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tv   KTVU Morning News  FOX  October 30, 2014 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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5 innings, a performance for the ages on two days of rest amount sap val up seed and for the the third time the sap frap giants are world series -- san francisco giants are world series champions. [applauds] [crowd noise] and we get to shear it with them, good morning, october 30 october 30thth, i am dave clark. >> and i am pam cook, thank you for joining us. at&t parkings we had a nail biting victory in game 7 of the world series and we have live team coverage and we will get to that in just a couple of minutes but first we want to
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check in on the weather. as you mentioned, we were at the chinese parade. >> and they are yelling sal. >> a little rain will not stop you, we have clouds over us, you know the drill, it sure likes like it. maybe get through the morning commute and of course that could change, maybe even coming in a little later about and of course there is a reason it is slowing down and there is a low forming on the front and this will take its sweet team until it gets pumped and after
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yesterday's warm day, a lot of upper 70s and 80s due to the cloud cover and the system looks good to me and the cold air behind it, we go to friday night and saturday, 50s and 60s for most, in the 70s. 5 it and 33 -- 53, we will have more coming up in about 15 minutes or so. >> there he is a happy man, he relishes every champions ship, you know it will not last so... >> i think a lot of people are making plans to get into san francisco tomorrow but right now it looks normal and today is not the day you have to
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worry about. and it always does, i asked steve bosh if we can expect anything for the morning commute and story about that steve, we will get back to you. looking at the toll plaza, that is backed up for a it 5 minute delay, it is slow for a typical commute and today, we had a lot more crashes and 6:03 let's go bash to the desk. we have been watching world series they have now returned home to san francisco. coming back, showing off that trophy at 4:00 this morning, larry bear, we were
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there live as they went comed the team home after that thrilling victory in the world series. >> sandoval inside and for the runner on third, madison madison bumgarner, kansas city popped up, pablo sandoval, in a final out, 3-it and he pitched a few on a day without rest. >> yeah, he is period about now, madison bumgarner was credited with a save, jeremy was credited with the save. other highlights, of course the double play, the runner at
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first bochy challenged it and that was the critical play, michael north had two rbis for the go ahead win, a game this post season and that is a major league record. >> there are many giants fans out celebrating into the night and not all of them were peaceful ones. they are live in the mission district and some people got violent, good morning, tara. everything is quiet now. if you remember after the last world series, also in south beach, unfortunately this year was not much different. >> you have to go behind the vehicle. now this year police did take
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off 24th and immediately after they are trying stave off problems and several officers were hurt near the ballpark as well. two men were stabbed and a third victim shot. groups of rowdy people and they are starting with alarm pop fears and officers had a difficult time disbursing the crowds. >> they were initially set in the mission and firefighters were able to go into those areas and disburse those crowds to put those fires out rapidly. >> most of the police injuries were minor and one officer was taken to fso general and the
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man was seriously hurt. his front and pack window, police are denying a.m., accusations that they used tear gas but they were firecrackers. tara moriarty ktvu channel 2 morning news. they will be remembered as one of the most exciting games into giants history. thousands of fans are happy watching that big game together outside of san francisco city hall. and they watched the big game on the big screen television.
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>> i love agreements and you know i have to come and see my people. they -- they ended peacefully as this crowd headed home. >> they are working to prepare for the giant's victory celebration, banners are now unfulled and lit up in orange all week. the stable is set where an orange carpet will be rolled out and they have started camping out and here is a look, it is scheduled to get underway at noon tomorrow at market street and before continuing down market, we will look at some of the floats that will be in some the parade and there
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will be a lot of orange and black of course to celebrate the giants, floats include the skull which has become a popular symbol for the team. world series victory means a shot of money, good morning janine. >> [ technical difficulties, stand by ] . >> it is one of those technical things. >> sorry about that, too excited about the win, we are here in fremont. >> reporter: youyou can see this place is buzzing with activity and people are going through the door and they were waiting 5 6:00 a.m.
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and you can see a lot of black and orange here and george, this is my photographer so you can back up, this by far has been the most popular seller here and i do want you to take a look at the fans who showed up before 6:00 a.m., money is not an object for them and they will pain is lot on that which is laid out. and in union city, they have championship orange october shirts and they have 2 dozen employees working overnight and into the morning to make sure they produce enough for fans. >> i am going to buy the hat, maybe a t-shirt and probably going to the parade for
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tomorrow. >> i have a procedure in novato. >> reporter: and another man dropped off more world series memorabilia, black and orange everywhere and the shirts were one of the most popular items, retailing for $25 and of course we'll see that sold a lot. fans want to show off their pride for what people are calling a dinasty, and it is only open for two days to is may be they are adjusting at 7:00 a.m. and another spot sure to be busy will be the giants dugout stores and again just a flurry of activity, people are here at the registers and they are
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buying up stuff and we are told by the manager his sales doubled and there was become 100 people in the store, reporting live, janine dela vega, you may see something you leak too and this one is the sharpest. >> all right, janine, thank you. >> our coverage continues all morning long right here on ktvu channel 2 morning news and also on ktvu channel 2 morning news, we have --, we have a special world series victory. coming up special items used by some of the players now headed to the baseball hall of
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fame. he kicks off a big endorsement just days before the election. and we are still looking at the commute getting slower and busier by the moment. it is still early enough to drive through downtown without any major problems coming up. tomorrow, i wish the parade were today and you may have to deal with some more of that coming up.
