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tv   News at 5pm  FOX  July 14, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT

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pavement and are now pumping it out of the shoulder area there. >> reporter: that meant immediately closing down the road. a major rush hour feeder between 580 and highway 101. as a result traffic westbound came to a crawl as commuters headed southbound. officials evacuated 40 people in 10 homes because gastricled down the hill towards -- gastricled down the hills towards them. -- gas trickled down the hills towards them. >> didn't appear he fell asleep or speeding. that is under investigation. >> the truck can't be put back on to the wheels till
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everything is transferred to another tanker. it must be pumped out as opposed to draining it with gravity. >> we don't want to right it with fuel in the tanks. >> the most serious complication is that roadway. severely damaged by the gasoline. it has to be replaced and that will take many hours and that is many hours after the truck is hauled away. tom vacar, ktvu channel 2 news. >> and here is a look at the effected areas right now. 101 north bound dominated by red. the traffic is really backed up. and then if you look at 580 westbound, the traffic starts to get bad after the bridge. we have breaking news. this time in fairfield. a big rig caught fire after over turning on interstate 80. images show what is left of the
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burned wreckage that ended up on the shoulder. the driver was reportedly unharmed. there is no word of other injuries. you can see here the backup, it is a huge backup. it is creating major delays for drivers. currently the right lanes on eastbound 80 remain blocked. new at 5:00 p.m. a scary struggle with a man inside a bay area restaurant. ktvu channel 2 news spoke with customers customers and employee whose brave actions kept people from getting hurt. ktvu's cristina rendon is live. you talked with one man who wrestled the knife away from the suspect? >> reporter: yeah. that's right. actually we were tipped off about what happened by customers who were crediting them for their brave actions. the men likely prevented a
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violent situation from unfolding. >> it was a huge knife. >> reporter: customers had their peaceful meals interrupted last night. >> i hear commotion and someone screamed get him. the 26-year-old was intoxicated while wielding a large knife. he was reportedly upset and did not want to leave because he thought someone stole his cell phone. they started wring with him. >> -- wrestling with him. they took the knife away. >> twisting his wrists till i felt a pop and i was able to dislodge the knife. >> reporter: they helped out by restraining his feet with a felt and his hands with handcuffs till police arrived. he says the man attacked officers and bit one of them on the leg but he credits them for
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stopping violence. >> no doubt. anybody warmed a knife who is intoxicated and not thinking properly could injure several people. >> he says he didn't think twice about risking his life to protect others because someone had to stop him. >> i am glad i am alive. >> he is facing charges for assaulting an officer and resisting arrest. a scary situation for everyone inside. we reached out to management but they declined to comment during the investigation. live, cristina rendon, ktvu channel 2 news. and now a the weather across the bay area and as you can see from the live pictures the stories tonight depends on where you live. on the right the dry brown hills of contra costa county where today temperatures sored to 100 degrees. and our chief meteorologist bill martin is tracking the
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condition. >> he joins can us now with the hottest spots that are still hot right now. >> the sea breeze is kicking in. winds 35 miles per hour. winds in the delta 30 miles per hour. that is bringing cooler air inland. these are the current temperatures. they have come down quite a bit. you see the greens and yellows. that is the marine flow. the cool, moist air dropping temperatures rappedly. livermore -- rapidly. livermore 82 degrees. we will see a cooler pattern inland. earlier today it was hot. temperatures got up into the upper 90s. low 100s. we have muggy conditions as well. humidity, temperatures -- humidity 40% in some places because of all the moisture coming in. this happened last week. you don't want thunderstorms but we have them. not in our area. if i come over here.
