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tv   CCTV News  FOX  July 1, 2013 2:30am-3:01am PDT

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>> announcer: the following is a paid advertisement for the flex-able hose-- the revolutionary garden hose that automatically expands to almost three times its original size; features a lightweight, durable design that never gets kinked; and easily retracts back to its original shape-- brought to you by tristar products. >> forget everything you've ever known about watering hoses. there's a new way hoses are designed and built. the flex-able hose will change everything you ever thought about hoses. >> you're exactly right, brian. this is one of the most exciting products i've ever seen. it really takes the frustration out of all the tedious watering and cleaning jobs around the house. >> so if you're tired of struggling with your old, heavy hose that always ends up in a
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tangled mess, stay tuned. >> that's because we're going to show you how this flex-able hose can expand three times its original size and retracts back to this small size that weighs less than a pound. >> announcer: introducing the incredible flex-able hose. turn the water on and it expands up to three times its original length, so you can easily guide it anywhere you need without tangling. when you turn the water off, as it drains, the hose retracts back to its original shape. standard rubber hoses can weigh between eight and 12 pounds. but a 25-foot flex-able hose weighs less than a pound. the flex-able hose is so compact and lightweight, a child can manage a 75-foot hose easily. the flex-able hose will never kink and is guaranteed to take the mess out of watering your lawn and plants, so washing your windows or spraying off your gutters has never been easier. the flex-able hose is made of a tough double-wall construction that is designed to bend and stretch but never kink. >> the flex-able hose is incredible. it has plenty of pressure,
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lots of volume... it'll even reach second-story gutters. >> it's the perfect tool around the yard, around the house, the driveway, the pool. i just love it. >> it's lightweight enough for the kids. we can take it all the way around the house. we can take it on the boat. i'm telling you, it's terrific. >> announcer: stop coiling your hose with bulky devices. flex-able hose automatically retracts in seconds and weighs less than one pound. in fact, a 75-foot hose easily fits in a small bucket and stores away neatly in a drawer. flex-able hose saves you precious space on boats and is perfectly portable for r.v.s. on today's show, we'll take you to the flex-able hose test house where first-time users experience the flex-able hose for the very first time and discover the secret to making everyday outdoor chores fun and easy. you'll also see one of the most extreme demonstrations of durability any garden hose has ever been put through. and stay tuned to find out how you can take advantage of today's buy one, get one free television-only offer.
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now, let's join brian and laura as they demonstrate why this amazing innovation is quickly turning people across america into flex-able hose fans. > this is a standard 50-foot watering hose. you can see, it's tangled, it's kinked, it's a mess. you probably got one in your garage. now, this is a 50-foot flex-able hose. you can see, very small footprint. when laura adds the water to it, watch it expand and grow. >> i think that's pretty incredible, how it starts out so small, compact and neat-- and most importantly, in my book, right-- to the fact that it's actually going to be a hose that you can stretch across your entire yard and get whatever work done that you need to. >> absolutely. it's double-wall construction technology. now, the outer wall lets it glide and slide without scarring or scuffing any surface. >> all right, let me try this. first thing i notice is it's very lightweight. secondly, it's extremely powerful. now, i actually want to clean
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off this deck, so i'm going to switch it over to jet and see what happens. also, notice something else that's happening here. normally, with a hose, i would be dragging it like this, trying to get it around that. it just went right on its own, glides right around any crevices and corners i need it to, so that's really going to help me getting a lot of the yard work done. notice again, here, it just slowly goes right over there for you. now, something else that would happen: i would have had to have gone all the way back there and un-kink that hose several times. but look-- i still have a continuous flow of water going without ever stopping. now, speaking of stopping, brian? >> brian: now, coming up, the reason we're here. this is our flex-able hose test house. >> it is, and we've invited some people who have never heard of the flex-able hose before to come and test it out for themselves and tell us what they think. >> michelle, you've never seen the flex-able hose before, have you? >> no, i haven't. >> o.k., i'm going to turn some water on and then i want you to tell me what you think about it. >> o.k. oh, my goodness. it's becoming a regular hose.
