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tv   Mornings on 2  FOX  July 15, 2014 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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a much smoother commute for drivers here in marin county this moving as sir francis drake boulevard reopens to traffic very early this morning following a tanker truck crash that happened yesterday morning. why it took so long to clear the roads. san mateo police searching for a man who videotaped a woman inside a store but that's just part of this disturbing story. >> reporter: we'll tell you why one city is worried that new water restrictions could put some -- could create concerns about hygiene. plus -- an important warning for bay area homeowners, a possible loophole in home security systems. "mornings on 2" begins right now.
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7:00. good morning. we're live in san rafael, where traffic is movingfully freely on sir francis drake boulevard including bicycles. this after a tanker crashed and that forced the closure of this busy thoroughfare for almost 20 hours. alex savidge has been on the scene all morning and we'll hear from him in just moments. welcome to "mornings on 2." i'm tori campbell. >> good morning. >> i'm dave clark. let's talk about weather and traffic. the weather is interesting, steve. >> this is heading towards fremont. we've had some very light showers. drizzle. reports around san jose, not much, even up into marin county. the heaviest has been south of monterey and continuing to just flow right out in the pacific
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and the possibility of a few thunderstorms. there's a lot of tropical moisture over us. somewhat drier air to the valley. but the moisture source continues to stream up to the sowv nevada. even if we get some sun, temperatures in the 50s. 60s. definite sea breeze in place. concord, 14. tropical moisture and low clouds combination of the two give us a lot of clouds with some breaks. but those breaks won't last too lock. a few showers, breezy at times. still muggy inland but not nearly as bad as yesterday. 80s to a few 90s. here's sal. >> all right, steve. we're looking at a commute that's somewhat busy and steve just mentioned the weather, a little foggy, perhaps a little bit of wet roads out there as we can see on 80 westbound right here, it tends to be okay at ashby. but it's a 5-minute drive between the car keen -- 25-
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minute drive between the car keen knees bridge. when you get to the bay bridge toll plaza, 25, 30-minute drive time into san francisco unless you are using the carpool lane. there are no major problems. the traffic in contra costa is a little bit slow on 680 south as you drive down to 24. no major problems on 680 after alamo. it will be slow on 580 westbound through livermore. let's go back to the desk. actually, i'm gonna toss it to alex. the long delays in marin county we've been talking about for the last few days are over near san quentin prison. that road is opened after it closed for nearly 20 hours because of that overturned truck that we covered. sir francis drake is open but alex says the cleanup still continues in this area. alex? >> reporter: yeah, i guess they
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are gonna do a bit more cleanup work on the side of the road. both areas are open after that overturned tanker crash happened that yesterday morning. this is a key connector between the richmond/san rafael bridge and the highway. that overturned fuel truck caused quite a bit of damage to the roadway itself. the spilled gasoline ate away at the asphalt and that meant a long process. this was the scene yesterday. hazardous materials teams had to be called in. that fuel was contained by dams and eventually removed using pumps and crews were able to keep it from leaking into the bay. after that, contractors had to come in and repave the roadway to make it safe to drive on.
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this started at 7:00 yesterday when the truck overturned. sir francis drake was shut down between larkspur landing and 580. the damage to the road was extensive. the chp says the company that owns that big rig will have to pick up the tag for the cleanup and repair work. >> any time there is a hazmat incident, it's their responsibility. they know that. they have their insurance in place and their companies in place. i don't think it's a surprise to them. it's the cost of doing business. >> the driver of the truck was not hurt in yesterday morning's crash. there were no other cars involved in the accident. it was an extremely long road closure and that led to gridlock. people forced to get between the richmond/san rafael bridge and the highway 101. all of that repair work was finished quickly. the chp reopened sir francis brake boulevard at 2:30 a.m.
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cars moving fairly smoothing. but a huge relief for commuters to have this back open. alex savidge, ktvu channel 2 news. happening today -- a state agency is set to vote on some tough new water restrictions. cif tan kafton -- christian calfton -- christien kafton is live with more. >> reporter: we're at ferry park. this is near clay and drum. they just finished watering the lawns here. the governor has been calling for a 20% reduction in water usage. so far the actual reduction is closer to about 5%. now the state water resources control board is scheduled to decide whether to put in new restrictions and possibly fines up to $500 for serious water
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wasters. that includes people who overwater their lawns or wash their cars and leave the hose running. some say the fines are too steep but others say the new restrictions make sense. >> it totally makes sense. we do have to reduce. water is a finite resource. it has to be done. i don't disagree with the decision. >> it seems a little unfair. you know, people like -- i have a lot of people living at my house with me. there's nothing i can do to reduce. >> reporter: now, we had said that san francisco's one of the cities that's closely watching this decision. part of the concern here in san francisco is how it could affect sidewalk cleaning, people living and working in the downtown financial districts say the power cleaning is necessary to keep the streets reasonably hygenic
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because of human waste. the city has reduced the water usage and says it's restricting the use of areas that really need it. if the board decides to implement the new tighter standards, they could take effect august 1st. if approved, local police or anyone else they designate could start to write tickets. christien kafton, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you. san francisco is unveiling three mobile bathrooms in the tenderloin to address complaints about people relieving themselves on city streets and sidewalks. the mobile bathrooms will be going up on ellis and hide streets and on golden gate avenue. each mobile bathroom will only be available during certain hours. officials say the presence of an attendant should help concerns about rampant drug
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dealing. 7:08. uc berkeley police investigating two robberies that happened over the weekend. the first around 11:30 friday night on the campus pathway on the north side of cesar chav slez center -- chavez center. a 24-year-old man was attacked by four men who punched him and stole his cell phone. around 11:30 saturday night, another man was robbed at sproul plaza by three men who punched him and stole his bike. there is a new warning for homeowners about a possible loophole in home security systems. it was exposed over the weekend by a peculiarry in sauce -- burglary in sausalito. pam cook will tell us coming up how the alarm was disabled even before the thief got into the house. happening today -- fees may be going up for private shuttles that use muni bus stops in san francisco. the mta ed meets today and may -- mta meets today and may vote
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to it raise prices to $3.50 in the 2015 fiscal year. protesters are expected today. they say the private shuttles have contributed to a rise in evictions and higher rents that have forced long-time residents to leave many neighborhoods. muni workers have ratified a new contract. union leaders say 634 workers approved the new deal during yesterday's vote. 485 voted against it. muni operators will now get a 14% raise over three years. enough to cover the workers' higher pension centtions. this settles the -- contributions. this settles the dispute that led to the sickout. both sides credit mayor willie brown for helping them come together to reach the deal. san francisco tried and failed. now berkeley is hoping to become the first city in the nation to require health warnings on cell phones.
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this proposal would require retail stores to put stickers on packaging warning people that cell phones may give off cancer causing radiation. two years ago, a federal struck down a similar ordinance in san francisco. ruling that the warning stickers violated the cell phonemakers' right to free speech. in just about an hour and a half from right now, president obama is expected to push congress to provide funding for federal highway and transportation programs. the house is due to vote today on the federal highway trust fund. many bay area transportation projects depend on that funding. that includes the golden gate bridge suicide barrier, the highway 4 widening project in antioch and also improve prompts to the b.a.r.t -- improvements to the b.a.r.t. system. >> thousands of projects across
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the country, hundreds of thousands of jobs will be in jeopardy if we don't do this. >> now, money for the highway trust fund comes primarily from federal gasoline taxes. but the government says those taxes haven't kept pace with the nation's transportation needs. the bay area counts on about $300 million every year from the federal hmp trust fund -- hump trust trust -- the federal highway trust fund. coming up, why some are not sold on the parking at levi stadium. boy, some shoppers jump into action to get screaming children out of a hot car. what the mother said when she came back to this parking lot. good morning. we're still looking at the south bay. traffic is busy as you get up to the 17 interchange. we'll tell you more about the commute and also a big commute for the bay bridge.
