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tv   430am Newscast  FOX  April 30, 2013 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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have justice. leila fowler's 12-year-old brother ran from his home before finding his sister. leila fowler's parents were at a conference last night but they were too distraught to speak. >> we are doing everything we can to apprehend the murderer of this eight-year-old girl. >> they are looking into that and they will not say if leila fowler was sexually molested. classmates and teachers have already put up signs in memory of the third grader. grieve counselors are helping them deal with the tragedy. >> i'm sure the person they
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have not caught has to be caught. >> you can as you get this story on the website and you will find details on the memorial fund for leila fowler. one person is dead after an apparent shooting. it happened just before 10:00 last night. stray bullets is an "a" c transit bus and a nearby home but police tell ktvu channel 2 morning news nobody as else was hurt and there is no word on a motive. a fire killed a woman on cyprus avenue. the 76-year-old woman was trapped into a bedroom. the neighbor and her husband tried to rescue her but couldn't. they finally came to an end
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at 1:40 they basically got two games in one. hopefully they have all gone to bed by now, tara. >> reporter: we hope so but the workers are still out here cleaning and it is hard to believe the game ended less than three hours ago. >> it went by joe and it is scored. >> brendan moss hit a run in the bottom of the 19th inning. they were on the field for 6 hours and 32 minutes and saved the entire game it was a great game. it was back and forth and it
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was worth every cent to be here. >> so at least they won, they were not the longest, who was the actual actual longest? beal find out more coming up on ktvu channel 2 morning news. a man accused of carjacking in sonoma county. he is identified from being from oregon. police say he carjacked a man yesterday afternoon at about 430 but the victim escaped. in green praying he pointed his rifle at a woman and demanded
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her truck. went say boys is wanted. they have found female dna on a fragment of the one of the two bombs. the stuff could have come from a clear to sold the bomb had making materials but it is also clear it could have come from a woman. agents left the widow of tamerlan tsarnaev and they were carrying samples of her dna. she insists she knows nothing of the pointing and is doing everything she can. judy clark is joining the defense team. she was went life generals wash
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won life sentences. she is accused of putting alcohol in orange juice containers at starbucks. they saw her take two orange juice bottles and place them on a store shelf. police used her license plate number and track her down and tests found the two orange juice containers contained robbing alcohol. they are saying it will be illegal to report that they are immigrations and they are protecting workers from scams to protect them from owing mormon any than they can payoff to the contractors.
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they have gathered more than 27 of the locations. they came under attack last year when they announced they would begin using a program to scan immigration statuses. they are redicing parking along poke street to give some residences some improvements. sal, were you up until 1:40 in the morning there? >> i don't think so. that is around the time we wake up. >> good morning everybody, traffic is doing well around the bay area so far we are
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starting off with an east shore freeway and traffic is 0 looking good at the mcarthur maze, it is a very nice looking drive and if you are driving on 280 northbound, it is testify to a good start there. 4:36 let's go to steve. thank you sir, we have a weak system coming in weak as in clouds and it will really crank up the wind, we have a wind advisory which starts at 6:00 p.m. tonight and goes until the strongest cities should stay in the east and west bay. it will also mean record highs coming in why can't from now it
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is what is carving itself out and that will you i have us a lot of winds. i have seen patchy fog on the coast and a little reported by half-moon bay and the wind is not coming out and we have a little bit of that fog which is patchy and we don't have any chance and it doesn't last very long. somebody is on the cool side and it is also really warm down south. now it will still be warm, we will have a few patches of cook 60s and 07z and 80s and we crank it up, -- crank it up, possible record highs and much cooler sunday and monday. they face the den fur
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nuggets in me five. golden state could advance for the victory tonight. it comes after a thrilling victory in game four sunday night. stefan curry had 3 in the third quarter but there are two officials watch warriors parties. one is on the embarcadero and tip off is 5:00. sports reporter fred will have updates on today's game, you can get the latest information on our website a big involvement for the
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military how it could mean more jobs for veterans and their spouses. >> he should work hard and for basketball that is what he should be judged for and known for i am. jason collins, he is getting a lot of attention and we will have more on that stay tuned. look at them kids. [ sigh ]
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they have no idea what it was like before u-verse high speed internet. yeah, you couldn't just stream movies to a device like that. one time, i had to wait half a day to watch a movie. you watched movies?! i was lucky if i could watch a show. show?! man, i was happy to see a sneezing panda clip! trevor, have you eaten today? you sound a little grumpy. [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible.