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we are getting strong weather in the seair oz. next -- sierras. when i come back i will time those out for you. the heat is going away, when it comes back. >> follow bill and the ktvu channel 2 news weather team online. they are posting up dates on twitter and on facebook. wrong place, wrong time is what the son of a woman killed believes as ktvu's alex savage shows us she may not have been the inended target. -- intended target. >> reporter: kind and caring. she was known for helping her neighbors but police say one of the neighbors opened fire on her on the porch of this home. her son remembers saying good- bye to his mom for the last time. >> she said that she loved me. and i said that i loved her too and she said he would be right back and she didn't come back. >> reporter: immediately after
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the shooting police arrested michael wilson who lives next store. investigators say he knocked on the door around 10:30 p.m. last night when the door opened he fired. this home belongs to reggie posey, he believes the killer was coming after him but she got caught in the middle. reggie posey said he often harasses him using racial slurs. >> racist since i have been here. call people "n" words. he drank all day. then he come out and cussing out people. >> reporter: pleasant won't say if he revealed a shooter but -- police won't say if he revealed a a reason why. >> we are investigating everything we can to try understand why something like
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this would happen. obviously a tragic tend to a woman's life. >> the victim was well known here on this street. many people know her as mom. her son is now inviting friends and neighbors to a vigil in honor of his mother it will happen wednesday night here nearby the scene of the crime. alex savage, ktvu channel 2 news. police are investigating an officer involved shooting that happened about 90 minutes earlier on mark streit near leonard. -- mark street near leonard. . >> offenses say they were forced to shoot him. the man was shot in the leg and in stable condition. in san francisco the clean up continued for a water main break in one of the most popular shopping centers. ktvu's rob roth is here with what they are dealing with tonight. >> the clean up continues.
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you can see the water repair damage trucks. four stores are still closed. they are busy today pumping out water from the basement of high end stores today. 7 stores suffered some water damage, 4 remain closed. this happened on saturday when a construction crew working on the subway project struck a water main sending water to the lower levels of luxury stores. we spoke to a store that wasn't damaged but they are upset by what happened. >> it is a big time disaster. it really hurts retail. i know it is an accident and i know accidents happens but at the end of the day people come to san francisco and they want to have a good time. >> frustrating.
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[ indiscernible ] >> reporter: union square business owners and shoppers must cope with the subway project and now this. authorities are investigating how the accident happened and they are assessing the cost of the damage. the four stores that are closed could be down for a few more days. reporting live in san francisco, rob roth, ktvu channel 2 news. after months of negotiations and sick outs, muni workers today cast their ballots on a new contract. members of the union came to a agreement on june 30. the deal includes a 4.5% cost of living increase and offer as 9.5 -- offers a 9.5% pay raise. she was killed by a train but resurrected by social media. the twist that makes pictures like these so painful. >> damage, dangerous roads with
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the money to fix them running out, how the fate of the projects is hanging in the balance. >> approving new fines for water wasters, is it a decision about saving water or making money? you fifteen percent or more on huh, fiftcar insurance.uld save everybody knows that. well, did you know words really can hurt you? what...? jesse don't go!! i'm sorry daisy, but i'm a loner. and a loner gotta be alone. heee yawww!
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geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. jesse?
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new developments today in the middle east conflict. egypt called for a cease fire as they continue the rockets and-bombs. this comes as -- bombings, this comes as they shot down a drone. the fighting killed 200 palestinians. the united nations says 70% of the deaths have been civilians. there is no sign either side plans to pull back.