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>> pretty incredible, isn't it? >> wow! yeah, it is. >> turn it on. [♪.. >> oh, wow! it's just expanding into a normal hose. >> did you expect that from the flex-able hose? >> no, it is amazing. >> o.k., water's on. what do you think? >> oh, my gosh, it's amazing! >> [laughsit's pretty incredible, isn't it? >> yeah! >> let's walk over here. you can start watering like you normally would at home. >> oh, wow. i don't even have to carry it with two hands, it's not crinkling and it's very light. >> michelle: i can't get over how much power this has! i will definitely be washing windows more often. >> brian: [laugh all right! >> this is so easy. >> now, watch as i turn on the faucet and see what happens. >> oh, that's very interesting. i've never seen anything like that. >> did you ever expect anything like this out of a garden hose? >> no, i definitely did not. >> look at that-- that's incredible! it turns into a normal size hose. that's, that's awesome!
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>> right before your eyes, huh? >> yes, look at it. it's still going... wow! >> i love the fact that i can just drag it along with me and it's not heavy. it's not heavy at all. >> laura: now, if you had to do a normal hose rather than the flex-able hose with this, do you think you'd still have this kind of power coming on all the way over here? >> no, because there would be kinks all over the hose. >> o.k., warren, now that you see your son shay washing the car, what do you think? >> i think this is great. it's pretty lightweight, he's using it real well... i'm excited. >> now, has he ever really washed the car before? >> no, not this much, not as much as he is now. >> and why not? >> the hose we normally have is heavy and bulky. it's a little hard for him to use. it's always getting stuck under the tires and kinking up, so... >> so now that you can see him doing this, what else do you think you might be able to get him to do in the yard? >> oh, wash the back deck, spray the garden-- lots of things. >> o.k., ashley, now all you have to do is turn off the faucet in order to put the hose back. squeeze the nozzle. what do you think? >> oh, wow! i can't believe it. it's just going by itself. there's no curl, there's no dragging around, no breaking my
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plants or my pots. >> i'm gonna turn the hose off. now watch this and look what's happening to your hose. >> oh, you are kidding me! i don't believe it. i don't believe it. >> now watch this. when you turn the water off... >> that's fantastic! it just shrivels up to a cord, a small cord. like a scrunchie. >> now, as i turn it off, you're gonna start to see it go back to its normal position as well. >> that's very small already. >> how is this compared to a normal hose to try and put away? >> oh, my gosh. my kids would be like, "oh, i don't want to pick it up. it's too heavy. it's all tangled up!" there's no kinks in this at all. >> you don't even have to get your hands dirty. >> no, not at all. >> my grandmother can use it, my mother can use it, people with arthritis can use it-- anybody could use this hose, that's how light it is. >> there are many differences between a flex-able hose and a standard rubber hose. one of the most noticeable differences is the weight. >> of course, because normal hoses like this one are
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so heavy, but the flex-able hose is very lightweight. >> this is a 100-foot standard rubber hose that weighs in at a whopping 16 pounds. >> i cannot even imagine trying to use that in my garden, and it doesn't even have water in it yet. >> here's a 100-foot flex-able hose. now, this expands after 100 feet and it weighs only... >> two pounds! that's 14 pounds lighter than the normal garden hose. >> 75-foot hose. >> o.k. >> comes in at... >> 10-1/2 pounds. i still think that would be too heavy for me to use, to tell you the truth. >> [laughsthat is pretty heavy. 75-foot flex-able hose. >> 1.5 pounds. that's nine pounds lighter than the comparison. all right, now here's a 50-footer. i still need two hands to even try and get that one, and it, again, doesn't have any water in it. >> 7.9 pounds. >> o.k., i'll let you take that one because you're my big, strong man here helping me out. o.k., now the flex-able hose comes in at 1.1 pounds.
