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tv   KTVU Fox 2 News at 4pm  FOX  October 8, 2015 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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violence sparking safety concerns. airman spencer stone, hailed as a hero for helping take down a gunman on a train bound for pairs this past summer is now in the hospital after being stab stabed in a fight in sacramento. >> christina rendon is live where what we know about the investigation now. >> reporter: we're outside uc davis medical center where spencer stone is being treated for multiple stab wounds. we're told he's in serious condition but expected to be okay. here's video we got our hands on earlier today. it's just a group of men fighting on the sidewalk. stone is believed to be the one wearing a long-sleeved white shirt and dark pants. and you can see the argument
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trickles out onto the street where the stabbing happened. there's a group of people there, a fight ensues, and he takes off onto the sidewalk and the other men flee in a car. this comes less than two months after stone and childhood friends thwarted a terror attack on a paris train. stone tackled the gunman, ignoring his own injuries to help others. and they have been hailed as heroes ever since. the men were celebrated just last month in sacramento. but police are telling us that stone's celebrity status had nothing to do with this morning's attack. >> this is note a terrorism related incident, nor is it related to what happened in france. >> reporter: police are looking for two suspects, only described as two asian men who fled in a dark-colored car. stone is still in the hospital,
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and we're told a spokesperson for the hospital has been in touch with stone's family, and they say they appreciate the outpouring of love and support. you can see the swarm of media here outside of the hospital. that's because hospital staff are expected to give us an update in about 15 minutes. we'll bring you that information at 5:00. >> are police coming out and saying this fight started inside a bar? >> reporter: no, they didn't say it start ed inside a bar. it started outside of a bar. alcohol played a factor. we don't know what the fight was about. and they asked whether or not stone himself to be drinking. they haven't had a chance to talk to him yet but they know his friends were. a shocker on capitol hill. a twist in the race for the new
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speaker of the house. california congressman kevin mccarthy, the favorite, unexpectedly quit the race today. his withdrawal leaves the leadership of the speakership uncertain at that timat this hour. >> i think there's something to be said for us to unite. we probably need a fresh face. >> reporter: kevin mccarthy offering a simple reason for dropping his bid to become the next speaker of the house. despite being considered a strong favorite, it was becoming increasingly unclear if he could get the 218 votes necessary to win. so the 5-term california republican congressman said he decided to put his party before himself. >> the one thing i've always said toern this majority, we're servants. we should put this conference first. >> reporter: he admitted a recent gap linking the national
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benghazi committee to hillary clinton hurt. and an underdog jumped into the race. himself flabbergasted. >> i was stunned, surprised, shocked that this happened. but our conference is going to have to do a lot of deep soul- searching. >> reporter: further fragmenting the republican congress, the house flee dom caucus announced it was backing 3-term gop florida congressman daniel webster. >> the republicans have to get their act together. chaos doesn't usually sell with the electorate. >> reporter: outgoing house speaker john boehner says he'll stay on the job until a new speaker is elected. >> we're joined on the phone by political analyst brian
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selbo. i just heard mccarthy say he wanted to put the party before himself. i don't know if there this is one party. it seems like there's a small minority within the republican party that hijacked it in sorts and kind of are running with this. i don't think there's going to be a mainstream republican that could get the 218 votes to win the speakership. >> reporter: well, it's going to be very difficult. the strength of the so-called tea party or very conservative wing of the republican party has a lot of sway in congress right now. and of course as the package pointed out, mccarthy with the again gazy comments -- benghazi comments took himself out of the running, now you have a void. and republicans are scrambling to find someone who can fill that void. >> is it the benghazi comments or the minority within the republican party?