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- ( helicopter whirring ) - ( roars ) ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it.
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. down to the next coming general election, governor jerry brown always returns to oakland to vote and you are looking at video of the governor his wife and dog and the latest poll shows governor jerry brown is favored by voters. cash carry trails by 53%. is he endorsing a candidate in the oakland mayor's race. he appeared in orinda so formally announce his endorsement. he ran in to so and lost to mayor jean quan and is he one
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of several mayors are -- one of several running for mayor. and steve karilyn bales made -- steve carry made his debute, they went on a whim to have the next game for the home opener against the lakers. >> second later they announced the world series victory and they sheered and applauded --
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cheered and applauded. >> right now things are getting busier all over the place pam and dave and we will start off in the east bay and traffic will be backed up at the oakland toll plaza it is backed up and no major problems and if you are driving on the san mateo bridge, traffic here is moderately heavy and you will see some slowed traffic. there was a car fire but if you are driving in pleasanton and dublin, it looks okay. steve, i wanted to ask you tomorrow morning for the morning commute, are we in jeopardy of having a bad one? >> sal, it is a very close call, i have a graphic which starts at 8:00 a.m.
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and speaking of it and this is the up coming winter, be this as it may this looks like a signature for the desert southwest and we are on the new york tripping and i have no take on this, i really don't. it is just food for thought partly mostly cloudy and it will slow down the low is forming and i don't see a split and part of it will dive towards the santa cruz mountains and there will be some semblance of a split. tomorrow cold air arrives and
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that could give us a wide variety and snow up in the sierras. cloud cover on the mild side for los gatos and they are in the upper 60s scott valley was 47 degrees and we have 68 degrees and there is a big difference. everything is beginning to move towards us not very fast but it's on the way and we will a mostly cloudy day with a few sun breaks, maybe tropical and rain tomorrow morning, we will get a break and the next part of the system comes friday night as the cold air arrives up in the see rather. santa cruz mountains, looks to be one of the bullseyes and i am sticking to my guns folks. here is the timeline and lots
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of cloud cover and we are good through the day mostly cloudy and mendocino county, 9:00 in the morning there is noon. for once i agree with this forecast model and it is swinging in through the afternoon and sunday will be crisp and cool. so if for tomorrow, it will be here and we'll see maybe an inch plus and it looks good for everybody including san jose. that will not be until late friday early saturday and i think two feet of snow could fall for the higher elevations. including late tonight, 70s on the temperatures and even some
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upper 70s and by tomorrow we bring in rain and we have more rainp so set your clocks back. >> you asked steve and the late ones, the rain, maybe by 8:00. >> okay, thank you. >> 6 it 2:00 u.s. postal service is expecting a busy holiday season and we have an estimated 4 billion up 8% from last year, ups expecting a big jump and amazon is adding 90,000 seennal workers put novelty treats growing in popularity.$♪ these are wax
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lit. they are the trendiest and yep, they are back. people in new mexico plan on handing out pencils in vermont and they are handing out ray since. kids don't want the healthy treats. >> no they don't. >> a new look at a major makeover and what is happening tonight to improve the neighborhood. >> the new piece of had wear they are happening out. -- handing out.
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. welcome back, the trophy case is getting a bit crowded after bringing home another world series trophy to their collection. general manager brian sabean and bruce bochy. >> brian and bruce, congratulations commissioner's trophy to the world champion san francisco giants... >> thank you, commissioner. >> by the way, the commissioner's trophy stands two feet high and it's telling
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silver from each of the lesion. >> we are truly blessed to have this opportunity to be here and i could not be anymore thankful. >> he was named most valuable player and we sides the trophy he also got this, 2015 chevy colorado truck, couldn't glad ll1al0fitte complex -- congratulations, it washed up on a beach several miles what way. it blew up during the lift off, they warned many do not touch any debris from that rocket because there were hazardous materials on board and there were pieces being discovered on the island which was 6 miles
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from the lawn much pad. a shocking crime which involves the young mother of four children. and coming end home, we willee you as they. >> arrive and we will have it all for you coming up. traffic is actually doing well on 608 south south passing mission boulevard. >> we have a lot of cloud cover over us and it looks like rain is on the way for tomorrow morning and also around noon so if you are headed to the giants, take your rain gear. on beautyrest and posturepedic mattress sets. or choose $300 in free gifts with sleep train's most popular tempur-pedic mattresses.
