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tv   News at 5pm  FOX  October 14, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT

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it hit the foul pole. you see the reaction from bochey. off the mound to get it. throws it past juan down the right field line. brandon crawford the kid from pleasanton easily in with the game deciding run. 5-4 and with it the giants take the 2-1 lead. these series game two out of the three now decided at the last moment by one run in a walk off for st. louis. of course in that unforgettable game sunday night and this one which giant fans will cherish for a long time to come. we have all the postgame coming up. but the giants have a certain way to do it. cardinals hit the home run, giants scratch and claw. >> i love to see how pence steps up.
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but you mentioned ishikawa what a story. >> he's asked what bochey and the team has asked him to do. he came up with a big hit in saturday's victory and he comes back big time. it's little stories like that that has comprised what this team has turned into. two wins from the pennant win. and the game started just after 1:00 this afternoon when a lot of people are supposed to be at work. claudine wong has been out at at&t park all day long. claudine if you skip out on work, boy this is the type of game you want to do it for. >> absolutely, frank. they're still enjoying the day. look behind me fans are still lined up out here. they're across the street. this is where the players will come out and so people just waiting to get a glimpse. you know, it is a workday for a lot of people today but it was a packed house and we assume not all of them had the day off. but if you have play off tickets it becomes awfully hard
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to remember that you have any where else to be, awfully hard to remember that today is tuesday. on a day like this. >> get read did for inspection. >> reporter: when all you care about is getting in those gates. it's hard to remember that it's -- >> tuesday. >> reporter: i mean it's not a holiday. >> i think it's columbus day. >> oh wait, that was yesterday. >> reporter: but the giants didn't play yesterday. >> i told everybody get to work. i'm going to the game. >> reporter: on any other tuesday. >> i would be implementing mri for ge health care. >> manning the fire station. >> reporter: on a normal tuesday we would have responsibility. >> i am going to miss class. >> reporter: this just isn't any normal tuesday. >> my boss is so awesome he said go to the game because play offs baby.
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>> it's a pto day. >> reporter: this is october. >> feels like saturday. >> reporter: and tuesday or not, there's no place fans would rather be. >> oh, hello. hello. an atomic bomb didn't go off today. this is the only place to be. >> reporter: and so it's like torture tuesday out here. but certainly everybody enjoying every second of it. we'll hear more from the fans coming up at 6:00. live from san francisco, claudine wong. >> it was a great game. claudine i know you've been to at&t park a number of times to see the giants during the regular season. what was it like today during game three. >> reporter: people were talking about all the energy. we saw a lot of that. people enjoying being out here. enjoying the weather. it was a little overcast but absolutely perfect. even when they were coming out after the game we could hear them cheering as they walked down all the levels and they
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were cheering when they were coming out. everybody was just having a great time. >> live at at -- live at at&t park. we saw heat advisories in record setting heat just this weekend. now the big changes on the way it kind of looks like winder out there. this is looking live from our camera in emeryville. you can see it is gray out there this evening. our chief meteorologist bill martin is here to tell us the real rain bill is still to come. >> there's no rain, there's more showers on the way. the big change is the pattern shift. the jet stream has worked its way south. that's always a good sign for rain. we're seeing showers and rain up around fort brag north of our area. those showers will slide south tonight and tomorrow morning early. it's going to mess with your morning commute. i do have reports of sprinkles showing up around santa rosa. up around healsburg. we got the radar spinning.
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you see the arrow has a loyal bit of drizzle offshore. we've had reports of the drizzle in pacifica and half- moon bay. you see these little green area, these are the little areas that are going to slide through. what you get the next few hours is really nothing because overnight we're going to see .1 of an inch. it's not a gully washer, it's not a lot of rain but what it does is makes streets slick. there's some wind out there as well. when i come back after the break we'll pull it together for you. big pattern shift. wet morning commute. i'll see you back here. >> bill, thank you. keep in mind for realtime weather updates download our ktvu weather app to your mobile device. a quiet neighborhood got quite a surprise last night. police discovered $1 million of marijuana inside. even though neighbors say they never saw or smelled anything suspicious. the home is located on shadow hill circle off of crow canyon that's where ktvu's allie rasmus is now. allie this was a sophisticated operation. >> it was.