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. time now this morning, president barack obama is scheduled to make a significant employment for veterans and military spouses at the white house. this is followed by michelle
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obama aimed at helping members of the military get credentials before they leave the service. the first lady will make the announcement this morning along with his president and his first wife. and an application the first draft was are criticized of being too complicated, they were required to give them incomes to see what they qualified for their incomes. they will start signing people for coverage that begins january 1st. >> an nba player is coming out and saying he is gay. jason collins is the first athlete to come out and say he is gay and he said the boston bombings prompted him to come out publicly and he is going to
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march in the boston gay pride parade. >> he is definitely making people comfortable in their skin. >> reporter: is he a 12 year veteran and he played for the boston celtics and now he is going with the washington wizards. and the upcoming beta breaker's race, boston marathon bombings, the backpacks exploded and security staff will also be turning away from anybody not normally registered. extra officers will be monitoring the course. >> we are actually talking about activating those officers, the recruit officers that are in the academy just as we did for the world series parades. >> solid trash cans may be
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replaced as a precaution. an estimated 30,000 people are expected to take place along may 19. and investigators are now saying it was not landing gear like they had originally thought instead it turned out to be one of the wings of the planes and they are not sure since both were the same. and it surrounding in the gulf of mexico back in 2011. coming up, who is held responsible and the key action that could have saved lives. new this morning, governor jerry brown is to address the state's over crowding problem and he will talk about how he will reduce the number of
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inmates. the plan calls for the governor to reduce the population and the order could not have come at a worse time. they ordered dozens out of the prison because of valley fever. 40% of the prisoners are affected. they have hit another stumbling block. they operated a freight line which involves the central valley. they now say there is no deal and this obstacle could delay train construction and burlington has been considered one of the more accommodating to the project. >> let's check back in with sal for traffic. >> pam, brian, good morning, we are starting off at the each of the shore which is one of our
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busiest commutes and right now we have more and more people joining us from the bay bridge. somebody tweeted to say we start at 5:00 on the bay bridge and we are starting to get to the bottom of it and it may have been a mistake. also the morning commute is looking good if you are driving on the peninsular, southbound 101 between burlingame traffic looks good, let's go to steve. there is a little change, patchy coastal fog is out there and that was not the case yesterday. it will still be warm but the coast will cool down and we will focus on a system coming in from the north. also a win advisory and it goes from 24 hours in east bay hills, they are taking the bulk
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of it and for everybody, there is higher fire danger. it would not take much but windy conditions are set to move in and right now it is not an issue but once it goes through, high pressure will build to the north. cool for some, napa holding at 50, but fso is 51 and temperatures will really stay warm tonight and tomorrow. at least there is a little bit of a sea breeze and patchy the photograph call fog, a little bit over half-moon bay and it does not have much of a chance. 49 in ukiah, then really warm on the desert and not on the coast, they are june gloom already. a few high clouds and we will turn our attention by tonight and tomorrow, so patchy coastal fog, there is not a lot out there, they are down about 5
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degrees, very warm temperatures and everything said warm to warmer and cooler sunday and on day. >> there are new reports that a southern california woman is planning on suing for millions of dollars. the woman is reportedly seeking more than $3 million after she claims she got sick after staying in the village last june. she said she needs the money to pay off others because of the outbreak and it shut down parts of the village. starting today at the uc medical center will vote not to strike. many care including at uc san francisco and they also care for students on, on campus clinics and they have been
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negotiating a new contract and end on thursday. >> new fires are concerned and what it coo mean to police. >> plus they are helping to track down a suspected kidnapping.
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. good morning, 452 is the time, high winds may push us to a red flag warning after months of only a little bit of rain it is very dry. yesterday crews took three hours to control a vegetation fire and it is the combination of what can cause extreme fires. now the ban will last until 6:00 p.m. tomorrow night. the scene of a kidnapping, a car was seen just before taking the toddler and the driver may have seen what happened. the child's mother ran after
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the man before he dropped the girl and ran away. police released the sketch, he is described as in his 30s and was last seen wearing a blue shirt and jeans. they are tracking complaints against police officers. now the independent police officer released the year-end report online last week and complaints against officers fell compared to 2011 and the report makes several documenting the race and ethnicity of everyone changed and searched but not arrested : they are looking for a missing deputy from kirk lease. two boaters found him in vallejo near his fishing boat. vallejo police say the death appears to be an accident as
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robert's was found wearing a life jacket and as they try to find out what happened. >> sal, is it looking pretty good out there on the roads? >> it looks good so far. we are looking at the roads and i have been checking with chp and we didn't have a lot going on and the traffic continues to move along nicely. there is a lot of room for you on the bridge and the traffic continues to look good and if you are driving on 237 any time soon it should be a nice drive for you in the valley. let's go to steve. a weak system is coming by and we have not done that much in the way of cloud cover so red flag warning starts this evening. we have patchy fog and fire danger goes up and temperatures
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will go up as well. a little bit of patchy fog around santa cruz and a little bit of monterey and a half moon bay. there is a westerly breeze and we have a slight cool down and we will ramp it right back up. winds catch up and near 90 for some, down about 5 or 6 degrees and we have 60s and 70s and 80s and we start to turn around, it looks like possible record highs, a little cooler on saturday and we will drop those temperatures on sunday. we have a story we first told you about at 6:00. the oakland a's say they don't oh them any money. that was apparent lay big sticking point when they broke off negotiations last week. they advised them saying the two sides had been working on a new deal for years.
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it obtained controversial documents on back taxes and parking fees and e-mails showed it rejecting them san saying it will pay forward. they begin michael jackson the wrongful death case. it was filed by ae g live. a lawyer said he hit his -- hid his deepest darkest secrets and that they were not aware he was using the drug propofol. we have an officers down, officer down -- officer down, officer down. they are searching for a former los angeles police officers.
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. police nab a woman spiking drinks at starbucks. they are searching for the killer of an 8-year-old girl. newly released tapes are tied to california history. and they played one of the
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longest games in major league history and we will tell you what they got out, it is all ahead on the fuse news. >> come -- ktvu channel 2 morning news. >> complete news coverage starts right now. this is ktvu channel 2 morning news. >> good morning, thank you for joining us, it is april 30th, i am pam cook. >> good morning, i am dave clark, steve is right over there, you were concerned about the heat or the wind. >> the heat will be coming in behind that tomorrow and it has been pretty hot and it will be a warm windy week. we still have some 80s and we will hear more on that here is sal. it is a nice looking drive and also this morning, we are looking at the commute in san francisco, northbound 101 on the way to


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