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you can even choose 48 months interest-free financing on the new tempur-choice, with head-to-toe customization. the triple choice sale ends soon at sleep train. ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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. they defied the odds they defied the stats and they are now back in san francisco and they are ready for their victory parade. thank you for joining us thursday october 30thth, i am dave clark. >> hot off the press. show that off. >> very nice. i would love to keep it but -- >> they got they are hands on this and they are out at the shirt shop. it is amazing people are out there last night and they are out there buying it up. >> it looks good on you pamela. >> why don't you just take that. >> why now. >> i would not do that.
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>> parkly cloudy to mostly cloudy and today will be cooler but still with a lot of 70s, we had some 80s and cloud cover is streaming in, i'm not sure i buy that, 65 fso, low 60s, san jose 56 and there are some mid- 50s, we had some low 30s and there is very low air aloft and this will absolutely come to a screeching halt be a there is your cold air, it arrives late friday and just so you have an idea for what is going on except in the north bay, just
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decide which system swings in here and we will have some thunderstorms lots of clouds, increasing clouds more likely tomorrow morning and 70s on those temperatures. there we go, i answered your question for the rain tomorrow. >> steve and i have a joke with the rain and fog and we will be the rain brothers tomorrow possibly for the 8:00 hour. >> i am ready buddy. >> let's do it. let's go out and do the traffic now, it is dry, westbound as you come up to the bay bridge toll plaza and it is a 25 minute wait into san francisco, once you make it onto the brent it looks good and it's moving a long nicely and there are no problems on 580 and we are giving you a little bit of slow
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traveling just before of it. >> we watched them as their buses rolled up as the world series champions. that is the moment, madison madison bumgarner got them popped up giants won game 2 and had an amazing performance, especially madison bumgarner, he pitched scoreless relief after pitching a complete game on sunday. >> they pitched and there were is hundred or so waiting to
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cheer for the players. he brought the commissioner's trophy he walked it down a whole line of fans, that thing is 30 pounds, we have live team coverage for the world series victory, janine de la vega is at a sportings good store already open with hoppers and unfortunately sell brakes got out and we were at at&t where there was a lot of exciting moments, alex? >> reporter: it was a perfect homecoming for this team of that thrilling win last night and i don't think giants fans wanted the party to stop, they came in and calmed out to welcome the champions back home, here is more and this was the theme where they came and
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arrived back home from kansas city just about 4:00 after a red eye flight many of the players popped into their cars after an important game. larry bears joined in the special moment, they have been sell bretting. >> if there is only certain things in life, when you see them up close they have a look to them that you can't describe. i wanted to touch it but at the same time you can just look at it. how can i behave at that moment. >> fans wanted to have one
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moment to touch that trophy to see how it feels and they headed straight home because you can imagine. world series mvp madison bumgarner making his way off the buses and as he was driving here to go into kings street, he was mobbed by a bunch of giants fans and they were chanting mvp. >> wewe were there this morning. well the joy was tempered by some violence afterwards and in fact news chopper 2 was taking photo and we are in san
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francisco to tell us about some of the violence. we have seen a couple of officers on patrol and for the most part, you must remember the world series as well as in the ballpark and a lot of them were hurling champagne bottles and unfortunately this year, history did repeat itself. >> several police officers were hurt in the mayhem not only in the mission but in the ballpark as well. a third victim was stabbed and they have large bonfires in the middle of the street and although police staffing was up compared to a normal wednesday,
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they are having a difficult time. i know they are fall as well as in the southern district and they are watching them celebrate despite throwing bat -- bottles at them. >> they also hurled fear crackers and it was a minor one and most were taken to san francisco hospital. the person stabbed several times at 24th and valencia was seriously hurt and his back window was blown out. officials are not going to be out until later today and they are denying reports they used tear gas. they said smoke on the streets actually came from firecrackers. i am tara moriarty, ktvu channel 2 morning news.
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>> police in riot gear came later after they set off illegal fireworks. there were also some celebrations in the marina district with crowds pouring into the streets and they threw toilet paper on the overhead muni wires and moved quickly to keep it from getting out of control. and suspended bus service in the hours ahead of the victory, thousands of people on market, you can see them climbing on the roof of the
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buses, muni unfortunately due to safety concerns are not expected to affect bus service this morning. the focus is on their parade. details about the celebration and preparations at city hall which are already underway. we are live in fremont stores are opened up early, we have world series champion's gear and we will show you what you can get for how much. >> 79 warm degrees in san francisco yesterday, wish key can carry -- we can carry that into tomorrow. we will have your forecast coming up. bulldog: the veterans day sale is ending soon!
