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tv   Ten O Clock News  FOX  July 21, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT

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( david laughs ) hillary clinton is in the bay area tonight after making surprise appearances at two big social media companies. >> it is a fact of social media right now that too often people use it as a weapon. instead of an opportunity. >> good evening i'm julie haener. >> and i'm frank somerville. she's considered one of the most powerful women in the world. hillary clinton sampled the power of social media. she visited both facebook and twitter and answered questions
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from users one on one. and why some say these two appearances today are all part of a carefully crafted imagine. maureen naylor has the story. >> reporter: today marked former secretary clinton's stop and then she drove to twitter. a motorcade carrying hillary clinton left twitters san francisco headquarters. >> give secretary clinton a round of applause for her one year anniversary on twitter. >> reporter: clinton spent an hour taking questions from twitters users moderated by an executive who used to work for clinton. >> who will be your vp candidate? >> i am not ready to answer her question. because i'm not even ready yet to say that i'm going to do it or that i would get it done. so i'm going to take a pass on that. >> reporter: the appearance complete with a selfie with
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twitter's ceo was followed by a stop at facebook. one facebook user asked if you become president of the united states, what would be your first action item on the agenda. clinton wrote, answering hypothetically the next president should work to work the economy,increase upward mobility and decrease inequality. questions about monica luwinskey went unanswered. >> facebook and twitter are businesses. they do business with the federal government. they want to have good relationships with politicians. >> reporter: social media is now a required out let for any potential presidential candidate. he says today's events marked a way for the 66-year-old to craft an imagine. >> she has to show youth.
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going to twitter and facebook shows that she is hip. >> i don't think that's a very unique and just kind of what everyone has. i don't see anything too unique. >> although it's not really a unique way it's a way to engage with a lot of different kinds of people and a different i don't know population. >> reporter: meanwhile republican new jersey governor chris christie also considering to make a run made a stop at facebook. president obama is scheduled to arrive in the bay area tomorrow night for a quick fund raising visit. he then scheduled to attend a luncheon at a home in the los altos hills. house democratic leader nancy pelosi and anna esue is expected to attend. tickets range from 10,000 to $32,000. you may recall the president was in the bay area last month
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also for fundraisers. now to two new developments in the malaysia airline disaster. prorussian malitias turned over data recorders. the data recorders are now in the hands of malaysian officials. and the bodies from the wreckage are now being escorted back to amsterdam. >> reporter: it's been four days since a missell brought down flight 17 and finally the remains of a victim were put in a train here in torrez today. that's about 500-miles from the crash site. they were then taken to kiev where officials met them and they're now being put on a flight that will take them to amsterdam. the bodies recovered from sunflower and wheat fields in the ukraine. a 78-year-old man in tears says he found one man's body in his
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backyard. a child's body victim number 28 near his front yard. >> i've been through the war with the germans, famine , he says but this is worse. >> reporter: bodies who had layed exposed all weekends have been transported north. the beginning of their journey to amsterdam for dna testing. a massive memorial of flowers and messages in a condolence book shows the country's deep grief bearing the heaviest losses 193 killed. there's anger and international outrage too. with some leaders accusing russia and prorussian rebels. >> we have seen separatists carting items away from the site. >> reporter: stopping short of assigning blame. prorussian separatists handed the plane's two data recording
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devices to malaysian officials denying the attack. >> for our enemy, this crash is very beneficial. >> reporter: and that appears to be traveling back toward russia with at least one missell missing. they're also questioning whether russian servicemen may have been present. vladimir putin is denying any involvement. >> where does the investigation go from here. >> reporter: there's many different parts of the investigation. dutch experts were allowed to examine the crash site today but if any evidence was moved or removed entirely from the debris field it could severely compromise any efforts to try to get answers. concrete answers to what happened.