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>> reporter: the flow of casualties is constant at this hospital. men, women and children wounded during the air strikes. leaf lets dropped by the military warned residents to evacuate as more air strikes are planned. hamas told people to stay put. >> hamas is using the residents as human shield and bricking a catastrophe. therefore the responsibility of every strike against citizens of gaza which we are sorry for the responsibility is on hamas and their partners alone. >> 17,000 palestinians seeking celter in gaza -- shelter in gaza city. 176 palestinians died. >> welcome. >> the latest round of violence comes as secretary of state john kerry consider as
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trip trip trip trip trip to the region. people caught in the cross fire are waiting for any progress that could end the bloodshed. ktvu channel 2 news. homeland security officer is under investigation tonight for firing his weapon during a pro israel rally in los angeles yesterday. the sheriff's office says the officer fired his gun during a scuffle between opposing protesters. no one was hit. it is unclear if the gun was fired deliberately or accident. california politicians left today for central america. it is led by darrel steinburg and includes an east bay lawmaker. they plan to meet with dignitaries to discuss trade and immigration issues. they are also going there to get a better understanding of the crisis involving all the
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unaccompanied children coming into the united states and to figure out what california can do to help. >> we want to see what we can do to inform the debate and make recommendations to our state government and to the national government. >> the delegation is expected to return home on july 23. this comes as the white house ais seeking the support of a group of u.s. governors to host some of the 57,000 immigrant children who crossed the boarder. in a meeting governors expressed concerns to the administration about what it might cost those individual states. the children are legally required to have their cases heard in court and in some cases theulous process can -- judicial process can take years. eliminating a back log of medicaid applications. they sent letters to california
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and five other states with the request to address the problem. the state reported a back log of 600,000 applications. advocates say the problem is effecting low-income residents in need of coverage and in some cases preventing them from getting the treatment they need. developing news where a growing wildfire prompted evacuations. officials say the bully fire is threatening again homes and 8 structures. -- 15 homes and 8 structures. the fire is only 15% contained. 1800 firefighters have been fighting the flames since last thursday. a sacramentoman suspected of tend -- sacramento man suspect of sending to a marijuana farm is accused of setting the fire. let's check in with our chief meteorologist bill martin to find out the conditions here. >> the driest season on record
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in the state of california. drought conditions and no rain in the forecast. no significant rain. we have high fire conditions that will stick around through the summer. this is a pattern i find -- that can be very scary. working out okay now. we had the same pattern last week, it triggers off thunderstorms, dry lightning and we had rain showers in santa cruz, thundershowers by bear valley. and scattered showers throughout -- light scattered showers around the bay area. so the reason it is a big deal, if these were further south we would be seeing thundershowers and that is the last thing you need in the bay area. might see sprinkles on the bridge, very light. as we go through the evening this will continue and there is the off chance for a thundershowers. i will watch that for you. right now i don't see that as a strong possibility but with
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that much moisture in there area -- in the area, when it hits the moisture it could produce, we are not seeing it now. there is that chance. we will watch it for you into the evening hours into tomorrow morning. the forecast highs tomorrow, cooler than today. strong winds right now. we have winds gusting 24 miles per hour at the oakland airport. winds dropped temperatures inland 15 degrees. san jose 10 miles per hour winds. sfo winds are 15. out of the west. fog at the coast. high clouds. here is your forecast for tomorrow morning. right? cloudy. wake up. cloudy. over night lows tonight, cooling off, over night lows in the low 60s. this will give us the blanket of moist, cool air, warm air. we warm up tomorrow but cooler than today by 5 and 8 degrees. most of us will be in the 70s
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and 80s. the humidity out there, 25, 35%. higher that coast. inland 25, 35% is nolessable. muggy -- noticeable. muggy, sticky. that is how it will feel. and that is how it will feel tomorrow. high temperatures, cooler than today but humidities stay high. the five-day forecast with your bay area weekend in view, i pop it in here on sunday. warmer towards the weekend. it cools down here as we move into tomorrow. but this type of weather feels like texas. somewhere but not california. >> not exactly east coast humid but still humid -- [ talking at the same time ] >> feels strange for our area. >> thank you. nobel prize winning author has died. the south africa writer was considered a voice in the antipartied movement and a
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friend of nelson mandela. she won for literature in 1991. she died at a home yesterday. she was 90 years old. the non-profit in the south bay that is about to become the largest in the world. how it hopes to help parents and children in need. plus a pregnant woman's leap of faith. watch this -- faith. watch this. the rest of this video and how others helped as she jumped from the second story of a burning building. >> julie haener is here now for what we are working on for 6:00 p.m. >> several county workers retire because of a change in pension policies. the impact of public safety and ok buddy, aim it at us.
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there you go. so it's kfc night. [cheering] last week we hosted. yes, this week the kids invited us to their place. sorry i was late. i had a little trouble with the rope ladder. he fell twice. but look at all this food we've got.
