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tv   430am Newscast  FOX  April 24, 2012 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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also hayward and a very mild pattern, everything is going up and over and that lilo offshore, there will be two systems one from the north and the other will not come in until thursday, a lot of higher humidity in the mixes coming in from that tropical field, here is sal. good morning, traffic is off to a good start, they had cleared a major accident, all lanes are open now on highway 17 and they were closed for a bit. let's look at interstate 880 and northbound traffic is moving along well, watch for that in the left lane. westbound 80 looks good coming to the mcarthur maze. and the freeways are off to a good start, let's go back to the desk. >> oakland police are investigating two overnight
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shootings and whether or not they are connected. this comes as the police department may be scaling back. allie rasmus joins us from oakland with the very latest on the city's anticrime plan, good morning, allie. there were two shootings both within a 10 minute period, the first one happened just after 10:00 near hawley and oakland. police arrived, they discovered two men with gunshot wounds, both are expected to survive. they wanted to describe what sounded like a gunfight breakout in the streets. >> it sounded like at least 30 sheets, i am close to a gunfight and it sounds like it was definitely an exchange. they panned off to just one gun. >> and a few minutes after that, police were called to another shooting, they found a man at the intersection and burr sitting in his car.
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the condition of that victim is not known. we learned that oakland police may be changing their crime prevention plan. they are a day behind that to concentrate police resources in the 100 blocks near where the crimes happened but they placed a fewer officers most are located within east and north oakland hills had been complaining they reduced in their neighborhoods leading to an uptake in burglaries. according to the weekly crime report, robberies are up 32% from last year. they are up 36% and car burglaries are up from this time last year. homicides also up about 19%. live in oakland, ktvu channel 2 morning news.
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well, after criticism of its occupied protests, they are reforming its crowd control policy. chief howard jordan says they will undergo training by the end of the month. he also mentioned new tactics but did not reveal what they were. they are expected to release their findings on the police response to the occupied protests. later this morning, occupied protest also attempt to shut down a share holders meeting in san francisco. they were outside and they paid their fair share of thanksgiving taxes to help troubled homeowners. then march to wells fargo on california street. now in a statement, its focus will be helping its customers, team members and share holders. protesters say they plan to
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keep farming uc owned land and the land is owned to grow experimental crops each other. they worry it will destroy one of the last tracts and on sunday they planted their own and they will working towards a peaceful resolution. this morning, the yacht involved near the fairlawn islands is finally back in the rough waters late yesterday. a giant helicopter, take a look actually grabbed that 6-ton sailboat off the fairlawns and brought it to the half-moon bay port. a sad crowd watched a sadden to the tragedy involving the yacht
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called the low speed chase. >> it is sad that people love the ocean and come out here . >> we hope things get better after we learn from this experience. >> a big-rig will hall the yacht away possibly sometime today. the owners are not revealing where the boat will go next. we posted a website, you can find it under the tab marked sailing tragedy. oikos university is now officially back open three weeks after the gunman killed three people on campus. students came back and found musicians continuing their month long memorial for seven of the victims. only a few stepped foot on the
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campus. 15 students are resuming their studies elsewhere and school officials have remained on campus. >> actually i have remained here and we have had reports of nursing to the board we had to do so we have been here all we can working hard. >> accused gunman, at the jail, and he has refused to eat any food since his arrival. imagine the death penalty here in california has qualified for the november ballot, if passed life without parole would become the harshest punishment. that would mean those currently on death row would have their sentences commuted to life in
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prison and it directs 100 million saved to be spent investigating unsolved murders and reps. one of them is wesley howard shermantine one of the speed freak killers and he will lead investigators to more bodies. the board of supervisors is voting to accept lockyer's resignation. he has been involved with drug addiction and if the board accepts him, they will name a replacement. well suspended san francisco sheriff ross mirkarimi is grateful after a public show show at city hall.
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the ethics committee had their first meeting on whether he should keep his job. he is facing conduct charges from mayor ed lee involving also wife. now during testimony, several spoke on behalf of sheriff ross mirkarimi's behalf. others were less involved. >> now the ethics commission is scheduled to hold another public meeting on may 29thth. 4:49 investigating a shooting that happened in a man's death. an officer was a loan conducting a follow-up investigation on gold coast drive right near dover avenue. at some point a violent struggle occurred with a violent officer and 51-year-old
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suspect. the officer shot the suspect, he was pronounced dead at the hospital, he was a 16 year veteran and has been placed on administrative leave. right now 145 people are still in east oakland after they crashed into a utility pole. that happened on 69th avenue just before 6:00 last night. now we spoke with pg&e about an hour ago and they said power should be fully restored by 9:00. we also have a power outage from when a crane took down wires in south san francisco. two of those wires fell on a cal train track, power was restored to everybody at 145 this evening. let's check in with sal for complete traffic, good morning.
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we are looking first at interstate 880 in oakland and you can see traffic is moving well, there is road working throughout the section between high street downtown oakland and you might see some lane closures and picking up some cones because of cal strands working. this is a look and it's not a bad drive, very light delay at the toll plaza and this morning northbound 280 northbound 101 and 85, it is a good start, let's go to steve. high clouds, low clouds, a few combinations, overall it is a cloudy morning and mild temperatures, thunderstorms continue to be erupting but it is getting closer as well and they will have a few splashes
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of showers. it is still there but other locations are showing in the variable winds directions. santa rosa is reporting some light rain, it is a combination of drizzle and light rain, one low there tapping into moisture it will continue to send in bands out of north. so today out of the south, as we head towards wednesday and thursday, i don't think they will amount to too much. low-to-mid 70s and we'll see a cool down wednesday to thursday and after that everything starts to rebound. friday the weekend will be sunny and warm. >> thank you, i love it that way. it is primary day in five states. and mitt romney is expected to win them all but newt gingrich has been campaigning hard in one of those states, how delaware could determine his
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future. >> plus, three letters at the heart of a labor dispute, the message that they were trying to get across that got them sent home. 101 looks good approaching the 880 split, we will tell you about the bay area weather and more traffic straight ahead.