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a lot of tropical clouds over us. the combination giving us a mostly cloudy morning and showers. we'll see if any more make it here on a cooler forecast.
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7:15. a violent struggle to keep a man from carjacking a minivan with a little girl inside was caught on tape in san diego. we do need to warn you. some viewers might find this footage disturbing. as you just heard, a girl cry from the back seat as her mother and good samaritans prevented the man from driving off in the minivan. a man in a nearby restaurant heard the commotion and ran out to record what was going on. >> i seen a guy in the back seat choking up the driver and there were a couple of other people at the window that were grabbing the keys from him. >> the mother and the group of
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good samaritans got the man out of the minivan and called police. officers arrested the man. the mother and daughter were taken up but not heard. a customer and two work exers at a san leandro -- workers at a san leandro restrauent are being -- restaurant are being called hero. a man carrying a 12-inch knife started to walk around the reason. he was angry because he thought someone stole his cell phone. well, the workers started to wrestle with the man. >> eventually i was twisting his rift until i felt a pop and i was able to dislodge the knife from his hand. >> other workers tied a belt around the man's feet and put handcuffs on his wrist until the police arrived. that man is in san raw da re-- santa rita jail. some people smashed in car
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windows to get to kids trapped in a car in 90-degree temperatures. >> it happened monday in katy, texas. one man used a hammer. shoppers still struggled to opens the doors. >> even then they would barely get open the door. >> the children were crying but not seriously hurt. the more of the children eventually came out. she said she left her children in the car while she went to get a haircut. no one called police. so the mom did drive away with her kids. >> wow. >> yea. >> tc. >> i know. >> and the -- if it's 90-degree outside, in ten minutes, it could be 140 inside the car. even if it's 70 degrees outside, it could get 100 degrees in the car. let's check in with sal. see how the folks are doing this morning. the toll plaza, how is that? >> it's slow. it's slower than usual. we're having kind of a bad day -- well, not as bad as it could
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be. there are no crashes on the span but it's backed up for a 25, 30 minute delay from the macarthur maze into san francisco onto the san francisco side. so it is backed up beyond the maze. 580 is backed up west. the carpool lane moves much better. if you are considering the san mateo bridge as an alternate, there slow as well. you can see for your self. it will be slow after -- it will be slow. 580 westbound as you drive through livermore, a lot of the slow traffic is on the altamont pass and in livermore, it gets better by the time you reach dublin. if you are driving southbound 101 not it that bad. northbound 101 at 280 they were clearing a dplash san jose. a lot of slow traffic there. i would say 85 is the best freeway there. 7:18 let's go to steve. thank you. well, some beautiful cloud formations. the tropical clouds filtered in
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yesterday. hot and humid yesterday. that's not something we usually see in july but the low clouds have returned. there's thick fog. a few hours. light showers around. the fog is back. it will be cooler inland and the cooling will continue on wednesday into thursday. yesterday, was a cooker for many, especially out towards onty okay, brentwood, livermore, vacaville, clearlake, you name it. they cooled down significantly. today, 93 from 103. there will be a pretty good drop. the west breeze has kicked up. higher elevations kick up 25, 35 miles -- kirking up 25, 35 miles -- kirking up 25, 35 miles an hour. moisture source comes up from the southeast. this is from the southeast of livermore, fremont and also san jose. not a big deal but it's there. if you pick up more rain, that's the source. there is a lot of rain just
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southwest of us from monterey right offshore. that's a pretty good thunderstorm cell. the potential is here. it looks like drier air will come in. tomorrow will be a flip-flop of today. the moisture from nevada and the sierra continues to take aim p us. a lot of clouds here in the morning. 60s on the temperatures. unless you are in the fog, then you are in the 50s. fairfield, 18. yesterday it was calm. concord, west at 14. northwest oakland. southwest at napa. here's even a westerly breeze out towards livermore. that was not the case yesterday. a lot of cloud cover over us. tropical clouds. even though it's cooler, there is a lot of moisture in the air. not as badded a yesterday. i -- not as bad as yesterday. i've seen drier air down here. i know it doesn't look that
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impressive. it is. i think we'll get more sunshine in the afternoon. humid inland. but cooler than yesterday. clouds, cooler. 8s ots on the -- 80s on the temperatures. we'll go 80 in santa rosa. concord, pleasanthill, 87. brentwood to oakley, 94. 89 pleasanton. temperatures 80s into the santa clara valley. should be warmer for morgan hill and gilroy. gilroy yesterday was 78. 84 santa clara to cupertino in there. 60s on the coast. 70s or low 80s on the peninsula. we're starting off mild. but the cooler pattern is here. it will take us into thursday. it looks like a slight rebound of those inland temperatures. early next week looks like another cooldown. 7:21. new this morning in russia, the death toll now at least 19 and 150 have been hurt after a
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subway train derailed. several cars jumped the tracks after a power surge triggered the alarm and the train stopped. we're told 50 of those hurt are said to be in grave condition. 7:21. israel says it is going to -- it is willing to go along with a cease-fire but hamas is rejecting it. the truce was supposed to go into effect early dead but the israeli -- today but the israeli says rockets have been fired since the start of the cease fire. this is the aftermath of one of the attacks. the prime minister is warning israel will intensify attacks if hamas continues to reject the cease fire. israeli air strikes have killed nearly 200 people in gaza and injured more than a thousand. 7:22. a push to change birth control
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laws. coming up a live report from washington on what bay area lawmakers are doing this morning to try to reverse the supreme court ruling on the birth control insurance coverage. a car was stolen from a brewery. the distinctive design that police hope will lead someone to find it.
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for over 60,000 california foster children, having necessary school supplies can mean the difference between success and failure. the day i start, i'm already behind. i never know what i'm gonna need. new school, new classes, new kids. it's hard starting over. to help, sleep train is collecting school supplies for local foster children. bring your gift to any sleep train, and help a foster child start the school year right. not everyone can be a foster parent, but anyone can help a foster child.
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plis in the central -- police in the central valley have found three minibuses stolen from the tillamook cheese tour from a hotel parking lot in manteca. all of the buses are painted bright orange with the tillamook logo painted on the side. the oregon-based cheese company said the buses were found in a storage unit. tillamook offered a $10,000 reward for the buses which they
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said are worth about $100,000 each. police in cloverdale are still searching for a classic car stolen from the bear republic brewery. the press democrat reports someone drove up behind the brewery's manufacturing plant over the july 4th holiday weekend, hooked up a trailer holding the car and drove off. the 1972 chevrolet camaro is worth about $25,000 and just had a new engine installed. the car is painted blue and yellow with the number 15 painted in red on the side. the tires also read good beer instead of good year. 7:26. see that picture? cespedes of the atms won his second straight derby in minnesota in the all-star game. tori, that ball.
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after an hour long rain delay and four hours of long balls, the as yows fielder won against todd frazier in the second round. now, he's the first to win back- to-back derby titles since griffin did it. tonight is the actual all-star game. the as have the most players of any team with seven players if you include jeff samarga traded recently. the san francisco giants have two players there. this year's event is setting a precedent. for the first time, they are featuring a self-serving beer machine. baseball fans chose a pair of bay area teachers to represent the as and the giants at the all-star game. it's part of the all-star teachers' program. oakland tech high school teacher keith debro is representing the as. he's taught for 25 years.
