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tv   KTVU Channel Two News at 430am  FOX  July 17, 2014 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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and it is tough to get back to the 50s and it is running cooler in the north bay. winds are gusting at 32 across the board for many, sea breeze is in place and temperatures are cooler and breezy. >> morning fog, drizzle and we will have a couple of lingering clouds, a couple of 60s and 70s coast and bay. here is sal. good morning we are looking at a commute where we are off to a decent start and yesterday we had a rough one and it looks good as you drive from the carquinez to the mcarthur maze and i don't see any collisions on this way and traffic continues to look very nice. bay bridge toll plaza does move along nicely, it is about an 8 minute drive across the span into san francisco.
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there is some roadwork on highway 101 and getting into the south bay and also on highway 101 and 17 and however it is not causing any traffic. let's go back to the desk. we have new information and dramatic pictures and video of a deadly bank robbery in stockton which left parts of the area looking like a war zone. >> unbelievable to hear that. now when the entire ordeal ended, two robbers were killed along with one off the on it. this -- hostage. this began yesterday. they carried high powered assault arriveels with -- rifles with ammunition striped -- strapped to their bodies. one hostage was later killed. her daughter was in the car at the time of the robbery and she
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even texted her dad to say her mom had been taken hostage. they stole a bank employees suv and then took three female hostages. they chased them on to city streets and highways, they went from stockton to load eye and back to stockton. they were ending changing gunfire with police. >> the gunfire was so reckless that multiple residents and -- residence and vehicles were struck on the city streets and highways. >> reporter: they threw out two hostages from the suv. one was shot, the other was grazed by a bullet and both victims are expected to survive. they eventually got them to stop and when officers moved in, they are noun one suspect dead and two others alive at the hospital. the hostage, misty holt sing was also dead. police could have stopped the
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situation much sooner. >> they had the at the same time to lay down tire tracks, coming back to stockton before we got on the freeway. they wanted to hold off to a s.w.a.t. . if they held off i would not have a dead cousin. >> they used the hostages as shields and now they want to know who actually shot and killed her. they released this picture of one of the weapons the robber used as an attack. they used it as an assault rifle. now stay tuned for more extensive coverage and we have this suv ridelled with bullet holes and you can get more on twitter and later on in this newscast you will have a live report -- a live report. and a man was arrested for posing as a security screen and
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giving a woman a pat down. live from the airport with reaction from passengers, alex? >> reporter: pam, good morning to you and this arrest has some passengers shaking their heads. the tsa is trying to figure out how this man was able to pull this off. it happened inside the national terminal at fso later this week and 53-year-old managed to pass him off as a security screener. he had blue leather gloves and he directed a woman into a private security room and that's where he gave that passenger a pat down. the man tried to do the same thing with a second passenger but that's when a real security officer caught on and notified airport police. the man was then taken into
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custody. the victims in this -- victims in this case are foreign travelers and a language barrier may have added to the confusion. >> if i was in another country i would have done the same thing. >> reporter: police were not able to talk with the women because they boarded their flight immediately after this happened and because they have not tracked down those victims, he is only facing charges of being drunk in public and for a suspicious occurrence but it is likely or possible he could face more serious charges as this case moves forward. the tsa is now piecing everything together. alex savage ktvu channel 2 morning news. alcohol may have played a role in a flight from london to los angeles. the 20-year-old threatened to kill flight attendants and blow up a plane on monday.
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they had a lot to drink and grew increasingly agitated. they threatened to set off a bomb and he could face up to 20 years in prison. time is 4:35 tech executive is being sued for harassment. she said her female boscoersed her into -- coerced her into having sex and they had the lead on projects and eventually fired her when she refused to give her that activity. she is identified as maria sang from engineering. >> i told her, look, we are friends and you are my manager. we should not be doing this. >> yahoo in the meantime said she is an exemplary employees anziani is filing a did he have familiar makes lawsuit and see that made up the whole story to
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try to get money. a young mom is accused of stabbing to death her 7 month old baby. they found ashley newton wandering in april. she was dressed in blood and dutching the body -- clutching the body of her seven months old son. they are investigating four suspicious fires at a vacant middle school. it has damaged an old classroom and main assembly area. that was tuesday night. investigators believe they were all intentionally set. the school buildings are mostly boarded undue to budget cuts that prevented mandate earthquake safety upgrades. at. >> we are following new vest s in the east -- developments in
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the east, right now there is a cease-fire between israelis and palestinians. the cease-fire was requested so that food and surgical supplies could be flown in and israelis said militants have fired rockets and mortars since the cease-fire. since the cease-fire, two palestinians and one israeli has been killed. a palestinians teenager is back home in florida. he was greeted by family and friends at the tamper airport. he was attacked while protesting the killing of his 16-year-old cousin. >> no child palestinians or israeli deserves to die that way. i am so glad to be back home again. thank you. >> the teen's beating by
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israeli police was all caught on video. they suspended one of the police officers seen on the video and have opened an investigation into the incident. time now 4:38 the stage is set for another heated battle with the oakland a's. another move which has the team playing hardball. >> when we spoke she said she would never consider hurting herself again. there were high emotions after the break the speech that moved the audience to tears plus the night's big winners. >> and we are looking at a commute where traffic is still doing welcoming to the willow pass grade and we will tell you more about the east bay. well the pattern is inc. charging to a cooler one and we will tell you about the forecast and what is interesting about how temperatures are coming.
