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tv   KTVU Noon News  FOX  July 14, 2014 12:00pm-12:31pm PDT

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now at noon, developing news in marin county where a major freeway is completely closed because of an overturned tanker truck that leaked fuel. >> we're learning more about the woman who was gunned down outside of an apartment of vallejo last night. her son talks to ktvu about the last time he saw her. >> she said that she loved me and i said that i loved her too and she said that she'd be right back. and she didn't come back. >> more on the man in custody accused of the killing and his relationship to the victim. >> police in palo alto are hoping this sketch will lead them to the man accused of
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groping and harassing a woman at a public park. cousins of -- dozens of people are evacuated and crews are working to clean of dozens of gallons of spilled fuel. this is the scene from news chopper 2. sir francis drake boulevard, a major thoroughfare near san quentin is completely shut down. good evening. i'm tori campbell. good afternoon, brian. >> it remains a mess out here literally on sir francis drake boulevard. crews had to move us back several hundred feet because they were concerned about the gas fumes still emanating from the roadway. the tanker truck around the corner from where i'm standing remains overturned five hours after it happened.
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it's looking like it will be midafternoon at the earliest before this scene is clear. want to go to some video right now of what it looked like this morning from news chopper 2 just after 7:00 this morning. according to chp the driver of the double gas tanker truck was head ed westbound just after anderson drive when he lost control. investigators say the driver was going the speed limit but that the rear tanker went on the soft shoulder. with all that gas inside, the tanker lost balance. the driver tried to compensate but eventually lost control and overturned. investigators estimated earlier about 1700 gallons spill on to the road. i just got an update they now believe up to 4,000 gallons spilled on to sir francis drake boulevard. crews spent all morning quickly cleaning up the mess. they're using a section hose to place whatever gas spilled in to another tanker. >> it didn't appear that he fell asleep. it didn't appear that he was speeding. i'm not sure what their reason was. that's still under investigation. >> as a precaution, about 10 homes or about 40 people were evacuated from a neighborhood
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called san quentin village near the west gate of san quentin prison. the prison itself was not affected. investigators say a very small amount of fuel actually leaked in to a storm drain nearby but they were able to block it from making it further. >> so the process now is to get all the fuel out of the shoulder and out of the truck and to have the tow truck right the truck forward. we don't want to right it with fuel on the ground or in the tank. >> as for the driver, he didn't want to be on camera but he told me he's doing okay, just upset that it happened. he didn't need medical attention and he was helping crews all morning long in the cleanup effort. sir francis boulevard remains closed on both directions. on the marin county side, northbound on 101, you can exit sir francis drake but you'll be turned around once you reach the ferry building. another thing stopping this progress is the cleanup crew that was actually
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meant to be here is actually stuck in traffic on the richmond san rafael bridge. chp crews are sending a crew out to get them so they can get the tanker truck righted up sooner than later. we can estimate 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. before the scene is entirely clear. live near san quentin, brian flores, ktvu channel 2 news. >> stay with ktvu for updates throughout the day. a man is facing a murder charge after police say he shot and killed a woman who lived a few doors down from him. alex is here with more on the victim. >> good afternoon to you. the victim was well known here on this street. neighbors simply called her "mom." last night she was visiting a friend of hers who lives a few doors down when she was shot to death. >> reporter: described as kind and caring, 57-year-old lillie mae christiansen was known for helping her neighbors. but last night vallejo police say one of
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the neighbors opened fire on her on the front porch of this home. her teenaged son, robert patterson, remembers saying goodbye to his mom for the last time. >> she said that she loved me. and i said that i loved her too. and she said that she'd be right back. and she didn't come back. >> reporter: immediately after the shooting, police arrested michael wilson, who lives right next door. investigators say he knocked on his neighbor's door around 10:30 last night and when the door opened, he began firing with a high-powered weapon. this home belongs to reggie posey. he believes the accused killer was coming after him but christiansen got caught in the middle. posey says wilson often harasses him using racial slurs. >> he's been racist ever since i've been here. he don't like black people. calls people n words. he sits in there and drinks all day. then he comes
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out and gets bold and starts cussing people out. >> reporter: police won't say if the suspected shooter has revealed a motive for the crime but so far nothing points toward this being a racially-motivated killing. >> at this point we don't have any information to lead us to believe that that's in fact the case. obviously we're not ruling anything out at this point. we're investigating everything that we possibly can to try and understand why something like this would happen. obviously a tragic end to a woman's life. >> the victim's 18-year-old son is inviting friends and neighbors to a vigil in honor of his mother that will happen wednesday night here near the scene of this shooting last night. the man now in custody, taken in to custody last night by police in connection with this killing is facing the first degree murder charge. vallejo police are also investigating an officer involved shooting that happened 90 minutes earlier near leonard. police say neighbors spotted the man walking down the street holding a gun and glaring at