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you can see from the sign the home has been red tagged. that's partly because someone reworked the electric system in order to grow those marijuana plants. the front door was busted open. knocked over on its side and you can see there's a plywood door now in its place. >> reporter: police found 600 marijuana plants packed into every room worth more than a million dollars. the day after the raid all you could see were their stems but evidence of the grow operation is still visible. >> the water was underneath on timers. >> reporter: there's also an intricate ventilation system designed to hide the smell of marijuana. >> you wouldn't have a clue. >> reporter: most neighbors on this quiet street didn't. >> i just thought, nobody lived there. i have never seen anyone. no one going in or out. >> reporter: she knew something was going on yesterday afternoon when her power went out and she saw pg & e workers
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outside the home next door. >> they suggested that something might be growing in the house. >> reporter: someone had wired the power to this home around the meter to steal electricity from pg & e. >> taking $200 to $300 every day in electricity. >> reporter: police saw two men pulling into the house trying to get into the house. they were arrested for stealing electricity and growing marijuana. >> i guess they've done it in this area because you wouldn't suspect it. because it's a lovely family neighborhood. >> reporter: investigators are trying to get in contact with the owner of this prompt. - - of this property. the two men arrested are both 25 and 35 years old and police say thoáez men have -- say those men have no prior criminal records as far as they know. san jose mayoral candidate sam licardo received a big
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boost in the form of endorsement. he received the endorsement of chuck reed as well as susan hammer, tom mchenry and tom james. the group said licardo will make the city safer through quote government. they also expressed their support on pension reform and fiscal responsibility. now to the latest on that nurse from texas who's infected with the ebola virus. in a statement today, nina pham said she's doing well and she also thanked supporters for their quote kind wishes and prayers. pham was infected while caring for a man from liberia who later died from ebola last week. she has received a blood transfusion from dr. brantley who recovered from ebola. officials aren't sure how pham was infected. a former coworker says she was always very careful.
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>> knowing nina she's one of the most meticulous thorough effective nurses. she thought me infection control and protocall. i learned so much of that from her. >> reporter: pham's pet dog has always been placed under quarantine. and people who have come in contact with the dog will have to wear protective gear just as if the dog was a human patient. today the health world organization had a sobering update on the toll of the disease in africa. the agency expects to see 10,000 new infections per week if aid worker can't get a majority of patients under quarantine within 60 days from now. the w.h.o. says the death rate has raisin to 70% of people infected who will die from the infection. in dallas health officials say that 48 people who had contact with the ebola patient who had last week they've now gone 14 days without showing any signs of the illness. john fowler now joins us with new measures and some long term
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strategies, john to protect against ebola. >> reporter: that's right gasia. in the bay area some 4,000 people are from liberia. that's west africa's ground zero for ebola. at this oakland church parishioners grieving and praying for education back home. >> to be able to recommend them to hospital to get treated. and also the culture of hugging and shaking one another. >> reporter: reverend bob ray are asking for donations to help pay for disinfection supply. mark zuckerberg today gave a donation to the cdc. >> we want to keep etiquette in people as to how to resolve
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this congressman sowell gave recommendations. >> they will be immediately isolated and treated so that we can limit the spread. >> reporter: the cdc today announced a new strategy it will send special teams to any hospital with an ebola case. >> i wish we had put a team like this on the ground the day the patient, the first patient was diagnosed. that might have prevented this infection. >> reporter: we also learned bay area hospitals are now training putting on and especially taking off protective gear like this. including a test where they put chocolate syrup on their apparent. >> once they take it off if you have chocolate here or here or any where in your body that meaned you've breached. >> reporter: personnel are using this video for training this week. nurses unions tell us they feel the need for more training because a breach with ebola could be lethal. remember the risk is only from close personal contact with
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someone who has active ebola symptoms. it's the end of an era. we dig into what's forcing this local newspaper to stop the presses after nearly 50 years in print. also a concert, a major conference and a giants play off series to top it off all. we look at how people are funneling in, out and around the city. and next, a woman drug right off the road and plunges 500 feet. the air lift rescue and how her car helped save her.