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he's been an as fan for longerrer. a teacher from vacaville he ares the giants -- represents the giants. you can watch the all-star game right here on ktvu channel 2. our coverage begins at 4:30 tonight. 7:28. accused of forging documents to obtained disabled parking placards. the bus in san francisco that could park three people in prison. >> reporter: and man videotapes and follows a woman and then pours a strange substance in her car. coming up, how you can help police find him. northbound 280 in san jose, slow traffic as you get up to highway 17. we'll tell you what's causing that straight ahead. a lot of tropical clouds and fog. there's been a few showers. we're not done yet. we'll have a cooler tuesday
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forecast. heat shields are compromised. we have multiple failures.
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what's that alarm? fuel cell two is down. i'm going to have to guide her in manually. this is very exciting. but i'm at my stop. come again? i'm watching this on the train. it's so hard to leave. good luck with everything. watch tv virtually anywhere with the u-verse tv app. with at&t, the u-verse revolves around you. 7:31. we're live in san mateo where a search is on for a man accused of stalking and taking cell phone video of a 20-year-old woman inside this craft store. coming up in two minutes, brian flores is lel us what police -- will tell us what police say the suspect did to the woman's car that makes the story even
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more bizarre. good morning. welcome back. i'm tori campbell. >> i'm dave clark. let's talk about weather and traffic, you know i'm steve's assistant. >> yes. >> steve, gray, chilly outside of the store. >> i'm going right out. >> yes. >> i follow behind you. light rain continues to work its way up from the southeast. heading towards san jose, it looks like between san jose, fremont and livermore. not a lot. but if some of that rain develops, that's where it is coming from. it looks like it's thinning out a little bit. there is a lot of moisture. if this -- right there. if this was right over us, i mean, it would be a big deal. it's west of marin county. there's definitely a lot of rain in the area. most of it is to the south. some drier air is beginning to work it way in in the san joaquin valley. 60s on the temperatures. if you have the fog, you are in the 50s. it will be cooler. there is more of a westerly breeze but the tropical clouds
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continue to filter in. even though it's cooler, the humidity factor will be up there. not as bad as yesterday, i hope not. fog, showers breezy in some of the higher elevations. here's sal. right now we're looking at a lot. slow traffic if you are trying to get in san francisco via the bay bridge, for some reason it's a little bit -- it's busier this morning at the toll plaza. your drive time is up from 20 minutes normally to about 30 minutes, maybe 35 depending upon which line you are in and the approach from 880 is just terrible. you can see for yourself how slow it is on the ramp coming down to the toll plaza. once you get otten bridge, it look -- once you get on the bridge, it looks good. other commutes are getting loaded. 237 westbound, a lot of cars here from downtown milpitas to zanker road, it's absolutely stop and go. in the rest of the commute, we had a crash, northbound at 280. we had a crash at the capitol
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expressway. you have to give yourself plenty of time to get into the valley. 7:33. back to the desk. >> sal, thank you. police in san mateo want your help this morning to help find a man they say took cell phone video of a woman at a store, then poured an oily substance in her car. brian flores is live in san mateo with more on this strange story and also what you found out this morning. >> reporter: strange story indeed. luckily the victim in this case is doing okay. what we're learning is the police say this may be related to similar cases being reported in san mateo over paf past two years. it happen -- owner the past two years. it happened at the michaels craft store. the men entered the store last wednesday around 11:00 atm. police say when he enters the store, he follows a 20-year-old woman and videotapes her with a cell phone. another part of the
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surveillance video shows the man looking at his cell phone. but police say the victim lost sight of him, then saw him standing next to her car. that's when she walked out of the store. he walked away. when she opened the door, she noticed an oily substance on the driver seat. >> she noticed a suspicious gentleman that was following her around and videotaping her. that raised concern. >> i think the more people know about this, but now that i know, i will keep my eye open and i will -- if i do see someone similar, i will call the police. >> reporter: police are hoping for that as well. the latest information is a sketch. the suspect here described as an asian-american man. police are also again looking into the possibility over the
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past two years of similar incidents involving a man with similar description. police say in those cases, the man will toss the oily substance on his victims. as for the foul-smelling substance, police don't know what it is. but they say it's not bodily in origin and that none of the victims have had adverse reactions. we're live in smit, brian flores, ktvu channel 2 news. three people in san francisco are facing criminal charges for submitting false information to the dmv in oferred to get disabled parking -- in order to get disabled parking placards. they claimed to have lung disease. but the doctor's whose significant is on the form has no record of seeing either patient. a 35-year-old woman was also arrested. prosecutors say she filed seven applications within four years. >> these are serious crimes. this is something that really
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hurts people that they need to use -- that need the parking spaces. >> the arrests come after the dmv cracked down on disabled parking abuse. pelts range from a $900 fine to now years in jail -- penalties range from $900 fine to four years in jail. 15 other cases are under investigation. more details now about the crackdown on disabled parking abuse. the mta is taking steps to eliminate the incentive for abusing parking placards by increasing their enforcement. they are asking the state legislature to alou parking fees and time limits -- allow parking fees and time limb is. push -- time limits. drivers can park at meters for free and with no time limit. 49ers are working out their final game plan for parking at levi stadium. these are some live pictures
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outside of the stadium which will host its first event in just 17 days. that will be a soccer game between the san jose earthquakes and the seattle sounders on august 2nd. then less than a week later, the 9ers play their first preseason game there and the team is vowing to create a smooth ride for the thousands of fans who will be driving in and out of the stadium. those fans will be guided by two dozen special synchronized traffic lights. etch a fan will get directions to their spot. however, some people we spoke to in santa clara are still worried. >> i heard that they are sharing parking with great america. i think lrking will be limited -- i think parking will be limited when both events are going on. >> my wife and i go to church early sunday morning. i was thinking about when we come back to church, how are we gonna get back to our condo?
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>> many 9er fans who don't want to worry about parking and driving plan to take mass transit to the stadium. those fans can board caltrain. vta will expand service on game days with trains running every ten min minutes -- every ten minutes. danville may soon join a growing number of bay area communities have banned plastic bags at restaurants and retailers. this morning, the danville town council will hold a meeting to get feedback from the public and from business owners on the proposed ban. the town council wants to put its plastic bag ban into effect by july of next year. 7:39. happening today, the man behind a plan to split up california into six separate states, he plans to turn in signatures needed to put the measure on the 2016 ballot.
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tim draper has spent almost $5 million. his own money to promote the six californias idea. he says he's gathered the 800,000 signatures needed to qualify for the ballot. draper says california is just too big to govern. critics call it a waste of tax payer money. under this measure, the bay area would be split up. san francisco, oath and san jose would be part of the state of silicon valley. you see that there in the yellow on this map. the north bay would be part of the state of north california shown in the purple. even if the measure qualifies for the bal hot and it gets -- lalot and it get -- ballot and it gets a majority vote, in order for a state to be split up both the state legislature and the u.s. congress would have to approve it. a flight carrying mothers and their children deported from the united states has arrived in honduras. now, that flight was the first
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round of deportations stemming from the current immigration crisis on the u.s. border with mexico. the obama administration says it is important to send a message to children who cross into the u.s. illegally will not automatically be allowed to stay. we have sent a clear message to those parents who are contemplating whether to send their kids on this journey. >> by law, the children must be released to family members or sponsors while the cases are being processed. by law, they have to be enrolled in school. some school districts say they are already seeing an increase in the number of these students being enrolled for the next school year. people who want to show support for the central american children crossing the border into the u.s., they are holding a big noontime rally today in san francisco. it's scheduled to be on the steps of the city hall. workers want to show support for new legislation introduced
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by san francisco david campos to provide funding to help house the children while they wait for deportation hearings. how safe is your home? if you have a home security system, you have an expectation of protection. but as pam cook reports, robbers have discovered a loophole. >> the loop home was discovered at the expense of a homeowner. on sunday, one broke into a -- someone broke into a home on cloudview. police say the thieves were able to get into the out box and disconnect the -- um utility box and disconnect the system. >> the police officer investigating the break-in contacted the security company and was surprised to hear they couldn't identify when the
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system was disarmed which could provide critical clues or witness information. police say the lesson is to know that security systems are a deterrent, not complete protection and that you should contact your security company to see how the secure the connection is and see if a wireless connection is possible. pam cook, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you. 7:42. good news for those of you about to head through san rafael this morning. in 20 minutes, the extensive measures it took to reopen a major thoroughfare following a 19-hour closure. a new sense of sorrow in a prayer community where a teenager was killed by a train. the fake social media account some call disgraceful. we're looking at a commute where traffic is going to be very busy if you are driving on certain parts of the east bay. let's see.