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yeah we got this delicious kfc meal and they threw in 2 extra sides for free. for free! and i love what you've done with the drapes. are those your bedsheets? [laughing] ♪
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a woman who was pregnant was forced to jump from second story of a burning building in turkey. watch this. a large crowd held out a blanket for her to jump into. from the looks of things it appears she was okay. the fire was the result of a gas explosion. 8 people were injured. the force of the blast also was
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so strong it flipped over cars. octo mom plead no contest to welfare fraud. she initially faced four felonies for failing to report income she received while also getting $26,000 in welfare benefits last year. a judge sentenced her to two years probation and 200 hours of community service. more recovering children and families will have an opportunity get the help they need with the expansion of the ronald mcdonald house. in a year it will become the largest in the world. >> we sever 47 families every night. we will go up to 123 families. >> 3 times more parents will have a place to stay close to their children as their treated at the hospital. crews broke ground this morning. they will add on 50,000 square
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feet with 67 extra rooms. it will also repurpose the existing space. but there is a lot of fundraising work to be done to pay for the project. >> we are 3-quarters of the way there. during the course of -- [ indiscernible ] >> we will be raising money -- [ indiscernible ] >> say the hope to have it completed in 15 months. right now the ronald mcdonald house has a waiting list of 50 people and that is each night. the faster the expansion is completed the faster the families will receive the help they need. it is the end of the line for a well known comic book character archie and we are learning how he will die. he will be killed after taking a bullet for his best friend.
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he is his first openly gay character. the ceo says archie dize heroically, selflessly. an instagram page for a person claiming to be the ghost of an east bay teen. >> they all knew her. that is horrible. >> the angry calls to take down and what happened when we looked into it. >> a chilly reception for plans by the san jose sharks to add ice girls. how the team is giving critics the cold shoulder and their response. >> move over hidden cash the new twitter page that has people searching for digital money.
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for over 60,000 california foster children, having necessary school supplies can mean the difference between success and failure. the day i start, i'm already behind. i never know what i'm gonna need. new school, new classes, new kids. it's hard starting over. to help, sleep train is collecting school supplies for local foster children. bring your gift to any sleep train, and help a foster child start the school year right.
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not everyone can be a foster parent, but anyone can help a foster child. heat shields are compromised. we what's that alarm?ures. fuel cell two is down. i'm going to have to guide her in manually. this is very exciting. but i'm at my stop. come again? i'm watching this on the train. it's so hard to leave. good luck with everything. watch tv virtually anywhere with the u-verse tv app. with at&t, the u-verse revolves around you. come together at subway,value in our six-inch select, the spicy italian, loaded with genoa salami and spicy pepperoni. try it fresh toasted on italian herb & cheese bread for that perfect flavor blend. the $3 six-inch select of july. subway. eat fresh.
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complete bay area news coverage continues right now, this is ktvu channel 2 news at 5:00 p.m. a family already devastated by the loss of their daughter hurt again by what is showing up on social media. someone is posting updates on instagramicize if the teen was -- instagram as if the teen was still alive. ktvu's ken wayne is live with more on the account and the
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anger surrounding the post. ken? >> reporter: that account has been active, poweing the updates -- posting the updates. a 14-year-old student here who died last march. >> reporter: she was struck and killed by train. the death of the 14-year-old brought the community together in grief. now much is unified in anger because the account is fake. >> they all new her. that is horrible. >> reporter: delete this now reads one post. one says this is disgraceful. this is like making fun of her. >> i guess they were trying to make it like she talking. like she is still there. i think it is rude to do that. that is not right.
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>> we found a lemonade stand where the children knew her. >> i thought it was rude and mean of someone to hack in and post something like that. >> reporter: a school district official didn't know about the account till we told him. >> i am a teacher also and i just think kids don't think about it. if it is something to be popular or laugh at at the time they don't care. >> reporter: we were unable to contact the family but were told they are outraged. parents say social media companies should prevent these kinds of incidents. >> somebody's name is there, there should be a red flag to let them know. >> reporter: we contacted instagram, the company said it would have a statement about the incident and then this afternoon they told me that it would not have any comment about this. however around 2:00 p.m.