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>> well, to be real honest, mccarthy has a reputation of speaking out and saying things that kind of come back to haunt him a little bit. and in the case of benghazi, it was a huge mistake. and in washington dc, and among other members of the republican party, it was a fatal mistake to link benghazi, the hearings and so forth, to a political motive. >> brian, just this morning, if you were watching any network news, he was confident, saying i got the votes, let's do this. then he turned around within a couple of hours. people are just stunned. >> i think when he got into the meeting and started receiving probably a tremendous amount of criticism around
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benghazi, about commentary, about his ability to lead, he looked around and said i don't have 218 votes at the end of the day, and i'm going to save some face and back off. and now you have this scramble to figure out where this is all going. >> does this prolong boehner's ten snur he said october 30th. >> yes. no, he will serve in the capacity of speaker quite probably until another speaker emerges. speaker candidate. so he'll be there. >> speaking of, another candidate, we keep hearing over and over all day today paul ryan. but flat-out, paul ryan says thanks but no thanks! do you think he'll change his mind? if not, who else do they have? >> well, it isn't going to be paul ryan. i think paul ryan does not want to be caught in a job that is so, i'll say, busy.
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the speaker has so many jobs trying to hold together his republican folks. and ryan is on the road a lot, doing other things. certainly jason is one person, a conservative number in florida, others may emerge. >> all right, brian sewell, bo, breaking it down for us, thanks for your time. >> you're very welcome. safety concerns for those victims speaking out, and how
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the act are just asking for help can put them in danger. >> in weather a very warm day. coming up, the temperature change for your weekend forecast. and the fleet week forecast as well. >> and it is thursday, maybe people getting an early start on a 3-day weekend. there's your look at the shore in berk low.
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mi'm a lineman here in oakland. day in, day out, a large part of what we do is about providing reliable power to our customers. pg&e is dedicated to the community. i love working here because this is my home. oakland is my home. this is where i'm raising my children so it's important to me to make sure my family and friends have the power and energy that we provide. this is very personal to me. it makes me work a lot harder knowing that this is my community. together, we're building a better california.
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>> in recent weeks, pictures have been shared online, especially on facebook. hands with a simple black dot on their palm. it's said to be a signal for help from victims of domestic violence. a facebook campaign was launched but since then, it's been taken down because of concerns it could put victims in even more danger. we are joined by tomeeka crawford with the domestic violence hotline. the intent, the idea behind the black dot campaign was good. but why was it dangerous? >> i think with any campaign, it's very important to remember that any strategy has risk. so one of the things that we know is that one of the most dangerous times for someone who's in an abusive vaep when
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they're leaving. their partner is starting to lose control of the relationship. so one of the things that could have potentially put people at risk with the black dot campaign is that their abusive partner may have been watching behaviors more closely. >> so what help is there for victims of domestic violence? especially for those who possibly have been threatened to stay quiet? you will be with me or else. what can they do? if something like this black dot campaign can put them in danger, what help is out there? how do they get away? >> i think the first thing that we would tell someone in an abusive relationship is to get educated. so the national domestic violence hotline has a website, the hotline, where we post all kinds of information from our subject matter experts about different aspects of abusive
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relationships. and the other thing is a safe plan. we have advocates available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year that are there to safety plan with people that. really means developing a plan for your safety, whether you choose to stay in the relationship or whether you choose to leave the relationship at the time. >> what if you choose to get out? you want to get out but you don't even have the privacy to check those online resources? this is a phone call? >> absolutely. the national domestic violence hotline can be reached by calling 1-800-799-safe. the other thing is establishing a system of support. so if someone has a friend or family member that they trust and can talk to, one of the
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things that we would say to that friend or family member is you can also reach out to the national domestic violence hotline on behalf of a victim or survivor in your life. so maybe it's not the individual has the ability to call directly but maybe a friend or family member does. and they can then start to get resources and information, and help to safety plan for that person. >> it sounds like it takes a village. if you know someone, reach out. and that phone number? >> 1-800-799-7233. >> thank you so much for your time. and if you or someone you know needs help, we pested a link to the -- posted a link to the hotline. you can find it right there. and hoar information about how to spot the warning signs and help someone you might think is in trouble. > > live now to sacramento
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where the chief medical officer there at uc davis is addressing the media, updating spencer stone who was stabbed. airman spencer stone stabbed early this morning in sacramento. >> that emral address is airmanstone@u.s.. we have no further updates at this time. [ all talking ] >> the police described his wounds as significant. how would you characterize the extent of his wounds when he arrived here? >> yes, i think wounds to the torso are obviously significant injuries that are potentially life-threatening. >> how many of them? >> he had three wounds to his torso. >> were there wounds anywhere else on his body? >> no. [ all talking ]
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>> i'm not at lib tort say specifically where -- liberty to say where they were. on his torso. >> did he lose a lot of blood? >> not at liberty to comment. surgery was required because of the potential injuries internally to airman stone. >> he is heavily sedated at this time. >> can you say whether anyone else was injured in this fight? admitted at the same time in this altercation? >> i have no knowledge of that. i was not there. he was conscious upon arrival. >> is he a fighter? >> i suspect given his history, and the recent events, he's quite a fighter. >> when he was admitted to the hospital, did the family have knowledge?