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- ( helicopter whirring ) - ( roars ) ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it. now to a remarkable story of survival. a woman rescued after her car veered 500 yards down an enbankment. she spent the night in that
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ravine. on star pointed rescuers in the wrong direction. that campbell woman was found this morning. ktvu's azenith smith reporting on her condition and how an app may have saved her life. >> reporter: it's been called nothing short than a miracle. melissa vasquez hoisted into a helicopter safe after spending 18 hours at the bottom of a ravine. >> it's a great story we're happy it was able to end the way it was. >> reporter: a happy ending that began yesterday afternoon when vasquez chevy cruze fell down this enbankment. >> she was ejected from the vehicle during the roll over. ended up landing on its roof. >> reporter: authorities were alerted on the vehicle's crash by the vehicle's on-star technology but gave them the wrong position. >> it's a great job on his part
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and everybody is very relieved. >> reporter: at 5:30 this morning a sheriff deputy spotted deputies car. firefighters spent the morning climbing down the heavy brush and steep terrain. >> we had crews and calfire down there clearing brush. we had our urban search and rescue team on scene. and they were going to do a high angle rescue and haul her up the side of the ravine. >> they ultimately reached her by her car. laying face down in the ravine. >> they also stayed with her the entire time until air support was able to get there. through the wake she was coherent. she was able to speak with the officers. she was in a bit of pain. >> reporter: a u.s. coast guard helicopter brought vasquez up to safety. >> reporter: the cause of the crash is still under investigation but the chp says it does not believe alcohol or drugs played a role. former secretary of state hillary clinton talked about the need to close the word gap
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today. at the dream force convention in san francisco. the former first lady was the keynote speaker for day two of the sales force conference. she said that children in low income families are exposed to fewer books and words and that that can lead to a lifelong achievement gap. she also expressed her support of net neutrality and a world of technology that helps instead of hinders. >> what we really have to be focused on now is making sure that the benefits of technology to people's lives outweigh the pitfalls and that it is as evenly distributed as it is possible to do. >> after her keynote speech. clinton participated in a question forum. she did not address the idea that she might run for president. tonight a dream force fundraiser will feature bruno mars and cake to benefit ucsf
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children's hospital. san francisco 49ers quarterback collin kaepernick has come up with a pretty creative way to avoid another fine from the nfl for his head phones. all he needed turns out was some tape. when kaepernick showed up at the postgame conference the logo on his beats head phones was covered with athletic tape. kaepernick is sponsored by beats but bose is the sponsor for the nfl. all other head phones are banned. remember kaepernick was fined. >> the dream team did the same thing in the olympics. the olympics was sponsored by reebok but they were sponsored by nike so they had to cover up the nike insignia. it is going to be tough to call it rain because it's going to be light stuff. but it is going to hit during the morning commute. late tonight and tomorrow morning it takes nothing to slow your commute. give yourself a little time
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tomorrow. rain accumulations will be light .7 of an inch to .1. but that's it. the showers though come at an opportune time because they'll be coming in late tonight early tomorrow morning. of course as we come in close now. you can see the usual suspects are getting pretty wet. eureka here. the rain is going to come down. here we are at cape mendocino. this line north they're going to get real rain. they could see an inch of rain, maybe two inches of rain. for us we're in the south end. the current radar. this is a live one. it shows a little bit of shower activity see down here coming in. and then down here you see this next round coming in here. and this is going to move into the north bay. i suspect 10:00 tonight. join us on the 10:00 news and kenney richards up there in north bay up in santa rosa petaluma area. we'll see if we have rain on the camera. look at the gust, that's just a pressure change. big pattern shift and nature is
