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tv   430am Newscast  FOX  April 16, 2012 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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we look for mild to warm conditions, may be a little bit of patchy fog. temperatures in the lower 60s around the bay. i had some upper mid-70s especially towards antioch, here is sal. traffic is doing well, just looking at the chp, there is not a lot going on, westbound bay bridge going on, moving well, getting into san francisco with no major problems getting onto the upper bay bridge. that traffic also looks good, a lot of people are out there for this early hour but it is looking murreletty here in downtown san jose. it is 4:30 let's go back to pam. police are now searching for the arsonist responsible for a dangerous car fire. our ktvu channel 2 morning news
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news calms as were on the scene just moments after the car hit the boulevard. that fire was so intense it forced the nearby evacuation of an apartment building. that car fire was intentionally set. we will have more coming up in the next half hour. also oakland police, officers found the victim outside of 70th and international last night. witnesses say the young male banged on the window yelling for help. police say he stumbled from the shooting scene. they found a few casings and the victim was taken to the hospital and is expected to survive. a murder/suicide took place downtown a law office in
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petaluma, a tragedy is linked to a heated divorced, tara? >> reporter: news of this murder/suicide is springing very quickly. we are just where just a few minutes ago a garbage machine gunned down the 43-year-old. she was visiting her divorce attorney here when police say her estranged husband shot and killed her and then turned the gun on himself. when police arrived they found the two lying in the street and you found they might be involved. police questioned the guy and found -- [ technical difficulties, stand by ] [ technical difficulties, stand by ]. [ technical difficulties, stand by ] [ technical difficulties, stand by ].
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. more tornadoes pounded parts of kansas and nebraska, in wichita, they pounded a manufacturing plant, damaged the roof of a hospital in iowa and nobody was hurt there. beginning tonight, cal trans crews will get ready to demolish it. the far right lane is scheduled to be there week nights until noon the following day. during week nights the close sure is scheduled -- closure is scheduled to start a week from friday. 4:49 is the time, sal will keep us up to date on that, good morning sal.
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people are as far out as the pass, it is trying to get the word out to let them know doyle will be closed. traffic is moving well in both directions as you are driving north and southbound. also the morning commute is looking good on westbound approach. no major problems, traffic looks good getting onto the bridge. call strand is on time, no major problems on 281 or 185, so we are off to a decent start, let's go to steve. a little decent pattern, lifting northward, we will have a high deck, overall last week, it was just as you know, a wild week, this week looks quiet and warm but still a little bit of a westerly breeze and the delta breeze is kicking in from fso to fairfield. 40s , upper 40s, temperatures
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today adding up to the yellow, you will see some 70s and out towards fairfield and livermore, even down towards the santa clara valley. the system will get to that and after tuesday, it is a dry pattern this week, jetstream stays to the north, some patchy fog, slightly warmer really not much this week but maybe next week. it is a little bullish for rain, mostly sunny, 60 to 75, a little bit cooler, mid-60s a around the bay and this time it doesn't take long to warm up fast. now we will cool down a little bit, we turn to wednesday, take a look at friday. >> oh nice, warm. >> and it could be our first 80
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of the season. >> lovely, thank you steve. 4:41, trial has begun for the shooting massacre for the attack that killed several, he says the attacks were self- defense. nearly several secret service agents are caught up in a prostitution scandal. and driving west to the oakland area, we will tell you more about the commute and bay area weather, stay tuned.