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>> i can't answer that. >> can you talk about -- you said he's heavily sedated. during his time, has he spoken at all? >> i have not spoken to him. >> you don't finish he's spoken to the rest of your staff, doctors or nurses? >> i'm not able to comment on that at this time. >> do you have a timeline on his recovery? >> i'm sorry? >> we've been listening to the chief medical officer there at uc davis medical center in sacramento, giving us the update on airman spencer stone. saying that stone suffered multiple stab wounds to the torso. the airman did require surgery due to the extent of the internal injuries. he is currently in the intensive care unit, heavily sedated. he listed him in serious condition, and he obviously will be admitted to the hospital because of his condition. >> and looking at this video again, the one in the white shirt, dark pants there.
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apparently a fight after a night out at the bars in midtown sacramento, led to this stabbing. >> two groups. seems like six on one. don't know the entire story, what led up to that. the airman was stabbed, wandered away, and was taken to the hospital. >> we'll bring you more coming up at 5:00 and 6:00. just a few high clouds moving into northern california. you can seat weather pattern trying to change this time of year. transitioning to more of that wintertime pattern we're all waiting for. just a few high clouds moving into northern california. closer to the bay area, some scattered high clouds for the region. especially the north bay. some
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warm ones out toward livermore. 94 degrees there. walnut creek 90. santa rosa, 86. san jose 85. and san francisco earlier in the 70s. right now in the upper 60s. 68 degrees. partly cloudy skies first thing tomorrow morning. patchy fog, temperatures will be in the 40s for the north end, 50s to start out the day. we'll have mainly those high clouds still way paying us a visit. and temperatures back up into the lower 70s. by lunchtime, 70 degrees. we could have some patchy fog regroup first thing saturday morning. here's the satellite. posttropical cyclone oho. winds at 70 miles an hour. turned into more of a regular storm. it still has winds at 70 miles an hour. as it approaches the north,
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this will generate some swell. we'll have surf on the order of 5-10 feet by the weekend. here's a potential track, moving up to our north. a rain-producer and a wind- producer as well. for us, we're talking about an increase in the swell. here's the current buoy heights. high surf expected through the kkd. 6-10 feet. our forecast model showing you some high clouds passing by. then partly to mostly sunny skies for the afternoon hours. this orange con4 links with the 80s. the beach is primarily in the 60s. and into the weekend, we're going to cool things off a bit, especially into saturday. warmest locations around 90
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degrees, vacaville. roim of the bay, mid to upper 70s, and inland, a string of 90s. san jose 85. beautiful in santa cruz, 84 degrees. and a san francisco forecast high of 74. here's a look ahead. your 5-day, we'll continue to cool things off into saturday. temperature change into the weekend. not much of a change on sunday. warmer temperatures for monday and tuesday, you look the forecast, by monday, right around 90 degrees. looking pretty good. >> autumn and summer. >> a little bit of a drop-off into the weekend. >> thank you. a busy state highway but also very popular with bicyclists, joggers, hikers. now there's a weekend closure for niles canyon.