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trying to fill in that high pressure that's leaving, the high pressure is trying to fill in and set us up with windy conditions and potential rain. here comes the system. cloudy and a chance of sprinkles tonight. the main dynamic slide through. by the time 9:00, 10:00 in the morning come around. it's not clear but the main dynamics. here's your morning commute. not very organized front. widely scattered showers the roadways are wet though. so that will slow you down. as far as rain buckets and reservoirs not much. but as we get into 2:00 more scattered showers down around san jose. and then see you out of there. look what happens. remember what i said the pattern shift. we're all the way into friday but system number two wants to roll in. this one looks like it has some legs at least in terms of more rainfall. you'll be tracking that down the road. you will see that in your
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forecast as well. tomorrow significantly cooler. 20degrees cooler than just 48 hours ago. right we had heat, we had record temperatures we had red flag warnings. but tomorrow, we're 60s and low 70s. mostly to partly cloudy and the chance of springless and showers in the morning but it -- sprinkles and showers in the morning but it won't be much. wednesday morning commute wet. friday looks like we have more showers. clears out just in time. but the big take away here not reservoirs, not rain buckets but the pattern shift. and pattern shift for the jet stream to be this far south this week is a good sign for things to come. >> all right, thanks bill. >> you got it. plans to honor robin williams. what it's already known for now. >> plus new details after the walls of that plane that split in mid-flight yesterday where the airplane is headed now. now to julie haener in the newsroom with what we're working on at 6:00.
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>> he wasn't swimming or fishing but a father was swept out to sea. >> i couldn't say to him don't go. because it's the one thing that he really loved to do. >> the special significance fishing held for the bay area munni driver. >> also police say there's a break in the case involving this unprovoked attack on an 85- year-old woman who was just walking down the street. these stories and more coming up new at 6:00. at kaiser permanente, everything you need is under one roof. another way care and coverage together makes life easier. okay, a little easier. become a member of kaiser permanente. because together, we thrive. ♪
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today critics spoke out on the sales measure that would save transportation programs. measure bb would raise the current half cent sales tax to 1 cent for 30 years. it's expected to raise over $8 billion during that time period. 3billion of that money would be spent on traffic relief. another 3 billion would go to public transportation and 400 million would go to b .a.r.t.s extension to livermore. but today a coalition of groups including county republicans urged voters to say no. >> they are all starry eyed about widening freeways and throwing money at ac transit with no strings and putting a $400 million down payment into a b.a.r.t. boondoggle. >> the measure requires a 2/3 majority and voters re rejected a similar measure back in 2012. supporters say that's everyone more reason to pass the tax now since ever city in the county would receive money to repave
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roads and keep public transportation affordable. san francisco police are investigating a shooting at fisherman's wharf early this morning. it happened at pier 45 right after 3:00 a.m. he is expected to survive. so far no arrests have been made and there are really no other details as to what led up to that shooting. former alameda county chief mckennen died at the age of 61. he became alameda county fire's first chief. he led the department for 13 years before retiring in 2006. that was also the year he ran for state assembly and lost in a contentious race against hayashi. tonight mccammon is being remembered. and the rename of a tunnel
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to robin williams is being considered. right now the tunnel doesn't have an official name you might hear it referred to as the rainbow tunnel but it's usually referred to as the waldo tunnel because it was named after william waldo who was a california politician back in the 1850s. a play off game, concerts and rush hour traffic. it's official, gridlock is hitting san francisco. >> if you're planning to come to this part of the city. don't bother. we'll have a live report. a follow up to a two investigates piece that we did on a man trying to get bay area businesses to pay him to keep their names. the business owners called it a shake down. coming up, what a judge decided today and what happens next. plus a phone call this veteran was not expecting from hollywood. >> i said who the hell is brad pitt. >> but a friendship that's grown between the two. it's now taken this man and his wife to the red carpet. insurance companies are spending millions of dollars
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trying to mislead you about the effects of proposition 46. well here's the truth: 46 will save lives. it will save money too. i'm bob pack, and i'm fighting for prop 46 because i lost my two children to preventable medical errors and i don't want anyone else to lose theirs. the three provisions in 46 will reduce medical errors and protect patients.
