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tv   430am Newscast  FOX  April 27, 2012 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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warmer. today sunny and breezy. temperatures coming up. upper 60s and low 70s. 74 in antioch. 72 in morgan hill. it's a really cool morning but it will be a nice afternoon. here is sal. steve, good morning. at least 12 people were dallied where their ac transit bus was hit by another vehicle in an intersection in oakland just before 2:00 a.m.. it was hit by an elle camino truck. no one was injured. he is being investigated for driving under the influence. this is a live picture on highway 4 westbound. traffic is moving well getting up to the willow pass grade. this morning on westbound 24 we're off to a nice start there as well. it's 4:30.
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let's go back to the desk. we begin with developing news. 12 people were delayed early this morning when their ac transit bus was hit in an oakland intersection. we'll have more on that in a moment. right now there is a fire at a high-rise apartment building. we want to check in with allie rasmus who is in san francisco now where firefighters still on the scene? >> reporter: firefighters are still on the scene but the fire is out. none of the residence at this apartment building are in any danger. if you look behind us you can see two of the departments ladder trucks. up to 20 minutes ago these ladders were fully extended. they needed them because this fire happened on the eighth floor of this building. firefighters to the call about heavy smoke and fire in this building around 2:30 this morning. when they arrived they found a man in a single unit apartment.
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hehe was transported to the hospital. no one else went to the hospital. when firefighters got up to the eighth floor the smoke had already filled the eighth floor public hallway. instead of telling everyone to evacuate they told the other apartment residents to stay inside their home and shell never place. >> there are certain types of buildings and situations. this was a one unit apartment. we had a line on the fire right away. the fire was knocked down real quick. instead of the going through the process of bringing them out in the smoky hallway we leave them in their apartment. >> reporter: the assistant fire chief says it's safer for everyone involved to say indoors when there is a fire in this type of apartment building. the fire di not spread to any other units in the building. the unit below did have minor water damage. if we take you back out here live up until a few seconds ago
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we could see fire investigators. it looks like they have gone inside. they are investigating. trying to figure out how this fire started. the fire started at 2:30. it was out and contained by 3:00. live in san francisco allie rasmus ktvu channel 2 news. doyle drive major artery linking san francisco and the south bay shuts down. heavy machinery already in place. crews will begin tearing down the road to make way for a seismicically safe one. drivers are being warned to plan for the heavy traffic. one couple says they plan to attend the beer festival at fort mason but plan to take a
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cab. transit officials hope to complete work by 5:00 a.m. monday morning. that is when drivers will be able to take a temporary bypass that connects to a newly constructed tunnel. if you still knee to get in and out of the city and do that through the golden gate bridge claudine wong is here to give you a better idea of what to expect. >> as you said try to avoid that area that is the best way. if you still need to get there you can still take the golden gate bridge but it will change. moving traffic on to the seismicically safe bridge means it won't be what you are used to. closed at marina and lam bart street. what you can do is still use highway 101. you can see it's open going to and from the golden gate
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bridge. you have to expect delays get through there. so again encouraged to use buses and ferries if headed into the city. pam. >> people are being urged to take the ferry over the weekend. they are doubling the service from sausalito enlocks burg. but reservations for friday, saturday, and sunday games already sold out. baseball fans you can still use ferry service to the ferry building and then walk or take muni over to at & t park. stay with us throughout the morning for more on the doyle drive closure. we have more information and detours posted on the doyle drive tab on our website at we are following overnight news from the east bay. investigation under way in a cab drivers terrifying ordeal. it ended in the oakland hills. police say he was a victim of a
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carjacking, kidnapping. three men threw him in the trunk of his own car and drove him to skyline boulevard in oakland where they released him. the cab driver was shaken up as you can imagine but not physically hurt. paul chambers is talking with police he will have a live update in our next half hour. time now 4:35. alcohol may have been involved in an overnight roll over crash. that car landed on its roof last night at 11:45. the driver apparently swerved on a turn. he hit a telephone pole, jumped the curb, and broke support wires. the driver was taken to the hospital. no one else was hurt. police are looking into whether or not alcohol was a factor. it's a safety stand down in response to this months tragedy. the u.s. coast guard has suspended all sailing competitions outside the golden
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gate. the coast guard commander in san francisco issued the order yesterday nearly two weeks after the accident that killed five members of a yacht racing team. the decision has angered many bay area sailors. >> you just can't stop a community from doing what they love. part of the therapy is actually going out there and being part of it again. reliving it and working it. >> now the order will effect a race scheduled for this weekend. tomorrows duck ship race now becomes a bay race instead of an ocean race. the boats must stay within a mile of the golden gate. there will be no race permits issued until further notice. autopsy will be performed today on a body recovered in sonoma county. it was found wednesday near bodega bay. officials say it's too early to determine if it's one of the four missing crew members from
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that yacht low speed chase. >> tell you about in san ho sea where a stand -- san jose where a standoff is urn way. officers received a 911 call about a stabbing victim on cleveland avenue. when officers got there they found a man with stab wounds. that man later died at the hospital. people in the home where the 911 call originated locked themselves inside the home. right now they are not talking to investigators. a swat team we understand is on the scene. again breaking news san jose. we will continue to update this story. federal prosecutors are getting ready to seize two buildings in nevada that house pot clubs. they are the green door wellness center and neighboring green tiger center. u.s. attorneys office wept to court to former -- went to court to formerly ask the landlords to hand over their
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property. two days later the green property shut their doors. ktvu news was first on the scene of a wednesday night million dollar pot bust. police made 11 arrests and seized 50 pounds of marijuana along with guns and body armor. ktvu news spoke to one man arrested who identifies himself as adrian. he faced a very dangerous situation when he returned to the wear house yesterday afternoon. >> we went inside to proceed. i wanted to go get my personal we longings. we go inside there is people running out of the building. >> police investigating the claim arrested two teenagers for breaking and entering. joseph naso is due back in court. the court will review evidence that will likely be presented to the jury.