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i this sunday niles canyon road will be closed to traffic, and exclusive access will be given to hikers and bicyclists for a public event to showcase how that section of the state highway can be improve forward recreational use.
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>> this is where charley chaplin filmed his movie, the tramp. that took place in 1915. bronco billy shot films here it. has a rich history. alameda creek wants to try and bring in and introduce the steelhead, natural to the alameda creek. so everyone wants to improve the integrity and history without disturbing the flora and fauna. so we're going to create something unique that will allow everybody to get through the canyon but not interrupt the flora and fauna on the other side of the creek. we don't want to widen the road. >> the project could cost anywhere from $60 to $100 million and would require help from a bailout measure and congress. independent artists and designers now have the power of the world's largest retailer behind them. >> the new market for
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handcrafted wares. >> reporter: etsy is known for featuring handmade goods from independent artists and small businesses. now it has big competition. amazon launched a new site this morning called handmade at amazon. the company made the announcement saying "customers can discover artisans from around the world and shop local from artisan states in their community with the familiar amazon experience they know and trust." amazon started talking with sellers in may and told them to get their pages ready. and the section already has more than 80,000 items from all 50 states and 60 different countries. the items will be similar to those on the popular site etsy. jewelry, clothing, and home decor. artists are mostly happy. they say it's about growing their business. and amazon opens up more opportunities.
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etsy's response? the ceo says about half its sellers already sell on other venues and etsy is their primary source of income. but it has ten years of experience and understands the needs of artists and sellers. this is not the only marketplace amazon is expanding into. it launched its home services in march, which offers handy man services and amazon collect iblts and fine art. analysts are calling this new move the etsy killer. it's definitely hurting the stock. etsy just went public in march when it opened up at $31 a share. now it's trading at about $13. amazon says the new section features goods that are made factory-free. etsy has been criticized for branching out from its roots by pairing craftsmen with manufacturers so sellers could produce more products. >> thank you, pam. bicycles are big in the bay area but they can also be very dangerous.
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we're talking about safe concerns.
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the chp is renewing its call to watch out for bicyclists. a new law requires drivers to give riders a 3-foot clearance. but bicyclists are still getting hit and killed out
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there. >> officer daniel hill from chp. let's talk about the three feet for safety law and why it's not working. it went into effect in january. we're still seeing injuries, deaths. >> a lot of times new laws take time for people to get used to. a lot of people don't know that bicyclists are allowed to be on the roadways and use them in the same manner that cars are. so they're able to use the full part of the lane. >> how do you judge three feet when you're driving? that's a good measure? >> it's really not an exact measurement. what we're asking you to do with this law is to give bicyclists enough room so when you do pass them you're not causing any wind wake or other danger for the bicyclist. the three feet, it's really kind of a judgment call. a nice wide berth so they're able to maneuver safely. people don't realize any car, even a small one, that wind wake that you create from passing so close can cause them
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to fall over and hurt themselves. and you'd be liable for that as a collision. >> some numbers now, in california on average each year, 13,000 bicyclists are injured and 140 are killed. just last year in the bay area, more than 2,700 bicyclists were jurisprudenced, 21 killed. is there any more stiffer enforcement you can do? >> we have to enlist the help of motorists and bicyclists alike to make this happen. you can't expect law enforcement to be everywhere bicyclists are. it taked an effort from everyone on the road. we call it share the road, of course. motorists should look out for bicyclists, be safe, give them a wide berth, driving safely. bicyclists also need to step up and follow all the laws. obey the stop line laws, the red light laws. motorists get upset because they see bicyclists violating the laws they're supposed to