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that's incredible. >> it really is. now, there's a standard 25-foot hose... >> o.k., pretty light at two pounds, but let's see what the flex-able hose does. it comes in at .6 pounds. that's about a quarter of the weight! >> only a half a pound. i'll tell you what, it's so light, it's incredible. >> it really is, and it's going to make it so easy for anyone to use. >> flex-able hose helps around the house in so many different ways. >> it's easy to maneuver, it's lightweight, it's durable. flex-able hose is the perfect hose for any job, whether it's at your house, on your boat or even on the road in your r.v., you simply cannot beat it. >> announcer: coming up, we'll announce today's special flex-able hose tv-only offer and take you to the showtime dragstrip where you'll witness one of the most demanding tests of durability any hose has ever been put through. stay tuned, you'll won't want to miss this. stop struggling with heavy hoses that are kinked and deliver little or no water, or worse, break. introducing the incredible flex-able hose.
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turn the water on and it expands up to three times its original length, so you can easily guide it anywhere you need without tangling. when you turn the water off, as it drains, the hose retracts back to its original shape. standard rubber hoses can weigh between eight and 12 pounds. but a 25-foot flex-able hose weighs less than a pound. the flex-able hose is so compact and lightweight, a child can manage a 75-foot hose easily. the flex-able hose will never kink and is guaranteed to take the mess out of watering your lawn and plants, so washing your windows or spraying off your gutters has never been easier. the flex-able hose is made of a tough double-wall construction that is designed to bend and stretch but never kink. >> regular hoses are so heavy and bulky. i used to hate going out with my shoulder issues, my wrist issues-- you know, when you get older, all the issues we have-- so now, because of the flex-able hose, it's lightweight, it's easy, there's no kinks, it doesn't get dirty. so thanks to the flex-able hose i have a great backyard and a great rose garden.
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>> announcer: we went to the legendary showtime dragstrip and let a racecar burn rubber right over the flex-able hose to test its durability, and look, the flex-able hose didn't tear, maintaining its water pressure without leaks-- amazing! call or visit to order the incredible flex-able hose for only $19.95. call right now and we will include a 7-way adjustable spray nozzle free. you can choose a full action spray, a gentle mist, a powerful jet, a vertical mist, flat spray, a cone spray or a soaker setting. the flex-able hose is available in 25-foot, 50-foot, 75-foot and even 100-foot lengths, so you can tackle almost any outdoor task without the hose kinking or losing water pressure. so stop coiling your hose with bulky devices. flex-able hose automatically retracts in seconds and weighs less than one pound. in fact, a 75-foot hose easily fits in a small bucket and stores away neatly in a drawer. flex-able hose saves you precious space on boats and is
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perfectly portable for r.v.s. we're so sure the incredible flex-able hose will make your everyday outdoor chores easier and more enjoyable that we're offering you a 60-day money-back guarantee. that's right-- if you're not completely satisfied, send it back for a full refund of the purchase price, no questions asked. but wait! order today and we'll give you a second flex-able hose system free. just pay separate processing and handling. that's two flex-able hoses and two 7-way adjustable spray nozzles, a $40 value, all for only $19.95. this offer is not available in any store. order now! [♪.. call or go online now! [♪.. >> to show you how the flex-able hose can easily navigate the tightest turns or glide over any surface without leaving any
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scuff marks, what we're gonna do is we're gonna outfit big jim here with a 50-foot standard hose and tiny marissa with a 50-foot flex-able hose and then put them to work washing these two big ocean cruisers and see who has an easier time managing their hose. >> announcer: the flex-able hose boat challenge. big jim's got one of those bulky hose reels that's supposed to make using a garden hose easy, but it doesn't seem to be cooperating today. all marissa needs to do is turn on the water and let the flex-able hose expand all by itself. it looks like jim's ready to get to work... well, no, maybe not. things aren't going so well for big jim. he's having a hard time just getting his standard hose off the reel. try tugging the hose harder, jim! marissa's already on her way over to the boat. notice how easily her hose glides down the dock without pulling or tugging, and no kinks. finally, big jim has joined marissa up on the deck, but it looks like his hose is already stuck on a cleat while marissa's already spraying down
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the cabin with the flex-able hose. look how easily her flex-able hose moves around the boat without getting caught or kinked. big jim finally sees his problem. yep, the hose is kinked right at the spigot, and you know what that means. oh, no! big jim is getting all wet! i think there's only one thing left for big jim to do: throw that old hose and reel in the garbage and go on out and buy his first flex-able hose. >> with flex-able hose you'll never have to worry about storage again. it's so small, it can even fit in a coffee can. take a look. >> [laughsoh, wow, it's all in there? >> laura, there is a 100-foot hose inside this can and nothing's sticking out at the top. that's twice the size of that. >> you can't even tell that there was anything in there to begin with. >> and this jumbo coffee can is similar in size to flower baskets or, you know, baskets you put out in your yard. >> all things you would normally expect to find inside of some nice landscaping; they're great ways to disguise your hose.