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this afternoon that account was taken down. ken wayne, ktvu channel 2 news. back new developing news. a live look now from news chopper 2 where a stretch of sir francis drake boulevard outside of san quentin state prison has been closed since 7:00 a.m. this morning. crews are cleaning up after a tanker truck over turned this morning. the road is a key way for thousands of drivers going back and forth between 580 and highway 101. you can see the back off off of the bridge. also to make matters worse, sir francis drake boulevard will be closed right on through the night into tomorrow. as hazmat crews work to clean up the gas that spilled from the tanker. we have ben on the story all -- been on the story all day long and we will check back with tom vacar at 6:00 p.m. a horrible crash early this
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morning on highway 13 killed a 28-year-old driver. police found a car flipped over on southbound 13 about 1:00 a.m. this morning. police identified the victim as deandre wilson. there are reports of the car being seen speeding on westbound highway 24. about 10 minutes before the crash. the man suspected in a deadly hit and run over the weekend turned himself in this afternoon. john mesker was booked on felony hit and run, driving on a suspended license. investigators say he hit and killed a man saturday morning. according to court records he has a history of contradictions for drugs -- convictions for drugs and weapons.
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leading the street closures this week and next. several locations around the city serving as the back drop for the disaster movie san andreas. tomorrow morning jefferson street will be closed to vehicles. more filming and more street closures are scheduled next week. people on foot are welcome to watch the movie shoot. the ribbon cutting at the 49ers new 1 pout $2 billion levi's stadium is scheduled for thursday and now leaders want higher paying jobs when it opens. it was expected to create 12,000 jobs but a majority were construction jobs. the remaining positions are service positions at the stadium that pay 13 to $26 an hour. the san jose sharks plan to use ice girls during games and that plan is facing new criticism tonight. 800 people "liked" a facebook page that opposes the plan
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calling the uniforms skimpy and seeksest. ktvu's azenith smith is live with more. >> reporter: many fans are upset with the woman's uniform, not so much the men's. 130 people signed up for auditions. the sharks say nothing has been set in stone and as for the photos they are just mock ups for now. >> lost it. score. >> the san jose sharks are hoping to get an ice team, men and women during each game. all but 9 nhl teams have something similar. the idea is getting off to an icy start? >> super cold in there, why would you do that? you know? weird. >> reporter: sharks fans have issues with the girls. while the men are covered up as you can see.
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she is not alone. fans on the facebook page posted they plan to cancel their season tickets. others didn't see the big deal. >> i think it is a great way to motivate the crowd and i think it will be good representation of the team. [ indiscernible ] >> i think that would be part of every day going to the games. >> reporter: the sharks have issued a statement saying our team will serve as an addition to the organization providing another asset to engage with fans. we are confident the final version of the team will be tasteful and appropriate. despite hurt dislike for the team it hadn't discouraged her from routing on her sharks. >> i bleed teal no matter what. [ laughter ] >> reporter: they will have many uniforms and will not be based on any other cheer team
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in the nhl. live in san jose, asnith s, ktvu channel 2 news -- azenith smith, ktvu channel 2 news. people who waste water could be facing hefty fines. >> maybe they should fine them. >> at 5:45 p.m. the vote that could cost you hundreds of dollars a day. >> the national guard showing off its equipment to other bay area agencies. why they say it could save lives.
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the wind died down between 5:30 p.m. and 7:15 p.m.
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last night. the coast guard never had to rescue so many surfers at one time and it was critical to locate them because there is a lot of >> coming together this afternoon to learn more about potentially life saving equipment. as oneode of emergency -- as one head of emergency services told us it is better now than during a disaster. hosted by the california international guard, agencies from santa clara and san mateo counties brought their equipment for a show and tell session. >> they can share what they use, how they use it. how differently or how similarly they use the assets. >> the connections connections could speed up responses. cracking down on water
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wasting. >> if you have been caught wasting water you might have received a notice like this. next month it could be a $500 fine. >> reports of scattered showers throughout the bay area right now. could we see a thundershowers out there? -- a thundershower out there? i will let you know right after the break. oh chris, did you remember to pay the dog sitter? oh i knew i forgot something... i'll just do it now. well, we're boarding. no, i'll use citi mobile. takes two seconds, better safe than sorry right? yeah who knows if we'll even get service on the islands?
