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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  November 5, 2014 3:30pm-4:01pm PST

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rescuers work to free an elephant that -- >> fell into this irrigation ditch. >> why it takes a village to get this guy out. >> a disturbing scene as a man holds a knife to a boy's neck. >> this is his son. >> see who makes a sudden move to save a young life. >> a daughter pretends to be a waitress to pull off a big surprise. >> homecoming two years in the making. >> plus the buzz word for your chance at a new ipad mini. >> high fives aren't for everyone.
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now see one dude do it on skis. i have an animal rescue video that will leave you slack-jawed. this is from the international fund for animal welfare youtube channel. this is india. >> whoa. the poor guy is upside down in a canal or irrigation ditch. >> the elephant is about 10 years old was coming with its herd trying to get into this area late at night. fell into this irrigation ditch and ended up on its back. there is nowhere he can go. he's stuck. >> how do you work with a huge animal like that that's flailing about? i don't know where to start. >> i tell you exactly how they do this. they have a lot of people who pitch in. they have two vets. they minister pain medication,
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but their main task is to dig more room in this irrigation ditch so that the elegant can right itself. everything they do absolutely works. it only took an hour total to get this elephant back where it needs to be. in this corner you have a very scary cobra. who do you think will be victorious? >> mongoose. >> mongoose probably outsmarted the venomous snake. >> i want them both to go on their merry way. >> they don't. in fact, watch this. this is t
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>> pretty dramatic footage of the video here. first one comes from china. you can see a gentleman with a 4-year-old boy. what you have there is a knife to that boy's neck. the plot thickens. this isn't some random child or anything. this is his son. what happened was the night before he had been having some sort of hallucination because he had been taking meth and amphetamines. the police are trying to defuse the situation. he grabs the arm. fortunately, the child is fine and the father has been taken
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into custody. this is from australia. sean gray had stabbed his partner with the kitchen knife then taking the place on a chase around sydney. >> he took them on a 50 mile loop all around the motorway. you can see him waving through the top of the car. things got strange though. they actually shot the bridge down. it gets even weirder. you can see him cruising by, casually talking on his mobile phone. how it ends here you can see. the police have a truck they seem to have been able to pull it over and stop. they smash the window and pull the driver out. what it was, they were shooting a chemical agent inside the car
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to help subdue him. his partner was stabbed three times with a kitchen knife. she is in stable condition. >> amateur racing can be just as daring as professional racing. the perch ahead is giving him difficulty. darren sees a gap right here. he goes to pass on the right and you see the driver in the porsche clearly turn into him. this gets bad. >> oh, no! head-on into that barrier. >> darren was wearing all the necessary gear. he says that is one of the things that saved him. >> i've got to remind everyone about the need for great safety gear, especially hand device.
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i would hate to think what happened to me with a head-on collision with this pitbull if i didn't have this on. >> this is a lamborghini putting on a hoe for all the cameras around. until that exhaust flame catches the rest of the car on fire. you see the driver hop out. he's panicking. he's trying to put the flame out with his jacket that he blows on it. then he does something real dumb. that doesn't work. he loops the car back around. everybody panicking. this is a very expensive car. >> $350,000? >> no, no, no. in the neighborhood of $600,000, $700,000. >> you can spend $600,000 on a car but can't spring for an extinguisher. >> the guy does pull over and
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gets help from some bystanders and they do manage to put the fire out. >> it's almost time for us to give give away another ipad mini. >> stand by for the rtm ipad mini give away. den and kyle have been stationed in germany for a while. devon hasn't seen her mom. >> her mom has no idea that they are in the restaurant and devon is going to prepare to be the waitress. i love how they prepare the mom. they put her in a specific spot in the restaurant to make sure the introduction was a big
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surprise. she gets a little assistance. then the big reveal. >> her daughter has been gone two years in germany and she gets the surprise of the month, i think. >> finally they say, hi, kyle. >> welcome home. >> are you home? >> dude showing off his bike skills. does anybody see the danger? what comes out of nowhere and takes him out. >> plus the grandma.
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yoyourur h heaeartrt i is s. one of many ways to support its health isis n newew t truruhehearart,t. itit's's t thehe o onlnly y hehh supplement wiwithth i ingngreredidienentsp lower bad chchololesesteterorol l anand dy blood pressure anand d alalsoso i incncluluded0 trtry y nenew w trtruhut
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the declaration of independence shows that you like the high fives. that was about the worst high five you've ever seen. but i have a video of one of the greatest ever. watch. >> you can't do this any more. this doesn't feel as good or right if you can do that. >> we know extreme sports can be dangerous. now we can see this guy. he's on his front wheel.
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balancing like a bit of a ninja. right foot down. does anybody see the danger? anybody? anybody? small children playing soccer. >> ball's coming. >> that probably hurt, too. >> you are about to witness the world's most expensive bird. >> what is a food challenge without furious pete. he got a $2,000 hamburger. >> you have the glamburger. >> this goes into a $2,000 kobe
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beef and venison stuffed with truffle brie, pesto, japanese mayo, topped with lettuce, lobster poached in saffron, caviar of the beluga type. hickory-smoked duck egg. the bun is gold plated. >> but $2,000? come on. it's still just a cheese burger, and by the way, i'm no chef, but i think he went too far. >> here you are, sir. >> wow. >> enjoy your breakfast. >> that's crazy. >> you think a burger like this you savor it, right? >> let 's eat this burger. >> there goes serious pete eating a $2,000. i think i would take my time. >> are you really asking?