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we have thick fog, tropical showers, sprinkles. it will be cooler. it's cold out there. i just stepped outside. we'll explain the tuesday cooler forecast -- coming up.
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i'll have my usual ultimate cheeseburger. you can have that. or-two new versions of the ultimate cheeseburger. one has jalapeños and ranch, the other has barbecue sauce and grilled onions. i told you they were mind blowing.
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this morning, contra costa county fire investigators are looking into reports from neighbors that as many as ten people were squatting in an apartment in pittsburg and ran for safety when this fire started there yesterday evening. firefighters worked quickly to keep it from spreading through the apartment complex. this was on meadow brook avenue. a contra costa fire spokesman said the flames did spread to one adjacent unit and two other airports had smoke damage --
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apartments had smoke damage. lawmakers on capitol hill are pushing for women's rights to birth control insurance coverage and our reproductive rights today. kyla campbell is live in washington, d.c. with details about reproductive rights that's going on -- a hearing that's going on right now. >> reporter: senators are hearing testimony about women's reproductive rights. we're taking a live look at the committee. members of congress are testifying about some states restricting women's rights to abortion. >> women are more than capable of making their own personal medical decisions without consulting their legislature. >> reporter: also this morning, both reproduttive life and life groups will testify. justices ruled the owner of hobby lobby don't have to provide employees with certain birth control coverage. since then, barbara boxer and
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dianne feinstein and congresswoman nancy pelosi plus other women in congress have created legislation. they are trying to make sure women do have access to birth control but there are other women on capitol hill fighting their legislation. i will have those details coming up at 8:45. live in washington, kyla campbell, ktvu channel 2 news. >> all right. 7:47. an east bay family already devastated by the recent death of their teenaged daughter is now dealing with a new heartache involving social media. 14-year-old jenna betti was hit and killed by a train in martinez while she was trying to retrieve the cell phone she dropped on the train tracks. well, now someone pretending to be jenna has been posting updates on an instagram account as if jenna was still alive. >> i thought it was very rude, for someone to hack into the instagram page and to post
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something like that. >> i'm a teacher also. ifing somebody popular or laugh at, they don't really care at whose expense. >> we've had learned the phony had been active for several months. it was taken down late yesterday shortly after ktvu began its investigation. two bay area regions have made a list of the top five cities for swimmers. san jose/santa clara area ranks second on the list from usa swimming and speedo. the oakland fremont area came in fifth. the rankings are based on the number of swim clubs, pools and were boosted by the men and women's swim programs at uc berkeley and stanford. we have meredith lowering and samie are about halfway now into the 2400-trip in their 25-foot long
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rowboat. they've been rowing a month straight with no previous rowing experience. so far, they are still going strong. and their marriage is still in fact. they haven't divorced. they are taking part in the great pacific race that started with 13 participants out of the 18 remaining, they are in fifth but seem to be picking up feed. they had problems with the gps system and they got it fixed and going strong. should be in hawaii somewhere in august. let's check in with sal. sal, the toll plaza, have you straightened things out there? >> trying to. >> every once in a while i get a funny tweet, dude, 27 is gridlocked. i know this is typical but this is brutal. >> dude. >> yeah. >> you can always contact me on social media, facebook and twitter or go to our website. let's take a look at the toll plaza, dave mentioned it,
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that's been brutal, dude. it's backed up for a 35 to 40- minute delay coming into san francisco. if i'm here to tell you when to go, if now before it gets worse. no problems on the bridge itself. when you go to the san mateo bridge, that's slow across the span and getting out to the high rise. no problems on 101 heading south to the valley. westbound 580 is also slow. we've had the typical morning on 580. these people are used to it. it's always that way. the peninsula and getting up to mountain view is not all that bad. let's go to steve. >> so the dude is tweeting you. >> he's tweeting me. >> thank you, dude. i just stepped outside. it's cold out there. i'm not kidding. i tell it like it is. i just dropped the temperature for oakland and san francisco. it's noticeably cooler. yesterday was one of those days. sunny, it was hot.
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and then those clouds came in. the humidity factor went through the roof and then the wind turned westerly. livermore 101 to 89. santa rosa from 94 to 80. there is a lot of cloud cover over us. if you are stuck in the superfog and i'm getting a couple reports of thick fog, some of the rain is still streaming up. looks like it's between livermore, fremont, san jose. there's not a lot here. but it's still on its way. we had a few reports this morning. if this right there -- right there. if that was over us, it would be a big deal but it's west of marin county. look at all of the moisture. there's a lot going on here. but it's not over us. it's something to watch. a lot of that tropical cloud cover continues to work its way in. there are areas of drier air. i think that may play into the forecast with a little bit more surn. we're under cloudy to mostly cloudy skies. 60s on the temperatures. but a westerly breeze.
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it's howling in some of the higher elevations. westerly for some. san jose has a westerly breeze. the key is the delta breeze. it's been picking up. 18, not outrageous. most oakland. southwest napa but -- i know the oakland airport breeze is a cold one. some of this cloud cover will have a few embedded showers in it. 72 in reno. 57 monterey. had some light lane this morning. not a -- light rain this morning. not a lot. but a little. clouds cooler, a few showers, breezy to windy. just the tropical clouds in nature will cause that. that fog is thick. kentfield, 77. napa should say 87, not 97. 70 oakland. 67 almeda. did go 94 brentwood. 83 san jose. 84 santa clara. fremont, 80. 60s on the coast. 60s, 70s or low 80s for some. that fog increasing under the
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high clouds. then we level it off. slight warmup but not a big deal over the weekend. a scene in san francisco you really have to see to believe. >> i got the key. >> desperate cries for help during an attempted carjacking. what complete strangers did to help save her mother and her little girl. and a disturbing discovery at a disney theme park.
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there's new information this morning about a wildfire in shasta county that continues to threaten homes. the bully fire west of redding has burned 6400 acres. it's about 20% contained. triple-digit temperatures are complicating efforts to fight the fire. mandatory evacuations have been ordered for several neighborhoods. 18 buildings have burned including at least eight homes.
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seven people have been hurt. the sacramento man suspected of running a marijuana grow operation in that area has been arrested for starting the fire. dozens of employees at theme parks including disney world have been arrested in a sex ting involving crimes against children. cnn reports at least 35 disney employees have been arrested since 2006 for crimes that include trying to meet a minor for sex and possessing child pornography. five employees at universal studios and two at seaworld have also been arrested. two cases of child pornography occurred on disney property. but none of the cases involved children visiting the parks and no employees had a history of sex crimes before they were hired. 7:57. it may be one of the most drastic responses to the state's drought so far. in the next hour, the new fines that could cost you up to $500.