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save money and save lives. yes on 46. ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it. a play off game, a convention, concerts, and rush hour on their own they would each cause some slow downs but all together it's gridlock in
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san francisco. and to make it to the traffic, finding parking is even tougher than usual. ken wayne live in san francisco. and ken you found some real choke points and you're going to show us how parking can really cause a fortune. >> gasia, this is one of those choke points at masconi center. in some cases you had to sit in an awful lot of traffic before you could get here in an awful lot of traffic. >> reporter: this is not the morning commute. we hit the toll plaza at 12:30 this afternoon. what's usually smooth sailing is a slow slog across the span. >> we came from san francisco, it took forever. the traffic was just fine up until probably the bridge. and finding parking is ridiculous. >> reporter: 150 bucks to park at momos across from the ballpark. and this guy was complaining, he paid $80.
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>> i paid 80 bucks. >> where? >> just down the street on third street. so i'm feeling a lot of pain right now. >> reporter: the smart fans took the giants party train. also known as muni. >> just like a game day train. >> yeah and it's a lot of fun. there's a sense of community with it so you don't mind how crowded it is because everybody is rooting for the giants and it's a lot of fun. >> reporter: on masconi center the streets are shut down. this truck driver was going nowhere fast. >> 45 minutes just from market street here. >> just a couple of blocks? >> yeah. >> reporter: petti cash taxis were busy but tired. >> i've been pacing myself. >> the hills in san francisco are brutal. >> it's cool for the city. >> reporter: and pray you don't have a medical emergency in this part of town. emergency vehicles are making it through but even with lights
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and sirens on, it is slow going. giants games continue at at&t park through wednesday. this sales force convention continues at masconi center through thursday. it's going to be tough. live in the city, ken wayne, ktvu channel 2 news. 2 investigates showed you how computer science fellows at mit have teamed up with the aclu and a mobile developer group to build an app that can actually tell you if your phone is being intercepted by a so called sting ray device. it's called spidey app and it works by mapping local cell phone towers. then it alerts the user to any abnormalities such as a signal suddenly appearing or disappearing which may be a sign of your phone being intercepted. spidey app isn't publicly available just yet but you can learn more about it and also how the sting ray system works.
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we put all that information on our website and new developments involving that passenger plane where the interior wall started to separate in mid-flight. american airlines is faking -- taking that plane to tulsa for maintenance. more on what passengers saw shortly after take off. >> it was an almost unbelievable sight for joan denny who was sitting in aisle 14 of this packed american airlines flight that had just taken off from sfo headed for dallas. she heard loud pops then denny watched the wall next to her seat begin to open up. >> the next thing i knew, the wall kind of next to me had looked like it had separated from the wall. it was scary. >> reporter: denny and most everyone else on board began to panic. it felt to them like the plane was coming apart midair. they tried to get the attention of the flight crew. >> people were kind of upset and kind of screaming and saying, no, no.
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come look at this. everybody came back and looked. >> reporter: it turned out to be a busted air duct that pushed apart these cabin panels. the damage was cosmetic, still the captain opted to make an emergency landing back at sfo. but that was about a half hour into the flight and passenger james wilson says at first he and others had to convince the crew to turn around. >> they said we're going to continue on to dallas we don't think it's a big issue. the cab pressure is holding we're all good. we were not in agreement with that. >> reporter: despite this crack, american airline says the flight never lost cabin pressure. still the whole experience was nervewracking for those on board. >> you think i don't think we're going to make it and it was very scary. >> reporter: after the emergency landing that boeing 757 was taken out of service to be inspected. passengers were put up at hotels for the night and then put on a plane first thing this morning headed for dallas. after an unforgettable flight
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yesterday. at sfo, alex savidge, ktvu channel 2 news. after decades in print, a local newspaper is shutting down. why the san francisco bay guardian is closing and the phrase that graced its cover for years. why mcdonalds is taking people behind the scenes of their production. and 49ers visit a children's hospital in the south bay. but not without getting into -- first.