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. welcome back to the ktvu channel 2 morning news, time now 4:44, syrian forces are attacking rebel strongholds despite the team masters, government troops shot and killed two people in central syria today and over the weekend soldiers shelled rebel neighborhoods. in afghanistan, they have fought off taliban attacks on western embassies and nato headquarters. that battle lasted 18 hours and included guns and rockets. at least 36 insurgents were killed and three died in the attack on kabul. they say the group was seeking
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revenge. >> these attacks were prevention for brutal actions of foreigners for urinating on dead bodies and burning koran and kandahar. >> a group with ties to al qaeda was responsible for the offensive. in norway, the right wing extremist who has admitted to killing 77 people said he was acting in self-defense. now this is new video of 33- year-old andrew, as soon as his handcuffs were removed, he lifted his arm in a closed fist salute. he said the attacks were necessary to protect norway from being taken over by muslims. it marks the worst school shooting in american history. there will be a moment of silence at virginia tech as part of a moment of silence. a student shot and killed 32 students on campus before
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turning the gun on himself. each year classes have been suspended on virginia tech campus but this year they will attend class in honor of the victims. president barack obama says there will be a thorough and rigorous investigation to allegationels of secret service misconduct in columbia. days before the president arrived for the weekend's summit of the america's, the acts allegedly brought prostitutes into their hotel rooms. congress is looking into the scandal to determine what exactly happened and if even more acts are inn -- agents are involved. >> the question is, is the whole organization in need of some soul searching before the members of vice-president and cabinet are in danger. at the summit of the
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americas, president barack obama announced a free trade agreement between the u.s. and columbia will go into effect next year. it was contingent on acting reforms to protect labor unions. now business leaders support the agreement but labor leaders say it still has a poor record of violence against members. >> by increasing exports supporting 1,000 u.s. jobs and helping to achieve my goal of doubling u.s. exports. >> under the terms, 80% from the u.s. and columbia will become duty free and it will make it cheaper for them to sell their goods to the country. >> secretary of homeland security secretary of homeland security janet napolitano visited san jose and sheel attend a town hall with students to talk about
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expanding hiring. this is video of secretary of homeland security janet napolitano's uc berkeley visit last april and her message it will take a lot to fight cyber crime. fundraising is at the top of the agenda for both president barack obama and mitt romney. the president raised a combined 53 million for his campaign and other campaign related funds in march. he is scheduled to campaign and mitt romney will hold events in pennsylvania. the next ones are in new york, pennsylvania and rhode island. time now 4:49 the senate is scheduled to vote on president barack obama's proposal to increase taxes on millionaires. under the so called buffet
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rule, people making more than a million a year will pay as much as middle-class families. can'ts will not go up for those making that much. two thirds of mill on airs are needed from republicans. up next, looking into wasteful spending by the general services administration. they are under scrutiny for spending $800 million for a conference at a las vegas resort. jeffrey nearly, the man who organized the conference has been subpoenaed to appear. a patent between google and oracle will begin in san francisco. oracle sued google saying their patent is infringing and oracle
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is asking for $1 billion in damages. possibly opening statements and the trial is expected to last ten weeks. the game city council is expected to take up a hot button issue and it involves wireless service. they fought a recent decision to give a green light to put up new cell phone towers in areas of the city. they say the company has never proven there was a gap in wireless service and the group is calling for more regulation. time now 4:51 it is back to federal court for roger clemenss. this morning marks the beginning of his second trial on perjury charges. why organizers are asking some of the runners to stay home today.
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. time now 4:53, they get a second chance to try roger clemens on perjury charges. that trial is expected to last several weeks. clemens is accused of lying to congress on the use of steroids in big league baseball. last year the judge declared a mistrial after they previously ruled inadmissible and shown in court. some runners are asked to stay home because of the heat. i want to take you there live this morning and see this is the saming area, getting ready for the race, temperatures are expected to be in the high 80s today. now that has race organizers worried about become willing
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dehydrated. the finish line will stay open longer than normal and they are asking experienced runners to skip this year's race and try again next year. sharks are back in the lead hoping to take their place in the game. the sharks won't game one and game 4 is thursday in san jose. series then moves back to st. louis on saturday for game 5. 4:55 is the time, let's check back in with sal for traffic. >> hello, pam, traffic is doing pretty well as we look around much better than last week. as we look at live pictures, 101 looks good approaching the 880 split in san francisco. westbound 82 looks good on the san mateo bridge and westbound traffic looks good heading out to the high-rise.
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so far so good in san jose northbound 280 and in fact 280 and 17 are rough to a nice start, let's go to steve. thank you, mostly clear skies, some high clouds and patchy fog but the jetstream is now going to the oregon border. the direction the wind is coming from, it is heading out to the delta as well. upper 40s to lower 40s on the temperatures, and they will not cool off much more on temperatures. parts of santa clara valley as well, temperatures upper 60s or lower to mid-#0s and we'll see a cool down tomorrow. it will increase that westerly breeze, today looks good and the end of the week is looking mild or warm. i don't think there will be much of a changeover by the
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coast. a few high clouds more to the north and a few patches of fog then you hit upper to low-to- mid 70s and we'll see a cool down and we start to see things turn around, yeah, about the same saturday and then a cool down on saturday. pam? >> all right, thank you steve. coming up on 5:00, a contentious divorce has a tragic ending, the reason police led to the death of a man and his wife. plus, only on 2, overnight video as a car goes up in flames in an oakland neighborhood. police say this was no accident.
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. a prostitution scandal, what the president is now saying about the allegations against the secret service, it is all ahead on the ktvu channel 2 morning


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