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and there is there is a sense of relief for commuters in marin county after a busy stretch of roadway finally reopens following a big rig crash that happened yesterday morning. good morning. right now we're still looking at a commute where traffic is doing very well in some areas. but not here on 24. it's slow. we'll give you a drive tame straight a -- drive time straight ahead. we could see a 20-degree temperature drop. a lot of high clouds. maybe even some rain today. we'll take a look at it -- coming up.
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and deposit that check? citi mobile. pack your bathing suit? wearing it. niiice bank from almost anywhere with the citi mobile app. well, good morning. welcome back. look at this. live pictures sir francis drake boulevard in marin county it is open again. a lot different from what we were showing you yesterday morning at this same time. that road was closed down for 19 hours, a big rig flipped over. there were major backups for 19 hours. the road was closed between the richmond san rafael bridge and 101 but it is finally back open. ktvu's alex savidge has been out there all morning. coming up in three minutes, he will tell us what it took to get traffic moving again. that's a pretty shot, too. good morning. welcome to "mornings on 2."
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i'm dave clark. >> i'm tori campbell. quick look at weather and traffic. a little bit of everything in the forecast. >> very little rain. but there's some starting to work its way up from the southeast between livermore, fremont, milpitas, san jose. this will probably weaken but a few hours are possible. there's a swath of moisture that missed us. it went over monterey, steve. and right over the course. it's due west of us. it missed us by that much. moisture continues to work its way in. there seems to be thinner clouds off to the san joaquin valley. there is a rather decent sea breeze for some. it's mild for some. it's warm for others. it's cold for -- i mean there's so much going on. west at 23. that tells me everything i need to know. concord, west, napa west, the higher clouds will continue to work their way in. a mostly cloudy, cloudy morning. i think more sun in the afternoon. still, the moisture is high. fog, there is a superfog out
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there. very thick, 70s, 80s for some. a good 0, 15-degree drop. 60s by the coast. here's sal. we're still looking at a commute that's very busy. taking a look at highway 24 westbound. you can see it's slow at the la fayette b.a.r.t. station. after that, it looks good. your total time between pleasant hill road and caldecott tunnel 12 minutes. average speed, 44 miles an hour. not too bad. it's a 30-minute plus delay, at the toll plaza. slow in livermore as usual. i just want to move to the 880 commute. it's very slow from right at 238 all the way down too stevenson -- to stevenson. a busy road is back open again after it was closed for nearly 20 hours because of an
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overturned big rig. alex savidge just spoke to one man caught in the huge traffic jam. >> reporter: a lot of people caught in that mess. a huge sense of relief for commuters in marin county as this important road is back open. take a look. traffic moving in both directions on sir francis drake boulevard following that crash yesterday. this is a key connector to get people from the bridge to highway 101. the overturned tanker caused quite a bit of damage and that's what led to a long, slow process. a hazardous tearles team had to be called in yesterday to deal with the roughly 1700 gallons of gas that covered sir francis boulevard. that fuel was contained by dams and crews were able to keep it from leaking into the bay. but all of that spilled gas ate away at the asphalt. contractors had to come in and
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repave this area of the roadway to make it safe to drive on. this traffic mess started when the driver lost control around 7:00 a.m. yesterday near san quentin prison. sir francis drake had to be shut down between larkspur landing and 580. that led to gridlock. we talked to one man who was on his way home from the airport yesterday morning after a trip to l.a. when he got caught in this backup. >> after battling the l.a. traffic over the weekend, we figured we were home safe. and then we hit this beautiful traffic jam here and yeah, we're really happy that we can get on our with lives now. >> reporter: now, the driver of that truck was not hurt in yesterday's crash. no other cars were involved. but the chp says the company that owns that big big will have to pick up the -- big rig will have to pick up the tab for all of that work. as we bring you back out here live, the traffic is flowing as
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well as it normally would during the morning commute. it's a will bit sluggish but obviously a lot better than yesterday. alex savidge, ktvu channel 2 news. a state agency will vote on tough new water restrictions. christien kafton is joining us live in san francisco with the proposed new rules and how street cleaning could be affected. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. san francisco definitely one of the cities that is carefully watching the state water regulators set to vote on this packet of new rules about water restrictions an possibly set fines for violaters. the governor had been calling for a 20% reduction in water usage and so far it's been closer to about 5%. now the five-member state water resources control board is scheduled to decide whether to put these in place and set up the fines up to $500 a day.
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water wasters include people who overmr. lawns -- overwater their lawns or wash their car with the hose running. >> it totally makes sense. we do have to reduce. water is a finite resource. it has to be done. i don't disagree with the decision. >> it seems a little unfair. you know people like -- i have a lot of people living at my house with me. there's nothing i can do to row reduce. >> reporter: there's a special concern here in san francisco that the new restrictions could affect sidewalk cleaning throughout the city. people working and living in the downtown district and south of market area all say that power cleaning is necessary to
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keep the streets regionably hygenic because of humane waste. the city has reduced water usage and is restricting power washing toker aias that really -- to areas that really need it. now, if the new tighter standards go into effect, they would start august 1st. christien kafton, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you. power has been restored in berkeley calling an overnight outage. pg&e says 1200 customers in the telegraph avenue area lost power after a cable failed around 2:00 a.m. flares were set up to warn drivers. one driver was arrested on suspicion of dui after failing to stop for the flares. uc berkeley police are investigating two robberies that happened over the weekend. the first was on the campus pathway on the north side of
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the cesar chavez center. the man was attacked by four men who punched him and stole his cell phone. then around 11:00 saturday night, another student was robbed at sproul plaza by three men who punched him and stone his bike -- and stole his bike. happening today, thieves may be going up for private shuttles that use muni -- fees may in the
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tenderloin district. they will be going up on ellis and hide street and on golden gate avenue. each bathroom will only be available during certain hours and will be monitored by an attendant. officials say the presence of the attendant should help address concerns about rampant drug dealing when public bathrooms were installed in the civic center in the mid-'90s. a growing number of low income families are living in
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hotel rooms designed for a single adult. there are dozens of families at the grand southern hotel on 16th street. the families say they cope with a single kitchen for the entire building to deal with bedbugs and inconsistent hot water. now a woman, her husband and three young children have lived in a room that's 8 x 12 for a year and a half. but she says at least they've got a place to call him. >> it's been a hard. at least we're not on the street. >> we compromise. >> now, she admits her family has not been able to pay rent for three months. now she and her husband are both working and heaping to catch up soon. they are also hoping to move to a bigger place soon. a positioning treatment is planned for the south bay. pesticide spraying will be
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centered around north porgtal avenue and stevens creek boulevard in cupertino and sunnyvale. those areas will be treated thursday starting at 11:00 a.m. weather permits. there's growing concern over increased fogging. a general contractor hired to rebuild a palo alto library is seeking millions of dollars from the city. the san jose mercury news reports the company claims the city of palo alto is responsible for millions of dollars in cost overruns and delays in renovating mitchell park library. the suit accuses for misrepresenting plans for the project during the bidding process. the city fired p company in january citing a lack of progress and missed deadlines. a bizarre story. a man recording a man inside a
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store and then vandalizes her car. she may not be the only victim. coming up in 20 minutes, strange encounter on the peninsula. >> it's nice to be back. a tired teen touches down in california following an historic trek around the globe. his mother's reaction to the world record attempt. we're still looking at very slow traffic, especially in san jose. you can see 280 is slow. we'll yip date your traffic -- update your trip coming up. it will be coomber -- cooler today. a westerly breeze has kicked in. we'll show you the cooler forecast.
