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tv   The Eleven O Clock News on KTVU FOX 2  FOX  May 19, 2017 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT

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rush investigation. two major revelations in the russian investigation. report says that no told russian diplomats that firing james comey removed great pressure on him because of russia. >> the second report says the official is a significant person of interest in the investigation of russian meddling.>> reporter: as president trump departed from there to on friday the investigation at home into russian meddling in u.s. politics took another turn. >> the washington post reported that in senior advisor is a person of interest in the fbi investigation. the report cited no names but his son-in-law, jeff sessions, and rex tillerson are thought to be possibilities.
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michael flynn met with russian investors. the present called the investigation a witchhunt sparking disagreement from even some republicans. >> i don't believe in witches. but the director's job is in fact ago where the facts lead. by the way for those same reasons his wife i like robert mueller. >> reporter: the red a document to the times that reportedly recorded the conversation between the president on may 10 in the oval office meeting with russia's foreign minister in a passer. president donald trump called former fbi director james comey crazy in a nut job and said that firing him relieved great
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pressure. the white house is not denied the report and they said in a statement the investigation would have always continued in the termination of him would not have ended it. the attorney general testified for a second day on capitol hill and said he stands by his memo but did not intend as a cause for his termination. democrats and some republicans call for independent commission that could go beyond the criminal investigation and make recommendations to prevent any future foreign interference. >> i came out here that it was absolutely essential that we have this outside independent commission. >> james comey agreed to
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testify before congress and a public hearing. that day has not been set but it will be sometime after memorial day. president trump has a full schedule this weekend in saudi arabia he will meet with the royal family and deliver a speech to leaders. then on monday he had for israel to visit several holy sites and meet with palestinian leaders. after that you will travel to the vatican where he has an audience with a pope francis. then he will go to belgium.'s final stop is sicily for the summit next saturday. los angeles police say a tolbert has been brought to his home in the bay area after amber alert was issued earlier today. the boy was located in southern california tonight.'s mother told police yesterday that his father was supposed to return the boy to her but has not shown up. they did issue an amber alert until today after they learned that the father has had recent metal breakdowns. >> the father went and obtained custodial status from the
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court.>> jason lamb had joint custody of his son put the highway patrol said that he could be suicidal. he was arrested without incident and the little boy is safe and sound and on his way back to the bay area. authorities on cash pastor say the man try to force his way into the cockpit. that identified him as -- from turkey. passengers and crews subdued the suspect abducting him to his seat. they held a news conference to fill in the details.>> the subject was taken for a medical evaluation. >> they said no explosives were found and there was no evidence
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of threat against american airline. a woman involved in the dui accident that killed the child last year has not been charged in the case. she says yarenit malihan is charged with vehicular manslaughter. they say she had a car on the shoulder of interstate 680 killing a three-year-old boy and injuring his mother last september. the offices toxicology test showed drugs in her system. a few months earlier she was arrested for driving with alcohol level over the limit while her own child was in the car with her. a week ago she was picked up for public drunkenness. she is the wife of assures deputy and could face more than 10 years in prison. the man accused of using his card to mow down pedestrians in newark is charged with murder. richard rojas did not enter a
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plea to one account of second- degree murder and 20 counts of attempted first-degree murder. they say he smoked marijuana laced with pcp before getting into his car and spitting the wrong way. in 18-year-old woman that it just graduated from high school was killed. her 13-year-old sister and more than 20 other people were injured. the security pillars known as bollards were installed last year. similar posts are located outside at&t park in san francisco. there made by a southern california company. they said they can stop a 15,000 pound truck and they are seeing a lot of interest across the country.>> we notice an increase in terrorist attacks where vehicles are used as a primary weapon so every time the situation like berlin happened or stockholm where we see a deliberate vehicle attack
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it creates that awareness for our own safety and their own public spaces. >> the company says they also protected against the more familiar types of accidents caused by distracted or drunk drivers. a san francisco supervisor is proposing hitting litter box with a hefty fine for leaving the trash behind at dolores park. deborah report sunny days bring out thousands of people in many don't always clean up after themselves.>> reporter: it felt like summer to start the music and lay out the picnic blanket to lounge. with bigger crowds adds more garbage to dolores park. the expense of grass will look like a landfill and trash that visitors just walked away from. >> there like grown-ups now.
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>> reporter: the supervisor proposes a $1000 fine for littering. >> i think it's a good thing because it keep the public responsible. >> reporter: a major renovation added more receptacles but put them on the perimeter and a longer walk. many do so without a second thought. like that is just what you do. i live here and care about my city. i respect it. >> -- >> reporter: he also works to ban glass in the park. that idea a little harder to swallow for many. >> i would not be too happy. just a little weird to bring boxes of drinks. >> reporter: something littering has lesson over time but still has room to improve.