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>> a lot of work still to do. thank you jana. the man with a history of reckless driving is in trouble with the law again after being arrested on drunk driving charges following a crash that killed a passenger in his car. you may remember 23-year-old cory mcdunna from this video shows him racing between 100 and 120-miles-an-hour. this is from a plane in april. this also shows him doing wheellies. this time the chp says he was driving a corvette. it hit a light pole on 580 near park boulevard early last friday and rolled over. mcdunna and the passenger were both ejected and today that passenger died. we spoke with mcdunna after he pleaded guilty several months ago to reckless driving of his motorcycle. >> if you learned anything what do you think you learned? >> ride in the fog because
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planes don't see too well in the fog. >> reporter: mcdunna is due back in court. the name of the passenger in the corvette who died today hasn 't been released yet pending notification of family. there's new information in a wreck between a bus and fedex truck. students were headed to a tour of a university back in april. a fed ex truck crossed the median and hit the bus. seven victims died from smoke inhalation, two more died from multiple traumas and a third victim died in a burn unit in sacramento. b.a.r.t. began more strictly enforcing rules today that keeps people from lying down or sleeping in the trains. right now b.a.r.t.
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police are focusing their efforts where many homeless sleep in the corridors or platforms. officials say people lying there could affect a quick evacuation if there's an emergency. a packing company in the fresno area issueed the voluntary recall after tests found traces of listeria. hannah horowitz and her mother will soon be testing produce bought from trader joes. it's part of the recall involving fruit being contaminated with listeria company. after a test detected traces of the bacteria in their facility. the affected fruit was packaged
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and sent to retailers and wholesalers between june 1st and july 12th. brandon foster is concerned he may get sick after eating a peach with a sweet to eat sticker. >> i will definitely be keeping a close eye for those type of symptoms and making sure i don't come down with anything. >> reporter: listeria can be causing symptoms. >> it's scary that you can eat something from your local grocer and you can somehow die. >> when these things happen you just need to really take caution and hope that the word gets around. so that you know that that is happening. >> reporter: a spokesperson for the company says so far they have no reports of anyone getting sick but if you do get a piece of fruit on the recall list you're asked to get rid of
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it immediately. cristina rendon. on you can see a full list of fruits. a proposed soda tax in stpraápbgs -- san francisco is expected to be formally placed on the ballot tomorrow. the intent is to fight obesity and diabetes. supporters say it should generate up to $54 million that should be used to fund physical education and programs. at least 38 lawmakers have said they will plan to vote to put the initiative on the ballot. a new law could put bomb sniffing dogs out of business. this weather pattern is going to stick around. the possibility of rain showers when you wake up tomorrow.
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300 apartments without water for days. >> it's crazy. it's crazy. >> reporter: today the first glimmer of hope about when it may finally be fixed.
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hundreds of people at an east bay apartment complex are still without water. it's been four days since the water main break cut off their supply and we're learning it could take at least in the day to get it fixed. ken pritchett is live now outside the spring house apartments in pleasanton where
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residents there are fed up, ken. >> reporter: the residents are still without water tonight and it might not be until tomorrow night that the water is back on. a jug of water is not typically something scott carries three stories up to do the dishes. >> the dishwasher is full, the laundry is full. i don't think another day is appropriate. >> reporter: he lives in an apartment with 500 apartments all without water since a water main broke. others have to use portables. >> it's not an option, i didn't play $2,200 a month to use a port-a-potty. >> reporter: we saw one resident after another to get jugs of water. management is not talking but
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this letter was posed on the door. >> i have the greatest and best from the complex. >> reporter: this lady showed us hers. >> they're hoping for water registration troeugs by -- restoration by 8:00 tomorrow. >> reporter: she says she was given two jugs of water for everything. >> i put one in a bucket and splash around it like a bird. >> reporter: one reason this fix is taking so long is this is a high pressure pipe that requires cement to secure the pipe. in just the last 10 minutes we saw a cement truck drive on to the property. the pour will take place tonight. that will take a day to dry. that's why it's not expected to