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why would you ask such a stupid question? >> nick, it is tech time for people who want to wake up feeling good. may i introduce you to good morning underwear. the vibrating panties that wake you up. >> who wants an alarm clock when your panties can vibrate. >> how does this work? it seems like this might be for something more than just alarms. >> this was made for an alarm. the guy who made it said he wanted to make something his girlfriend would enjoy. >> the good morning underwear, vibrates you awake and encourages you to start a happy, healthy, productive day. >> he made underwear more for him. this project is made by little bits. little building blocks, made for
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people who don't know how to make their own electronics. there is an interesting one here that connects to the internet. >> connects to the internet. >> i wake her whenever i feel like it? >> i think you could if you have the right little bits. >> you would never fall asleep with something like this on. >> if you want to check it out, make your own, potentially. >> this is so unnecessary and so fun time. this dude is sending a message he starts to nick the beard off his face. get tuesday's buzz word for a shot at winning an ipad mini.
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- ( helicopter whirring ) - ( roars ) ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it.
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i hope when i'm a great grandmother i can be as cool as these two. ♪ i'm all about that bass ♪ about that bass >> all about that bass is in the background and grandma is grooving. >> she is grooving great, too. she is a great groover, great grandma. >> picks up her little hanky. >> check out this other dirty
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grandma. this guy decided to record an electric guitar version of "talk dirty to me," but this has a special feature, his grandmother. ♪ talk dirty to me >> i love this so much. you know she is grooving. >> it's so much better to see grandma there having fun dancing than some scantily clad woman dancing next to the rock star there. >> i think that's my favorite part of the video. >> hosing down the grandson. >> cruising our way through november already. is it known as no-shave november? or the guys grow stashes. this guy is playing his
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character, the ukulele wizard. he hands it over. he looks strangely enough like him. >> growing a mustache for prostate and testicular cancer. >> he starts to nick the beard off his face. >> he is knitting? >> i don't believe that. >> this is quite cool the effect he does. slowly knitting the beard off his face. he's also giving us all sorts of information about prostate cancer. 1-7 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer. >> get a checkout. >> testicular cancer is the number one. >> you young fellows, get familiar with your balls. >> you can see what he looks
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like once he knitted it all up? >> look how different he looks. >> he looks like a rocker now. >> he's given us all this information. it's a cool way to kick it off. >> don't stop there. okay, everybody, it's time for us to give away an ipad mini. >> you need the buzz word, be at least 18 years old and be a legal u.s. resident. >> head over to and click on the win ipad button. >> you can enter on each every day. >> time to reveal tuesday's buzz word. ready? it is applause. >> get over to, click on the win ipad mini button and enter the buzz word applause. >> one day later this week, we have a bonus give away day. on that day we are also going to give away a flat screen tv.
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>> you are going to have to watch every day. good luck everybody. >> who would do this to a child welfare agency? >> a prankster stages a robbery, but heo something extraordinarily great. the sweet motive behind the break-in. >> wow! (vo) if you live in the san francisco area
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and you're eligible for medicare, anthem blue cross can help you get a great plan at a great rate!
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our new medicare advantage plans pay for many of the costs original medicare doesn't. so you can focus on other important decisions. anthem plans help protect you from high medical costs. and, we've built stronger partnerships with trusted local doctors and hospitals, to bring you special benefits like... and vision, prescription drug coverage, plus free memberships at participating gyms. now's the time to switch! if you live in san francisco county, there are new plans with zero-dollar monthly premiums available this year. plans also include zero-dollar preventive care. the medicare enrollment deadline for san francisco is december 7th. so call anthem today at 1-844-331-7996 to learn more or to schedule an in-person meeting.
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>> that racing spirit, you just can't lose it. >> i'll tell you, these internet pranksters have gotten out of hand. robbing a place. he goes smashing into the children's village, a child welfare agency and starts to wreck the place. >> this makes no sense. >> roman is not after bad things. he is here to do something extraordinarily great. the next day he shows up in a different outfit playing the detective as the employees start to show up and see the wreckage,
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they are devastated. >> who would do this to a child welfare agency? >> roman playing the detective now starts to talk to the employees and say, do you know russell the maintenance man? >> good guy? >> yeah, yeah, yeah. he would never do this. >> he specifically gave me your name. >> what? >> once he's got everybody completely confused, he brings them upstairs to show them a little bit more of the devastation. >> this is like the last chance to tell me anything that you know. maybe if you can help me out, i can help you out. okay. let's head in. >> instead of finding wreckage, they find an office full of brand-new computer equipment. >> what is this. >> equipment for your office. >> i'm not actually a detective. >> roman had the help of one of the employees and partnered with
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tiger direct, a top computer and computer product retailer that helped put all this together. got the sponsors onboard to donate all this brand-new gear. and for the kids, a box full of tablet computers. >> that's awesome. >> this is the kind of prank you love to see. they are just making the lives of not only the employees about you all the children helped by this organization, they are making their lives better. this is such a positive prank. >> the question is, who is cleaning up the mess? poor russell's going to have a lot of work ahead of him. >> that's our show. we'll see you for the next "rtm." female announcer: through tuesday at sleep train save hundreds on beautyrest and posturepedic. choose $300 in free gifts with tempur-pedic. even choose 48 months interest-free financing on the new tempur-choice. the triple choice sale ends tuesday, veterans day.
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>> dirty little secrets, the food industry doesn't want you to know. meet a renegade whistle blower and you're the guinea pig. plus two women. one 600 pounds and the other just 80. pushing relationships with food to the extreme. the life saving intervention. >> i want to help you. i'm asking you if you'll do this together. >> coming up next on "dr. oz." dr. oz: today, a food industry whistle blower comes clean. he's here to warn you about the most worrisome threats to your food. his message, simple. the food you're putting on your family's plate is being made in a science lab and you


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