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. 4:44, george zimmerman remains in seclusion, he was wearing a bullet-proof vest because of threats. he is charged with the second- degree murder of trayvon martin. attorney a explaining how trayvon martin is feeling about getting out of jail. >> he is glad, still worried about his safety but talking about his family but still much better being out than in. >> he will be shove filling him between several undisclosed places and he waived his right to appear at his may 8th
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arrangement. meantime, they have rejected the resignation of the police chief. he has been on paid leave over his criticism of his handling of the trayvon martin case and the mayor wants to wait until the handling is complete. wesley howard shermantine is showing where more human remains are. wesley howard shermantine sent the map to somebody and on the map there are detailed notes. authorities believe wesley howard shermantine and loren joseph herzog may have killed dozens of people in the '90s but the bounty hunter has offered to pay him for the discovery of other deaths.
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>> i want to make sure it is not where he picked up some information and is feeding it back to me as one of loren joseph herzog's victims. >> they dug up a well and identified three victims. they are revealing a way to find out how the accident happened. it happened yesterday morning at the civic center underground at the muni station. some witnesses said the man jumped but others say he fell. still other witnesses say the man's legs were dangling in front of the train. the man's identity has not been released. the city of lafayette is considering tougher restrictions on massage parlors after they became suspicious about the types of services
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that were offered in massage parlors after she began reviewing massage parlors. >> many men are happy because they are so happy they don't have to go to more areas that are scary as they said. >> some of the massage parlors are very graphic and they decided to table the issue for two weeks before discussing it again. five states are holding presidential primaries and they are heading to the polls in delaware and rhode island. newt gingrich now says he will reassess staying in the race if he does not do well in delaware where he did quite a bit of campaigning. and president barack obama will call on congress to prevent student loan interest rates from going up.
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the president will first take his message to the university of chapel hill and then to bolder. president barack obama wants congress to freeze the current interest rate of 3.4% and those rates are scheduled to double on july 1st. john brice will join remember are you brown in san jose along with many ceos in the silicone valley are scheduled to attend. they will discuss the innovation and competitiveness in a global economy. many at&t workers plan to show unawaring stickers again this morning. that is after the stickers were sent home. workers across the state say the letters do not stand for
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what most people might think. >> we refuse to take the stickers off and we refuse to go ahead and leave. >> they did e-mail a statement saying company policy rio de janeiro choir employees but we don't believe such a sticker or button is appropriate in our home businesses. they are looking to why female firefighters in san francisco have a much higher rate of breast cancer. now earlier we told you went in their 40s in the fire department are ten times more likely to get breast cancer than other women. now they are proposing a first of its kind study to toxic
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exposures. >> there are dangers i haven't thought i signed up for. >> we are looking at what both men and women contracting cancer at pretty alarming rates. >> for 150,000 dollars they could start a pilot study and they are looking for foundation grants right now. right now 450. a police chase, it includes a woman jumping into a suspect's moving car. >> plus away area title who is honoring him today.
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keep bay area students in school. visit and take the first step.
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. welcome back, the restaurant shut down after they were cited, now the city demand they make several delays. if the plans are approved, the restaurant could reopen. we have some unbelievable video of a los angeles police chase involving a woman climb inginto a suspect's car at the hands of a police dog. jerry franklin jumped into a white mini-van after robbing a credit union. after driving through the suburbs, a woman actually jumped to the side of it. there she is, she appeared to be holding a gun and with the chase still underway climbed into the van's window. with the van stopped, franklin refused to come out and as soon
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as the dog jumped into the van, the suspect jumps out and both franklin and the woman are facing multiple charges. it is always exciting in la, la land as they say, sal. >> there is a few chase is from there coming every year and we always watch them on television. good morning, let's take a look at what we have, traffic is doing well on 101 to san francisco, into the bad commute and if you are driving on northbound 101 to the downtown area. it looks good if you are heading out to the high-rise. this morning's commute looks good and 101, 280, still looking nice if you are driving to the airport with no major delays, now let's go to steve. >> cloudy to mostly cloudy, we
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will get a few sun breaks, it is almost surrounded and there has band few light showers especially the north bay, nothing too heavy, low clouds and even some higher clouds, the sea breeze was hold onto your hat day, nothing too bad but it is a variable wind delay, due to cloud cover, low 60s with a little bit of sun and lower 7s, i think we will be lower on the coast. it does help areas like half- moon bay and san francisco, but it is a cooler direction from the north bay. everything is row kateing around this -- rotating around this low here and tomorrow it will spin in a lot of clouds. mostly cloudy, a tropical like feel and a few showers are possible, more as we head towards tomorrow but i will mention it.
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this is one of those days where maybe it is a little warmer in areas like berkeley and santa rosa. it is just the pattern we are in. it could be rain but i think it will go too far south of us. thursday is a cooler system and that will get out of hereby friday morning and by -- here by friday morning and by the weekend it makes people happy when you do that. >> san jose's american idol contest and it, there will be a celebration for dion. she was voted off the singing competition earlier this morning but after quite a successful run and a lot of fans. there is good news for the local economy. plus fighting crime is getting more difficult in oakland and this comes as more violence
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erupts overnight.
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. three men are hurt, in two separate shootings and we are learning about the city's anticrime strategy. and up


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