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>> laura, why don't you pull that out and show everyone? that's a 100-foot hose. >> all right, i think it's pretty amazing that a hundred feet of the flex-able hose are all inside of this coffee can, and as brian mentioned, nothing was sticking out the top and as you can see also, there's nothing squished inside. >> right, and regular rubber hoses, they don't change their size, and that can cause a problem. >> they sure can. but the flex-able hose expands up to three times its length and contracts small enough so that even a 25-foot hose can fit inside this tiny coffee can. >> that's why it's the only hose you'll ever need. debbie, do you believe that's a 25-foot hose we've put in a small size coffee can like this? >> i cannot believe you did that, but seeing is believing. the hose is in there. >> dixie, you're so tiny. >> well, that's why i love this little flex-able hose. it's the perfect thing for me. it's the perfect tool around the yard, around the house, the driveway, the pool. i just love it.
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>> now, this is a 100-foot hose that weighs less than two pounds. >> i cannot believe this. i love this. >> i have arthritis. it doesn't bother me to pull it around, and it's so convenient, you know, it stays out of the way, it's not laying all around the pool area or all around the yard, you don't have to move it around to mow. it's absolutely the perfect invention. >> i have some muscle issues, so before, when i'd go out to water my yard or my garden, my arms would hurt, i'd have to stop in the middle and we all know what a mess it is to roll up a garden hose. well, with the flex-able hose, it's lightweight, it's easy, there's no kinks, it doesn't get dirty. i look forward to going to my garden. you can't believe how good my roses look. >> so, which would you rather have? this... >> oh, i have got to get that off. sorry, it was way too heavy. it doesn't work, it kinks all the time. it really just makes anything that has to do with a hose a royal pain. >> ...or this? the flex-able hose. it weighs less than a pound
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and it fits in the palm of your hand. >> it's time to call or click now and get your flex-able hose today. >> announcer: coming up, brian takes us to the coachman carwash. can the flex-able hose survive being run over by more than 250 cars and still maintain its water pressure? and we show you how the flex-able hose stacks up against the competition when it comes to convenient storage. do you think brian fit 200 feet, 500 feet or 800 feet of flex-able hose in this drawer? the answers when return. stop struggling with heavy hoses that are kinked and deliver little or no water, or worse, break. introducing the incredible flex-able hose. turn the water on and it expands up to three times its original length, so you can easily guide it anywhere you need without tangling. when you turn the water off, as it drains, the hose retracts back to its original shape. standard rubber hoses can weigh between eight and 12 pounds. but a 25-foot flex-able hose weighs less than a pound. the flex-able hose is so compact and lightweight, a child can
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manage a 75-foot hose easily. the flex-able hose will never kink and is guaranteed to take the mess out of watering your lawn and plants, so washing your windows or spraying off your gutters has never been easier. the flex-able hose is made of a tough double-wall construction that is designed to bend and stretch but never kink. >> i've been boating for over 25 years and i've just used flex-able hose to wash down my boat. it doesn't kink, it doesn't mar my boat nor is it a problem to store away. i guarantee ya, it's really, really nice. >> we're here at the coachman carwash where we ran over the flex-able hose more than 1,000 times while connected to a pressure gauge to prove the durability of its double-wall construction. and look-- it's still holding pressure. >> announcer: call or visit to order the incredible flex-able hose for only $19.95. call right now and we will include a 7-way adjustable spray nozzle free. you can choose a full action spray, a gentle mist, a powerful jet, a vertical mist, flat
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spray, a cone spray or a soaker setting. the flex-able hose is available in 25-foot, 50-foot, 75-foot and even 100-foot lengths, so you can tackle almost any outdoor task without the hose kinking or losing water pressure. so stop coiling your hose with bulky devices. flex-able hose automatically retracts in seconds and weighs less than one pound. in fact, a 75-foot hose easily fits in a small bucket and stores away neatly in a drawer. flex-able hose saves you precious space on boats and is perfectly portable for r.v.s. we're so sure the incredible flex-able hose will make your everyday outdoor chores easier and more enjoyable that we're offering you a 60-day money-back guarantee. that's right-- if you're not completely satisfied, send it back for a full refund of the purchase price, no questions asked. but wait! order today and we'll give you a second flex-able hose system free. just pay separate processing and handling. that's two flex-able hoses and two 7-way adjustable spray nozzles, a $40 value, all for