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obey. so bicyclists need to obey the laws. >> how are you reaching out? how are you spreading this awareness? >> we have a lot of safety rodiose around the bay area, other coalitions spread that message, we have an extensive outreach with our adult distracted driver campaign. we incorporate a lot of bicycle safety into that as well. we reach out to businesses, chevron, all the other big ones out there in cars all the time and try to contact as many drivers as possible. officers also give verbal warnings and citations to violators on bothens. >> not just chp, but other law enforcement agencies, their priority, is it a speeder going 55 in a 35 or is it the priority in regards to
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enforcement and personnel keeping an eye on the cyclists on the side of the road? >> it depends on the agency. the highway patrol has a traffic focus. so we focus on the traffic violators. there's more officers on the road to focus on these violators. >> a new grant cycle? >> absolutely. >> thanks for coming in. volkswagen under fire as congress grills the german automaker about its emissions- cheating scandal. michael horne went after the subcommittee and was asked did volkswagen install software intentionally to cheat emissions testing, and the answer was yes. three employees have already been suspended in the
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fallidentity. but the focus for america's ceo did not know about the software. kent has more on today's hearing in washington. >> >> reporter: a u.s. house subcommittee grilling volkswagen's ceo michael horne on thursday. this rocks the world's largest automaker. >> why you did it, how you did it, when you did it, when you knew, who carried this out. >> i want to tell you, i don't buy it. the american people, the epa and their counterparts around the world have been defrauded by volkswagen. the company's word isn't worth a dime. >> reporter: the panel is investigating last month's admission that volkswagen had installed onboard computer software designed to cheat on u.s. government emissions test. >> i would like to offer a sincere apology for volkswagen's use of software
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program that served to defeat the emissions testing regime. >> reporter: there are plans to withdraw application for 2016 model jettas, golf, and passat. by removing their applications, volkswagen is leaving thousands of sdeechl vehicles stranded at ports nationwide, giving dealers no new diesel-powered vehicles to sell. >> our immediate goal is to develop a remedy for our customers. >> reporter: government prosecutors say they've searched volkswagen headquarters in germany. the company has handed over a comprehensive range of documents and will support the prosecutions investigation. a new warning for parents.
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bullies aren't just on facebook. the new ways your child could be targeted. >> and in weather, beautiful thursday afternoon, scattered high clouds out there. coming up, we'll let you know if the warm weather sticks around. and tracking changes for the weekend. >> another live look. blue angels were buzzing by the north and south towers.
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my name is jamir dixon and i'm a locafor pg&e.rk fieldman most people in the community recognize the blue trucks as pg&e. my truck is something new... it's an 811 truck. when you call 811, i come out to your house and i mark out our gas lines and our electric lines to make sure that you don't hit them when you're digging. 811 is a free service. i'm passionate about it because every time i go on the street i think about my own kids. they're the reason that i want to protect our community and our environment, and if me driving a that truck means that somebody gets to go home safer, then i'll drive it every day of the week. together, we're building a better california.
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apps are becoming the new battleground for bullies and their victims. joining us todd shoebl from stop it. great to have you. >> thanks for having me too. how you doing, oakland? >> fantastic. in the news this week, and i want to get your take on a different app, the unreleased app, people, that allows you to rate people, 1-5. the ceo said it was supposed to be this positive feedback, but if you got a negative review, it was my understanding that person could chime in and write back.
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what's your take? >> it's a license to defame and bully. it's exactly what the world doesn't need. we work tirelessly here to provide software so people can do good things on the anyone. and in today's day and age, you have unfortunately kids going into schools and shooting up their classmates. you've got people going into their workplaces and shooting up coworkers. listen, i don't know the intentions of the app, i don't know the intentions of the founders, but it will be misused! and if it's going to be misused, people are going to get hurt. and that's just not what we need. >> i can't determine what's worse. tell me with this one. worse to be bullied in person, playground style in the classroom, or is it worse to be bullied by an anonymous stranger online in a social media setting? >> anonymous stranger online follows you home 24/7, 365 u.