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what! no service? seriously? no electricity, we're going to make our own candles, we're going to churn our own butter. oh, we lost one. can't leave a bag unattended. bank from almost anywhere with the citi mobile app. to learn more visit
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three, two, one.
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zero. >> after two months of delays space x successfully deployed six satellites into orbits. the rocket blasted off this morning. carrying the satellites. they will be used to track, monitor and control the operation of private and government owned large vehicles and heavy equipment. space x is run by tesla motors ceo. six weeks after being freed from the taliban. sergeant bowe bergdahl is returning to active duty. the army said sergeant bowe bergdahl will work in san antonio where he has been receiving counselings and medical care. sergeant bowe bergdahl was taken captive. some of his comrades accused him of desurges. the tsa is promising to remind agents how to recognize
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driver's driver's driver's licenses. justin gray was stopped by a tsa agent who demanded his passport. he says he told him his driver's license wasn't a valid form of i.d. tsa will not tell us if they received similar complaints. >> tsa says they don't have a problem with their employees, they are in denial and they need to face up to that. >> a tsa spokesperson says because of this incident tsa agents are shown pictures of washington, d.c. driver's licenses. california water officials are going to launch a new program tomorrow. ktvu's john fowler is live on the fines that some water wasters could be facing. >> reporter: in this part of contra costa county 200 water wasters have already received
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drought notices such as this. soon they could be replaced by expensive tickets. >> reporter: many homeowners already take seriously existing restrictions. >> we have a lawn in front and back that we no longer walter -- water. >> reporter: he is conserving conserving and water wasters deserve punishment. >> maybe they should fine them but warn them first. >> reporter: already for customers there is no watering during day light hours, no hosing of sidewalks, state restrictions are similar. >> don't expect big changes but it is a continued push for conversation and a continued reminder about how serious the condition is statewide. >> reporter: if approved police or anyone else authorized could write a ticket for a fine up to $500 a day. police agencies said they be not yet considered how taenforce -- to enforce this.
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many wild be split between water agencies, courts and the state. he thinks this is less about water than about cash. . >> i think the state is looking for together opportunity to make -- for another opportunity to make money from a crisis. >> reporter: officials say that is baloney. it is a tool to convince homeowners the drought is serious. if approved they go into effect in 2 weeks. reporting live, john fowler, ktvu channel 2 news. >> on we put together a section for the drought. there you canned find the latest on -- you can find the latest on the conditions, we posted a link under hot topics. our weather now, bizarre weather today. it is humid and there is a responsibility of thundershowers. >> we could see thundershowers in the northeast portions of
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the bay area. spriles now. fog a-- sprinkles now. fog along the coast. 102 antioch. 101 fairfield. 101 livermore. warm and hot inland. that is hot. not warm. warm around the bay. and humid. you will notice that tonight. moisture from the gulf of mexico. gulf of california, pardon me. muggy tonight. had reports of action out here towards pacifica. light scattered showers. take a look here. it is light stuff as it moves over head. as the moisture streams in there is a chance of thunderstorms. pay attention to it. it happens with this type of pattern. this is the last thing you want because it is dry and the lightning would be relatively dry, you have a fire concern. temperatures right now, the last time i showed you this there wasn't this much cool
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air. cooling the inland valleys. 100-degree readings an hour or two ago. we have gusts to 25 and 30 miles per hour. blowing that way. well, not -- most of the winds. coming out of the west. northwest. the winds cool things off. that is what you will notice tonight. despite the cooling at the surface, you have high clouds that keep us in the high humidity. it makes sleeping sticky tonight and you will notice it tomorrow morning as well. cooler highs tomorrow, it will feel warm. not as hot as today. today we didn't have the cloud cover. cloud cover didn't get here atill the afternoon -- here till the afternoon. we have a lot of humidity and it will be sticky tonight. not the end of the world. just doesn't happen that much. five-day forecast with your bay area weekend in view sunday temperatures coming up a little
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bit. we are not used to the humidity, tonight you will notice a sticky feel. >> thank you. pop holes and aging highways, many roads in the bay area and the state are over due for repairs. >> tough on a car. >> now the federal dollars allocated for improvement is in limbo. >> julie haener is here now for what we are working on for 6:00 p.m. >> tanker truck that over turned this morning clogging the commute. we will take you back to san rafael for efforts to keep traffic flowing. >> transforming a park, what police are doing to keep kids safe and engaged in the neighborhood. >> these stories and much more coming up new at 6:00 p.m.