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he is accuse of killing four women. he is acting as his own attorney. prosecutors are seeking the death penalty. the attorney for the man accused of killing trayvon martin is heading back to court today. he will be addressing two things with the judge. coming up in seven minutes why one of the things could send george zimmerman back to jail. time now 4:39. today san francisco will mark the start of construction on the americas cup spectator village. the races are scheduled to held on san francisco bay next year. at 11:30 this morning mayor ed lee will hold a ceremonial signing of the agreement. the americas cup trophy will be at pier 27 which is the finish line. 4:40 is the time right now. let's check in with sal for a look at traffic this morning. sal, it's too bad -- sal is busy following something. >> good morning.
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sorry i was looking at this video we are just about to turn for you. of this car fire on 36th street near 580. they're in the back now. it's kind of amazing pictures. let's go out and take a look at the commute here on interstate 880 you see the arrow there. there is a little bit of road work coming up on high street. the high street area is under reconstruction. we want you to give yourself a little extra time if you drive on high street coming up to 880. also the morning commute westbound bay bridge that traffic is light. no major problems getting into the city. northbound 280 traffic looks good getting up to highway 17 in san jose. 4:41 let's go to steve. >> sal. >> yes, sir. >> i can't find my clicker. >> oh no are we having one of those mornings? >> the clicker is.
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i'm not. i don't know where it is. >> can you tell us what the weather is like? >> it's sunny and nice and breezy. i'll have to find my clicker. >> you use the clicker to change? >> yeah. the sequences. i don't know where it is. i can't find it. >> everyone can relate to that. it's like for looking for collies in the morning -- it's like looking for keys in the morning. 4:42 is the time. a medical care on a plane. the suspicious rash that caused passengers to be quarantined for several hours. and an unusual flight is scheduled over new york city this morning. >> southbound 680 sunol grade looks good. we have a good looking commute so far in most places. we'll tell you more straight ahead.
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good morning. we do have very cool conditions after the last couple mornings. it's in the 40s. we will end up with sunny, breezy conditions. >> thank you, steve. oakland police are looking for whoever shot a 17-year-old boy. police received a man down call at 34th and chestnut streets just before 9:00 last night.
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officers say there was some sort of confrontation and the teenager was shot once in the chest. bay area couple is vowing to stay in an antioch home even as a real estate agent accuses them of illegally squatting. they left pittsburgh court yesterday after a hearing over the matter. the man told ktvu he is a victim of a craigs list scam and has a one-year lease for that home. but real estate agent says the couple refused to show her any rental agreement along with proof of payment. >> they are serial squatters. they have at least both of them been unlawful detained one time previously and that is only the times when the people took them to court. >> the man and his fiance have filed a restraining order against that real estate agent but the judge threw that out. a website for george
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zimmerman raised more than $200,000 in donations. zimmerman's attorneys tell cnn he will inform the judge about the money in court today. he learned about the money on wednesday. he said zimmerman said he was broke when a judge set his bail at $150,000 on friday. high profile criminal defense attorney could send zimmerman back to jail. >> if you've got more money stashed in an account that basically you didn't earn somebody gave it to you and you can pay the bond and be gone, that gives a lot of judges concern. >> zimmerman faces second degree murder charges for the february fatal shooting of trayvon martin. at today's hearing a judge will also consider quest to unseal documents. three u.s. troops have been killed in a roadside bomb attack in eastern afghanistan. no other detalls have been
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released. young soldier from west sacramento has been killed in afghanistan. specialist manuel vasquez ever. his death is under investigation. he has been in afghanistan since last august and scheduled to leave in june. the secret service is investigating allegations of an aadvanced team of agent -- of an advanced team of agents. our sister station in seattle talked with people in el salvador that said van loads of secret service agents went to a strip club called lips.