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can't get away from it. >> can't get away from it. >> that simple. >> and i'm kind of tired of the aftermath. someone gets detention. great. maybe you get punished at home. great. i'm interested in catching the bullying as it's taking place. and the advantage of technology is maybe someday we're getting there. maybe we're there now. is that kind of what stop it is about? >> absolutely. stop it is simple, fast, and powerful. it's real-time messaging, real- time reporting, and real-time awareness. that's what we do. and that's what our platform -- it's a massive deterrent for schools. kids are thinking twice. the data is showing that. we're having schools -- over 70% reduction in incidents before they're even started. so we're about being proactive, not reactive. >> so how does it work specifically? >> very good.
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schools and institutions buy the app, the kids get it for free. they download it, within second, they can start reporting. screen shots, messages, video, anything. send it in, it funnels into the schools in real-time into a backup system where the schools have the ability to get in front of an before it gets out of control. >> so schools are getting this because they feel like they're being held accountable more and more with the digital world. they used to be held accountable when i got in a fight on the playground. but the digital idea is that it could happen at home. so why are schools getting this more and more? >> first of all, when it affects a child's ability to learn and they're note going to school, then schools are now standing up saying we're going to do something about it, and they're getting involved, and it's just wonderful to see schools all across the country embracing stop it, and similar programs. we need it. we need a lot of it.
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>> all right. congratulations on the successful i know you're growing, so thanks for that. >> we'll have between 2 and 5 million students protected in the first quarter next year. very excited. >> thanks for hanging out with us. have a great weekend. >> you too. following a grass fire in san jose. a 2-alarm near highway 101 and hellier. you see skyfox is on its way. some charred grass there we've been watching it from our newsroom. one of our traffic cameras there in san jose. >> anytime we hear a fire, october, that is just the peak of fire season. now it's the potential to grow rapidly. the weather, not extremely hot. 85 degrees. not bad. >> been mild lately. >> and the key contributor, of
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course, the wind. winds around 10 miles an hour, relative humidity at 28%. our live camera looking toward the tower, our mapping system giving you a better idea of the topography around this fire. you can see some of the higher terrain in this region. there's our cleanup mapping system here. 85 degrees. not extremely hot. as far as our salt light, a few high clouds moving into the northern marts of the state. even -- parts of the state. here's the main storm track, starting to become a little more defined. and that's what we look for with the winter time pattern with more of an active weather pattern. just some scattered high clouds, and current temperatures pretty warm out there. we had some 90s still in livermore, 94 degrees. san jose 85, san francisco in the upper 60s. and santa rosa checking in, 86 degrees. the key headline for tomorrow, warm for friday.
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beaches near 70 around the bay. inland neighborhoods near 90 degrees. 88 to possibly 91 tomorrow afternoon. first thing tomorrow morning, partly cloudy skies, patchy fog hugging parts of the coast. cool spots, that time of year, in the upper 40s. santa rosea, napa, lots of 50s. patchy fog, 9:00 tomorrow morning, near the coast and the bay. and partly sunny sky, a few high clouds. warmest locations around 90 for friday afternoon. you have this area of high pressure pushing the storm track way to our north. and that's a track of ohad on heading way up to our north as well. for the friday, a warm forecast with partly sunny skies. the jet streechl begins to dip a little bit into the -- stream begins to dip a little bit into the weekend.
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showers up to the north coast. partly cloudy skies and then a warming trend once again for next week. looking long-term here, we're looking for rainfall, taking us into next week for wednesday and thursday, still just a few high clouds there. things could change between now and then. forecast heiss for tomorrow, lots of 80s on the boards here. santa rosa, vallejo, fairfield. warmest location, livermore. san jose 85, san francisco 74. and we should have some high clouds to watch the blue angels for tomorrow afternoon. and maybe some fog first thing saturday morning. so we'll keep an eye on that in the saturday forecast. if you like warmer temperatures, you'll like monday and tuesday. just to let you guys know, i was up in the sierra yesterday around tahoe, and everybody is getting so excited for the possible big winter snow. >> wow. >> gagdzs, stores, all waiting
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-- gas stations, we're getting excited. some of the stories we're working on for 5:00. airman spencer stone being honored by thousands weeks ago, tonight in the icu. >> in serious condition. tonight we've obtained surveillance video showing what happened. within the past 30 minutes, we learned specific information from doctors >> and what's this about a wife saving her husband's life? >> a 911 dispatcher was tanked this morning for helping save the life of a 65-year-old man who went into cardiac arrest. his wife didn't know cpr, called 911, and the dispatcher walked her through the process.