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get four years interest free financing on the entire tempur-pedic cloud collection! and, get a queen size serta mattress and box spring set for just $397. ♪ mattress discounters
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. happening now from fremont, they are already rushing in and they are shopping early, janine? >> yes they are. employees were open until midnight here at dick's sporting goods in fremont and they had 100 people and they came back again opened they are doors at 6:00 a.m.
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i do want to show you, this was one of the more popular shirts and this sells for $25 and you can see it is orange october. t- shirts range from 20 to $25. i do want to talk to one of the giants' fans, why was it so important for you, were you sleeping? >> well it started off with you watching the news this morning,
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my wife was going to come but she had to go to save way. look at all of this. >> i don't have any giants stuff, i said you know what, i am not going to wear anymore until they win it. you were a former employee so this must have been exhilarating for you. >> thank you so much for talking with us as i mentioned
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they doubled their sales they were running out here to wear that and a lot of black and orange that we are going to see all day today. reporting live, absolutely nice parents and they are absolutely cool gear and they will be well represented and the hats were what they wore during last night's game including buster
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posey's jersey. >> in the castro district, they had a celebration improvement project and they celebrate to 19 19th streets including these crosswalks. the celebration will begin and we will look at what is coming up on mornings on 2. you did a great job. all right, thank you coming up on mornings on 2, it has been no secret that apple's ceo tom cook is gay and today for the first time he is publicly acknowledging his personality and why and the changes he
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wants to see in his home state. and major mayor jean quan, why she is talking about this and why the timing of the lawsuit is raising some eyebrows. those are some of the stories and now back to you on the mornings news. >> let's bring you back where you need to go. >> there is a crash blocking some of the lanes and you can see there is an emergency vehicle trying to wave through the traffic and it's 2 roll -- 280 out of the city and we will go to the bay bridge and it may affect them if it's there long enough. all the way slow through san
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leandro, here is a look at today's forecast. >> we have a lot to talk about weatherwise and it will all start to work tomorrow which includes it looks like rain and it may be over earlier. the system is on its way and it looks that way to me so plan accordingly. >> the winter outlook, the december january, february shows what looks to be an el ninio signature. i show you this for yourself i have no take tonight, i don't and i just done -- i hope it is wetter and we will take it down to southern california and it will be a warmer pattern, not a cold one. we have a cold front on the way and a low is forming on the
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bank right there. that cold air is forming and today we have a lot of high mid- level clouds, we have a mostly cloudy day and we will deal with this in about 30 seconds or so. >> there is a few in petaluma loom. it will absolutely go to a screeching halt offshore and partly cloudy, rain moves in friday morning and a second dear late friday into saturday, that will be the colder sector and in santa cruz down to
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monterey, rainfall totals a quarter to an inch and there is your timeline, i actually believe this, we start to get a little bit of rain in the north bay but watch what happens, noon to 1:00, you can't get around it and it sure looks like it is on its way cold air up in the sierra, it and it looks good here even for snow that snow level will plunge and i will tackle that one tomorrow.
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anybody ten tow, they -- nintendo, they are monitoring sleep and fatigue levels. it will work from your bedside and nintendo is teaming up with people who make products for people with sleep disorders. and they are celebrating a major victory for the warriors and how basketball fans got in on the world series celebration as well. but first, call it high tech trick or treating, the new app to fill their candy bags this halloween.
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- ( helicopter whirring ) - ( roars ) ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na
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♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it.
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. they told us about the man connected with road rage who killed a mother of four. he was arrested during a standoff in elk grove near sacramento. two schools were locked down and neighbors were told stay inside while officers arrested that suspect. that shooting on sunday was on 98th avenue in oakland, she was
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killed. she was in a car with her husband when somebody in another car opened fear after some sort of confrontation. a stand ford surgeon treating people with ebola virus has been quarentined. several people who have had close contact are to be quarentined for 2 is days upon -- 21 days upon their return to the u.s. he has agreed to a voluntary quarentine and is allowed limited activity including some jogging alone. he cannot work out or go to a public place cannot go to work. a nurse has defied a quarentine in maine and she went for a bike ride after they asked for a mandatory quarentine and she was put in isolation after arriving back in the u.s. she
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was allowed to return to maine and she has twice tested negative for ebola virus and does not have any symptoms. parents are using technology to help kids go trick or treating. >> who are you supposed to be? >> somebody in pennsylvania. >> next door they are creating maps to show those and handing out treats. they are maps that have red zones to show which of the neighborhoods to go trick or treating in. >> coming up next, we have been watching an exciting at&t parkings the return home to san francisco. and the fun that was taken
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out of the world series champion ship.
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[cheers and applause].


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