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>> it's something they do everywhere they go. >> the contractor says some of the agents took women from the strip club back to their hotel rooms. the house of representatives is expected to vote on a measure to prevent the interest rate on federal student loans from doubling on july 1st. president obama has appeared on three college campuses this week to call on congress to extend legislation that freezes the student loan rate at 3.4%. both democrats and republicans say they want to keep the rate where is they are. the two sides are at odds add how to finance the loan relief. 4:49 is the time right now. with a long three hours for airline passengers in chicago who were quarantined because of a possible monkey pox outbreak. when the delta airlines flight landed yesterday afternoon, a team of people in hazardous material suits boarded the plane. the team from the senators for disease control and prevention were inspecting a suspicious
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rash found on a female passenger. she was traveling back from africa and suspected of carrying monkey pox. this is a rare viral disease found mainly in central and western africa and it can be fatal. >> am i going to get off this plane? am i going to make it back home? am i going to be in a suit like everyone outside. >> is it airborne? is it viral? >> clearly a lot of questions. the cdc was determined the woman was not carrying that monkey poxvirus and there was no threat to the other passengers. if the weather holds, new york city will have an unusual fly by today by the space shuttle enterprise. shuttle prototypes being used from the aarons space exhibit to new york. it will ride the back of a modified jumbo jet. scheduled to fly over parts of the city before landing at kennedy airport.
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that will be quite a photo opportunity. today the oakland raiders will make their first draft pick since the death of al davis. they won't pick until the end of today's third round. they traded their first round pick to cincinnati last year. raiders gm says his focus in the draft is adding needed depth throughout the roster. with the 30th overall pick in the first round the 49ers took aj jenkins wide receiver from illinois. he had 90 catches last year. 49ers have two picks in today's second and third rounds. the 61st and 99nd overall. >> with the first pick in the 2012 nfl draft the colts select andrew luck. quarterback stanford. >> no big surprise there.
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stanford quarterback was the first overall pick. the colts announced a week ago they were going to take luck. he is scheduled to arrive in indianapolis today to meet fans and the media at a big draft party inside his new home stadium. 4:51 is the time right now. 200-pound bear wondering around a college campus. how wildlife officials eventually got him back to where he belongs. >> another american idol hopeful going home. who was voted last night leaving only five.
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welcome back to the ktvu channel 2 morning news. take a look at that a little bear. 200-pound bear back in the wild after spending time on the university of colorado campus. the bear was spotted wandering around the campus door area.
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ironically called the bear creek apartment. there he was. he fell asleep in the tree that is when wildlife officers called in. they had a big mat waiting for him when he fell out of the tree. he was then caged and then taken back to the woods. 4:54 is the time. ucla no bears expect for the big statue there. >> very similar to the california golden bear. hmm. good morning, everybody. happy friday to you and everybody. i want to show you that video you might have caught me looking at. this is new video of a car fire on the 800 block of 36th street. this fire was spotted before the fire department even got there by one of our crews here. and here comes oakland fire arriving. they are putting the fire out but the pole is on fire too.
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there was an explosion. i think that is the electrical system. it looks like a pretty new cadillac here on 836th street right near 580. you still may see smoke and fire crews are on the scene. we have no word what caused that brand new car to go up. this is a look at 880 traffic is good. let's go to steve. >> thank you, sir. a little chill in the morning air. produced a little bit of interesting weather out in sacramento. they had record rainfall. .65. and there was severe weather gusty conditions out in san joaquin valley. not too bad for this time of year. a westerly breeze or north westerly breeze. we are already low 40s. napa is there. santa rosa. san rafael at 44. there is no doubt about it chill. after the afternoon highs the yellow will indicate 70s.
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upper 70s tomorrow as the high pressure builds in. high pressure is building in. you can see the signature right there. good visibility today. sunny and breezy. a little warmer in the afternoon. upper 60s for many. mid 60s around the bay and low to mid 70s. 74 in antioch. that will be the warmest. 68 redwood city. the giants are back in town playing pam cook's san diego padres. 7:15 clear and breezy there will be a little chill. nice and even better for the weekend. a little cooler next week. >> all right. i'll be dressed in a giants hat and padres shirt. so look for me. it's now down to the final five on american idol. last night 28-year-old elise was voted off the show. we'll talk live with her. >> we will also have an update
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of a breaking story in san jose. a swat team is on a standoff. we're also following developing news in san francisco where firefighters are on the scene of an apartment fire we have just learned one person has been taken to the hospital. stay with us.
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