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. inmates never know if or when they might being executed and it amounts to cruel and unusual punishment, there are strong reactions from both sides. >> it is barbaric, we are one of the few countries that still decides to kill citizens for the last remaining democracy that does it. >> the people in the united states are in favor of the death penalty, there are certain crimes, the 2% worst murderers rise to the level of that kind of a punishment. >> there has been a moratorium
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on exclusions in california because of the problem with the state's lethal injection procedures. there is now more information on whether they will appeal the latest ruling. right now they house 748 inmates the most of any state. since california reinstated the death penalty 13 people have been executed. the most reason was in 2006 when clarence was put to death for killing three people. at. >> more than an hour from now, the disappearance of internal revenue service e-mails and it comes as they are expanding their investigation into the scandal as well. the missing e-mails are thought to contain correspondence that contain information that internal revenue service targeted conservative groups in the leading up to the election.
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and twitter employees are using tweets to demand it. reverend jokes i jackson says twitter users are the most diverse of any network but diversity is not reflected and color of change has already managed to get google facebook linked in showing they are mostly white and asian men. and seahawks, the award shows the best athletes and moments in sports. they won best break through and after taking home the franchise's first super bowl title, they came in through best nba player in both of those categories. michael psalm, the first one -- michael sam received the first arthur award.
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>> to anybody out there, especially young people, those feeling like they don't fit in and will never be accepted, please know this, great things can happen when you have the courage to be yourself, thank you and god bless. and one of the best moments in sports went to the u.s. soccer team for defeating ghana 2-1 in the 2014 world cup. >> lots of great momentels in sports this year. let's go to sal, keeping an eye on traffic, sal, looking good so far? >> yes, we are looking good where traffic is off to a nice start and we are looking at the drive teams for exams pell. traffic continues to look good throughout and also on
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interstate 880, we have not had any roadwork delays and southbound is all the way down to fremont. northbound 101 if you are driving through mountain view and palo alto, there is a lot of roadwork let's go back to steve. >> definitely moving out, the pattern is changing we have that south wind and higher elevations, most of those are just scattered to the north and there is a pretty good fog bank and temperatures are in the 60s. walnut creek those are around.
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32 gusts at travis, a westerly breeze across the board and there is always a few little outliers. southwest in san jose, fso is calm and there is a lot of drizzle coast and bay. big thunderstorms in technical as and oklahoma and that will be the weather story for them and everybody else, 61 in atlanta and warmer and big thunderstorms popped up and today things should be a little better right on the crest of the spine of the sierra and it will be cooler and breezy morning fog drizzle mostly sunny after a few high clouds to the north and if you don't have those not that far from
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the beige and since monday when we were really hot, we will settle down and have the coolest day, back to you. and coming bypass natural disasterrers. 38 people have died from a typhoon in the philippines. they detried, hundreds of thousands are of people, they are still struggle tolling recover the from last y-and they filed a lawsuit after he locked the gate to the only path to the beach.
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he said it is private property but they say the state allows public access to the coast. a decision is expected from the judge before the end of october. and unveiling a new park and cultural area. they include a 72,000 square foot park and we serve for or dirt dick events as well. and agnes mcgee is preparing to throw out the first pitch sunday. >> after this, i tried to learn the names of some of the players incase somebody asked me that.
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>> studying, she is also playing and her husband loved baseball and it was his dream to throw out a first pitch. she never went to the padres because quote, they never winnie games. you know what, agnes, i know exactly what she is talking about. 43 -- 451... >> you need the support. >> a homeless man is now inspiring others. at. >> and the state's newly approved finds, the technique one district is using to keep tabs on water waisters.
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. the high tech system has led to 86 water customers in the past two months and in the meantime firefighters in menlo park are doing their part to save water during this drought. they have replaced the grass outside with artificial grass and there will soon be artificial grass outside other fire stations in menlo park. hot temperatures and strong winds are fueling several fast moving fires across the straight threatening dozens of homes and mandatory evacuations are underway. the smoke is even visible miles away from the fire lines. and tied to the record- breaking droughts, the national park service has now banned
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campfires below 6,000 feet. last summer, it spread into yosemite and burned an estimated 120 square miles. they are willing to help care for the central american children being held caught across the border. they issued a statement saying they are ready for compassion and they are waiting for a court date to determine if they can stay in the united states but with more than 50,000 undocumented children passing the board, detention centers in texas have been overwhelmed. on a the president said russian leaders must see their actions supporting the border
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across the ukraine hit major banks along with energy and defense companies. >> we are are expecting its actions in there inn creases diplomatic isolation. >> it will hurt not only russian but american businesses. coming up in our 5:00 hour, friends and family still mourning the death of a hostage after a high-speed chase and police shootout. >> she sought to text her husband saying for the father to come down from antioch. >> the police tactic, a family member said he wishes officers employed during the chaotic situation. police officer is accused
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over a romantic relation ship. >> it looks like they are changing the color configurations soon and we will tell you more about the morning commute soon. and getting back to a typical july pattern, high clouds are changing and patterns are changing we will show you how that impacts us.
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. we are live in santa clara at the home of the 49ers, the new levi stadium which officially opens today, we will show you what it looks like inside and everything it features. . this is ktvu channel 2 morning news.
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good morning, we are live in stockton this morning and you can see, it is still quite an extensive scene and this is after yesterday's violent shootout which followed add bank robbery and a chase, hostages involved and katie is out there on the scene and in stockton and she has new information on the woman who was taken hostage and killed and the reason her family is very upset with police. we will check in with katie and this is july 17th, we are talking about your weather and traffic, steve, how does it look? >> cooler. >> we have a lot of low clouds, a favoring noter bay than parts of the south bay, that is for sure and it is on most locations and temperatures are coming down, that west breeze came down and clearing out and still, you can't get


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