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tv   430am Newscast  FOX  April 19, 2013 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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doors locked as this massive man hunt is under way. there is over 9,000 offices from agencies across the board local, state, federal, police. we have seen tactical teams, swat teams here looking for this suspect on the loose. he is considered armed and dangerous. police are calling him a terrorist that was connected to the bombings. this all unfolded at 10:00 p.m.. there was a shootout on the mit campus. an officer was killed there. there was a carjacking and a police chase insued. one of the suspects in the car was killed in that shootout. the other one on the loose and both suspects believe to be connected with the bombings on monday. so is a very dangerous situation still very chaotic right now. we have seen officers all over watertown in the neighborhoods. at times there will be several police officers go in
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procession right behind me. this is still an active investigation as police search for this suspect considered armed and dangerous. >> all right. pam brown live there in watertown, massachusetts where that town is on lock down. we are watching all of the developments in our newsroom and police surrounding that area. we'll bring you the latest information and keep an eye on that for you. meantime we understand the martinez boy injured in the boston marathon bombing could leave the intensive care unit as early as today. that is according to a facebook posting by his mother. yesterday first lady michelle obama visited the boy at boston's children's hospital. the surgery to close a deep wound in aaron's leg was successful and he is doing much better. >> a lot of support for the city of boston. in just a few hours the san francisco marathon team is holding a run for bost. this is the facebook page of the event. now because the large response this morning's run will now
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begin and end at the ferry building. it will be just over four miles and set to begin at 7:00 a.m. this morning. the marathon team is asking anyone who comes to wear blue and yellow. hundreds of runners paid attribute to the boston marathon as well. the group ran three miles. one for every life lost. some who participated just returned from running in boston. they said last nights event was about resolve and determination and not about giving up. two women who were standing right near the finish line when the bombs went off say they will return. you can get the latest information on everything that is happening in boston by going to our website or mobile ktvu. you can also follow us on twitter and facebook. we do have new information regarding the death toll in the texas plant explosion. a candle light vigil was held last night at a church in the small town of west texas. a chaplain says the prayers and
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hymns honored the emergency responders who died when that fertilizer explosion happened on wednesday night. 17 people were killed and that includes a dozen firefighters. >> we knew it was going to explode but we didn't think it was going to be that bad. >> it all went black for two or three seconds. >> a fire marshal says rescue crews have been focused on finding those buried in the rubble. a town hall meeting will be held tonight over a deadly police shooting in san francisco. police say they shot and killed 60-year-old dale wilkerson on wednesday night because he had a weapon. yesterday the police commissioner said wilkerson would still be alive if police used tasers instead.
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police chief greg suhr -- tonight's meeting is at 5:00 in downtown high school. in over night news a man was hit and dragged by a freight train near oakland jack london scare. the engineer noticed a man laying near the tracks and began to break. the side of the train clipped the man and dragged him about half a block. >> he may have been laying down on the tracks prior to the train coming or next to the tracks prior to the train coming and didn't wake up until he got struck by the train. >> police also say the man may have been under the influence. he had major head injuries and was taken to the hospital in serious condition. union pacific is handling the investigation. a dumpster fire at san francisco international airport is under information this morning. we want to show you a picture that sent to us by a viewer.
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he says he was walking out of terminal two just before 11:00 last night when the emergency sirens went off. he says there was a lot of smoke coming up from beneath the arrivals level between terminals two and three. that fire was put out and no one was injured. right now there is no information about what started that fire. one person was taken to the hospital for observation after a fire at a mobile home park. that happened just after 2:00 a.m. in north san jose. firefighters say the front portion of one of the homes was damaged. the cause is under investigation. tonight safety inspectors will hold a public meeting to discuss their findings into the richmond refinery explosion last august. federal investigators released a report this week blaming chevron. investigators accused the oil giant failing to replace aging equipment. they believe the fire was caused by a leak in a coo roading oil pipe. 15,000 people in the area
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needed medical treatment. tonight's meeting begins at 6:30. time now is 4:35. very busy morning this morning. hopefully traffic won't be an issue as you head out the door. how sit looking? >> we are hoping it won't be an issue. traffic is moving around on the bay area. driving out there about the only thick you might see is a little bit of road work. we don't have a lot of lanes closed. here is the toll plaza. you can see the traffic is moving nicely all the way through. until major problems there. and if you are driving in san jose or the silicon valley that is also off to a good start. let's go to steve. sal, thank you. very good morning. clear skies. a little bit of a westerly breeze. the fog is out there but it's not on the coast yet. it will be slightly cooler near the beaches today. 40s and 50s on the lows. the breeze is really tailed off. temperatures yesterday warmed up. now away from the coast it will
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still be very mild to warm. weak little system moving in. it's not weak for us it's strong up to the north. and that will allow slight cool down today. still rather mild. slight westerly breeze. 60s and 70s and 80s. sunny and warm. probably not as warm as yesterday but it will be close unless you are by the coast. temperatures will come down just by the mere fact there will if a westerly breeze. 60s and 70s coast and bay. we are getting set into that summertime pattern. it looks like you are near the coast nice, but a little cooler inland. sunny and warm. everything says sunshine and warmer weather. especially next week. quite a different picture in other parts of the country. snow and flooding in the midwest is being blamed for two deaths. mean child that storm continues to dump snow and rain. up to a foot of snow is expected in some areas today.