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♪ you want to save money on car insurance? no problem. you want to save money on rv insurance? no problem. you want to save money on motorcycle insu em. you want to find a place to park all these things? fuggedaboud it. this is new york. hey little guy, wake up! aw, come off it mate! geico. saving people money on more than just car insurance.
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welcome back. a restaurant customer and two workers at a san leandro restaurant, they are being called heroes this morning. last night witnesses say an intox kateed man with a 12-inch -- intox kateed man with a 12- inch man started to walk around the restaurant. he was angry because someone thought they stole his cell phone. well, customers wrestled that man to the ground. >> eventually i was twisting his wrists until i finally i felt a pop and i was able to dislodge the knife from his hand. >> other restaurant workers and customers helped by tying a belt around the man's feet and put handcuffs on his wrist until the police got there.
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he's in the santa rita jail. a violent struggle to keep a man from carjacking a minivan with a little girl inside was caught on tape in san diego. we do need to warn you, some viewers may find this footage disturbing. as you just heard, a girl cry from the back seat as her mother and a group of good samaritans prevented the man from driving off. a man in the restaurant heard the commotion and ran out to record what's going on. >> i seen a guy in the back seat choking up the driver and there were a couple of other people at the window grabbing the key brs him. >> the mother and good samaritans got the man out of the minivan, tackled him to the ground and called police. officers arrived and arrested the man, the mother and daughter were take shaken up -- were shaken up but not hurt. a group brothers against guns plans to present a resolution to the board of
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supervisors calling for reduced gun violence. now, the rally is due to begin at 11:00 a.m. the supermeeting start -- supervisor meeting starts at 2:00 p.m. you've heard of bullet resistant vests for police? there there is a door now. the doors are made out of fiberglass that can repeal bullets -- re pell bullets. a 19-year-old pilot has become the youngest person to fi solo around the world. matt goosemiller arrived in san diego county last night after flying the last leg of his trip over the pacific ocean. his month and a half journey spanned more than 29,000 miles with stops in rome, athens, cairo, india and the philippines. his mother was waiting for him
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when he landed. >> what did you say when he said he wanted to fly around the world. >> i want to go with you. >> that would be kind of cool. well his mother said she's very proud of what he accomplished. but very happy to have him home. let's see if folks on the east shore are behaving. >> i would say. it's not as bad as it could be. i still remember the day we look at the eastshore freeway. i still remember the day where the indicator was red and we have had 90 minutes up there. westbound bay bridge -- westbound 80 from the carquinez bridge to the macarthur maze about a 26-minute drive time. 44 miles an hour as your speed. the bay bridge toll plaza is backed up to the maze. the metering lights are on. this is about a 30-minute plus drive time into san francisco. it's getting better than it was. 580 has improved as you drive
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into the livermore valley. it's slow through livermore but it's getting better than it was. on the peninsula, we have slow traffic in both directions. 101 and 280 are very slow. give yourself extra time. we still have a lot of slow traffic getting into the valley. let's go to steve. well, the answer, my friends, is blowing in the wind, no doubt about it. there's a westerly breeze. thank you for all of the information today. i don't care if it's fog, tropical clouds, rain. i'm wondering about the temperature. the clouds and fog are making for a challenging forecast. clouds, a few showers. fog has returned. cooling will continue all the way wednesday into thursday. we're seeing a drop today. there's rain already moving in. tracy back towards -- it's on its way. but it's thinning out. there's a lot of swath and
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pretty good rain. look at that. just off monterey, pg and big sur. some of this may back around. i would think more in the north bay than anywhere else. we'll keep an eye on it. there will be more sun. there's breaks in the southeast and san joaquin valley. mostly sunny, partly cloudy. but the cloud cover is not done yet. there's still some coming up from the four corners. 60s on the temperatures or 50s. some areas are absolutely socked in with fog. patrick in redwood shores had 63 along with palo alto. foster city is in there. hillsborough is close. la honda running closer. fog for some, tropical clouds, the combination of the two. that's the key for the cooldown. west and concord, west at napa. it's cold out there with the nothing -- fog. 75 in reno. 74 sacramento. 67 in ukiah. there were hot temperatures in
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mendocino county, lake county and inland areas. there is a thinning out and i think that's a sign of things to come. breezy to windy. if you don't have the fog inland, it will be cooler but kind of muggy, more sun in the afternoon. 77 kentfield. 79 petaluma. napa, 83. that's for rick. he said i'm riding a motorcycle. martinez, 82. 89 pittsburg. livermore 89. 68 oakland. there's too much fog. 83 san jose. to 87 saratoga. low 80s on the peninsula. the cooling, the fog wins out. warmer towards the weekend. 8:21. two california lawmakers taking on the recent supreme court ruling about birth control and health insurance. coming up in 23 minutes a live report from washington, d.c. on what senator dianne feinstein and nancy pelosi plan to do about a woman's right to
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choose. plus -- derek jeter. >> he's so cool. a star-studded goodbye to this living legend. oh chris, did you remember to pay the dog sitter?
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oh i knew i forgot something... i'll just do it now. well, we're boarding. no, i'll use citi mobile. takes two seconds, better safe than sorry right? yeah who knows if we'll even get service on the islands? what! no service? seriously?
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no electricity, we're going to make our own candles, we're going to churn our own butter. oh, we lost one. can't leave a bag unattended. bank from almost anywhere with the citi mobile app. to learn more visit 8:24. oakland's cespedes has claimed
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his second home run derby title at the all-star game in minnesota. >> he's on his way. unbelievable fashion. >> after an hour-long rain delay and four hours worth of long balls, the as outfielder won against todd frazier in the final round. he's the first to win back-to- back home run derby titles since ken griffey junior. tonight is the all game. the as have the most players of any team with seven-- players. the giants have two players. baseball fans chose a pair of bay area teachers to represent
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at the game. it's part of the all-star teacher program. oakland tech high school special education keith debro is representing the as. he's caught for 25 years but has been an as fan for much longer and tracy ruiz, a teacher from vacaville will represent the giants. they will be honored along with 28 other teachers during today's game. of course you can watch the game right here on ktvu. coverage begins at 4:30 this afternoon right after a special early edition of the news at 4:00 p.m. 8:26. also in tonight's all-star game mlb will honor glen burk. glen burk was the first and so far only major league playerer to come -- player to come out as a gay man. he started on the dodgers and as during the 1970s. they say burk invented the high five. glen burk said he left baseball
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after as manager martin made homosexual slurs in front of his teammates. m the meantime, derek jeter plays in his final all-star gam tonight -- game tonight. an all-star lineup of celebrities tipped their hats to him all over the place. there's jay z, rudy giuliani, spike lee. even the boston red sox tipping their hats to derek jeter. he's retiring after this season but he will never be forgotten. way to go. 8:27. we have breaking news coming in right now from the east bay. in the last 20 minutes, fire crews contain a house fire in oakland all of the latest details we've just found out
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from that scene. but first, is your home alarm system keeping you and your loved ones safe? you may not be as secure as you think. after the break, a loophole discovered that may leave your home vulnerable to burglars. good morning. right now, traffic is moving along slowly in some areas i still, northbound 101 moderate here. we'll tell you more about the south bay and the rest of the commute. a combination of low clouds, high clouds hand a westerly breeze equal a cooler tuesday. we'll get some sun but it won't be as warm. an update is coming up.
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welcome back.