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passing cars. the officers who rushed to the scene say they were forced to shoot him when he pointed his gun at them. the man was shot. we just spoke to vallejo police and they say the man is in stable condition. an 84-year-old pacifica man is behind bars accused of stabbing his wife. police arrested tony lee at the couple's house on griffin avenue. the woman was taken to the hospital. there's no word on her condition. lee does face charges of attempted murder. palo alto police are asking for the public's help in identifying a man accused of harassing and groping a woman in a public park. this is the sketch of the man. a woman says he approached her friday morning while she was sitting on a bench in the park on dartmouth street. he asked if she was married and if they could become good friends. as she tried to leave, he grabbed her and tried to kiss her and she was able to push him
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away. police are concerned he could become more aggressive if he's not caught. >> with crimes like these, if individuals get away with it, a lot of the times they progress and they get worse and worse. >> the man is described as middle eastern, 45 to 55 years old, 5'3", about 170 pounds with a potbelly. anyone recognizes the suspect in the sketch is asked to call palo alto police. an event to show off potentially life saving rescue equipment is wrapping up at moffat field. it's all part of an effort to share specialty equipment during an emergency. >> as one head of emergency services put it, it's all about sharing a business card now as opposed to during a disaster. the california air and national guard, 129th rescue wing, hosts the joint forces capabilities
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event here at moffat field. essentially two dozen agencies from all over the bay area bring their equipment for an informal show and tell session. it's an opportunity for smaller agencies to see equipment they may need to borrow. you might be saying some of this equipment seems excessive but one head of emergency management says knowing what his neighbor agencies own means he won't purchase duplicate equipment. so the event helps him make informed purchase decisions. >> an open forum, a discussion for these agencies to be able to talk with each other and really try to understand what capabilities they have in effort to have discussions how to work in concert with each other. >> the palo alto police department showed us inside their mobile command unit. it's essentially city hall and the police department combined. it could operate the 911 system and organize city crews like the streets department during an emergency. there are only around a half dozen mobile command units with that much
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functionality in the bay area. so a good example of when this type of networking would really come in to play is when the next big earthquakes hit. connections made today could save precious minutes during an emergency. in san francisco the coast guard was very busy yesterday having to rescue 25 kite surfers and wind surfers in the water. the rescue efforts took place between 5:30 and 7:15 p.m. the coast guard had to use two boats to rescue the stranded surfers who were all caught off guard when the wind unexpectedly died and that meant the surfers could not propel themselves back to the beach. a multibillion-dollar settlement for citi group in its role in selling risky mortgages which led to the housing boom and bust. >> the heat is on around the bay area and for some it could feel a little humidity.
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rosemary orozco will be here to tell you what it's store for your work week. >> union square cleaning out after a weekend water main break left a soggy mess. which stores will open and which will remain closed indefinitely? did you remember to pay the dog sitter? yeah, citi mobile. and deposit that check? citi mobile. pack your bathing suit? wearing it. niiice bank from almost anywhere with the citi mobile app.
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today the justice department announced one of america's largest banks, citi group will pay a $7 billion penalty for risky mortgages that led to the great recession. some of the money will help people impacted by the housing crash. >> attorney general eric holder said citi group admitted to egregious misconduct. >> the bank's activities shattered lives and livelihoods throughout the country and also around the world. they contributed mightily to the financial crisis that devastated our economy in 2008. >> investigators say citi group sold mortgages to investors knowing the value of homes was overstated. borrowers defaulted immediately and investors lost millions of dollars. of the settlement money, $2.5 billion goes to customer relief programs, that includes reducing interest rates, modifying loans,
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and creating affordable rental properties in high cost of living areas. the justice department expects the settlement to help hundreds of thousands of housing crash victims. >> we hope this measure in particular will bring relief to families who were pushed in to the rental market after losing their homes in the wake of the financial crisis. >> a citi group official said this settlement is in the best interest of the company's shareholders and allows the company to move forward. but holder said citi group employees could still face criminal charges. kyla campbell, ktvu, channel 2 news. silicon valley tech giants google, netflix are criticizing the net neutrality rules. more than two dozen tech companies made their case in writing today to the federal communications commission saying the rules would change the internet as we know it. the fcc's plan would enable internet service
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providers to charge companies such as netflix and google for faster internet connections creating a paid fast lane for tech companies and a slower lane for everybody else. east bay lom ellen corbett left for central america a short time ago. the delegation led by darrell steinberg plans to meet with several dignitaries from those countries to discuss trade and immigration issues. steinburg says they're also going to better understand the crisis involving an influx of unaccompanied immigrant children in to the u.s. and to figure out what california can do to help. >> we want to see what we can do to inform the debate and come back and make recommendations to our state and national government. >> the delegation is expected back home on july 23rd. fran city -- san francisco city attorney is expecting a $3.5 million settlement in a wrongful
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conviction case against the city. conley sued the city after he spent 18 years in prison for a double murder in 1989 that he did not commit. he was freed in 2010 after a judge ruled the police investigators knew a star witness had lied on the stand. the city's police commission and police chief have also signed off on the deal. the board of supervisors will discuss the recommendation later this month. the coroner has just identified a man killed in a car crash in oakland early this morning. 28-year-old deandre wilson of san leandro was killed when the cadillac he was driving hit a center divider then flipped over on southbound highway 13 near the redwood road off ramp. there are reports the same car was seen just 10 minutes before speeding erratically on westbound highway 24 near the calicot tunnel. investigators are still looking for a driver who hit and killed a 21-year-old man early saturday morning. it happened