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be repaired until tomorrow. san jose voters will not have the opportunity to overturn new rules on medical marijuana dispensaries this november. marijuana supporters came up 10,000 signatures short of the 30,000 required to put a measure on the ballot. as a result, new zoning regulations could force the majority of 80 marijuana dispensarys to close by july of next year. today attorneys for ryan chamberland asked a judge to move him from jail to a mental health facility. the san francisco man accused of having a bomb on russian hill. the judge says he expects to make a decision on the matter soon. but has concerns about putting chamberland in an unlocked facility. so tonight the 42-year-old former political consultant remains behind bars without bail. the only surviving suspect in a bank attempted robbery and
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shoot out was before the judge today. shackled to a bench holding 45 pages detailing the crimes against him 19-year-old jaime ramos made his first court appearance today. >> count one charges you with a felony, willful, deliberate or premeditated murder. >> reporter: ramos is one of three suspects police say robbed the bank of the west in stockton on july 15th taking three hostages and leading police on an hour long running gun battle through the streets of stockton. >> what exactly were they thinking when they were doing the things they were doing. >> reporter: the district attorney released this picture of the guns used including an ak47. hostage misty holt singh was killed in the shoot out. police say the suspects may have used her as a human shield. >> these suspects were involved in a highly adrenaline pumping situation. >> attempted murder on a peace officer, alleged occurred on the same date with the same
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sentencing enhancements. >> reporter: ramos faces 24 counts of attempted murder. >> attempted murder on a peace officer. >> reporter: 22 of them for each police officer involved. >> i wish this on nobody. on nobody. >> reporter: misty's family came to the courthouse today but her husband and young daughter who witnessed the kidnapping stayed away. the wounds still too fresh. >> they would like to see their pain go away. they have thought of nothing more. >> reporter: these charges include special circumstances that make ramos eligible for the death penalty. he's expected to enter a plea next month but there still could be a fourth suspect. someone dropped the three suspects off at the bank of the west and then just drove away. tonight stockton police are offering a $10,000 reward for information that leads to the arrest of that person.  in stockton, noelle walker, ktvu channel 2 news. and again as noelle mentioned stockton crime stoppers is offering a reward of up to $10,000 to help catch
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the driver who dropped off the three bank robbery suspects last week. police recovered the dark colored four door sedan about 2- miles from the bank last friday. but they still don't know who was behind the wheel and hope someone will come forward to provide answers. anyone with information is asked to call stockton police. mosquito fogging on the peninsula is set to begin in the next hour. the san mateo county mosquito and vector control district says it found mosquitoes with west nile virus in two areas last friday. the district now plans to spray insecticides in a half mile radius of where those mosquitoes were found includeing the area near san mateo high school. the other area they plan to spread tonight is lad era. the fogging should last for about six hours and wrap up around 5:00 tomorrow morning. tropical moisture still in the area. relative humidities out there are running 60 to 80%.
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relative humidity. that's a lot of moisture. especially if you're along the coast. inland valleys is real moist. that's because the subtropical moisture is lingering. fog has cleared from the coast this evening. we saw the sunset out at the cliff house in san francisco out at stinson beach. but fog will push back in. there'll be fog along the coast tomorrow morning. subtropical moisture is going to be in place. places like fairfield it's 66 degrees, antioch 66 degrees. and you have humidities going about 80%. so it's real sticky, real muggy in those inland bay valleys right now. even around the bay. the forecast for the winds are going to pick up a little bit as we head into the next couple of hours. and those winds are blowing out of the west. we're going to have a lot of cloud cover tomorrow morning when you get going. temperatures are going to look like these. mid-60s in the antioch. you're going to have fog and low clouds to start your day, just like today. and then as you head into your
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bay area morning hours here's the fog forecast as well as high clouds coming in. it's cloudy for everybody. tomorrow is a day a lot like today. of temperature wise and everything except at about 6:00 a.m., 7:00 a.m. there's a chance for a few light sprinkles. so when i come back, i'll move this model all the way through the next 24 hours and we'll go beyond that because we're going to be headed beyond the warming trend. ahead tonight the reason tesla idled an assembly line. then at 10:30. >> it's wrong on every level. it's wrong. >> she's waited more than a year on a medical claim. why veterans are sounding out tonight. first a man is arrested for impersonating a police officer. why authorities say he did it and what we've learned about his past.