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rangers would enforce the changes right now littering is $100 fine but rarely written. >> they have not issued one not to get for littering this year. >> reporter: the fine would be automatic not decided by the da. >> they would have to see people just getting up and leaving their entire campsites of crap and walking away from it. >> was going to watch for it? >> that is a thing. >> reporter: the penalty is a max. them out could be lowered and could take a fact in time for summer season. democrats in california have converged on sacramento this weekend for the annual convention. they gathered this evening and they are expected to focus on national politics particularly the replacement of obama care. speakers included tom perez and gather newson and us senator. the agenda includes electing new officials to run the
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democratic party here in california. also workshop on lessons learned when it comes to registering new voters in a panel discussion on how millennial's are reimagining civic and political participation. the discovery of a bottle into a backpack prompted tense moments at a middle school today and settle say. jessica reports children were evacuated from the classrooms while the bomb squad responded.>> we heard people saying there was a bomb. we all went to the cafeteria. >> reporter: a seventh grader was one of a few hundred students who spent their morning huddled in the cafeteria. this is after a custodian found a bottle tucked inside a backpack in the center of the school. >> i found a bottle and it had nitroglycerin written on the bottle. >> reporter: nitroglycerin was initially used in the production of dynamite.
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now through the decades it's been used for medical purposes as well. students removed dos were moved to the cafeteria. they were shelter in place and parents tipped off about the emergency by students for cell phones feared the worst and started showing up.>> i was worried because the school never called this. >> the police bomb squad unit tested the bottle. they scoured the school to make sure that no other devices had been left behind.>> we will go to the whole school and had search. >> reporter: the all clear was given before lunch and though students that do not go home went on with the school day. >> at that were gonna die.>>
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they believed there was no injuries and no other devices left. right now they are testing the liquid that was found inside the bottle to see if it was real or a hoax and talking to witnesses and checking the video surveillance system so they can see if they can find out who put that there. coming up and armed robbery at a costco store. a special grab targeting jewelry that led to gunshots. why fleas and takes are out in full force to spring. the weather is right and we will tell you more about the week and whether after the break. have assembled.
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so, what's the plan? breaking out the guardians, pal. celebrate the summer of heroes, only at disneyland resort. hero up!
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we are learning about a smash and grab robbery at a costco store. shots were fired this afternoon as they try to get away with very expensive jewelry from the cosco near interstate near interstate 680. they say two men wearing masks and hoodies knew what they were after. they smashed the jewelry case and police at the second suspect fired two shots.>> there were two shots that were fired and one shot was fired inside that wind up in the air and then outside another shot was discharged. >> everything got quiet and people were just hiding behind things because we did not know
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what was going on. >> police say the men ran from the store and a third suspect was waiting in a car. there were no injuries but the customer was treated for shock and taken to the hospital. this is the second robbery at this store in the past 10 days. a maintenance worker at the boys and girls club is under arrest on suspicion of possessing and distributing child pornography. brian pittman was taken into custody after they served a search warrant at is the -- his apartment. officials were notified and now cooperating with investigators. authorities in sweden have dropped a rape investigation of wikileak founders. the amount that -- made the announcement today that his arrest warrant has been invalidated. he's been living in london since 2012 in order to avoid
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being extradited and he may not be able to leave their soon. he is also wanted by british authorities for skipping and they are considering charges. police are investigating a deadly shooting outside a fast food restaurant. officers heard gunshot near the winner sichel restaurant at about 10:00 last night. they found a man with a gunshot wound and he died at a hospital. the victim same has not been released simply some not released information on any suspects. this is the 12th on a side of the year. the winter storm have created ticks and fleas and other past. that is concerned -- is a concern for the community. >> reporter: ever since the winter rain stopped and the warm weather started cash>> the
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phone is ringing off the hook. >> reporter: he's been a very busy past exterminator. >> reporter: this backyard has had more of its share of spiders and fleas. >> there is more webs constantly knocking them down. they're running all over the place. the fleas are just on their new walk-through and they will get on your clothes.>> reporter: they say he has a been this busy in years but the reason is a long and hard rainy season we just endured. it brings in more vegetation and comes along more takes. >> at a veterinary hospital in walnut creek they've seen it on
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their patients it is still early in the season. >> think it is a price that we are paying for all this beautiful water that we have and i will take it. we have to be cautious.>> reporter: they say it's better to prevent tick bites then treat them later. >> people cannot get lyme disease for the dog but from the takes. so it is a human health issue in there as well. >> reporter: to avoid that they say their best advice is to stay off grass and high-priced and the season will end when the rainy season begins. looks at the rainy season just ended. it is trying up in warming up and it was green today. now things are actually browning up pretty quickly. we had temperatures in the 90s in livermore napa.