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good morning. breaking news out of oakland. within the past hour, firefighters rushed to a house on pinninon avenue. brian flores also just getting to the scene. weiss pulling together information from firefighters and for people who live in that area. coming up in just minutes, brian will tell us what he's found out about this still breaking story. so stay tuned for that. welcome back. it's tuesday, july 15th. i'm dave clark. let's talk about weather and traffic. steve there's much to talk about. it will be cooler. there's a lot of low clouds and fog. what looked to be maybe some okay rain coming up from the southeast is now breaking apart and breaking apart is so sad. it won't do much except give us clouds. we've had a few showers. there is a lot off the coast. look at that. just missed us. went from monterey and some of this may wrap back around. i would think north. that bears watching. mostly cloudy here. i think partly sunny by this afternoon. we get drier air coming in from
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the southeast. we're not done with the cloud cover. 60s on the temperatures or 50s. some of that fog has been thick. now out towards parts of fairfield. that was not the case yesterday. again, i think we'll get a few more breaks here in the afternoon. a little bit of reverse of what we had yesterday. clouds here in the morning. cooler, a few showers possible. it's breeze to windy. a far cry from yesterday. 60s by the coast and bay. once again we're looking at traffic that still has not recovered in many areas. we've had earlier problems. we're gonna start off with a look at the commute at the bay bridge. that's a little better than it was. 88 on the ramp is better. this is still a 20-minute drive time into san francisco kind of waiting at the toll plaza as most of that drive time and then on the bridge it doesn't look too bad. the commute will be slow on 880 past the coliseum. taking eight minutes to drive
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to downtown oakland. 280, the whole way on 280 in from highway 17 a little bit before that, up to cupertino and sunnyvale is slow. even 101 is not as bad today. and neither is 80. 8:32. back to the desk. >> thank you. police in san mateo want your help. they are trying to find a man who took cell phone video of a woman inside a store, then poured an oily substance in her car. this incident happened earlier this month at a michaels craft store. the woman said the man followed her through the store taking video of her with a cell phone. now, surveillance video shows the man pacing outside. the woman then saw the man standing next to her car and realized an oily substance had been poured on the car seat. people say this incident is similar to the past two years where people had an oily
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substance poured on them. here is a sketch of the suspect police are looking for. they describe him as an asian- american, about 19 to 25 years old with black hair, brown eyes. he's about 5'7" to 5'9" tall and weighs between 150 and 175 pounds. if you see this, if you have any information about this or any of the incidents, get in contact with san mateo police. 8:34. new questions about home security systems. pam cook has the warning after a surprising break-in that shows your home could be risk at even if you have a system. >> what sounds like the most important thing taken was this homeowner's sense of security. on sunday, someone was able to break into a home in sausalito, even though had it a security system in place. now, police say the thieves were able to get into the utility box outside of the home and disconnect the system's
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phone jack. >> i'm not feeling very secure right now. i need to review the whole situation. >> contact your utilities companies and see if there are better methods for making sure that that utility box is not accessible to people who may prowl around your residence or be looking out for crimes of opportunity to commit burglaries in your residence. >> the police officer contacted the security company and was surprised to hear that they could not identify when the system was disarmed which could provide critical clues or witnesses. police say the lesson for all of us is to know that they are a deterrent, not complete protection and that you should contact your security company to see how secure the connection is and see if a wireless connection is possible. pam cook, ktvu channel 2 news. >> all right, pam. three people in san francisco facing criminal
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charges for committing false information to the dmv in order to get disabled parking placards. prosecutors say a 29-year-old manned an his mother falsely claimed to have lung disease when they applied for the placards but the doctors whose signature was on the form has no record of seeing either patient. a 35-year-old woman was also arrested. prosecutors say she filed seven applications within four years. >> serious crimes. this is something that really hurts people that really need to use the placards that need the parking spaces. >> the arrests come after the dmv cracked down on disabled parking abuse. penalties range from a $900 fine to four years in jail. at least 11 other drivers around the bay area are expected to face charges. 15 other cases are being investigated. we have more details now. the mta is taking steps to eliminate the incentive for abusing parking placards by
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increasing enforcement. they are also asking the state to allow parking fees and time lit is. there are more than 60,000 disabled placards in san francisco. just over 29,000 metered parking spaces. the drivers with the disabled placards can park in meters for free with no time limit. 8:36. danville may join a growing number of cities that have planned plastic bags. they will hold a meeting. the council wants to put the ban into effect by july of next year. 8:37. well, the 49ers are busy working out their final game plan for the parking at levi stadium which will open next month. these are live pictures george is taking us right there.
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live pictures which will host the first event in 17 days from now. that will be a soccer game between the earthquakes and the seattle sounders on august 2nd. then less than a week later, the 49ers play their very first game right there. the team is vowing to create a smooth ride for the thousands of fans who will be driving in and out of the stadium in santa clara. those fans will be guided by two dozen synchronized traffic lights. each fan will also get custom driving directions taking them to their parking spot. some people we talked to in santa clara this morning are shil worried -- are still worried. >> i hear they are sharing parking with great america. when both venues are going on, i think parking will be limited. people will be getting upset. >> my wife and i we go to church early sunday morning. i was thinking about basically when we come back to church services we go to church in fremont, how we're gonna go back to the condo.
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>> many 49er fans who don't won't to worry about parking and driving, they plan to use mass transit to get to the stadium. those fans can get on caltrain which will add two trains from san francisco before the games. vta will also expand their service on game days with trains running every ten minutes. and ride services ranging from taxis to ubers to private buses, they will have areas for pickups and dropoffs outside of the stadium. hollywood takes over part of the bay area today. in just about 17 minutes, the movie shoot location, the subsequent street closure and the big action star expected to draw big crowds. >> reporter: we'll tell you why people in san francisco are worried that new water restrictions could lead to a hygiene problem. and right now we're still looking at some of the lingering slow traffic from the end of this commute like here on 280 it's very slow.
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we'll tell you how slow it is getting up into the valley. july is usually kind of a poring month but the -- boring month blue not the case in the last -- but not the case in the last couple of days. tropical clouds. we'll talk about what could be a little bit more rain.
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welcome back. 8:42. let's bring you up to date on some of the top stories we're following for you right now. there is a pretty picture. the traffic nightmare in marin county, finally ended early this morning. the chp reopened sir francis drake boulevard near san quentin at 2:30 this morning. it was closed for almost 20 hours after a tanker truck overturned yesterday morning spilling 1700 gallons of gas onto that busy road that connects 580 and 101. and happening today -- a state waterboard may approve tough new restrictions on water usage. homeowners who waste the most water you could be hit with fines up to $500 a day. christien kafton is joining us live to tell us about the new rules and how this could affect people who live in san francisco. good morning. >> reporter: we're here in san francisco. one of the cities that's carefully watching that regulators' meeting that's set to get started in 15 minutes.
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they will be deciding whether or not to put the new restrictions in place and possibly whether or not to levy fines as well. there have been some concern here in san francisco that the new restrictions could affect sidewalk cleaning in the city. people living and working in downtown san francisco, the financial district and the south of market area -- [audio difficulties] >> we lost our signal. talking about the new restrictions. water users may face them depending upon what the state waterboard desides today. we'll try to -- decides today. we'll try to get back with him in a moment. meanwhile, some employers who object on religious grounds do not have to cover certain
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methods of birth control. kyla campbell is live in washington, d.c. to explain what california lawmakers are doing to address the issue. >> reporter: well, just this past hour, senator barbara bocker slammed the supreme court decision. the justices ruled that the hon 0 owners of hobby lobby don't have to provide certain birth control coverage because it violates the owner's religious beliefs. >> it doesn't say equal justice under law except for birth control. it doesn't say equal justice under law unless it's okay with your boss. >> reporter: boxer made those remarks as another group of senators is hearing testimony about the decision. one democratic said this morning that women are more than capable of making their own personal medical decisions without consulting their legislatures. they say support a bill from barbara boxer and dianne feinstein which would guarantee women have access to birth control regardless of beliefs.