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only $19.95. this offer is not available in any store. order now! [♪.. call or go online now! [♪.. >> so paul, this is what your garden hose at home looks like. >> other than mine being green, it looks just like this hose. it hangs like this, it kinks like this, very cumbersome to use-- yes, my hose. >> most garden hose after a while, they do look like this. now, this is 800 feet of brand-new garden hose. let me show you what 800 feet of flex-able hose rolled up looks like. and right here, it is. >> that is 800 feet of flex-able hose? the same as this right here? that's incredible! >> here's yet another way that the flex-able hose makes washing
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and watering so much easier. it features this innovative one-piece on-off valve built right into the end of the hose. it lets you fully expand your hose so you can place your sprinkler anywhere you want without getting soaking wet. it also gives you the ability to quickly change out attachments. >> what i like about the flex-able hose is that i can go from sprinkler to sprayer in no time flat. i can use this on-off valve and it just makes it so quick and easy. >> laura: no more running back to turn off the water first. you can go from using the spray nozzle to putting on a sprinkler head in seconds. and if you don't have a spray nozzle, you can even use the valve as a sprayer itself. now that's convenient. >> flex-able hose is really amazing. as you can see how this glides across the deck, easy to use on your boat, doesn't get caught on your cleats, doesn't scratch or mar your boat. and when you're finished and you turn it off and you store it, it stores in this tiny package and is ready for use.
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>> i'm 66 years old and i used to drag this 100-foot hose all around my yard. now i carry the flex-able hose in one hand. >> i got my husband one of these hose because, face it, i'm not getting any younger and neither his he, he's got a really bad back. he'd leave it out in the yard, i'd have to go out there and wind it around, and it was so heavy. this one retracts itself, i don't have anything to worry about. i'm so glad i got this. >> my old hose would crink and crease when i put it away, it was hard to get out and hard to handle. the flex-able hose is so flexible and works around every corner. this hose is a must-have for any boat or r.v. owner. >> it's very lightweight and very flexible. i have rheumatoid arthritis and i never go out and garden because of the hose. this is perfect. >> announcer: call or visit to order the incredible flex-able hose for only $19.95. call right now and we will include a 7-way adjustable spray
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nozzle free. you can choose a full action spray, a gentle mist, a powerful jet, a vertical mist, flat spray, a cone spray or a soaker setting. so stop coiling your hose with bulky devices. flex-able hose automatically retracts in seconds and weighs less than one pound. but wait! order today and we'll give you a second flex-able hose system free. just pay separate processing and handling. that's two flex-able hoses and two 7-way adjustable spray nozzles, a $40 value, all for only $19.95. this offer is not available in any store. order now! [♪.. call or go online now! [♪.. this is 33 feet of the flex-able hose, until we turn on the water and it automatically expands, becoming a 100-foot hose in a matter of seconds. and when we interconnect it with our 75- and 50-foot lengths, lindsay easily walks almost 225
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feet down this dock without the hose getting caught or kinked. and when we turn the water off all she has to do is hold down the nozzle and let the flex-able hose retract back to its original size all by itself. it's so lightweight, lindsay does it all with only one hand thanks to the innovative design of the incredible flex-able hose. >> laura, it's been a long day, but i think we've proven the superior quality of the incredible flex-able hose. >> if you're ready to say good-bye to the heavy hose hassle... >> if you want to stop struggling every time you want to water and clean around your house... >> if you're tired of constantly having to untangle kinked-up hoses that block off your water... >> or if you're just fed up with hoses that leak and break all the time... >> well, then you've had enough of those ugly, bulky rollers. >> then it's definitely time for you to switch to the incredible flex-able hose. >> it solves all those problems instantly. >> it gives you all the reach you need by expanding three times its original length. >> and it couldn't be easier to
