s if you are heading for the coast be extra careful. with that rip currents could be extra dangerous as well. sunday the hottest day of the weekend and maybe the hottest day of the week period. 104 might turn into a 106. we will be watching out for that. at least we have the microclimates on out there.
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it is not screwing around. center you can signed them headed out bringing lots of water. >> absolutely. one of these fans here that squirts water. >> anything to keep you cool. >> at 10:00 you'll notice that. >> all right, mark, thanks a lot. well there were whales in san francisco's bay today. if you were around you might have noticed it. sky fox 2 took this video of the golden gate bridge animal this afternoon. they counted four. others said they saw eight. the wheels seem to pay little attention to passing tour boats and kite surfers. scientists at the marine sanctuary say less deer and whales came to the bay. as many as 25 humpbacks. scientists say they are just following their food. sports is coming up next. yankees and a's put on an extensive show. a fun game for all the fans out there. scott reiss has the highlights. plus, a live look at san francisco on this warm friday
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night. 11:00 news will continue in two minutes.
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all right, mark and scott here. scott with sports. i know if anybody made it out to colorado for the giants game it was exciting. it wasn't as hot as it was out here, right? [ laughter ] that's not too bad. >> 80s this week.
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as if they need more to help baseball. travel in that park. so it goes for the giants in the midst of their most prolific two-day offensive stretch of the entire season. 17 runs in two games, no wins to show for it. >> that will be a wild one against the rockies and their little pre-game confusion. they had a malfunction of the replay system. i think they got it all taken care of. when they did joe panic showing no panik. second straight game. i'm told it's the ball care yes, of course. his 4th of the year it is 1-0. he homered to make it 2-0. even the pitcher is going deep. first home run as a giant. and it was 4-1. certainly not a three-run lead. >> ian desmond takes care of that. from the bottom of the 5th three-run opposite field shot his fifth. rockies take the lead. they go up 10-5. giants back within 10-8 in the 9th.
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greg holland panics. that'll not get it done. giants come close, but again no cigar. there you lose 10-8. another exciting game with little judge in the house, big judge in the house, aaron judge for linden. this is the suburb of sacramento. just another home run. his 23rd with those big leaguers. three-run shot will make it a 4- 3 oakland lead. it is 6-5 yankees in the 8th and courtesy of the kid. matt chapman is inside throwing down the line. yonder alonso is in and ryan healy in. that turned out to be the game winner with santiago castile his 11th save. gatorade bath for chapman and the a's win 7-3. the top three golfers in the world all missed the cut at the u.s. open. first time that has happened in a major since 1986. but what the weekend might lack in star power it should more than make up for in drama.
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a tightly contested tourney after 36 holes. aaron glen, wisconsin. that's rickie fowler. he's got the game face on. he's got the game on. 54-foot birdie putt on 7. no big deal. he's 6-under, one stroke off the pace. and the pace is set by not one, not two, not three, but four golfers including paul casey. yore the approach on one. it's beautiful. he's at seven-under. the first time since 1974. christian mccaffrey is long gone from stanford. until today he was a prisoner of their quarter system. meaning he couldn't practice with his new team. well finals are now over. he's free to work out with the panthers. showing that trademark burst, wearing his new number 22. the special teams works, runningback drills, happy to be playing ball again, although he would have liked to do a shooter.
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>> i was real anxious. it's sucks when your team is competing, but you're not. it is what it is. i will just come in and study hard. today is about going out, playing fast, you know, nice getting back to playing football game. >> and that'll do it for sports. >> all right, thanks a lot, scott. well thank you for joining us tonight. i'm alyana gomez. mornings on 2 starts tomorrow at 7:00. we'll be back tomorrow at 6:00 and 10:00. have a great night. stay cool. ex dunphy.
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[ applause ] where are my mom and dad? [ as ring announcer ] and in this corner, finishing first in her class, delivering the commencement address, weighing in at -- what do you weigh, honey? dad! a healthy amount for a girl her age. [ normal voice ] are you getting all this, buddy? pure gold. [ as ring announcer ] she's the main brain, the cerebellum of the ball, alex dunphy! oh, keep rolling. the news will want this footage when i eventually snap. i thought sanjay patel was first in the class. he was until he missed a few weeks and the robot he was building attacked him. [ normal voice ] it's happening, people. our hubris will be our undoing. sweetie, what do you say you and i go and get our nails done, huh? it's okay. i want to work on my speech. i remember the speech that won me treasurer


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