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many republicans are against the bill. >> the legislation would jeopardize and nullify hundreds of laws as has previously been mentioned at this table, laws ta protect mothers and their un- - laws to protect mothers and their unbone children. >> a. nancy pelosi continues the fight. she'll be holding a news conference calling on lawmakers to vote immediately on the legislation. she says workers need to get birth control no matter their boss's beliefs. kyla campbell, ktvu channel 2 news. 8:46. let's get everybody to where they need to go. sal, 880, how is it holding up? >> it's slow. if you watch this program every day you know it slows down for the drive into downtown oakland at about this time. the slowdown is there. that's good news. we go to the bay bridge toll plaza, you can see traffic is improved from what it was.
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it's still a little bit slow at a 20-minute drive time. 280 is the worse in san jose. this is the worse commute i should say of all three. 101 is slow getting into mountain view. a lot of thick fog around. tropical clouds above. there will be more later today. had a few showers earlier this morning. things seemed to have calmed down. i still think the tropical clouds play into the weather. it looks like some rain was going to develop and it's falling apart. it's losing some of its support. that's probably what's going to happen today. there is a lot offshore. this really popped up due west of marin county. if it was over us, we would have a lot to talk about. there's plenty off monterey. some of this may wrap back around. i don't think we're done with this. the fog has really picked up. the intensity will increase over the next few days. i think we'll go drizzle. 60s on the temperatures.
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they've kind of been stuck. the key, the breeze has picked up. yesterday there was hardly any breeze. it was hot, humid. for others it will be muggy, humid. definitely breaks in the clouds towards fresno and bakersfield. that will lift our direction. we'll have mostly cloudy morning and then a partly sunny afternoon. there could be a few isolated showers. clouds, cooler, breezy to windiy. kind of muggy inland. 83 sonoma. clearlake, 94. very, very hot up there yesterday. pittsburg, 89. walnut creek, 85. 67 alameda. i did drop antioch. there is too much of a west wind kicking in. 80s on the temperatures. 70s or 60s. wouldn't be surprised a few 50s on the coast. humidity is still high. 70s and 80s on the peninsula. fog will continue to ramp up.
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we're not done with the tropical clouds until friday and then a little bit of a rebound but back to near average by the weekend. a free family getaway may only be a finger click away. right after the break find out how you can win a fabulous trip to the happiest place on earth. ♪ 737. 737. right there? you guessed it. how do we save on operational costs? with the world's largest fleet of boeing 737's.
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israel says it is willing to go along with an egyptian
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proposal for a cease-fire but hamas is rejecting it. the truce was supposed to go into effect early today but the israeli military says 24 rockets have been fired at israel from the gaza strip since the expected start of the cease fire. the israeli prime minister is warning that israel will intensify attacks on gaza militants if hamas continues to reject the cease fire. air strikes have killed nearly 200 people in gaza and injured more than a thousand. happening right now, president obama speaking at a highway research center in virginia. these are live pictures of the president. he's expected to make a push for congress to approve funding for federal highway funding and transportation programs. the house is set to vote today on the federal highway trust fund. many bay area transportation projects depend on the fund, that includes the golden gate suicide barrier, the highway 4 widening project in antioch and improvements to the b.a.r.t.
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system. unless congress acts, the money will run out sometime next month. there will be thousands of projects across the country. hundreds of thousands of jobs will be in jeopardy if we don't do this. money for the highway trust fund comes from gas taxes. the government says those taxes have not kept pace with the transportation needs. the bay area council spends about $300 million from the trust fund. first lady michelle obama is coming here to california for both political and parental reasons. the first lady will headline a democratic fund-raiser in los angeles today. then tomorrow, she'll speak at a summit addressing the issue of homeless veterans. she will visit her oldest daughter working as as production assistant this summer on halle berly's new tv -- halle berry's new tv show.
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a movie shooting leading to street closures. jefferson street near fisherman's warf will be closed. more closures are scheduled at the russian hill area and hide and lombard. people on foot are welcome to watch the movie. today two lucky viewers will win a two night stay at one of the two hotels at the did disneyland resort and four three-day one park tickets. go to before midnight, put in the secret word "mickey." back to the breaking news. oakland fire crews have contained and early-morning fire at an apartment on penniman avenue. brian flores just got there a couple of minutes ago. you are here now with the very latest. i know you have talked to neighbors, ones who called 911. what happened? >> reporter: hi, dave.
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good morning. oakland fire crews are spending their response here on the 4400 block of penniman. it was originally a two-alarm fire ba that got reduced as -- but that got reduced as firefighters were able to knock it down quickly. this was an apartment fire on the 4400 block of pennimam. you can see the crews mopping up. we understand the fire started in the kitchen area. we also understand that two people that were living there were not there at the time. two women living there, a sister was away in another location, somewhere in louisiana. some neighbors were very affected by the fire. >> it just spread throughout the apartment. we found it at 7:00 this morning, 7:30. something like that. >> anybody get hurt? >> no. >> reporter: oakland police responding to this fire that
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happened at 7:30. oakland fire crews mopping up the scene. one apartment, single apartment fire on the 4400 block of penneman knocked down. the red cross is here for any residents that are affected by this fire. brian flores, ktvu channel 2 news. an update at noon as well on that. thank you we want to check in oner who time with sal -- check in one more time with sal. not as dramatic as yesterday. that was horrible. i just heard about that all day. today we have more of a normal commute. i want to show you some live pictures on the eastshore freeway. things are steady. 26-minute drive time as you drive to the macarthur maze from the carquinez bridge. average speed about 45 miles an hour. bay bridge has improved quite a bit. you can see traffic is going to be busy. it's about a maybe 10, 15- minute drive time into san francisco as you drive into the city. contra costa commute, most of
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this has cleared out. even 580 is improving finally through the livermore valley here as you drive up to 680 interchange. as i click through these commutes. things are getting better. if you have the luxe of waiting around, you might want to think about putting it off if you can. a lot of people don't have that luxury, do they, steve paulson? >> i wasn't listening to a word -- >> i know. >> you are correct. a lot of fog out there. fog, tropical clouds. not much in the way of rain. it's possible. it will be cooler, breezy but still kind of muggy. cooling continues and then the tropical clouds will disappear by friday and then a little bit warmer by the weekend. the all-star game is in minneapolis. they just had their wettest june ever. an hour rain delay. i just checked the forecast.
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cool and clear. >> they say it could feel like you are at a football tailgate instead of summer baseball. >> thank you. that's our report for this morning. >> watch our noon news. we'll have more on how a hollywood movie could have an impact on traffic in san francisco and then we have the all-star game right here at 4:30. we're always here for you at thank you for joining us. hey pal? you ready?
8:59 am
can you pick me up at 6:30? ah... (boy) i'm here! i'm here! (cop) too late. i was gone for five minutes! ugh! move it. you're killing me. you know what, dad? i'm good. (dad) it may be quite a while before he's ready, but our subaru legacy will be waiting for him. (vo) the lonstng midsize sedan in its class. introducing the all-new subaru legacy.
9:00 am
it's not just a sedan. it's a subaru. hi, everybody, i'm beth troutman, what do you say we watch some great videos, "right this minute"? what i'm going to grab you for -- >> dude is having a bad day after -- >> his baby mama, allegedly, pepper sprayed him. >> going from sprayed to tazed in the back of the cop car. when firefighters rescue a kitten from a sewage pipe. >> there's another kitten. >> the ingenious solution to bring him to the surface. high drama when a pa


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