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move around a yard or the house because it flexes and never gets tangled. >> flex-able hose is a breakthrough in tough double-wall construction that it ensures it will bend and stretch any way you need it to go. >> and it will never, ever kink, no matter what. >> and when you're finished, you just turn the water off and watch it retract back to its original shape. >> it's so compact and lightweight that you can fit it in the palm of your hand... >> or hide it easily in a basket or a flower pot-- that's why it's so useful on boats and r.v.s. >> and it's so durable, it's going to last you for years. >> how many rubber hoses would you end up buying in that amount of time? flex-able hose saves you a ton of money. >> it's almost unbelievable how one hose can do so much and yet be still so affordable. >> the flex-able hose can and it's the most affordable hose you'll ever want to buy. >> best of all, your lawn, your house, your car-- they're all going to look better, because with flex-able hose watering and washing, it's no longer a
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hassle. >> so here's what you do: pick up the phone or go online right now to order your incredible flex-able hose. you're gonna love it. >> here's how to get yours. >> announcer: stop struggling with heavy hoses that are kinked and deliver little or no water, or worse, break. introducing the incredible flex-able hose. turn the water on and it expands up to three times its original length, so you can easily guide it anywhere you need without tangling. when you turn the water off, as it drains, the hose retracts back to its original shape. standard rubber hoses can weigh between eight and 12 pounds. but a 25-foot flex-able hose weighs less than a pound. the flex-able hose is so compact and lightweight, a child can manage a 75-foot hose easily. the flex-able hose will never kink and is guaranteed to take the mess out of watering your lawn and plants, so washing your windows or spraying off your gutters has never been easier. the flex-able hose is made of a tough double-wall construction that is designed to bend and stretch but never kink. >> flex-able hose is designed
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like a fire hose for speed, storage and strength to last a really long time. call or visit to order the incredible flex-able hose for only $19.95. call right now and we will include a 7-way adjustable spray nozzle free. you can choose a full action spray, a gentle mist, a powerful jet, a vertical mist, flat spray, a cone spray or a soaker setting. the flex-able hose is available in 25-foot, 50-foot, 75-foot and even 100-foot lengths, so you can tackle almost any outdoor task without the hose kinking or losing water pressure. so stop coiling your hose with bulky devices. flex-able hose automatically retracts in seconds and weighs less than one pound. in fact, a 75-foot hose easily fits in a small bucket and stores away neatly in a drawer. flex-able hose saves you precious space on boats and is perfectly portable for r.v.s. we're so sure the incredible flex-able hose will make your everyday outdoor chores easier and more enjoyable that we're offering you a 60-day money-back
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guarantee. that's right-- if you're not completely satisfied, send it back for a full refund of the purchase price, no questions asked. but wait! order today and we'll give you a second flex-able hose system free. just pay separate processing and handling. that's two flex-able hoses and two 7-way adjustable spray nozzles, a $40 value, all for only $19.95. this offer is not available in any store. order now! [♪.. call or go online now! [♪.. the preceding was a paid advertisement for the flex-able hose, brought to you by tristar products.
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>> announcer: the following is a paid presentation for hip hop abs brought to you by beachbody. pay close attention! don't miss your chance to save 75% off hip hop abs. if you're looking to shed the fat... >> in the first week, i lost 12 pounds. >> announcer: a way to flatten and sculpt your core... >> you're hitting every part of your abs. >> announcer: and finally get those tight, sexy, toned abs of your dreams.... then stop doing sit-ups. >> woman: say what?! >> announcer: and start dancing with hip hop abs, the fun, new, ab-sculpting system that takes the world's hottest dance moves and turns them into ab-sculpting, fat-burning


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