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all three were reunited today. facebook users have been asking for a dislike button for years. now we're getting our first look at what facebook has come up with.
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an army soldier on deployment for 8 months just got home and his little girl could not wait to see him. >> still in formation with his
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300 fellow soldiers there. she can't wait. enough! i want to get in there! [ laughter ] >> it is customary for soldiers to stand in formation for a formal welcome. that had to be hard for him. >> it had to be. running back to mom. that was sweet though. gh. a lot of people have been yearning for and really wanting to dislike button. so today mark zuckerberg revealed what it's going to look like. >> it's called reaction, not the describe button. it gives you animated emojis that let a user express how you love someone, humor, sadness. dancing around.
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shock. >> shock, yeah. sad. angry. okay. users have been asking for a dislike button. but this is a big concern, the negative connotation of the term dislike. there are times when you might post something that's sad and you don't want to look it because it's sad. but you're just showing support for that topic. >> it's how you zpt dislike, i guess. ess. shedding light on what happened in jail. the neuroprogram about to roll out inside the san francisco jail.
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the drought is affecting at pg&e we've definitely put a focus on helping our agricultural customers through the drought. when they do an energy efficiency project and save that money they feel it right in their pocket book. it's exciting to help a customer with an energy efficiency project because not only are they saving energy
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but they are saving water. we have a lot of projects at pg&e that can help them with that and that's extremely important while we're in a drought. it's a win for the customer and it's a win for california. together, we're building a better california.
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>> you do not have the benefit of a citizen walking around with a cellphone videotaping the interaction. so it leaves a lot up to the mind about what goes on in
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prisons and jails. >> the fbi is still investigating the allegations that deputies threatened inmates if they did not fight each other and then bet on the fights. the sheriff says his department has been it finding ways to save money for the past two years to buy the body cameras. >> the more transparency and sunshine that is amplified on these issues helps us get to the core of what happened. >> the sheriff says he already terminated one of the four deputies involved for separate issues. the sheriff also addressed the shooting death of kate steinly alleged bee by an undocumented immigrant who was released from this jail. the sheriff stands by his stance that federal immigration officials must provide a court order: keeba and frank, what a story in sacramento. >> it sure is. we're talking about spencer stone. he is one of the three men who stopped a terrorist attack on a
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train in france. now he's in the hospital, stabbed several times during this fight outside a bar in sacramento. within the past hour, doctors gave us some specific information about his wounds and his condition. we have new details about the stabbing of spencer stone there in sacramento. the u.s. airman was one of three men who thwarted a potential terror attack on a train in france. >> about 45 minutes ago a doctor came out and spoke about his condition. he was seriously injured. >> reporter: he really was. doctors now say that they -- when he arrived he was stabbed three times in the torso, and they told us he underwent surgery this morning. he is now heavily sedated. they say it is a very serious condition that he's in, but
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he's expected to make a full recovery. the attack, caught on video. >> the assault did not appear to be a random act. it's believed to be related to a nightclub incident. >> reporter: it was shortly after midnight thursday on the streets of downtown sacramento. police say an argument between two asian men and spencer stone and his friends turned violent. stone believed to be in the long white-sleeved shirt and dark pants was stabbed multiple times. >> this is not a terrorism related snen, nor is it related to what happened in france months ago. >> reporter: sacramento police believe the argument started outside these bars unfolding on the street. this afternoon, blood was cleaned off the sidewalk. >> it looked like the victim attacked and dropped there. >> reporter: this comes less than two months after they thwarted a terror attack on a paris train. hailed as hero, the men


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