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yesterday afternoon a 16-year- old boy was killed when he lost control of his car on a snowy interstate in minnesota. then last night an 80-year-old woman died after her car was swept away in flash floods in st. louis. in just a few minutes back here in the bay area a solar plane will take a test flight. the solar impulse is considered the world's most advanced sun power plane. it will take off at 5:00 this morning. it will fly for about two hours before returning to moffett. this is a practice run for a cross country trip later this year. two bay area companies are looking strike. so far the strike has disrupted trash service in san jose, fremont, and union city. the strike begins yesterday and continues today. people in those cities that have saturday service may also be effected. 4:38 is the time right now. if you have some flights
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scheduled out of the bay area this morning, you could run into delays. more on the big changes ahead for air traffic controllers and the projects under way at sfo. we are watching this massive man hunt under way for two suspects in the boston marathon bombings. coming up we'll have the very latest information of the suspects. highway 4 off to a good start coming up to the willow pass grade. traffic and weather straight ahead.
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good morning. skies are clear. a little cooler by the coast. slight westerly breeze there. it will still be warm inland with low 80s. we continue to follow our breaking news out of boston this morning. one suspect in the boston marathon bombing we understand is dead and right now a massive man hunt is under way for the other. ktvu channel 2 reporter claudine wong is following all
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the developments. a very intense situation out there. >> reporter: yeah. we are getting more information about the two suspects. one is dead and one is on the run. they are searching for 19-year- old joe carr san yeah. he and his brother are from help that but they have been living here legally for mar than a year. they are going house to house looking for him. this is a massive man hunt. boston schools and businesses are shut down. mass transit is shut down. this effort being described as unprecedented bringing in thousands of police officers. some estimates put the numbers at 9,000 offices involved.
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these are pictures of the two suspects. you can see one on the left side of your screen wearing a black hat. that suspect was shot and killed by police already. the man in the white hat identified. police say the suspect that was killed had explosives on his body. the second suspect still at large also does. boston police commissioner ed davis says we believe this to be a terrorist. we believe this to be a man who has come here to kill people. we need to get him in custody. we are going to continue to follow this from our newsroom and keep you updated. reporting live from the newsroom claudine wong ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you. do stay with us throughout the morning. also any time of day everything
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that is happening in boston is on our website as well or mobile ktvu. you can get alerts sent to your phone. you can also follow us on twitter or facebook. family and friends of a mississippi man accused of sending a letter with a deadly poison ricin to president obama says he struggles with mental illness. paul curtis is charged with threatening the president, a senator, and judge. his ex-wife says he is bipolar. he has written extensively online to expose a conspiracy to sell human body parts on the black market. >> for the past 13-14 years he has had a campaign to bring awareness to donor -- or gap and tissue donor issues. >> curtis wrote quote no one wanted to listen to me before
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maybe i have your attention now. he is due in court this afternoon. time is 4:45. we have new information about a raceway accident in marysville that claimed the life of a 14- year-old boy from santa rosa. authorities say the coroners office will soon be ruling the march 16th crash that killed marcus johnson and 16-year-old darrell wondergem accidental. authorities say an investigation of the car did not turn up any evidence of malfunction or problem with the steering wheel but say it's possible the steering wheel may have come loose. the little league board is looking for ways to increase safety after shots were fired at a t-ball time game. two men were arguing in the parking lot when one drove away the other opened fire riddling the car with bullets. the victim was able to get away but the kids that dove for cover in the dugout are still scared. >> this is what it has become.