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now, more and more americans are discovering that shredding galbani mozzarella yourself inspires moments that are simply better. mmm, galbani (sfx: kiss). italy's favorite cheese brand.
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yeah, citi mobile. pay the dog sitter? and deposit that check? citi mobile. pack your bathing suit? wearing it. niiice bank from almost anywhere with the citi mobile app. bring them all to the table with the kfc favorites bucket. 8 pieces of chicken with 12 hot wings or 6 extra crispy tenders. ♪
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now to a follow up on a story we brought you last night at 10:00. the economy voted in favor of an ordinance meant to deter landlords to get them to move out so that the landlord can raise rents. thousands who received assistance or rent controlled rents all shared their stories before the vote. under existing measure ee oakland landlords can only evict tenants with just cause. the new ordinance takes it even further prohibiting landlords from harassing tenants in order to get them to move. some landlords think it's a pylon another set of rules piled on to existing laws. >> why do you need another one that defines 17 new provisions
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among them is the landlord holding their rent check for more than 30 days. i don't know how that amounts to harassing a tenant but according to this ordinance it is. >> i feel that we're all at risk of displacement. because we don't know how long we'll be here we feel at the mercy of our landlords. >> reporter: now that it has passed the community ordinance the ordinance will go to the full council for a vote. that will happen on the 21st. diagnosing the virus will become much faster with a test. they'll provide results in just days instead of weeks. it'll likely show the outbreak is much larger than previously thought. the cdc has a backlog of specimens that have not been tested. enterovirus causes problems in breathing that are so severe
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they need a device to breathe. the high court is allowing california to continue enforcing a law that bans restaurants from selling a controversial delicacy. the fatty liver of a force fed duck. the california state also bars state farmers from force feeding birds with a tube which is how fragua is made. mcdonalds is trying to bust the myth of pink slime burger with a new video on its website. >> are their lips and eyeballs in there jimmy? >> no it's 100% beef trimmings. >> it's a look behind the scenes of a plant in fresno to show their patties are made of beef not the so called pink slime. it's part of a campaign, our foods your questions to convince people that the food
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at mcdonalds is nutritious. the final issue for a paper that's been in the bay area now for over 50 years. why the san francisco bay guardian is closing and word of an attempt to try to save it. local businesses call it extortion. now the man behind the scheme goes before a judge. the punishment he is facing now. i'm tracking showers that will impact that wednesday morning commute. i'll give you a time line in which you can expect for your drive tomorrow.
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i'm driving all over the place,f are atclimbing up ladders. accidents happen all the time. i need to take care of myself, as well as take care of my business. and now i can do both, with health coverage.
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i'm protected and i'm covered, and i love that feeling. i'm in, so i can grow my business. over one million people have enrolled in health insurance through covered california. soon, you can join them.
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társ been around for nearly 50 years, but the presses are about to stop running at a san francisco newspaper considered the leading progressive voice in the city -- it's been around for nearly 50 years. rob roth with what the loss of the paper means to its readers and it's now former employees. >> this one was our first issue. october of 1966. and we endorsed pat brown over ronald reagan. >> reporter: these old political cartoons are mounted on the living room wall at the home of bruce bergman. >> this is a cover. >> reporter: they once ran in the san francisco bay guardian a newspaper he founded and published for 46 years before selling it two years ago. rugman learned today the current owner of the san francisco media company was shutting down the weekly paper for financial reasons.