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a man in san francisco is
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under arrest for committing sexual assault while impersonating a police officer. david stevenson tell us the suspect is accused of preying on immigrants and threatening them with retaliation or deportation. >> reporter: jeffrey bugay is being held facing felony charges including kidnapping with the intent to commit sexual assault. this security guard preyed on two central american men. >> saying he was a police officer. then taking them to his residence where he would commit sexual assault on the victims. >> reporter: the two cases date back to 2008. though police are asking other possible victims to come forward. investigators say bugay drove this crown victoria similar to those used by real police officers. >> there were some handcuffs that were involved. and he would threaten the victims that if they were to contact police there would be retaliation and or deportation. >> reporter: court documents obtained by ktvu from two
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michigan city show that bugay was arrested. a post on facebook said he worked for the san francisco special. police and immigrants rights workers worry crime victims will be discouraged from cooperating with police. >> people are fleeing from countries where they are already hesitant to report crime or to trust law enforcement because of corruption. >> reporter: prosecutors say bugay faces another separate allegation of impersonating a police officer dating from earlier this year. his bail is set at $2.1 million. the public defenders office is representing him and told us they are still investigating the allegations. in san francisco, david stevenson, channel 2 news. the dow industrials lost 48
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points nasdaq dropped seven. corporate earners were mixed. nasdaq had big earnings. the los gatos netflix said their orders have more than doubled. the electric car maker is gearing up to increase production capacity for its model x and model x cross over suv. the new production line will cost about $100 million. workers are being allowed to take paid time off or take part in paid training. operations at tesla are expected to be back to normal on march fourth. a specially designed wheelchair is stolen. the toll it's taken on the woman who needs it. new technology that could revolutionize security at airports. find out how it will work.
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evewith the highest levelde of engineering... design... safety... and performance. our latest creation is no different. with one exception...
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introducing the mercedes-benz b-class. it's electric! it's electric! the first electric vehicle from mercedes-benz.
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new video tonight from hayward where a home has been evacuated. around 12:30 this afternoon there was a fire at gateway care and rehabilitation center on the 2300 block of patrick avenue. the power was cut to the facility so the residents couldn't stay there. the web care patient says it has beds for their care. and now with how lasers could one day make detecting bombs in public places much easier, amber. >> reporter: julie, most air travelers are familiar with the
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bombs detention technology that's used to screen baggage and passengers. but a team of researchers are working on the laser sensor that could revolutionize security at airports and other public places. the laser sensor is so small passengers wouldn't see it. researchers would say it would work as a smoke detector but for its size, it's .01 of the size of a hair. >> traveling at this time in in the era that we live in, one has to have it in the back of their mind. >> can we have a technology like this to detect those tiny traces. >> and you think you have it.
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>> right. >> reporter: the green block was designed by zhang to show us how it works. zhang says the sensors are more efficient than bomb sniffing dogs. >> the dogs are great but they're very expensive to train. >> reporter: as small as one part per billion. that's an equivalent of a blade of grass on a football field. >> there can be millions of them and be dispersed into airports and other places. >> reporter: that's a concern these days. >> i'm concerned about it but i try not to think about it. >> reporter: it'll be three to five years before the laser sensors will be available for use at airports and other public places. live at sfo, amber lee, ktvu
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channel 2 news. in the middle east the death toll continues to grow bringing the total to 560. 25 israeli soldiers and two israeli civilians have also been killed. secretary of state john kerry is in cairo meeting with the u.n. secretary general to try to forge a seize fire between israel and hamas. he said larger issues though such as the right of return for pelestinians and the faith of jerusa he recollects -- jerusalem need to be resolved. >> we're not really getting to those issues at some point. >> reporter: but the conflict between hamas and israel may be harder to solve because both want to eliminate the other. this is their third battle in six years. hamas has controlled gaza since
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2007. governor jerry brown signed into law the law to change the maximum penalty for misdemeanors to one just day to 364 days to conform with federal law. a sentence of 365 days means many criminals can be deported for crimes such as writing bad checks. and in texas republican governor rick perry is deploying up to 1,000 national troops to the border with mexico. texas has seen thousands of immigrants who have streamed into the state. but the governor says the numbers have slowed recently. border patrol found about 500 children last week. that's compared to thousands a week. new at 10:00, ktvu --
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ktv's debora villalon is live. >> reporter: a town hall meeting on what's wrong with the veterans administration. no one expects a quick fix but at least people feel they're being heard. waiting 421 days on a medical claim. >> i have a mortgage payment to make. i have a right to live. it's wrong on every level. it's wrong. >> reporter: an agency inclined to say no whenever possible. >> i'm kind of feel that when we put in the paper work, you didn't do that. >> reporter: complaint after complaint about the v.a. fumbling and delays took two hours tonight.