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we can shoot our bullets next to our children. instead of playing and laughing they leave in fear. >> the gunman is still on the loose and described as a mixed race man in his 20s weighing about 250 pounds. they say he could be armed with a semi automatic handgun. so much serious news it would be nice if the commute was light and easy. let's check in with sal. >> let's hope so this morning pam and brian. the traffic so far is light. i think a lot of people may be just waking up and haven't hit the road yet. the east shore freeway continues to look very good as you drive through. there is no major problems. this is a nice look at 80 westbound as you head up to the mccarthur maze. there are no majors by the way at the toll plaza getting into san francisco. and in san jose northbound 280 this traffic is looking good getting up to highway 17. if you're in san leandro or san
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lorenzo driving 880 south that looks good. let's go back to steve. thank you, sal. we have clear skies. although there is a slight component of a westerly breeze near the coast. 40s and 50s for the coast. a little warmer than yesterday but not by a lot. san francisco did hit 70 degrees. it will be nice today and it will still be sunny. yesterday we had more of that north east wind. that is relaxing. most locations are saying a calm direction. that will allow the westerly breeze to kick in. not too outrageous or anything. it will be a little cooler today. saturday. some patchy fog but then warmer on sunday. temperatures inland are trying to get into that summertime pattern. sunny and warm. temperatures inland are settling into the upper 70s and low 80s. low and mid 70s around the bay. 60 and 70s on the coast. it looks like it's out of here sunday and early next week
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looking warm. >> sounds good, thank you. this morning the new immigration reform bill gets a first test at a hearing of the senate judiciary committee. the so-called gang of eight senators formerly unvailed the plan yesterday. it includes a 13 year pass to citizenship for the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants in the u.s.. some critics of the bill says it amounts to amnesty for people who entered the u.s. illegally. time now 4:48. the federal aviation administration is warning flight delays. the furloughs are a result of the sequester budget cuts. air traffic controllers will have to take one day off without pay for every ten days they work. the flow of air traffic will have to be slowed so the reduced number of air traffic controllers are not overwhelmed and that could cause three hour delays at some airports including sfo. if you have a slight scheduled out of sfo this weekend be
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prepared for delays. one of the main runways will close at 10:00 tonight. it will remain shut down until 8:00 monday morning. slowing arrivals and departures. there is a recall for nearly 205,000 honda suvs and mini vans in the u.s. and canada. it effects ad cities and crvs. honda will notify owners of recalled vehicles by the middle of next month. if you are just waking up and joining us a very tense situation in boston. we'll have the latest on the ongoing search for the second boston marathon bombing suspect.
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welcome back to the ktvu morning news. we are taking you live right now to watertown, massachusetts it's a town just outside of boston a few miles. we are following the breaking news in the boston bombing. one suspect if you are just joining us right now a lot of things have happened over night. one suspect is dead. another still on the run
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following a night of explosions and deadly gunfire. again we are live this is watertown, massachusetts. mass transit there shut down in the city. people being told to stay indoors. do not answer the doors. the associated press reporting that the two suspects are brothers from the russian re onof chechen. claudine wong is watching all of the latest developments from the newsroom. she will have a live report coming up. police are investigating a body found in oakland. the discovery was made on 85th avenue. the body was found at 7:40. police would not confirm whether or not this is a homicide investigation. pg&e has stepped up security at its substations in the bay area after what authorities believe was a coordinated attack in san jose. last night police were stationed at some of the gates
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at the substation on the newark border. pg&e says they are working with local law enforcement to increase security. this comes after what happened at the san jose substation early tuesday morning. that is when someone damaged transformers. hundreds of people are expected to attend a candle light vigil for audrey pott. she took her own life in september after pictures surfaced when she was allegedly sexually assaulted at a party. three boys have been charged with sexual assault. the vigil is 8:00 tonight at saratoga high school. they are asking for your help to identify this man. he is described as a black male in his early or mid 20s. about six feet tall with a slender build. on march 14th a man fitting this description shot 34-year- old raymond harris of san
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pablo. police are looking for a woman that ran off with him after the shooting. coming up hopefully people are not feeling a lot of news. people may seem a little tense out there. sal, how sit looking? any problems? >> actually it's nice and quiet. it's been a very nice commute. let's take a look at the commute now if you are driving on 101 in san francisco. continues to look good. with no major problems approaching the 80 split. a quiet road at the bay bridge toll plaza as well getting into the city westbound with no major problems. san mateo bridge looks good if you are driving over from the hayward toll plaza over to foster city. we are looking at livermore to castro valley the traffic there on 580 the road sensors looking pretty good. again we are off to a decent start. hello steve. >> hi sal. >> happy friday. >> thank you. first words i hear from pam cook this morning happy friday. yes, instead. clear skies. no westerly breeze has kicked
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in on the coast. there is a lot. i'll tell you once that breeze stops and we have easterly breeze 40s and 50s. system moving into the north gives us a pull back. but sunny and warm. but by the coast it will be a little cooler. sfo has had a westerly breeze. i've seen a little bit. no fog yet. i've been looking. 60s and 70s and 80s. about a 20-degree spread. slight cool down saturday but still nice. >> thank you. oakland police are expanding their shot spotter system in north oakland. captain joiner helped to calibrate the system's audio sensors by firing shots into a bullet trap set up last night at a ball field. the captain says shots spotter
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sends officers the locations of the shooting and the number of shots fired within 45 seconds. coming up next in our 5:00 hour we are following breaking news in the boston bombing case. very tense situation as we are keeping an eye on it. one suspect is dead and the other on the loose. >> we have just learned that the two suspects are brothers that live near the chechen area.
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good morning. continuing breaking news. one suspect is dead and another on the run. we have just learned about those two suspects. good morning, thank you for joining us it is friday april 19th i'm pam cook. >> and i'm dave clark. let's check weather and traffic. first we are going to steve but we will begin with breaking news in the boston bombings


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