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>> i'm totally surprised. and feel very badly about it. we put out a hell of a paper. >> reporter: even the front cover always said raising hell since 1966. but the current publisher informed the editorial staff this morning and issued a statement. the decision to close the bay guardian was made recently after two years of trying to keep it alive. >> he was wrongfully convicted of murder and it was because of the guardian that he got out. >> reporter: adachi says an endorsement could give creditability to a political candidate in this city especially among the progressives. >> the bay guardian was the champion of poor people of injustice. they were known to take on battles that no one else would fight. >> reporter: the guardian was also known for hard hitting in- depth investigative stories. >> it was on top of the good strong issues of the day. from fighting the war in
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vietnam to fighting the invasion of iraq. >> reporter: he was confidence it would survive. >> easy to kill a paper what's hard is to build it up. >> reporter: the former editor says several staff members are currently in discussions with the publisher about the possibilities of buying the guardian but for now tomorrow's edition will be the last. in san francisco, rob roth, ktvu channel 2 news. a new federal law was proposed today to -- new york senator charles schumer proposed the new law after germans put two white flags on top of the brooklyn bridge and one teen climbed the world one
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trade center. flames burned 4 acres on roy's redwoods preserve near wood acre. the fire started sometime before dawn but crews couldn't locate it until first light. firefighters also say human activity probably started it the exact cause is still under investigation but tonight that fire is about 90% contained. the san francisco 49ers brighten the day for some young patients at stanford lucille. players gave some of their time. the players wore their own capes and helped the children design their own. >> the players are wearing their capes, i think they're getting into it as well. >> reporter: capes for heros was founded by a danville woman who's son had autism insisted on always wearing a super hero cape. she started the charity back in 2008 after she saw how that cape really helped her son.
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since then the nonprofit has outfitted hundreds of ill children with their own special capes. what a day brightener. for the little ones and moms and dads there. >> that is just really, really nice. let's talk about our weather now. bring in our chief meteorologist bill martin because we have some things to talk about. >> we have some rain to talk about. you were talking about that fire near the wood acres. the weather help -- helps the fire not take off. it's basically fire retardant it's really hard for fire to burn through that bark. that's one of the reasons the fire was undetectable until the light. the forecast for the next couple of days not fire weather at all. this weather system moves in. boy don't i wish we were right in the heat of the rain. but we're not. a live picture shot right here. you can see looking north you can see the clouds moving in. this rain coming or showers coming. they're still to the north and the showers have been reported
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now in santa rosa and parts of petaluma along the coast i've had reports of drizzle and sprinkles. the live radar shows what it's been showing. we've had drizzle along davenport along the coast. these are light rain showers coming down. this is the kind of thing we have wind wipers intermittent. we will see a few sprinkles before that. it'll be wet for the morning commute. it'll windy out there as -- it's windy out there as well. gusting to 25 miles per hour in fairfield. sustained at 23, gusting to 20 at sfo. it's windy. no question about it. 24 out of the south at livermore that's the storm direction. so you see the southerly winds right you see the arrows coming from the south. that's a southerly wind. that's what you get. you know it's getting rain when the arrows start to clock around like that. which way were the arrows going? they were going this way. the forecast model here we are. 7:00a.m. tomorrow morning.
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some stuff right. widely scattered showers. this is always updating this model i was looking at it a little longer but there's showers out around vallejo. you get the idea for your early morning commute the roadways should be wet. very little accumulation but enough to make those roads real slick for tomorrow morning's commute. it's going to be slow. what happens is we get a few breaks. weather system number two rolls in. both of these systems are not well organized but this one friday looks like it's got a little more pop to it so we'll be tracking this one for you as well. maybe it'll develop. rainfall accumulations over the next 24 hours it's not very much. but .3 of an inch of rain. trace amounts in san jose it'll slow down the commute. the forecast highs tomorrow. certainly cooler than they have been because it's been cool, it's been hot the last few days. no more of these temperatures are low fire danger temperatures. in other words we're going to have a nice looking run of low fire danger here throughout the five day forecast. we'll track it for you tonight at 10:00. i'll bet you we have some green
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showing up in the bay area. so tune in for that and i'll see you back here. >> and looking good for game four tomorrow. >> ball games are sliding right in and around. ball games should be fine. >> thank you. a request from a major star that one couple was not expecting. >> i'm touching him on every. my hand around his arm. >> why brad pitt wanted this man's advice and why the couple is now headed to the red carpet. >> and more on what we're working on. it's a path for students who are not headed to a university right out of high school. school official tell me that 30% of the population graduating with a training degree then immediately heads out into the work force. >> the new way these students can now do both. also a father and grandfather swept out to sea. why his family says fishing was so important to him.