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and congressman compton himself a veteran says that the changes will take time. more medical and clerical staff are needed. and it's frustrating too. >> it makes you mad but you just have to keep working on it. it's not an new issue. i had the card that couldn't buy me health care back when i got out of the service. >> reporter: the fraud and cover ups that have wracked va hospitals and long waits still persist. there are many many things that must be done. >> know this, we will not rest until it gets fixed. >> reporter: peninsula congresswoman jackie spier heard in her constituents too. >> we will work on it. we will fix it okay. >> reporter: v.a.
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employees who report wrong doing are being retaliated against even as they're being encouraged to come forward. workers don't know what to believe. >> i think there's employees that are unhappy about the way things are and want change. it's just really tough. >> reporter: one of the whistle blowers name today is a pharmacy supervisor at the v.a. hospital in palo alto. he sent e-mails to his superiors describing mistakes and delays in patient medications. and he got suspended for his efforts. reporting live in american canyon, debora villalon, ktvu channel 2 news. with the stroke of his pen, president obama extended job protection for gay and transgender people. the president signed two executive orders which banned discrimination for lgbt people who work at companies that have federal contracts. he says it's unacceptable that people can still be fired in the u.s. for simply being gay. the order covers about 24,000
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companies. someone stole the specially designed wheelchair that she relies on to get around. >> that breaks my heart. >> reporter: the financial and emotional toll that this is taking on her. >> this heat pattern is going to stick around. details on a chance for light showers when you wake up tomorrow. a 10-year-old girl shot during a birthday party in the park. >> i started screaming and crying because it was hurting. >> reporter: what we're learning about how it happened.
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a 10-year-old in vallejo was hit by a stray bullet at a birth day party on saturday. police say there was a gunfight between two groups of people along one side of the park at 12th and filbert at about 5:00
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p.m. a stray bullet hit a girl as she was helping pass out birth day brents on the other side of the park. her family asked us not to show her face. >> bullets went past me. then bullets went into my and i saw blood. i saw i was shot an i started screaming and shouting because it was hurting. >> reporter: there were five or six people involved in the shooting and at this point there be -- there have been no arrests. and the attorney of joseph martin said today that the allegations against the teacher accused of molesting students is -- today she testified that
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she could not see the students face but felt it was inappropriate. quote the hands on, touching shoulders, sometimes it's all the time with him and certain students. it's an uneasy feeling. also today two students and two parents testified on martin's behalf. they said they never saw anything inappropriate. some college students under the age of 21 will now be allowed to legally taste wine with the emphasis here on taste. a new law deals with those students who are taking wine making or beer making classes. it's being called the sip and spit bill. so students not just those over 21 can taste the fruits of their labor: the law goes into effect next year. another law signed by the governor is designed to limit the chances of middle and high school players getting concussions. the measure limits full on tackling during the season and bars those kind of practices
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completely during the offseason. the goal is to minimize brain injuries. the law also requires a medical professional to approve a student's return to the field after a head injury. 19 other states have similar laws. california's new law goes into effect in january. a north bay nonprofit is using the gay mobile dating apps grinder and growler to carry out its mission. the marin aids project says it decided to two online to do outreach because there's a lack of gay bars in the north bay. the charity admits it's posting fake photos and profiles to start conversations about aids prevention and the importance of getting tested. the website says it may be misleading but people don't seem to mind once they figure out what it's about. the marin county aids project says it came up with the idea of using grinder and growler from another nonprofit in san
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mateo. levi stadium is not even open but already there's been an arrest. bill martin's complete forecast and when 90-degree weather will return to the bay area. and a woman with cerebral palsy is facing a new challenge. the inconsiderate act that has left her heartbroken.