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on petaluma hill road when police say garza, jr. was hit by a car near hunter lane while walking home. the driver did not stop. a woman who lives nearby said her husband heard the tire screeching. >> and then he heard an impact but it sounded so hard, he thought it was another car. >> the chp says they found the car on nearby holly avenue and now they want to talk to the owner of that car. right now muni workers are talking. under the deal, muni operators would get a 14% raise over three years, enough to cover increased mention costs to the workers. if approved, the contract would settle a labor dispute that led to a destructive three-day stick out last month. repairs have been made. now there's a lot of drying out to be done at several high end
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retail stores in san francisco. a water main break saturday flooded basement stock rooms at stores around union square. several stores were forced to close because of standing water. the lacrosse store and chanel stores are still closed today. there is no damage estimate yet and there's no word on what retailers plan to do with their damaged merchandise. outside our doors this afternoon it's a hotter one for most of us and for some this afternoon it's likely to feel a bit muggy. i'll explain why. let's head out doors, giving you a live look there. parts of san francisco pointing to the west. notice we have low clouds there, just above the coastal range, you can see them. those are banked up against the coast. we do have mostly cloudy skies going on along the coastline and mid and high level clouds up above that. i want to go to the
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satellite radar and show you all those clouds that are working from the south. if i back up just a little bit you can see central and southern california covered in these clouds. i'm going to go one step further and show you where these clouds are coming from. the high pressure bringing us the heat for today stationed to the east of us in the circulation around that high pressure, you can see for yourself how it just pushes the monsoonal moisture our way. all the way from the desert southwest. it's going to feel a little humid today. i'm going to show you how we move through the day and the afternoon. notice the increase in clouds. this is not only for today, it's going to be for tonight and tuesday looks to be mostly cloudy as well. let's get to those numbers because boy, did it really heat up in some areas. 95 in antioch right now. 95 in livermore. upper 90s in fairfield. 87, santa rosa. 79 in nap a. you get around the bay and temperatures are a lot more comfortable. widespread 70s. 78 in hey -- hayward. some of the areas inland like antioch and
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livermore, anywhere from 10 to 15 degrees warmer right now than what we were 24 hours ago. you are definitely feeling the heat today. for the afternoon today, some of the hottest spots will go to 100 degrees. low to mid 90s for part of the north bay. closer to the water, widespread 70s to low 80s. especially for the inner east bay, 101 for antioch. 102 in brentwood. in to the santa clara valley, mid 80s to low 90s. gilroy, 95. 91 expected for saratoga. along the peninsula for the afternoon today, upper 80s for redwood city. 72, san francisco. along the coast those numbers haven't changed in a while. low 60s for pacifica and half moon bay. temperatures will trend downward as early as tomorrow and continue to cool in the second half of the business week and in to your bay area weekend, looks like sunday temperatures could bump up some but not as hot as we're seeing inland. >> just got to get through
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today's heat inland and we'll be okay. could you be allergic to your tablet or cell phone? we'll tell you what to look for. >> you can soon bid on the original works of monet and picasso.
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corporate deals are helping to lift stocks and afternoon
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traders and investors cheering citi group's latest earnings. the $7 billion settlement with the government. taking a live look, the dow in record territory, up 117 at 17,061. nasdaq is up 23 and s&p is up 9. the new home of the 49ers in santa clara is expected to create 12,000 new jobs and while that sounds great, according to a report from the oakland tribune it will not be enough to boost the local economy. most of the jobs are temporary, construction, part-time or relatively low paying service jobs on game days. the report says only about 60 stadium jobs will provide permanent full-time employment and those jobs are mostly executive positions and marketing, sales, and operations. vintage pez dispenders, car parts, and now picassos. ebay and sutherby's are teaming up.
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the partnership will give ebay's 145 million customers instant bidding access to the high end items featured at sotheby's auctions. a new report out today finds that some people may be allergic to their tablets. doctors found several cases of rashes stemming from an allergic reaction of nickel found in many devices like tablets, cell phones, and some jewelry. in some instances the solution is as easy as putting the device in a protective case. the study says doctors need to consider devices as a possible source for skin rashes. as california gets deeper in to the drought, state water officials are considering state fines for water wasters that could cost you hundreds of dollars a day. today at 5:00, the tough new rules that could go in to effect as soon as tomorrow.
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we're asking how authorities here in the bay area plan to enforce them. thank you for making ktvu your choice for news. we're always here for you on and you can follow us on twitter and facebook. have a great day. we love this kitchen! ve measurements? yeah, i paced it off. it's about twenty by twelve of these. so, we can measure, plan and install it for you. yea, let's do that! ikea.
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about to view contains real life mysteries of several missing people. just watching may save their lives. kidnappings... family abductions... runaways... right now, we need your help to locate the many children and adults who are missing. [captioning made possible by telco productions, inc.] alex: thanks for joining us. i'm alex paen. you may not know this, but every day, thousands of men, women, and children are reported missing.


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