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great flavors and great value come together at subway, in our six-inch select, the spicy italian, loaded with genoa salami and spicy pepperoni. try it fresh toasted on italian herb & cheese bread for that perfect flavor blend. the $3 six-inch select of july. subway. eat fresh.
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for the barbeque oven roasted chicken melt, now our featured footlong. with juicy chicken and monterrey cheddar, topped with tangy pickles and mmm! sweet barbecue sauce. now that's a $6 footlong special. subway. eat fresh. new at 5:00 p.m. the posh by the white house to keep -- the push by the white house to keep money flowing hit a bump in the roads and that means trouble for transportation projects in the works. to emphasize the importance of the woning the white house show -- funding the white house shows how it could help the job market. what is at stake for california. >> reporter: speed up, slow down. avoid that pot hole. he tells me he cringes every time he sees one he can't
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avoid. >> tough on a car. you have to slow down. you know, unpleasant. >> the white house says it could get worse if the trust fund sits on empty. the fund pays for all transportation projects across the country. it is running out of money unless congress acts. >> economic future depends on infrastructure. infrastructure is like the system for an economy for it to function well we need that funding from congress. >> reporter: we found out what is at stake for california. in this report 34% of roads are listed in poor condition. 28% of bridges labeled structurally deficient. if there is no plan 5,692 projects already in the works could be slowed or stopped. the report notes driving on bad roads cost you more money.
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bay area drivers spent $782 a year in additional costs. experts predict the fund will be exhausted by the end of august. this driver atells me he does -- tells me he doesn't have faith in congress where they want to find a fix but can't agree on how. ktvu channel 2 news. today city group agreed to pay $7 billion for its role in the mortgage crisis. u.s. attorney general eric holder said this morning they admitted to misconduct by approving loans for people who couldn't afford them. $2.5billion will go towards customer relief programs. california is guaranteed at least $90 million. >> banks activities shattered lives and livelihoods throughout the country and
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around the world. they contributed to the financial crisis that devastated our economy in 2008. >> a official said this is in the best interest of the share holders and allows the company to move forward. the attorney general says it is possible employees could face criminal charges. someone is taking the lead from hidden cash and started a new hunt, sf hitten bitcoin. -- hidden bitcoin. the donor handed them out on bitcoin wallets. clues are offered on twitter. the person behind it says he wants to educate people about the use of bitcoins. they have been worth $20 each so far. now at 6:00 p.m. 11 hours after the crash on a busy north bay road it remains closed and traffic is backed up. the damage done and how much longer till it reopens. >> a man with a knife threatens
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people inside an east bay restaurant. >> he was trying to stab at us. >> we speak it the people who stepped into keep everyone safe till police arrived. >> fighting crime in parks. the program giving kids a safer place to play. ktvu channel 2 news starts right now with breaking news. >> that breaking news comes from oakland. news chopper 2 over the scene where traffic is backing up on interstate 580 following an accident involving a motorcycle and three cars. look at the traffic there. it goes on and on. the crash was reported 45 minutes ago on eastbound 580 between the 98 and 106s exits near the zoo. artless 2 vehicles -- at least two vehicles went down an embankment. at this point we have no word on injuries. as you can see the traffic
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backing up and this comes at the height of the commute. across the bay, there are major problems after a tanker truck crashed this morning and tonight we are learning the kajso bad it -- damage is so bad it may not reopen till tomorrow morning. good evening. hello. i am frank somerville. >> and i am julie haener. >> the crash happened at 7:00 a.m. on sir francis drake boulevard. it is a road many drivers use. it is now 6:00 p.m. and chp says the road is so damaged crews have to repave over night and that means the road won't reopen till the morning even though all day we heard it would reopen tonight. ktvu's tom vacar is live now where he has been talking with experts about how the road conditions may have played a part in the crash. if you look over here you will see sir francis drake boulevard rema


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