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evewith the highest levelde of engineering... design... safety... and performance. our latest creation is no different. with one exception... introducing the mercedes-benz b-class. it's electric! it's electric! the first electric vehicle from mercedes-benz. (vo) ours is a world of the red-eyes. (daughter) i'm really tired. (vo) the transfers. well, that's kid number three. (vo) the co-pilots. all sitting... ...trusting...
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...waiting... ...for a safe arrival. introducing the all-new subaru legacy. designed to help the driver in you... for the passenger in them. the subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. it's a subaru. new at 10:00, a woman with cerebral palsy tells us she doesn't know what she's going to do after her wheelchair has been stolen. >> she tells us she could be able to go everywhere she wants but now she has to rely on others. healther holmes has her story. >> reporter: the wait is very long for a new wheelchair. so now she's having to rent hundreds to rent one. but it's not the same.
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it's not fitted for her special needs. tonight she tells us she is heartbroken that someone would steal a wheelchair she's had for years from outside a house here on sunset. she may not move fast. but maggie fraizer is always on the move. >> i go to the grocery store and i go shopping. i can get on the bus and i go to the movies sometimes. >> reporter: the 62-year-old doesn't let her cerebral palsy keep her down or in the house but these days the proudly independent woman has been dependent on para transfer services for the disabled. >> i feel, i feel sad with the wheelchair gone. >> reporter: after her specially designed wheelchair was stolen. >> and so that breaks my heart. i said oh my god. >> reporter: fraizer was visiting her boyfriend in the sunset on july 4th. a car had blocked the entrance so he left her wheelchair outside next to the house.
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>> i said what. what did you say. >> reporter: a few hours later within she went to leave the chair was -- later when she went to leave the chair was gone. >> i was just kind of nervous. he was crying. i was crying, both of us crying. crying each other. >> reporter: she filed a police report. >> it was black and blue. >> reporter: but the wheelchair has yet to turn out. not guilty wanting to be home bound she's spend -- not wanting to be home bound, she's spending thousands on a rental. which is not good for her income. a costly inconvenience from a theft she would rather forget. >> i keep thinking about it happening. >> reporter: she doesn't want anybody to mention about it. for years maggie has been working with the arts of san francisco. it's hoping to spread the word about the theft in an effort to try to get a replacement. reporting live tonight here in
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san francisco, i'm heather holmes, ktvu news. a warning tonight for people to stay away from a watershed area in napa county. the napa county sheriff's department says it will issue misdemeanor citations. neighbors have complained of trespassing setting fires and graffiti. water users already pay a base rate of $3.37 per unit of water. but a surcharge of up to $2 per unit can be tacked to be the bills of single family households that exceed water use levels. those who don't go over won't see a difference. a flat surcharge of 46-cents will be added for apartments, business schools and government agencies. the district approved the surcharge to help offset a drought related budget shortfall. and the fog along the coast
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is trying to work its way back in. it cleared up this evening for a time. but it'll be back. it's patchy right now but it'll be back in full force tomorrow morning. 82 in fairfield that was the high. 82 in antioch. doesn't seem that warm really for this time of year but just remember these humidities in these inland bay valleys are 40 and 50%. now the humidity the moisture in the air is 80%. there's a will the of subtropical moisture makes it kind of sticky and kind of hard to get comfortable. even in the evening hours especially inland. here's the fog not -- here's where the fog is not but will be. within the next few hours we will see the fog push into the inland bay valley. tomorrow morning you have a lot of fog to contend with. look at how warm it is inland. with temperatures in the 50s and mid-60s. temperatures are going to be in the mid-60s in the warm spots.