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highs tomorrow will be slightly warmer. along the coast, you -- it is a doll area right there. the winds they will keep the fog offshore a little bit so there's going to be patches of it. when we headed to sunday they will come a little bit more westerly and that will bring the fog in with more robust tenancy. outside there is the tribune on the right and the federal building on the left and the freeway between that and there is a forecast for the five tomorrow morning. it six for the coast. you know it's going to be a hot day because the fog is being pinched down here. so if i show you this fog and it reaches all the way inland goes back out you will not have a superhot day but when you start off like this, you're going to find numbers like
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these. holiday 94 in vacaville and 90 in napa. sunday i suspect it will be a little cooler especially on the coast but both these will be equivalent. saturday will be the warmest the overall for the weekend. the beach will be nice tomorrow. we will see the temperatures that are cool and fog forms easily so it's going to be nice. that is a big event and they have fogged out at the beach so that is going to be pretty hot but then you start heading down towards the beach and it is called. this is sunday. >> i remember that he'll.
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coming up the giants and cardinals in st. louis tonight mark has the highlights and sports up next. video -- businessman 2: we've gone over the numbers several times, and... businessman 1: yea, yea, know what i'm craving right now? businessman 1: (over speaker) --guacamole and bacon. audio tech: we got a craving! go go go!!! music: crashing cravings in the crave van. jack's gonna crash your crave! jack: hey guys, try my guacamole and bacon chicken sandwich
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with all white meat chicken, guacamole and pepperjack cheese. businessman 1: thanks jack.... wait. we're on the 18th floor. how did you get here? jack: hard work. jack vo: you crave it, we serve it. try my new guacamole and bacon chicken sandwich. music: crave van!
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we started with the giants and now we are starting with the oakland a's. both teams had nice victories tonight and the oakland a's deserve it. every time the red sox, town there's an abundance of boston
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counts out there. they were turned away unhappy. the oakland a's dance outnumber them tonight. bottom of the ninth ryan looked like he's going to be a hero and jackie junior had other ideas. that is a great pitch. look at the oakland a's dugout so close. they thought they were going to celebrate. however they only had to wait another inning. bottom of the 10th mark that will serve as your walkout. a lot of happy guys out there on a friday night. they have resulted in the oakland a walkoff victory. smiling faces out there and smiling faces for the giants for a change in the ninth inning they've gone two years without going into a ninth inning. they put that out a week or so ago. big rain delay and giants led 3-
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2. the giants chips away and now 5-4. two runs are going to score and they take a 6-5 lead. mark just off the dl and double- play and he starts right there and that is his seventh save in the giants wind up winning it. nice way to start the road trip in they have one in they have 16 of the last seven. this was poodle. you don't often see a professional game and the announcers that did this quibec in boston were dumbfounded questioning themselves about having never seen a game like this before. at halftime the fans are not used to this stuff. they are the number one seed. this is their home court. they were annihilated by lebron
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james. their fans showing it all. look at how this ends. kevin love mrs. the three but smith is right there to end and we bring that up because at that juncture it was a 72-31 lead. the celtics are down headed to cleveland and you know that the warriors are checking this thing out and they may be watching and moved on. the two are headed on a collision course. san antonio they've got to bring it back. this was video today. tim duncan retired last year. he is out there working out.
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leonard is questionable with the sprained ankle but he did practice today up and walking. we close tonight with another great basketball story certainly worth checking out. look at the data on the left- hand side. his son is very methodically putting ballscrew. he is just cranking it left- hand and right-hand. we ran this video and he did not miss a single shot. >> the guy on the left is for you have to keep your eye on.>> he got all kinds of cute little dolls and stuffed.>> everyone have a good night. >> thank you for joining us. goodnight. (man) hmm. what do you think?
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♪ (stranger) good mornin'! ♪ (store p.a.) attention shoppers, there's a lost couple in the men's department. (vo) there's a great big un-khaki world out there. explore it in a subaru crosstrek. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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kitchen, we find ourself back in the warm embrace of the parlor. easy, duchess. it's one room, not gosford park. where'd you get all this sweet furniture? oh, we rented it to make the house feel more comfortable and inviting. don't sit there! oh, my gosh. it took me 20 minutes to get these chops just right. there. does that look straight? nothing about that looks straight. mm. i love the house. it's beautiful. here is a tree. it's a pachira, a taiwanese symbol of good financial fortune. it's also known as a money tree. that makes two of us. well, i would like to propose a toast. mm. missed me. to the hard work of claire and cameron-- or as i like to call them, "clameron"... oh! which is what potential home buyers will be doing when they see this place-- clamorin'. clamoring to buy it f-- phil, don't go back for it. because this house is going to sell. who's the best realtor in town? gil thorpe. that's right,


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