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these stories and more coming up. [phones rings]
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( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it. hundreds of court workers in san francisco have just wrapped up a one day walk out that shut down half of the city's courtrooms today. court clerks picketed outside three court locations they're asking for a raise. they also say that management
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isn't negotiating fairly. but court officials say workers received a 3% salary increase last summer along with a $3,500 bonus. they also say today's walk out was in violation of the union's no strike provision. court clerks plan to return to work tomorrow. we have an update on a story two investigates broke last december targeting small east bay businesses. tom vacar with the results after the county went to bat for those businesses. >> last december we warned that a man who calls himself mark smith through his company fbm brokers was going to the recorders office to find out which businesses had let their name expire. he would then write hundreds of alameda county busies such as guru furniture, and wines on piedmont and hundreds of other businesses with ultimatums we showed you last year. >> we got this on saturday
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november 30th. he says by december 4th, if we don't pay him $220, we have to pay him $225 by december 4th if we don't pay it goes up to $335. it goes up to $435. >> reporter: if the businesses don't comply. >> please take down your expired name or we will sell it to another business. >> they have no involvement in it at all. >> reporter: the district attorney sued smith and today faced a judge who forbid him from taking part in this act. >> he was ordered to pay $250,000 in civil penalties. >> reporter: today wallton feels justice was served. >> i was very outraged and fearful for what might happen then i was encouraged as more and more people got involved.
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when i realized it wasn't just me. i'm thrilled to learn this can't happen to anyone else. >> reporter: we tried to contact smith for his reaction but he did not return our calls. tom vacar, ktvu news. a world war ii veteran from minnesota will walk the red carpet in hollywood this wednesday with brad pitt. producers of the world war ii movie fury used walnich and other world war ii veterans as consultants. he also told them how temperatures were so cold he thought his frostbitten feet would need to be amputated. >> he asked what life was like on the tank. what we did for excitement. what we were eating. >> george and his wife mary will join brad pitt and the rest of the crew tomorrow for an advanced screening of the
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movie. it opens in theaters this weekend. now at 6:00 he went from swimming or surfing but this man was swept out to sea and killed. >> you know i couldn't say to him, don't go because it's the one thing he really loved to do. he was an avid fisherman. why his hobby was so special to him. a break in the case as police investigate this violent unprovoked attack on an 85-year- old woman who was just walking down the street. and a four year university isn't for everyone the new path one school is offering to help students get on a solid career path. storm clouds are gathering tonight and rain is heading our way. good evening i'm julie haener. >> and i'm frank somerville. the changing weather is our top story tonight with more rain in
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the forecast this week. >> and bill martin is in the weather center with the rain that is headed our way. >> i suspect we will have green on the radar showing up north of san francisco. it's going to impact the morning commute. it hasn 't rained in a while so these light showers are going to fall just up to .1 of an inch. that's not much right. but it's going to make the roads real slick around here. it's going to be wet for that morning commute. here's the current radar satellite imagine. and it's a nice looking weather system. it really is. i mean if this was, i don't want to say this but if this thing was three weeks later it would probably be delivering quite a punch. it has all the dynamics but those dynamics are staying north of our area. north of point arena here. that's where the real rain coming down. everything south .1, .25 of an inch. it helps the fire danger but it is not going to help the rain event for us but it will slow down the commute. i've had results of drizzle at the coast. results of drizzle in san francisco right along the coastline here on the great highway and up around stinson beach. what we're looking


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