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here we are tomorrow morning when there's a slight chance of a sprinkle. these higher clouds are coming in from the south. those clouds are coming in and bringing that moist humid air. which will be around throughout the day tomorrow but then start to clear out. the forecast highs tomorrow will see lots of 70s. not much different than today. the day starts to turn around as we head into the bay area on thursday and saturday. high pressure starts to build in further. tomorrow a lot like today. no big changes. and as we move into the forecast model you can see the fog. here's the fog footprint tomorrow morning. watch it go through. right so it's all coming from the south. 6:00 to 8:00 a.m. then it clears off t. moisture starts to leave. the humidity backs down a little bit. then high pressure starting to build in and we start to warm up. that's toward the end of the week. so you'll see that in the five
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day forecast. these are the forecast highs for tomorrow. 80 in livermore. santa clara valley 80 in los gatos. fog along the coast i think it stays there all day tomorrow. in the five day forecast with the bay area weekend in view here's the tuesday. any chance but don't change your plans based on that. just know that the humidity is out of here as we head in thursday and friday. that's when we start to warm up into the low 90s and even upper 90s. >> humidity out. heat in. >> fire danger up. >> thanks, bill. we're learning about the first arrest at the new home of the san francisco 49ers. police in santa clara were called to levi stadium about 6:45 in the morning last monday. they found erik johnson of watsonville. officers say they're not sure what her was doing at the stadium but they ended up arresting him after learning he had a warrant for resisting arrest and vandalism. mark is here now. the giants starting things off right in philadelphia. >> first of a four game series you know what we've had little
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glimpses of magic this season for the giants not so much last night. cado gets the win. and it is the first of a four game series. third inning guys like these have to come through. buster posey one of 16 hits for san francisco making count for two in a 3-2 lead on buster's single. and brandon belt on a concussion dl his replacement yeah adam duval just up from fresno the crush el centro 5-4. hunter pence one guy who just continues to come through. game after game, three for five tonight in fact, he was robbed twice. it could have been 5-5 that's an rbi triple. joe cantos his replacement two innings no runs and a win.
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dan uggla 35-year-old released by the a's signed on to a minor league deal. he's on his way to fresno. hitting only .162. a couple of homers this year. giants hoping a change of scene will somehow resurrect his career. no breathing room, the dodgers do in the pirates a.j. ellis l.a getting hit by the pitcher of late. aj ellis is all right and matt kemp for the dodgers down the left field line. and justin turner the shot off josh harelson, five to l.a. and that victory keeps the dodgers in a virtual tie for third with san francisco. sometimes you don't even have to play to have a good day in baseball. show you why the a's did have a very productive evening. thanks to the team that just
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spent the last weekend in oakland. sports part ii next.
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the a's get a little something by going nothing. pick up a hard game on the charge of the astros. send your thank you cards to
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adam jones not mike trout. he could not slug this guy. adam jones deep for the orioles early in the game. two run shot to get them out to the lead. orioles and angels tied later. same thing later, ditto. angels now two back of the athletics. he's only a fourth grader right now but give him a few years he could be a monster. after all he's got some pretty good genes talks about lebron james jr. getting some advice from pops the alu is national championship. he says go to the hard. wheel and the rim hard. he's fouled it counts. to say the least lebron james is a proud dad. give him a few years. all kinds of colleges will be recruiting him. jr. >> fourth grade. >> loved that look on his face. okay dad i'll go do that. whatever you say. >> thank you for joining us tonight. >> our coverage continues on if you missed any part of this newscast you can catch
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the rebroadcast right now over on tv 36. the morning news starts at 4:30 tomorrow. have a good night everyone. >> good night. ow you're tired,
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but just think how good you're gonna feel tomorrow when you wake up and we have all-new shelf paper. i wish i didn't get what you were talking about, but i do. i just do. (cell phone rings) hey, who could be calling at this hour? (ring) oh. it's sal. mnh-mnh. (beep) no. not answering that. whatever earth-shattering drama she's going through can wait. (pounds on door) until she gets here. (pounding) oh, god. i hope we have vodka. we don't, mitchell. (pounding continues) sal was our best girlfriend from back in our party days, but over the years, we've kind of gone in different directions. we chose forward. uh, something's wrong with that door. okay, whatever. i have the most amazing news, and i'm super excited, but i won't be if you don't want me to be. ready? i'm getting married! oh, my gosh! congratulations! oh, wow! (high-pitched voice) i know! who's the guy? oh, the love of my life. oh, so you finally bagged your boss?


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